Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Planning Weekly List No. 39 (2016)

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County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland Halla an Chontae, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Átha Cliath, Éire Tel: 01 205 4700 Fax: 01 280 3122 Web: www.dlrcoco.ie


CONTENTS:    

List List List List

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Planning Applications Received Decisions Made Appeals Notified by An Bord Pleanála Appeal Decisions made by An Bord Pleanála

FOR WEEK ENDING: 30th September, 2016

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“Applications for permission under Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions list for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.”

PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 26/09/2016 TO 30/09/2016 Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D11A/0058/E Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 William Hayden & Tom Mullany, Nutgrove Vetinery Hospital Nutgrove Veterinary Hospital, 173, Nutgrove Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 & also comprising an adjoining parcel of land which forms part of the Good Shepard National School Permission is sought for development at a site of c. 0.143 hectares at the Nutgrove Veterinary Hospital and also comprising an adjoining parcel of land which forms part of the Good Shepard National School. The site is bounded by Nutgrove Avenue to the south; playing pitches associated with Good Shepard National School to the north; Whitehall Road to the east; and No. 171 Nutgrove Avenue to the west. The development will consist of:The demolition of; the existing single storey veterinary hospital building (c. 98 sq.m Gross Floor Area (GFA)); the single storey side extension (comprising a store of c. 24.6 sq.m GFA) and front porch (c. 2.14 sq.m GFA) to the house at No. 173 Nutgrove Avenue, and associated sheds to rear (c. 12 sq.m); and the construction of:- a new 2-3 storey veterinary hospital building, with a max building height of c. 8.992m, and total GFA of c. 384 sq.m, comprising kennels, consultancy rooms, surgery and treatment rooms, staff room, office and storage. The proposed building is to abut the existing associated 2 storey house at No. 173 Nutgrove Avenue, with minor associated alterations to the rear bathroom roof, the internal layout and the rear garden of the house. Existing vehicular access to the site off Whitehall Road to be widened and set back to serve redeveloped veterinary hospital building, with provision of 8 No. car parking spaces, 6 No. bicycle parking spaces; and all ancillary site development, landscaping and boundary treatment works, including provision of waste storage area, revised boundary treatments to Nutgrove Avenue and Whitehall Road. Construction phase of the proposed development to include the erection of a temporary construction compound and car parking area, with associated fencing, on lands to north of existing veterinary surgery building, with associated additional temporary vehicular access proposed off Whitehall Road. Extension Of Duration Of Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal Application Type

D16A/0081 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Feb-2016 Liam & Therese Hennessey 28 The Thicket, Hainault Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for the demolition of former boundary wall and for retention of the existing replacement boundary wall, entrance gate, pillars and associated changes to driveway. Permission for Retention

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Further Information/ Additional Information: 30-Sep-2016 Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0082 Application Rec’d Date: 11-Feb-2016 LDB Developments Ltd 149 Braemor Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for the removal of the existing car wash, sheds, workshop and existing associated structures; the closure of the 2 no. existing vehicular entrances from Braemor Road; the construction of a four storey over basement level nursing home, consisting of 101 no. bedrooms, with associated ancillary/common facilities, office/administration areas; elevational signage and green roof; the provision of a new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Landscape Road, basement level car parking (18 no. car parking spaces), ancillary bin storage, 27 no. bicycle spaces (19 no. at basement level and 8 no. at ground level), associated plant areas at roof level, all associated site development, engineering, landscaping works and boundary treatments. The subject site is bounded by Braemor Road to the north, Landscape Road to the east and open space known as Badger's Glen to the south and west.

Application Type Permission Further Information/ Additional Information Rec'd (New Adds): 29-Sep-2016 Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0408 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Jun-2016 Gas Networks Ireland At a site located at the edge of the public open space to the front of nos. 31, and 32, Mackintosh Park, Pottery Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission for development. The development will consist of a safety enhancement to the existing gas mains network comprising the installation of a vent flue (up to circa 3.5m in height) to the existing underground District Regulator Installation as well as associated site development works. Permission Additional Information: 30-Sep-2016

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

D16A/0545 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Jul-2016 Paul O'Byrne 67 Churchtown Road Upper, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for the demolition of a single storey extension to the existing medical centre and the change of use from medical centre to single family two storey dwelling, including the construction of single storey extensions to the front of the existing building (c.11sqm) and to the rear (29sqm) and an attic conversion with dormer roof and window, along with the construction of two no. 2 storey, three bedroom semi-detached houses (c.107sqm each) and the blocking up of the existing medical centre vehicular entrance off Landscape Park and the provision of 3 no. new vehicular entrances to facilitate the housing units, all at the site. Permission Additional Information: 28-Sep-2016

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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0699 Application Rec’d Date: 26-Sep-2016 Board of Governors Wesley College Dublin Wesley College Dublin, Ballinteer Road, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for revisions to Conditions 5 & 6 attaching to Grant of Permission, Register Reference D06A/1990 (Hockey pitches and tennis courts). The change sought in Condition 5 is to alter the latest time of operation of the lighting masts from the presently permitted 22:30 hours, Monday to Saturday to 22:30 hours, Monday to Friday and to 19:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. The change sought in Condition 6 is to increase the maximum permitted letting hours to outside users from 25 hours per week to 30. No works are proposed as part of this application. Ludford House is a Protected Structure on the grounds of Wesley College. The proposed development is outside the curtilage of Ludford House. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0700 Application Rec’d Date: 26-Sep-2016 Sinead & Diarmaid Cunningham Sherwood, Barnagh Lane, The Birches, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for amendments to planning permission previously granted (planning reg. ref. D16A/0257). The proposed amendments are to consist of the raising of the existing main pitched roof structure, to the existing two storey house, by 575mm (including proposed dormer to rear, previously granted), the raising of the proposed pitched roof structures, to both the single storey and two storey extension, to the front, side and rear (previously granted), by 575mm (including proposed dormers to rear, previously granted), and for the raising of the proposed flat roof structure/parapet walls to the single storey extension to the rear (previously granted) by 400mm, (all amendments) for the purpose of increasing internal floor to ceiling heights at ground and first floor (to both the existing house and proposed extensions), to existing (detached) house. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

