Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Planning Weekly List No. 40 (2018)

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County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland Halla an Chontae, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Átha Cliath, Éire Tel: 01 205 4700 Fax: 01 280 3122 Web: www.dlrcoco.ie


CONTENTS:    

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Planning Applications Received Decisions Made Appeals Notified by An Bord Pleanála Appeal Decisions made by An Bord Pleanála

FOR WEEK ENDING: 5th October 2018

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“Applications for permission under Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions list for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.”

PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 40 2018 DATED 01/10/2018 TO 05/10/2018 Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D13A/0673/E Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Orlagh Hunt Middle Abbeylands, Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin Permission for works, including the demolition of the non-original single storey extensions to the rear (north), construction of new 82 m2 single storey extension to rear (north), construction of a new 7.5 m2 bathroom extension at fist floor level over the existing return; repair of existing natural slate roof and chimneys; repair of soffits and eaves and door canopy; new cast iron rain water gutters and downpipes; new roof glazing and double glazed front screen to gym area (south); reinstatement of window ope in shower room at ground level return; local repairs to external render; new solar panels to south elevation of inner valley; internal works including removal of non-original partitions, fittings and fixtures, removal of asbestos material; removal of non-original lower ground floor concrete slab and replacement with new concrete floor slab at original level; alteration of internal opes at each level; repair and upgrade of all sliding sash windows including the replacement of all non-original glass with slimlite double glazing; replacement of non-original windows; repair of existing plasterwork and joinery; renewal of mechanical and electrical services, re-grading and terracing of front and rear gardens; removal of existing rear driveway and reinstatement of seeded lawn; relocation of existing garden shed and oil tank in rear garden; relocation of existing front entrance on private driveway; new front entrance gate and associated works. A Protected Structure.

Application Type Extension Of Duration Of Permission Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0268 Application Rec’d Date: 27-Mar-2018 Vitalii Suba Lands adjoining Ely House, (Eastern side), Nutgrove Avenue, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for demolition of existing sheds (137 sqm) and erection of a new single storey (250 sqm) workshop building. Permission Additional Information: 05-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location

D18A/0654 Application Rec’d Date: 06-Jul-2018 Yuhai Liang & Yuping Cao 133 Oliver Plunkett Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin A96 K2R9

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Permission and Retention Permission for: 1. Retention of alterations to the existing first floor consisting of a 2-bed apartment and an office for the existing ground floor shop with access to the attic level in lieu of approved crèche Reg. Ref. D10A/0271 and the conversion of the attic level into a storage area for the existing ground floor. 2. Permission for internal modifications to reconfigure the existing first floor and attic level to provide a 3 bed apartment including dormer extension to the rear elevation (south) in lieu of the existing first floor 2-bed apartment and office and attic level storage area and all development work. Permission Additional Information Rec'd (New Adds): 05-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0678 Application Rec’d Date: 16-Jul-2018 Kouchin Properties Ltd Unit G2 Pottery Road Business Park, Dún Laoghaire Industrial Estate, Pottery Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Retention and completion of Change of Use from offices to Day Care Centre and revisions to the layout and all associated site works. Permission Additional Information: 01-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0681 Application Rec’d Date: 16-Jul-2018 Kouchin Properties Ltd Unit G5 Pottery Road Business Park, Dún Laoghaire Industrial Estate, Pottery Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Retention and completion of Change of Use from offices to Day Care Centre and revisions to the layout and all associated site works. Permission Additional Information: 01-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0682 Application Rec’d Date: 16-Jul-2018 Kouchin Properties Ltd Units F10-F11 Pottery Road Business Park, Dún Laoghaire Industrial Estate, Pottery Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Retention and completion of Change of Use from offices to Day Care Centre and revisions to the layout and all associated site works. Permission Additional Information: 01-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0707 Application Rec’d Date: 20-Jul-2018 South County Property Investment Holdings Ltd Two South County, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 Permission for development at site Phase 2 of the previously permitted South County Gateway office development now known as Two South County. The development will consist of amendments to Phase 2 (Two South County) of the previously

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permitted development (Reg. Ref. D15A/0695) comprising revisions to the stair and lift core arrangement and the reconfiguration of façade glazing on the eastern elevations, with related increases in gross floor area to the central ridge and eastern façade perimeter at first, second, third and fourth floors, including the additional circulation, office space and other ancillary floor space (131 sqm), the provision of additional Plant area at roof level and substation plant at ground level along the eastern site boundary (64 sqm). Permission Additional Information: 01-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0708 Application Rec’d Date: 20-Jul-2018 Paul Smith 73 Roebuck Castle, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission to Retain the following alterations to previous approved planning ref: D18A/0033. 1. Retain minor dimensional changes to overall length and width of as constructed two storey extension. 2. Retain as constructed hipped roof instead of approved gabled roof to rear. 3. Retain position of pedestrian access to side boundary. Planning permission is also being sought to retain and complete additional fully serviced single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling and all associated works. Permission Additional Information: 01-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0721 Application Rec’d Date: 25-Jul-2018 Rosaleen Bishop and Siobhan O'Dwyer 3, Brighton Terrace, Monkstown, Co. Dublin (a protected structure RPS Ref 547) Permission is sought for development. The development will consist of the conversion from multi unit accommodation to a single family dwelling with ancillary granny flat at lower ground floor level, and associated alteration internally and externally including the following: (i) the removal of the non original single storey structure to the rear, (2sqm) (ii) the removal of partitions, doors, secondary stair, floor coverings, toilets and kitchens, (iii) internal and external alterations including widened opes/doors to the rear and side at all levels, new window opening to the side at first floor, new balconies to the front at ground and first floor, new landing to the rear at ground floor to provide access to the garden level via an external stairs, (iv) the replacement of the kitchen, bathrooms, sanitary fittings and associated plumbing installations, (v) General refurbishment of the existing house (338sqm) including essential repairs as required to the floors, walls, windows, facades and roof, (vi) Associated conservation works, site works and ancillary works.A protected structure.

