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of of of of
Planning Applications Received Decisions Made Appeals Notified by An Bord Pleanála Appeal Decisions made by An Bord Pleanála
FOR WEEK ENDING: 12th August, 2016
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“Applications for permission under Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions list for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.”
PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 08/08/2016 TO 12/08/2016 Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D10A/0335/E Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 Michele McAteer, Administrator of, Estate of Liam Maye Eaton Brae House, Eaton Brae, Shankill, Co Dublin permission is sought for the construction of 14 no. new houses comprising of 6 no. two-storey three-bedroom terrace houses, 6 no. two-storey four-bedroom terrace houses, 1 no. two-storey three bedroom detached house and 1 no. single storey threebedroom house, the conversion of Eaton Brae House, a Protected Structure, to 2 no units; 1 no. two-bedroom apartment at basement level and 1 no. three-bedroom apartment at ground and first floor and the demolition of a 1970's rear extension. 16 no. residential units in total. Permission is also sought for the demolition of freestanding buildings within the curtilage of the site, improvements to the entrance junction, new entrance gates and railings, general landscaping works and all associated site works, 31 no. car parking spaces are to be provided.A protected structure. Extension Of Duration Of Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0180 Application Rec’d Date: 18-Mar-2016 Donnacha and Pat O'Dea Albert House, Victoria Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission for development. The development consists of the construction of a 4-bed part 2-storey dwelling with new boundary and associated site works. Permission Additional Information: 10-Aug-2016
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd
D16A/0303 Application Rec’d Date: 05-May-2016 Heather Darling The Breakers, 68 Coliemore Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing single storey and part two storey extension (Gr Fl area 24.62 sqm, 1st Fl area 8.89 sqm) and erection of new part single storey and part two storey extension (Gr Fl area 38.94 sqm, 1st Fl area 22.20 sqm) including concealed roof terrace (area 10.44 sqm), all to existing single storey semidetached house (Total area increased from 82.87 sqm to 109.81 sqm). The works also involve alteration of vehicular entrance and front garden layout. Permission Additional Information: 11-Aug-2016
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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0307 Application Rec’d Date: 05-May-2016 James O'Neill Coach Houses Site, Seapoint Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a two storey over basement house with access by means of a right of way through the Protected Structure Osborne House, including: 1. a glazed octagonal room at first floor level with real windows on 3 sides and fake windows on 5 sides. 2. The inclusion of one part of the existing Coach Houses for use as a basement bathroom with a roof terrace over. 3. Repairs to maintain the structural integrity of existing Coach Houses. 4. Alterations to the existing driveway of the Protected Structure Osborne House to connect the existing driveway to the site and associated works. All at the Coach Houses site with driveway works in the curtilage of the protected structure,Osborne House,Seapoint Avenue. Permission Additional Information Rec'd (New Adds): 08-Aug-2016
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0336 Application Rec’d Date: 13-May-2016 Colm & Kathleen Quinn Side of 57 Meadow Vale, Deansgrange, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94 VF24 Permission for a new 2 storey, 3 bedroom dwelling and new vehicular access with boundary wall and landscaping works at the side of existing dwelling. Permission Additional Information: 11-Aug-2016
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0396 Application Rec’d Date: 31-May-2016 Ross O'Connor & Noelle Murphy 54 Monkstown Road, Monkstown, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure RPS No. 669) Permission to carry out an extension and alterations. The proposed development will incorporate the following: A. Demolition of an existing two storey rear extension totalling 16.6m2. B. Widening and adjustment of an existing vehicular entrance to the rear of the property off Brighton Lane. C. Construction of a single storey lower ground floor extension to rear measuring 48m2, a three storey return extension to rear measuring a further 30.8m2, a single storey bicycle shed and bin enclosure to the front of the property. D. Internal layout alterations. E. Elevational improvements, boundary wall repairs and roofing repairs to the existing house. F. Foul and surface water drainage works. G. Landscaping works within the curtilage of the site. Permission Additional Information: 08-Aug-2016
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0400 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Jun-2016 Jurgen Osing and Deirdre Hurley 66, Highfield Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for development at this site. The development will
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consist of the demolition of the existing side shed the construction of a domestic single storey extension to rear, with internal alterations to existing dwelling house including removal of existing rear chimney. Included are alterations to the dormer roof at first floor level with extension to front and rear, new front window and popout design, a new dormer pop-out window to rear attic roof, patio area to rear and associated site works to front and rear. Also included is a widened front vehicular entrance and crossing allowing for parking for 2 cars to the front garden. The existing tree will be retained. Permission Additional Information: 11-Aug-2016
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0436 Application Rec’d Date: 16-Jun-2016 Mark & Lainey Appleby 17 Woodlands Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for a new single storey extension to east side and rear south side of existing house, comprising utility room, dining area and garden room with associated internal alterations and first floor extension to east side elevation comprising new en-suite and associated internal alterations, revised front garden layout and relocated entrance gate. Permission Additional Information: 08-Aug-2016
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0581 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Elizabeth Murphy Dalkey Lodge, Barnhill Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission for the erection of a 1.8m high fence, together with a planted hedge on either side to rear boundary and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0582 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Robert Patrick Glanville Derryclare, Ballycorus Road, Kilternan, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a new detached two storey dwelling house, new vehicular entrance from the Ballycorus Road, new waste treatment systems, percolation areas and associated site works. Perm on foot of Outline permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal Application Type