D16A/0701 Application Rec’d Date: 26-Sep-2016 Conor & Fiona Clinch Heronford House, Heronford Lane, Rathmichael, Dublin 18 Permission for alteration and extension of existing dwelling house, to include demolition of 2 storey flat roofed extension and boiler house at rear and construction of 2 storey pitched roofed extension to the north western and northern side and small single storey extension to the southern side of the existing dwelling, together with alterations to windows in existing front porch, to driveway and entrance gates from right of way and construction of new drainage system, waste water treatment plant and polishing filter and associated works. Permission

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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0702 Application Rec’d Date: 26-Sep-2016 Mr & Mrs Lee 94 Stillorgan Grove, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of as built development of house, included are the minor alterations to a pitched roof to side showing flat roof area at the top and minor adjustments to roof line and associated hidden gutters etc., widening of the vehicular entrance gate to include the provision of a pedestrian gateway to the side and associated gate piers and figured dimensions shown to enclosing side fences to front garden area as approved in planning permission PL06D.244714 D14B/0383/C2. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0703 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2016 Nuria & Cormac O'Connor 47 Ludford Road, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for: 1. Demolition of single storey side flat roof extension. 2. Construction of new front porch to main entrance, single storey side and rear extensions to the main house, minor internal layout changes and modifications to vehicular entrance along with all associated site and drainage works. 3. Converting dwelling from 3 bedroom to 4 bedroom house. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D16A/0704 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Applicant Name Janine Harper Location 2 Adelaide Road, Glasthule, Co Dublin Proposal Permission for the Retention of a first floor extension to the rear. Application Type Permission for Retention Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0705 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Sep-2016 Edward Sheanon 5 Cloister Square, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of widening of vehicular access to accommodate two vehicles. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0706 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Gas Networks Ireland Hazelbrook Apartments DRI, Hazelbrook Apartments,Upper Kilmacud Road, Dublin 14 Permission for the installation of a 3m high 'lamp post' style relief vent stack servicing the existing above ground natural gas pressure reduction with all ancillary services and associated site

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works. Application Type Permission Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0707 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Gas Networks Ireland Ticknock Hill Estate DRI, Ticknock Park, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for the installation of a 3m high 'lamp post' style relief vent stack servicing the existing above ground natural gas pressure reduction with all ancillary services and associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0708 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Jammel Alpha Limited Nutgrove Avenue, Dublin 14 Permission to construct a total of 5 no. 3 storey dwellings. They will comprise of 3 no. 3 storey detached dwelling and 1 block of 2 no. 3 storey semi-detached dwellings, associated on-site parking, new entrance to each dwelling, new boundary railing and boundary treatments, general landscaping, removal of all temporary structures currently on site and front boundary wall, new external lighting, connection to existing mains services and all associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0709 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Gerard Keogh Site known as Stockwell, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission for the demolition of existing detached habitable dwelling and construction of 9 no. apartments in 1 no. 3 storey block (total floor area 944m2) comprising of 1 no. 1 bedroom, 7 no. 2 bedroom and 1 no. 3 bedroom apartments on a site of approx. 0.13 Ha. The proposed development includes for all associated on and off site development works, bin store, cycle and car parking, landscaping and boundary treatments with vehicular and pedestrian access from the Sandyford Road. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

D16A/0710 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 National Building Services, Accounts Payable 1 Cranford Centre, Montrose, Stillorgan Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Permission for a Change of Use from present office use to proposed retail use, no physical external changes are proposed. Permission

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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0711 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 DHQ Investments Limited Brookville, Commons Road, Shankill, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of 5 no. two-storey dwellings (4 no. three-bedroom and 1 no. two-bedroom), together with 5 no. new vehicular entrances off Commons Road, boundary treatment, landscaping, SUDS drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0712 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 Norah McNulty & Dylan Hayes 9 Anglesea Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission for the removal of an existing garden wall of stone construction and the relocation of utilities mounted to the same wall, the widening of an existing vehicular entrance involving the removal of three (3) cast iron railings and the relocation of an existing stone pillar and granite plinth wall. The proposed works are in the curtilage of this Protected Structure. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0713 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 Cosgrave Developments Park Pointe Neighbourhood Centre, Honeypark, Glenageary Road Upper, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of the amalgamation of units 1 (80m2) and 2 (108m2) as previously permitted under An Bord Pleanála Reg. Ref. PL06D.240677 (DLRCC Reg. Ref. D11A/0435) into one combined unit of 190m2 at ground floor level and provision of a mezzanine floor space of 125m2, together with associated minor elevational changes. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

D16A/0714 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 KW Investment Funds ICAV Blocks F, K and L, Central Park, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18 Retention permission for amendments to the basement beneath. The amendments comprise of the following: Minor increase in footprint of basement at Level -2 (circa 728 sq.m. gross); Amendments to car parking layout and circulation at ground level, including reduction in car parking numbers (559 no. to be provided, compared with 589 no. permitted). Other associated and minor changes at ground level and basement Level -2, such as insertion of fire exit doors, layout changes and other minor amendments for fire safety requirements. Permission for Retention