Application Type Permission Further Information/ Additional Information: 04-Oct-2018 Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


Application Rec’d Date: 26-Jul-2018

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Applicant Name Location Proposal

Joe Keveny 8, Willowfield Park, Goatstown, Co. Dublin Permission for development at First Floor. The development will comprise of the change of use from office to residential use at first floor level. Permission Additional Information: 02-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0749 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Aug-2018 Pauline McCarthy 39 Ferncarrig Rise, Kilgobbin Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for the widening of existing vehicular entrance, the construction of a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling house and all associated site works (including glazed roof lights). Permission Additional Information: 04-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0760 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Aug-2018 Nan Zhang & Jinghang Liu 13 Kilcross Square, Simons Ridge, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for single storey, self-contained unit, lined internally with the main house, to the side of existing house with mezzanine floor. Permission Additional Information: 02-Oct-2018

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0917 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Mary and Malachy Murphy 90, Goatstown Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Permission for development consisting of one no. detached two storey / two bedroom house to the rear of the existing house, as well as associated landscape and site development works. Vehicular access to the site will be via the widened existing entrance that will form a shared entrance to both houses. It is proposed to demolish the existing single storey garage to the side of the existing house to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access to the new house. The existing and new house will be served by two dedicated car parking spaces each. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/

D18A/0925 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Mairead Smith 13 Wilson Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for internal and external alterations (incl. removal of chimneys, new roof lights, proposed attic conversion as store) and to construct single storey rear and side extension and to widen existing rear vehicular entrance. Permission

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Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0926 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Colm & Anna Marie Costello Glenard, 13 The Rise, Mount Merrion, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of existing single storey part two storey flat roofed extension to rear, garden store/boiler house to rear garden of existing semi-detached 2 storey dwelling, the subsequent construction of a new two storey part single storey extension to rear, internal alterations to include new staircase and conversion of existing attic space to provide habitable accommodation with new dormer and velux roof lights to rear and side of existing roof, replacement/modification of existing windows and doors including new single storey bay window and porch to front elevation, widening of existing vehicular entrance to 3.5m, new drainage works and all associated landscaping to front and rear gardens. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0927 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Paul Flood 47/48 Cross Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Change of Use of existing commercial retail unit to 2 no. Townhouses with ancillary external elevational treatment works and all associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0928 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Dundrum Retail LP Site of 0.2344ha at 1-5 Ashgrove Terrace and lands to the rear (known as Pembroke Square), Dundrum Town Centre, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission for revisions to development previously permitted under D18A/0140 relating to the permitted basement space (permitted as leisure/entertainment/amusement facility) comprising reduction of the basement from 681 sqm to 190 sqm with reduced floor to ceiling height (from 5m to 3m) and for the space to be used for storage and ancillary accommodation only with access from Level B-1 car park. Minor revisions to the permitted scheme are proposed to subsume the internal vertical circulation area into Unit 02 (now 340 sqm, was 324 sqm) and to remove the associated stairs and new lift/stair core to the outdoor space and all associated site and development works. No change is proposed in respect of the development permitted to Ashgrove Terrace and 2 storey extension accommodating Unit 01. Ashgrove Terrace with within a candidate Architectural Conservation Area. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018

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Applicant Name Location Proposal

Bartra Property Ltd 'Younder', Ulverton Road and, 'Maple Tree House', Bulloch Harbour, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission for development at a site of c. 0.6ha comprising the former residences. The development will consist of demolition of the existing 2 storey dwelling 'Maple Tree House' (c.289 sqm) and redevelopment of the overall site to provide a total of 26 no. residential units, comprising 19 no. apartments (4no. 1-beds, 14 no. 2-beds, and 1 no 3-bed ranging in size from c. 67.3 sqm to c.156.3 sqm) within 3 no. 2 to 4 storey blocks, and 7 no. 2-3 storey houses (ranging in size from c. 110 sqm to c. 170 sqm) comprising 2. no. 2-bed, semi-detached houses and 5 no. 3-bed, terraced houses. ESB substation (c. 12 sqm). All associated site development works, services provision, car parking, cycle parking, bin stores, open space, landscaping and boundary treatment works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0930 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Declan Bourke 35, Sandycove Road, Sandycove, Co. Dublin Permission for refurbishment of existing sub-divided house into a single dwelling unit, demolition of a significantly-altered 3 storey rear return and out buildings, construction of a new 3-storey rear return and minor external alterations to front and rear and all associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0931 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Bank of Ireland 51 Castle Street, Dalkey, Co Dublin A96 T273 Permission for 1 no. wall mounted illuminated shopfront sign, 1 no. projecting wall mounted sign, 2 no. internal window poster displays, 1 no. new ATM with surrounding panel to the north elevation and 1 no. wall mounted illuminated shopfront sign to the west elevation. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

D18A/0932 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Nightline Logistics Group Spar, 1 & 3 Rockville Road, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of development for an in situ 'Parcel Motel' structure. This structure is currently in use for delivery and collection of parcels and packets on the site and will continue to be used for this purpose. Permission for Retention

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____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0933 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Nightline Logistics Group Maxol Service Station, Sandyford Road, Sandyford, Dublin D16 YY86 Permission for Retention of development for an in situ 'Parcel Motel' structure. This structure is currently in use for delivery and collection of parcels and packets on the site and will continue to be used for this purpose. The 'Parcel Motel' is located at the Service Station. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0934 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Nightline Logistics Group Applegreen Service Station, Mount Merrion, Stillorgan Road, C. Dublin A94 A281 Permission for Retention of development for an in situ 'Parcel Motel' structure. This structure is currently in use for delivery and collection of parcels and packets on the site and will continue to be used for this purpose. The 'Parcel Motel' is located at the Service Station. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0935 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Nightline Logistics Group Bizquip, Unit 8 Burton Hall Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin D18 K5Y9 Permission for Retention of development for an in situ 'Parcel Motel' structure. This structure is currently in use for delivery and collection of parcels and packets on the site and will continue to be used for this purpose. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0936 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Charles Chawke The Goat Public House (eircode D14 PY56) & Paddy Powers (eircode D14 X348) complex at the junction of Lower Kilmacud Road and Taney Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Permission for Retention of a recently refused Planning Reg. Ref. D17A/0614 Black and Gold painted sign on a portion of the boundary wall at Taney Road, Condition Number 2, measuring approx. 1.83m x 4.20m. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018