D16A/0583 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Elaine Dunne Da La Salle Palmerston Rugby Club, Kilternan, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of existing prefabricated structure for use as playschool. Permission for Retention
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Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0584 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 John Campbell Woodview, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission for Retention of alterations to the permission granted under D14A/0619, including minor movement of dwelling on site, changes to fenestration and roof structure and the addition of plant room at lower ground floor. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0586 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Brightwalk Developments Ltd Site at Glebe Road, Glebe, Enniskerry Road, Kilternan, Co Dublin Permission for residential development of 38 no. houses as follows: Type A, 20 no. 2 storey 4-bedroom semi-detached with optional developed roof space; Type B, 2 no. 2 storey 4-bedroom detached with optional developed roof space; Type C, 12 no. 2 storey 3-bedroom semi-detached with optional developed roof space; Type D, 4 no. 2 storey 3-bedroom terraced and associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location
D16A/0588 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Aug-2016 Remedy Care Limited Site of c.0.2ha located adjoining the Belmont residential development at Woodside, Stepaside, Co Dublin. Site is bounded to the south by Village Road, to the west by Belmont Drive and to the north and east by the Dun Gaoithe Reservoir site. Permission for a 3-5 storey over basement residential care facility (total gfa c.5,253 sqm) comprising of 85 no. bedrooms with ancillary resident and staff facilities. Car and bicycle parking plant and ancillary storage at basement level. All associated site development works, services provision, access, open space, boundary treatment and landscaping works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
Application Type Further Information/
D16A/0589 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Paul Kinch 2 Hyde Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for new part single and part two storey extension to the rear and side, new velux style roof lights to both sides of roof, new bay window to the front, new window to the side of ground floor living room, alterations to fenestration openings, new vehicular driveway in place of existing pedestrian access and associated works. Permission
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Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0590 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Michelle Egan & Pat Kiersey Saint Itas, Holly Park Avenue, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission for internal alterations, restoration and refurbishment works including 2 no. roof lights to rear SE roof, the provision of 1 no new window in place of existing door in SW elevation, the repair and restoration of existing windows where necessary, the provision of new electrical and mechanical services throughout and provision of new gully traps to existing RWP, french drains and a new soakway for surface water drainage. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0591 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Aug-2016 Padraic & Julie Hogan 10 Glenart Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of an existing garage and the construction of a part single storey, part two storey extension with two new roof lights to the rear, including a two storey bay window to the front elevation and alterations to the front boundary wall and gates and associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0592 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Aug-2016 Sorohan Builders Limited On a site of c.2.07 hectares adjoining Trimbleston, Goatstown Road, Dublin 14 Permission for amendments to previously permitted development Reg Ref D06A/1510 (An Bord Pleanala reg ref PL06D.222755) for the change of use of part of the ground floor level of Apartment Block 2 from a crèche to residential use. The proposed amendments are for the provision of two number two bedroom apartments in lieu of the permitted crèche facility and associated site works which includes replacing the external play area associated with the crèche into private patio areas for the proposed new apartments and public open space forming part of the landscaped courtyard. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0593 Application Rec’d Date: 10-Aug-2016 Ruth Richardson 3 Salamanca, Ardilea, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for alterations to an existing detached, single storey dwelling, including: 1. An attic conversion with revised roof pitch and increased ridge height. 2. The addition of dormer windows and roof lights to the front, side and rear. 3. The erection of a front entrance porch. 4. Facade revisions including revised glazing
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and external insulation. 5. The erection of a single storey extension to the rear. 6. Revised site entrance and associated landscaping and site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0594 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 David Murray Ingleside, Brennanstown Road, Dublin D18 E3V7 Permission for a new two storey plus attic detached dwelling on existing site to the south and east, with new driveway from Brennanstown Road and relocated existing driveway, new separate waste water treatment systems for existing and new dwellings and all associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0595 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 Ouled Limited 19 Rock Hill, Blackrock, Co Dublin, A94 D235 Permission for: 1. Retention permission for the use of the unit as a coffee shop with seating and associated ancillary uses at ground floor. The area subject to the coffee shop with seating use is circa 198 sqm gross. 2. Planning permission for a balcony to the north of the unit comprising of a floor area of circa 12.45 sqm to provide an outdoor seating area for the coffee shop and reconfiguration of existing steel escape stairs and all ancillary works including the removal of two no. windows to allow for placement of an access door onto the new balcony. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0596 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 Josephine Kelly 59 Beaufield Park, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of single storey rear element, front porch and side chimney to existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling. Construction of a two storey extension to side and rear (110 sqm) (part single storey to rear) and new single storey porch to front of existing dwelling, all with external insulation, render finish and the addition of roof lights. Also, permission is sought to increase the width of site entrance to 3.5m, new pier, dished kerb and all associated internal and site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0598 Application Rec’d Date: 12-Aug-2016 Siobhan Kennedy and David Barry 17, Eden Park Road Permission is sought for alterations to previously approved planning permission Reg Ref No D15A/0761 to include a bedroom
