DLR Housing Department End of Year Review 2016

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HOUSING DEPARTMENT End of Year Review 2016

DLRCC Housing Department Cromlech Close, Kiltiernan

Main Housing Services Housing Provision: 1.

Management, maintenance, improvement of Housing Stock


Supports for the housing of older people and people with disabilities


Construction, Acquisition, Part V, Leasing, Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS), Housing Assistance Payment (HAP), Capital Acquisitions Scheme (CAS)


Supports for housing of Travellers (TAP 2014-2018)


Housing Support Services

Housing Department by Section Revenue Rents & Loan Accounts Reconciliati ons



Adaptation grants

& Standards

Traveller Accom

Housing Secretariat


Constructio n



Refurbishm ent

Homeless Services

Leasing CALF Part V Acquisitions Anti-Social Behaviour

House Purchase Loans Purchase Schemes

Social Housing Supply DLRCC Acquisition Construction Part V/ SHCEP RAS/HAP

(AHB) Acquisition Construction SHCEP

Social Housing Provision

Housing Stock

The number of units currently being maintained by Council = 4252 • 1 Beds - Apt 439, Houses 325, other 126 • 2 Beds - Apt 288, Houses 699, other 105 • 3 Beds - Apt 26, Houses 2070, other 11 • 4 Beds - Apt 4, Houses 151, • 5 Beds - House 8

1. Maintenance 2016 •

5514 Maintenance Requests received

5378 Maintenance Requests completed

25% Maintenance Requests = Heating

26% Maintenance Requests = Plumbing

Re-let units completed to date 142

2 Major Refurbishment works in 2016

4 O’Donnell Gardens, Glasthule

90 Moreen Road, Sandyford

2. Alterations - Disabled Tenants The following adaptations to Council houses to accommodate tenants who

have a disability were carried out in 2016 •

55 level access bathrooms

20 stairlifts

14 ramps

29 Other miscellaneous works such as bannisters, lever taps etc

The total cost of alteration works in 2016 was €462,772.81. •

Allocated €320,623 capital allocation and succeeded in securing an additional €86,906.93.

The balance is funded through the Councils own Internal Capital receipts.

Adaptations Works - Ramp

Bathroom Adaptation Works

Bathroom Adaptation Works

2. Private Housing Grants •

Housing Adaptation Grant for people with a disability – 111 grants paid totalling

€888,631 •

Mobility Aids Grant – 34 grants paid totalling €169,968

Housing Aid for Oder People Grant – 13 grants paid totalling €65,394

Total Grants paid : €1,121,993

3. Social Housing Delivery Targets 2015 - 2017 Target 681 units â‚Ź61.0 million

3. Housing Delivery 2016 •

Construction - 54 Units

Acquisitions – 20 Units

Part V – 0 Units

Leasing - 42 Units

CAS – 28 Units

RAS – 27 Units

HAP – 99 Units

Void Management – 20

Total Number of Units Delivered in 2016- 290

3. Construction Programme •

54 dwellings completed in 2016

72 dwellings commenced on site in 2016

114 due to commence in 2017

The Belfry Enniskerry Road, 14 Voluntary Units which are Council Owned

Wyckham Point, 3 Traveller Units and 12 Units at Wyckham Grove

Honey Park, 19 Units Sub Leased and 1 RAS Unit

3. Part V •

Part V of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended)


Completed units either on the development site – the preferred option - or on other lands in the county

Transfer of a percentage of the land, the subject of the planning permission

Lease of units either on the development

site, or on other lands in the county •

Combination of above options

3. Leasing •

Initiative first introduced 2009

Various lease models under the scheme

Direct leasing by Local Authority

Direct leasing by AHB

CALF – Capital Advance Leasing Facility

Number of properties leased to date - 56

Number of CALF leased to date - 117

3. Capital Assistance Scheme (CAS) •

CAS Call 2016 announced 1st July 2016

4 AHB’s submitted applications

22 units approved

Funding €6.4m

Of which €182,575 for adaptations

28 units delivered in 2016 (2015&2016 CAS)

14 units due to complete


DLR pays landlord directly

368 RAS Tenancies

99 homeless HAP

HAP is client led

Mainstream HAP March 2017

Long term intention to replace RAS with HAP

27 new units acquired for RAS in 2016

4. Traveller Accommodation The Traveller Accommodation Unit provides, manages and maintains Traveller specific accommodation. Currently operating 15 sites providing • 31 caravan bays • 29 group houses There are some young families sharing sites

4. Traveller Accommodation

LTACC – this is a statutory committee and has representation from Council members, officials, Travellers and Traveller reps. Met on 6 occasions in

2016 •

TAU attended inter-council meetings of the four Dublin authorities to discuss common issues

TAU refurbished 2 group houses and 2 bays during 2016.