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Applicant Name Location Proposal

Orla McDonnell Lands to rear of Garryhoe, Sydenham Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for amendments to the existing permission no. PL06D.240116 to include minor revisions to ground and first floor plans resulting in an increase of floor area from 260 sqm to 365 sqm, elevational changes, revised drainage arrangement and all ancillary works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0938 Application Rec’d Date: 03-Oct-2018 V Gurdis Unit 2 Block B (Ground Floor), Adelphi Centre, Upper Georges Street/Corrig Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Change of Use from approved Retail use (Class 1) to proposed Professional Services (Class 2). Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0939 Application Rec’d Date: 03-Oct-2018 Galileo Properties Ltd Unit 1 Block B (Ground Floor), Adelphi Centre, Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for Change of Use from approved Retail use (Class 1) to proposed Professional Services use (Class 2). Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0940 Application Rec’d Date: 03-Oct-2018 Goodrock Project Management Ltd Site to South-East of Glenamuck Road South, Kilternan, Dublin 18 Permission for a Phase 2B residential development. The site is located to the South-East of Phase 1 residential development permitted under Reg. Ref. D17A/0793 at Rockville House, Glenamuck Road South, which is currently under construction. The Phase 2B proposal relates to the construction of a four storey apartment block comprising of 57 no. residential units including 10 no. 1 beds, 41 no. 2 beds and 6 no. 3 beds. The apartment block includes a gym facility with a GFA of 50 sqm at ground floor level and private communal and public open space. The proposal includes a homezone access and parking area containing 72 no. surface parking spaces, cycle parking spaces, including bike stores and bin stores. The proposal includes all associated site works, including internal access roads, cycleways and footpaths, drainage, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment. The proposed development will connect to the infrastructure and services in the permitted Phase 1 residential development to the North-West and provide for future connections to other adjoining lands. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0941 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Victor Hrymak 18 Cherry Garth, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for two dormer extensions of 5.2 sqm and 4 sqm to each side, single storey extension of 20.4 sqm to rear and the widening of an existing vehicular entrance to the front of an existing detached dormer bungalow and associated minor elevational alterations and site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0942 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Michael McShane 8 Railway Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin A96 D3K2 Permission for a change in the existing signage to the fascia and the installation of internal window display units. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0943 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 June & Gerry Keaney 19 Flemingstown Park, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for amendments to previously granted planning permission Ref. D17A/0306. Amendments include the relocation of a single storey plant room, the omission of a garden storage room and the addition of a 22.5 sqm single storey hobby room, all located along the eastern boundary of the site. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0944 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Caimin & Mary Dolphin Coach House Mews, Rocks Yard Lane, Sandycove, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for modifications and alterations to the existing dwelling elevations and the construction of a new single storey store to the front and new 2 storey extension to the rear, with the demolition of existing rear sunroom, including all associated works both above and below ground. Works to the front elevation include the demolition and construction of a new façade. Works to the side elevation include the introduction of a low level window to the dining room, a high level window to the kitchen and a high level window to the first floor bedroom. Works to the rear elevation include modifications to the rear roof slope and the replacement of roof lights with vertical windows in association with the construction of a new 2 storey extension. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018

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Applicant Name Location Proposal

George Davis Sallynoggin Inn, 47A Sallynoggin Road, Sallynoggin, Dun laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for single storey Security Control Point with a height not exceeding 3m and a floor area of 40.7 sqm. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0946 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 James O'Reilly 100 Roebuck Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin D14 E0F2 Permission for the demolition of the single storey garage and two storey return to the side of the existing two storey sei-detached dwelling. Demolition of the shed to the rear. The construction of a new two storey extension to the front, side and rear with first floor Juliet balcony to the rear. A new single storey extension to the rear with roof light. New entrance canopy to the front and new render finish to all façades. Conversion and enlargement of the attic space with dormer window to the rear with roof lights to the front, side and rear. Alteration to the first floor rear window opening. Enlargement of the vehicular entrance gate, with new pillar off Roebuck Road. Landscaping and associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0947 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Tigerlight Limited Site of c.0.0125 ha (c.125 sqm) at Weavers Hall, Plunkett Avenue, Dublin D18 A3C2 Permission for the Retention of a steel fence along a portion of the north-eastern boundary of the site, measuring 1.8m in height and 92m in length. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0948 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 John & Brenda O'Sullivan Site at 7 Heidelberg, Ardilea, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for: 1. Demolition of existing detached single storey plus dormer level dwelling house. 2. Construction of replacement detached single storey plus dormer level dwelling house with dormer windows to both front and rear elevations. 3. All ancillary site development works, boundary treatment works and services. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0949 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Steven Van den Bergh 35-37 Farmhill Drive, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Permission for Change of Use and sub-division of the existing dwelling back to the original 2 no. dwellings, including the

