Dlac 25 (parking scheme monitoring) september 2014

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Councillor M. Merrigan

“To ask the Chief Executive what measures, if any, are currently in place to monitor the operation of the Pay and Display Parking Scheme in Dún Laoghaire, Dalkey and Glasthule/Sandycove to ascertain its effectiveness in the achievement of its original objectives and given the urgent need to stimulate and support economic activity in these areas, whether the Chief Executive would commit to undertaking a comprehensive review of the scheme in order to ascertain whether the operation of the scheme is in line the Council’s obligations under the Local Government Reform Act, 2014 in respect of the promotion of business and facilitating the creation of employment opportunities?”

Reply: “The objectives of the Pay and Display Parking Scheme are set out in Appendix IV of the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Parking Control Bye-Laws 2007 – 2011 as follows: • •

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To manage car parking within the County more effectively in areas where there is evidence of excess demand for the available spaces, To increase turnover of parking spaces both on-street and in off-street car parks in areas that are designated as towns and villages in order to facilitate motorists who park for short durations at the expense of those who park for extended periods, To improve the prospects of residents accessing parking at or near their homes, To promote the use of alternative modes of travel (e.g. public transport, cycling and walking), To discourage extraneous parking in residential areas which has a detrimental impact on the quality of life of residents and To generate revenue for the Council which can be used to fund expenditure by the Council in the roads/traffic area.

There are no formal procedures in place to monitor if these objectives are being met in Dún Laoghaire, Dalkey and Glasthule/Sandycove. In 2010 the Council requested the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) to carry out a comprehensive review of parking issues and to review elements of the Parking Control Bye Laws adopted in 2007. The SPC established a Working Group comprised of Councillor Maria Bailey, Councillor Marie Baker, Councillor Niamh Bhreathnach, Councillor Gerry Horkan, Michael Tierney and Tom Nolan to consider the following issues: • Residential Parking Zones; • Maximum Parking Time Limits; • Business Permits;

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