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in the roof space, additional roof lights, alterations to the roof profile, floor plans, roof lights, windows, pedestrian entrance and elevations. At side garden. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0599 Application Rec’d Date: 12-Aug-2016 JSC SK Impeks Medical Diagnostic Centre Ground Floor Units D and E, Block A of the Time Place Development, Corrig Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission is sought for: 1) Change of use of ground floor units D and E in Block A (374m.sq.) from office use (previously granted under Planning ref: D05A/0811) to a Healthcare Facilitiy; inclusive of the amalgamation of these units. 2) The erection of signage above the main entrance door on the south-western elevation, 3) The installation of 1no. new external door to the north-eastern elevation; And all associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0603 Application Rec’d Date: 12-Aug-2016 Eoin and Emma McDonald Bellevue House, Fey Yerra, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18, D18H9V4 Permission on lands. Development to consist of; erection of new 3-bedroom detached house on two levels with attic, plus off-street parking for two cars, plus hard and soft landscaping including removal of selected hedging and trees plus new boundary fencing and associated works with all being accessed via new gateposts and gate made in new opening in hedge on North-West boundary in order to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian connection to now constructed road within adjacent development (on foot of Planning Ref: D11A/0054). Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0345 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Aug-2016 Alan McNab and Jennifer Martin Radharc, 5, Knock-na-cree Grove, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the construction of a roof terrace, with a glazed balustrade above an exempt development lower ground floor extension, to the rear of the existing dwelling house, accessed from the existing upper ground floor, together with all associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0346 Application Rec’d Date: 10-Aug-2016 Maureen King 104, Rathsallagh Park, Shankill, Dublin 18 The development consist of extensions/alterations comprising
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demolition of existing single storey extension to side including boundary wall. Proposed two storey gable end extension to rear, all to side/rear of 104 Rathsallagh Park, Shankill Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0347 Application Rec’d Date: 10-Aug-2016 Ronan and Bernice Godfrey 5 Glenvar Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission is sought for new single storey covered side passage and new ground floor window in gable wall to side of number 5 Glenvar Park and for new re-aligned boundary wall between no.5 and 7 Glenvar Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. The devlopment invloves the demolition of an existing detached garage and detached shed to the side of no.7 Glenvar Park. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0348 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 Karl Monaghan 24, Granville Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission for new single storey extension with flat roof to rear, replacement of existing rear tiled roof with a new extended dormer roof with gable end facing into rear garden to allow an enlargement of the existing first floor converted attic to the rear, two new dormers to the rear slope if the main roof to replace the existing house layout and associated site works. Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0349 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 Paul Kelly 3, The Mews, Albert Close, Glasthule Co. Dublin. Permission for construction of a part ground floor (22.2m2), part first floor (13.3m2) rear extension with associated landscaping and ancillary works Permission
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
DZ16A/0585 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Aug-2016 Transport Infrastructure Ireland Off Glenamuck Road, adjacent the Carrickmines roundabout and M50 interchange Carrickmines Dublin Permission for Retention (temporary for 3 years) is sought for a park and ride facility previously granted permission under Reg. Ref. D10A/0164. The development comprises an existing 350 space (including 12 disabled spaces) park and ride facility and access road off existing Carrickmines roundabout (Junction 15, M50). The development includes public lighting, fencing, drainage, landscaping, CCTV, bicycle stand and ticket vending machines. The development includes a bus drop-off facility and a 'kiss and
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ride' facility. The development also includes for a pedestrian access to the Carrickmines Luas Stop. The facility serves Luas Line B1 extension - Sandyford - Cherrywood. Permission (SDZ)
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal
Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd
DZ16A/0597 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Aug-2016 Hines Cherrywood Development Fund ICAV, & Gas Networks Ireland Lands (c.1.87 ha) in the townland of Laughanstown, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of gas infrastructure. The proposed development will consist of the construction of an above ground installation (AGI) facility, for the operation and maintenance of gas pipeline. The facility includes 2 no. structures - a regulator skid (48.75 sqm, maximum height of 3.2 metres) and a boiler/instrumentation kiosk (48.1 sqm, maximum height of 3.9 metres); associated underground pipework; 2no. 9m high floodlights and 2.4 metre high security fencing. Permission is also sought for a new access route from the existing Lehaunstown Lane/M50 overbridge (total length c.601 metres), landscaping and all associated site and development works. The elements of the proposed development outside the Cherrywood SDZ Planning Scheme boundary include c.345 metres of the access route (noted above), the AGI facility, landscaping and associated site and development works. Total site area outside Planning Scheme boundary is c.1.2 ha. This application relates to development partly within the Cherrywood Strategic Development Zone (SDZ and subject to the Cherrywood Planning Scheme 2014. Permission (SDZ)
IMPORTANT NOTE RE: PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR PROTECTED STRUCTURES 13 sets of all documents / drawings must be submitted by applicants, to the Planning Authority when lodging a planning application for proposed works to:- (i) a protected structure, (ii) within the curtilage of a protected structure or (iii) within an Architectural Conservation area (ACA).
______________________________________________________________ END OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 08/08/2016 TO 12/08/2016 ______________________________________________________________ “In deciding a planning application the Planning Authority, in accordance with Section 34 (3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, has had regard to submissions and observations received in accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to 2011. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined in their applications”.
PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 08/08/2016 TO 12/08/2016 Reg. Ref.
