A manager’s
guide to the
media consent process
The Marketing and Communications team at Voyage Care love sharing your service’s amazing news and stories. Whether that be on Hive, social media or in Zest magazine. We also share your stories with the public, using photos from across our services in our leaflets, brochures and on our website. Before we can share anything about you, your staff or the people you support, like names or photo’s, we need to check we have a signed consent form. The good news is, that once we’ve received a signed consent form it lasts for two years! So, we won’t need to keep asking you every time you send us a photo or story to share. It’s important that before the consent form is signed, your staff need to understand what it means and where the information will be shared. We’ve created a guide to help you and your team manage the process. To take a look at the full policy for consent relating to non-core business activities, click here!
Great news! Our new consent form lasts two years!
Where will content be shared?
Our webs
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Social media Hive - our staff intranet! Like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Exclusive content, like staff blogs!
Zest Our quarterly magazine with stories from across the UK!
The consent process!
Start here!
Do you have a story or photo you or your staff would like us to share?
Have you got a new signed Voyage Care consent form for everyone featured in the story?
We’re always interested in hearing what you are doing! Email communications or the marketing team!
I don’t know You can email the information security team at any time to check if we have received a form for those people in the past! Yes! The consent will last two years, so unless the person withdraws consent - we can share your story!
No... We can’t share any personal information unless we have a signed consent form.
Does someone want to withdraw their consent?
This can be done at any time - just email informationsecurity@voyagecare. com and they will remove the person from the consent register.
We will ask each person to review their consent every two years.
Frequently asked questions
Why do Voyage Care want to use photos, videos and stories about me, my staff or the people we support? At Voyage Care we share stories, because we know some people like to let others know about their achievements. We also use information about the people we support and our staff to share the work that Voyage Care does. We want more people to be supported by us and more people to work for us!
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Where might Voyage Care use photos, videos and stories about me, my staff or the people we support? We use photos, videos and stories in our leaflets, posters, banners and brochures etc. We share these with our staff on Hive, in Zest magazine, or with the public on social media or on our website.
How long will consent last? Unless the person chooses to withdraw consent, which can be done at any time, consent will last for two years.
What if someone changes their mind? Don’t worry, if you, your staff or a person we support wants to withdraw consent. Just email us on: consent@voyagecare.com and let the Information Security team know!
What about consent for children? Guardians or adults with parental responsibily can consent for children under 18. For children aged 11 to 16, consent is tricky. While legally a child, they have the capacity to consent for themselves. Whenever consent is received for a child above the age of 11 this should be flagged to consent@voyagecare.com who will decide if consent from the adult with parental responsibility is valid.
Do I need to have a signed consent form every time I send a photo or story? If, in the last two years you have already sent us a signed consent form for the person/people featured in the story, then you won’t need to send a new form each time. We will check the details in our consent register and as long as previous consent has been received, then we can share the photo/story.
Who can give consent if the person I support doesn’t have the capacity to give consent? A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can sign the consent form on the person we support’s behalf. If they do not have one, a best interest decision must be made and recorded to give any consent.
How do I know if the person signing the form is LPA? Even close family members may not be LPA - ask to see evidence first such as paperwork before allowing anyone to sign the form.
You must ensure you have seen evidence that the person is a LPA before signing the employee section of the form
Top tip! Introduce these forms into your support plans so that they can be signed when a person we support first begins receiving support from us!
Do the people you support have an unusual hobby? Have they achieved something they want to share? Let us know! We’re always interested in hearing what you are doing.
Get involved!
We want to sha re your stories!
You can email or marketing@ voyagecare.com or communications@ voyagecare.com to share your stories with us! If you’re unsure about the consent process, you can email informationsecurity@voyagecare. com at any time to check.