Hi, I am Officer Hawk! I'mheretostartmysafetytraining. Wouldyouliketojoinme? Let'sgettheclassstarted.

The first lesson for today is about listening. It's very important to listen to your teacher during any kind of emergency.
What do we do when there is an announcement? We have to be quiet and listen to the announcement.

After the announcement it's important to stay quiet and listen to our teacher. Your teacher may ask you to leave the building, just like our fire drills.

The teacher may also ask you to hide in your room like a game of hide and seek. Remember to stay quiet so you can't be found.
If you see police officers, remember to listen to them and follow directions. They are here to keep you safe.

Thankyouforjoiningmetoday.And remember,listentoyourteachers andbesafe!