Urban design portfolio

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VU THE DANH Urban design portfolio

ABOUT ME VU THE DANH vuthedanh2012@gmail.com 01684 985 595 222 Xom Chieu, Ward 15, District 4, HCMc DoB


Successful design that inspires and enriches lives comes from the heart not the head. Proactive, industrious and a self-motivated Urban Design graduated person with a willingness to learn, a keen eye for detail and strong management in teamwork.

Looking to enter a challenging position where I can test my skills in analytical, critical thinking and problem solving to add value to an organisation.

Urban design is my passion where I can be able to focus on building an international career as a young professional urban architect, a young team leader.


English ( IELTS 6.0 )

EDUCATION 2012 - 2017 Bachelor of Art in Urban design University of Architecture- Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

. Thesis topic : Biomimicry as a tool into the application in urban design . Group topic : Regreeneration . Individual topic : Biomimetic ecosystem ( 3rd place )

WORK EXPERIENCE . Able to work various jobs in different situations.

. Always try to supply standards over clients’ expectations. Conducting preservative polls for Architecture of Institution Dec 2015 . Identifying and researching houses, built before 1975, to propose preservative campaigns about tangible and intangible values. Intern SHIN YEONG PROJECT MANAGEMENT Co. Ltd Sep - Nov 2015 . Participated in research data projects for HCMC boundaries, looing at average houses per floor, price, public facilities and residential resouces to supply client’s demand and housing market. International Student Group Officer, HCMC University of Architecture 2014 - 2016 . Responsible for groups of visiting architecture students from UK, Korea ,China. . Assisted with cultural issues, site visits and project collaborations.

GRAPHIC SKILLS Adobe Photoshop

3D max

Adobe Indesign


Adobe Illustrator

MS project management


MS office


This portfolio gathers my academic work during my studyies at university. My projects mainly focus on balancing benefits between humans and nature. Therefore, they brings sustainable designs. That is the reason to start the design.







Stage 1 in district 8, HCMc - March 2015 Menbers: Chau Minh Nguyen + Vu The Danh

Stage 2 in district 8, HCMc - April 2015 Members: 5






Stage 1 in district 1, HCMc - October 2015 Members: 6


Stage 2 in district 1, HCMc - December 2015 Member: Vu The Danh



GRADUATED PROJECT - Stage 1 in Son Tra, Da Nang - September 2016 Members: Pham Quoc Viet, Luu Bui Trung Chanh + Vu The Danh




GRADUATED PROJECT - Stage 2 in Son Tra, Da Nang - December 2016 Member: Vu The Danh



Ward 16, District 8 and Binh Tan are located in the transformation zone (district 5 and 6) and Southern area that dramactically affected by urbanization with a developement of transport system from city center. Therefore, this site has all basic conditions for developing commmerce,entertainment, accommodation and so forth.

The residential area 2000

The residential area 2014

The new and old residential area

Commercial area

Daily activities in area

Pagodas and temples


Site analysis & proposal

Thoses sections shows activities in each street and spatial setting of this site.

Overall, this section has a potential development in a long term stratergies. However, we have to ultilize methods to interact bewent green spaces, open spaces and commercial areas, becoming a unique system if as a small city in the central city.




HOW WE ARRIVED AT THIS VISION The increasing of unmaintained vacant lots has potentially transformative impact in the form of landscape that can be collectively harnessed into a new multifunctional landscape system to improve the area in terms of ecological performance and its communities. Through natural process, these plot turn out to be spontaneous green space and are not used to supply open spaces for its residents. Population is increasing rapidly leading to the demand of more spaces to live, meanwhile there are a lot of lands available.


However, in order to provide a community open spaces that are not only as recreational landscape, but they also productive landscapes, we suggest to transform these vacant lots into a series of multifunctional landscape network, to make these vacant lots valuable.




Ecological landscape - Forest and meadow that provide habitats and improve environmental conditions 8

Blue & green infrastructure - Landscape that collect stormwater and clean air Large lakes/ Infiltration ponds/ Smaller retention ponds


Productive landscape - Landscape that grow energy and food, create new urban experiences. Urban farming/ Energy field, forest

Traditional openspace - Landscape for recreation, social life. Playgrounds/ Neighbourhood park/ Sport field/ Urban meadow 9


Our framework focuses on a series of analytic mapping of existing conditions and researching on relevant case studies about productive landscape, landscape urbanism and remediation as well as ecological community to bring the best solution for this area.


Proposal Proposal Our project aims to redefine and diversify the traditional perception of landscape as only recreation by showing multiple effects of landscape such as improving residents’ health, reducing pollution problems, collecting stormwater, creating resources for research, providing food and even job opportunities. Making landscape productive is a guideline of our project. Specifically, green infrastructures can clean air, water, and soil and improve the health of urban ecosystems. Blue infrastructure collects stormwater, filters and cools down air while ecological types create habitats for wildlife species, combine with community engagement and research. Productive types, including food and energy production will provide the residents on-site resources as well as employments. Our process consists of identifying vacant lots in various scales, reshaping them base on the traditional pattern of the site, establishing linkages between these lots and finally make them become a multi problem-solving landscapes. In this way, the strategy encourages landscape infrastructure as an instigator for the site.