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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0715 Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 Fiona Delaney 35 Merville Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for Change of Use from existing side extension consisting of Playroom and Utility room to new Play School with associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0716 Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 Liam & Clár O'Lonargáin 1 Doonanore Park, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a new semi-detached dwelling of 168 sqm gross area to the side garden of existing dwelling. The works include modifications to the existing dwelling, the widening of the existing driveway entrance and the creation of a new vehicular entrance to be accessed from the south eastern roadway of Doonanore Park. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0717 Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 John Reynolds 1, Jamestown Cottages, (adjacent to Cairnfort), Kilternan, Dublin 18 Permission is sought for the provision of 2 no. 3/4 bed two storey detached dwelling of 180m2 accessed off Cairnfort, including carport, first floor terrace of 28m2, off street parking, landscaping, new boundary treatments, provision of new footpath to Western boundary and all associated site works at a site to the rear. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0324 Application Rec’d Date: 22-Jul-2016 Justin Power & Sarah Kinsella 61 Mulvey Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for the erection of a part single storey, part two storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling house and associated site works. Permission Additional Information:

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0402 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Aine Maher The Lodge, 1 Holmston Avenue, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin (a corner site with Glenageary Road Lower) Permission for the demolition of a domestic store (17.8 sqm) attached to the eastern side elevation of the dwelling and

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construction of a single storey, flat roof extension (32.9 sqm) to the eastern side elevation, including 2 no. flat roof lights, landscaping, SuDS drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0403 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Peter McDonnell 4 Haddington Park, Glenageary, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of the existing single storey rear extension (22 sqm) and the construction of a new single storey extension (68 sqm) and the installation of roof lights to the existing roof. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0404 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Noel Collins & Marilisa Quarti 78 Trimleston Park, Booterstown, Co Dublin Permission for front extension to remove step in facade with pitch roof to be lengthened and replace flat roof on side. New roof over existing front balcony and replace balcony door with window and replace porch door with larger glazed one. Remove side chimney flue, move side windows and make smaller on ground floor and replace rear extension with new one. Attic conversion into open plan study for non-habitable purposes along with associated site work. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0405 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 Roy & Sara Wolfe 45 Shanganagh Vale, Cabinteely, Co Dublin Permission for a single storey extension and alterations at ground and first floor level to front including new windows at ground and first floor level, single and two storey extension and alterations to side including new windows at ground and first floor level, single and two storey extension and alterations to rear including new windows at ground and first floor level. Also new roof lights to front and rear roof, new surface finishes to all three elevations together with ancillary works, drainage, pavings and landscaping. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0406 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 Andy Macken 186 Lower Kilmacud Road, Dublin 14 Permission for a single storey pitched roof extension to side and rear of existing dwelling with 2 no. roof lights facing east and 2 no. roof lights facing west in new pitched roof and associated site

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works. Application Type Permission Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0407 Application Rec’d Date: 29-Sep-2016 Andy Macken 186 Lower Kilmacud Road, Dublin 14 Permission for a two storey flat roof extension to side and single storey pitched roof extension to rear of existing dwelling with no. 2 roof lights facing east and 2 no. roof lights facing west in new pitched roof and associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0408 Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 Michael & Joanne Shelley 88 The Rise, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for single storey porch to front and to relocate existing first floor bedroom window from current location on north facing elevation to west facing elevation. Retention permission sought for changes to approved permission granted under Reg. Ref. D11B/0304. These changes consist of flat roof with glazed atrium on single storey extension at side and colour of glazing units at side and rear to grey and all associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0409 Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 Richard & Sarah Cranfield 198A New Vale, Library Road, Shankill, Co Dublin Permission to alter, extend and carry out various building works. The proposed works are to include: A. The construction of a single storey extension to the front of the house. B. Internal alterations on the upper and lower ground floors. C. Contingent alterations to all existing facades. D. Other ancillary contingent building works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0410 Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016 Anne Jennings Apartment 3 An Cuilleann, Mount Anville Road, Dublin D14 HN22 Permission for the addition of a new window to south elevation and all ancillary works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


Application Rec’d Date: 30-Sep-2016

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Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

David & Karen Whelan Kilfenora, 3 Killiney Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. The replacement of the dormer type roof to the south (adjacent No. 2) and west (garden) elevations, with new first floor accommodation below a flat roof to match that existing to the north and east elevations. 2. The extension of the living/dining room as a single storey, into the back garden. 3. Alterations to the street elevation to include a timber clad bay window at first floor and copper clad canopy at the entrance door. 4. All associated site works. Permission

IMPORTANT NOTE RE: PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR PROTECTED STRUCTURES 13 sets of all documents / drawings must be submitted by applicants, to the Planning Authority when lodging a planning application for proposed works to:- (i) a protected structure, (ii) within the curtilage of a protected structure or (iii) within an Architectural Conservation area (ACA).

______________________________________________________________ END OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 26/09/2016 TO 30/09/2016 ______________________________________________________________

“In deciding a planning application the Planning Authority, in accordance with Section 34 (3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, has had regard to submissions and observations received in accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to 2011. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined in their applications�.

PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 26/09/2016 TO 30/09/2016 Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0120 GRANT PERMISSION 30-Sep-2016 Melissa O'Connor & Barry Farrell 34 Oakdown Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of existing single-storey side extension and the construction of a new two-storey hipped roof extension to side of dwelling, relocation of main front door entrance, new single-storey garage and entrance porch projection to front of dwelling, single-storey rear extension across width of house, new roof lights to rear, widening of existing vehicular entrance piers to 3.5m with new entrance gates and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name

