Teacher guide CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package
Series 12 Flexible Learning Toolbox Licensed to Plumb Supporting resource for CPC40908 Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations stream)
15/12/2009: Version 1.0
Licensed to Plumb Toolbox – Teacher guide
Š Commonwealth of Australia 2009
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth of Australia. This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Training Copyright, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, GPO Box 9880 Canberra City ACT 2601 or email copyright@training.com.au.
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Licensed to Plumb Toolbox – Teacher guide
Acknowledgements The Licensed to Plumb Flexible Learning Toolbox was funded by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework Toolbox project and developed by Holmesglen Learning Innovation and Development, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE. Project Director:
Linda Smart
Project Manager:
Alexandra Mannell
Multimedia Manager:
Vlad Mezin
Instructional design:
Alexandra Mannell Rowan Peter Perdita Harper Tina De Sarro Reece Lamshead
Matthew Morris
Adam Lemmo (lead multimedia developer) Rowan Peter Timage Abdul Elias Madi Nigel Thorne Paul Douglas
Debbie Forster/Bianca Neuhof Kenneth Neven
Content experts:
Lyle Kelson Gary Fox Phillip Dent Trevor Watson Noel Roney Gary Rees Doug Trevethan
Technical review:
Paul Beauchamp Owen Smith David Vertue
The project team acknowledges the contribution of the Steering Committee members:
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Joan Whelan
Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council
John McNally
Building Industry Consultative Council Industry Advisory Body
David Scannell
Curriculum Maintenance Manager for Building & Construction, Furnishing and Water.
Gary Bath
Plumbing Industry Commission
Gary Workman
Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia
Gary Cook
National Plumbing and Services Training Advisory Group (NPSTAG)
Mark Leopold
Shaun Yap
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Table of Contents Acknowledgements................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 7 Qualification and units of competency.................................................................................7 Unit guides.......................................................................................................................... 8 Recognition of prior learning (RPL).....................................................................................8 Employability Skills..............................................................................................................9 Target audiences............................................................................................................... 10 Toolbox structure and key features........................................................................................11 Learning context................................................................................................................ 11 Teaching and learning strategy..........................................................................................11 Structure............................................................................................................................ 12 Key features...................................................................................................................... 13 Communication approach..................................................................................................14 Resources......................................................................................................................... 14 Use of media..................................................................................................................... 15 Learner accessibility.......................................................................................................... 15 Using the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox...................................................................................17 Getting started................................................................................................................... 17 Alternative ways of using the materials.............................................................................18 Online teaching strategies.....................................................................................................19 Preparation........................................................................................................................ 19 Learner collaboration and interaction................................................................................19 Communication activities...................................................................................................20 Preparing learners to use the materials.............................................................................22 Assessment.......................................................................................................................... 23 Customisation....................................................................................................................... 23 Customising the learning resource for single unit delivery.................................................23 Hardware and software requirements................................................................................23 Appendix A............................................................................................................................ 25 Unit guide for CPCPGS4001A Plan, size and lay out consumer gas installations.............27 Unit guide for CPCPDR4001A Plan, size and lay out sanitary drainage systems..............33 Unit guide for CPCPDR4002A Plan, size and lay out stormwater drainage systems.........39 Unit guide for CPCPDR4003A Plan, size and lay out domestic treatment plant disposal systems............................................................................................................................. 45 Unit guide for CPCPWT4001A Plan, size and lay out hot and cold water services and systems............................................................................................................................. 51 Australian Flexible Learning Framework 5
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Introduction Qualification and units of competency The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox is an online learning resource that is designed to assist tradespeople in the plumbing industry obtain the skills and knowledge to plan, size and document the layout of: •
sanitary drainage systems
stormwater drainage systems
domestic treatment plant disposal systems
hot and cold water services and systems
consumer gas installations
The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox supports five core units of competency from CPC40908 Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations stream). CPC40908 is a new qualification from the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework Training Package, developed to provide higher level skills to experienced plumbing and services industry trades people. The units of competency are referred to as ‘skill areas’ in the Toolbox and have been given more simplified titles to assist the learner. The Toolbox addresses the following five units: Unit of competency code and title
Toolbox title
CPCPDR4001A Plan, size and lay out sanitary drainage systems
Sanitary drainage systems
CPCPDR4002A Plan, size and lay out stormwater drainage systems
Stormwater drainage systems
CPCPDR4003A Plan, size and lay out domestic treatment plant disposal systems
Domestic treatment plant disposal systems
CPCPWT4001A Plan, size and lay out hot and cold water services and systems
Hot cold water services and systems
CPCPGS4001A Plan, size and lay out consumer gas installations
Consumer gas installations
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This Teacher guide has been developed to help you to use the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox to deliver the Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations stream). It explains the types of activities and resources contained in the Toolbox and offers suggested delivery strategies and opportunities for customisation to help you to maximise the learning experience for your learners. This includes providing guidance on how to create a collaborative learning environment through facilitating discussions and information sharing amongst the group of learners.
Unit guides A Unit guide for each of the units in the Toolbox has also been developed. The Unit guides are available within the Toolbox and are also included as Appendix A of this Teacher guide. They provide an overview of the employability skills that are implicit within the unit, a detailed breakdown of the featured interactive activities and the resources required to complete the unit. Each guide provides advice on the skill recognition options that are available to learners with existing skills and knowledge. The Unit guides in this document include a mapping that demonstrates how the elements, performance criteria and underpinning skills and knowledge of the unit are addressed by the topics and activities of the Toolbox.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) Due to the licensed nature of the trade it is highly unlikely that learners engaged with this Toolbox will apply for Recognition of Prior Learning. To do so, and produce evidence of such activity, would imply that the individual had been working illegally in the industry. However, it is possible that these learners have been working alongside their employer or another licensed plumber to gain experience in the planning, sizing and layout of plumbing systems and have gathered considerable skills and knowledge as a result. Those learners who do present with existing skills and knowledge will be encouraged to have their skills recognised by accessing the On the job task in each skill area. These sections provide learners with a summary of the skill and knowledge required to complete the relevant unit. They also outline the practical task that the learner is required to undertake to demonstrate competency in the unit. On the job tasks may be completed in the learner’s workplace or in the simulated work environment of an RTO.
