0 2 0 2 VEAs Includin
Judges top tips
How to access the nominations portal from your phone! Read more on Page 4
It’s time to nominate! Plus! How to make your nomination stand out
It’s time to...
Did you kno w
Last y
ear we had over 1 0 0 0 nomin ations !
From 1 – 30 June, nominations will be open for this year’s Voyage Excellence Awards. While we hope to be in a position to celebrate the VEAs as normal, we are keeping a close eye on the situation to make sure we are doing the safest thing for everyone. Even if the event can’t go ahead as planned, we will find a way to celebrate our amazing staff - so we still need your nominations! There is no limit to how many teams or individuals you can nominate so it’s time start thinking about your nominations. This handy guide is full of hints and tips on completing your nomination and how you can access the *new* nominations portal! There are some changes this year, read on for more information,,,
Key dates Nominations open
30 June
Voyage Excellence Awards night!*
Last years celebrity host, Sally Phillips!
1 June
Nominations close at midnight
15 Oct *We are keeping a close eye on guidance, we will keep you updated if this date changes
“The awards are always a great night in themselves, but the lengths the company goes to, to honour its staff, is superb" Jillian Northen, Sade Abayomi award winner of 2019!
Nomination portal This year we’ve made the nominations process even easier!
You’ll be able to access to your very own ‘nominations portal’ where you can manage your nominations anytime, anywhere! Follow these simple steps to get started:
Sign up! This year there’s a new nomination portal that keeps all of your nominations together. First, set up your own log in details by visiting... vea.awardsplatform.com
You can nominate as many indviduals or teams as you like. You’ll see all your open nominations in your portal dashboard when you log in and you can amend them anytime up until midnight on 30 June!
We I nev hap
Rich awar
were so shocked that we won. ver win anything, so I am very ppy that we won!�
hard & Wayne - ETHOS rd winners 2019
You can keep going back to your nominations until you are ready to submit them - just make sure they are all completed by midnight on 30 June!
Access the portal from your phone!
You can now nominate on the go, anywhere, anytime. Simply visit vea.awardsplatform. com on your mobile/tablet! Good luck!
Filling out your nomination ination
our nom y t r ta s u o y e efor
: You will need
nominating re a u o y n o rs into of the pe omination fits n • Full name r u o y ry o g ard cate rson works in e p is th m • Which aw a e /t of the service r • The name in ag g Directo n a M d n a n io g the person • Their reg n ti a in m o n r ns fo • Your reaso
Award categories
.. t t s s P
al peci n s o o ls re a grabs a e r r The s up fo sen by ho rd ! awa night, c n panel e o ti th elec s e th
Community T eam of the Ye ar Care Home T eam of the Ye ar Specialist Tea m of the Year Branch of the Year Community S upport Worke r of the Year Care Home S upport Worke r of the Year Field Based S upport Team Member of th Learner of th e Year e Year Newcomer o f the Year Group Suppo rt Team Mem ber of the Yea Group Suppo r rt Team of th e Year Community M anager of the Year Care Home M anager of the Year
7 David Green (South) Ellen Poynton (South West) Alan Marshall (Central West) BIR Services (Alan Marshall) Antonella Laurenti (Central East) Ayesha Trott (South East) Brian Flynn (North)
Top Tip
Ask a collea gue or mana lin ger if you ar e unsur e of an e y details .
Jargon buster Nominee The person you want to win an award
Testimonial A message from someone who works with or has been supported by the person you are nominating. This could be from a family member, external professional or person we support.
External professional Someone from outside of Voyage Care who can speak highly of your nominee. E.g. a social worker or care manager.
Judge A member of the selection panel who will help to decide the nominations that are successful.
Nomination The form you fill in that tell us all about your nominee and why they should win.
J u d ge ’s
! s p i Top T
1 2 3
Give examples - always give specific examples to back up your reasons for nominating. Think about what the nominee has done that’s special and the positive impact they have had on the people they support.
Time - make sure you give yourself plenty of time to write a high quality nomination Follow the guidelines carefully and make sure you adhere to the word count for each question.
Stand out - remember the judges have a lot of nominations so be clear why your nominee has gone above and beyond
planations clear ex r u yo ep ke , n io at omin “When writing your n ugh information o en is e er th g n ri su en and to the point while ion. The panel is ec d r ei th e ak m to el for the selection pan ic work that the st ta n fa e th t u o ab g won’t know anythin and can only take into e n o d as h g in at in m o person you are n are reading.” ey th at h w n io at er d consi
Mi cheala Blanche
Risk and Governance
r of Manager and membe l the VEA judging pane
You can nominate from 1 June. To find out more about how to nominate visit: Hive > Explore > VEAs You can nominate by clicking this link: vea.awardsplatform.com
Good luck!