D16A/0326 REFUSE PERMISSION 30-Sep-2016 John & Linda McCarthy

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Location Proposal

7 Mather Road South, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing house and domestic shed and to construct new dormer style house, together with associated site works and alterations to underground services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0422 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Ashveer Thulseepersad & Tracy Singleton Laurel Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14. Permission for sub-division of existing site, proposed construction of a new two storey dwelling house including new vehicular entrance in existing wall and all associated site works. The proposed development is within the curtilage of Enderly, Sweetmount Avenue, Dundrum, Dublin 14, which is a Protected Structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0432 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Carraighill Capital Ltd Eagle House, 5 Marine Road, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure RPS no. 707) Proposal Permission for: removal of original and non-original external steps to rear; removal of sections of non-original and original internal walls; removal of floor in rear return at first floor level; removal of 2 storey flat roofed return to rear on south-west side (9.5 sqm); removal of non-original wc fittings; enlargement of window openings to front at lower ground floor level and replacement of non-original windows; replacement of non-original entrance door to lower ground floor below stair; replacement of nonoriginal balustrade and finish to non-original front entrance steps; construction of new external stair to rear on south-west side; construction of new single storey extension to rear at lower ground floor level (38 sqm); construction of 2 new terraces to rear at upper ground floor level; forming of new ope in south-west side of rear return and construction of new canopy; forming of new door opening in gable of return at lower ground floor level; provision of 3 no. new roof lights to rear and replacement of 1 no. existing roof light; minor alterations to internal layout; replacement of non-original internal doors; reinstatement of the internal stairs from upper to lower ground floors; replacement of nonoriginal entrance gate to rear and widening of opening; provision of timber trellis to north-east boundary wall to rear; all associated ancillary, conservation, landscaping and site development works. A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0470 GRANT PERMISSION 29-Sep-2016 Fergal McGuinness & Niamh Murphy 10 De Vesci Terrace, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure in an Architectural Conservation Area) Permission for relocation of the kitchen from basement to ground floor level, formation of a new guest bedroom and study at basement level to replace the existing kitchen, formation of a revised bathroom/boiler room

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at basement level, including provision of a new external door and window to the proposed basement bathroom, provision of an external window the existing WC at ground floor level, alterations to the bathroom and WC layout at first floor half landing level, formation of a separate en-suite bathroom enclosure within the master bedroom, general renewal of building services, repairs to the existing windows and damp proofing works at basement level. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0566 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Anne and Nick Furlong 6, Castlepark Road, Sandycove, Co. Dublin Permission for single storey flat roof extension to rear of existing dwelling to have 2 no. roof lights in flat roof, relocation of windows to rear and side of dwelling, internal alterations to the layout of the existing dwelling. Widening of existing pedestrian entrance to create a vehicular entrance with sliding gate and all ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0567 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Emma Reily and Kieran Dunne 31, Friarsland Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of existing chimney, carport and garage, construction of single story extension to rear, single story extension to side, reduced window opening to front, new window/door openings and rooflights to sides, relocated driveway and vehicle entrance gate to street, new render finish to front and all associated drainage and landscape works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0568 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Michele Deely and Brian McDonald The Orchard, 7 Corrig Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission for the existing single storey flat roofed garage to the east side to be replaced with new two storey hipped roofed extension. Construction of new part single storey flat roofed extension with roof light and part two storey hipped roofed extension to replace existing single story flat roofed extension to the rear. Widening of existing vehicle gate to 3.4m . Some minor internal modifications, general repairs and all associated drainage, site works, demolitions and decoration. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0571 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2016 Dr Roger Owens 10, Rockville Drive, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for 1) demolition of existing single story ensuite, store and conservatory rooms to side and rear, 2) Construction of new

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single and two storey extensions to side and rear, 3)widening of existing vehicular entrance from 2.4 metres to 3 metres altogether with associated landscape and site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0572 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Bord of Governors St. Gerards School Trust St. Gerards School, Thornhill Road, Bray, Co. Dublin. Permission is sought for the erection of an aluminium and glass 'Geodesic Dome' structure 5.26m high on a concrete base, new extended footpath, all site and ancillary works at St Gerard's School ( a protected Structure) Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0573 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2016 Paul and Ciara Walsh 9, Ardagh Grove, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission for construction of a single storey extension to the rear with pitched roof, alterations to the elevations and internal layout, dormer window to the rear at attic level and all associated site development works including 4 no. velux windows to the rear extension, alterations to the existing vehicle access to the front of the existing dwelling and provision of 3.5 meters entrance and new gate pillars. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0574 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 27-Sep-2016 Xeon Dental Services T/A Smiles Dental Unit 3, Georges Street Upper, DĂşn Laoghaire Permission for: (i) Change of use from bank and ancillary offices to dental practice; (ii) modifications to internal layout on ground and first floor to include 5 no. dental surgery's decontamination room, x-ray room, stores/equipment room, waiting area, staff canteen, and toilets; (iii) signage and all associated site development works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0575 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2016 Peter Stewart & Lynda Elliott 2 Charlemont Terrace, Crofton Road, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Proposal Permission for removal of external concrete steps, parking area and planter at ground and basement levels, formation of new granite steps and retaining wall, together with bin storage enclosure, planter, railings and ancillary works at front. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 26-Sep-2016 Niall & Niamh Sorohan 34 Holywell, Upper Kilmacud Road, Dublin 14 Permission for a two storey extension to side and rear of existing two storey detached dwelling to include the demolition of single storey rear extension and conservatory; proposed roof lights to front; widening of existing vehicular access; internal modifications and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0577 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 26-Sep-2016 Martin & Maggie Stronge 13 Weirview Drive, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for alterations to existing two storey semi-detached house, to include as constructed single storey flat roofed extension to front and side of existing house, as constructed vehicular entrance widened to a width of 3470mm and all other associated ancillary site development works. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0578 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 26-Sep-2016 Sarne Lightman Ivy Cottage, Brookfield Terrace, Blackrock, Co Dublin Retention Permission for Change of Use to the front living room to a holistic treatment room of the existing dwelling, along with the associated site works. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0581 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 29-Sep-2016 Elizabeth Murphy Dalkey Lodge, Barnhill Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Permission for the erection of a 1.8m high fence, together with a planted hedge on either side to rear boundary and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0582 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 29-Sep-2016 Robert Patrick Glanville Derryclare, Ballycorus Road, Kilternan, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a new detached two storey dwelling house, new vehicular entrance from the Ballycorus Road, new waste treatment systems, percolation areas and associated site works. Application Type Perm on foot of Outline permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

