57th edition of the Synergy Magazine

Page 1

Magazine of The European Law Students’ Association

No.57 · I-2015



Council of Europe's Aspect

The Right to Privacy and its Future

Youth Participation

Sophie Kwasny, Head of the Data Protection Unit, CoE, p.6

Ian Walden, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QMUL, p.13

André-Jacques Dodin, Head of the Youth Policy Division, CoE, p.16

The right to privacy and its future


ELSA International Phone: +32 2 646 26 26 Fax: + 32 2 646 29 23 E-mail: elsa@elsa.org

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ELSA International




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ELSA is present in 42 countries -

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Editor’s letter Dear ELSA friends,

I am glad to find the opportunity to emphasize ELSA’s commitment to Human Rights and the importance of human dignity and cultural diversity once again, by giving a special focus to “the right to privacy and its future” in the 57th edition of the Synergy Magazine, where you can read various aspects discussed by exIdil Buke Civelek perts in this field. If you are interested Vice President for Marketing in the subject, I recommend you to read ELSA International 14/15 the article on page 6, written by Sophie Kwasny, the Head of the Data Protection Unit of Council of Europe. And do not miss the articles from Queen Mary School of London, Catolica Global School of Law, European Human Rights Association, Central European University and European Digital Rights.

At the same time, the second focus of the edition is the 20th anniversary of International Focus Programme (IFP), which was introduced in 1994 and for the first time implemented in 1995 in order to provide law students and young lawyers a platform to discuss internationally relevant topics. You can find the story behind this idea from various articles and an interview in the magazine. See the interview with the President and Secretary General of ELSA International 1994/1995 on page 32! A lot has happened during the term 2014/2015 in the ELSA Network, so remember to take a look at the section where you can find more details about the projects that were organized, and stay tuned for the news from ELSA to find out more about the unique opportunities for your career! Enjoy your read!

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Editor's Letter


Council of Europe's Aspect Sophie Kwasny, Council of Europe, p.6

ELSA Events Calender 2015


International Focus

The Right to Privacy and its Future Ian Walden, QMUL, p.13

Youth Participation AndrĂŠ-Jacques Dodin, Council of Europe, p.16


Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Council of Europe's Aspect

The right to privacy and its future in a Council of Europe1 context 1. The Council of Europe is an intergovernmental organisation based in Strasbourg (France) and is composed of 47 member countries (including the 28 EU ones). It is the continent’s leading human rights’ organisation. For more information: www.coe.int

Sophie Kwasny Head of the Data Protection Unit Council of Europe

Setting the scene


he European Convention on Human Rights1 (“ECHR”) opened for signature in Rome on 4 November 1950 safeguards in its Article 8 the “right to respect for private and family life”.


The right to private life under Article 8 of the ECHR

1 http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/Html/005.htm


Partners' and Externals' Perspective



While the ECHR sets the cornerstone of the protection of our indi-

eral European countries thus started in -

sonal data -

It is still to date the only international legally binding have

country across the globe. -

Tomorrow’s Privacy: weak, creep and geek? , with a 2. http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/Html/108.htm - The Convention has supervisory authorities (also called ‘data protection authorities’) and transborder data 3. 28 January, Data Protection Day also known as Privacy Day, marks the anniversary of Convention 108

4 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 2013 Privacy Guidelines accessible at: http://www.oecd.org/sti/ieconomy/privacy.htm 5. For more information on the proposal for a new data protection legislation in the EU: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/


Partners' and Externals' Perspective

That’s the ‘creepy’ part -

The incredibly shocking mass surveillance carried out vealed by the information disclosed in June 2013 by Edtrust in the digital environment.


to protect our personal data.



Partners' and Externals' Perspective


Believing in the value of Convention 108 Modernising Convention 108 is precisely about reinforc-



are calling for a global instrument safeguarding the right common core principles are in place in as many countries as possible to guarantee an appropriate level of


to the processing of personal data.

we -


Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Council of Europe and UNHRC Strasbourg

Whither the Swing of Privacy's Pendulum?

Revisiting the challenges of privacy law

Matej Accetto Gulbenkian Professor of Law, Católica Global School of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa


short stroll from Amsterdam’s central train station to one of the nearby canals Ons' Lieve Heer op Sol-

der schuilkerken -

Expounding on such

historian Kaplan outlines three conceptions (or levels) of

one’s home and the privacy of one’s friendships and activities outside the home.



