Recipes book

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This book is the result of a partnership between five schools under an Erasmus + program. Each school was invited to present some healthy recipes, according to its cuisine, identity and culture. The recipes presented in this book correspond to starters, main courses and desserts. The participating schools were Fatima Hospitality School (Portugal), Liceul Tehnologic "Constantin Brancusi" (Romania), Technik şywienia i usług gastronomicznych w ZSP Ryglice (Poland), IPSSAR "P.pi Grimaldi" (Italy) and Kumburgaz Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey).

Smoked salmon with fresh cheese on toast Ingredients: (for 6/8 people)  400 gr rye bread or sliced bread mix  4 fresh goat cheese  12gr of smoked salmon  20gr of chopped parsley  1 orange on buds  Extra virgin olive oil  Garlic  chili  Juice of ½ lemon

How to cook: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Water slices of salmon with ½ lemon juice; Cut sliced cheese and sprinkle with pepper; Toast the slices of bread; Brush the bread with olive oil and rub with the garlic; Put the cheese slices on the bread and on top the salmon; Decorate with an orange slice, (they can also put a small thin triangle of pineapple and kiwi); Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Mushroom cream

Ingredients:  6 thin slices of bacon 50g butter 100g chopped onion 2 Carrots 3 Potatoes 500g of mushroom mixture 1l of water 5 LD of milk Salt Chili Nutmeg

How to cook: 1. Bring the bacon slices to the heat in a pan and let them cook over a moderate heat until golden and crispy. Remove and drain on absorbent paper. 2. Melt the butter and add the chopped onion and cook over a low heat while the carrots and the potatoes and the cuts in small pieces. 3. Add the potatoes and the carrots already cut to the onion, cover and let to sweat on a low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, wash the mushrooms in running water, chop them into pieces and add them to the remaining vegetables. 4. Stir and cook, covered, until the potatoes are tender. Add a little boiling water and mash the soup with the magic wand. Add the milk and a little more water until the cream has the consistency you like. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and allow to boil again. 5. Finely chop the sliced bacon or cut into strips and serve with the soup.

Chicken breast with apple purée Ingredients:  600gr of chicken breast  Olive oil  Pepper and salt  50gr of garlic  ½ orange for juice  50gr of honey  10gr of rosemary  50gr of pinions

For apple puree:  1kg apple reineta  50grams of sugar  ½ lemon to juice  Salt and pepper  5grams of cinnamon

How to cook: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Season the chicken breasts with garlic, salt, pepper and orange juice; Peel and cut the apple into cubes. Place in a pot to bake with sugar and juice of 1 / 2lemon; Let it cook well, if necessary add a little water; Remove from heat and crush well until obtaining a homogenous puree and season with salt and pepper. Reserve it. Mark the chicken on the grill. Bake for cooking with a little olive oil; 5. Prepare the sauce with orange juice, honey and rosemary and brush at the end; 6. Place the apple purée on a platter or large plate and the chicken cut into strips; 7. Brush once again with the orange juice and splash with parsley and pine nuts

Cod fish with vegetables Ingredients:  200 g of cod in cubes  0.1 dl of olive oil  50 g of carrots  50 g of potatoes  80 g of cabbage heart of ox  50 g of courgettes  Olive oil, salt and pepper q.s.

Lemon sauce:  20 g butter  ½ lemon (juice)  Salt q.b.

How to cook: 1. Take to the fire a frying pan with olive oil. When hot, fry the fish; Turn with a spatula to blush on both sides. Season with salt and pepper. 2. Peel carrots and potatoes and cut into cubes. Scale the carrots together with the cabbage cut into quarters in well-seasoned salt water. Drain well. 3. Cut the curgete in cubinhos and the cabbage in strips; Bring another frying pan over the heat with a little olive oil; When it is very hot, skip the courgettes until they soften. Then add the remaining vegetables. Season with salt and pepper, let it add a little color. 4. Prepare the sauce: add the ingredients in a small pot; Season with salt and boil for one minute. Serve the cod garnished with the vegetables and watered with the sauce.

Mini fruit kebab

Ingredients:  Mini cocktail sticks  500gr of pineapple  250gr of strawberries  500gr of cantaloupe melon  300gr of kiwi  200gr of white grapes  5gr of cinnamon powder

How to cook: 1. Cut the fruit into small, homogeneous squares; 2. Put in the sticks according to the colours of the fruit; 3. Place on a plate and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Semifrio of jelly and yogurt Ingredients:  1 Pack of Crackers or Maria;  Margarine qb;  1 Natural yogurt;

1 package of strawberry jelly;  Strawberries.