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Employability Skills The Toolbox implicitly addresses employability skills. These are sometimes referred to as generic skills, core skills, essential skills, capabilities or key competencies. The following table highlights a sample of the learning strategies and activities that address employability skills in this Toolbox. Employability Skill
Learning and assessment strategies and activities
Working in groups
Communicating with and responding to internal/external clients and customers
Team or group projects
Group discussion
Workplace teams
Interactive activities
Case studies
Investigative projects and research
Using various problem solving tools and techniques
Problem solving in teams and networks
Decision making activities
Designing innovative and creative practices and solutions
Initiating change
Research and data collection
Developing plans
Planning and organising events
Goal setting activities and scheduling tasks
Collecting and analysing information
Work plans
Using log books to record time management skills and monitor own performance
Using skills in different contexts
Use of internet, intranets
Using ICT skills to complete activities
Industry relevant software, technology and equipment
Problem solving
Initiative and enterprise
Planning and organising
Self management
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Target audiences Learners The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox is designed to meet the needs of existing plumbing industry employees who have completed their Certificate III in Plumbing and Services or an equivalent trade qualification. This learning cohort is expected to include predominantly fulltime workers, who are registered plumbers seeking their plumbing licence in order to operate as a licensed plumber in their state or territory. Many of them are likely to be male, aged from their early 20s. It is highly likely that the cohort will have average levels of literacy and numeracy and prefer the use of diagrams to explain concepts. Learners are likely to be computer literate with an interest in using technology such as mobile phones, palm pilots and laptop computers. Teachers/facilitators The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox is likely to be utilised by teachers, trainers and/or assessors in an educational setting who deliver training, conduct assessments and issue qualifications.
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Toolbox structure and key features Learning context The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox addresses the skills and knowledge related to tasks in the water, gas and drainage streams of the plumbing industry that underpin licensing requirements. It reflects the workplace process a licensed plumber works through to complete plumbing projects. The content is workplace relevant with industry-based examples and interactions, diagrammatic representation of concepts and formulae, and worked examples of sizing calculations. The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox guides learners through the structured processes that a licensed plumber needs to follow in order to plan, size and document the layout of plumbing systems. It is designed to provide opportunities for the learner to develop and then verify the required underpinning knowledge necessary to achieve competence in the five skill areas. Each topic contains a number of tasks and activities that align with the requirements of the associated competency. The Toolbox supports principles of access and equity, cultural diversity and cultural inclusiveness by including characters from culturally diverse backgrounds, a range of ages and both genders.
Teaching and learning strategy The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox offers an engaging, self-paced interactive learning experience. It features a task directed approach to learning, which means that the learner is guided through the content by following the structure of the topics and subtopics. Interactive activities are integrated throughout the content to formatively test the learner’s understanding as they progress. Tasks that detail realistic plumbing project specifications provide the learner with opportunities to consolidate their learning and solve problems. The Toolbox also suggests a number of opportunities for learners to communicate and collaborate with fellow workers, classmates and their teacher. This feature is called Talking Plumbing and will be discussed further in this guide. Learners engage with the Toolbox by selecting the stream/s they wish to seek licensing for and working through the content and activities available in the skills areas. The drainage stream contains three skill areas required for licensing, the gas and water streams require one skill area each. It is noted that completing these skill areas will not result in the issue of a plumbing licence. Learners will still be required to follow the licensing process that is prescribed by the regulatory authority in their state or territory.
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Structure Learners are guided through the learning material in each skill area by the structure of the content and tasks that lead progressively to the completion of a plumbing project. Each skill area features major topics with cascading sub-topics and activities that map the logical progression of the plumbing process. Each skill area contains six topics as detailed below: The Groundwork topics feature underpinning knowledge and content that will assist the learner to undertake the design process. The learner’s role here is somewhat passive because the topics are heavily content driven. It is anticipated that learners with a high level of existing knowledge will choose to skip Groundwork. The Plan topics are set against the backdrop of a realistic plumbing scenario which is designed to assist learners to understand plumbing planning stages. Each Plan topic features a licensed plumber who has been contracted by a client for a specific job. The learner ‘shadows’ the plumber as they gather information and then assists the plumber to make decisions. The learner engages with interactive activities to help them confirm the findings of the plumber. At various times throughout Plan the learner is encouraged to communicate with peers, colleagues and their teacher to further their understanding of the content. The Layout topics provide the learner with information on the principles of laying out pipework for different plumbing installations that is compliant with the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards. The topics include worked examples, audio-visual tutorials and some interactive exercises. Collaborative communication is also encouraged throughout these topics. The Size topics focus the learner on sizing the pipework for plumbing systems by using formulas to complete calculations. At all times the learner is directed to reference the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards. Worked examples, audio-visual tutorials and interactive exercises feature in these topics. The Give it a go! topics are case study activities. To complete the case study the learner assumes the role of a newly licensed plumber undertaking a client project. Plans, specifications and other relevant information related to the skill area are made available to the learner via a simulated Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). These should be downloaded and printed. The client information and job specifications provide the learner with the details of the plumbing task they are required to complete. All completed documentation is to be submitted to the teacher for review and feedback. The Give it a go! case studies can be used as part of an assessment regime, as class-based activities or homework tasks for learners. The On the job topics provide the learner with a summary of the knowledge and skills that are required to demonstrate competence in the unit. It is anticipated that teachers will use the On the job tasks as part of the final assessment of the skill area. Learners with workplace experience may access the On the job topic at any time as a skill-recognition pathway.
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SUGGESTION The Toolbox provides a number of plans for use in completing Toolbox activities, particularly in the Give it a go! topics. These plans have been developed so that they print to a specific scale which means that some print at A3 size. In these instances the learner has the option to print the plans at either A3 or A4 size depending on their printer access. The A4 plans have been designed to fold and attach together to create a correctly sized plan document. To ensure that the scale is maintained when printing plans, check that the printing options used maintain the printout size at 100%. Any printing options related to page scaling such as ‘Shrink to fit’, ‘Reduce to printer margins’ or scales other than 100% of the printout should be avoided to get the best results. A scale bar is shown on each plan so the learner can confirm the scale of the printed document.
Key features There are a number of key features within the Toolbox that are designed to engage the learner. The Try it out features within the Toolbox represent the interactive activities. The learner may access Try it out activities from the right hand column of the relevant screen, which highlights to the learner that there is an activity on the page (occasionally activities may be slightly out of sight given the page length). Alternatively the activity may be accessed from the inline link, which appears within the content on the page. Try it out activities open as pop ups. Learners complete the activities and receive feedback on their attempts. Learners may choose to attempt the activity immediately or review the content first. The Toolbox makes use of guided tutorials, which present information to learners. These are usually used to demonstrate the principles behind documenting the layout of plumbing pipework systems. The tutorials feature sample plans and present layouts that are compliant with the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standard. A transcript of the audio is available to the learner who may pause the tutorial at any time. Audio controls are also available. SafePlumb contains plumbing specific content and activities related to Occupational Health and Safety and environmental protection issues. Learners are reminded to access this section from the Plan topic specifically but it is available at all times in the Toolbox. The Talking Plumbing sections encourage the learner to communicate and collaborate with their workmates, peers, colleagues and teacher. This feature is discussed further below.
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Plumbing Legislation, available from the home page, details the regulatory authorities and other regulations that apply to plumbing work in each Australian state and territory. This is important advice for learners in different states who may find that their work must meet local requirements in addition to those stipulated by the relevant Australian Standards.
