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Cross Avenue & Environs Road Safety lmprovement Scheme
Preliminary Public Consultation October 2015
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Study Area (Source: Google Maps) AECOM have been appointed by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (DLRCC) to undertake a study of Cross Avenue and its environs. The aim of this study is to develop a road safety improvement scheme that will reduce the impact of traffic on the area, making it a safer environment for all road users including pedestrians & cyclists. AECOM would like the input of the local residents and businesses in advance of the design stage of a scheme so that your input can help shape and guide the scheme which will also go to formal Public Consultation, This questionnaire takes just a few minutes to complete and can either be completed online (web address below) or using this form (returned to County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire). https ://d rcoco.citizenspa ce.com/ I
1. Are you?
tick one
Resident of study area Business within study area
2. Are you? (Please tick all that apply) Car driver Pedestrian
Live outside the immediate area Name and Address (required):
3. Do you fee! safe on , , the streets in the study Yes
4. Do you think a traffic calming scheme is required for the study area?