Keeping information secure...
...while working from home
Sensitive/confidential documents We recognise that there will be a fair amount of confidential/sensitive data which may need to be kept in your house temporarily. The importance and onus are on you to ensure that the data is being kept safe. Data should only be kept for as long as is necessary and either archived or disposed of in a correct manner. Key pointers: • Do you need the document in hard copy or can you refer to it on your laptop or computer? • If you need the document at home, is it being kept in a safe environment and only accessible to you (i.e. could children or other family members have access to confidential information?) • Are any documents/equipment with sensitive information being left in your car? Although you shouldn’t leave documents/equipment in your car, if you have to, you must ensure it is hidden away from public view • Can you dispose of unwanted documents with a shredder? If not, can you secure the disposable documents in a safe space and bring them to Group Support with you to be put in a confidential waste bin or could you take the disposable documents to your nearest office (post Covid-19 restrictions) to put in their confidential waste bin?
Company devices This refers to your company laptops, monitors, mobiles, keyboards, printers etc. Key pointers: • If you’re working in the garden or outdoors, make sure your company devices are secure and aren’t by open doors/windows • When visitors come into your house, are the company owned devices hidden away so unauthorised individuals do not have access? • Are the company owned devices kept away from small children to avoid any damage occurring? • Working from home, there may be a temptation to use company owned devices for personal usage. Before such use, have you reviewed the various policies created by the Information Governance and IT departments to ensure that your usage is compliant?
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This refe rs to you r pe mobile p hones, em rsonal print ail accou nts et Key poin ters: • Is you r persona lly owned connecte printe d to your company device? If ow not, have you spok about ge en tting con • Under nected? no circum stances s email sen hould sitive/con fidential to your p do ersonal e mail acco cu from any unt t pe already b rsonal devices wh o e connec ich ted to yo network. u r prin IT may ha ve the ab to provid il ity ee you to co quipment that all o nnect ma nually if n ws connectio etwork n is unavail • You m a b le ust not u se person phones f al mobile or busine ss calls to Voyage C nonare partie s
Sending information securely When working from home it is important to remain vigilant with regards to information security, particularly for external emails. When sending sensitive information/documentation internally you should consider ‘who will be able to see this data?’. If there is a possibility that it will be seen by an unitended person, you should send the data securely. Key pointers: • Triple check that the recipients are the correct and intended recipients (this is the most common and easiest way for a data security breach to occur) • The safest way to send emails securely is by using Mimecast closed circuit messaging. Please see Mimecast guidance which is on Hive for further advice • If sending an email by way of normal messaging which contains sensitive/ confidential documents, password protect the document. Once protected, send the password protected PDF to the recipient in an email. After sending the PDF, send a second email containing the password • If the sensitive document cannot be password protected, please ensure it is sent securely through Mimecast
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Data breaches You should report a data breach as soon as it occurs to informationsecurity@ Please do not hesitate to report anything you feel might fall within this category. Examples of data breaches may include (this list is not exhaustive): • A laptop bag containing sensitive information being stolen from your garden • Original copies of sensitive information being destroyed or damaged because someone for example poured a glass of wine over them or threw them in the bin mistakenly • Sensitive/confidential information being sent to the wrong recipient in an email, by post etc • Sensitive/confidential documents being blown away in the wind whilst working outside, causing the documents to be lost • Your work laptop or email address being hacked. (This is likely to occur if you notice that random emails are being sent to or your account)
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instructions Click here for soft etings via Micro to arrange me Teams. w to ructions on ho st in r fo re e h Click web eams via your T ft so ro ic M ss acce browser
Get in touch If you have any questions about anything mentioned in this toolkit, you can visit Hive for further information or contact the Information Security team at: informationsecurity@