Communication approach The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox features Talking Plumbing sections which encourage the learners to communicate and collaborate with their workmates, peers, colleagues and teacher. Talking Plumbing appears at various times throughout the Toolbox in sections that lend themselves to further discussion. In some instances the learner is encouraged simply to have a discussion about a topic; in other instances the learner is encouraged to contribute to an online collaborative tool such as a wiki or a blog. Advice on how to set up these types of tools is available in the Online teaching strategies section of this guide. For example, the Talking Plumbing scenario in SafePlumb encourages the learner to: Talk to your workmates and your trainer about some of the more unusual hazards you have seen in your workplace. How did you or your employer manage the risks associated with these hazards? The Toolbox can be used in a Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS communication tools could be used to engage the learner in discussion and debate to extend knowledge.
Resources It is expected in the plumbing industry that tradespeople continually refer to the requirements of the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards as well as any state or territory legislation to ensure their work is compliant. In the same manner, learners are expected to have access to the following Australian/New Zealand Standards to work through the content and complete the activities in the Toolbox: •
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1547:2000 On-site domestic-wastewater management
Australian Standard AS 5601:2004 Gas installations
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Sanitary plumbing and drainage
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 Stormwater drainage
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 Plumbing and drainage Part 1: Water services
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 Plumbing and drainage: Heated water services
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Australian Standard AS 2419.1:2005 Fire hydrant installations: System design, installation and commissioning
Australian Standard AS 2441:2005 Installation of fire hose reels
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1221:1997 Fire hose reels
Note to teachers: Copyright restrictions prohibit the standards being made available as resources within the Toolbox. Learners should be advised to have hard copies of these documents.
Use of media A variety of media are used to enhance learning and to cater for students’ different learning styles. They also provide variation to help maintain the learner’s motivation and interest. Media used include: •
graphics (illustrations and photographs)
Audio is used to simulate actual workplace conversations and is accompanied by the corresponding text on the same screen. Animated illustrations are used to demonstrate plumbing processes. Textual content has been broken down into small chunks to avoid confronting the learner with an overwhelming amount of text. The Toolbox utilises a concertina device which allows the learner to access content by selecting headings as required, rather than viewing all the content at the same time.
Learner accessibility The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox has been designed to comply with accessibility standards. For example: •
layout and fonts consider the needs of screen-readers
text alternatives have been provided for activities and other interactions inaccessible to screen-readers or computers with JavaScript disabled
text that is not scalable directly within the resource can be scaled by the learner within the text alternative
where audio is used, text is displayed on screen and/or the transcript can be accessed
clear and simple language has been used throughout the content.
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Using the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox Getting started Before you can start using the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox in your teaching you need to be familiar with the resource and how it operates. It is a good idea to spend some time exploring the resource as if you were a learner to get to know its features. The first screen the learner encounters in Licensed to Plumb is the splash screen. The Teacher and Technical guides are available here. The Teacher guide provides an overview of the educational content and intent of the Toolbox. The Technical guide provides details of the technical specifications that will enable providers to use the Toolbox within their LMS systems and contextualise the resource if required. From this screen learners select Enter Toolbox to access the home page. The home page of the Toolbox welcomes the learner to Licensed to Plumb and provides brief information about the resource. The home page contains: •
links to the Gas, Drainage and Water plumbing streams and their corresponding skill areas
the First time user link (on the bottom right of the screen) which provides the learner with an overview of the Toolbox and gives advice on how to navigate through it
the Plumbing legislation link (on the bottom left of the screen) which provides the learner with information about plumbing legislation and regulations for each Australian state and territory.
Learners can select and begin working directly in any one of the five skill areas at any time. Once a skill area has been selected the learner will move to the introduction screen for that area. From here the learners will be able to select from the six topics within each area: •
Give it a go!
On the job
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As a teacher, you must acknowledge that some of your learning cohort may have previous knowledge and existing workplace skills in the plumbing streams addressed by the Toolbox. These learners should consider the skill recognition pathway. Suggest that your learners select and review the On the job task as appropriate. The On the job task enables learners with prior knowledge to check how fully their skills match the competency. They are guided by a summary of the skills and knowledge they need to have. They are then provided with the overview of a project, which may be done in their own workplace or under the supervision of their teacher at a training provider. The On the job task could be used as part of a skills recognition assessment. If the learner does not feel ready for the On the job task they should be advised to work through the topics in the Licensed to Plumb environment.
SUGGESTION Suggest that learners access the First time user for valuable tips on using the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox. The First time user has been provided for teachers and learners who are new to Toolboxes in general or this Toolbox in particular. It is a sub-website available from the Toolbox home page that includes advice on the structure of the Toolbox and how to navigate its features.
Alternative ways of using the materials The materials in the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox could be used: •
as support materials in a classroom setting
for consolidation and review of work covered in a face to face setting
as distance learning materials.
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Online teaching strategies Preparation As a workplace teacher or supervisor, it is important to set aside adequate time to familiarise yourself with the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox so that you can properly support your learners. If you choose to include online discussion or chat sessions as part of your delivery strategy you will need to set up discussion threads within an LMS in advance. You may need to provide instructions to learners on how to use these online communication tools. You may choose to use a mobile phone as a way to remind learners about tasks or deadlines. Text messaging is an easy way to achieve results quickly. If you manage a very large group of learners, or if learners are spread over different locations, create a sense of community online by setting up study groups of four to eight learners, all of who begin a unit of competency at more or less the same time. This makes it easier for learners to gain the benefits of social learning and to form networks as they study. Plan ahead and be clear to your learners about which activities you expect them to complete. You will probably find that learners require different levels of support. Some learners may benefit from a demonstration of how to navigate through the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox or may need help with how to operate some of the activities, particularly if they are reluctant readers who have issues with following written instructions. For example, they may have difficulty with the mouse skills required in some activities where they have to enter data and check their answer. In the first few weeks, get a clear picture of how each learner is coping to enable early intervention. Remember that the activities and interactions have text alternatives that may assist some learners who are uncomfortable in the online environment.
Learner collaboration and interaction Learners should be encouraged to communicate with others to enrich the learning process. Discussion and sharing of experiences relating to the concepts covered in this Toolbox can benefit both the person relating their own personal experiences and the listener. Reflecting on the application of the theory to their own reality is valuable to the individual but also the listener who can draw on these experiences to add depth and relevance to their own learning, as well as add their own reflections. This collaboration and interaction may take the form of: •
online discussions
face to face discussions
communications via email
a multi-user blog
a wiki that learners can contribute to
posting to image or video hosting sites
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Communication activities Discussions A number of the Talking Plumbing features in the Toolbox encourage the learner to engage in discussion with their colleagues or teacher about a particular plumbing issue.
SUGGESTION You will need to specify appropriate methods for learner discussions. Depending on method of delivery, numbers of participants and resources available, discussions may involve face to face group activities or online discussions via discussion board, chat session, email or multi-user blog. Wiki You may consider the use of a wiki to provide your learners with a collaborative learning opportunity that is external to the Toolbox. Wikis can provide an online social space that allows a group of learners to contribute their thoughts on a topic or discussion and have their comments reviewed and critiqued by others in the group. A wiki is a valuable e-learning tool because it can be freely and easily set up by the teacher, is relatively simple to administer and its membership can be limited to a specific cohort of learners. Learners can share information and ideas with the others in their work or learning group and the commercial confidentiality of their workplace is protected, because it is not accessible by those external to the group. While it is acknowledged that social learning technologies may not suit all learners in the plumbing environment, wikis may be a simple option for some learners and training organisations to encourage collaboration. Within the context of the plumbing industry, a wiki could be used to discuss topics such as risk assessment, dealing with council requirements or comparing photographic evidence of plumbing work. You could pose a series of discussion topics at regular intervals during the training process and encourage learners to contribute to the wiki.