How to cook: 1. Grind the cookies and add melted margarine, wrap well until a thick, but moist mass; 2. Put the preparation in a bowl and take to the cold; 3. To make the jelly at the end of done, to join a natural yoghurt and to return to stir well so that the yoghurt becomes liquid; 4. Take the cup with the cookies from the cold and add the preparation inside the same and decorate with strawberries cut to the taste of each one; 5. Before serving, remove from the cold and put a whole strawberry and mint leaf as an effect and serve.

Sour cherry soup

Ingredients:  500 g cherry  4-5 tablespoons of sugar  Salt  1 cup of sour cream  1 tablespoon of flour

How to cook: 1. Add the cherries and the sugar to 1 liter of water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil. 2. Reduce heat and cook it for about 10 minutes or until the cherries are soft. 1. In a medium sized ball add the sour cream, the flour to a cup of the hot cherry liquid and mix until smooth. 2. Add the mixture to the cherry soup. 3. Carefully simmer for about 5 minutes without boiling.

Spinach with fried eggs Ingredients:  500 g spinach  2 tablespoons of oil  ½ teaspoon of butter  200 ml milk  4 cloves of garlic  Salt, pepper  3-4 eggs

How to cook: 1. Pour water in a pot and add salt. 2. Bring the water to boil and add the spinach. After it softens in the boiling water, strain and hack it. 3. Add the olive oil, the spinach, the spalled gloves of garlic and stir them continously on small flame for 2 minutes. 4. Add the flour while stirring it continuously with the whisk, then add the milk. Bring it to boil during 5 more minutes. 5. Serve it with sunny side up eggs.

Polenta with cheese and sour cream Ingredients:  Sweet corn flour  Cottage cheese  Sour cream  Water  Salt

How to cook: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pour water in a pot and add salt; Bring the water to boil and add the sweet corn flour slowly; Stir continuously with the whisk until a creamy paste is formed; Serve with cheese and sour cream.

Pasta with potatoes Ingredients:  500 g pasta  500 g potatoes  2 tablespoons of oil  One small onion  Salt, pepper

How to cook: 1. Place the potatoes in a large pot and cover them with cool water. Add a teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil over medium – high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook until the potatoes are tender. When they are ready, scoop them with a slotted spoon. 2. Add water to the pot, if necessary, and bring it to boil. Stir in the pasta and cook it for about 8 minutes and then drain it. 3. Meanwhile, heat a very large wide pan with oil and cook until the onion begins to sizzle. Add the mashed potatoes and season with salt and pepper. 4. Transfer the pasta in the pan, combine them and taste. 5. Season it with salt and pepper, if needed. Serve immediately. Optionally, you can serve it with yoghurt or milk.

Pasta with cabbage

Ingredients:  500 g pasta  1 kilogram of green cabbage  2 tablespoons of oil  Salt, pepper

How to cook: 1. Pour water in a pot and add salt. Bring the water to boil and add the pasta. Add a teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil over medium – high heat. Cook the pasta for about 8 minutes and then drain it. 2. Meanwhile, heat a very large, wide pan with oil. Add the green cabbage, already cored and shredded and season it with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the cabbage is softened. 3. Transfer the pasta to the pan of cabbage, combine them and taste. 4. Season it with salt and pepper, if needed. Serve immediately.

Stuffed cabbage rolls Ingredients:  1 whole soured cabbage  1 onion  500 g of minced pork and beef  250 g of rice  Oil  Salt, pepper  Dill  Tomato sauce

How to cook: 1. Peel the cabbage leaves one by one cut them in half if they are too big and remove the stalk. 2. Chop the onion and fry them in a little oil with the rice. Mix the minced meat with the rice and a pinch of salt and pepper. Be careful not to put too much salt because the sour cabbage is already salted. 3. Place a tablespoon of meat on a cabbage leaf and roll it tight then push the ends in with your fingers. Repeat with the remaining cabbage leaves. Chop the rest of the cabbage you did not use sprinkling half of it on the bottom of the pan then add the dill and the tomato sauce. 4. Put the cabbage rolls in the pan, on top of the tomato mixture. Cover the cabbage rolls with water and then add the rest of the chopped cabbage. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for one hour or until the cabbage is softened and the meat is cooked through. 5. Serve it hot with sour cream.