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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
REFUSE EXT. OF DURATION OF PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Aidan Keogh Bishops Lane, Kiltiernan, Co. Dublin Planning permission is sought for development comprising, the demolition of existing agricultural sheds and stables and outbuildings and the development of seven number stalls and related store rooms accommodated in a single agricultural building of 629 sq.m circa 7.85 metres in height, sand arena, workshop of circa 161 square metres a two storey four bedroom dwelling of circa 344 square metres, which is integrated and associated with the equine facilities and all associated development works including sewage treatment system on an overall site of circa 7.9 hectares, accessed via the existing entrance along Bishops Lane. Application Type Extension Of Duration Of Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0039 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Bernard & Dawn McCormick Site at The Barn, Atmospheric Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for construction of two new dwellings on this site to the side of the existing house, as well as associated landscape and site development works. House A will be a detached two storey over part basement four bedroom house with balcony to southern elevation and vehicular access via the existing entrance on Atmospheric Road. House B will be a detached two storey four bedroom house with vehicular access via a new entrance from Barnhill Lawn. Each house will be served by two dedicated car parking spaces. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0120 CLARIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 10-Aug-2016 Melissa O'Connor & Barry Farrell 34 Oakdown Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of existing single-storey side extension and the construction of a new two-storey hipped roof extension to side of dwelling, relocation of main front door entrance, new single-storey garage and entrance porch projection to front of dwelling, single-storey rear extension across width of house, new roof lights to rear, widening of existing vehicular entrance piers to 3.5m with new entrance gates and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0145 REFUSE PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Dun Laoghaire Old Folks Association 27, Corrig Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the installation of a Chair Lift, fixed to the railing of the front entrance steps. A Protected Structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.
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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
CLARIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 11-Aug-2016 Central Park GP Co PropCo Ltd 0.344 hectare site located on lands at permitted Block 1 (Reg. Ref. D98A/0886, extension of duration under D98A/0886/E2 to 31/12/19) Central Park, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18 Proposal Permission : Block 1 as permitted under Reg. Ref. D98A/0886 is a 7,639 sqm gross seven storey office development (with setback to the north elevation at seventh storey level) plus a roof top plant room, over 2 no. basement levels consisting of car parking spaces, circulation, plant and storage. The development also includes a landscape courtyard at ground floor level to the north-west of the permitted development. Vehicular access to basement levels is shared with the adjacent Block H (currently under construction). The proposed development consists of amendments to the Block 1 development as permitted under Reg. Ref. D98A/0886. The proposed amendments to the permitted development comprise of the following: i. Increase in permitted floor space of 1,376 sqm gross (from 7,639 sqm to 9,015 sqm) by way of amendments to the footprint, increase in floor plates and amendments to internal layout of the permitted development. ii. Amendments to the permitted elevational design and materials. The proposed elevations will comprise of a combination of limestone, granite and aluminium cladding with glazing and aluminium louvres. iii. Amendments to the layout and design of the landscaped courtyard at ground floor level to the north-west. iv. All associated and ancillary works, including minor amendments to the internal layout basement and upper floors. No amendments are proposed to the overall height of the permitted development or to the car parking numbers at permitted basement levels. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0202 GRANT PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Cormac and Agnes MacCrann 1, Haddington Park, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for development consisting of the demolition of existing single storey extension to rear and demolition of existing garage to rear and the construction of a new single storey extension to side and rear, attic conversion to include raising existing ridge height, new gable wall to rear and new dormer window to front. New window to south west elevation at ground floor level. New garage to rear to replace existing and widening of existing vehicular entrance to rear along with ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0257 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Sinead & Diarmaid Cunningham Sherwood, Barnagh Lane, The Birches, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for: A. Demolition of existing utility room and conservatory extensions to rear. B. Construction of part single/part two storey extension to front and (north west) side. C. Construction of part single/part two storey extension to rear. D. Infilling of existing open porch to front (to extend hall). E. Provision of (3 no.) dormers to rear of both existing and extended main roof. F. Other minor alterations/modifications to existing front, rear and (south east) side elevations/main roof, including
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alteration of existing window/door opes, provision of chimney (to south east side) and provision of (high level) roof windows, to main roof, front and rear, all to existing (detached) house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0293 GRANT PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Cavalli Investments ICAV Stillorgan Village Centre, (also known as Stillorgan Shopping Centre), Lower Kilmacud Road and Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin Proposal Permission at a 2.79 hectare site. The proposed development comprises of amendments to a permitted development under Reg. Ref. D12A/0289 (An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL06D.241807). The permitted scheme comprises of a two storey extension of 990 sq.m gross to the existing Village Centre to provide a retail unit (375 sq.m gross) at ground floor level and at first floor level a restaurant with ancillary sale of hot food for consumption off the premises (306 sq.m gross), reconfiguration and amalgamation of existing office units at first floor, and reorganisation of centre management office at first floor, change of use of existing stairwell area to first floor to a new customer service unit, and associated works including signage. The proposed amendments consist of the following (i) Minor amendments to permitted layout and configuration of the existing, including a new stair and lift access lobby (133sq.m gross) to provide access to first floor is proposed to the north-west of the extension; (ii) Amendments to layout of permitted ground floor retail unit, including amalgamation with existing adjoining unit, resulting in an increase to ground floor retail space of 120 sq.m gross, from 375 sq.m gross to 495 sq.m gross arising from internal reconfiguration and new lift/stair lobby; (iii) increase in size of first floor restaurant area of 144sq.m, from 306 sq.m to 450 sq.m airing from internal reconfiguration and provision of new lift/stair lobby; (iv) Change of use of existing office space at first floor level to provide retail storage (485 sq.m total); (v) Amendments to layout of permitted centre management office to provide a centre management office of 80sq.m gross); (vi) Provision of a fire control room (28 sq.m gross) at part of the first floor office space; (vii) Amendments to permitted elevations to provide updated elevational and facade treatment; (viii) The omission of 2 no. additional existing car parking spaces (providing a loss of 21 no. car parking spaces in total including the permitted development); (ix) Minor amendments configuration of service access road to the north-west of the extension; (x) All associated and ancillary works including internal alterations and amendments to permitted layouts, provision of a fire escape stairs from the first floor, located to the rear (east) of the proposed extension and existing Village Centre. The proposed amendments will result in an extension of 1,150 sq.m gross. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0355 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Aug-2016 Mr and Mrs R Barry 45, Glasthule Road, Glasthule, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for new vehicular access 3.5 metres wide onto Marine Avenue,with hard standing for two vehicles at the front. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________
