David Lee Michaels Debra Curtis [debracurtis=comcast.net@mail75.atl11.rsgsv.net] on behalf of Debra Curtis [debracurtis@comcast.net] Thursday, November 06, 2014 12:14 PM =?utf-8?Q??= VPPA Capital District Newsletter for November 2014
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VPPA Capital District Newsletter
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November 2014
We had a very productive business meeting in October and for those of you who missed it I am enclosing a summary: Summary of October 2014 Meeting 1.) Sharon Younce started the meeting and presented the following slate of officers for the Capital District for 2015: Governor: Sharon Younce Lt. Governor: Debbie Fisk Secretary: Debra Curtis Treasurer: Beth Jasper 2.) All those in attendance voted on changing the meeting day from Wednesday evening to the first Monday evening of every month at 7:00PM starting in January 2015. 3.) Mark contacted Debbie Fisk and we can have the Torero Tapas Bar and Grill Restaurant for Wednesday, December 2nd. Debbie would like input on the following: 1. Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2014 2. Attire: Wear your brightest, coolest Christmas Sweater - Contest for the most
creative 3. Favors: Let's draw names and exchange funny gifts - $3.00 maximum 4. Luck: Bring your luck, as there will be really cool door prizes 5. Entertainment: Good old Christmas sing-a-long or karaoke 6. Send a couple of images (prior to 12/1) so we can project and guess the maker 6. Cost: $35 per person and Cash Bar 7. RSVP 4.) Ideas for activities and programs were also discussed. They include photo safaris, 1 – 2 dinner meetings, a daylong workshop for CPP candidates, programs on outdoor lighting, nuts and bolts business, marketing, file storage, having accountants and /or insurance people to come speak, round table discussions, shooting every other month, and the possibility or giving away door prizes during meetings. 5.) Sharon Younce gave a terrific program on Lightroom by demonstrating it’s many of its creative and time saving capabilities. Thanks Sharon!
Save the Date
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:00PM at Wolfgang Jasper Photography inside Stoney Point Fashion Mall (9200 Stoney Point Parkway #193 phone: (804) 232-8028). Our speaker will be Jim Carpenter, VPPA President 2013 – 2014. He will speak to our group about print competition. Everyone needs to be looking through their current body of work, searching for their competition worthy prints. State convention is just around the corner and Jim can help you understand the process as well as how to select and print for this important event. Print completion; whether it is by submitting prints, auditing the actual print judging, or just reviewing the prints as they hang after judging will help you grow in your craft.
Wednesday, December 2, 2014 at Torero Tapas Bar and Grill Restaurant (1409 E. Cary Street, phone: (804) 643-0922) – Capital District Christmas Party. Time: TBA
Notice from our Webmaster This is just a note to remind or update you on several of our social media platforms: Our VPPA private Facebook page can be found here- https://www.facebook.com/groups/100043269605/ Each district has their own page, to find it, just type VPPA and the district name in the Facebook search. We also have a Virginia CPP Page, if you are a CPP and would like to join, go here: https:// www.facebook.com/groups/143817275818680/ Also on Facebook, we have created a VPPA Prop Exchange page- this is where you can sell, rent or lend props, gear and such. Looking for gear and props, go here as well- this is where you will find that page https://www.facebook.com/groups/609721669136458/ It will soon be time for print competition, ready for feedback? Go your Print Competition Facebook page herehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/609721669136458/ Also the VPPA is on Instagram and Twitter- Our id is @VirginiaPPA. Joining us on Twitter helps us spread our message, especially as convention nears. We hope you find these pages and platforms helpful. Thank you for being a member of the VPPA.
*If you have any news or announcements that you want to share with your fellow
members or equipment that you would like to sell or that you are looking for, please send your information to me: Debra Curtis, Secretary – Capital District VPPA (e-mail: debracurtis@comcast.net) no later than the last day of the month so I can include it in the following month’s newsletter. If you have a special announcement that needs to be sent to the Capital District members between newsletters, please send me e-mail.
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Capital District VPPA · 563 Fed Ln · Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103 · USA
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