The mainway moves from south to north and the second is west to east with high dense of cars and motobike moving day and night. Metro project in the future will reduce a large amount of them, but the new issue appears “ where are parking car and motor for users “.


The land use of the site is divided into four main functions: finance, commerce, entertainment and living. Many local houses are used for commercial purposes, accounting to 25% and for living purpose, 23 %, while religion amounted to minium percentage of the total (3%).



There are 6 historical building- still existing: . The State Treasury Ho Chi Minh City . Saigon Customs Department . The State Bank of Vietnam. . Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange . Museum of fine arts . Saigon railway transportation company

Site analysis


Land prices in the central city changes from Sai Gon waterfront to hinter land- from high to low price. Ham Nghi and Nguyen Hue st receive the highest price, because most buildings own advantegous positions: wide street, good views, convinient movement.


Since Nikken Seikkei redevelopment project was passed, Sai Gon has rapidly altered from the horizontal city to the vertical city that lead to increase F.A.R of District 1. In 2015, Bitexco financial tower (68 floors) and others has grown and has been operating, except Sai Gon one tower ( 42 floors) has to stop due to lack of subsidies from stakeholders.


There are 4 types of housings in the selected site. Villas with the individual house stands in the middle of the a particular area, with the open space cover around. Second, the new constructions were generated overlapping the old one, sometimes might be destroy the existing context. Thirdly, townhouses were planned and public facilities- single block took a large amount of area of the region.



Economic street with the main function that creates the identities of the area with activities, architecture, potential economic. It connects the foreigners area, traditional market and new financial area. Waking up the old Sai Gon, people today are not only enjoy public services but also have different sences about the traditional town.





Overall, the site is divided into 4 zones- new development, residential renovation, preservation and buffer one. - Connecting buildings with each other. - Connecting the activities of local people and perdestrian with openspace and comercial services. The ratios of building coverages were ranged from 40% up to 90% with [ublic buildings (classical buildings), high-rise buildings and residential houses respectively. These ratio resulted partly from the height and setback of each type of buildings.w







Vue aerienne de la riviere Saigon pres du port de la ville.


Image Shape of boat

Current of water

ABSTRACTION Linear of grass

Shape of new building

Entrance of tunnel

Play yard of teenagers


Community garden Promenade

Cafe outside Play yard of adult

Public art


Play yard of children







Da Nang has become the city type 1 since 2003. Building strategy follows multi-cores model, closely connecting with central economic in the middle country and two sides of the country. Economic structure changes into service- industry- agriculture, combining with spatial setting and protective resources, ecological environment.

Son Tra ecological tourism

Tien Sa port

to Hai Van tunnel

Ho Xanh high-end ecological villa

to North Quang Nam

Son Tra port Lien Chieu port

Tien Sa port

Train station

Seafood industry

International airport to Dong Giang

to Dai Loc to Dung Quat

Da Nang stays in important routes of transportations, tourism and industry in the middle of country. Port, seafood factories, ecological tourism in Son Tra district show potential developments.

National park

Ocean park

Most of land in the central city has been concreted by housing, public facilities, hotels, etc. It leads to rising temperature in micro climate in the centre. The selected site is to stay on the bottom of mountain with high biodiversity and green space.


1969 +0 Year

New urban structure Grid model




+33 Years

+39 Years

+47 Years

Breakdown of relationship among elements

Urbanization with the grid pattern

Site analysis

New orientated planning - economic areas

map & satellite

streets & housing accomodation

land use

typography 25

Site analysis

BUILDING FUNCTION- An arrangement between seafood or making boat industrial and residential areas is quite unsafe in health and safe aspects.

INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION- An arrangement about positions of industrial area is logical, concentrative seafood factories in one place, but getting mad in movement.

WASTEWATER & DRAINAGE SYSTEM- It follows the typography before 2002 and Tho Quang wwtp was built in the low land, but now it is middle of residential and industrial areas.

FLOWS OF WATER- in Man Quang bay are not strong, the depth of the bay is not deep. The bay nearly becomes a pond and sand, sediemnt, garbage pile up day by day.

POLLUTED ENVIRONMENT- coming from wastewater treatment plant when it is not enough capacity to treat wastewater with small area. Then it directly pulls through the bay with inorganic wastewater from making boat factories and garbage of fishermen.

EXISTING LANDSCAPE- due to the affected air pollution by wastewater treatment plan and seafood factories, housing plots at the end of flows of polluted wind. The locals buy those plots but do not want to built them even hang selling house lables to find better places.



BIOLOGY TO DESIGN - BIOMIMICRY 3.8 Biology to design is a botom up approach that depends on knowledge of relevant biological or ecological research rather than on determined human design problems. An advantage of this approach therefore is that biology may influence humans in ways that might be outside a predetermined design problem, resulting in previously unthought-of technologies or systems or even approaches to design solutions. The potential for true shifts in the way humans design and what is focused on as a solution to a problem, exists with such an approach to biomimetic design. (Vincent et al., 2005)

Match similiar general elements

Blade Vein Midrib

Match similiar detail elements

Match similiar parcels


Edge Collected street Highway

Liquid Small nettled veins Vein

Pocket park/ public facility

Building/ buffer green

Small street Collected street





HIEARCHY OF STREET- Setting up a new line for trucks moves in and out to minimize effects into residential areas.

INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION- Re- arranged positions make works effectively, discard factories that do not belong seafood industrial area, and open more opportunities for enterprises participating in.

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE- Two to three blocks has one water treatment plant treated wastewater in producing ready food that leads to easy control and management.

PUBLIC TRNASPORT- Promenades are designed with an aim for the locals using from their home to their gardens or ponds. It connects BRT terminal to tropical garden to broaden chances for tourist, research and study.

SPATIAL ACTIVITIES- Activities are so diverse, people can participate in every activity from today to tomorrow.

A CHAIN OF PARKS- A chain of parks connects from central city to Son Tra peninsula. Research park at the bottom of moutain is a gateway for tourist before visisting Son Tra.





Tho Quang’s central location: 16N09’95.19” - 108E23’80.15” Capacity: 450 boats

Main entrance

Making ice house

Height from water surface to the bottom of bridge is 7 m Petroleum station

Tourism information station

Area B for 90CV <boat <500CV 12 bouys, keeping with capacity from 90CV up to 500CV

Sub- main entrance

International seafood supermarket

Area C for boat <250CV 8 piers, keeping with capacity <250CV

Seafood central market

Wwtp of market area

Area A for boat <90CV 10 bouys, keeping with capacity <90CV

Phytoremedation park

Food market

BRT terminal


Closed productive system Wastewater pre- treatment plant Treatment capacity: 3.000 m3/ month/ plant Area: 0.6 ha/ plant Pre - treatment : Screeing Grit removal Mechanical & chemical Output

Productive factory

: Smell Solid debrits, grit and sand

Primary treatment : Skimming Sedementation Mechanical Output

Cold storage 1 Warehouse

: Oils, fats float (skimmeed off top) Sludge (sinks to bottom)

Maturation ponds Treatment capacity: 40.000 m3/ month Area: 11.6 ha Faculative : Remove- Phosphor treatment (binds to sediment )/ BOD Depth : 1- 3 meters Time : 10- 25 days Consistently anaerobic


Anaerobic ponds

: Fish to market- carp, mullet, catfish, tilapia Edible plants and flowes Water to reuse enterprises

Faculative ponds

Treatment capacity: 10.000 m3/ month Area: 2.3 ha

Treatment capacity: 20.000 m3/ month Area: 2.4 ha

Anaerobic : Remove- Pathogens/ treatment Solids/ BOD Depth : 2- 5 meters Time : 1- 5 days Consistently anaerobic

Faculative : Remove- Pathogens/ treatment Heavy mentals/ N or ammonia/ BOD & DOC Depth : 2- 5 meters Time : 10- 40 days Flutuates between anaerobic and aerobic


: Methane Solids removed for use in flieds


: Oxygen

Edible plants & vegeta bles Excess algae & plant material


Productive filtration system

Spawning & Breeding

164 Local fish - Growth

Immigration on igati Imm

2nd for fishing


1st for fishing

to D


y g ba N an

Emmi g r a ti on to w

3rd for fishing

arm influxs

4th for fishing

High peak in food production

at te w Was

a ent cap reatm t r e

Dry season Spring season



Storin g ra

infall cap


Rain season Storm season

Winter season

How does phytoremedation work ? Comtaminant level

Co-operation betwen people and nature

Additional income


Year 01

Year 02

Year 03

Year 04

Year 05

Year 06

Year 07

Year 08

Year 09

Year 10

Petroleum Phytodegration Plant destroys contaminants 5 kg/ acre for high grass

Rhizodegration Soil microbes destroy contaminant Grass species seeding rates

Phytovolatilization Plant extracts and then removes contaminant as a gas Row spacing for moving or biomass havesting equipment ( if necessary )

Metals Phytoextraction Plant extracts and stores contaminants into harvested tissue for removal

10 -1 2m

Tree spacing

Phytostabilization Plant holds contaminants in roots and prevents mobilization of metals and organic compounds 200 kg/ acre for commongrass

Organic compounds Rhizofiltration Roots and soil filter water Grass species seeding rates


Phytoremedation phases

Phase 1: Implementation of phytotechnology remediation

Petroleum and metals are the major contaminant on the fixing boat. Those on land is stabilized via fast growing plant

Phase 2: Growth

Dredging material from the bay treated before is filled on site and captured with plants.

Phase 3: Adaption

When phytodegration, rhizodegration, phytovolatization grow enough for production, they will be harvested and new cycle will begin again.

Phase 4: Operation and maintenance

Park speed up the naturalization process. petroleum can be removed after 10 years. 34

Phytoremedation phases



CONCLUSION Five- year study in my university is gathered into six sections, I realise where my strengths, where my style and my personality in this moment. Despite of just having basic knoweledge of architectural word in those years, I believe that I am capable to design and assist director architect to deliver design concepts, complete projects, especially in urban design, master planning and landscape design firm through panels, poster, photography.


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