q[. An tSeirbhis Chiirteonno Courts Seryice Cllr. Michael Merrigan Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council County Hall Marine Road Dun Laoghaire Co Dublin
13th June
Re: Proposed closure of Dun Laoghaire Courthouse
Dear Counsellor, Thank you for your letter dated the 72th of June 2014 inrelation to the proposed closure of Dun Laoghaire Courthouse. Please be assured that your submission will be taken into account in consideration this matter.
Yours sincerely
Brendan Ryan Chief Executive Officer
6 Riain, Priomh
Fheidhmeannach, AN tSftgH[S CUIRTEANNA, Aras an Fhionn Uisce, Atha Cliath 7.
15124 sr6id an Fhionn Uisce Thuaidh, Margadh na Feirme, Baile
BrendanRyan,ChiefExecutiveOfficer,COURTSSERVICE,PhoenixHouse, l5/24PhoenixStreetNor-th,Smithfield,DublinT. Teileafon/Telephone: 0l 888 6426 Facsuimhir/Fax:01 873 5242 Liithredn Gr6asiinlWebsite: http://www.courts.ie