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松山機場 Songshang Airport

About Exhibition

2013/Acrylic /79cm x 109cm

大面積的色塊搭配上線條勾勒的日常物件與地景片段,形構出個人獨有的記憶,藝術家用畫筆描 繪出屬於這個城市的生活剪影及文化。2013年3月16日至4月13日間,VT Artsalon非常廟藝文空間 將展出「地平線上-郭弘坤個展」,透過郭弘坤對於城市今昔的對照,讓我們一起看見台北的另類 風情,以及當代的城市精神。

藝術家用幾何塊面表現城市天空的樣貌,建物及日光交錯,勾勒出公館的城市天際線──這是郭 弘坤生長的舊里。對於這片土地的記憶,藝術家用現今公館的風景回憶著過去舊時光景。隨著時 間累積,城市越見繁榮進步,當然也帶來莫大的改變,郭弘坤以生活體驗作為基礎,描繪這個區 域,反映出傳統與當代的交匯。而此間的不斷演進與改變,也正代表著城市的文化、生活與社會 結構的改變。藝術家藉由繪畫,引領觀者漫步於小巷弄內,體察著這一切。

郭弘坤,1967年出生於臺北市,1996年義大利國立羅馬藝術學院畢業,2000 年回臺生活創作。長 期觀察台灣文化的郭弘坤,觀察島國城市及文化風情有獨到的見解與描繪,本次作品主題以公館 多元的樣貌融合舊時記憶交錯而成,呈現跨時空的地區城市風情。本次個展共呈現14件繪畫作品 與3件複合媒材創作。觀眾將透過這些作品,窺見藝術家回歸純粹生活的情懷與土地情感,從藝術 的高處俯望城市與生活的種種可能。

Over large area of color shapes, simplified outlines provide viewers with brief glimpses of everyday objects and sceneries; artist Kuo Hung-Kun uses his pen and brush to reveals a slice of his personal memory of the city and its life, memory that was accumulated over time. Between 2013 March 16th to April 13th On the Horizon - Kao Hung Kun Solo Exhibition will be on show in VT Artsalon. Between the mixture of the traditional and modern objects, Kuo Hung Kun displays the legacy of Taipei in its golden ages, as well as in its modern spirit. Kuo uses geometric shapes to create the skyline of the city, its buildings and the passing of day and night; outlining the horizons of Gongguan, the part of Taipei where Kuo was born and grew up. Kuo uses the modern cityscape to reminiscent those unique childhood memories which resides within. As time pass, the city developed and expanded with this development sees changes. Using his personal experience Kuo depicts the area, reflecting on the layering of the traditional and the modern. At the same time these conflicts in development also represents the culture identity of the city, the transformation of life, the society and its 雪山隧道 Hsuehshan Tunnel

structure. Kuo takes us on a tour of the streets and alleys of the neighborhood highlighting little details for the viewers.

2013/Acrylic /79cm x 109cm

Kuo Hung Kun, born 1967 in Taipei, Graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome, Italy, in 1996, returned to Taipei in 2000 where he currently lives and works. Kuo constantly observe and study the culture of Taiwan, developing his personal perspective of Taiwan as an island, its culture and social components. In this exhibition the main concept of his work revolve around

KUO HKUN Solo Exhibition 郭弘坤

個展 104台北市中山區新生北路3段56巷17號B1



3/16 - 4/13




B1, No.17, Lane.56, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd, Taipei City, Taiwan 贊助:

TEL:886-2-2597-2525 FAX:886-2-2587-3232 開放時間 : 週二至週六 Tue.-Sat. 13:30 - 21:00

the mixture of past and modern, the entanglement of memories and the change of culture over time. On display in VT are 14 works of paintings and 3 works of mixed media installation. Through these works the audience can catch a glimpse of Kuo s desire to return to a simpler way of life, the nostalgia for the country and its traditional culture, looking at the possibilities of city life from the height of art.