Cheese dumplings Ingredients:  1 kilogram of cottage cheese  250 g semolina  4 tablespoons of sugar  2 vanilla essences

 3 eggs  100 g butter  200g breadcrumbs

How to cook: 1. Smash the cottage cheese with a spoon. Add semolina and mix it. Add vanilla essence, sugar and mix it again. Add the eggs, one at a time, and mix after each added egg. 2. Melt the butter in a large tray, add the breadcrumbs and brown it at medium heat. Turn off the heat and add sugar. 3. With fingers, shape the cheese in small balls, approximately the size of table-tennis balls. Bring a large pot of water to boil it. Add the dumplings only to fill the bottom of the pot. Cook until the dumplings float to the surface. 4. Remove with a slotted spoon. Put them in the tray with the breadcrumbs. Roll the dumplings in the breadcrumbs. 5. Serve with powdered sugar vanilla, jam or sauce (strawberry, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.)

Carrot Cream Soup Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of butter 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 onion 1 clove of garlic ½ small leek 500 g of carrots

300 g potatoes 500 ml vegetable or poultry broth spices: 1 teaspoon of turmeric and ½ teaspoon curry powder 750 ml milk (cow's milk or coconut)

How to cook: 1. Put a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of olive oil into a pot, add diced onion and fry over low heat for about 2 minutes stirring from time to time. 2. Gradually add the rest of the vegetables, often stirring and fry for about 10 minutes. 3. Add finely chopped garlic and in a moment washed and sliced leek. 4. Next, add carrot peeled and cut into thin slices and potatoes peeled and cubed. 5. In the meantime, season the vegetables with salt. 6. Pour with the hot broth, add spices (turmeric and curry) and boil, cover with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes until vegetables are tender. Add milk and blend into cream. 7. Serve with parsley or a blot of sour cream.

Sour cabbage salad Ingredients:  sauerkraut (30-40 dag)  1 Apple  1 Carrot  2 small onions or one large  salt, pepper  sugar2-3 tablespoons of oil

How to cook: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Finely cut the cabbage. Peel the carrot and the apple and then grate them finely. Peel and finely chop the onions. Put all the ingredients into a bowl. Add 2-3 tablespoons of oil, season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar.

Ruskie dumplings (pierogi ruskie) Ingredients: Dough: 30 dag of flour 200 ml of hot water 1 tablespoon of butter salt to taste

Stuffing: 1/2 kg potatoes 1/2 cube of butter (100 grams) one onion salt and pepper to taste 20 dag of cottage cheese

How to cook: 1. Peel and wash potatoes, then cook until tender, rinse and mash them. Finely chop the onion and fry on butter. Cool potatoes, add the onion and the cheese. Mix everything precisely adding salt and pepper, it must be well seasoned as potatoes are mild by nature. 2. Sieve flour on a pastry board adding a pinch of salt, melted butter and gradually hot water. Combine everything with a wide knife and then knead the dough precisely. With a glass, cut out the circles (for about 20 dumplings). 3. Take a dough circle, put a stuffing inside, fold and press the edges precisely to seal the semicircle. Cook for about 4-5 minutes in boiling, salty water throwing gently one by one. Serve hot with butter and fried onion or bacon.

Crispy and yeast patties with meat

Ingredients:  0.5 kilograms of flour  3 dkg of yeast  1 margarine  1 cup of sour cream  1 teaspoon of baking powder  3 egg yolks pinch of salt  1 teaspoon of salt Filling:  1kg pork shoulder (may be other meat)  2 onions  1 bay leaf  2-3 allspices  salt, pepper, cayenne pepper (powder)  nutmeg

How to cook: 1. Rinse the meat and cook until soft in water with salt, pepper, bay leaf and allspice. In a saucepan, fry the chopped onions. When the meat gets cool, grind it with the fried onions. 2. Add salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and a little nutmeg to taste. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and knead the stuffing. 3. Sift the flour and mix with powder and add the ingredients to the chopped margarine and add salt. Next dissolve yeast in sour cream adding sugar and egg yolks. 4. Add cream mixed with yolks to the chopped ingredients. Mould everything and form patties. 5. Spread with egg, sprinkle with caraway seeds or nigella.