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Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0432 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 08-Aug-2016 Carraighill Capital Ltd Eagle House, 5 Marine Road, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure RPS no. 707) Proposal Permission for: removal of original and non-original external steps to rear; removal of sections of non-original and original internal walls; removal of floor in rear return at first floor level; removal of 2 storey flat roofed return to rear on south-west side (9.5 sqm); removal of non-original wc fittings; enlargement of window openings to front at lower ground floor level and replacement of non-original windows; replacement of non-original entrance door to lower ground floor below stair; replacement of nonoriginal balustrade and finish to non-original front entrance steps; construction of new external stair to rear on south-west side; construction of new single storey extension to rear at lower ground floor level (38 sqm); construction of 2 new terraces to rear at upper ground floor level; forming of new ope in south-west side of rear return and construction of new canopy; forming of new door opening in gable of return at lower ground floor level; provision of 3 no. new roof lights to rear and replacement of 1 no. existing roof light; minor alterations to internal layout; replacement of non-original internal doors; reinstatement of the internal stairs from upper to lower ground floors; replacement of nonoriginal entrance gate to rear and widening of opening; provision of timber trellis to north-east boundary wall to rear; all associated ancillary, conservation, landscaping and site development works.A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0435 REFUSE PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Carmanor Management Ltd, The Lansdowne Partnership Carrickmines Manor, Glenamuck Road, Dublin 18 Permission for an information sign of 97 cm x 392 cm containing 4 no. business signs. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0437 REFUSE PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Barbara Redmond 90 Corke Abbey, Bray, Co Dublin Permission for 2 no. 2 storey 2 bedroom semi-detached houses with pitched roofs to the side of existing dwelling. Each house will have its own side access, rear garden and one car parking space to front accessed via existing vehicular entrance to include construction of 1 no. new brick pillar. Removal of existing wooden panel and concrete post fence to gable boundary and replacement with new brick wall. Connection to all public services, together with all necessary associated ancillary works to facilitate this development.
Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision
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Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
09-Aug-2016 James Grennan & Dervela Walsh Burnside, St Thomas Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of existing extensions to the side and rear and the construction of a single storey extension to the front and side and part two-storey, part three-storey extension to the rear. Internal alterations to the original house and changes to the fenestration pattern. The relocation off the existing vehicular entrance gate and the addition of a new pedestrian gate from St Thomas Road. The removal of the hedge along the boundary with St Thomas Road. The erection of a bicycle shed to the front of the house. Two parking spaces are to be included. No significant trees will be affected. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0439 REFUSE PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Marcus Heather & Giovanna Borza Site to rear of The Boulders, Ballyedmonduff Road, Stepaside, Dublin 18 Permission for a single storey 3 bedroom dwelling, well, effluent treatment system, access via right of way, new driveway and associated works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0441 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Edward & Patricia Wallace The Grange, Brighton Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (A Protected Structure) Permission for works to a two storey detached dwelling with attic conversion, to include the demolition of existing external staircase structure; construction of a single storey extension to side and first floor extension to rear; construction of extended fence to western boundary; internal modifications and all associated site works.A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0442 REFUSE PERMISSION 08-Aug-2016 Orwell Homes Development Limited 157 Orwell Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of existing dwelling; construction of 4 no. semidetached 4-bedroom dormer style dwellings with 3 levels of accommodation at lower ground floor, ground floor and first floor dormer/roof levels; construction of retaining wall to rear and side of dwellings; two vehicular entrances from Orwell Road; landscaping and boundary treatments; site development works and services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0443 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 08-Aug-2016 Caoimh & Aisling O'Brion 31 Hillcourt Road, Glenageary, Co Dublin Permission for extension of 4.7 sqm to front of existing house to provide lobby and stairs landing, alterations to front elevation to provide new
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fenestration at 1st floor over extension and widening of existing vehicular entrance. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0444 GRANT PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Zara Kay Limited, (T/A O'Briens Sandwich Café) Unit 215 Dún Laoghaire Shopping Centre, George's Street Upper, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin A96 T2P3 Proposal Permission for the Change of Use of a 117 sqm unit from shop to café/restaurant use (with ancillary take-away), the use of a c.13 sqm area for outdoor seating associated with the proposed café/restaurant use (a total area of 130 sqm); provision of signage including backlit, projecting lettering above the unit; vinyl signage inside the glass shop front; circular backlit light box sign suspended from ceiling inside the glass shop front and all associated works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0446 GRANT PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Fr William Farrell Saint Joseph's Church, Summerhill Road, Glasthule, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Proposal Permission for works in the curtilage of St Joseph's Church comprising of sub-division of the overall property occupied by the two Parochial Houses, to form separate garden areas for each house consisting of part division of front garden with a steel post and wire fence with associated landscaping; infill an open section of existing railing boundary to the Church with a section of matching rail and single gate; a new opening with a gate in the stone side wall between the West house and the Church; construct a wall to divide the rear garden along the centre line of the houses; construct a fence to the rear of the Church to retain a service access space alongside the wall of the Church and miscellaneous ancillary works.A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0447 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 12-Aug-2016 Patricia Farrington 3 Brighton Terrace, Sandycove Road, Sandycove, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Proposal Permission for Retention for the sub-division of the existing dwelling into two separate units.A protected structure. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0448 REFUSE PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Rowan Oberman 16 Northumberland Avenue, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for a new front garden design, car entrance and modifications of existing cast iron railings and stone wall to provide off street car