This image can serve as an introduction to a number of dignity.4 others -

1. Benjamin J. Kaplan, “Fictions of Privacy: House Chapels and the Spatial Accommodation of Religious Dissent in Early Modern Europe”, American Historical Review 107 (2002) 1031, at 1602. 2. Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis, “The Right to Privacy”, Harvard Law Review 4 (1890) 193.


3. For a “historical” example of tackling technology development with regard to telephone use, see Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928), and Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). 4. See James Q. Whitman, “The Two Western Cultures of Privacy: Dignity Versus Liberty”, Yale Law Journal 113 (2004) 1151.

Partners' and Externals' Perspective

settled. In the Von Hannover v Germany -


čič penned a -


“[…] I believe that the courts have to some extent and under American



of the press. […] It is time that the pendulum swung back to a different kind of balance between what is private and secluded and what is public and unshielded.

The second challenge is to redesign the mechanism of the

This statement led to a revived debate on the appropriate use of the margin of appreciation by the Strasbourg

A pertinent -

European standards of fundamental rights. -


This -

5. App. No. 59320/00, [2004] ECHR 294. 6. Lord Hoffmann, “The Universality of Human Rights”, Judicial Studies Board Annual Lecture (2009), available at <https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/announcements/speech-bylord-hoffmann-the-universality-of-human-rights/>, at 22.

7. Case C-312/12 Google Spain and Google, judgment of 13 May 2014 (nyr). 8. Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12 Digital Rights Ireland and Seitlinger and Others, judgment of 8 April 2014 (nyr). 9. Liberty & others v. FCO & others, [2015] UKIPTrib 13_77-H.

Partners' and Externals' Perspective


lenges to the traditional

In other -

the right pendulum before deciding


10. Bert-Jaap Koops, “The Trouble with European Data Protection Law”, doi: 10.1093/ idpl/ipu023 (2014), to be published in International Data Privacy Law.


11. Fleur Johns and Daniel Joyce, “Beyond Privacy. Is prevailing legal debate too analog for a digital age?”, Human Rights Defender 23 (2014) 24, at 25.

Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Evaluating in a broader perspective

The right to privacy and its future

Ian Walden Professor at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QMUL


ny self-respecting article on privacy usually begins by

means. 1


The starting point for this piece is the observa-

appropriate to talk about the future ‘and data protection’. -

in the form of a Convention in 19812. -

1. See, for example, Westin, A., Privacy and Freedom (Bodley Head, 1975), Wacks, R., Personal Information: Privacy and the Law (Clarendon Press, 1993) and Solove, D., Understanding Privacy, May 2008.

2. Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, Strasbourg, 28 January 1981. 3. Directive 95/46/EC “on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data”, OJ L 281/31, 23.11.1995. 4. Directive 02/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning ‘the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector’ OJ L 201/37, 31.7.2002


Partners' and Externals' Perspective




Freely given consent raises further philosophical quaninstitutions they depend on. -


Notions of consent trollers only process personal data on some legitimate ground. -


Information and communication technologies are conslopments.

Partners' and Externals'Hate Perspective Speech


There are many aspects of the future of privacy that couAchieving adequacy has proved a major issue for data such as concerns about the surveillance state revealed by regimes.



Consent can overly indiunderestimating the so-

the support it gives to other rights such as freedom of expression.


Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Youth Participation

How do young people influence the Council of Europe?

AndrĂŠ-Jacques Dodin Head of the Youth Policy Division, Youth Department, Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation


youth participation is about strengthening our democratic systems and societies. The -



The principle and practice of co-management as conceived by the Council of Europe involves different

and co-management. -


Consultation Besides the possibilities offered by the instruments in partic-


The Advisory Council on Youth is a body composed of 30 representatives of national and European non-govthe Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on all questions relating to the youth domain. With this purp-

Partners' and Externals' Perspective


Co-operative dialogue The Council of Europe encourages a form of partner-


ganisation from all over Europe are offered the possibility -

and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has their -


Partners' and Externals' Perspective -

al Authorities of the Council of Europe resulted in sever-



dialogue partment and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has for many their organisations to be actively in-

are closely associated. -

concerning questions relevant to -

the preparation of reports and recommendations.

