David Lee Michaels Debra Curtis [debracurtis=comcast.net@mail75.atl11.rsgsv.net] on behalf of Debra Curtis [debracurtis@comcast.net] Thursday, November 06, 2014 12:14 PM =?utf-8?Q??= VPPA Capital District Newsletter for November 2014
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VPPA Capital District Newsletter
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November 2014
We had a very productive business meeting in October and for those of you who missed it I am enclosing a summary: Summary of October 2014 Meeting 1.) Sharon Younce started the meeting and presented the following slate of officers for the Capital District for 2015: Governor: Sharon Younce Lt. Governor: Debbie Fisk Secretary: Debra Curtis Treasurer: Beth Jasper 2.) All those in attendance voted on changing the meeting day from Wednesday evening to the first Monday evening of every month at 7:00PM starting in January 2015. 3.) Mark contacted Debbie Fisk and we can have the Torero Tapas Bar and Grill Restaurant for Wednesday, December 2nd. Debbie would like input on the following: 1. Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2014 2. Attire: Wear your brightest, coolest Christmas Sweater - Contest for the most