Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Planning Weekly List No. 49 (2016)

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County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland Halla an Chontae, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Átha Cliath, Éire Tel: 01 205 4700 Fax: 01 280 3122 Web: www.dlrcoco.ie


CONTENTS:    

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Planning Applications Received Decisions Made Appeals Notified by An Bord Pleanála Appeal Decisions made by An Bord Pleanála

FOR WEEK ENDING: 9th December, 2016

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“Applications for permission under Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions list for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.”

PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 05/12/2016 TO 09/12/2016 Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0611 Application Rec’d Date: 18-Aug-2016 Devondale Limited Bird Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission to amend the previously permitted scheme (Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Register Reference D15A/0191) on a site measuring 1.48 ha. The proposed development will consist of amendments along the western boundary of the site with CUS Sports Grounds playing pitches, generally comprising the provision of a 2.1 metre high railing with low-level hedging. It is proposed to omit the previously permitted pedestrian access to the south on the western boundary and the service vehicle access serving the wayleave area will be replaced by removable sections of railings. Permission Additional Information: 07-Dec-2016

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0659 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Sep-2016 Purleigh Holdings Limited Greenfield, Lands off Greenfield Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Permission for construction of part of a four-storey, over basement, residential apartment building. Part of the proposed apartment building lies within the Dublin City Council administrative area, on land which is subject to a separate planning application to Dublin City Council (Reg. Ref. 2210/16 and ABP Ref. PL29S.247012 refers), from whom permission has been sought for a total of 71 no. residential apartments in 5 no. fourstorey blocks (Blocks 1-5), together with inter alia, associated public open space, car parking, cycle parking, bin stores, landscaping and boundary treatment. The part of the development site which lies within the administrative area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and to which this current application relates, comprises part of Block 1, specifically part of 6 no. three-bedroom apartments over ground, first and second floor levels and part of 1 no. four-bedroom apartment at third floor level; with associated balconies/terraces for each apartment; part of 10 no. car parking spaces, 4 no. bicycle parking spaces and energy centre/water tank room at basement level; access road, landscaping, SuDS drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. Access to the proposed apartment building, along with access to the remaining development, for which permission is sought from Dublin City Council (Reg. Ref. 2210/16 and ABP Ref. PL29S.247012 refers), will be via an existing access road from Greenfield Park to the south east. Proposed upgrade works to the access road are subject to a separate planning application to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County

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Council (Reg. Ref. D15A/0860 and ABP Ref. PL06D.246607 refers). Application Type Permission Further Information/ Additional Information: 09-Dec-2016 Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0896 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 Robert & Amy Battigan 67 Glenageary Park, Glenageary, Co Dublin Permission for: Demolition of existing single storey extension, side garden wall and single storey boiler house structure; Construction of new 2 storey/single storey dwelling in existing side garden; Opening up of new vehicular entrance 3.5m wide and new pedestrian entrance with off street parking. All associated site, drainage and landscaping works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0898 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 Dan Evison and Olga Houlihan Glenara, Corrig Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for alterations and extension to the existing two storey detached dwelling. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0899 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 Peter and Orla Wood 12, Marlborough Road, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Permission for development. The development will consist of the demolition of the existing 2 storey dwelling and replacement with new 5 bed 2 storey plus dormer dwelling, widening front gates from 2.7m to 3.25m and associated works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0900 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 Karl Paul Avalon, Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin Application for retention Planning permission for change of use from surgery to domestic dwelling. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0901 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 ESB Telecoms Ltd ESB Telecoms Ltd's compound at ESB's Blackrock 110kV Substation, Castlebyrne Park, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin. Permission for the continued use of the existing 21.5m high free

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standing monopole type communications structure carrying antennae and communication dishes, within an existing 2.4m high fenced compound (previously granted consent Reg.Ref: D11A/0527). Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0902 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Christine Brack 50 Pearse Park, Sallynoggin, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Single storey extensions to both the front and rear of the existing property. 2. 2 no. velux roof lights to the front of existing roof . 3. Modifications to existing driveway and access plus associated site development works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0903 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Jim & Ann Murphy 10 Barnhill Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a single-storey extension to the rear, partial covering of side passeway, new porch, new window at first floor level and widening of existing entrance. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location


Application Type Further Information/

D16A/0904 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Thycar Investments ULC 0.64 ha site comprising former Aberdour, Stillorgan Road, pedestrian public right of way from Granville Road to Stillorgan Road & carriageway & footpath off Knocksinna Court off Granville Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for the demolition of partly constructed dwelling; improvement of pedestrian public right of way; improvement of road and footpath of Knocksinna Court; the construction of a residential development having a gross floor area of c.7,450 sqm (including underground car park floor area of 2050 sqm gross). The building will be two-three and four-storey, plus penthouse level, over basement and will provide for a total of 48 no. apartments (5 no. one bedroomed, 37 no. two bed-roomed and 6 no. three bed-roomed) on ground and upper floors. The basement will accommodate 63 car spaces, 48 bicycle spaces, 3 motorbike spaces, bin store and general purpose room. 6 no. car spaces and 10 no. bicycle spaces will be provided above ground. Vehicular access to the development will be from Knocksinna Court. The development will also consist of the permanent closure of the existing vehicular entrance to Aberdour on the Stillorgan Road (access and egress for emergency vehicles only), all associated site formation and development works, landscaping, piped infrastructure (including 1 no. below ground attenuation tank and 1 no. below ground interception storage tank) and plant. Permission

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Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0905 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Bernard Smith 4 Saint Helen's Villas, Booterstown, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Demolition of existing single story garage to side, first floor element behind and single storey extensions to rear. 2. Construction of new two storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear. 3. Attic conversion including small dormer window to front, linear dormer window to rear and velux roof lights to front and side. 4. Solar panels to new hipped roof to side. 5. Canopy roof over entrance and garage doors to front. 6. Widening of existing vehicular entrance to front. 7. Internal refurbishment and remodelling works. 8. All associated drainage, site development and landscaping works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/

