b <Relative FTS Production Expense>
Energy Shocks
<Relative FTS <Relative FTS Distribution Expense> Processing Expense>
Climate Shocks Economic Shocks
Relative Food Security Value -
Food Security Risk Mgmt Ability
<FTS Demand Affordability>
With the Community
<Relative Value of FTS* vs Non-FTS>
% of Decision Makers Aware of FTS Value
Willingness to Collaborate Q&Q of Shared Learnings
Q of Coordination Systems
Q of IT Design & Support
<Q&Q of Ideological Resistance> <Satisfaction/ Serving>
Meal Planning
Kids' Satisfaction
Q of Supply Awareness
Q of Q of School Network Awareness Awareness
Demand Ease of Use
Serving Preparing
Ability to Coordinate at Scale
Q of Network Market Awareness Legality of the Coordination Systems Abililty to Match Demand & Q of Bid Supply Timing
% FTS Market/ Network Coordination
<% FTS Policy Demand>
Bidding & Contracting
<FTS Demand Affordability>
Health Care Savings
Curriculum Flexibility Timing Flexibility
Relative FTS Production Labor Costs
<% FTS Policy Demand>
<Q of FTS Food Service Commitment>
<Relative FTS Processing Profit>
FTS Supply Profitablity
Relative Water Quality
Relative Nutrient Content/ Serving
Taste Quality
<Ability to Innovate Production>
% Participation
<% FTS Supply>
Q of FTS Food Service Commitment
<Ability to Innovate Processing> <Ability to Innovate Distribution> -
<Relative Experiential Value>
Q of FTS School Leadership
<Q of Experience of Food as an Honorable Profession>
Q of Food Service Skills
Q of Admin
Q of Champion(s)
<Relative Educational Value>
Relative Freshness & Ripeness
School Board's Democratic Q&Q of FTS Responsiveness Students & Parents
% FTS Schools Demand Q of School Board FTS Leadership Q&Q of Teacher & Staff FTS Commitment
<FTS Ease of Use>
FTS Demand Affordability
Available Tax Base Willingness & Ability to Subsidize
Tax Rate
- Relative FTS Production Profit
% Business Policy Demand
<% FTS Food System Decision Makers Committed to FTS>
% FTS Supply
% FTS Processing Supply
<Q&Q of Shared Learnings>
- Relative FTS Distribution Investment
<% FTS Policy Demand>
Other Relative FTS Distribution Expenses
Relative FTS Distribution Cost of Capital
Ability to Innovate Processing
<Q&Q of <Ability to Shared Innovate Supply> Learnings> Relative FTS Distribution Productivity
Relative FTS Distribution Expense
<Revenue/ Meal>
Relative FTS Distribution Income
<% FTS Policy Demand>
% Revenue to Distribution Relative FTS Distribution Profit
Distribution Risk Mgmt Ability Other Distribution Risk Mgmt Ability
Other Relative FTS Processing Expenses Relative FTS Processing Investment
Relative FTS Processing Cost of Capital -
Relative FTS Processing Productivity
% Citizen Demand
% Retail & Restaurant Demand
% FTS Policy Demand
Relative FTS Processing Expense
Processing Risk Mgmt Ability Other Processing Risk Mgmt Ability
State's Democratic Responsiveness
% State Policy Demand
<% FTS Market/ Network Coordination> Q&Q of Policy Leadership
<Revenue/ Meal>
Relative FTS Processing Income
Q of Citizen Leadership
% FTS Community Demand
% School Boards Policy Demand
Q&Q of Ideological Resistance -
% FTS Demand
% Federal Policy Demand
Federal Democratic Responsiveness -
Relative FTS Processing Profit
% Revenue to Processing
<% FTS Market/ Network Coordination>
Q of NGO Leadership
# of <Relative Revenue/ Cost/ Students Meal Economic Value> Meal
% Revenue to Production
% FTS Distribution Supply
Ability to Innovate Distribution
Production* = Farms, School Gardens, Hoop gardens, etc.
<Revenue/ Meal>
Relative Land Quality
Relative FTS Processing Labor Costs
<% FTS Market/ Network Coordination>
Q&Q = Quality & Quantity
Relative Aesthetic Value
Relative FTS Distribution Labor Costs
Q = Quality
Relative Environmental Value
<Relative FTS Production Profit>
<Relative FTS Distribution Profit>
FTS* = Healthy, Local, Sustainable, Equitable Farm-to-School Food *Experienciing = the 3C's = Classroom, Cafeteria, Community
Relative Recreational Value
<FTS Supply Profitablity>
Acres in FTS Production
Farm-to-School Food by 2020 causing a Cultural Shift to % Healthy, Sustainble, Local, Equitable Food Citizens
Other Relative FTS Production Expenses - Relative FTS Relative FTS Relative FTS Production Production Production Investment Income Expense Relative FTS Cost of Production Capital Risk Mgmt Ability % FTS Other Production* <Acres in Supply Production FTS Risk Mgmt Production>
Relative Air Quality
Relative Value of FTS* vs Non-FTS
Relative FTS Production Productivity
Ability to Innovate Production
<Q&Q of Shared Learnings>
Ability to Innovate Supply
Relative Economic Value
Fun & Meaning
non-FTS production
Relative Preparation
Flexible (Alternative) Pathways
Q of IT Skills & Resources School Admin, Teachers & Staff Ease of Use
% FTS Food System Decision Makers Committed to FTS
Relative Experiential Value
Relative Presentation
Relative Tourism Value
Relative Selection
Q of Experience of Food as an Honorable Science Profession Relative Relative Small Career & LIfe Crafts- Educational Nutritional/ Health Business, Educational manship Ordering Integrative Math Value Value etc. Value Educational Absence Food Value of Toxins Economics, System Satisfaction/ Physics etc. Receiving & Education Food Serving Storing Expertise Culture History <FTS Ease <Q of Food of Use> Service Skills> <% FTS <% FTS <% FTS % Kids in % Schools Experiencing* % Demand> Demand> Supply> Healthy, Local, Sustainable, Equitable -
FTS Ease of Use
Supply Ease of Use
Relative Sharing & Eating
Relative Local Economic Multiplier
Cultural Value
Experiencing Change
Experiencing Empowerment
Relative Growing
With Families
Political/ Democratic Changemaker
% FTS Food System Decision Makers Convinced of FTS Value
Q of Demand Awareness
With School Personnel
Relative Social Value
With Marginalized Citizens
Experiencing Reality
Q&Q of Awareness Programs
Food Supply Economic Value
With Students
With Citizens
With Food Supply
<FTS Supply Profitablity>
<Relative Economic Value> <Relative Food Security Value> Q&Q of Competitive Resistance <Ability to Innovate Production> <Ability to Innovate Processing> <Ability to Innovate Distribution>
% Institutional Demand
<Relative Nutritional/ Health Value>