In April, newly-elected Exalted Ruler Jon Kline set a lodge goal of 25 new members for our 2022-23 year.
To date we have reinstated 2 and added 12 new members to the 411 Herd. Wai ng in the wings are approximately 6 for orienta on and/or ini a on and 7 for vo ng on the lodge floor. There are several applica ons out there we are looking forward to ge ng turned in. We have some work to do to meet our goal, but February and March give us
the opportuni es to get the work done with 2 mee ngs each month.
Encourage your friends, coworkers and family to join. We need members to con nue growing. We need people who support our charitable mission and have me to volunteer and be ac ve, but also those who are looking for a nice place to hang out and socialize.
Applica ons are available at the lodge. Interested individuals can also apply on-line at
Celebrating 1898-2023
On March 25, 1898, the #411 Lodge held it's first mee ng. To honor this historic day in our history and officially kick off our 125th Anniversary Celebra on, we invite our members to join us on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 5:00 PM, for special ribbon cu ng event.
Veteran Christmas Wish Project
For several years the Lodge has worked with three area longterm care facili es to provide Christmas gi s to veterans in the facili es that do not have family in the area. Wish lists are sent to us with basic care items, as well special requests from the individuals, i.e., pictures of farm animals, WVU and Steeler clothing items, fuzzy socks. etc. We also add into the bags body wash, shampoo, personal care items, puzzle books and snacks.
Each year we send off gi s for 2830 residents. If you would like to help with the project by shopping or making a dona on, please contact ER Jon Kline to sign up. It is a great way to support our veterans and spread Christmas cheer!
Initiated in | 304-599-1943 | 1138 Chestnut Ridge RD Morgantown WV 26505 Newsletter Issue 01-2023 February/March 2023
December: Patty Merrifield, Noah Kerns, Sarah Balcik, Dorian Roberts and Audrey Holley.
In December, for over 45 years, the lodge PERs (Past Exalted Rulers) have gathered with other lodge members on the Saturday before Christmas to assemble and deliver food baskets to needy families in the Morgantown community.
Led by PER Commi ee Chair, Dr. Jon Oberly, the 2022 Elks Christmas Basket were distributed to the needy ci zens of Morgantown on December 17 this year. There were 48 boxes (aka baskets), assembled and delivered. Volunteers included 15 members and families. Addi onally many members supported the project financially with par cipa on in the annual Cash Bash, held in October, and dona ons to the project.
The boxes contained most of the basic food items for a nice holiday meal for a family of 4, including a turkey.
With rising food prices over recent months, the cost of this year’s 48 baskets was double of the 2021
expenses, leaving the project just under $700 overbudget.
The PERs meet monthly and plan to re-evaluate their fundraising plan for 2023 as well as basket contents for the coming year.
“Thank you to all who contributed me and/or money to the 2022 Christmas Baskets. Our Morgantown 411 Christmas Baskets Tradi on con nues because of all of you!”
Jon R. Oberly 2022-23 PER Chairman
NOTE: If you missed the October Cash Bash and would like to make a contribu on toward the 2022 Baskets, please visit BPOElks411. org/PERS for credit card or mail a check to the lodge with PER Christmas Basket Project on the memo line.
2023 Dance Schedule
Sat., March 25 - The Classics
Sat., April 22 - Back In The Day
Sat., May 27 - Pam & Barry
Sat., July 22 - The Edge (tenta ve)
Sat., August 26 - The Classics
Sat., October 28 - The Classics
Bands will play from 8 to 11 PM. The Antler Pub will open at 5 PM on dance nights. The doors for the ballroom will open at 7 PM for sea ng.Addi onal dates may be added.
Light concessions will be available from 6 to 10 PM.
Moving past the pandemic and onward, right? We get it - being home for safety reasons make us all appreciate - and even enjoystaying in. But we are confident the “stay home and bake bread” craze is ge ng old.
As we look forward to a year of celebra ng our 125th anniversary we are excited to share the dance and live music schedule. We s ll have a few more dates to drop in, but get out your calendar now and save the dates!
Tickets for the dance will be $8 per person at the door, however... you can purchase a DANCE CARD that will include 10 entries to dances March through November for $50, which means you pay just $5 per person. You have 10 punches to use how you like - just you, you and a friend, or a group. One punch per person.
Music in the Antler Pub on Friday Nights is free to enjoy with Friday Dinner and something from the bar.
Recently, Exalted Ruler Jon Kline had the opportunity to present a donation check to Debbie Spiker, representing the Tri-County Walk to End Alzheimer's.
Another example of the Elks working to support charitable organizations in OUR community.
Gather up your team and get signed up for the TEAM TRIVIA Fundraiser. Teams up to 10 people will compete in 10 rounds of 10 ques ons each. There will be a 50/50 drawing and silent auc ons.
The Antler Pub will be open, but your can bring your own snacks. (No alcohol can be brought into the lodge!)
Get signed up on our website today to secure your table! Table of 10 -- $130, Table of 8 - $100.
At the door everyone will be $25 per person.
h ps:// /trivia.html
As we look forward to 2023-24 and our anniversary year we ask each of you to take a minute and think about what you may be able to do to help promote the Lodge mission.
There are several commi ees that need more member volunteers to con nue our efforts. If you have me and can volunteer please reach out to ER Kline.
If a commi ee is too much me, and we do understand, then helping with an event is less of a commitment, but s ll a great help!
If you are on social media please "Like and Share"! There is nothing be er than free adver sing and social media is where free, viral adver sing happens.
We have flyers, promo cards and post cards for all upcoming events. Stop by the lodge, grab a handful and pass them out to friends and family or leave with a local business you frequent to help get the word out.
Finally, if a dona on is possible, please visit our Anniversary Dona on page. Funds collected will be used to support anniversary ac vi es. Excess funds will be used for charitable purposes.
ANNUAL SPRING CONVENTION @ The Resort at Glade Springs May 3 - 7. Details will be out soon. Watch our website!
Stand up Comedy Night is back on Friday, March 3. Come early for Friday Dinner and Free Music Friday with Dennis Moore and then head over to the Ballroom for some great stand up fun.
Chris an Cox once again has gathered some friends to dish out the funny!
Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Got to or scan the QR Code to get to the event page on our phone.
Visit our website at to see the complete list of upcoming events and exciting things happening at YOUR lodge. You can download a monthly calendar to print.
Check the site often as we work to add fun activities and community outreach activities for our members, their families and friends!
Morgantown Elks Lodge #411
1138 Chestnut Ridge RD
Morgantown WV 26505