D16A/0906 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Bartra Property Limited Former Western Marine Building, Bulloch Harbour, Dalkey, Co Dublin A96 X6W2 Permission for the demolition and site clearance of the existing industrial single storey warehouses and sheds (1210 sqm) and the development of a mixed-use marine commercial, leisure/community and residential based development. The proposal is for the construction of: 1. A new mixed use block of two and three stories high containing 7 number marine based units at ground floor level along the quayside and six residential units at ground floor to the rear and first and second floor overhead. Unit 1 - Relocated commercial and marine leisure based unit (26 sqm), Unit 2 - Harbour Café (69 sqm), Unit 3 - Marine/Harbour based retail unit (35 sqm), Unit 4 - Marine/Harbour based retail unit (30 sqm), Unit 5 - Community water sports facility (30 sqm), Unit 6 Relocated clubhouse (12 sqm), Unit 7 - Relocated harbour activity (15 sqm); Six number residential units above, comprising 5nr three storey 154 sqm three bedroom harbour residences / 1nr two storey 89 sqm one bedroom harbour residence with associated balconies/roof terraces along the quayside and off street parking for 11 cars to the rear. 2. Construction of 3nr three storey detached five bedroomed dwellings (House 1 - 400 sqm / House 2 - 448 sqm / House 3 - 400 sqm) with roof terraces; each with off street parking for 2nr cars and 1nr visitor space set within private landscaped gardens and boat storage. 3. The existing southwestern vehicular access and gates from Bullock Harbour will be maintained and upgraded, creating a two-way roadway and shared footpath affording access to the proposed dwellings from the rear of the development. The existing boundary wall will be maintained and repaired with natural coursed granite stone. The development will also include piped infrastructure and ducting; changes in level; provision for outdoor seating and tables along the site frontage; separate communal bin storage to serve the marine units and the residential units; cycle parking; site landscaping and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. Permission

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Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0907 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Ros Lavelle 48 Ballinclea Heights, Killiney, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a two storey, 4 bedroom detached dwelling to the side garden of the existing house, including all associated site works, services and landscaping. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0908 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Glen Scanlon 4 Monkstown Crescent, Monkstown, Co Dublin (A Protected Structure in an Architectural Conservation Area) Permission for works to include the rear extension to the existing two storey terraced dwelling. The proposed demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and removal of the rear decking. The construction of a new one storey over basement, rear extension. Associated re-wiring, re-plumbing, insulation , plaster moulding repair and re-decoration throughout and all associated hard and soft landscaping and associated drainage on site.A protected structure. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0909 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Mr & Mrs Gerard Cosgrove Northwest corner of Wilson Road and North Avenue, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for residential development consisting of 4 no. twostorey semi-detached dwelling houses each having green roofs with setback solar panels over maintenance access stairs. Access to each proposed dwelling house will be via new vehicular and pedestrian entrances off Wilson Road, providing all associated site development works and connections to services. The development is in the rear garden of Stansted, a Protected Structure. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0910 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Wesley and Caitriona Rothwell 2c Landscape Gardens, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission for Retention of extension (14 sqm) of the single-storey ground floor rear kitchen area of the existing two-storey detached house previously permitted under Planning Reg. Ref. D15A/0266. To include minor repositioning of the house on site during construction. Permission for Retention

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0911 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Carmel Killalea and Thomas Fay 10 Thornhill Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing separate single storey garage to the side of existing two storey house and the construction of a new single storey extension to the side of the existing house to include for overhang over front door and increasing the size of existing gate opening to 3.5m. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0912 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Mary & Oliver Cunningham Cornelscourt House, Old Bray Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (A Protected Structure) Permission for the construction of a new two storey with developed roof space, five bedroomed detached house with detached double garage and associated site works.A protected structure. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0913 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Hugh & Catherine McCann Giverney, Marino Avenue East, Killiney, Co Dublin Permission for new dwelling house, comprising part 2 storey/part single storey over part basement on a site forming part of the ground of existing house known as Giverney.Works will include the use of the existing gate but provision of a new access driveway, boundary fencing, drainage and all landscaping works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0914 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Paul Healy & Gillian Dann 65 Saint Helen's Road, Booterstown, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of the existing garage, concrete wall, low wall and railings to front garden, chimney stack, out-buildings, single storey rear extension and part of the existing rear wall and patio to rear garden and construction of a single storey extension and patio to the side and rear, incorporation of the existing laneway into front and rear gardens, widening of existing vehicle entrance, new side passage and gate, new velux roof light, relocation of the existing ESB pole and associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location

D16A/0915 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Fionnula Moulton 115 Highfield Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14

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Permission for: The provision of off street car parking to the front garden to the house. This will involve the part removal of the existing front wall and piers to form a 3.2 metre opening with two new piers to match existing and the provision of new painted hardwood gates. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0916 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Bartra Property Ltd Former Western Marine Buildings, Bullock Harbour, Dalkey, Co Dublin A96 X6W2 Permission for the demolition of the former warehouse buildings to facilitate future development, subject to planning. 1. The demolition and removal of the existing portal frame warehouse, rubble wall/brickwork workshop (excluding the boundary wall to the harbour-side) and 2-storey stone wall office (excluding the gable wall to the harbour-side) down to excavation level, to include the breaking up and removal of the concrete slab across the external area of the site. 2. The erection of temporary support works to adjoining walls. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0917 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Julie Brown & Ian Feighery 8 Glencairn Glade, The Gallops, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 Permission for demolition of single storey part of existing semidetached house and construction of two storey extension to side and single store extension to rear and all associated windows, doors, works to widen vehicular entrance and associated drainage and landscaping works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0918 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Greencroft Construction Ltd Greencroft, Claremont Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission to retain and complete renovation works, including: A. Removal and rebuilding of structurally unsafe walls. B. Removal and replacement of existing roofs. C. Extension of original footprint to rear and side. D. Re-align the eastern roadside boundary. E. Construct a domestic garage with attic loft in place of existing sheds. F. All associated site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0919 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Starlingbrook Limited 230 & 234 Glenageary Road Upper, Glenageary, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and