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demolition of the existing single storey extensions and the following alterations to each proposed dwelling: 1. Remove roof, increase wall height and build dormer first floor with dormer roof lights to front and rear, roof lights to sides. 2. Construct single storey extension to rear and sides. 3. Front door to front with associated alterations, including remove front bay window. 4. Alteration of window and door openings to side. 5. Block-up existing vehicular entrance and make 2 no. vehicular entrances (one for each dwelling). 6. boundary wall and associated alterations. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0950 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Oct-2018 Regina McCarthy & Allan McCarthy 75, Clonkeen Drive, Foxrock, Dublin D18 P0E1 Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the rear in conjunction with alterations to the front of the existing property. The alterations to the front will include a new roof above the previously converted garage, the application of external insulation to the side which will have a rendered finish and also the widening of the existing vehicular access off Clonkeen Drive. The proposal will also involve internal alterations to the existing house. The single storey extension to the rear will accommodate an extension of the existing kitchen and dining space. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0951 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Oct-2018 Eric Basal & Julie Lambert 39 Rathmore Avenue, Kilmacud, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of the single storey garage to the side of the existing semi-detached, dormer bungalow. Part demolition of the single storey kitchen and first floor dormer to the rear. Removal of the first floor dormer to the front. Removal of garden shed to the rear garden. The construction of a new two storey extension to the side and rear with roof light to the rear. New single storey extension with roof light to the rear. Two new dormer windows to the front. Relocation of the main entrance from the side to the front façade. Alteration to the window opening on the ground floor, front façade. Construction of a single storey, detached garden room and store, located close to the western boundary in the rear garden, for ancillary use of the main dwelling. Landscaping and ancillary site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0953 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Oct-2018 Ecotec Construction Limited Site of c.0.48 ha at Gowrie House (a Protected Structure), 34 Glenageary Road Upper, Glenageary, Co Dublin A96 Y3F9 Permission for residential development for the construction of 8 no. residential units (c.1,483.7 sqm total GFA) on lands adjacent

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to Gowrie House (a Protected Structure) consisting of 6 no. 3 bed townhouses (3 storeys) and 2 no. 2 bed mews houses (2 storeys), ranging in size from c.138.8-209.4 sqm and all with associated car parking and private rear garden areas. The development shall provide for 2 no. vehicular access points at Glenageary Road Upper (1 existing access point and 1 new access point), all boundary treatment and landscaping works, site services and all associated site development works. There are no works proposed to Gowrie House as part of this application and the development of this property will remain as permitted under Reg. Ref. D15A/0156 & ABP Ref. PL06D.245864. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0423 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Jason McGrane 166 Corbawn Wood, Shankill, Co Dublin Permission for a single storey ground floor front extension with flat roof over for extended porch and living room. A two storey side extension with pitched roof over for additional bedrooms. A single storey rear extension with flat roof over for extended kitchen room. An attic conversion for additional bedroom space. A dormer roof extension to the rear. A raised ridge height to existing roof profile. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0424 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Kevin McCarthy 5 Cabinteely Drive, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for a single storey ground floor front extension with flat roof over for extended porch and living room. An attic conversion for additional bedroom space. A dormer roof extension to the rear. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0425 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Yvonne Leonard 49 Carysfort Downs, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention of the omission of two number roof lights to the rear elevation and the addition of 2 number roof lights to the front elevation. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0426 Application Rec’d Date: 01-Oct-2018 Michelle and Denis Conroy 23, Wynberg Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission for development consisting of 1) The demolition of existing garage, first floor bedroom and chimney stack to left hand

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side of existing house. 2) The construction of a 2-storey extension in its place with ground floor utility and first floor bedroom, bathroom and canopy to front. 3) Ground floor single storey extension to rear of existing kitchen. 4) Conversion of attic space to non-habitable storage area with 2no. rooflights to both front and rear of main roof. 5) Construction of shed to rear for storage. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0427 Application Rec’d Date: 02-Oct-2018 Tiernan McCarthy & Deirdre McCarthy Lismoyle, 62 Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for an entrance porch and first floor extension (to the rear of the property) forming a bedroom, with associated internal alterations at first floor. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0428 Application Rec’d Date: 03-Oct-2018 Darragh & Tara Fallon 25 Sandyford Hall Crescent, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Permission for a single storey rear extension and a first floor rear/side extension. The proposal consists of a split level mono pitched/flat roof to rear with canopy on the single storey extension with roof lights and a two storey extension with flat roof to the rear side. A front porch with pitched roof to match existing, internal demolition and alterations to accommodate new design layout at ground floor and first floor level with minor alterations to fenestration. Connection to existing County Council soil and surface water and all associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0429 Application Rec’d Date: 03-Oct-2018 John & Linda Collins Brandywyne House, Rathmichael Haven, Ferndale Road, Rathmichael, Dublin 18 Permission for modifications to the approved planning permission D17B/0380 to include the addition of a single storey play room extension to the north aspect of the existing house, along with all associated and ancillary site development works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0430 Application Rec’d Date: 03-Oct-2018 Mr & Mrs Green 34 The Avenue, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for Retention of existing 28.3 sqm one storey extension located to the rear of existing house and for the Retention of a velux roof light to the rear plus dormer window to the side of existing hipped roof containing connecting staircase.

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Application Type Permission for Retention Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0431 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Deirdre Toner 2 Windsor Park, Monkstown, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing entrance porch (1 sqm) to the front entrance of the existing house and construction of a new entrance porch (5.6 sqm) comprising a new door, side glazing and a zinc flat roof and installing new render finish to the front elevation. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0432 Application Rec’d Date: 04-Oct-2018 Marcus Hunt & Claire Cantrell 13 Eden Terrace, Glasthule, Co Dublin A96 CD35 Permission for a new ground floor rear extension with roof light and associated alteration and demolition works, with first floor alteration, demolition works and extension to the rear. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0433 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Oct-2018 Phoebe & Charlie Nolan 69 Saint Helen's Road, Booterstown, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94 CY59 Permission for a 2 storey extension to the font, side and rear, incorporating alterations to elevations, adjustments to roof and all associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTE RE: PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR PROTECTED STRUCTURES

13 sets of all documents / drawings must be submitted by applicants, to the Planning Authority when lodging a planning application for proposed works to:- (i) a protected structure, (ii) within the curtilage of a protected structure or (iii) within an Architectural Conservation area (ACA).

END OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 40 2018 DATED 01/10/2018 TO 05/10/2018 _____________________________________________________________ “In deciding a planning application the Planning Authority, in accordance with Section 34 (3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, has had regard to submissions and observations received in accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to 2011. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do

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so legitimately under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined in their applications�.

PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 40 2018 DATED 01/10/2018 TO 05/10/2018 Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0281 GRANT PERMISSION 04-Oct-2018 Mr & Mrs G Grady Arcadia, Ferndale Glen, Rathmichael, Co Dublin Permission for two-storey storage extension with pitched roof to side of existing two-storey garage and store. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0384 CLARIFICATION OF FURTHER INFORMATION 03-Oct-2018 Richard and Carol Cullen Lismore, Knocknacree Grove, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for works to a protected structure to consist of the demolition of the existing single storey pitched roof extension to the side and rear of the existing 3 storey pitched roof dwelling and the demolition of the detached flat roof garage and the replacement with a new single storey flat roof extension to the rear and new detached flat roof garage/carport. Within the existing house, development consist of: 1. general internal refurbishment and modifications to include the removal of internal partitions and reconfiguration of existing rooms and conservation of existing features, 2. provision of 3no. rooflights within the main roof, 3. fenestration revisions at ground floor and 2no. new window openings at first floor level on the Southern elevation, 4. 2no. new window openings at first and second floor level on the Western elevation, 5. All ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D18A/0387 GRANT PERMISSION 04-Oct-2018 The Board of Management site of c.1.7 hectares at Jesus and Mary College, Our Lady's Grove, Goatstown Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14, D14 AK75 Proposal Permission for development of its sports grounds. The development will consist fo the construction of: asynthetic all-weather pitch on an east-west axis; 3 metres high boundary fencings; 58m access road (for maintenance/emergency); changes to levels; hard and soft landscaping works; diversion of services; associated site excavation; infrastrctural and all other site development works abvove and below ground. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0420 GRANT PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Aidan Farrell & Susannah McAleese 26 Glenvar Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for new single storey and two storey extension to rear and

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sides involving removal of most of existing side walls, a chimney and parts of existing rear wall, alterations to front including provision of ground floor bay window with pitched roof, provision of velux roof lights and solar panels and a new chimney, interior alterations and associated landscape works including widening of front gates. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D18A/0566 GRANT PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Goodrock Project Management Limited Lands south of Rockville House, Glenamuck Road South, Kiltiernan, Dublin 18 Proposal Permission for residential development. The proposal consists of the construction of 6 no 4 bed dwellings on a site south of Rockville House.The proposal is a small addition to the residential development permitted under Reg. Ref.: D17A/0793 for 49no. Units (37 no. dwellings and 12 no. apartments) and will be accessed from the permitted local road within the adjoining the residential development to the north. The proposed residential units are as follows: 3 no. House Type D1 - 2.5 storey 4 no. bed semi-detached dwelling (c.163.5sq.m) House Type D2 - 2.5 storey 4 no. bed terraced dwelling (c.146.2sq.m) House Type D3 - 2.5 storey 4 no. bed terraced dwelling (c.137.7sq.m) House Type D4 - 2.5 storey 4 no. bed semi-detached dwelling (c.137.7sq.m). Each residential unit is provided with 2 no. curtilage car parking spaces and private gardens which ranged from c.75-84 sq.m. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0601 GRANT PERMISSION 01-Oct-2018 Matthew Flanagan and Caoilfhionn Clarke 25, O'Donnell Gardens, Glasthule, Co. Dublin Permission being sought for development. The development will consist of the following; Ground and first floor extension to the side and rear of existing house including demolition of rear kitchen, relocation of existing front vehicular entrance and all site ancillary works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0613 CLARIFICATION OF FURTHER INFORMATION 05-Oct-2018 Rebecca Parkin and David Brennan 41, Silchester Road, Glenageary, Co. Dublin, A96 T6T8 Permission for: Extension to side of existing dwelling to be used as a granny flat, consisting of two storey flat roofed unit of ground floor area 66m2 First floor area 37m2 total area 103m2 connected to adjacent dwelling on ground floor. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D18A/0686 CLARIFICATION OF FURTHER INFORMATION 03-Oct-2018 Dundrum Methodist Church Dundrum Methodist Church, Ballinteer Road, Dublin D16 WK27

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Permission for the Change of Use of the existing multi-purpose church building to include part-time day care early years services along with other uses related to the multi-purpose place of worship. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0765 GRANT PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Shana Bernad Robin Hill, Ben Inagh Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for extensions and modifications. The proposed works include: 1. A single storey extension to the side and rear of the existing house and the addition of a new entrance porch to the front all at ground floor level. 2. Raising the roof level of the existing house to create a new first floor extension to the front of the existing house and new second floor dormer attic accommodation. 3. Alterations to the existing floor plans and elevations. 4. Conversion of and an extension to the existing garage to create ancillary accommodation including a playroom, storage area and a WC. The proposed works to the garage also includes raising the roof level to form a new pitched roof and associated alterations to the elevations. 5. New entrance gates within the existing vehicular entrance, lowering of the existing driveway and new front entrance steps. 6. All site development works including drainage, landscaping and boundary treatment. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0766 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 01-Oct-2018 Lynne and Lorenc Myrto 33, Woodlands Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18, A96R2C5 Permission is sought for retention of development. The retention and modification of an un-authorised pitched roof structure to existing house above the flat roof of the side garage to reduced ridge height 4m and creation of a new pitch to the rear. The retention of increase in height to 1.5m - 1.7m to of front garden wall, and piers 2.1m and sliding gate to the road front garden wall. The retention of a 4m high 10sq.m in area, tiled hipped roof gazebo to the rear garden. The retention of an additional 18sq.m of single storey tiled pitched roof kitchen extension towards the rear garden. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0767 REFUSE PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Cyril Bernard 17, Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for works consisting of Change of use from public house to cafe at ground floor; Additional floor on existing roof level to create penthouse floor level (third floor); Alterations to shop front and signage and new door to side elevation at ground level; External seating area; All associated internal alterations, site works and drainage. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision


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Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