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Go to <http://www.wikispaces.com/> to learn how to set up and manage a wiki. There are several alternatives for freely available wiki software. Before making a decision about which one to use, you need to match your needs with features such as: •
access limitations
ease of editing
download capacity
availability of page history
software support.
SUGGESTION A wiki is a collaborative website that can be easily edited by anyone, special skills or software are not needed. As wikis are accessible via a browser, they are available at any time and at any location that has internet access. Content in a wiki can be modified by anyone with access to the wiki, but you will often find learners are reluctant to alter the work of others. You need to establish clear guidelines about how you would like learners to engage with this learning environment. It is also recommended that you attend a workshop in how to use a wiki in an educational setting if you have not experienced this learning environment before.
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Preparing learners to use the materials Learners should be strongly encouraged to access the First time user section to orient themselves before they start using the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox. You may also like to take some time to introduce learners to the Toolbox in a practical, face to face session where learners actually use the resource. In addition to the practical aspects of using the resource, you should discuss with learners: •
the units of competency they will be working through
communication methods they plan to use and (if necessary) how learners can access these (eg for online discussion or chat)
expectations regarding participation in discussions and other collaborative activities
opportunities for collaboration
requirements for assessment purposes (in particular any outputs from the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox that may be used as part of their assessment)
timelines and deadlines for completion of topics in the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox if the learner is operating in a distance education or self-directed mode.
Introduce learners to the language of the internet, using email, sending and receiving attachments, downloading documents, using web browsers, and using web forums and chat systems. Some may already have these skills but others may not. Discuss the print option functionality as it relates to plans in the Toolbox. If you are delivering the program online, email will be the primary method of communication with your learners. Ensure that you have a clear system of email folders for managing the traffic. If you are using an LMS to deliver the Toolbox it would be helpful to establish a thread on the discussion board where learners can seek assistance if they are having difficulty. Often more than one student will have difficulty finding a resource and posting one response in the discussion board will be quicker than responding to several emails. It may be helpful to alert learners to topics and activities they should be undertaking individually prior to a group activity. You might comment on the quality of work in the preceding activity and provide tips and encouragement for the task at hand. Plan ahead and make sure learners are clear about expectations. Set dates and targets for learning so they know what to do and when to do it. These targets can help you with your online lesson planning.
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Assessment As a learning resource, the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox provides opportunities for assessment through the Give it a go! and On the job topics, which draw together the content covered within each competency. These tasks provide realistic contexts for the application of theory and could be used as part of an overall assessment strategy. Interactions throughout the Groundwork, Plan, Layout and Size topics may be utilised as formative assessment during the training process.
Customisation The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox provides content, worked examples and interactions that are compliant with the relevant Australian/New Zealand standards in each skill area. The Toolbox does not address state and territory regulatory requirements where these differ from the Australian/New Zealand standard. You may choose to customise aspects of the Toolbox to meet state and even local council requirements. To customise the resources in the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox you will need an understanding of HTML and Flash. Learning resources from the Licensed to Plumb Toolbox, as well as other resources, are available from the Toolbox repository at <http://lorn.flexiblelearning.net.au> and can be combined in any way to meet the requirements of your tailored program. You will find further information in the Technical guide, which is available via the Technical guide (Word 454 KB) link on the splash page.
Customising the learning resource for single unit delivery The Licensed to Plumb Toolbox has been developed as five stand alone skill areas, which represent five units of competency. The Toolbox will be separated at the unit level into five learning objects that will be available from the Toolbox repository. Learning objects may be edited as required to tailor delivery to suit specific needs. For more information or assistance, contact the Toolbox Help Desk on 1300 736 710 or at <Toolboxhelp@flexiblelearning.net.au>. However before calling or emailing, please make sure that the answer you seek is not located elsewhere in this section, or available on the support pages at <www.flexiblelearning.net.au/toolbox/support>.
Hardware and software requirements These are available from the System requirements link on the splash page.
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Appendix A Unit guide for CPCPGS4001A Plan, size and lay out consumer gas installations Unit guide for CPCPDR4001A Plan, size and lay out sanitary drainage systems Unit guide for CPCPDR4002A Plan, size and lay out stormwater drainage systems Unit guide for CPCPDR4003A Plan, size and lay out domestic treatment plant disposal systems Unit guide for CPCPWT4001A Plan, size and lay out hot and cold water services and systems
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Unit guide for CPCPGS4001A Plan, size and lay out consumer gas installations This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to plan, size and document the lay out of consumer gas installations. It covers preparation for the planning, identification and confirmation of gas installation specifications and requirements, and the planning of the system layout and work finalisation processes, including records and documentation. Unit mapping Topic
Performance criteria
Groundwork addresses aspects of the required skill and knowledge of this unit
This topic provides an overview of: •
consumer piping
pressure control
Element – Prepare for planning
This topic addresses learning content relating to planning consumer gas installations. The content includes:
All performance criteria
site inspection
job specifications
working with other trades
follow OHS requirements
Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 6
Element – Plan system layout
This topic addresses the features of laying out gas systems
Performance criteria 10, 12,
Element – Identify system requirements
This topic addresses learning content relating to sizing consumer gas installations. The content includes:
Performance criteria 6, 7, 8, 9
sizing pipe materials
sizing the flue
sizing the ventilation
Element four – Restore work area Performance criteria 13, 14, 15
Element – Plan system layout Performance criteria 11
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Topic (continued)
Performance criteria
Give it a go!
Whole unit
On the job
Whole unit
Employability skills Employability skills: The following facets of employability skills are relevant to this unit. Employability skill
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Communicate with others to gather and provide information (eg builders, clients, property owners, local councils, environmental health officers)
Interpret a range of complex documents, including relevant regulatory, legislative, licensing and registration requirements; codes and standards; drawings and specifications
Prepare a range of documents, including, reports, file notes, drawings and sketches, building applications and submissions
Facilitate site meetings
Work with colleagues to design consumer gas installations
Seeks expert advice where appropriate
Supervise others' work and monitor work processes
Select and locate appropriate components that meet individual consumer gas installation requirements
Perform various calculations and measurements relating to the design of the consumer gas installations
Review consumer gas installation design solutions for effectiveness and compliance
Deal with customer complaints and disputes
Identify and plan the location of consumer gas installations from plans
Identify typical faults and problems and take necessary remedial action
Use creative design and drafting skills to meet site conditions and ensure compliance
Problem solving
Initiative and enterprise
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 29
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Employability skill (continued)
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Planning and organising
Gather required tools and equipment
Ensure a coordinated development of drawings
Scope extent of work required
Plan details of relevant system layouts
Plan and arrange building applications and approvals
Ensure current building codes and standards are applied
Plan and set out work
Manage own performance to ensure required levels of service standards, work quality and professional competence, and compliance with relevant codes and standards
Manage work priorities and professional development
Use appropriate mechanisms to inform others of applicable standards and codes
Use information technology skills to operate office equipment and computers including digital cameras
Use computer aided drafting (CAD) software where applicable to produce and manage architectural drawing and template files
Check relevant tools and equipment for serviceability
Self management
Purpose of activities Activities – Job specifications (two multiple choice activities) These activities are in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with the specifications of two different gas installations and are asked to determine what type of gas is being used on site. Learners must be able to read and comprehend site plans and documentation to complete this activity.
