Peponi School Prospectus 2023

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“&” is often considered the 27th letter of the English alphabet; it is of course the logogram for the conjunction “and”. e ampersand is a ligature that lies between the list of each characteristic of Peponi which sets the School apart from any other. Everything we do is designed to encourage young people to be their best, by providing them opportunities for Action & Adventure. We celebrate our Culture & Community, by fostering inclusiveness. Our extracurricular programme enriches the pupils’ lives, by encouraging Discovery & Determination. e arts inspire Ingenuity & Imagination, while the breadth of the curriculum o ers Options & Opinions.

At all stages of the pupils’ school career they are motivated to engage allowing Passion & Participation. We also expect our pupils to be kind, empathetic & above all to show Respect & Resilience. is is taken even further by our Charity Committee where pupils make a meaningful contribution to society through Service & Support. Peponi School is one of Kenya’s leading boarding schools, with years of history that has nurtured Talent & Tradition. Our aim is to send our pupils out into the world with the knowledge & skills to achieve Valour & Victory. From the start of their time at Peponi, boys & girls are encouraged to look into the future & ...

Peponi School is a boarding school that is designed around the British Public School tradition. e independent schools in the United Kingdom have a long & established history of preparing their pupils for the challenges of university & life beyond a formal education. Peponi School in comparison, is a young, newly formed school but one that has taken no time to take its place amongst some of the best schools in the world.

Peponi School was established in 1989, to be a rst class, independent, coeducational boarding school with a multinational intake of pupils working towards internationally recognised examinations at 16+ (IGCSEs) & 18+ (A Levels).

Peponi School sets very exacting standards with purposefully high expectations of our pupils, who are educated to believe in themselves, to be imaginative, to be passionate, to be resilient. We praise highachievers in any aspect of their life, whether it is in the classroom, on the sports eld or on the stage. Peponi School is purposefully small as we value community. We are a genuine multi-faith, multi-racial school where pupils respect each other & value the di erences that contribute to our unique community.

I have always strongly believed that having the opportunity to educate other people’s children is a rare privilege that brings with it a responsibility to provide the best all round education that prepares our pupils for the challenges of an ever-changing world. I am con dent that you will sense our commitment to provide a rigorous approach to learning & a sensitive, caring provision of pastoral care. We want to encourage our young men & women to grow in depth & think beyond themselves & begin their development to become hard working & honourable global citizens.

Adventure Action

In Kenya, Action & Adventure is everywhere; there is an untold wealth of outdoor activities to pursue & an obligation to commit to the challenges posed by our environment. rough the President’s Award scheme (PA), the Year 9 Convocations, subject speci c trips & the Peponi School Expeditions Society (PESTs) our pupils grow to understand the responsibility of their role in an ever changing, complicated, diverse & rich society, while allowing them to be exposed to the wonders of our country.

Expeditions are one of the few opportunities that pupils get to be completely self-reliant. As a group, they are often expected to plan their own adventures, encouraging them to be independent & self-su cient. Our knowledgeable team provides an extraordinary experience; pupils return from school trips having discovered challenges, joys, successes & opportunities. e list below highlights a number of possibilities available but there are many, many more. If pupils have ideas for things they want to do we actively encourage them to make it happen.

Archery & Birdwatching

Camping & Canoeing

Canyoning & Climbing

Cycling & Hog Charge

Karting & Kayaking

Mountain Biking & Mountain Climbing

Mountaineering & Orienteering

Paintballing & Photography Club

Rock Climbing & Safari

Scuba Diving & Self-defence

Sightseeing & Snorkelling

Tae Kwon Do & Tree Climbing

Trekking & Whitewater Rafting

... & ...

Pastoral Care at Peponi School supports every pupil on their journey as they grow & ourish. We celebrate our Culture & Community, by fostering inclusiveness. We believe that an individual’s potential to thrive is intrinsically bound with their well-being & therefore acknowledge that we need to ensure that all pupils lead happy lives surrounded by kindness, trust & a feeling of safety.

Peponi o ers every pupil a stimulating, secure & caring environment. e House system is central to Peponi life. In Year 9 every pupil is assigned to one of our four Houses. ey remain with this House for the rest of their time at School, however, in the Sixth Form they move into the Senior School boarding House. It is within our four Houses that pupils build bonds for life; sharing challenges & successes in an atmosphere of strong mutual support.

e Houses o er an array of activities—ranging from pure fun to the more serious Inter House competitions.

e House spirit is essential to the House system; pupils proudly wear their House colours and often decorate their faces with paint and make-up, crying out war cries before a battle!

Inter House competitions include:

Art & Athletics

Choir & Contemporary Dance

Cricket & Cross Country

Debating & Drama

Football & Hockey

Music & Netball

Rounders & Rugby

Squash & Tennis

Swimming & Waterpolo

... & ...


Determination Discovery

e academic life of Peponi is guided by two key principles: to encourage pupils to make decisions about their learning & to inspire Discovery & Determination. We hope to educate pupils to know as broadly & to think as independently & incisively as possible. We work to enable our pupils to achieve their academic ambitions & to develop the qualities & insight needed to become leaders of the future.

e School is a learning community, where teachers & pupils alike, aspire to foster a love of learning & understanding. Both the curricular & co-curricular provisions are seen as important elements to reach our aims & are required to achieve life long learning. We place learning at our core as a means to meeting individual goals.

Peponi is not an academically selective school, however, academic rigour & a love of learning are core to achieving the aims of the School.