Roasted pork loin with prunes dried Ingredients:    

1.5 kg of boneless pork loin 15-20 grams of dried plums salt, herbal pepper

 garlic  marjoram  2 tablespoons of oil

How to cook: 1. The pork chop with a layer of fat on top is the best for this dish - the meat does not get dry while cooking. 2. Wash the meat and dry thoroughly, then cut with a sharp knife with a spiky end spiking the knife on both sides of the center – we will get a pocket in the middle of the piece, into which we will put prunes. Rub the meat with salt, garlic, herb pepper and marjoram. Wrap into a foil and put aside in the refrigerator for one night or at least for 3 hours. 3. Sprinkle the meat with oil and place on a baking sheet, with fat layer up. Put in the oven preheated to 220 degrees, after 30 minutes, lower the temperature to 180 degrees and water the meat (3/4 glass). 4. Keep on roasting for 1 hour pouring with sauce every 15-30 minutes. After removing from the oven, put the meat aside for at least 15-30 min to make it cool and allowed to stand covered with aluminum foil for at least 15-30 minutes or until cool. Serve sliced.

Apple Pie with Mint Leaves Ingredients: 2 ½ glass of wheat flour 1 ½ glass of potato flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder 1 glass of sugar powder ½ glass of cream

2 eggs 1 bar of margarine 3 kg apples Cinnamon

How to cook: 1. Mix sugar and cream and add all loose products to the mass. Blend it thoroughly, in the end use your hands to make sure the dough is perfectly combined. Cool the dough in the fridge for at least 3 hours.Meanwhile, peel and grate the apples. Put them into a frying pan and sprinkle with cinnamon. Fry for about 15-20. 2. Take dough out of the fridge and halve it. Roll one half and put into a baking pan (smeared with butter before). Spread the apple mass and cover with the second rolled dough. Leave a bit dough to be sprinkled on the top. Bake at 190 C for about 40-45 minutes. The oven must be preheated. Decorate with fresh mint leaves.

Fava beans Maccu served with octopus and wild fennel Ingredients:  Dried fava beans  Carrots  Onion

 Olive oil  Octopus  Wild fennel leaves

 Spring onion  Pine nuts  Salt

How to cook: For the Maccu: Soak fava beans in cold water for 24 hours. Peel fava beans. Stir-fry the chopped onion, carrots and some wild fennel leaves. Add peeled fava beans and pour water little by little. Season with salt and cook on a low heat. When fava beans are done, blend them until obtaining a creamy mixture. Drizzle with olive oil. For the Octopus: Cook the Octopus into boiling salted water with some lemon slices for about 30 minutes. Let it chill. Cut the octopus in order to obtain only tentacles. Stir-fry the tentacles in a pan. For the wild fennel pesto: Clean the wild fennel and separate stalks from leaves. Cut the spring onion and brown it. Add cut fennel stalks. Cook all the ingredients. Remove from the heat. Add pine nuts and wild fennel leaves. Blend all the ingredients. Presentation Arrange the Maccu into the plate. Add some drops of fennel pesto. Add two roasted octopus tentacles. Garnish with a little bit of oil, sprouts and flow.

Ravioli Ingredients: For the dough:

For the stuffing:

For the sauce:

 Flour 500 g  2 Eggs  Water to taste  Salt to taste

 Ricotta cheese 500 g  Thyme to taste  Black pepper to taste

 Meat pork  Tomato sauce  Onion  Salt to taste

How to cook: For the dough: Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the eggs, a pinch of salt and some warm water. Knead all the ingredients until obtaining a smooth and firm dough. Sprinkle some flour on the work surface and roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Cut the dough into strips. Season the ricotta cheese with thyme and black pepper to taste. Spoon the stuffing over the dough. Close the dough over itself, moistening edges to join. Cook the ravioli in boiled salted water for 5 minutes. For the sauce: Stir-fry the onion. Add the meat pork and tomato sauce and season with salt. Cook for about 1 hour. Presentation: Arrange ravioli into a plate and garnish with the tomato sauce.

Sardines “Beccafico” style Ingredients:  Sardines g 800  ½ Orange juice  Honey 2 tbs

For stuffing:

 Bread crumbs g500  2 Anchovies fillets  Sugar g 15  Raisin g 25  Parsley, salt, pepper,  Fine nuts g 20 extra-vergin oil

How to cook: 1. Clean the sardines and eliminate the head and fishbone. Wash and dry them gently. Fillet the sardines. 2. In a pan, stir-fry the bread crumbs. 3. Soak the raisins in hot water. 4. Chop the parsley and anchovies. 5. Mix together bread crumbs, raisin, parsley, fine nuts, and anchovies. Chop the mixture. Season with salt and pepper. 6. Stuff the anchovies with the mixture and roll them up. 7. Arrange the sardines in a baking tin. Sprinkle them with bread crumbs. 8. Drizzle with oil, orange juice and honey. 9. Cook in a pre-heated oven at 200 °C for 20-25 minutes

