Dunleary House Report by T. Conlon & M. Goodwin

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Dunleary House The Yellow-Brick house at bottom of Dunleary Hill.

Tom Conlon & Michael Goodwin

Picture as at 15 Aug 1947

Location The address is shown in various documents as:• • • •

Salthill Place (Thom’s Directory 1918) 1 Longford Place (1901 census) Wallaces Hill (www.openstreetmap.org) No name is shown on current or historical Ordnance Survey maps

House Name The house is shown as Dunleary House on the 1918 Thom’s Directory. In the late 1960s the Wallace firm was taken over by Tedcastle McCormick, and the registered office of the Tedcastle McCormick Ltd was stated as Dunleary House from that time onward in public advertising. On Maps The house is shown on the OSI map of 1908, but not on the 1878 OSI map. Photos On 15th Aug 1947, the house, the adjacent coal yard, and the adjacent Albright & Wilson Ltd. IBEX Works (Chemicals plant) were the subject of an aerial photographic session conducted by Aerofilms Ltd. A selection of the pictures are reproduced here. House Owner – William Wallace William Wallace, JP (1843-1923) was a member of Kingstown Town Commissioners from the early 1880s until close to his death. He was present for the welcoming of Queen Victoria in 1900 and for many other historic occasions. In the 1901 census he is shown with his wife Anna and their 3 sons. He shows his religion as Methodist. In the 1911 census, he is shown as living at 2 Stradbrook Road with his wife and 2 sons. Census 1911 The 1911 census shows a large house at Dunleary Hill classified as “1st Class” and with 7 windows in front. The house is listed as having 15 out-offices. This is almost certainly the Dunleary House. It is occupied by the Marks family. Richard Logan Marks is listed as “Commercial Clerk, Coal Merchants” Graves at Mount Jerome Graves No 3198 and 3199 in Mount Jerome are the family graves of the Wallace family No.3198 WALLACE | In Loving Memory of |

DAISY | beloved daughter of | WILLIAM & REBECCA WALLACE | died 21st March 1893 | aged 14 years | "She is not dead but sleepeth" Also of | their eldest and dearly loved son | ROBERT | who died Jan. 13th 1897 | aged 20 years | and who is interred | in Cincinnati, U.S.A. | "Thy will be done" | Also their father | WILLIAM WALLACE J.P. | who died at Monkstown, October 22nd 1923 | aged 80 years | Also his wife | REBECCA | who died 24th May 1926 | aged 79 years.

Also on number 3198: (WALLACE) | and of their son | JOHN | who died at Monkstown, 8th March 1951 | in his 71st year | and of their daughter | EMMA JANE | who died at Dunlaoire , 2nd Sept. 1972 | in her 85th year.

Wallace Bros advert Freemans Journal 1875 is the earliest reference I can find

Thom’s directory 1918. According to the 1911 census, R Logan Marks and family were living there. Marks was Commercial Clerk in a coal merchant (presumably Wallaces)

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