Teachers are committed to empowering all pupils with the knowledge & skills they need to realise their potential. Pupils learn what is needed to prepare fully for public examinations & are expected to aim high, & attend universities overseas.

Active Learning & Application

E-learning & Empirical Knowledge

Formal & Further

Hands-on & Heuristic

Instructional & Interdisciplinary

Multidisciplinary & Multimedia

Outstanding & Omniscient

Pedagogical & Progressive

Reasoning & Remedial

Technology & eory

Virtual & Visual

... & ...

Peponi o ers a rich & rewarding curriculum for pupils from 13 to 18 years of age; with a wide range of subjects that allow our pupils to develop their Options & Opinions with regard to their future. We follow the English National Curriculum for England & Wales which is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’. Year 9 (pupils aged between 13 and 14) marks the end of Key Stage 3, with the Peponi curriculum emphasising breadth & links between subjects.

Years 10 & 11 (Key Stage 4; pupils aged between 14 & 16) constitute a two-year cycle during which pupils prepare for IGCSE examinations (International General Certi cate of Secondary Education). Pupils carry on with ten subjects, six of which are the compulsory core subjects: English Language & Literature, Mathematics & the three Sciences.

Following IGCSE examinations pupils move into the Sixth Form (Key Stage 5) & take Advanced Levels (A Levels). A Levels constitute another two-year cycle & are highly specialised. Our range of options allow pupils to take closely clustered subjects from within one faculty area, or retain a broad interest by mixing subjects from di erent faculty areas. We o er a choice of 20 di erent subjects at both IGCSE & A Level.

Art & Drama

Biology, Chemistry & Physics

Business Studies & Economics

English Literature & English Language

French & German

Geography & History

Information Technology & Physical Education

Mathematics & Music

Psychology & Philosophy

Spanish & Swahili ... & ...

At Peponi, emphasis is on engendering Passion & Participation in sport. Over recent years the School has been developing an array of activities, allowing large numbers of pupils to represent the School in a variety of di erent areas. Involvement in sport is expected to encourage a healthy spirit for competition & a teamsports ethos, promoting physical health, tness & social interaction. e School boasts strong xture lists against other schools, as well as a number of ercely contested internal House competitions.

We have built an impressive reputation for sporting prowess over the last decade & our pupils continue to strive for more. In this, they are joined by a team of specialised coaches who understand how to motivate & hone their teams’ skills.

We believe sport develops pupils’ con dence through physical, technical & tactical activities which helps individuals develop enjoyment, discipline, independence, camaraderie & teamwork.

From the beginner to elite athlete, pupils’ games choices are controlled so that every pupil engages in a major sport. With so much scope, the School’s activities programme allows pupils to sample more unusual activities in some sessions.

Badminton & Basketball

Cricket & Cross Country

CrossFit & Gyming

Field & Football

Hockey & Netball

Rounders & Rugby

Tennis & Track Athletics

Squash & Swimming

Volleyball & Waterpolo

... Participation Passion

Resilience Respect



Tradition Talent

Peponi School prides itself on the Talent & Tradition of music making. e ourishing musical activities are spread across two choirs, an orchestra, a number of bands & a number of soloists. Music is both a practical & a rigorous academic subject, requiring both performance & presentation skills in addition to creativity & analytical essay writing. Whether pupils study music academically or take part in musical performances for enjoyment & personal development, they are able to use the excellent facilities to explore & develop a rich musical life—both in School & beyond.

e department creates an outstanding & vibrant musical experience for all, which is innovatively balanced between traditional & contemporary. Music is available to anyone & everyone. Almost half of the School’s pupils receive tuition from a team of highly quali ed, experienced & dynamic musicians; a number of whom are members of the Nairobi Orchestra.

Performance opportunities pitched for all levels are in abundance & pupils have the chance to perform to the School, wider community & beyond. ere is a packed calendar each term with a multitude of events. Performance is a key part of building con dence. Pupils play with others at the same musical level, regardless of age, so di erent year groups get to know each other. Peponi pupils play & are involved in learning:

Acoustic Guitar & Bassoon

Cello & Clarinet

Drumkit & Flute

Electric Guitar & Piano

Strings & Saxophone

Trombone & Trumpet

Tambourine & Ukulele

Violin & Voice ... & ...

Victory Valour

Peponi pupils are sent out into the world with the knowledge & skills to achieve Valour & Victory. We prepare our pupils so that they may compete for places in the best courses & at top institutions. Our careers department has developed a programme that maximises the school’s ethos by providing outstanding support & guidance in this critical area. e team supports pupils to make decisions in the lead up to university application, by encouraging them to venture beyond the boundaries of School. Pupils attend a series of lectures, seminars & university fairs that provide pupils with the relevant materials to make life-changing decisions.

Outstanding Careers & UCAS provision at Peponi School is infused throughout the curricular & extracurricular life of the School, enabling all pupils, throughout their school years: from 13 to 18, their university years and indeed their professional careers, to access exceptional, tailored, professional experience & advice.

Peponi School pupils must have the crucial skills & quali cations when faced with the dynamic, competitive Russell Group universities, and the more popular pathways to the US, Australia, South Africa and the EU.

Some of the universities that Peponi pupils end up at are:

e University of Bristol &

e University of Cambridge

Durham University &

e University of Edinburgh

University of Exeter & Imperial College London

McGill University & Université de Montréal

University of Nottingham & University of Oxford

Princeton University & Tufts University

Yale University & University of Washington

P. O. Box 236, Ruir u, 00232 Tele phone +254 (20) 354 6456, 258 5375 Cell +254 (0) 722 287 248, 733 615 193 Email info@pe

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