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parking. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0449 GRANT PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Lynda Kealy 1 Glen Walk, The Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 Permission for the removal of the existing recessed balcony doors and windows and to install new windows into the existing arched ope to allow the extension of the existing balcony floor area to become the internal floor area within the master bedroom on the first floor. New widened vehicular entrance containing new pillars and gates. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0452 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 12-Aug-2016 Naas Road Property Development Co Ltd Site at Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre, Ballyogan Road and Ballyogan Avenue, Kilgobbin, Dublin 18. The site is located to the north of Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre and to the north west of Ballyogan Avenue. Proposal Permission for the construction of a part four storey, part five storey Aged Care Facility, to accommodate 224 no. bedrooms and ancillary resident and staff facilities, with a GFA of 12,580 sqm over a single level basement with a GFA of 2,020 sqm. The proposal includes internal courtyards and terrace areas. Vehicular access will be via Ballyogan Avenue and Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre to a basement access ramp and a service yard area to the north. The proposal contains 3 no. surface car parking spaces and 10 no. surface cycle spaces. 53 no. car parking spaces, 3 no. motorcycle spaces and 40 no. cycle spaces are proposed at basement level. The proposal includes a pedestrian/cycle greenway along the northern boundary, all associated site works, including removal of existing surface car parking, public lighting, landscaping and boundary treatments all o n a site area of 0.88 ha. The proposed development relates to part of the overall Leopardstown Valley site where Block C Office and Flock F - Leisure were approved under Ref. Ref. D03A/0584, as extended under D03A/0584/E and E1 and will supersede these elements of that permission. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0453 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 12-Aug-2016 Joe O'Shaughnessy, Urban Fitness Gyms Limited Jenkins Yard, Hudson Road, Sandycove, Co Dublin Permission to retain a Change of Use from light industrial unit to Gymnasium.
Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date
D16A/0459 GRANT PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016
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Applicant Name Location Proposal
Saint John of God Trust (Ireland) Community House, St John Of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for the replacement of an existing conservatory on the south west facade with a 42m2 single storey sunroom extension. A 18m2 single storey extension to the north east facade, extending existing bedroom accommodation along with internal reconfiguration of bedroom accommodation on the ground level, reducing existing 7 no. bedrooms to 4. no. bedrooms, providing new assisted shower room en-suite facilities, an associated bathroom and an enabling toilet. The site is located adjacent to the curtilage of Granada House, formerly known as Riversdale, which is a Protected Structure and is situated in the south west corner of the hospital. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0514 DECLARE INVALID (SITE NOTICE) 10-Aug-2016 Devondale Limited Bird Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for development. Permission is sought to amend the previously permitted scheme (Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Register Reference D15A/0191) on a site measuring 1.48ha. The proposed development will consist of amendments along the western boundary of the site with CUS Sports Grounds playing pitches, generally comprising the provision of a 2.1 metre high railing with low-level hedging. It is proposed to omit the previously permitted pedestrian access to the south on the western boundary and the service vehicle access serving the wayleave area will be replaced by removable sections of railings. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16A/0538 DECLARE INVALID (SITE NOTICE) 10-Aug-2016 The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland 19 Roebuck Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for new bin bay storage unit, first floor storage room and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location
D16A/0579 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 10-Aug-2016 Edwin & Zita Whittaker Site to side of Mornington Lodge, Rathmichael Haven, Rathmichael, Co Dublin Proposal Permission to demolish existing 2 bedroomed detached dormer house to side and to construct new 2 bedroomed detached 2 storey over semi basement house with proprietary waste water treatment system, new vehicular access together with new 2 no. proprietary waste water treatment systems, one to serve existing 5 bedroomed house and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision
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Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
10-Aug-2016 Kevin & Claudine Short Owentrasna, Sandyford Village, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for the demolition of a single storey garage to the side of the existing house and construction of a part single storey and part two storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0190 WITHDRAW THE APPLICATION 09-Aug-2016 Karen Rothwell 1, Weston Grove, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission is sought. The development consists of: Permission for rear and side single storey extension for kitchen utility room and garage. Five roof windows to the front. Extension at angle to existing house in line with other houses. Small 2 storey extension to side bay window to existing landing area. Extend downstairs bathroom in line with landing bay window. Additional side window to side ground floor widen existing window. Demolition of existing boiler room utility area and side chimney. With all ancillary services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0196 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Aug-2016 Keith Robinson 71, Woodley Park, Stillorgan, Kilmacud, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for 1) Demolition of shed to side. 2) Single storey flat roof extensions to side and rear providing an additional 50sm.sq to ground floor. 3) Extended flat roof dormer to side along with velux window providing an additional 20m.sq at first floor level. 4) Associated internal modifications and site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0207 GRANT PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Adrienne Lane and James Doyle Glenerossa, Upper Kilmacud Road, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for construction of a 1-storey addition and porch roofs to the south side, a 2-storey addition to the west side, a 1 and 2storey addition to the north side, conversion of the loft to form 2 nonhabitable rooms with 2 rooflights to the front and a rooflight and dormer window to the rear, external insulation and brick facing of the entire, and construction of a shed to the front garden. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0256 REFUSE PERMISSION 08-Aug-2016 Bryony October 3 Synnott Terrace, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for ground and first floor rear extensions to residence, demolition of rear extension.