Focacce or “Scacce modicane” Ingredients: For the dough:

For the stuffing:

 Strong white bread flour 1 kg  Yeast g 10  1 and ½ tbs oil  A pinch of bicarbonate  Water to taste

 Tomato sauce  Cheese  Onion  Parsley  Sausage  Ricotta cheese

How to cook: Place the flour in a mound. Add salt, bicarbonate, yeast and oil. Pour warm water little by little and wok the dough until obtaining a smooth and firm dough. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Stuff with different ingredients to obtain different types of focacce:  tomato sauce and cheese;  ricotta cheese and sausage;  tomato sauce, parsley and onion. Season with olive oil. Roll the dough and back the focacce for about 30 minutes at 230 oC.

Arancini Ingredients:  1kg rice  800gr Tomato Sauce  500gr Minced Meat  500gr Bread Crums  200gr Fresh Peas  200gr Mozarella Cheese  3 Eggs

 1 Carrot  2 Onions  2 Celery Stalks  2 Bay Leaves  1 Packet of Zafran  Salt and Pepper to taste

How to cook: 123456789-

Cook the rice in hot boiling water and add Zafran. Chop finelly the onions, carrots and celery stalks. Brown to and then add the minced meat Add to the meat the tomato sauce and three bay leaves When the rice is cold, shake it into a bay In the middle and the meat, kozarella cheese and the boiled eggs Deep the arancini into the eggs and then bread them Fry in a large amount of oil until they become golden Serve hot.

Cannoli Ingredients: For the dough:  Italian Flour 00 (cake flour) 1kg  Lard 100 g  Sugar 100 g

 4 Eggs  1 Lemon  1 Glass of red wine  Salt to taste

For the stuffing:  Ricotta 1 kg  Sugar 200 g

How to cook: For cannoli: Mix together the sugar, flour and lard. Add red wine, grated lemon zest, eggs and salt. Knead all the ingredients in order to obtain a smoother and firm dough. Let it chill for about 30 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut it into large rectangles. Roll up the rectangles in appropriate moulds previously greased. Moisten the edge of rectangles with egg yolks. Deep fry the cannoli. For the stuffing: Sift the ricotta. Add the sugar. Stuff the cannoli with the ricotta cheese.

Kirde kebab Ingredients:  500 gr lamb meat  2 onions  4 cloves of garlic  6 tomatoes  10 fresh sprigs of thyme

 2 tablespoons olive oil  4 cherry tomatoes  Salt  Pepper

Kaygana (pancake) ingredients:

Sauce ingredients:

 600 ml milk  300 gr flour  10 sprigs of parsley  2 green peppers  4 eggs  Salt

 2 cups of yogurt  4 tablespoons butter  2 dessert spoons paprika (powder)

How to cook: Chop the onions. After heating the olive oil in a pan, add chopped onions and garlics. When the onions become softened and translucent add lamb meat cut into very thin slices and sauté over high heat. Peel and dice the tomatoes. Add the tomatoes to the meat and cook until tomato sauce thickens. Add fresh mint leaves. Season with salt and pepper to taste as you wish.

For Kaygana (pancake) 1. Put flour in a deep bowl, break eggs, add milk and salt into the bowl. Mix well. Add finely chopped parsley and green pepper to this mix and mix them all. Heat a drop of oil in a frying pan. Add one scoop at a time for small rounds. When one side is cooked, flip it over. Place a layer of kaygana, a layer of meat; repeat layers once more. There will be 4 layers of kaygana. 2. Heat butter in a pan. After it is melted add paprika powder and fry for a minute. Spoon garlic yogurt on top and ladle paprika butter over yogurt. Garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Devr-I azam Ingredients:  1 chicken breast  1 green apple  1 orange  1 lemon  2 table spoons vanilla syrup  1 vanilla bean  ½ red pepper

 2 tablespoons butter  10 almonds  A handful of walnuts  4-5 apricots  Curry powder  Salt  Pepper

How to cook: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cut the chicken breast into thin slices. Sear the slices in a hot, oil-free pan a few times; Cut the lemon peel in thin slices. Add 2 tablespoons butter and half of an apple sliced very thin; Add almonds, walnuts and apricots. Later add vanilla syrup, orange juice and chopped vanilla bean; Cook until orange juice is absorbed. Add chopped red pepper and sauté for a few minutes.