Artist Statement


Every morning, and between two and four o clock in the afternoon, the temperate


moisture on the horizon of this Pacific island draws a palette of balmy, savoury colours.


The air fills up with elegant hues of thickly painted shades. At moments like these, I like to sip a cup of warm, strong tea, let it slowly trickle down my throat and transport me to


an extraordinary realm within ordinary life.


Everyman has his own ways of enjoying life, but you can be sure to find a few that involve


savouring simplicity.

我訪舊的座標方位感。 Gongguan, the old Taipei neighbourhood where I was born and bred, is situated on an 因此紀錄地平線上的景觀,將景物組成的基礎結構要件,做歸納和分類即能清楚的將視覺景

important transportation artery. The hustle and bustle brought about by the traffic not


only shaped the area, but also provided it with the opportunity and capital to regenerate. I often stroll along the streets and alleys remembering what there used to be, it is another one of my ways of relishing the simple things in life. Yet the coordinates on my horizon are constantly subverted by major public constructions and mass building projects for 公館鐵路 Gonguan Railway

private residencies, often leaving me disoriented on memory lane.

2013/Acrylic /79cm x 109cm

Thus I record the horizon, I induce and categorise its basic elements and translate them into a visual vocabulary that forms the basis of determination in my in-depth representations of attitudes and values in life on this island.

字母 Letter

自來水廠 Taiwan Water Corporation

2013/Acrylic /79cm x 109cm

2013/Acrylic /79cm x 109cm

Q&A Question : VT Artsalon Answer : KUO HKUN

Q1.你 以 作 品 關 注 臺 灣 文 化、環境與生活,而如今你所見的臺灣人與臺灣生活是什麼?

Q4.在 義 大 利 求 學 的 體 驗 是 否 改 變 了 你 在 臺 灣 的 生 活 ( 與 創 作 ) 態 度 ? 這 之 中 影 響 與 改 變 是 什 麼?

臺灣在21世紀起,極力追求國際形象優質化認同,與被世界關注的存在感,相較上個世紀末,大多數 人刻意重視經濟價值的追求,為了暫時忽略矛盾又衝突的政治議題,然而政治傾向通常伴隨文化認同 ,所以文化經營就顯得慵懶。因此島上的休閒產業,順手移情外國情調也就情有可原了。

Q2.此 次 作 品 中 大 量 的 使 用 建 築 輪 廓 及 飽 和 Q3.此 次 個 展 選 用 壓 克 力 顏 料 及 畫 布 有 別 於 的天際線色塊,是什麼樣想法讓這兩個元素成 為這次作品中的主角?

上次個展使用印製的方式,可否談談這樣的改 變?

我經常重複的坐著凝視眼前的景物,仔細的閱 讀建物,陽臺與窗框,盆花與器物,再向更遠 端望去,觀察周遭的地形與地貌,如此便能約 略猜測,地方發展的起因並對地方歷史產生好 奇心,特別是真實的歷史經驗造就今日的建築 外貌,而建築的結構與用料正如實的表露真性 情的民族性格。

自1998年起運用複合媒材,在紙上記錄我的見聞 經驗,但同時也以網版印製取代顏料與筆觸的畫 理,盡可能讓視覺藝術製做的過程,趨近工商生 產的意念,可以滿足”藝術為生活必需品”的觀 念。

誠如大家所熟知,它過去的民族歷史與藝術文化成就,奠定歐洲3大工業強國之一的國際地位,即 便他們不斷的向世界出口新潮的設計與流行趨勢,都難以掩飾雄厚的藝術與文化實力在幕後支持 著。 千禧年回臺工作定居,我審慎思考著”海島臺灣風格”的藝術,它擁有的什錦文化背景,帶有理 智的虛榮,具有格調的頹廢,旺盛的生命力,雖然年輕但不影響情感的深度,在當代藝術發展的 領域,可以做得深刻和迷人!

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