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construction of 19 no. residential units comprising 5 no. 4bedroom 2-storey (plus attic level) terraced houses and 14 no. apartments. The apartments will be located in a 3-storey (over undercroft car park) building and will comprise 4 no. 1-bedroom units, 8 no. 2-bedroom units and 2 no. 3-bedroom units, all with associated balconies. The development will include new entrance from Glenageary Road Upper, internal access road, car and cycle parking, landscaping, boundary treatments, site development works and services. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0404 Application Rec’d Date: 28-Sep-2016 Noel Collins & Marilisa Quarti 78 Trimleston Park, Booterstown, Co Dublin Permission for front extension to remove step in facade with pitch roof to be lengthened and replace flat roof on side. New roof over existing front balcony and replace balcony door with window and replace porch door with larger glazed one. Remove side chimney flue, move side windows and make smaller on ground floor and replace rear extension with new one. Attic conversion into open plan study for non-habitable purposes along with associated site work. Permission Additional Information: 08-Dec-2016

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0492 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 James and Miriam Cremin 4, Sycamore Drive, The Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18, D18 W2H3 Planning permission is sought for demolition of existing garage, boiler chimney and shed to side of existing 2-storey semi-detached dwelling; construction of single storey flat roofed extension with roof lights to side and rear of same dwelling, replacing garage door with window to front and all site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0493 Application Rec’d Date: 05-Dec-2016 Gillian Baker & Ahmed El Baradie 56 Woodley Park, Kilmacud, Dublin 14 Permission for a flat roof dormer extension to the side, providing an additional 16.4 sqm of space at first floor level. The development will include two new windows, one to the front and one to the rear of the property and a new roof light. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0494 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Frank and Aisling Scally 23, Birch Grove, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 WF89 Planning permission for development. The development will consist

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of a two storey extension to the side and rear of the existing end of terrace two storey house including a living room at ground floor, bedroom at first floor and a pitched roof. It will include associated and ancillary works and services. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0495 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 Stephen Connolly 41, Larchfield Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Planning permission for development. The development will consist of the demolition of existing one storey extensions to back and side elevation and the construction of a two storey extension to side with pitched roof to match into extension, a roof light to front pitch of roof, a one storey lean to extension to front, a one storey flat roofed extension to rear with roof light, conversion of attic space with a dormer window to rear roof and all ancillary works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0496 Application Rec’d Date: 07-Dec-2016 David O'Neill 495 Pearse Villas, Sallynoggin, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Demolish existing rear extensions. 2. Construct new extension to rear at ground floor with area 55 sqm and first floor with area 22 sqm and add dormer windows to existing attic room. 3. Construct lean-to extension to front and side with floor area 16.3 sqm and carry out all ancillary site works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0497 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Dara Kernan & Michele Griffin 48 Lakelands Close, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. A single storey rear kitchen/living room extension (50 sqm). 2. Retention of 2 nr roof lights to the existing front/north roof slope. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0498 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Joseph Andrews 8 Sallynoggin Park, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a single storey shed with 2 no. roof lights in rear garden. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0499 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Mr & Mrs McCarthy Valmarita, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for single storey ground floor extension to front of existing house incorporating remodelling of existing front extension and associated works. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0500 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Bryony October 3 Synnott Terrace, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of existing rear extension and erection of ground floor rear extension to residence. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0501 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Justin & Lisa Lowry 12 Oakdale Drive, Glenageary, Co Dublin Permission for construction of a new single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling and for Retention of lean-to roof to existing garage conversion. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0502 Application Rec’d Date: 08-Dec-2016 Kim Lavelle & Ray O'Connor 76 The Palms, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission for demolition of part of single storey rear extension including addition of 2.1 sqm and alteration of roof profile, demolition of chimney, alterations to roof lights to main roof to rear, widening window to front elevation and all associated internal and site works to detached 2 storey house. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0503 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Michael & Ruth Maguire 27 Kerrymount Rise, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission for proposed: A. Single storey extension to rere and front. B. Single storey extension to side incorporating new pitched roof to existing single storey element. C. The insertion of 3 no veluxes roof lights to north-east side of existing first floor roof. D. The insertion of new window at ground floor level to existing south-west side. Permission

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd ____________________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type Further Information/ Clarification of F.I. Recd

D16B/0504 Application Rec’d Date: 09-Dec-2016 Michael Neill & Ciara Malone 33 Ballinteer Gardens, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for: 1. A two storey extension to the side. 2. A part two storey, part single storey extension to the rear. 3. A new dormer roof extension and window to an attic room of an existing two storey semi-detached dwelling, along with revised landscaping and associated site works. Permission

IMPORTANT NOTE RE: PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR PROTECTED STRUCTURES 13 sets of all documents / drawings must be submitted by applicants, to the Planning Authority when lodging a planning application for proposed works to:- (i) a protected structure, (ii) within the curtilage of a protected structure or (iii) within an Architectural Conservation area (ACA).

______________________________________________________________ END OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 05/12/2016 TO 09/12/2016 ______________________________________________________________

“In deciding a planning application the Planning Authority, in accordance with Section 34 (3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, has had regard to submissions and observations received in accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to 2011. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined in their applications”.

PLANNING DECISIONS FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 05/12/2016 TO 09/12/2016 Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0263 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Vodafone Ireland Limited Taylorsgrange TD, College Road, Rathfarnham, Co Dublin Permission for Retention (previous ref: D07A/1428) of an existing development at this site. The development consists of an existing 24 metre high telecommunications tree structure with antennas, equipment container and associated equipment within a fenced compound and access track. The development forms part of the existing GSM and 3G Broadband telecommunications network. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0284 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Dec-2016 Fortwilliam Mount Merrion, Developments Ltd Fortwilliam Cottage, Stillorgan Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin

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Permission is sought for the: (a) Demolition of (120sq.m), (b) Provision of 4 no. semi-detached houses; House 1 is two-storey, 242sq.m in area, with deck/garden at first floor level; House 2 is two-storey, 220sq.m in area; House 3 is three-storey, 237sq.m in area, with part screened west-facing balcony at second floor level; House 4 is three-storey, 241sq.m in area, with part screened west facing balcony at second floor level; (c) 2 no. car parking spaces for each house (i.e. 8 no. in total); (D) increase in width of existing vehicular entrance to 5.0m and (e) Associated site development, landscaping and external works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0292 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Wang Ying and XiaoDan Yang 17, Glenamuck Cottages, Carrickmines, Dublin 18 Permission is sought to erect fully serviced single storey type dwelling with detached domestic garage, connection to public services and all ancillary works at the rear, with vehicular and pedestrian access to Rockville Drive via existing driveway. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0393 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Dec-2016 Ken Fennell, Statutory Receiver, Deloitte & Touche 1.5 hectare site located on lands known as Aikens Village, Village Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18 (The site is accessed from Village Road) Proposal Permission for a total of 56 dwellings consisting of 39 three and four bedroom houses and 17 one, two and three bedroom apartments. The development comprises of 3 no. 1 bed apartments, 13 no. 2 bed apartments, 1 no. 3 bed apartment, 27 no. 3 bed houses and 12 no. 4 bed houses. The proposed dwellings range from 2 to three storeys in height. The proposed apartment block containing 17 no. units is a total of four storeys over ground level to the east and five storeys over ground level to the west, including the undercroft car parking area. There is a setback at the upper storey. The apartment building includes balconies/terraces at ground, first and second floor level, a terrace at third floor level, and a green roof. The proposed development includes vehicular access from Village Road, all associated site and infrastructural works including foul and surface water drainage; surface and undercroft car parking; public open spaces; landscaping, boundary treatment, new internal roads, cycle paths and footpaths. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0542 GRANT PERMISSION 07-Dec-2016 Minister for Education & Skills Site c.1.14 hectares located off Belarmine Vale, Stepaside, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of a new School building comprising of 1 no. 3 storey Primary school building with 24 classrooms, general purpose hall, 2 classroom special needs unit, support teaching spaces and ancillary accommodation with a total floor area of c.4600 sqm, the site works to the school grounds will consist of the provision of cycle storage, bin store, external store, ball courts, project gardens, landscaping and boundary

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treatment and all other associated site development works. The works to the remainder of the site will consist of the provision of 48 no. car parking spaces, drop-off and pick-up facilities. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0634 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 University College Dublin Car Park adjacent to Water tower on Wynnsward Drive, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4 Proposal Permission at existing car park. The development will consist of the provision of 14 freestanding lights and associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0683 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Glenn Cunningham & Jane Murphy 3 Priory Grove, Stillorgan, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a single storey rear extension, side garage conversion with first floor extension over. Extension of roof, attic conversion with a front and side roof light, external insulation and replacement of existing windows. Alterations to access gate and driveway, together with ancillary associated site works to the existing domestic dwelling. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0740 REFUSE PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Michael Donnelly 4a, Saint Catherines Road, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for amendments to the previously approved Planning Permission Ref: D08A/0053, which allowed for a 2 bedroom, 2 storey houses with associated landscape and drainage works. Planning Permission is sought to alter the roof of the previously permitted house, with the addition of dormer style windows to the front and a dormer rooflit space to the rear, allowing for a new attic level 3rd bedroom, with an en suite bathroom. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0742 REFUSE PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Simon and Lesa Costello infill site between 34 and 35, Harlech Crescent, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for the construction of single storey 1-bed residential dwelling with ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision


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Decision Date Applicant Name Location

06-Dec-2016 Cosgrave Developments apartment block 1 (known as Eustace Court) at Cualanor, Glenageary Road Upper, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Proposal Permission comprising of revisions as previously permitted by An Bord Pleanala under Reg. Ref. PL06D.237650 (DLRCC D09A/0908) resulting in an overall increase of 4 No. apartments and 10 No. parking spaces. Revisions will comprise of the reconfiguration of permitted penthouse apartments from 1 No. 2-bed and 5 No. 3-bed apartments to 2 No. 2-bed and 8 No.3-bed apartments, together with associated elevational changes, and an increase in at-grade parking from 19 No. spaces to 29 No. spaces. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0746 REFUSE PERMISSION 06-Dec-2016 Tony McDonnell House #2 in the residential development known as Eagle House, Killiney Village, Killiney Hill Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin Proposal Permission for a studio apartment for a family member on the ground floor with subsequent alterations to the front and side elevations of house # 2. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0747 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 06-Dec-2016 St Agnes Medical Ltd Former Eircom Depot, Dunedin Terrace, Monkstown, County Dublin Permission for a residential development. The development involves the demolition of the existing storage units/garages which shall be replaced by a residential development comprising of a mix of 15 number residential units, 6 number 1 bed apartment units in a three storey block, 4 number 4 bed terraced houses over 3 floors and 5 number 3 bed terrace houses over 3 floors, with car parking and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0748 REFUSE PERMISSION 07-Dec-2016 Hannah Harris Hillside Cottage, Ardbrugh Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission is sought to make design alterations to existing approved planning for the construction of a first floor extension over a single storey cottage. The development will provide 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a dining space and a lounge area. The design alterations include locating a bathroom on both the ground and first floors. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0749 REFUSE PERMISSION 06-Dec-2016 Damien Flanagan and Ciara Regan 11, Eaton Sq, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, conservation area Permission is sought for off-street carpark space and erection of a new gate.