01-Oct-2018 Samuel Meyer Springfield, Enniskerry Road, Kilternan, Co. Dublin Permission sought for: 1. Proposed new boundary walls to eastern and western boundaries to follow gradient to existing site. 2. New wall heights to side boundaries ranging form 2.5M's to 1.25M's, linking into existing front boundary wall. Modified and widened entrance gate (4 M's) to including new rolling gate and splayed walls to both sides with stone paving setts. Existing entrance gate width is 2.45M's. 3. All ancillary site works to facilitate proposal. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0769 GRANT PERMISSION 01-Oct-2018 Anne O'Dwyer and Declan Taite (as Receivers) former Taney Nurseries and No. 8, Taney Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for development at this site. The development will comprise minor modification to 26 of the houses permitted under Reg Ref D13A/0490 (ABP Ref. PL06D.242786) - unit types impacted are A, A1, A2, A3, B, B1, B2, C, F & F1. Modifications include omission of permitted chimneys; internal room configurations; mirroring of units, revised elevational design and footprint. Otherwise no changes to the layout, design and ridge heights of the houses as per the original permission Reg Ref. D13A/0490 (ABP Ref. PL06D.242786) and the remainder of the development to be carried out in accordance with same. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0770 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 02-Oct-2018 Derek Synnott and Louise Clarke 20, Arkendale Road, Glenageary, Co. Dublin, A96R2D9 Permission is sought for the partial demolition of the existing single storey extension to the rear and partial incorporation of existing semi-detached garage structure into a remodelled rear single storey extension and construction of a 2 storey extension to the front and side of the existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling and all associated works including the widening of the existing vehicular entrance to the front and a single storey shed structure in the rear garden. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0772 GRANT PERMISSION 03-Oct-2018 The Select Vestry, Holy Trinity Parish The Rectory, Killiney Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin, A96 HD62 Permission is sought for the conversion of existing garage to assisted bathroom, new entrance door screen to front, internal alterations, formation of assisted external steps and access ramp to front and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision


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Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

03-Oct-2018 Finisterre Developments Limited Malin & Finistere, Ballygihen Avenue, Sandycove, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and construction of 4 no. 4-bedroom 3-storey (including roof level) semi-detached houses with balconies at second floor. The development will include new entrances, car parking, landscaping, boundary treatments, site development works and services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0775 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 02-Oct-2018 Joseph & Janet Dobbin 22 Dun Emer Drive, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission for Retention of alterations made to planning permission Reg. Ref. D16A/0667 (currently under construction) made on foot of requirements of Irish Water. The alterations include the removal of a single storey element reducing the dwellings footprint and distance from watermain. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0780 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Oct-2018 Patrick & Colette Kelly 69 Saint Fintan's Villas, Deansgrange Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of: 1. A single storey extension to the front. 2. A two-storey extension to the rear. 3. Revision of the existing vehicular access to provide a 3.2m wide entrance to the existing dwelling and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0781 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 03-Oct-2018 Central Park GP Co Prop Co Limited Central Park, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18 Permission for development. The application site is located adjacent to Block H. The development will consist of the provision of a food market, including the placing of tents, vans or moveable structures or objects on the lands and associated seating area, in connection with the use including the provision of power, lighting and associated signage and works. The food market will operate for a maximum of 3 days a week, from March to October, and between 1200 hours and 1500 hours, unless otherwise agreed in advance with the Planning Authority. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0782 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Oct-2018 Fiona O'Neill 31, Eden Villas, Glasthule, Co. Dublin Permission for the flat roofed construction of (a) a rear garden utility room extension - 8.9 sq.m. with en-suite bathroom over - 2.55 sq.m. to

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bedroom 1 along with a new bay window - 0.8 sq.m. on the existing gable wall (b) side/front garden single storey living/kitchen extension 38 sq.m. with accompanying internal/external alterations including new front entrance, window replacement and roof refurbishment along with all related site works including a new entrance driveway car park. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0784 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Oct-2018 Eamon Meehan and Mary Regan 37, Ardagh Drive, Blackrock, Co. Dublin A94 CK09 Permission for development. Proposed subdivision of the existing property to contain two individual serviced dwellings. 1. Proposed two storey rear and side extension, 2. Proposed single storey front extension, 3. Proposed amendments to roof including amendments to existing dormer windows and provision of new dormer windows, 4. Amendments to all elevations, 5. Proposed widening of existing vehicular entrance and all associated side works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D18A/0785 Decision REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Decision Date 04-Oct-2018 Applicant Name Irish Residential Properties REIT PLC Location Site of the previously permitted Block B4 (c.0.33 ha) of the Beacon South Quarter mixed use scheme, located at the junction of Blackthorn Drive and Blackthorn Road, Sandyford Business Estate, Dublin 18 Proposal Permission for development. The proposed development will substantially complete the Beacon South Quarter scheme and will be constructed over 3 no. existing basement levels which extend beneath the subject site as permitted under Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Planning Reg. Ref. D04A/0618 as amended. The proposed development comprises a mixed-use scheme (c. 13,076 m2) ranging in height from 1 – 14 storeys, including a ground floor mezzanine level, arranged around a communal area of open space of c. 1,014 m2. The proposed development will include; 3 no. neighbourhood retail units at ground floor level (c. 781 m2, c.559 m2 and c.181 m2 respectively), plant and refuse store rooms; a two-storey crèche unit at the ground and mezzanine floor levels (c. 390 m2); and 84 no. apartment units arranged across the 1st to 13th floors (12 no. 1-bedroom units, 59 no. 2-bedroom units and 13 no. 3-bedroom units) with balconies, terraces or winter gardens provided to all elevations. The proposed development will include the provision of 65 no. car parking spaces in lieu of the previously permitted storage use at the existing basement level -3; 5 no. motorcycle spaces in the permitted, existing basement level -2; and, 136 no. bicycle parking spaces and 3 no. dedicated crèche car parking spaces in the permitted existing basement level -1. A new lift access is proposed in basement level -1 to serve the proposed apartment units. Vehicular access to the basement levels will be from the existing ramp to the east of the site via Blackthorn road, with pedestrian access to the proposed development provided from Blackthorn Drive and Blackthorn Road. The development will also include piped infrastructure and ducting; green roofs; 84 no. solar panels and plant at roof level; site landscaping; on-street cycle parking facilities; boundary treatments; and, all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. The development will also include minor hard and soft landscaping works to the public footpaths adjoining the site at Blackthorn Drive and Blackthorn Road.