Activity – Choosing pipe materials (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with the specifications of a gas installation and are asked to determine a suitable pipe material. Learners must refer to the AS 5601 and the specifications to complete this activity.
Activities – Determining total appliance gas load (two data entry activities) These activities are in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with the specifications of two different gas installations and are asked to determine the total appliance gas load of the appliances. Learners must refer to installation specific documentation to complete this activity.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 30
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Activities – Designing the consumer pipework path (three multiple choice activities) These activities are in the Layout topic. Learners are provided with the floor plans of three different gas installations and are asked to select the correct consumer pipework path. Learners must refer to the Australian Standard AS 5601 to complete this activity.
Activities – Locating the manual shut-off valves (three multiple choice activities) These activities are in the Layout topic. Learners are provided with the floor plans of three different gas installations and are asked to select the correct locations of manual shut-off valves. Learners must refer to the AS 5601 to complete this activity.
Activity – Locating a gas leak detection system (matching activity) This activity is in the Layout topic. Learners are provided with the floor plan of a boat and are asked to locate the components of the gas leak detection system. Learners must refer to the boat’s documentation and the AS 5601 to complete this activity.
Activities – Sizing pipe materials (two data entry activities) These activities are in the Size topic. Learners are provided with the floor plan, working drawings of two different gas installations and are asked to determine the size of consumer pipework. Learners must refer to each gas installation’s documentation and the AS 5601 to complete this activity.
Activities – Sizing a pipe support system (three multiple choice activities) These activities are in the Size topic. Learners are provided with the floor plan of three different gas installations and are asked to determine the maximum amount of pipe support spacing permitted. Learners must refer to the AS 5601 and to each gas installation’s specifications to complete this activity.
Activity – Sizing the flue (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners are provided with the working drawings and floor plans of multi-storey building’s plant room and are asked to determine the size of the plant room’s flue system. Learners must refer to the plant room’s documentation and the AS 5601 to complete this activity.
Activity – Sizing the ventilation (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners are provided with the floor plan, working drawings and floor plans of a boat and are asked to determine the size of the boats’ two ventilation openings. Learners must refer to the boat’s documentation and the AS 5601 to complete this activity.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 31
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Communication activities Teachers may ask learners to electronically submit photographic evidence, working drawings or plans with a completed system layouts that illustrates their gas installation workflow. These could be loaded to a common area, for example a wiki, with a short statement from the Learner relating to how the system was designed to meet the site requirements. Other Learners would be encouraged to provide feedback on the photos and plans.
Assessment suggestions Assessment for this unit is very specific as noted in critical aspects for assessment and evidence for the unit. Teachers may choose to use the Toolbox On the job task as the basis of a workplace assessment or the final RTO based assessment task for this unit. RTOs are responsible for developing the assessment criteria that underpins the assessment of this unit. Teachers may choose to use the On the job task as the basis of a skill recognition pathway for learners with existing skills and knowledge in this unit. Learners should be encouraged to review the On the job task and consider this pathway option.
Related resources To undertake the activities within this unit learners must have access to AS 5601:2004 Gas installations.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 32
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Australian Flexible Learning Framework 33
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Unit guide for CPCPDR4001A Plan, size and lay out sanitary drainage systems This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to plan, size and document the layout of sanitary drainage systems. It covers preparation for the planning, identification and confirmation of system specifications and requirements, and the planning of the system layout and work finalisation processes, including records and documentation. Unit mapping Topic
Performance criteria
Groundwork addresses aspects of the required skill and knowledge of this unit
This topic addresses learning content relating to understanding sanitary drainage systems. The content includes: •
effective drainage systems
types of sanitary drainage systems
types of connections
features of drainage systems
bedding and support materials
trade waste
Element – Prepare for planning
This topic addresses learning content relating to the planning requirements for sanitary drainage systems. The content includes:
All performance criteria
get job specifications
visit the site
gather information
follow OHS requirements
Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 6, 7, 8
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 34
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Topic (continued)
Performance criteria
Element – Plan system layout
This topic addresses learning content relating to laying out sanitary drainage systems. The content includes:
Performance criteria 10, 11, 12
drawing layouts
design the layout
Size This topic addresses learning content relating to sizing sanitary drainage systems. The content includes: •
grade and fall
fixture unit rating
sizing drainage components
Element – Restore work area Performance criteria 13, 14,15
Size addresses aspects of the required skill and knowledge of this unit Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 7, 9
Give it a go!
Whole unit
On the job
Whole unit
Employability skills Employability skills: The following facets of employability skills are relevant to this unit. Employability skill
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
communicate with others to gather and provide information (eg builders, clients, property owners, local councils, environmental health officers) interpret a range of complex documents, including relevant regulatory, legislative, licensing and registration requirements, codes and standards, drawings and specifications prepare a range of documents, including reports, file notes, drawings, sketches and plans facilitate site meetings.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 35
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Employability skill (continued)
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
work with colleagues to plan sanitary drainage systems seek expert advice where appropriate supervise others' work and monitor work processes.
Problem solving
select and plan sanitary drainage systems that meet adverse site conditions perform various calculations and measurements relating to planning a sanitary drainage system that will meet the requirements of the site review design solutions for effectiveness and compliance manage customer complaints and disputes.
Initiative and enterprise
identify building sites from location drawings identify typical faults and problems and take necessary remedial action apply creative design and drafting skills to meet site conditions and ensure compliance.
Planning and organising
gather required tools and equipment ensure a coordinated development of drawings scope extent of work required plan details of relevant systems and layouts plan and arrange inspections ensure current building codes and standards are applied plan and set out work.
Self management
Manage their own performance to ensure required levels of service standards, work quality and professional competence, and compliance with relevant codes and standards manage work priorities and professional development.
use appropriate mechanisms to inform others of applicable standards and codes
use information technology skills to operate office equipment and computers including digital cameras use computer aided drafting (CAD) software where applicable to produce and manage architectural drawing and template files check relevant tools and equipment for serviceability.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 36
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Purpose of activities Activity – Features of inspection opening (true or false activity) This activity is in the Groundwork topic. Learners are provided with a range of statements related to the location of inspection openings. Learners indicate if each statement is true or false.
Activity – Materials selection (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Groundwork topic. Learners are required to select the conditions that will affect pipe material.