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Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0750 GRANT PERMISSION 07-Dec-2016 Denis and Christina Carron Ravello, Castle Park, Monkstown, Co. Dublin Permission for development. Site area 612sqm. Demolitions and removal: existing garage (30sqm), shed/boiler house (5.5sqm), main entrance porch (3sqm), oil tank and greenhouses, existing rear single storey extension (14.5sqm) some internal walls, stair and partitions, part of the existing roof and dormer window, part of existing drainage infrastructure and redundant services. New Build: New single storey flat roof extension to northeast side and northwest rear including shed (108.5sqm), first floor dormer extension to northeast side (16sqm), associated new ground floor windows to front, sides and rear. Two new bay windows to the front facade at ground floor. Modifications to profile of roof to front. Extension and modifications of existing dormer on southwest side to include 2 new windows with lowered cills, bathroom window with fully obscured glazing and bedroom window to be widened and have obscured glazing to height of 1.8m from internal first floor level. Two new roof lights over flat roof rear extension. New roof lights to front face of roof (southeast) of new dormer extension. New first floor dormer window to rear (northwest) of new dormer extension. Modifications: New roof insulation and external insulation with render finish to be applied to all existing external walls. New windows and joinery throughout. New heating, plumbing and electrical services. New rainwater goods and part new foul and surface water drainage throughout site. Landscaping: Entrance and driveway to be widened and sloped to form level threshold. Landscaping and ancillary works to front and rear gardens. New driveway finish, hard and soft landscaping. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0751 GRANT PERMISSION 07-Dec-2016 Motor Services Limited The MSL Service Centre and the site of the former NRA Building, Pottery Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission for development to amend a previously permitted scheme (DLRCC Reg. Ref. D11A/0582, which has been subsequently amended by DLRCC Reg. Ref. D16A/0364) on a site area of 1.274 ha, approximately (reduced from the permitted site area of 1.373 ha (under DLRCC Reg. Ref. D11A/0582) to reflect the implementation of the Pottery Road Improvement Scheme to the southwest). The proposed development will consist of: the omission of permitted Building B (service facility building) (975 sq.m.), resulting in the provision of hard standing areas for the parking of cars and associated landscaping; the omission of the permitted car wash; and alterations to the permitted car parking areas on the site. These changes result in the provision of an additional 18 No. car spaces (the car parking areas will accommodate customer parking, used car display, service workshop parking, new car parking, staff parking and electric charging parking). The proposed development will also consist of: internal alterations to permitted Building A (service centre and motor sales building) and amendments to its southwest elevation; the omission of the permitted open-sided canopy to an external vehicle display area; the provision of 2 no. motorcycle spaces; the relocation of permitted bicycle

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parking spaces; the provision (and alterations, where necessary) of boundary treatments; the provision of automatic barriers, gates to the northeast and southeast of Building A to facilitate access to staff car parking and a parking area for new cars, associated hard and soft landscaping, and lighting; and associated alterations to the permitted scheme's services (mechanical and electrical, water supply, sewage disposal and surface water disposal). Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0752 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Tim and Geraldine Lawless 3, Mather Road South, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin Permission for a Dog Grooming Business operating out of the existing garage to the side of the existing house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0753 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 06-Dec-2016 James Dinniss 22, Springhill Park, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission for a domestic extension and alterations to existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling. The extension and alterations are comprised of: single storey extension to rear; conversion of existing single storey garage to side to habitable use; two-storey extension to side; elevational changes; modifications to existing house; narrowing of existing entrance gateway; and all ancillary works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0754 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Vincent O'Reilly Adelaide, Kerrymount Avenue, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Permission is sought for (a) Alterations to existing permission Ref D12B/0261 to include lowering of existing window left of main entrance to doors, raising of eaves level to part of front (north west) elevation, and a total of 2 no. velux type roof lights to front roof plane (b) construction of new dormer garage extension with loft floor over and dormer windows at north side adjacent to driveway, (c) lowering of dining room windows to doors with new tiled roof canopy to south gable, (d) associated drainage and external landscaping works. The driveway to the house is located within the Foxrock Architectural Conservation Area. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0755 GRANT PERMISSION 07-Dec-2016 Jim and Aine Liston 99, The Rise, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin Permission is being sought for alterations and additions to an existing detached two storey dwelling, comprising the removal of existing entrance porch to reveal original arched entrance, the conversion of the existing

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garage to front elevation at ground floor level to new TV room, the construction of new 2 storey extension, to gable end and rear, comprising new kitchen, utility and living accommodation at ground floor level, and new bedroom and ancillary accommodation at first floor level, with new dormer and velux conservation roof windows to front elevation, together with the widening of existing vehicular entrance gates and ancillary site works including connections to existing services and landscaping. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0756 REFUSE PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Victoria Homes Ltd Denton, Bray Road, Cabinteely, Co. Dublin Permission for demolition of existing derelict house, block up existing entrance, construct 4 no. semi-detached 2 storey houses with off street parking, construct new footpath along existing laneway, New boundary walls and all associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0757 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Stephen and Sarah Daly Mandeville, Torquay Road, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (A protected structure) Permission for development. The development will consist of the refurbishment and extension of our existing two storey detached dwelling house, to include alterations to kitchen and bathroom on ground floor and existing bedrooms on first floor of main house, demolition of internal walls and chimney to rear, demolition of outbuildings to north-west of house, reinsertion of doorway to west facade of ground floor, new window to replace existing back door to north-west side of ground floor, 1 no. two storey extension to the rear (80sqm total proposed area), formation of opening from ground floor rear kitchen room to new rear extension, restoration and reinstatement of original windows to front, side and rear elevations, restoration and reinstatement of decorative timber fascia work to loggia, alterations and replacement of internal fixtures and fittings, recovering to existing roof to replace as existing, landscaping works to side and rear and all associated site works. A protected structure. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0758 REFUSE PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Lorraine & Gerry Park Bella Vista, Coliemore Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of the existing single storey pitched roof property and construction of new detached flat roof three storey to the front and two storey to the rear house.The works will also consist of lift access to a recessed roof terrace, front balconies, gangway access to rear garden, roof lights, new driveway entrance with landscaping and ancillary and associated works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref.