These representatives also take part in a youth event prition to the debates of the Conference as such. The parThe most recent example in this respect is the report in -

Co-decision The strategy of the Council of Europe regarding its Joint Council on Youth and the Programrope youth sector also organises co-operation activities develop youth policy in the member states.

ming Committee on Youth.


Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ),



The Joint Council oversees the Council of Europe’s propetence.

Partners' and Externals' Perspective


Co-management The participation of youth representatives in the above structures of the Council of Europe’s youth sector goes mental partners. -



Since the establishment of the Council of Europe ‘strucof young people on the Organisation’s youth policy has been considerable. -



Partners' and Externals' Perspective

The evolution of the concept of privacy

From the American revolution, to big data and the internet of things

Julian Hauser Trainee European Digital Rights


it had been the British right to search -


less intrusion into people's private sphere.

again at the centre of a debate on privacy. -


become crucial.

of privacy has surfaced time and again. The notion of privacy has adapted to those changing circumstances and today the focus lies mainly on users’ control of their personal data.


Partners' and Externals' Perspective





large extent on the in-

The complementary limitation theory of privacy could -

quests to consent to the use of their data that informed choice becomes illusory.


Partners' and Externals' Perspective


While helpful in resolving some of the prob-



While helpful in resolving some of the problems associ-



Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Privacy of legal entities

In the case-law of the ECtHR and the Court of Justice of the EU

“the European Court of Human Rights … makes a distinction between the level of Human Rights Consultant for the protection conferred on natural persons on European Human Rights Association, Former Lawyer at the ECtHR the one hand and legal persons on the other.” Opinion of Advocate General Geelhoed in Case C-301/04 P Commission of the European Communities v SGL Carbon. Daniela EkimovaSpirova


“domicile” and home and professional life is often blurred. -

Roquette Frères SA v Directeur général de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes, and Commission of the European Communities4

The right at stake 5

Bernh from obvious some 20 years ago. In Hoechst AG v. Commission of the European Communities1 Niemietz v. Germany2 1. Cases 46/87 and 227/88 2. No. 13710/88

Larsen Holding AS and Others v. Norway6

3. Société Colas Est and Others v. France, no. 37971/97 4. C-94/00, § 29 5. Harris, O’Boyle & Warbrick, Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, Second Edition, OUP 2009, p. 377 6. No. 24117/08.


Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Ravon and Others v. France8, which concerned -

In light of the initial concept of “home” in-

companies relied also on the right to private life and correspondence of their employees. -


The degree of protection of the company’s “home” siness premises. 7. Delta Pekárny a.s. v. Czech Republic, no. 97/11, §§ 65 and 78 8. No. 18497/03, § 24



9. Niemietz, § 31 10. Société Colas, § 49

Bernh Larsen

Partners' and Externals' Perspective Holding AS and Others11 18

Although the ECtHR often uses this formulation ght on the applicant’s legal personality in the proportionality assessment.


In Bernh Larsen Holding AS Buck v. Germany


11. § 159. See also Delta Pekárny, § 82. 12. Roquette Frères, § 29 13. Saint-Paul Luxembourg S.A. v. Luxembourg, no. 26419/10, § 39 14. Société Colas, § 48 15. This approach was criticized by judges Berro-Lefèvre and Laffranque in their dissenting opinion who emphasized that the nature of the interference, and the risks linked to danger of abuse is equally great, whatever the purpose of the seizure. 16. No. 41604/98, § 45

17. Whish and Bailey, Competition Law, 7th ed., OUP, 2012, p. 249 18. See the dissenting opinion of judges Berro-Lefèvre and Laffranque, cited above


European Regional Round of ELSA Moot Court Competition Date: 23rd - 27th of March 2015 Place: Halle, Germany

ELSA MUN 2015 - Model United Nations Date: 18th - 22th March 2015 Place: Porto, Portugal Working Language: English E-mail: vpaa.elsaucpporto@gmail.com Website: www.elsamun2015.wix.com/elsamun2015

Baltic Sea Exchange Date: 16th - 18th February 2015 Place: Sweden and Finland Working Language: English Contact Information: Amelie Bengtsson E-mail: vpsc@elsasweden.org Website: www.elsasweden.org

