Study of carpenter center le corbusier 1963

Page 1

CARPENTER CENTRE FOR THE VISUAL ART Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1961-64 Le Corbusier

Veerasu Saetae _ KornChawan Ghaetalae

LE CORBUSIER 1946 1952 1955

1960 1961








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WORLD ARCHITECTURE C o row M f Te n H ie ch a s v n ll an olo at de gy the r R , C Ill oh hic ino e, ag is is o, Ins fin de tit ish sig ut ed ne e d . by


C du om Ha ple ut tio ch n o ap f L el e C at o Ro rb nc usi ha er' m sN p, o Fr tre an D ce am . e

1944 1945

Le Un Co ité rb d' usie Ha r bi co ta m tio pl n ete in s M hi ar s se ille s.


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Fi of del La Ca w st Sc ro ho is ol gu Fo es Lo ru t eb m . Dr am aC en te ro p

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ac rc lib ns im ory ya rd kn ha ra . T e ow nt ry he Co wa in le Ma of Ha mm s la Ric dg rin ab rv u h ed e ou ar issio nch mo th Lib t 1 d C n ed nd e ra 40 or sh as , C Un ry v po ip t a iv As olu ra s n he lif., er so m tio a fi th sit c e n m rst e y’s iat s s la ed o 10 gif ion ele ter aft f a n ,80 t. . A cte vo er ew 0sim d ted U.S s ton ple by t to . ed erie pla he giv uca s qu Am e th tio e eric e nal an

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1965 1969

1969 1970 1971 1974 1975 1978 1979 1980 1982 1983 1984 1986

Ha rv ar


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SiITE CONTEXT Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Axnometric Drawing _ Site Context

Axonometric Drawing _ Site Context

Axonometric Drawing _Site Context

Cam brid ge S t


Fel ton

Pres co

Str e


Wa re

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Str e


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rd Str e

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Stre e


Pre sco tt

Pea b


ssa ch u



Av en


Bow Street


Stre e


Axonometric Drawing _Road

Axonometric Drawing _ Ground

Axonometric Drawing _ Class room Building

Axonometric Drawing _ Dormitory

Axonometric Drawing _ Church

Axonometric Drawing _ Library

Axonometric Drawing _ Museum/Exhibition Hall

Axonometric Drawing _ Faculty Club

Axonometric Drawing _ Non Harvard

Axonometric Drawing _ Carpenter Center

Axonometric Drawing _ Axis

SiITE CIRCULATION Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Axonometric Drawing _ Site Circulation

Road Pathway

Axonometric Drawing _ Harvard Circulation

Road Pathway

Axonometric Drawing_Chula Circulation



Harvard University

Harvard University

Chulalongkorn University

Chulalongkorn University

Axonometric Drawing_Circulation Comparison

Chulalongkorn University Circulation normally in grid line. The pathway forced people to walk indirectly to their destination. While Harvard University pathway has more variety of direction so people can walk straight to their destination

Le Corbusier’s Five points of architecture

Veerasu Saetae _ KornChawan Ghaetalae


scale 1:400 N


Plan_ Basement






scale 1:400 N


Plan_ First Floor





Pilotis Brise Soleil

scale 1:400 N


Plan_ Second Floor





Pilotis Brise Soleil Roof Garden

scale 1:400 N


Plan_Third Floor





Pilotis Brise Soleil

scale 1:400 N


Plan_ Forth Floor





Pilotis Brise Soleil Roof Garden

scale 1:400 N


Plan_ Fifth Floor





scale 1:400


North Elevation_ Carpenter House





scale 1:400


South Elevation_ Carpenter House





scale 1:400


West Elevation_ Carpenter House





scale 1:400


East Elevation_ Carpenter House





PROGRAMS Programatric Layout Programmatic Adjacency

Veerasu Saetae _ KornChawan Ghaetalae

NTS CCVA_ Axnometric Drawing _Program Adjacency

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Underground plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Underground Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Fisrt floor plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ First floor plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Second Floor Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Second Floor Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Thrid Floor plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Thrid Floor Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Forth Floor Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Forth Floor Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Fifth Floor Plan

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary

NTS CCVA_ Fifth Floor Plan

ProgramLegend public

Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop Secretary


NTS CCVA_ Programatic Relationship_Public and Private

ProgramLegend Lobby Lecture Hall Cofference Seminar Room Exhibition Space Corridor Terrace Garden Car Park Mechanical Room Electrical and Switch room Storage Toilets Dark room Projection Rooms Film-Storage Cutting Room Common Room Studio Two Dimensional Studio/ Workshop Three Diemensional Studio / Workshop Special Projects Studio/ Workshop Visiting Artists Studio/ Workshop Animation Film Studio Director Studio Workshop




NTS CCVA_ Programatic Relationship_Public and Private

Circulation Carpenter Centre, Le Corbusier

Veerasu Saetae _ KornChawan Ghaetalae

Stair Fifth Floor Forth Floor Thrid Floor Second Floor underground floor

CCVA_ Circulstion Route

Analyise Structure ; Free standing CCVA_ Axnometric Drawing


Diatatic qualities Carpenter Centre, Le Corbusier

Veerasu Saetae _ KornChawan Ghaetalae




3 4 3 6

NTS CCVA_ Axnometric Drawing _Program Adjacency







20.0 m 10.0 m

10.0 m

7 20.0 m

10.0 m

10.0 m

10.0 m

10.0 m





+9.2 m

+9.2 m

+5.6 m

+5.6 m

+2.0 m

+2.0 m

-1.0 m

-1.0 m

-3.6 m

-3.6 m

scale 1:200


Section A_ Carpenter House











20.0 m 10.0 m

10.0 m

7 20.0 m

10.0 m

10.0 m

10.0 m

10.0 m





+9.2 m

+9.2 m

+5.6 m

+5.6 m

+2.0 m

+2.0 m

-1.0 m

-1.0 m

-3.6 m

-3.6 m

scale 1:200


Section B_ Carpenter House





NTS CCVA_ Axonometric Section

NTS Axnometric Drawing _ Integration of man and nature

NTS Axnometric Drawing _ Flow of movement through tge heart of the building

Building Facade Framed Views NTS Axnometric Drawing _ Exterior Facade Analysis

NTS Axnometric Drawing _ Eduucate the head and the eye

NTS Axnometric Drawing _ interior facade become exterior facade

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