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Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Tony O'Connor 56, Beaufield Park, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin Permission for two-storey dwelling with pitched roof enclosing the first floor, with associated private open space and car parking at rear, with access from Beaufield Park. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0760 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 07-Dec-2016 Crofton Capital Limited 23 Crofton Road, located on the corner of Crofton Road, and Crofton Avenue and No. 22, Crofton Road, located on the corner of Crofton Road and Kelly's Avenue, (known as Crofton Hall) Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 T6N6 and, A96 K7W4 Proposal Permission for development at this site. Both Nos are protected structures on a 0.1236 ha site. The development will consist of: (i) The change of use, both three storeys over single basement level, from office use to residential use; (ii) Permission for the provision of 13 no. residential units to include the provision of a setback third floor (fourth storey) level to 23 Crofton Road,to accommodate 1 no. penthouse residential unit with terrace to the north elevation, and balcony to the south-west elevation; (iii) internal works to include Nos. 22 & 23 Crofton Road, removal of some existing internal partitions and insertion of new partitions in accordance with Conservation Architects advice, and including reinstatement of an internal link between the two buildings at ground floor level and the creation of an internal link between the two buildings at first and second floor levels; (iv) Demolition and removal of existing three storey rear return and escape stair to Nos. 22 Crofton Road,demolition of concrete fence to Crofton Road and Crofton Avenue and replacement with new fence to match existing at no 23 Crofton Road; (v) Provision of new three storey rear glazed extension to No. 22 Crofton Road to provide a concierge station at ground floor level with an internal balcony above; (vi) External works to no 22 & 23 Crofton Road to include the refurbishment of existing windows, the repairing of external walls and the provision of balconies at first, second and third floor levels to the southwest elevation, the raising of the existing chimney on the rear elevation to No. 22 Crofton Road and the provision of aluminium panelling to the rear facade of No. 22 Crofton Road; the provision of entrance door at No.23 Crofton Road through a former ope with provision of steps to public footpath through new fence wall; (vii) Provision of a single storey basement to the rear of the buildings, to accommodate car parking, bicycle parking, bin store, plant, and associated areas, including an entrance to the rear at No. 22 Crofton Road; (viii) Provision of a landscaped courtyard to the rear at ground floor level; (ix) Demolition of existing entrance gate and concrete fence to Kelly's Avenue to facilitate redesigned vehicular entrance, including new timber entrance gates to Kelly's Avenue, (x) Provision of a total of 21 no. car parking spaces, comprising 13 no. spaces at basement level accessed via a proposed car lift and 8 no. spaces at surface level in the rear courtyard, and 16 no. bicycle parking spaces, comprising 8 no. at basement level and 8 no. sheltered spaces at surface level in the rear courtyard; (xi) And all ancillary and associated works. The proposed development will provide 13 no. residential units in total and will have a gross floorspace of 2,094 sq.m. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0761 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 07-Dec-2016 Frank Heneghan 100, Braemor Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for a detached two storey, double fronted, four bedroomed house with a converted attic and four number velux type roof lights. A new pedestrian and vehicular access off Braemor Road, and to provide additional off-street parking in the exiting rear garage accessed from Milltown Drive. On lands at 100 Braemor Road (side/rear garden) and all ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0762 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Danny McCallig 88, Beechwood Lawns, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Permission sought for single storey porch extension, widened vehicular access and associated site works all to front of existing dwelling house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0767 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Pamela Rafferty 48, Carysfort Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for the following development: a) Proposed vehicular entrance and associated 2 number off street parking spaces, b) Partial removal of existing boundary wall, c) Dishing of pavement in line with the proposed access/egress, d) All associated site work. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0775 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 08-Dec-2016 Tomas Doolin 11, Moreen Road, Sandyford Road, Sandyford, Dublin 16 Retention Planning Permission for (i) single storey shed to rear garden, (ii) widened vehicle acces to front and (iii) alteration to window at front. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

Application Type

D16A/0777 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 09-Dec-2016 Frank and Irene Madden 7, The Glen, Lower Glenageary Road,Co. Dublin Permission for a proposed Granny flat dwelling to the side of our dwelling house. The development will consist of a proposed extension to the side of the existing property at Ground floor, consisting of 2 number bedrooms with ensuite with living room/kitchen/WC and entrance hallway measuring 74 sq.m. together with ancillary site works associated with the proposals. Permission

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____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location

D16A/0780 REFUSE PERMISSION 09-Dec-2016 Yvonne Markey Site off Sandycove Road behind no.s 22-26 Sandycove Road, Sandycove, Co Dublin Proposal Permission for 1 no. 2 storey house. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0902 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 08-Dec-2016 Christine Brack 50 Pearse Park, Sallynoggin, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Single storey extensions to both the front and rear of the existing property. 2. 2 no. velux roof lights to the front of existing roof . 3. Modifications to existing driveway and access plus associated site development works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0903 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 08-Dec-2016 Jim & Ann Murphy 10 Barnhill Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a single-storey extension to the rear, partial covering of side passeway, new porch, new window at first floor level and widening of existing entrance. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0905 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 08-Dec-2016 Bernard Smith 4 Saint Helen's Villas, Booterstown, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Demolition of existing single story garage to side, first floor element behind and single storey extensions to rear. 2. Construction of new two storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear. 3. Attic conversion including small dormer window to front, linear dormer window to rear and velux roof lights to front and side. 4. Solar panels to new hipped roof to side. 5. Canopy roof over entrance and garage doors to front. 5. Widening of existing vehicular entrance to front. 6. Internal refurbishment and remodelling works. 7. All associated drainage, site development and landscaping works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16A/0907 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 08-Dec-2016 Ros Lavelle 48 Ballinclea Heights, Killiney, Co Dublin Permission for the construction of a two storey, 4 bedroom detached

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dwelling to the side garden of the existing house, including all associated site works, services and landscaping. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0389 GRANT PERMISSION 09-Dec-2016 Noel & Collette Feddis 76 Priory Avenue, Stillorgan, Co Dublin Permission for the conversion of the existing garage to a bedroom with bay window, lean-to roof and front canopy, also, rear single storey extension. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0427 REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 06-Dec-2016 Paddy Governey and Audrey Ferris 18, St Luke's Crescent, Milltown, Dublin 14 Permission is sought for works consisting of Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and shed; Construction of new two storey and single storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling; New single storey porch to the front elevation; Conservation of existing attic to study/storage space with velux rooflights to rear roofslope; All associated internal alterations, drainage and siteworks. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0428 GRANT PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Dermot and Fiona O'Callaghan 30, Oaktree Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin Permission is sought for works consisting of Demolition of existing domestic garage structure; Construction of new two storey extension to the side of the existing dwellign with pitched roof; Alterations to the existing front elevation including a new entrance porch; All associated internal atlertaions and siteworks. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0429 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 08-Dec-2016 Michael and Joanne Shelley 88, The Rise, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Permission for single storey porch to front and to relocate existing First floor Bedroom window from current location on North facing elevation to West facing elevation. Retention Permission sought for changes to approved Permission granted under Reg. Ref. D11B/0304. These changes consist of the flat roof with glazed atrium on single storey extension at side and colour of glazing units at side and rear to grey and all associated site works. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0433 GRANT PERMISSION FOR RETENTION 09-Dec-2016 Denis & Aoife O'Connor 38 Woodlands Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for Retention and completion of amendments to previously granted Planning Permission (Reg. Ref. D15A/0185, ABP Ref. PL06D.244965) comprising: A. Ground floor extension of 17.5 sqm to rear south-west corner. B. Re-positioning of first floor rear wall by 130mm to south-east as a consequence of placement of steel structural supports beneath. C. Minor alterations to rear single storey roof configuration and rear first floor window cills associated with the installation of a Bauder Extensive Green Roof system to flat roof to rear. D. Re-positioning of roof lights to flat roof to rear at ground floor level. E. Minor adjustments/reductions in overall dimensions associated with setting out and site conditions. F. Omission of 2 no. velux roof lights to south-west elevation to side. G. Change from original large concrete roof tiles to 'red rosemary' type clay tiles to be more in keeping. H. Alterations to elevations associated with all of the foregoing. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0434 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Mark Robinson 32, Glencairn Walk, The Gallops, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 Permission for development. The development will consist of a proposed conversion of attic space with new dormer roof to the rear and new velux roof windows to the front. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0442 GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Mr. Richard & Sarah Meade 37, Weirview Drive, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin Permission sought for the demolition of a single storey rear extension alterations externally to front rear and side windows and garage to create new entrance and front porch, addition of dormer windows to front and rear roof pitches, new roof light to side hipped roof and construction of a new single storey extension and basement room with clerestory glazing to the rear new landscaping front and rear and ancillory works all for use as a single family dwelling. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0470 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 05-Dec-2016 David Mulcahy 52, New Vale Cottages, Shankill, County Dublin Retention permission is sought for the single storey extension to the side of the dwelling which was previously approved for use as a separate semidetached dwelling under planning application reverence D09A/0288, minor internal alterations and all ancillary site works. Application Type Permission for Retention ____________________________________________________________