Terkib-i çesidiyye

Ingredients:  500 gr lamb meat cut into cubes  150 gr ground lamb  150 gr dried apricots  150 gr prunes  150 gr almonds  300 gr apple

 50 ml pomegranate syrup  20 ml honey  10 gr starch  30 ml rose water  Salt

How to cook: 1. Mix a glass of warm water, honey and pomegranate syrup well. 2. Put the lamb meat and a little water in a pot and cook the lamb meat cut into cubes over low heat. Add the mixture and salt to the pot. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 45 minutes, until the meat is tender. In another bowl kneading the ground lamb with salt, prepare small meatballs. 3. Remove the skin of almonds. When the meat is tender add meatballs, almonds, apricots and prunes. Taste the salt and simmer over low heat 20 minutes more. 4. Cut the apples into halves. When the apricots soften add apples to the pot and cook another 20 minutes. 5. Mix starch, a little water and rose water in a glass well. Add this mixture to the pot and bring to a boil, then remove the pot from the heat.

Chicken Topkapi

Ingredients:  2 boneless chicken breasts  1 cup of rice  A little more than 1 cup of water  1-2 onion  ½ cup of black currant soaked in water  2-3 tablespoons pine nuts  1 pinch of cinnamon  1 pinch of allspice  1 pinch of dry mint  1 pinch of sugar  Salt  Black pepper  Olive oil  Four cherry tomatoes

Sauce ingredients:  ½ cup of water  1 dessert spoon tomato paste  3 tablespoon oil

Mashed Potato:  500 gr boiled potato  2 tablespoons butter  2 table spoons milk  Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Sauteed Spinach:  250 gr spinach  Kasseri cheese  Salt

How to cook: 1. Put the pine nuts in a pan and sauté with olive oil until they are browned. Then take them out of the pan. Add olive oil to the same pan. Add diced onions and sauté them. 2. Stir until the onions have softened and turned translucent about 5 minutes; add rice and a pinch of salt to the onions and keep sautéing. Then add the black currants and all the spices; continue cooking until they give off their smell. Later add water and pine nuts; let simmer until water is absorbed. 3. Place the turkey breast on the cutting board. Flatten with your hands or between two pieces of plastic wrap with a mallet. Fill the inside of the chicken pieces with rice stuffing and carefully roll the chicken breasts up into a cylinder. Place them in an oven tray. Mix water, oil and tomato paste and spread on chickens. Cook for 30-35 minutes in a preheated oven at 180°C. 4. For preparing mashed potatoes bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes; drain. In a small saucepan heat butter and milk over low heat until butter is melted. Using a potato masher slowly blend milk mixture into potatoes until smooth and creamy. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. 5. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Add the spinach and toss with tongs until it wilts, 3 to 5 minutes. Season the spinach with salt and kasseri cheese. When the chicken is ready put it on a platter and garnish with spinach, mashed potato and cherry tomato.

Su muhallebisi (starch pudding) Ingredients:  1 kg milk  190 gr sugar  70 gr rice flour  25 gr cornstarch  25 gr flour  150 gr blueberry

 150 gr strawberry  10 pcs physalis  10 bunches of red currant  5 tangerines  3 kiwis  10 fresh sprigs of mint

How to cook: 1. In a bowl mix rice flour, cornstarch, sugar and flour. Add a little water. 2. Pour milk in a pot and place over medium heat. When the milk boils add the mixture in the bowl to the pot and stir constantly until mixture thickens. 3. Place kiwi and strawberry into slightly wetted moulds. Remove the mixture from heat and pour into the moulds. 4. Let cool briefly or chill in refrigerator until serving. 5. Garnish with blueberry, raspberry, passion fruit and mint sprigs.

Pear dessert Ingredients:  6 pears  2 cups of water  5 cups of sugar  Maras ice-cream  Turkish Fairy Floss  Lohusa sugar (slabs of sugar flavoured with spices and dyed red)

How to cook: 1. Wash the pears, peel and cut them in halves. Using a tablespoon scoop out the seeds of each half; 2. Place them on a pot, put lohusa sugar on pears and pour water. Cook the pears for about 2 hours over low heat; 3. Place a handful of rolled Turkish fairy floss on a platter, put a half pear and a scoop of Maras icecream on it respectively. Finally decorate the platter with various kinds of nuts.

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