Final portfolio 1

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1. Alms Insertion Project Spring 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Alms building was built for the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning in 1950s. However, the West side, the side that has the best view to the street, is blocked by the brick and concrete walls.

Student is given the area of 30 ft x 50 ft on the West and North side of the building to design a new entrance. Every two weeks, student will present his design based on the Spirit and Context ideas.


1. Alms Insertion Project Spring 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Phase 1: In The Spirit Of.

In this phase, each student is assigned a specific term to work on his design. My term is “Boating”. My task is how to intergrate the term into the design language of the project. When I think about “Boating”, I think about Wind, Isolation and Waves.


1. Alms Insertion Project Spring 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Phase 2: In The Context Of.

In this phase, each student pick a specific Context for the design method for his ideas. I choose to work with “Light Grid�.

Site Plan

Section Cut

I create three layers of walls that have random rectagular holes. Light shines through the grids of holes on the wall creating a grid of light is my inspiration for this design.

3 North Elevation

Floor Plan

1. Alms Insertion Project Spring 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Final Design.

Space utilization

Space Combination

The “Light Grid” idea was picked as final design for my project. With the ideas of creating new ways and moments of entering the building, I use the “grids” on the wall to create different layers of doors. I aim at adding more space between the three layers of concrete walls as people have to walk through the holes on the walls before they enter the building.

Layers of walls 4

1. Alms Insertion Project Spring 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Final Design.

These walls also act as a shield preventing the inside environment from being affected too much by the noise and disturbance from the street.

To create more personal space for people, I create an outdoor deck on the 7000 level connecting to 6000 level by an outdoor staircase.


2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.

Phase: Study and Propose Floor Plan.


Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam.


6548 ha.

Team Leader: Member:

Takashi Niwa, Ngo Thuy Duong. Vu Tran Huy Phi, Tran Bao Bao, Akshay Bhosaleitrr, Athul Rajpr.

Phase Goal:

To propose and study on the shape of the design, how to maintain the existing pond of the site.

Functional Requirement:

45 classrooms 13 classrooms for competition teams 10 practice rooms 9 language rooms 10 computer labs 12 art class 1 auditorium 1 library 1 administrative area 1 dormitory + 1 canteen


2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.

Phase: Study and Propose Floor Plan.

Classroom Classroom for competition team Administrative Area Practice Room Computer Lab Language Classroom Canteen+ Kitchen Art Classroom Dormitory Traditional Room Student Clubs Library Auditorium Green Roof


2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.

Phase: Study and Propose Floor Plan.

Classroom Classroom for competition team Administrative Area Practice Room Computer Lab Language Classroom Canteen+ Kitchen Art Classroom Dormitory Traditional Room Student Clubs Library Auditorium Green Roof


2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.

Phase: Study and Propose Floor Plan.

Classroom Classroom for competition team Administrative Area Practice Room Computer Lab Language Classroom Canteen+ Kitchen Art Classroom Dormitory Traditional Room Student Clubs Library Auditorium Green Roof


2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.

Phase: Study and Propose Floor Plan.

Classroom Classroom for competition team Administrative Area Practice Room Computer Lab Language Classroom Canteen+ Kitchen Art Classroom Dormitory Traditional Room Student Clubs Library Auditorium Green Roof


2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.

Phase: Study and Propose Floor Plan.

Classroom Classroom for competition team Administrative Area Practice Room Computer Lab Language Classroom Canteen+ Kitchen Art Classroom Dormitory Traditional Room Student Clubs Library Auditorium Green Roof


Model created by Vu Tran Huy Phi

2. Vinh Phuc Highschool Design Competition Summer 2017. Vinh Phuc. Vietnam.


3. Poetry Foundation Project

Design Process

Fall 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Lost and Quiet Isolation and Compression Hidden and Spacious

I want to create a poetic space of being “Alone” as I think that the state of being “Alone” bring people to the deepest inner mind.

In this project, students task is to translate an architectural condition ( space dimension: 110ft x 36ft) into sequences of poetic spacial experiences.

Space Combination


Circulation and Personal Space Final Model

3-floor-high cast concrete walls

green roofs

Spacious + Hidden Present a feeling of self exploration. Isolation + Compression Present a feeling of existent.

Lost + Quiet Present a feeling of extremeness and intensity.

Inhabiting step by step all the Lost + Quiet, Isolation + Compression, and Spacious + Hidden spaces, people are expected to possess feeling of being dragged to their innermost state of mind. By then, they will be able to truly get the sense of “Alone” and immerse into themselves.

12 13

Different layers of walls leaning toward different directions to create both personal space and circulation path.

3. Poetry Foundation Project Fall 2017. Cincinnati, Ohio.


4. Line Cube Project Fall 2016.

In this project, student use the 3/8’x3/8’ bashwood sticks to create his own space based on his arrangement of bashwood stick. Joint has to be 90 or 180 degree angle. To create my own design, first I use 3 darker lines and 3 lighter lines to draw the 2D array of lines. Then, I look back at those 2D lines and start to create a 3D space by adding the ground surface. From these practice, I create my final design.


4. Line Cube Project Fall 2016.

The final Line Cube model looked from different angles of view informs interesting shapes and inspirations.


5. Balance Block Project Fall 2016.

In this project, student is required to create a block possessing an unexpected balance.This project focuses on thinking more about the various types of balance in real life.

My design comes from a simple idea, structure can balance when its base can support equal loads from different directions.

I create a simple vertical box for the base and play with the others until they have the same height, which also means they have the same loads.


5. Balance Block Project Fall 2016.

Final Model Bashwood 12’ x 12’


6. Body Mantle Project Fall 2016. Collage.

In this project, student is required to combine 100 pieces of any material that he can find (Glue and sticky materials are allowed). This combination should result in a new object that represents human body.


Collage is created by the 100 pictures of the Body Mantle model.

6. Body Mantle Project Fall 2016. Model.

I cut a hole on the foam plate so that I can put my legs through it. Combining 100 pieces of foam plates by using string, I create a new object that wraps around my legs and swing fluidly whenever I walk.

Final Model


7. Personal Drawings Human Skull Study and Sketch

Whale Inspired Drawing

Fall 2014

Spring 2017


7. Personal Drawings

Long Bien Bridge Sketch Spring 2014

Vietnam’s Traditional Country House Sketch Fall 2015


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