Activity – Trade waste (matching activity) This activity is in the Groundwork topic. Learners are asked to identify the trade waste pretreatment method that is suitable for each business type listed.
Activity – Site inspection (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with observations from the site visit in a scenario and asked to make decisions about how these will affect the layout.
Activity – Gather information (multiple choice and data entry activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with the drainage plan from a scenario and asked to make decisions about the system based on their interpretation of the plan.
Tutorial – Design the layout tutorial This activity is in the Layout topic. Learners listen to a tutorial which explains the process of designing the layout of the sanitary drainage system for a three bedroom house.
Activity – Calculate the fall (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners are provided with three different drainage situations and asked to calculate the fall.
Activity – Fixture unit rating (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners view a house plan and are asked to determine the number of fixture units contained in the plan. Using AS/NZS 3500.2 learners calculate the fixture unit rating.
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Tutorial â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sizing drainage systems tutorial This activity is in the Size topic. Learners listen to a tutorial which explains the process of sizing sanitary drainage systems.
Activity â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sizing drainage systems (two part activity: label, matching) This activity is in the Size topic. In part one learners view regions of a house plan and are asked to correctly size and label the main drain, the branch drains and gullies. In part two learners to locate inspection openings and altering pipes on the plan.
Communication activities Teachers may ask learners to electronically submit photographs or plans of interesting sites they have worked on to plan a sanitary drainage system. These could be loaded to a common area, for example, a wiki, with a short statement from the learner relating to how the system was laid out to meet the site requirements. Other learners would be encouraged to provide feedback on the photos or plans.
Assessment suggestions Assessment for this unit is very specific as noted in critical aspects for assessment and evidence for the unit. Teachers may choose to use the Toolbox On the job task as the basis of a workplace assessment or the final RTO based assessment task for this unit. RTOs are responsible for developing the assessment criteria that underpins the assessment of this unit. Teachers may choose to use the On the job task as the basis of a skill recognition pathway for learners with existing skills and knowledge in this unit. Learners should be encouraged to review the On the job activity and consider this pathway option.
Related resources To undertake the activities within this unit learners must have access to the AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Sanitary plumbing and drainage.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 38
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Australian Flexible Learning Framework 39
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Unit guide for CPCPDR4002A Plan, size and lay out stormwater drainage systems This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to plan, size and document the layout of surface and sub-soil stormwater drainage systems. It covers preparation for the planning, identification and confirmation of system specifications and requirements, and the planning of the system layout and work finalisation processes, including records and documentation. Unit mapping Topic
Performance criteria
Groundwork addresses aspects of the required skill and knowledge of this unit
This topic addresses learning content relating to understanding stormwater drainage systems. The content includes: •
stormwater collection
stormwater systems
stormwater discharge and harvesting
water detention systems
Element – Prepare for planning
This topic addresses learning content relating to planning stormwater drainage systems. The content includes:
All performance criteria
get job specifications
determine rainfall intensity
visit the site
OHS and environmental requirements
Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 6, 7, 8
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 40
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Topic (continued)
Performance criteria
Element – Plan system layout
This topic addresses learning content relating to laying out stormwater drainage systems. The content includes:
All performance criteria
drafting processes
site plan
locating stormwater collection points
pipework layout
Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 12
Element – Identify system requirements
This topic addresses learning content relating to sizing stormwater drainage systems. The content includes:
Performance criteria 9, 10, 11
nominal sizing method
general sizing method
sizing procedure
Give it a go!
Whole unit
On the job
Whole unit
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 41
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Employability skills Employability skills: The following facets of employability skills are relevant to this unit. Employability skill
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Communicate with others to gather and provide information (eg builders, clients, property owners, local councils)
Interpret a range of complex documents, including relevant regulatory, legislative, licensing and registration requirements, codes and standards, drawings and specifications
Prepare a range of documents, including reports, file notes, drawings, sketches and plans
Facilitate site meetings
Work with colleagues to plan surface and sub-soil stormwater drainage systems
Seek expert advice where appropriate
Supervise others' work and monitor work processes
Select and plan stormwater drainage systems that meet adverse site conditions
Perform various calculations and measurements relating to sizing stormwater drainage systems that will meet the requirements of the site
Review design solutions for effectiveness and compliance
Manage customer complaints and disputes
Identify building sites and site features from location drawings
Identify typical faults and problems and take necessary remedial action
Apply creative design and drafting skills to meet site conditions and ensure compliance
Problem solving
Initiative and enterprise
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 42
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Employability skill (continued)
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Planning and organising
Gather required tools and equipment
Ensure a coordinated development of drawings
Scope extent of work required
Plan details of relevant systems and layouts
Plan and arrange inspections
Ensure current building codes and standards are applied
Plan and set out work
Manage their own performance to ensure required levels of service standards, work quality and professional competence, and compliance with relevant codes and standards
Manage work priorities and professional development
Use appropriate mechanisms to inform others of applicable standards and codes
Use information technology skills to operate office equipment and computers including digital cameras
Use computer aided drafting (CAD) software where applicable to produce and manage architectural drawing and template files
Check relevant tools and equipment for serviceability
Self management
Purpose of activities Activity – Rainfall intensity (data entry) This activity is in Plan. After being given the Bureau of Meteorology rainfall intensity data for Newcastle, learners are asked to calculate the rainfall intensity in mm/h for the activity site.
Activity – Site inspection (matching activity) This activity is in Plan. Learners are required to identify the purpose of various common site inspection tasks.
Activity – Stormwater sizing (interactive tutorial requiring data entry) This activity is in Size. It is a combined audio tutorial and interactive calculation activity. Learners listen to the tutorial that details the steps to follow when sizing stormwater drainage pipework sections for a job site. Each stage of the tutorial commences with a worked example and then learners are required to complete calculations and fill in sections of the pipe sizing table. This is a complex activity. Please allow an adequate amount of time for learners to complete.
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Communication activities Teachers may ask learners to calculate the rainfall intensity for a variety of areas including their own town and then discuss the effect this data has on planning stormwater drainage systems. Learners are encouraged to contact the Environmental Protection Authority in their state to obtain the stormwater protection requirements. They may also like to take photos on site that demonstrate the way in which they manage their stormwater protection responsibilities and post these to a blog or wiki for discussion. Learners may also be required to contact their local council to obtain the council requirements for stormwater systems.
Assessment suggestions Assessment for this unit is very specific as noted in critical aspects for assessment and evidence for the unit. Teachers may choose to use the Toolbox On the job task as the basis of a workplace assessment or the final RTO based assessment task for this unit. RTOs are responsible for developing the assessment criteria that underpins the assessment of this unit. Teachers may choose to use the On the job task as the basis of a skill recognition pathway for learners with existing skills and knowledge in this unit. Learners should be encouraged to review the On the job task and consider this pathway option.
