Agenda ltem 19
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l"t December
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Question: Councillor M. Merrigan "To ask the Chief Executive to introduce a 30km speed limit on Cross Avenue and Convent Road, D[rn Laoghaire, in view of the demographics of the area in line with the County's designation as an 'Age Friendly County' and the existence of a primary school on Convent Road and that such signage as may be deemed appropriate to indicate the new speed limit and the reasons therefor be erected in this area?" Reply: "dlr is committed to Road Safety and welcomes a recent Departmental Circular regarding a review of speed limits, and, in particular, the increased use of 30km/hr speed limit in housing estates (residential areas) as a measure to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, especially children. dlr has a dedicated team focussed in the delivery of Road Safety to include key activities in Engineering and Education. Over the coming months, dlr will initiate the review process sought by the Department to include collection of speed surveys data in housing estates to review and assess the suitability of housing estates to be considered for the reduced speed limit in accordance with the current Guidelines, and to inform the drafting of the Speed Limit Bye Laws. Other Areas with high concentrations of vulnerable road users may also be identified for consideration, and dlr is currently identifying locations of school warden crossing points as part of this process.
Currently the reduced speed limit of 30km/h should only be considered on roads/streets where the mean speed of vehicles does not exceed 40km/h. Public consultation on the Draft Bye Laws will be undertaken with a view
to having
new Bye Laws in place at end of 2015. dlr Traffic and Road Safety section are currently preparing to commence the review process, including gathering of mean speed data within estates, and thus no specific locations can be confirmed at this time. Cross Avenue and Convent Road will be included for examination. "
Contact: Anne Devine, Senior Engineer, Traffic
Document Pack Page 79