REFUSE PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 30-Sep-2016 Elaine Dunne Da La Salle Palmerston Rugby Club, Kilternan, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of existing prefabricated structure for use as playschool. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0584 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 26-Sep-2016 John Campbell Woodview, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission for Retention of alterations to the permission granted under D14A/0619, including minor movement of dwelling on site, changes to fenestration and roof structure and the addition of plant room at lower ground floor. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0586 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 29-Sep-2016 Brightwalk Developments Ltd Site at Glebe Road, Glebe, Enniskerry Road, Kilternan, Co Dublin Permission for residential development of 38 no. houses as follows: Type A, 20 no. 2 storey 4-bedroom semi-detached with optional developed roof space; Type B, 2 no. 2 storey 4-bedroom detached with optional developed roof space; Type C, 12 no. 2 storey 3-bedroom semi-detached with optional developed roof space; Type D, 4 no. 2 storey 3-bedroom terraced and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0588 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30-Sep-2016 Remedy Care Limited Site of c.0.2ha located adjoining the Belmont residential development at Woodside, Stepaside, Co Dublin. Site is bounded to the south by Village Road, to the west by Belmont Drive and to the north and east by the Dun Gaoithe Reservoir site. Proposal Permission for a 3-5 storey over basement residential care facility (total gfa c.5,253 sqm) comprising of 85 no. bedrooms with ancillary resident and staff facilities. Car and bicycle parking plant and ancillary storage at basement level. All associated site development works, services provision, access, open space, boundary treatment and landscaping works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0589 GRANT PERMISSION & REFUSE PERMISSION 30-Sep-2016 Paul Kinch 2 Hyde Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for new part single and part two storey extension to the rear and side, new velux style roof lights to both sides of roof, new bay window to the front, new window to the side of ground floor living room,

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alterations to fenestration openings, new vehicular driveway in place of existing pedestrian access and associated works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0590 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Michelle Egan & Pat Kiersey Saint Itas, Holly Park Avenue, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure) Proposal Permission for internal alterations, restoration and refurbishment works including 2 no. roof lights to rear SE roof, the provision of 1 no. new window in place of existing door in SW elevation, the repair and restoration of existing windows where necessary, the provision of new electrical and mechanical services throughout and provision of new gully traps to existing RWP, french drains and a new soakway for surface water drainage. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0593 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30-Sep-2016 Ruth Richardson 3 Salamanca, Ardilea, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for alterations to an existing detached, single storey dwelling, including: 1. An attic conversion with revised roof pitch and increased ridge height. 2. The addition of dormer windows and roof lights to the front, side and rear. 3. The erection of a front entrance porch. 4. Facade revisions including revised glazing and external insulation. 5. The erection of a single storey extension to the rear. 6. Revised site entrance and associated landscaping and site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0694 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 28-Sep-2016 James and Katherine Ryan 23, Highfield Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for construction of a two stroey extension to side and rear and Retention Permission for existing widened vehicle entrance to front. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type

D16A/0695 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 29-Sep-2016 F Quinn 4 Cumberland Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission is sought for the change of use of existing two storey building from commercial/retail use to single unit residential use including a proposed extension at first floor (7.9 sq.m.), the refurbishment of part of the existing ground floor extension including the building up of walls and raising of the roof (44 sq.m.), the demolition of part of the existing single storey extension (14 sq.m.), vehicle access to the rear and ancillary works. Permission

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____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0698 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 29-Sep-2016 Board of Management Carysfort National School, Convent Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for change of plans pursuant on register reference D16A/0279 for four portakabins, date of order 13/06/16. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0701 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 29-Sep-2016 Conor & Fiona Clinch Heronford House, Heronford Lane, Rathmichael, Dublin 18 Permission for alteration and extension of existing dwelling house, to include demolition of 2 storey flat roofed extension and oiler house at rear and construction of 2 storey pitched roofed extension to the north western and northern side and small single storey extension to the southern side of the existing dwelling, together with alterations to windows in existing front porch, to driveway and entrance gates from right of way and construction of new drainage system, waste water treatment plant and polishing filter and associated works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0702 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 29-Sep-2016 Mr & Mrs Lee 94 Stillorgan Grove, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of as built development of house, included are the minor alterations to a pitched roof to side showing flat roof area at the top and minor adjustments to roof line and associated hidden gutters etc., widening of the vehicular entrance gate to include the provision of a pedestrian gateway to the side and associated gate piers and figured dimensions shown to enclosing side fences to front garden area as approved in planning permission PL06D.244714 D14B/0383/C2. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0705 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 29-Sep-2016 Edward Sheanon 5 Cloister Square, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of widening of vehicular access to accommodate two vehicles. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16B/0337 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 John and Ingrid Cleere 30, South Avenue, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin

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Permission for development at this site. The development will consist of the demolition of existing single storey side garage and the construction of single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling, construction of bay window extension to front and repositioning of front door with canopy over, lowering of front window cill, construction of a single storey extension to the rear, changing of glazing position on first floor to the rear with alteration of existing internal layout on both floors to accommodate the new floor layouts and all ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0338 GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2016 Michael Long 119, Barton Road East, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for a first floor side extension over the existing ground floor with front roof light and other associated modifications and site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0339 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 27-Sep-2016 Gerry & Hilda Flynn 31, The Palms, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 The development consists of (1) Retention of dormer window to rear elevation (2) Installation of 'velux' roof windows to front elevation Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0341 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Hari Gupta and Sarah Mangan 20, Weston Park, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for formation of attic rooms with dormer to rear, roof windows to hip (over stairs) and front and related internal alterations. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0342 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 27-Sep-2016 Tracey Grant 385 Pearse Street, Sallynoggin, Co Dublin Permission for extensions and alterations to consist of two storey extension to side of house, two storey and single storey extension at rear, bay window and new front entrance door at front of existing house and new pedestrian entrance to rear garden from public walkway. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16B/0343 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Eric Byrne 4 Rosary Terrace, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin

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Permission for single storey porch extension and associated site works to side of existing dwelling house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0344 GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2016 Eamonn Kenny Fearann, Claremont Road, Carrickmines, Dublin 18 Permission for a single storey side extension, raising roof to form enlarged first floor, remodelling internal layout, with associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0345 GRANT PERMISSION 30-Sep-2016 Alan McNab and Jennifer Martin Radharc, 5, Knock-na-cree Grove, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the construction of a roof terrace, with a glazed balustrade above an exempt development lower ground floor extension, to the rear of the existing dwelling house, accessed from the existing upper ground floor, together with all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0346 GRANT PERMISSION 30-Sep-2016 Maureen King 104, Rathsallagh Park, Shankill, Dublin 18 The development consist of extensions/alterations comprising demolition of existing single storey extension to side including boundary wall. Proposed two storey gable end extension to rear, all to side/rear of 104 Rathsallagh Park, Shankill. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

DZ16A/0570 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 27-Sep-2016 Hines Cherrywood Development Fund ICAV Lands (c.19.1 ha) in the townlands of Ticknick, Co Dublin and Laughanstown, Dublin 18 Permission for development within the Cherrywood Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) and subject to the Cherrywood Planning Scheme 2014. Permission for the construction of a Public Park known as Ticknick Park, consisting of: earthworks/reshaping of existing lands to provide areas of passive and active open space (Class 1 Amenity open space) with hard and soft landscaping, pavilion building, pedestrian paths (including stepped ramps), cycleways, access route, parking, boundary treatments and all associated site and development works all on a site extending to c.19.1 ha. The site is mostly within the Cherrywood Planning Scheme boundary (Development Area 2, Cherrywood), with c.2.3 ha outside the Planning Scheme boundary. The key elements of the Ticknick Park proposals include the following: A. Areas of passive and active amenity open space (Class 1) to include 4 no. grassed playing pitches (with ball stop netting), pedestrian paths and cycle ways. B. Greenway pedestrian route (stepped

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and ramped) from M50 over-bridge to access Ticknick Park pitches. C. Green access route (c.605 metres) from the existing Lehanunstown Lane/M50 vehicular over-bridge to Ticknick Park pitches. Part of this access route (c.283 metres) is outside the Planning Scheme boundary. D. Pavilion building (c.1,367 sqm gfa) with changing room facilities, toilets and associated ancillary requirements (ie sports hall, multi-purpose room) associated car park (with coach and motorcycle bays) and cycle parking stands. Provision for overflow parking is included. E. Park seating, signage (information and directional), wildflower/meadow areas, woodland spaces/copses, tree and hedgerow planting, boundary treatments. F. All associated site and development works, including surface water drainage proposals, on site waste water treatment system, utility and telecoms ducts (including ducts for the future undergrounding of overhead power lines) etc. The key elements of the proposed development outside the Cherrywood Planning Scheme boundary relate to c.283 metres of the green access route (noted above), landscaping and associated site and development works. Total area outside the Planning Scheme boundary is c.2.3 ha. Application Type Permission (SDZ) ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

DZ16A/0585 GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Transport Infrastructure Ireland Off Glenamuck Road, adjacent the Carrickmines roundabout and M50 interchange Carrickmines Dublin Proposal Permission for Retention (temporary for 3 years) is sought for a park and ride facility previously granted permission under Reg. Ref. D10A/0164. The development comprises an existing 350 space (including 12 disabled spaces) park and ride facility and access road off existing Carrickmines roundabout (Junction 15, M50). The development includes public lighting, fencing, drainage, landscaping, CCTV, bicycle stand and ticket vending machines. The development includes a bus drop-off facility and a 'kiss and ride' facility. The development also includes for a pedestrian access to the Carrickmines Luas Stop. The facility serves Luas Line B1 extension Sandyford - Cherrywood. Application Type Permission (SDZ) ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

DZ16A/0587 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 28-Sep-2016 O'Flynn Capital Partners Site of 2.79 ha approx. at Beech Park, Bray Road, Cabinteely, Dublin 18/Loughlinstown, Co Dublin Permission for residential scheme comprising the lands of 6 no. existing houses: Silver Slope (Bray Road, Dublin D18 Y6H7), El Dorado (Bray Road, Dublin D18 T9C6), Greenhills (Bray Road, Dublin D18 R9C0), Capard (Bray Road, Dublin D18 A2Y6), The Galliard (Bray Road, Dublin D18 H9E2) and Teely Lodge (Bray Road, Dublin D18 E0K1) and, for the purposes of providing drainage connections, part of the rear gardens of DĂşn Baoi (No. 4 Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin D18 TW75), Corrente (No. 5 Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin D18 W7K7), Lynwood (No. 6 Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin D18 A2R7), Foinavan (No. 7 Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin D18 FA55) and Woodbrook (No. 8 Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin D18 A5N5). The site includes some 0.78 ha, forming part of Development Area 5 (Druid's Glen) of the Cherrywood Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme (April 2014). The site is principally bounded by a fuel