European Regional Round of ELSA Moot Court Competition Date: 11th - 15th of March 2015 Place: Bucharest, Romania Working Language: English Website: www.elsamootcourt.org


International Conference on International & Comparative Copyright Law on the Internet Date: 25th - 26th of April Place: Kharkiv, Ukraine Working Language: English E-mail: vpsc.elsakharkiv@gmail.com Website: https://www.facebook.com/elsakharkiv

LXVII International Council Meeting Date: 19th - 26th April 2015 Place: Cluj-Napoca, Romania Working Language: English

A Toolbox for Anti-corruption Date: 17th April 2015 Place: Stockholm, Sweden Working Language: English Contact Information: Amelie Bengtsson E-mail: vpsc@elsasweden.org Website: www.elsasweden.org

Cross-Border Mergeres & Acquisitions Date: 8th - 12th April 2015 Place: Tallinn, Estonia Working Language: English E-mail: sc@elsa.ee Website: www.seminar.elsa.ee

Events Calendar 2015


V Supporting Area Meeting (SAM)


International Presidents’ Meeting (IPM) Date: 26th - 30th August Place: Thessaloniki, Greece Working Language: English


Refreshment Week Date: 26th - 28th of June Place: Thessaloniki, Greece Working Language: English

Train the Trainers Week Date: 22nd - 28th of June Place: Thessaloniki, Greece Working Language: English


ELSA Moot Court Competition: Final Oral Round Date: 2nd - 7th June 2015 Place: Geneva, Switzerland Working Language: English Website: www.elsamootcourt.org

African Regional Round of ELSA Moot Court Competition Date: 29th March - 1st April Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Working Language: English Website: www.elsamootcourt.org


XII National Moot Court Competition Date: 26th - 29th March 2015 Place: Trento, Italy Working Language: Italian E-mail: oc.nmcc@elsatrento.org Website: www.elsatrento.org/nmcc2015

Working Language: English Website: www.elsamootcourt.org

European Career Day Date: 17th May 2015 Place: Maastricht, The Netherlands Working Language: English Contact Information: Marc Feldmann, Sjors Vonken elsa@maastrichtuniversity.nl Website: www.elsamaastricht.nl

IP Conference Salzburg/Munich Date: 5th - 9th May 2015 Place: Austria, Germany Working Language: German Registration Deadline: 1st April 2015 Contact Information: Aziza Azizova E-mail: president@elsa-salzburg.org Website: https://www.facebook.com/ipkonferenz


For more upcoming activities, go to our website:

LXVIII International Council Meeting (ICM) Date: 18th - 24th of October 2015 Place: Batumi, Georgia Working Language: English


V Key Area Meeting (KAM) Date: 2nd - 6th of September 2015 Place: Salento, Italy Working Language: English

Date: 2nd - 6th September 2015 Place: Prague, Czech Republic Working Language: English

Partners' and Externals' Perspective

Privacy and data protection

Venture into the future of privacy

Kristina Irion Institute of Information Law at the University of Amsterdam, Department of Public Policy at Central European University (Budapest)


at the Computer Privacy and Data Protection Conference -

The privacy paradox

EU is on the one hand a global frontrunner and at the Privacy is sexy! ment requiring experts in privacy and data protection. -


A regulatory approach that aims to harness individuals’ autonomy does not stand a chance against business models that involve the extensive collection of personal data.

to speed regarding the demands. 28


Partners' and Externals' Perspective




give their consent to the processing of personal data are deprived of the safety net of unfair commercial practices and collective bargaining

Weaving a personal data threat

unprecedented explosion of data. -



The value that companies attach to click-stream and metadata is immense because it holds a more granular picture of individual activities that can be used to understand us better as consumers.

1. The catching silkworm analogy I borrowed from Chris Marsden and Ian Brown’s book “Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age” (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2013).


Partners' and Externals' Perspective

large extrapolates the concepts of the 1995 Directive into the future -


Governments, too, take a toll on citizens’ privacy Weaving smart data protections into the texture of the right to privacy

rize themselves increasingly pass legislation that enable authorities to process the personal data of citizens for a variety of purposes. -

leaving their silk cocoon as debris behind -

Spain SL



Google -


In order for privacy to dividuals should be able to set preferences on their end that devices and providers.

