Halloween Trivia Quiz
Circle which answer you think is correct to each question. Play as a team or by yourself. Good Luck! 1. The first Jack-O-Lanterns were made out of what? a) turnips
b) melons
c) coconuts
d) pumpkins
2. In what century did the practice of trick-or-treating begin? a) 17th century
b) 10th century
c) 16th century
d) 9th century
c) Day of the dead
d) Blessings
3. What does the word “Halloween� mean? a) Night of the dead
b) Holy Night
4. If you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see? a) Phantom
b) Your future partner
c) Your dead ancestors
d) Your death
5. What movie convinced people to get rid of their Ouija boards? a) Ouija
b) The Exorcit
c) The Amityville Horror
d) Halloween
6. How many witches were burned at the stake in the Salem Witch Trials? a) 20
b) 0
c) 12
d) 6