Part 8 was progressed for Glenamuck Halting Site and the project tendered.

St Louise’s Park, Blackrock

Heading of the Presentation

Six Grouped Houses were built on a site acquired from the Daughters of Charity, Dunardagh. Scheme was completed in 2007

Old Conna, Bray

Heading of the Presentation

2 Grouped Houses, Old Conna, Bray

The sub-head of the presentation

Aughmore Park, Shankill

Comprises 1 house and 4 day units completed in 2009

The sub-head of the presentation

Wyckham Avenue, Ballinteer

This 3 bay halting site was acquired under the provisions of Part V of the Planning & Development Acts 2000 – 2002. Completed in 2006.

5. Housing Support Services Covers a wide-range of responsibilities:


Housing Allocations, Transfers & Downsizing


Homeless Services


Housing Welfare


Anti-Social Behaviour


Housing Revenue


Private Rented Housing Standards

5.1 Housing Allocations •

Housing List –

555 new applications accepted on to the Social Housing Support List in 2016

913 applications closed following the HNA

4,991 valid applications of 31st December 2016

Allocations –

250 dwellings allocated in 2016 •

170 to the housing list

80 to transfer applicants ( Medical, Overcrowding, RAS & Fixed Lists)

Dwellings allocated were a mix of Council owned, AHB owned & RAS properties

5.1 Downsizing •

15 tenants downsized their accommodation in 2106

This resulted in the return to the Council of • • •

1 10 4

– – –

4 bed property 3 bed properties 2 bed properties

Additional 12 tenants currently awarded overall priority on downsizing grounds

The Council made a promotional film on downsizing in 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFtqp5jNVao

5.2. Homeless Services •

The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) works as a shared service on behalf of the four Dublin local authorities.

The localised Assessment and Placement Service operates from County Hall

In addition to the support provided by the Council’s welfare team a wide range of services are provided in partnership with voluntary housing bodies:

At 31st December 2016 there were 231 homeless households registered with the Council - 62 families and 169 single persons.

125 Homeless households housed by the Council in 2016 –

25 through the Allocations process

100 through the Homeless HAP Scheme

5.3 Housing Welfare Services Housing Welfare Officer provides welfare support

services to referred cases which include: •

Council tenants referred for housing welfare intervention


Housing applicants, mainly in crisis, many with medical issues. Also deals with some homeless applications/ or applications at risk of becoming homeless


Applicants presenting on the grounds of domestic violence

5.4 Anti-Social Behaviour The anti-social Section investigates complaints of antisocial behaviour in accordance with the policy which was adopted on 14th November 2016. Principal objectives of the Section are to:

No. of Anti-social Cases by Year 300 250 200 150

• •

• •

Prevent and reduce ASB Co-ordinate services within the Council in dealing with ASB Adopt a multi-agency approach in dealing with asb Promote the principles of good estate management

100 50 0

No. of Cases

5.5 Housing Revenue (Rents & Loans accounts) Rent Accounts: •

At 31/12/2016: –

4,590 Rent Accounts

Includes 4,126 D.R. Accounts and 368 RAS Rent Accounts

In 2016 over 6,000 rent assessments, including RAS, were carried out

DLR Rent Scheme: –

Differential Rent calculated on the basis of current total household income.

– •

Rent Collection –

Rent Scheme is an Executive function

Average Rent €65.03 @ 31/12/2016

Rent Arrears –

Estimated closing balance for the AFS is €4,067,724

Includes net backdated adjustments of €409,000 on accounts at end of year following the 2016 Rent Review.

Legal Action

Numbers of accounts

Tenancy Warnings issued under 2014 Act


Cases brought to Court


No. of Court appearances for Rent Arrears


No. of cases resolved following Court action


Warrant for Possession granted


5.5 Comparison of % changes in average rents and rental income 2012 – 2016


Aver Rent 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

€58.64 €57.63 €58.84 €60.99 €62.75 €65.03

Income €12,351,000.00 €12,179,150.00 €12,449,176.00 €12,907,826.00 €13,188,020.00 €13,791,100.00

5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% Aver Rent Change


Income Change

0.0% 2011 -1.0% -2.0% -3.0%






5.5 Loans Accounts: •

227 accounts (31% of which are in arrears)

87% of arrears by 15% of accounts (SOS)

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP)

DLRCC’s Procedures for dealing with cases of arrears and pre-arrears through MARP

In place since 1st October 2012

Arrears Officer

Arrears Management Team

Appeals Process

5.6 Private Rented Housing Standards •

Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2008 and amended 2009

Inspections are carried out both estate based and random spot checks

8 Improvement Notices and 4 Prohibition Notices were issued in 2016.

All HAP and RAS properties are inspected

Approx 400 Inspections were carried out in 2016.

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