Partners' and Externals' Perspective



The ensuing question vices should be person-


public interest? Digital Rights Ireland and Seitlinger


vacy is not only about individual fundamental rights



ELSA Interview

IFP History

Interview with Martin Flink and Julian Vassallo

Josie Rae Beal Director for International Focus Programme ELSA International 14/15


thank you for agreeing to participate in this in-

for the project came from?


After all of the discussion surrounding the introduction topic? There must have been a lot of different ideas! -


ELSA Interview

What do you think has been the biggest success of the IFP so far? What are you most proud of ?

outside of ELSA? -


the last 20 years.



International Focus

20 Years of the International Focus Programme

Fostering the ELSA Network through hot legal topics

Marko Dolenec Vice President for Seminars & Conferences ELSA International 14/15


uring the International Council Meeting in Malta 1994 the concept of the International Focus Programme

have a place in the international community�. -

While celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the impleboth internally and externally. groups closer and makes our association stronger.



International Focus

ELSA Mid-IFP Conference: Freedom of expression

Marking the middle of the IFP cycle


o mark the middle of the

Vice President for Student Trainee Exchange Programme ELSA Croaita 14/15


be informed. -


teractivity and active involvement of the participants. -



International Focus

Using the IFP as an inspiration

Diversity of the IFP projects in ELSA Italy

IFP in the Academic Activities The International Focus

Federica Quero

Chiara Moretto

Sara Galassini D'Elia

Vice President for Seminars & Conferences ELSA Italy 14/15

Vice President for Academic Activities ELSA Italy 14/15

Director for International Focus Programme ELSA Italy 14/15

We are sure that this success

the Essay Competition that is still ongoing. -

IFP in Seminars and Conferences

the topic is about the freedom of expression from its orinological evolution.

tional Focus Programme (IFP) had the central position in the events of Seminars & Conferences area. -



International Focus

Connecting key areas: The Italian IFP Day The concept of the International Focus Programme (IFP) Day is dedicated to its implementation in the Itaaspects that need to be explored more. the opportunity to focus their activities on an up-to-da-


International Focus

The Value of Trademarks

Protecting trademarks as a legal profession

Milesh Gordhandas Advisor, Europe Office, International Trademark Association (INTA)


of various products and services every day. -


INTA appreciates that ELSA dedicated its 2008-2011 International Focus Programme to Intellectual start of our cooperation. -

the Internal Market


Counterfeiting is among the most serious issues that negatively impact trademarks. -

The International Trademark Association (INTA) supports trademarks and related intellectual property rights in order to protect consumers and promote fair and effective commerce. -



STEP EMPLOYERS 14/15* ELSA International wants to express the appreciation to all companies and organisations that participated in the Student Trainee Exchenge Programe during 2014-2015 for the outstanding contribution in the development of the legal career and cultural exchange in the world: AUSTRIA - Bezirkshauptmannschaft Innsbruck - Bezirkshauptmannschaft Schwaz - PHH Prochaska Havranek Rechtsanwälte - Bundesministerium für Inneres - Magistrat Graz - Bundeskanzleramt Österreich - Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres AZERBAIJAN - MG Consulting - The State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations - Ekvita Legal and Tax Services Firm BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA CROATIA - Roma National Council (RNC) - Atlantic Grupa

- ISP - Istitute for German and European Procedure on Police Law GREECE - The Hellenic Mediation and Arbitration Centre - Cabinet d’Avocats Papathanasiou ITALY - Studio Legale Perrone - Sinatore & Associati - Consulenza Legale - Boursier Niutta & Partners - Aprigliano International Law Firm - AIREST SPA - Studio Legale Pinelli Schifani - European Center for Law, Science and New Technologies (ECLT), UNIPV - Palmigiano Law Firm - Studio Legale Floris - Studio Ubertazzi

- Pierstone - bpv Braun Partners s.r.o. ESTONIA - Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) GERMANY - Piening Personal - Rechtsanwaltsbüro Bernfried Wolff - Ebner Stolz - WSS Redpoint Rechtsanwälte - kbz Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater - Ministry of Justice and European Affairs of the State Saxony - RA Dr. jur. Axel Schober - Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Schmücker - König, Strässer & Partner GbR