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Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D18A/0792 REFUSE PERMISSION 05-Oct-2018 Ditton Investments Ltd Dean's Grange Road, Deansgrange, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. The site includes the former Statoil station and headquarters and dwellings known as Marylands and Chickamauga Proposal Permission for development. The development will consist of:- Demolition of warehouse building, disused petrol station and forecourt and 2 residential properties; Conversion of existing office/retail building to a 2storey car dealership, with extension to rear to accommodate double height service works; Construction of a 2-4 storey over basement mixed use building to accommodate 4 no. ground floor retail/retail service units fronting and 40 no. apartments at ground, first, second and third floors, with associated balconies, comprising 9 no. studios, 11 no. 1-bed, 13 no. 2-bed and 7 no. 3-bed units; Separate vehicular entrances serving the car dealership and residential development; Corporate signage to front elevation and standalone totem sign; Basement and surface car parking, landscaping, boundary treatments and all associated site works and services. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0908 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 02-Oct-2018 Anne-Marie and Ronan Corbett 118 Silchester Park, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the demolition of the existing attached side single-storey garage, construction of a new two-storey side and front extension; construction of a new single-storey rear extension; conversion of the existing attic; construction of a new dormer roof window on the rear; and general alterations and refurbishment of the existing house. The site works include proposals to widen the existing front vehicular entrance and carry out drainage and landscaping works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0915 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 02-Oct-2018 David and Sarah McCarrick 56, Westbrook Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Permission for development consisting of a) Convert existing attic space to living accommodation including new roof window and new dormer window to west (front) elevation a new dormer window to east (rear) elevation and b) east (rear) two storey roof alteration / extension, all to existing semi-detached dwelling using existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name

D18A/0918 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 02-Oct-2018 Paul Murphy

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Location Proposal

22 Brighton Place, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission to demolish existing single storey garage/utility extension to side and construct new two and half storey detached house with ancillaries to side garden. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0922 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 04-Oct-2018 Jennifer O'Riordan Rear of Fareham, Silchester Road, Glenageary, Co Dublin A96 E4F1 Permission for the construction of a two storey domestic dwelling (with a gross floor area of 364 sqm and a maximum height of 10m) and all associated services and facilities to the rear of Fareham. The development includes the demolition of the existing garage to the east of Fareham and partial demolition of the property boundary wall at Silchester Road to facilitate the creation of independent access to the property from Silchester Road and relocation of existing entrance to the front of Fareham. Fareham and part of the application boundary are located within the Silchester Road Architectural Conservation Area. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18A/0923 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 04-Oct-2018 Philip & Christina Marr 11 Beech Park Avenue, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of a new separate three bedroom singlefamily dwelling (143 sqm) within the grounds of a current residential property, including a new vehicular entrance on an existing laneway. Development will consist of the following: 1. Demolition of existing outbuilding (grass roofed shed). 2. The removal of the pitched roof on an existing single-storey, timber frame structure (living space) while retaining the structures walls at ground level for the construction of an upper storey (42 sqm) to provide two bedrooms. 3. The construction of a single storey extension (68 sqm) providing living and kitchen area and one bedroom. 4. Associated site works and landscaping including a new vehicular entrance gate off the laneway (adjoining Foxrock Wood). Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0349 GRANT PERMISSION 01-Oct-2018 Aoife Reilly 7 Monkstown Avenue, Monkstown, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. The demolition of the existing single storey detached garage (18.1 sqm). 2. Construction of a two storey extension to the side (44.3 sqm). 3. Construction of a ground floor extension to the rear (15.5 sqm). 4. Zinc clad dormer (2.5 sqm) and velux window to rear of attic room. 5. Internal alterations and ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date

D18B/0351 GRANT PERMISSION 01-Oct-2018

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Applicant Name Location Proposal

Morgan Crowe The Gables, Sorrento Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin A96 HK59 Permission for a new first floor pitched roofed extension including roof lights to the south elevation, new roof light to the north roof elevation, internal amendments and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0352 GRANT PERMISSION 03-Oct-2018 Kim and Neil McKeever 12, Oliver Plunkett Avenue, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, A96 CT96 Permission for the following development. Construction of a single storey extension with rooflight to the rear and a two storey extension to the rear and side and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0353 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 02-Oct-2018 Anne Duane and Aidan Fahy 24, Mount Anville Lawn, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Retention of the development of a single storey flat roof extension to the rear and the provision of a new flat roof/parapet wall detail to this area, with a new box bay window and zinc roof overhang to the rear elevation. Works will also include provision of a new kitchen/utility/dining/living area layout, new window fenestration to entire house, and revised bedroom / bathroom layout to first floor; including provision of new staircase to proposed converted attic provision 2 no. bedrooms and shower room with new rear facing dormer windows. Works will also include associated drainage, landscaping and site works. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0358 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Oct-2018 Pat & Barbara Smyth 9 Dundela Park, Sandycove, Co Dublin A96 X4P5 Permission for: 1. Removal of existing side wall to playroom, existing side access/utility room, external toilet and store to rear garden, sun room structure to rear of house and chimney stack to family room. 2. Formation of extension to side of playroom and increase in height of flat roof over, formation of side access/utility room to side and single storey kitchen extension to rear of house attached to existing family room. 3. Internal alterations. 4. Associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0359 GRANT PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Ann McGarry Belfield Lodge, Goatstown Road, Dublin 14, D14 X2Y7 Permission to a) replace the existing roof, increasing the pitch with associated increase in ridge and gable wall height, and b) construct a 2 storey extension to the South-East; all finishes to match existing.