Related resources To undertake the activities within this unit learners must have access to the AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 Stormwater drainage.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 44
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Australian Flexible Learning Framework 45
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Unit guide for CPCPDR4003A Plan, size and lay out domestic treatment plant disposal systems This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to plan, size and document the layout of domestic treatment plant disposal systems. It covers preparation for the planning, identification and confirmation of system specifications and requirements, and the planning of the system layout and work finalisation processes, including records and documentation. Unit mapping Topic
Performance criteria
Groundwork addresses aspects of the required skills and knowledge for this unit
This topic addresses learning content relating to understanding domestic treatment plant disposal systems. The content includes: •
wastewater treatment systems
land application systems
Element – Prepare for planning
This topic addresses learning content relating to planning domestic treatment plant disposal systems. The content includes:
All performance criteria
get job specifications
visit the site
gather information
follow OHS requirements
Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 6, 7, 8, 9,10
Element – Identify system requirements
This topic addresses learning content relating to sizing domestic treatment plant disposal systems. The content includes:
Performance criteria 7, 11
design flow
septic tank capacities
sizing trenches and beds
sizing evapo-transpiration absorption systems
sizing irrigation systems
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 46
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Topic (continued)
Performance criteria
Element – Plan system layout
This topic addresses learning content relating to laying out domestic treatment plant disposal systems. The content includes:
Performance criteria 12, 13, 15
trench and bed layout
irrigation layout
Element – Restore work area Performance criteria 16, 18
Give it a go!
Whole unit
On the job
Whole unit
Employability skills Employability skills: The following facets of employability skills are relevant to this unit. Employability skill
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Communicate with others to gather and provide information (eg builders, clients, property owners, local councils, environmental health officers)
Interpret a range of complex documents, including relevant regulatory, legislative, licensing and registration requirements; codes and standards; drawings and specifications
Prepare a range of documents, including, reports, file notes, drawings and sketches, building applications and submissions
Facilitate site meetings
Work with colleagues to plan disposal systems
Seeks expert advice where appropriate
Supervise others' work and monitor work processes
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 47
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Employability skill (continued)
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Problem solving
Select and plan disposal systems that meet adverse site conditions
Perform various calculations and measurements relating to comparisons of alternative disposal systems
Review design solutions for effectiveness and compliance
Deal with customer complaints and disputes
Identify building sites from location drawings
Identify typical faults and problems and takes necessary remedial action
Use creative design and drafting skills to meet site conditions and ensure compliance
Employability skill
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Planning and organising
Gather required tools and equipment
Ensure a coordinated development of drawings
Scope extent of work required
Plan details of relevant systems and layouts
Plan and arrange building applications and approvals
Ensure current building codes and standards are applied
Plan and set out work
Manage own performance to ensure required levels of service standards, work quality and professional competence, and compliance with relevant codes and standards
Manage work priorities and professional development
Use appropriate mechanisms to inform others of applicable standards and codes
Use information technology skills to operate office equipment and computers including digital cameras
Use computer aided drafting (CAD) software where applicable to produce and manage architectural drawing and template files
Check relevant tools and equipment for serviceability
Initiative and enterprise
Self management
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 48
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Purpose of activities Activity – Wastewater activity (matching activity) This activity is in Groundwork. Learners are asked to identify and classify sources of domestic wastewater as either greywater or blackwater. A number of items in the list are not sources of domestic wastewater.
Activity – Selecting disposal systems (three stage decision tree style activity) The three stages of this activity are included in Get job specifications, Visit the site and Gather information which are subtopics of Plan. While the stages are related to the same task each activity can be completed in isolation if desired. Learners are provided with the specifications of a disposal system project and asked to determine which system will be the most appropriate choice for the site. The information that the learner receives at each stage of the activity will narrow the potential options the learner has and guide them towards a single correct answer in the third stage.
Activity – Design flow activity (data entry activity) This activity is in Size. Learners are provided with four sample sites and asked to calculate the daily flow allowance and the total design flow for each property. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 1547 to complete this activity.
Activity – Septic tank capacity (date entry activity) This activity is in Size. Learners are provided with four sample sites and asked to calculate the required capacity for the septic tank that meets the property requirements. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 1547 to complete this activity.
Activity – Trench sizing (data entry activity) This activity is in Size. Learners are provided with two sample sites and asked to calculate the required trench lengths to meet the property requirements. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 1547 to complete this activity.
Activity – ETA sizing (data entry activity) This activity is in Size. Learners are provided with two sample sites and asked to calculate the required ETA trench lengths to meet the property requirements. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 1547 to complete this activity.
Activity – Irrigation system volumes (data entry activity) This activity is in Size. Learners are provided with two sample sites and asked to calculate the irrigation volume capacity of the property. Learner must determine the total design flow for the property and decide if the site can support an irrigation system. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 1547 to complete this activity.
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Activity â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Trench layout (four stage interactive activity) This activity is in Layout. It is a four stage activity which requires learners to manage a variety of complex decisions to ensure a compliant trench layout. Learners are provided with a site plan and job specifications for a project. In stage one learners must determine the correct trench length to meet the job specifications. In stage two learners are required to use their mouse to draw the perimeter of the disposal envelope for the property. In stage three learners are required to indicate the position and length of each trench that ensures compliance with the Australian Standards. In stage four learners are required to drag and drop connector pipes between the trenches in the correct position. Feedback is provided at each stage. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 1547 to complete this activity.
Tutorial â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Layout of irrigation systems (guided audio tutorial) This tutorial is in Layout. It provides the learner with a step by step explanation of the process of laying our irrigation systems. The audio tutorial is accompanied by images and plan details that highlight the audio.
Communication activities Teachers may ask learners to electronically submit photos or plans of interesting sites they have worked on to plan the disposal system. These could be loaded to a common area, for example a wiki, with a short statement from the learner relating to how the system was designed to meet the site requirements. Other learners would be encouraged to provide feedback on the photos.
Assessment suggestions Assessment for this unit is very specific as noted in critical aspects for assessment and evidence for the unit. Teachers may choose to use the Toolbox On the job task as the basis of a workplace assessment or the final RTO based assessment task for this unit. RTOs are responsible for developing the assessment criteria that underpins the assessment of this unit. Teachers may choose to use the On the job task as the basis of a skill recognition pathway for learners with existing skills and knowledge in this unit. Learners should be encouraged to review the On the job task and consider this pathway option.
Related resources To undertake the activities within this unit learners must have access to the AS/NZS 1547:2000 On-site domestic-wastewater management.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 50
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Australian Flexible Learning Framework 51
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Unit guide for CPCPWT4001A Plan, size and lay out hot and cold water services and systems This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to plan, size and document the layout of hot, tempered and cold water services, and fire hydrant and hose reel systems for multi-floor buildings. It covers preparation for work, identification of water service and system requirements, planning the service and system layout and completion of work finalisation processes, including records and documentation. Unit mapping Topic
Performance criteria
Groundwork addresses aspects of the required skills and knowledge for this unit
This topic addresses learning content relating to understanding hot and cold water services and systems. The content includes: •
water services and systems
water pressure
cold water systems
hot water systems
warm water systems
water service valves
fire services
Element – Prepare for planning
This topic addresses learning content relating to planning hot and cold water services and systems. The content includes:
All performance criteria
site inspection
job specifications
follow OHS requirements
Element – Identify system requirements Performance criteria 6, 7, 8
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 52
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Topic (continued)
Performance criteria
Element – Identify system requirements
This topic addresses learning content relating to laying out hot and cold water services and systems. The content includes:
Performance criteria 7
sketching layouts
water pipework layout
locating water heaters
sizing water heaters
locating fire services
designing water service layouts
Element – Plan service and system layout Performance criteria 10, 11
Element – Identify system requirements
This topic addresses learning content relating to sizing hot and cold water services and systems. The content includes:
Performance criteria 7, 9
sizing water services
probable simultaneous demand
sizing cold water services
sizing hot water services
sizing fire services
sizing flush valves
sizing water storage tanks
Element – Plan service and system layout Performance criteria 12
Give it a go!