SLOVAK REPUBLIC - TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti s.r.o. SPAIN - Bion Logística y Transporte SL - Guretruck SL THE NETHERLANDS - Wolf Legal Publishers TURKEY


CZECH REPUBLIC - Holubova advokati s.r.o. - The League of Human Rights - Faculty of Law, Masaryk University

- Cabinet Avocat Capus Florina Eugenia


Christos A. Theodoulou

- Casa de Avocatura Tundrea si Asociatii - Cabinet individual de avocat dr. Cristian Clipa - Cabinet de avocat Enciu Razvan - Cabinet de avocatura Liviu Bran - SCA "Chirita si Asociatii" - Carabas. Lungu Societate Civila De Avocati - POP & PARTNERS

NORWAY - Visma Advokater AS POLAND - ACCREO Sp. z o.o. - CMS Poland - Law Firm Filipek & Kaminski - The Rule of Law Institute - Citizens Advice Bureau in Gdynia - Jurkiewicz Law Firm - Noerr sp. z.o.o. Spiering Sp.k. - RGW Roclawski Graczyk i Wspolnicy Adwokacka Spolka Jawna - Kancelaria Prawna dr Marek Jarzynski & Kornel Novak PORTUGAL - Gama Lobo Xavier, Luís Teixeira e Melo & Associados - Soc. Adv. R.L. - Gabinete de Erasmus e Relacoes Internacionais ROMANIA - Negoita Danut - SCA Cuntan@Banea - Iuga I. Calin-Viorel - Cabinet de Avocat

- Guzeldere, Soydan, Ozmert & Balkan Law Firm - K&P Legal Law Firm - Aydas Liman Kurman - Hun Consulting UKRAINE - Legal Clinic “PRO BONO” (The National University of Ostroh Academy) - International Law Firm “Integrites” -Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law; Legal Clinic - Lviv City Council ELSA INTERNATIONAL - European Digital Rights (Belgium) - Kocks & Partners (Belgium) - Castillo & Castillo (Dominican Replublic) - J. Sagar Associates (India) - CMS (United Kingdom) - Butzel Long (USA) * The list of employers is limited with the 1st cycle of the STEP Traineeships that was announced on the 16th of November, 2014.


International Focus

Social Responsibility in ELSA

Do we act for the good of society?

Olav Vogt Engeland Vice President for Academic Activities ELSA International 14/15


he term “social responsibility” has during the past

popular in the vocabulary of corpo-

The purpose of our Association is to “contribute to le-

Legal Education Opportunities

cultural exchange and commitment to human rights represent perhaps our most important contribution to the legal community and even the society in general. -


3rd edition of ELSA Day

more fundamental question. -



vious example of social responsibility in our association last year; the third edition of the ELSA Day. On the 26th sed by local ELSA Groups.

International Focus


delegations to institu-

conferences represent a clear supplement to traditional university education and the internationality of our Association is naturally creating a platform for mutual understanding. -

International exchange The Student Traineeship Exchange Programme (STEP) results in a great number of internationally minded legal professionals. -

The Break into law programme of DLA Piper reception of international exchange students. We all -

this context are the moot court competitions. The opporlity is perhaps not as direct as some other NGOs. -


International Focus

Informal education

How to obtain skills for your future job?

Alina Shchetinina Secretary General ELSA International 14/15


earning and getting expe-


your team members and so on.



ELSA is entitled to ensure the development of professional and personal skills

Train the Trainers’ events.



ELSA is proposing to its members to discover an altersystem is established to cover each and every need of the participants of trainings. For more information about the International Trainers' Pool:

To make it possible for students to change their profesa chance to become a trainer for every participant of out


Check out the Training Newsletter on www.elsa.org!

