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In December, for over 45 years, the lodge PERs (Past Exalted Rulers) have gathered with other lodge members on the Saturday before Christmas to assemble and deliver food baskets to needy families in the Morgantown community.

Led by PER Commi ee Chair, Dr. Jon Oberly, the 2022 Elks Christmas Basket were distributed to the needy ci zens of Morgantown on December 17 this year. There were 48 boxes (aka baskets), assembled and delivered. Volunteers included 15 members and families. Addi onally many members supported the project financially with par cipa on in the annual Cash Bash, held in October, and dona ons to the project.


The boxes contained most of the basic food items for a nice holiday meal for a family of 4, including a turkey.

With rising food prices over recent months, the cost of this year’s 48 baskets was double of the 2021 expenses, leaving the project just under $700 overbudget.

The PERs meet monthly and plan to re-evaluate their fundraising plan for 2023 as well as basket contents for the coming year.

“Thank you to all who contributed me and/or money to the 2022 Christmas Baskets. Our Morgantown 411 Christmas Baskets Tradi on con nues because of all of you!”

Jon R. Oberly 2022-23 PER Chairman

NOTE: If you missed the October Cash Bash and would like to make a contribu on toward the 2022 Baskets, please visit BPOElks411. org/PERS for credit card or mail a check to the lodge with PER Christmas Basket Project on the memo line.

2023 Dance Schedule

Sat., March 25 - The Classics

Sat., April 22 - Back In The Day

Sat., May 27 - Pam & Barry

Sat., July 22 - The Edge (tenta ve)

Sat., August 26 - The Classics

Sat., October 28 - The Classics

Bands will play from 8 to 11 PM. The Antler Pub will open at 5 PM on dance nights. The doors for the ballroom will open at 7 PM for sea ng.Addi onal dates may be added.

Light concessions will be available from 6 to 10 PM.

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