Whole unit
On the job
Whole unit
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 53
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Employability skills Employability skills: The following facets of employability skills are relevant to this unit. Employability skill
To meet the industry requirements for this unit learners will be expected to be able to:
Communicate with others to gather and provide information (eg builders, clients, property owners, local councils, environmental health officers)
Facilitate site meetings
Interpret site plans and specifications
Supervise others’ work and monitor work processes
Plan and coordinate tasks with others
Seek expert advice where appropriate
Determine required materials
Identify job requirements
Apply numeracy skills to determine measurements and perform calculations
Read and interpret a variety of documentation (regulations, standards, plans, specifications and drawings)
Identify and accurately report faults in tools, equipment or materials
Identify and plan the location of hot and cold water services from plans
Plan and set out work
Conduct site inspections when required
Gather required tools and equipment
Follow instructions specified in job specifications and regulations
Manage work priorities and professional development
Use new and emerging technology to document work and to communicate and collaborate with others
Access and understand site-specific instructions in using variety of media
Use technology to communicate with others
Use information technology skills to operate office equipment and computers including digital cameras
Problem solving
Initiative and enterprise
Planning and organising
Self management
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 54
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Purpose of activities Activity – Available water pressure (data entry activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with the value of mains water pressure and asked to calculate the pressure in metres head. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 and the Best Bed Motel plan to complete this activity.
Activity – Job specifications: Valves (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with motel plans and are asked to determine the number of tempering and isolating valves required for the Best Bed Motel. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 and the Best Bed Motel plans to complete this activity.
Activity – Static head (data entry activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with the value of mains water pressure and asked to calculate the static head for the ground and second floor. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 and the Best Bed Motel plan to complete this activity.
Activity – Fire services (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Plan topic. Learners are provided with motel plans and are asked to determine the number of fire hydrants and fire reels required for the Best Bed Motel. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1, AS 2441, AS 2419.1 and the Best Bed Motel plan to complete this activity.
Tutorials – Designing water service layouts (guided audio tutorials) There are three tutorials in the Layout topic. These provide the learner with an overview of the principles of documenting water services pipework using the Best Bed Motel as a case study. The tutorials focus on cold, hot and tempered water services, rain water and flush valve systems and fire services.
Activity – Calculate index length (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the first activity in the worked example which demonstrates how to size the external cold water pipework for the Best Bed Motel. Learners are provided with a sketch of the motel plan and are asked to calculate the index length for the pipework.
Activity – Calculate pressure drop (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the second activity in the external cold water pipework worked example. Learners are required to calculate the pressure drop along the index length of the external cold water pipework.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework 55
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Activity – Pipe sizing table: PSD (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the third activity in the external cold water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe size table and are asked to size the probable simultaneous demand for the nominated pipe sections. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 to complete this activity.
Activity – Pipe size table: DN (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the fourth activity in the external cold water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe size table and are asked to size the pipe diameter for the nominated pipe sections. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 to complete this activity.
Activity – Calculate index length (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the first activity in the internal cold water pipework worked example which demonstrates how to size the internal cold water pipework for the Best Bed Motel. Learners are provided with a sketch of the motel plan and are asked to calculate the index length for the internal cold water pipework.
Activity – Calculate pressure drop (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the second activity in the internal cold water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with the formula required to calculate the pressure drop along the index length of the internal cold water pipework and are asked to calculate the pressure drop.
Activity – Pipe size table: LU and PSFR (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the third activity in the internal cold water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe size table and are asked to determine the probable simultaneous demand flow rates for the nominated pipe sections. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 to complete this activity.
Activity – Pipe size table: DN internal (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the fourth activity in the internal cold water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe size table and are asked to size the pipe diameter for the nominated pipe sections. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 to complete this activity.
Activity – Diversified flow rate for hot water (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the first activity in the worked example which demonstrates how to size the hot water pipework for the Best Bed Motel. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe size table and are asked to calculate the diversified flow rate for the nominated pipe sections. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 to complete this activity.
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Activity – Pressure gradient for hot water (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the second activity in the hot water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe size table and are asked to calculate the pressure gradient. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 to complete this activity.
Activity – Pipe size for hot water (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. This is the third activity in the hot water pipework worked example. Learners are provided with an incomplete pipe sizing table and are asked to determine the pipe diameter for the nominated sections. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1 to complete this activity.
Activity – Pipe support system (multiple choice activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners are provided with motel plans and are asked to determine the minimum number of brackets and clips required to support the hot water pipework. Learners must refer to AS/NZS 3500.1, the pipe sizing chart and the hot water pipework isometric sketch to complete this activity.
Activity – Sizing fire services (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners are required to refer to AS 2419.1 and indicate the required pipe size for fire services.
Activity – Flush valves (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners must determine how many flush valves are required at the Best Bed Motel.
Activity – Water storage tasks (data entry activity) This activity is in the Size topic. Learners must determine the minimum capacity of the break tank at the Best Bed Motel.
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Communication activities Teachers may ask learners to electronically submit photographic evidence of water service installations. These could be loaded to a common area, for example a wiki, with a short statement from the learner relating to how the system was designed to meet the site requirements. Other learners would be encouraged to provide feedback on the photos and plans.
Assessment suggestions Assessment for this unit is very specific as noted in critical aspects for assessment and evidence for the unit. Teachers may choose to use the Toolbox On the job task as the basis of a workplace assessment or the final RTO based assessment task for this unit. RTOs are responsible for developing the assessment criteria that underpins the assessment of this unit. Teachers may choose to use the On the job task as the basis of a skill recognition pathway for learners with existing skills and knowledge in this unit. Learners should be encouraged to review the On the job task and consider this pathway option.
Related resources To undertake the activities within this unit learners must have access to the AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 Plumbing and drainage Part 1: Water services.
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Toolbox contact details: Flexible Learning Toolbox Help Desk Phone: 1300 736 710 Email: toolboxhelp@flexiblelearning.net.au Website: flexiblelearning.net.au/toolbox For more information contact: Australian Flexible Learning Framework National Communication Phone: +61 7 3307 4700 Fax: +61 7 3259 4371 Email: enquiries@flexiblelearning.net.au Website: flexiblelearning.net.au GPO Box 1326 Brisbane, Queensland 4001 Australia
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