Dún Laoghaire Parking Action Group Newsletter

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Role of Local Government In 1999 the Twentieth Amendment of the Irish Constitution was adopted by the People and the following was inserted as Section 1 of Article 28A “The State recognises the role of local government in providing a forum for the democratic representation of local communities, in exercising and performing at local level powers and functions conferred by law and in promoting by its initiatives the interests of such communities”.

COUNCIL’S MISSION STATEMENT “To deliver high quality services and infrastructure, which contribute to a better social, physical, economic and cultural environment for all who live in, work in and visit the County”.

Inside this issue:

How much revenue does the scheme generate?


The ‘Brand Project’ and the Parking Scheme


What is the Parking Scheme’s impact on Residents?


The Local Property Tax and the ‘Parking Tax’


What is the Parking Scheme’s impact on Businesses?


What is the Parking Scheme’s impact on Workers & Others?


Parking Action Group’s Objectives


Dún Laoghaire Parking Action Group Volume 1, Issue 1

February / March 2016

PAY & DISPLAY PARKING—A Brief History The Pay and Display Parking Scheme was introduced in the Dún Laoghaire, Blackrock and Booterstown areas in March 2002 and subsequently extended to Seapoint, Monkstown, Dalkey and Dundrum. Up to September 2004 the enforcement of the Bye-Laws was carried out by Wardens under the direct control of the Garda Síochána. Contractors were appointed in September 2004 to supervise and enforce the Parking ByeLaws and as a result the compliance rate has increased from 40% to 75%. In addition a firm of solicitors have been appointed to prosecute offenders for non-payment of parking fines and while this appointment may not be a significant revenue generator it should ensure a further increase in compliance by the motoring public. In February 2007, the County Manager stated ‘the Council is expecting a real increase in income from paid parking reflecting an expansion of paid

parking areas in the county and improved parking enforcement’ and thus confirming the emphasis on revenue generation. At the same meeting it was proposed to introduce “very limited clamping” which would be “targeted at persistent offenders.” In December 2007 the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) agreed with “the introduction of clamping and clamping & towing as a measure to augment enforcement of illegal parking offences e.g. double yellow lines, disabled parking bays, loading bays only (but excludes offences associated with Pay & Display and excludes residential estates except where Pay & Display is agreed) and including persistent offenders”. The Dún Laoghaire Business Association and Dún Laoghaire Community Association were totally opposed to these measures and consistently lobbied County Councillors on this issue. The dreaded clamping was never implemented here.

In 2010 the Council requested the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) to carry out a comprehensive review of parking issues including the residential parking zones. The Council accepted the recommendation of the Transportation SPC to subdivide Dún Laoghaire into 10 Residential Parking Zones. The Parking Control Bye-Laws were amended in 2007 and again in 2011 and following a unanimous decision of the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee in 2014, it was agreed to have the Parking Scheme reviewed by the Transportation & Countywide Movement Strategic Policy Committee. The Transportation & Countywide Movement SPC, under the Chairmanship of Cllr. Gerry Horkan (Fianna Fáil, Stillorgan) has yet to fully commence its review of the Parking Scheme. It is doubtful whether the staff resources are going to be made available for anything like the comprehensive review of the Parking Scheme.

DOES THE SCHEME MEET ITS OBJECTIVES? The Pay and Display Parking Scheme was originally introduced to ensure that the limited on-street parking spaces available in the central areas of Blackrock, Dún Laoghaire, Glasthule and Dalkey would be regularly rotated. This was simply a ‘traffic management plan’ with clearly a very sensible pro-business initiative for these areas. Residents, visitors and shoppers could all

avail of on-street parking. But did the Parking Scheme work as originally intended? This very important question has been asked many times by the Dún Laoghaire Business Association and the Dún Laoghaire Community Association over the past decade or more. Not surprisingly there are no mechanisms or procedures

currently in place or have ever been developed by the County Council to provide such vitally important statistical information. In short, the County Council has no means whatsoever of monitoring the effectiveness of the Pay and Display Parking Scheme other than its ability to provide a revenue stream. Has its core purpose moved totally away from traffic management?

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