ELSA SUMMER LAW SCHOOLS www.elsa.org/page/law-schools

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK Media Law - Legal Issues of the 21st Century CRACOW, POLAND International Tax Law MANNHEIM/FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY Banking & Finance POZNAN, POLAND Fashion + New Media, Intellectual Property LISBON, PORTUGAL Terrorism and Organised Crime SAN SEBASTIAN, SPAIN Competition Law PORTO, PORTUGAL Business and Law BRAGA, PORTUGAL Intellectual Property and Information Society ZADAR, CROATIA Human Rights and Globalization BRASOV, ROMANIA Banking and Finance Law ISTANBUL, TURKEY Mergers & Acquisitions ODESA, UKRAINE Maritime Law “Dispute Resolution” PARIS, FRANCE Compliance TURKU, FINLAND Corporate Social Responsibility GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Arbitration DUBLIN, IRELAND Corporate and Finance Law PREDEAL, ROMANIA Internet law VIENNA, AUSTRIA Dispute Resolution

SINAIA, ROMANIA Energy Law ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS International Trading Law BRATISLAVA AND VIENNA, SLOVAKIA AND AUSTRIA European Business Law School BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC IT Law IZMIR, TURKEY International Trade Law VILNIUS, LITHUANIA Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace ATHENS, GREECE Maritime Law and Mediation SARAJEVO, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Media Law and Role of Media in Armed Conflicts TRIESTE, ITALY Media Law, Implications of Modern Technology BAKU, AZERBAIJAN Contract Law OLOMOUC, CZECH REPUBLIC Medical Law THESSALONIKI, GREECE Medical Law & Bioethics ANKARA, TURKEY Arbitration AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS Information Law SALERNO, ITALY International and European Environmental Law PISA, ITALY Cyber & Law: Computer Forensics and Digital Business Security DRESDEN, GERMANY Intellectual Property - a(n) (un)justified Monopoly MSIDA, MALTA Maritime law


Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

World Forum for Democracy

Youth Parliament

Vasco Silva Vice President for Academic Activities ELSA International 12/13


he former UN Secretary-

to them�.



It is clear that youngsters have the best understanding of the reali-


gitimacy amongst youth. -

Lab 19 debated the role of youth parliaments as a tool to increase the participation and impact of young people in the decision-making processes. Both educational projects focus in youth engagement in politics based on campaigned topics that matter to youth. -



Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

youth must be seen as partners in developing solutions to common societal concerns. Policy makers should not only invite young people into policy discussions but also to listen and act upon their advice.

Study Law in Luxembourg A Leading Financial Centre at the Heart of Europe

The proximity and our close contacts with several EU institutions and the international financial centre of Luxembourg create an ideal setting for tomorrow’s leaders. We train them.


We offer several Master in European Law LL.M. programmes with 6 specialisations t European Litigation t European and International Tax Law t &VSPQFBO &DPOPNJD BOE 'JOBODJBM -BX t European Private Law t &VSPQFBO #BOLJOH BOE 'JOBODJBM -BX t General European Law

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fail to act upon young people’s ideas. It was stressed that

of foreign experiences

Multilingual. Personalised. Connected.



It is essential that young people value democracy.


“All issues are youth issues”. -


Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

Bilateral Legal Research Group on Intellectual Property Law

When the same idea arises somewhere between the Baltic and Mediterranean seas


ver since the foundation -

groups have mostly been carried out by neighboring countries. This

Antonia Markoviti Vice President for Academic Activities ELSA Greece 14/15

Director for Public Relations ELSA Lithuania 14/15




the Legal Research Group on Contemporary Issues of The importance of the project is visible throughout its the most basic projects among the plethora of ELSA’s Academic Activities. -


Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

The promotion of the conference did not target only the applications arrived from 16 different countries from three continents.


ELSA is the largest in-

the innovation and creativity of its programmes and actions. -

The edition -



Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

Finish National Essay Competition on Media Law

Researching for new

Tatu Kärhä Vice President for Academic Activities ELSA Finland 14/15


does the data protection -



What is Big Data and tection need in order to

one of the three questions that parFinish National Essay Competition.



ts studying in Finland.


from the University of Helsinki as our judge. In addition,



Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

cerned the infamous case Google Spain v AEPD and Mario Costeja Gonzรกlez. -


competition even further.

These kinds of internationally interesting topics ob-



Think Global, Act Local - The ELSA Network

The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility

ELSA delegation to the 3rd annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

Philipp Barschkies Vice President for Seminars & Conferences ELSA The Netherlands 13/14



young and highly motiELSA has

High level experts such as Paul Polman (CEO Unilever); Supreme Court of Pakistan; The core substance on the development of responsible corporate strategies to take action for the surroundings




topped off the impressive experience.

ELSA Delegations Experience the international decision making! More info: elsa.org/page/delegations

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