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Application Type

filling station (Service Station, D18 AK58) to the north, the N11 to the east, Dún Baoi (No. 4 Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin D18 TW75) to the south and partly by the Cabinteely Stream and open space to the west. (The property identified as Woodhaven (Bray Road, Dublin D18 A6R9) located between Silver Slope and El Dorado, does not form part of this development). The development will consist of; the demolition of 6 no. residential units and ancillary structures and the construction of 34 no. residential units (comprising: 16 no. 3 storey, semi-detached, 4-bedroom houses (House Type A), 4 no. 2 storey, semi-detached, 4-bedroom houses (House Type A1), 6 no. 2 storey, semi-detached, 3-bedroom houses (House Types C & C2) and 8 no 2 storey, terraced, 3-bedroom houses (House Type C1)). The development will also consist of the construction of part of the Cherrywood SDZ Planning Scheme's Druid's Glen Road (also known as P to Q) from its connection with the western boundary of the subject site for a distance of approx. 160m to its connection to the N11 and all associated development and infrastructural works, including the part-provision of the Druid's Glen Road bridge, with two options proposed: (Option 1) up to 27.6m of the bridge comprising 1 no. complete abutment and 1 no. partial bridge pier, to the western boundary of the subject site (the 3-span Druid's Glen Road bridge will have an overall span of 46m approx., with 2 no. abutments and 2 no. piers, with the balance to be built as part of a subsequent permission yet to be secured on the lands to the west of the subject site) and (Option 2) up to 23.2m of the bridge comprising 1 no. partial abutment and 1 no. partial bridge pier, to the western boundary of the subject site (the 3-span Druid's Glen Road bridge will have an overall span of 41.8m, with 2 no. abutments and 2 no. piers, with the balance to be built as part of a subsequent permission yet to be secured on lands to the west of the subject site). Works providing for the connection of the Druid's Glen (P to Q) Road to the N11 are also included in the development proposal. The development will also include the construction of waste storage facilities, associated car parking spaces and bicycle parking spaces, respectively, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access and egress, provision of electric vehicle charging points, provision of boundary treatments including associated lighting, alterations to existing site services, changes in levels including associated retaining features, associated hard and soft landscaping including a playground and all other associated site excavation and infrastructural works above and below ground. Works to the N11 (external to the application site) to facilitate the construction of the junction with the Druid's Glen Road will be undertaken by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council in its capacity as Roads' Authority for the area. It is proposed not to operate the road infrastructure, the subject of this application, until such time as the Council has permitted and constructed that element of the works on the N11 to facilitate development of this complementary junction. Permission (SDZ)

______________________________________________________________ END OF PLANNING DECISIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 26/09/2016 TO 30/09/2016 ______________________________________________________________ APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 26/09/2016 TO 30/09/2016 Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

D16A/0180 18-Mar-2016 Albert House, Victoria Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission for development. The development consists of the construction of a 4-bed part 2-storey dwelling with new boundary and

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Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

associated site works. GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2016 Appeal against Condition(s)

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0283 26-Apr-2016 7, Larchfield Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14, D14 YW64 Permission is sought for, A: The construction of a new pitched roof porch to front elevation at ground floor level, B: A single storey extension to the rear of existing single storey element to side and rear elevation and associated velux roof lights C: A new pitched roof over existing single storey element to front and side elevation at ground floor and associated velux roof lights D: Conversion of attic, with associated dormer to rear and side E: Velux roof light to front elevation, F: new single storey pitched roof garden shed G: Raising of garden wall to 2 metres high, H: widening of existing vehicular access to 3.5 metres and I: All associated internal modifications, external works, services, drainage and landscaping required in conjunction with these works. GRANT PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Appeal against Condition(s)

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0303 05-May-2016 The Breakers, 68 Coliemore Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing single storey and part two storey extension (Gr Fl area 24.62sqm, 1st Fl area 8.89sqm) and erection of new part single storey and part two storey extension (Gr Fl area 38.94sqm, 1st Fl area 22.20sqm) including concealed roof terrace (area 10.44sqm), all to existing single storey semi-detached house (Total area increased from 82.87sqm to 109.81sqm). The works also involve alteration of vehicular entrance and front garden layout. GRANT PERMISSION & REFUSE PERMISSION 29-Sep-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

D16A/0307 05-May-2016 Coach Houses Site, Seapoint Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a two storey over basement house with access by means of a right of way through the Protected Structure, Osborne House, including: 1. A glazed octagonal room at first floor level with real windows on 3 sides and fake windows on 5 sides. 2. The inclusion of one part of the existing coach houses for use as a basement bathroom with a roof terrace over. 3. Repairs to maintain the structural integrity of existing coach houses. 4. Alterations to the existing driveway of the protected structure, Osborne House, to connect the existing driveway to the site and associated works. All at the coach houses site with driveway works in the curtilage of the protected structure, Osborne

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Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

House, Seapoint Avenue. GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0503 07-Jul-2016 at site (0.117 hec) at junction of Adelaide Road and Eden Road Lower, Glasthule, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for development including; Demolition of existing buildings (previous school including an unoccupied caretaker's flat). Construction of 4 no. semi-detached dwellings including, 3 no. A type (5 bed= 202 sq.m) with associated vehicular entrances off Adelaide Road 1 no. A1 type (5 Bed= 212.5 sq.m) with associated vehicular entrance off Eden Road Lower, and all associated site works including new boundary treatments, gates and connection of public foul and surface water sewers. REFUSE PERMISSION 26-Sep-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal


____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0506 11-Jul-2016 The Lodge, Carric Golligan, Quarry Road, Shankill, Dublin 18 Permission following refusal of previous application ref. no. D16A/0023, for a new two-storey dwelling house on lands, consisting of ground floor accommodation including kitchen, living and dining rooms, utility and wc, master bedroom and ensuite bathroom, and first floor accommodation including hallway, bathroom and four bedrooms, total internal floor area amounting to 255 sq.m. The house will be situated entirely within the curtilage of the existing Lodge, contained within the garden enclosures of existing mature hedges, with external finishes of brick and slate to match existing, and associated landscaping to enclosed garden areas. The existing vehicle entrance off Quarry Road is to be shared between the Lodge, which is used as an artist's studio, and the proposed new house. No levelling of the slope or felling of mature trees is envisaged. Wastewater is proposed to be dealt with via properitary effluent treatment unit an d tertiary sand filter to a percolation area in the existing mature woodland. This application contains further information on the architectural provenance of the Cuffe House and Lodge not included with the previous application, which was refused on the grounds of failure to demonstrate a local need for housing. REFUSE PERMISSION 28-Sep-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