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Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0488 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 08-Dec-2016 Marco Pietri and Martina Lawlor 54, The Rise, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin 16 Planning permission for A; Change of roof profile from hip end to full gable end profile; B. New dormer extension to rear; C. 2 No 'velux' roof lights to front elevation; D. New landing window to new gable, E. All associated site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0489 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 07-Dec-2016 Brendan and Marie Walsh 1, Rollins Court, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin Planning permission for extension and alteration to existing two storey dwelling comprising construction of a two storey side extension and alteration to existing dwelling layout, single storey porch extension to front and all site development and facilitating works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0492 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 07-Dec-2016 James and Miriam Cremin 4, Sycamore Drive, The Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18, D18 W2H3 Planning permission is sought for demolition of existing garage, boiler chimney and shed to side of existing 2-storey semi-detached dwelling; construction of single storey flat roofed extension with roof lights to side and rear of same dwelling, replacing garage door with window to front and all site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. Decision Decision Date Applicant Name Location Proposal

D16B/0496 DECLARE APPLICATION INVALID 08-Dec-2016 David O'Neill 495 Pearse Villas, Sallynoggin, DĂşn Laoghaire, Co Dublin Permission for: 1. Demolish existing rear extensions. 2. Construct new extension to rear at ground floor with area 55 sqm and first floor with area 22 sqm and add dormer windows to existing attic room. 3. Construct lean-to extension to front and side with floor area 16.3 sqm and carry out all ancillary site works. Application Type Permission ____________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ END OF PLANNING DECISIONS RECEIVED FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 05/12/2016 TO 09/12/2016 ______________________________________________________________

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APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANĂ LA FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 05/12/2016 TO 09/12/2016 Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0711 29-Sep-2016 Brookville, Commons Road, Shankill, Dublin 18 Permission for the construction of 5 no. two-storey dwellings (4 no. three-bedroom and 1 no. two-bedroom), together with 5 no. new vehicular entrances off Commons Road, boundary treatment, landscaping, SUDS drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. REFUSE PERMISSION 07-Dec-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0709 28-Sep-2016 Site known as Stockwell, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Permission for the demolition of existing detached habitable dwelling and construction of 9 no. apartments in 1 no. 3 storey block (total floor area 944m2) comprising of 1 no. 1 bedroom, 7 no. 2 bedroom and 1 no. 3 bedroom apartments on a site of approx. 0.13 Ha. The proposed development includes for all associated on and off site development works, bin store, cycle and car parking, landscaping and boundary treatments with vehicular and pedestrian access from the Sandyford Road. REFUSE PERMISSION 09-Dec-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0690 21-Sep-2016 10A Pembroke Cottages, Booterstown, Co Dublin Permission for the demolition of an existing single storey garage structure and the construction of 1 no. two-storey infill dwelling, consisting of a vehicular garage at ground level, 2 no. bedrooms with private external areas to the side and rear of dwelling at ground level and kitchen and living space with a private external terrace to the front/side of dwelling at first floor level, inclusive of all associated landscaping and site work. The proposed dwelling is located in an Architectural Conservation Area. GRANT PERMISSION 09-Dec-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

D16A/0678 14-Sep-2016 Lands at former Richmond Cheshire Home, Richmond Park, Monkstown, Co Dublin Permission for a residential development consisting of the demolition of the existing nursing home and 5 no. studio apartments and the

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Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

construction of a total of 70 no. residential units in 3 no. apartment blocks (2 no. four storey blocks each consisting of 16 no. two beds and 8 no. one beds and 1 no. four storey block [fourth storey is set-back] consisting of 2 no. three beds, 14 no. two beds and 6 no. one beds), all with private terraces/balconies; a basement consisting of bin stores, plant rooms, 95 car parking spaces, 4 motorcycle spaces and 30 bicycle spaces; 5 visitor car spaces and 54 bicycle spaces at surface level; upgrade works to the existing road and footpath serving the development and all ancillary landscaping boundary treatment, engineering and site development works necessary to facilitate the development. REFUSE PERMISSION 05-Dec-2016 Appeal against Refusal of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

1st Party Appeal

____________________________________________________________________ Reg Ref Registration Date: Location: Development:

Council Decision: Appeal Lodged: Nature of Appeal:

D16A/0418 09-Jun-2016 Enterprise House, Frascati Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Permission for demolition of the existing Enterprise House located at Blackrock Shopping Centre, George's Avenue, Rock Hill and the Frascati Road (N31), including the removal of existing landscaping and boundary treatments within their demise to the Frascati road and Georges Avenue, demolition of lower ground parking level and provision of a new lower parking level floor slab to provide for construction of five-storey office building over ground of 8,119.50 sqm GFA providing for general offices and/or science and technology uses and/or office based industry uses and ancillary spaces; 179 car parking spaces; 48 cycle parking spaces at Enterprise House; balcony area of 190.3 sqm; modifications to existing car parking layout externally (adjacent to existing vehicular entrance from Rock Hill) to provide revised car park layout and access provisions; new substation; closure/removal of existing pedestrian and vehicular egress to George's Avenue and provision of a new pedestrian and vehicular egress to George's Avenue to the north; revision of existing entrance from Rock Hill to provide for an in/out vehicle movements; provision of a new pedestrian entrance from Rock Hill, provision of a disabled access ramp to the lower ground level from Frascati Road; provision of a stairs access to Frascati Road; ancillary landscaping including 16 no. public cycle parking spaces and provision of a space to accommodate a bus shelter area adjacent to the Frascati Road (N31) all on a site of 0.51 ha. The proposed office space will be designed to be suitable for a single user or multiple users with sub-divisions. GRANT PERMISSION 08-Dec-2016 Appeal against Grant of Permission

Type Of Appeal:

3rd Party Appeal

______________________________________________________________ END OF APPEALS NOTIFIED BY AN BORD PLEANĂ LA FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 05/12/2016 TO 09/12/2016 ______________________________________________________________ APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANĂ LA FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 28/11/2016 TO 02/12/2016

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Reg. Ref. D16A/0429 Appeal Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Appeal Decided 30-Nov-2016 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION FOR RETENTION Location 40 New Vale Cottages, Shankill, Dublin 18 Proposed Permission for Retention of a mobile home for a period of two years for Development habitable purposes within the curtilage of no. 40. Applicant Nicole Daly ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D16A/0334 Appeal Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Appeal Decided 01-Dec-2016 Council’s Decision REFUSE PERMISSION Location Harrow House, Church Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin Proposed Permission for development. The development will consist of modifications Development and extensions and construction of 14 no. new residential units comprising 6 no. 3-storey houses and 8 no. apartments. The 6 no. new houses will consist of 1 no. 4-bedroom detached unit; 1 no. 4-bedroom semi-detached units; 1no. 3-bedroom semi-detached unit and 3 no. 3bedroom terraced units. The 8 no. apartments will be located in 2 separate 2-storey buildings (Apartment Buildings A and B), each accommodating 2 no. 1-bedroom units and 2 no. 2-bedroom units. Apartment Building A will be linked to Harrow House and will incorporate the southern wing of the existing house into the apartment building. Two options for the original Harrow House are proposed:- Option 1 provides for the subdivision of the original house into 2 no. 2-bedroom townhouses, with internal alterations and extensions to the rear, resulting in a total of 16 no. units on the site; Option 2 provides for the retention of the original house as a single 4-bedroom dwelling, with internal alterations and extension to the rear, resulting in a total of 15 no. units on the site. The development provides for a new vehicular access from Balure Lane and new pedestrian access from Church Road, closure of the existing vehicular access from Church Road, new internal access road, landscaping, boundary treatments, site development works and services. Applicant Hamilton Harrow Developments Ltd ________________________________________________________________ Reg. Ref. D15A/0546 Appeal Decision GRANT PERMISSION New Determination Date Due: 25-Oct-2016 Appeal Decided 28-Nov-2016 Council’s Decision GRANT PERMISSION Location Cedar House, 35 Mount Anville Park, Dublin 14 Proposed Permission for an extension to the existing Nursing Home, consisting of a Development proposal for an extension to the existing nursing and residential care premises. The extension will be over two floors, located to the north of the existing single storey home, adjacent to school grounds and a Protected Structure and connected by single storey glazed links at each end of the existing premises, to form an enclosed safe and secure spacious courtyard. The accommodation will exceed the requirements of HIQA in respect of residential accommodation and will include for disabled access provisions, generous day space and en-suite bedrooms, treatment rooms, offices, pantry kitchens, sanitary provisions including activity areas, quiet rooms and all necessary ancillary accommodation to ensure the safe and effective operation of such a facility, with a high quality environment for the residents, visitors and staff. The proposal also includes drainage to comply with Council standards, additional covered cycle and car parking to the north of the new extension, commensurate with the needs of the extended home, in compliance with Council standards and appropriate new landscaping, with the provision of additional trees to ensure an enhanced environment and amenity space.

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The Society of the Sacred Heart

______________________________________________________________ END OF APPEAL DECISIONS OF AN BORD PLEANÁLA FOR WEEK 49 2016 DATED 28/11/2016 TO 02/12/2016 ______________________________________________________________

END OF WEEKLY LIST FOR WEEK 49 2016 Please note that pursuant to Part 4 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as Amended) the following revised list of newspapers approved to carry Planning Application Notices for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has been approved as and from the 03rd June, 2013:               

The Irish Times The Irish Examiner The Irish Independent The Evening Herald The Irish Star The Sunday Independent The Sunday World Irish Mail on Sunday Irish Daily Mail The Sunday Times The Irish Sun Dundrum Gazette (for developments in the area of circulation Dublin 14, 16 and 18). Southside People Sunday Business Post The Dun Laoghaire Gazette (Dun Laoghaire Electoral Area only)

Applications for Planning Permission must also apply for a Certificate of Exemption (or have been granted one previously) if they propose to build one or more dwelling units (regardless of the total site area). RE:-APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 97 OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, AS AMENDED:- THE STATUTORY DECLARATION TEMPLATE PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION IS INTENDED FOR USE AS A GUIDELINE ONLY. When preparing the declaration for submission with the application, item nos. 1 to 9 must be answered/completed by the applicant, (bearing in mind that individual circumstances differ/vary for each applicant). The completed declaration should then be signed by a commissioner for oaths or a practicing solicitor. Please note that in accordance with Section 251 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, (as Amended): “where calculating any appropriate period or other time limit referred to in this Act or in any regulations made under this Act, the period between the 24th December, and the 1st January, both days inclusive shall be disregarded”. Accordingly, all time limits specified in connection with the planning application process, including time limits relating to the maintenance of site notices and receipt of submissions or observations are extended by nine days.

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