VPPA Blue Ridge Newsletter June 2013
In This Issue From the Governor From the Lt. Governor Upcoming Events Quick Links
Blue Ridge Board
Governor Sharon Davidson, CPP Email Sharon
Lt. Governor, Michael Corbin
From the Governor Hello Blue Ridge! Happy June! It is time to mark your calendars for our Summer Seminar where we will "Walk the Plank to Portsmouth" beginning Saturday, September 14th! We have an exciting lineup of speakers scheduled covering topics on Seniors, Weddings, Business, Marketing, and Lighting. North Carolina's Photographer of the Year, Jonathan Burton and his wife Bonnie, will be presenting on Monday. They will be covering portraits and weddings. There will also be a Print Critique so do yourself a favor and start getting those competition prints together over the summer so you will be ready for next year. I look forward to seeing all of you there!
Secretary, Lisa Akers Email Lisa
I would like to welcome a new member to the Blue Ridge, Denise Wood. She is joining Margie Hatcher's studio in Appomattox. Welcome Denise! We look forward to meeting you and we are all here to help, so please just ask! We will be holding district elections at our August meeting. There are four offices at the district level - Treasurer, Secretary, Lieutenant Governor, and Governor. Serving in one of these positions is a great learning experience and a way to give back to the organization. As an added benefit, you also earn service credits towards the Virginia degrees of AFP and FP. Let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions.
Treasurer, Brian Muncy Email Brian
Quick Links
I hope you all have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting! Best wishes, Sharon
From the Lt. Governor
I've noticed a large number of new young folks getting into the photography business these last few years. Maybe you've seen the same thing in your area. I guess the state of the economy the last 5 years has something to do with it. Some of them are actually pretty good, but all of them have things to learn. Heck, even geezers like me who've been in this business for decades still have things to learn. Isn't that why professional organizations exist? If you aren't learning, you are dying. And where better to learn how to take your photography and your business to the next level than at the feet of the very people who've been where you are now, faced the same problems you have, and found solutions? One of the things I've noticed with many of the new photographers I've seen around town has been that they've all embraced shooting with ambient light. Now ambient light can get you some good photos, but if you want GREAT photos, you need first to understand how to use that light, and then you need to learn what to do to improve that light beyond what the casual passerby sees. For as we all know, to succeed in this business, you have to be able to consistently deliver better photos than people can take themselves with their cellphones. Which is why our June meeting has me so excited. Ellis Williamson of Durham, NC will be our speaker. Ellis has over twenty years experience, and will deal with color balance, exposure, dynamic range, contrast, and strategic placement of lights in an environmental setting. This is the perfect topic and speaker to appeal to our y colleagues, and I'd like to ask each of you to look around your area and invite one or two of those young folks to join us for this meeting. Yes, June 9th is a Sunday. Bring your camera, the plan is to shoot a little under Ellis' direction, share some fellowship and food provided by the Blue Ridge Region treasury, maybe go for a swim in Lisa's pool, shoot a bit more in that sweet light just before sunset, and learn a great deal about "natural" lighting.
Now, invite somebody to join us, and be sure to email or call either myself or Lisa NO LATER than 5 PM Friday, June 7th if you are coming. We need to have a good head count to buy food Saturday. If you find you can come but haven't told us to expect you (and your guest), be sure to bring something to eat, or we may not have enough. We are planning hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, baked beans, potato salad, you get the idea. have beverages, both soft and adult.
Bring: camera w/ flash, swimsuit & towel, and most importantly, a guest! What: Creating Natural Lighting with Fill Flash Who: Ellis Williamson When: 4 PM, June 9, 2013 Where: Lisa Carter's Studio, 1420 White Ridge Road, Sutherlin, VA 24594 RSVP: Michael 434-845-0613, Michael@expressions-photographics.com OR Lisa 434-822-6143, lisa@photobylisa.com
Upcoming Events July 8- Michael Corbin “Copyright: why is matters to YOU and how to secure it� Location TBA
If you have any suggestions or if you have an article you would like to be published in the newsletter, please email Lisa Akers (lisacakers@yahoo.com).