D16A/0512 13-Jul-2016 18, Highfield Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for alterations to existing semi-detached dwelling consisting of demolition of existing garage annex of 33m2 and extensions

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Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

at ground floor to front, side and rear (new area of 46m2) and new dormer level within existing roof line with three bedrooms (new area of 77.8m2) with overall new extension area of 123.8m2, revised off-street parking access and all ancillary works. GRANT PERMISSION 28-Sep-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development: Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16B/0128 01-Apr-2016 32, Whitebeam Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the rear, internal alterations and associated site works, services and landscaping. GRANT PERMISSION 27-Sep-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

______________________________________________________________ END OF APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 26/09/2016 TO 30/09/2016 ______________________________________________________________ APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 19/09/2016 TO 23/09/2016 Reg. Ref. Appeal Decision Appeal Decided Council’s Decision Location Proposed Development

D15A/0604 GRANT PERMISSION 21-Sep-2016 GRANT PERMISSION Oldtown House, Kilgobbin Road, Dublin 18 (A Protected Structure) Permission for: A. Demolition of existing single storey domestic garage/store and part of the existing boundary wall to Kilgobbin Road. B. Construction of new single storey guest wing extension to side of the existing two storey house and rebuilding of part of the existing boundary wall to Kilgobbin Road. C. Creation of new vehicular entrance to Oldtown House from Kilgobbin Road. A protected structure. Applicant Tony & Maureen Walsh ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D15A/0807 Appeal Decision GRANT PERMISSION Appeal Decided 21-Sep-2016 Council’s Decision GRANT PERMISSION Location Four Winds, Brighton Road and Claremont Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Proposed Permission for development at this site. The development will consist of: Development Demolition of Four Winds house and associated structures on the site: Construction of a three storey over basement Nursing Home to accommodate 121 bedrooms and ancillary resident and staff facilities: Relocation of the vehicular entrance on Brighton Road to provide the principle vehicular and pedestrian access: Modification of the vehicular access on Claremont Road to provide service and pedestrian access: Construction of substation and stores building adjacent to service access: All associated site works, car and cycle parking, landscaping and boundary treatments. Applicant FWNH Limited

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________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D15A/0843 Appeal Decision GRANT PERMISSION Appeal Decided 23-Sep-2016 Council’s Decision GRANT PERMISSION Location Cluny Manor, Avondale Road, Killiney, Glenageary, Co Dublin Proposed Permission for the construction of a detached, four bedroom, two storey Development dwelling with habitable attic space to the south of permitted dwelling No. 7, including associated site works. The application site is located within the grounds of St Joseph of Cluny school and Convent (a Protected Structure). Applicant Order of St Joseph of Cluny ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D16A/0150 Appeal Decision GRANT PERMISSION Appeal Decided 21-Sep-2016 Council’s Decision GRANT PERMISSION Location Gleesons of Booterstown, 44, Booterstown Avenue, Booterstown, Co. Dublin Proposed Permission is sought for change of use of existing first floor residential Development area to guest house facilities providing 10 guest rooms with associated ensuites and for first floor extension over existing restaurant portion to create 6 new guest rooms and for the provision of a new lift and stairs and reception to rear of existing public house. Applicant Spirit Level Ltd ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D16A/0221 Appeal Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Appeal Decided 19-Sep-2016 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION FOR RETENTION Location 1, Wilson Crescent, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin Proposed Permission is sought for retention of a family flat ancillary to house Development omitting the link corridor conditioned in Permission Reg Ref: D14B/0299. Applicant Teresa Garvey ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D16A/0401 Appeal Decision WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION ON APPEAL Appeal Decided 20-Sep-2016 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Location Little Wheatfield, Barnaslingan Lane, Kilternan, Dublin 18 Proposed Permission is sought for development of detached single storey dwelling, Development installation of waste water treatment system formation of vehicular access and associated site works. Applicant Caoimhe Dolan and Paul Kennedy

______________________________________________________________ END OF APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 39 2016 DATED 19/09/2016 TO 23/09/2016 ______________________________________________________________

END OF WEEKLY LIST FOR WEEK 39 2016 Please note that pursuant to Part 4 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as Amended) the following revised list of newspapers approved to carry Planning Application Notices for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has been approved as and from the 03rd June, 2013:  

The Irish Times The Irish Examiner Page 26 of 27

            

The Irish Independent The Evening Herald The Irish Star The Sunday Independent The Sunday World Irish Mail on Sunday Irish Daily Mail The Sunday Times The Irish Sun Dundrum Gazette (for developments in the area of circulation Dublin 14, 16 and 18). Southside People Sunday Business Post The Dun Laoghaire Gazette (Dun Laoghaire Electoral Area only)

Applications for Planning Permission must also apply for a Certificate of Exemption (or have been granted one previously) if they propose to build one or more dwelling units (regardless of the total site area). RE:-APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 97 OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, AS AMENDED:- THE STATUTORY DECLARATION TEMPLATE PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION IS INTENDED FOR USE AS A GUIDELINE ONLY. When preparing the declaration for submission with the application, item nos. 1 to 9 must be answered/completed by the applicant, (bearing in mind that individual circumstances differ/vary for each applicant). The completed declaration should then be signed by a commissioner for oaths or a practicing solicitor. Please note that in accordance with Section 251 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, (as Amended): “where calculating any appropriate period or other time limit referred to in this Act or in any regulations made under this Act, the period between the 24th December, and the 1st January, both days inclusive shall be disregarded”. Accordingly, all time limits specified in connection with the planning application process, including time limits relating to the maintenance of site notices and receipt of submissions or observations are extended by nine days.

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