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Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0257 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Aug-2016 Bruce Campbell 159, Meadow Grove, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission is sought for demolition of an existing garage and construction of two storey extension to front and side with single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling and associated site work.
Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0262 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 09-Aug-2016 K O'Regan 20 Stillorgan Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for a two-storey extension (29.6 sqm) to the side (east) and a single-storey extension (40 sqm) to the rear (south), together with a single-storey extension (25.786 sqm) to the front (north) of existing twostorey dwelling, together with alterations to existing elevations, roof, including conversion of existing attic space, internal reconfiguration and refurbishment, all with associated works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0264 GRANT PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Brendan Conroy & Jennifer Prior 7, Annaville Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for alteration and extension of existing dormer dwelling as follows: 1. Demolish single storey garage to West to provide pedestrian access to side including new boundary wall and door. 2. Alteration to North elevation, including flat roof, minor changes to elevation and enclosing existing North East corner recess. 3. Alterations to attic level to provide dormer to West face of rear pitched roof and extension of existing dormer facing East to include 2 no roof lights facing front valley. 4. Alterations to existing layout to provide additional bedrooms on ground and attic level. 5. Construct single storey extension (23 sqm) to rear/East and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0265 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Aug-2016 M Rice 57 Oakley Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for new porch at front and new single storey extensions at side and rear. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.
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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
GRANT PERMISSION & REFUSE PERMISSION 11-Aug-2016 Chris Coleman 19 Millmount Grove, Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of existing single-storey extension to the front, construction of new extension to front to include an Oriel window projection, Mezzanine floor, internal alterations and all associated ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0268 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Aug-2016 Pauline & Stephen Davies 68 Trimleston Gardens, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of existing single storey extension (c.13 sqm) to side of existing two storey house and construction of new single storey extension (of area c.21 sqm) to side of existing two storey house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0269 GRANT PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Mark & Caithriona Leonard 26 Ludford Road, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for new single storey ground floor garage extension attached to gable of existing 2 storey dwelling. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D16B/0270 Decision GRANT PERMISSION Decision Date 10-Aug-2016 Applicant Name Colette Fitzpatrick & Niall McDermott Location 44A The Beeches, Holywell, Dublin D14 FH75 Proposal Permission for single storey side and rear extensions of total area 6.5 sqm. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0271 GRANT PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Gillian & Martin Carry 7 Heather Close, Marlay Wood, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 Permission for the construction of a ground floor bay window and entrance porch to the front. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0272 GRANT PERMISSION 10-Aug-2016 Mark Cotterell 12 Willow Grove, Cornelscourt, Co Dublin Permission for an extension at first floor to front over existing ground floor room, including removal of existing chimney, provision of new windows to
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front, obscure glazed window to stairwell and velux to side. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0274 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 08-Aug-2016 E Cruise Villa Rosa, Avoca Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the Retention of alterations to previously approved plans (Ref. Ref. D15B/0030) to now include for enlarged kitchen and bathroom extensions on ground and first floor to the rear of the approved extension, new boiler house, alterations to front, side and rear elevations internal alterations and Retention of existing site access from Avoca Avenue with alterations to boundary wall and entrance gates. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal
D16B/0288 DECLARE INVALID (SITE NOTICE) 08-Aug-2016 Kelly-Anne Whitehouse & Peter Daly The Gate Lodge, The Elms, Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of the existing shed abutting the eastern side boundary and the construction of a single-storey extended kitchen and utility room to the side of the dwelling, with a hipped roof, facing the boundary along Mount Merrion Avenue and a single-storey extension with double A roof to the rear, accommodating two new bedrooms and a bathroom. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal Application Type
D16B/0340 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 10-Aug-2016 Stephen Murphy & marie Theresa Murphy 62 Marian Park, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin The Development will consist of a first floor extension to rear over existing rear extension. Permission
______________________________________________________________ END OF PLANNING DECISIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 08/08/2016 TO 12/08/2016 ______________________________________________________________ APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 08/08/2016 TO 12/08/2016 Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development: Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:
D16B/0259 16-Jun-2016 3 Hillview Cottages, Pottery Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for a garage to the side of an existing dwelling. REFUSE PERMISSION 11-Aug-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission
Type Of Appeal:
1st Party Appeal
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Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:
Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:
D16A/0389 27-May-2016 38 Belmont Lawn, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a part single-storey, part two-storey detached dwelling house to the east side of the existing two-storey detached dwelling house on site. Access to the new dwelling house will be via the existing entrance. Proposals also include for minor alterations to the existing dwelling house including omission of 2 windows, alterations to 3 windows and provision of new south facing rear windows at ground and first floor level and 1 roof light. New pedestrian and vehicular access is proposed fronting and serving the existing dwelling house. Proposals also provide for revised boundary treatments to subdivide the site and all associated site works, including hard landscaping, site development works and connections to services. GRANT PERMISSION 11-Aug-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission
Type Of Appeal:
3rd Party Appeal
____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location:
Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:
D16A/0370 24-May-2016 Site of former Kiely's Public House, Deerpark Road, North Avenue and Wilson Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of the existing four storey building containing the pub and cafĂŠ/restaurant and the construction of a four to five storey mixed use building of 15,800 sqm gross floor space, over a one to three level basement (from Deerpark Road datum). The building will have parking for retail customers (113 cars) at Level -3, 1 retail unit (1,300 sqm) 1 service yard and ancillary facilities, 1 gymnasium (350 sqm) and 1 cafĂŠ (265 sqm) at Level -2, 3 further retail units (totalling 450 sqm), car parking for residents (72 cars, 46 bicycle spaces) and an open public terrace at Level -1, 1 restaurant (410 sqm), 1 pub (200 sqm) and two courtyards with a play area at Level 0 (1,040 sqm). A roof garden is to be located at level +3 (200 sqm). 46 residential dwelling units (3 one bed, 34 two bed and 9 three bed units) located across Levels 0 to 4, amenity spaces for residents located across Levels 0 to 4 and ancillary site works to include boundary treatment and landscaping. Various plant provisions are located throughout the building. 38 nonresident bicycle spaces will also be provided on site. Vehicular and pedestrian access Deerpark Road, North Avenue and Wilson Road. REFUSE PERMISSION 12-Aug-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission
Type Of Appeal:
1st Party Appeal
____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:
D15A/0605 19-May-2016 8 Sorrento Terrace, Sorrento Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission for Retention within the rear garden. The development consists of an enclosed flat roof shelter/changing area of c.11 sqm (not connected to house) of c.3m in height with decking finish to roof, all located in the lower terrace of rear garden, on a portion of existing patio area (adjacent to existing boundary to no. 7 Sorrento Terrace). No 8 is a
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Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:
protected structure. GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 09-Aug-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission
Type Of Appeal:
3rd Party Appeal
______________________________________________________________ END OF APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 08/08/2016 TO 12/08/2016 ______________________________________________________________ APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 01/08/2016 TO 05/08/2016 Reg. Ref. Appeal Decision Appeal Decided Council’s Decision Location Proposed Development
D16A/0096 GRANT PERMISSION 04-Aug-2016 GRANT PERMISSION 33 Dundela Avenue, Sandycove, Co Dublin Permission for construction of a two storey extension to the rear and single storey extension to the side of existing house, both with pitched roof; alterations to elevations and internal layout; new bay window to the front and all associated site development works. Including for increasing the driveway entrance to 3.5 metres; external wall insulation; new porch; 15 new velux windows and demolition of existing garage. Yulia & Ger Naughton
______________________________________________________________ END OF APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 32 2016 DATED 01/08/2016 TO 05/08/2016 ______________________________________________________________
END OF WEEKLY LIST FOR WEEK 32 2016 Please note that pursuant to Part 4 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as Amended) the following revised list of newspapers approved to carry Planning Application Notices for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has been approved as and from the 03rd June, 2013:
The Irish Times The Irish Examiner The Irish Independent The Evening Herald The Irish Star The Sunday Independent The Sunday World Irish Mail on Sunday Irish Daily Mail The Sunday Times The Irish Sun Dundrum Gazette (for developments in the area of circulation Dublin 14, 16 and 18). Southside People Sunday Business Post The Dun Laoghaire Gazette (Dun Laoghaire Electoral Area only)
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Applications for Planning Permission must also apply for a Certificate of Exemption (or have been granted one previously) if they propose to build one or more dwelling units (regardless of the total site area). RE:-APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 97 OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, AS AMENDED:- THE STATUTORY DECLARATION TEMPLATE PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION IS INTENDED FOR USE AS A GUIDELINE ONLY. When preparing the declaration for submission with the application, item nos. 1 to 9 must be answered/completed by the applicant, (bearing in mind that individual circumstances differ/vary for each applicant). The completed declaration should then be signed by a commissioner for oaths or a practicing solicitor. Please note that in accordance with Section 251 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, (as Amended): “where calculating any appropriate period or other time limit referred to in this Act or in any regulations made under this Act, the period between the 24th December, and the 1st January, both days inclusive shall be disregarded”. Accordingly, all time limits specified in connection with the planning application process, including time limits relating to the maintenance of site notices and receipt of submissions or observations are extended by nine days.
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