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Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D18B/0415 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 01-Oct-2018 David and Ailish McGlew 12, Sycamore Court, Carriglea Downs, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Proposal Retention of existing single storey side extension and permission to construct a single storey extension to the rear with a side extension on ground floor and first floor. Front section of first floor to partially overhang side passage. The proposal consist of a flat roof on the two storey extension and a flat roof extension with a roof light on the rear single storey section and a BBQ area to rear with canopy over. Internal alterations to accommodate new design layout at ground and first floor level. Connection to existing county council soil and surface water and all associated site works. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0417 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 02-Oct-2018 Deirdre Doran 18, Kingston Rise, Dublin 16, D16 YT72 Permission is sought for the conversion of attic to storage including a dormer window to the rear at roof level, extending a portion of the front roof and a velux rooflight to the front. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0418 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 02-Oct-2018 Frank Monahan 11A, Birchfield Lawn, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, D14 F8Y4 Permission is sought for conversion of attic to storage including changing the existing hipped end roof to a gable end roof, a dormer window to the rear a velux rooflight to the front all at roof level and raising the existing chimney. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D18B/0426 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 03-Oct-2018 Michelle and Denis Conroy 23, Wynberg Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Permission for development consisting of 1) The demolition of existing garage, first floor bedroom and chimney stack to left hand side of existing house. 2) The construction of a 2-storey extension in its place with ground floor utility and first floor bedroom, bathroom and canopy to front. 3) Ground floor single storey extension to rear of existing kitchen. 4) Conversion of attic space to non-habitable storage area with 2no. rooflights to both front and rear of main roof. 5) Construction of shed to rear for storage. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal Application Type

D18B/0427 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 05-Oct-2018 Tiernan McCarthy & Deirdre McCarthy Lismoyle, 62 Stradbrook Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for an entrance porch and first floor extension (to the rear of the property) forming a bedroom, with associated internal alterations at first floor. Permission

END OF PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 40 2018 DATED 01/10/2018 TO 05/10/2018 ______________________________________________________________ APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANĂ LA FOR WEEK 40 2018 DATED 01/10/2018 TO 05/10/2018 Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development: Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D18A/0672 12-Jul-2018 40 Alma Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for adaptation of front boundary railings to relocate opening and replace swing gates with sliding gate, relocation of crossover and associated works. GRANT PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Appeal against Condition(s)

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D18B/0313 17-Jul-2018 9 Cabinteely Way, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 Permission for a new ground floor extension to the side, first floor extension to the side of the existing two storey semi-detached dwelling with tiled roof and external finishes to match existing, new tiled roof to a section of the existing flat roof to the front, internal alterations and associate site works. GRANT PERMISSION 02-Oct-2018 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development: Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D18B/0328 27-Jul-2018 Tetherdown, 21, Dalkey Avenue, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission for the construction of two extensions at first floor level of 20 sq.m in floor area above the existing study and store, and 17 sq.m in floor area above the existing kitchen. REFUSE PERMISSION 01-Oct-2018 Appeal against Refusal of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal

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______________________________________________________________ APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 40 2018 DATED 24/09/2018 TO 28/09/2018 Reg. Ref. Appeal Decision Appeal Decided Council’s Decision Location Proposed Development

D18A/0152 GRANT PERMISSION New Determination Date Due: 18-Oct-2018 26-Sep-2018 GRANT PERMISSION 86, Albert Road Lower, Sandycove, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for development which will consist of: 1) The removal of the existing two storey part pitched and part flat roofed extension to the rear and its replacement with a new part single storey and part two storey pitched roofed extension to the rear linked to the original pitched roofed single storey dwelling house to the front. 2) Internal and external alterations to the original dwelling house including the replacement of windows, the closure of a door opening, the installation of insulation and roof finishes over projecting windows, changes to the existing roof. 3) The widening of the vehicular access from the public roadway. 4) The construction of a detached single storey pitched roofed garden store for domestic storage uses in the rear garden. Applicant Bernard O`Connell ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D18A/0271 Appeal Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Appeal Decided 28-Sep-2018 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Location Strathmore, Strathmore Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin Proposed Permission is sought for development consisting of alterations to Development previously approved development under Reg. Ref. D16A/0864. The alterations comprise an extension (32 sqm) to the approved master bedroom situated at first floor level on the east-facing elevation of the southern wing together with minor increase to the roof terrace which forms part of the previously approved house extension. Applicant Pc Earlsfort Trustees Ltd ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D18B/0195 Appeal Decision GRANT PERMISSION Appeal Decided 25-Sep-2018 Council’s Decision GRANT PERMISSION Location 51, Balally Avenue, Dundrum, Dublin 14 Proposed Permission is sought for a double height extension to the front and side of Development house measuring 35sqm at ground floor and 35sqm at first floor level with associated works. Applicant Graham and Karen Fitzell ________________________________________________________________




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Please note that pursuant to Part 4 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as Amended) the following revised list of newspapers approved to carry Planning Application Notices for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has been approved as and from the 5th October, 2017:              

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Applications for Planning Permission must also apply for a Certificate of Exemption (or have been granted one previously) if they propose to build one or more dwelling units (regardless of the total site area). RE:-APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 97 OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, AS AMENDED:- THE STATUTORY DECLARATION TEMPLATE PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION IS INTENDED FOR USE AS A GUIDELINE ONLY. When preparing the declaration for submission with the application, item nos. 1 to 9 must be answered/completed by the applicant, (bearing in mind that individual circumstances differ/vary for each applicant). The completed declaration should then be signed by a commissioner for oaths or a practicing solicitor. Please note that in accordance with Section 251 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, (as Amended): “where calculating any appropriate period or other time limit referred to in this Act or in any regulations made under this Act, the period between the 24th December, and the 1st January, both days inclusive shall be disregarded”. Accordingly, all time limits specified in connection with the planning application process, including time limits relating to the maintenance of site notices and receipt of submissions or observations are extended by nine days.

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