ˇ Rožnava
and its Treasures
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Entry is arranged by Rare the statues on the façade, Moses (on the left) and Rožňava Tourist King David, carved from linden wood. To the left Information Centre, of thecome church a statue of their 1733 Franciscan monks to stands the town and build John of Nepomuk (*1350? – monastery next to St.St.Anne‘s Church. †1393), patron saintinof1950. the dioThe order was banished from Rožňava th shingles of In 201615 the cese. Maria Theresa (*1717 – †1780, Jan. Empress 1776, the towerfrom roof were reigned 1740 – 1780) establishes the Rožňava dioreplaced die SchinJesuits founded a Latin school Malocese. This(Ger. comprised the regions of Gemer, Novohrad, del, Lat. scindula). 1688, the church, hont, Turňa, southernhere Spišin and part thus of Horehronie. Pope Pius once attended the pupils, VI approved its establishment on 13 by March 1776. is also known as the “pupils‘ church”. 1780 − 1790 Reign of her son, Joseph II (*1741 − †1790). After the temporary abolition of the Jesuit Order In memorial 1781 he was issued hisasTolerance Patent, granting equal The erected a sign of respect and gratitude to this bene(1773 – 1814) the church was taken over by the Franciscans, and later, rights to Lutherans and Calvinists Catholics. The rel- after factor, the wifeas of to Count Dénes Andrássy, upigious until status 1950 by oflater. Jasov,Serfdom who in also ran the of the JewsPremonstratensians was improved a by year public fundraising the townspeople 1905. Catholic grammar From memorial 1990 2013 thewith Salesians Thishere. artinnouveau with her bust made were was abolished in school Hungary 1785. It wastoreplaced from of Carrara marble, and anwas old man with two active here, and they returned again in 2016. the more moderate form liegedom, which abolished in turn in 1848. children, was considered “ideologically damaging” from 1973 untilafter 1993, and placed LUTHERAN CHURCH 1786 Based on that Tolerance Patent, three years in of the grounds of the Andrássy Mausoleum near the work the supervision Luutheran church was completed, but with no Built under by local mastervillage of Krásnohorské Podhradie. After renotower Ján or belfry chapter onitChurches. builder Mayer→between 1783 – 1786, vation was returned to its original location. 1841 after Building workJoseph starts on the Baroque Catholic Calvashortly Emperor II issued OBIIT SINE PROLE above thePatent town. (1781) → chapter on hisryTolerance She died childless 1850 and later Rožňava becomes a town of craftsmen and History of the Town. the centre of education in Gemer. The altar and pulpit, as in the Roman Both spouses playedjust a crucial role in the social enhancement of 1866 Buildingofofthe thetown convent the Order of St. Vincent, Catholic cathedral, the population andfor the Gemer region, and they were generously supported by local bishop Istvan Kollarcsik were created by the well-known artist Jozef great patrons of the arts. (1850Františka – 1869) →(*1838) photo on the unexpectedly back page. dates Gode. The organ 1785Aand was 1902 dies in from Munich. year 1881her – 87 Building of the Oldthe originally named made byHospital, master-craftsman Ján Gertner. later grieving husband has Mausoleum built in art nouve- Its after itson founders theof“Dr. –leaving Schopper Hospital”, with quality ranks it among au style the leftas side theKóš road Krásnohorské Podhratwelve beds.Košice. It was thecompleted top class instrudie towards in Sept. 1904, and on 24th Memorial1904 to Františka Andrássy in front of here in remains Gemer.erected herments bodily were transferred –1905 26th October the Watchtower → later chapter. from Munich. Her ceremonial funeral was held on the same day. CHURCH Nov. AsCount a result of theAndrássy First Vienna Arbitration, 1938,72thndCALVINIST March. Dénes (*1835) dies in Pal1913, Built early last century Rožňava is annexed to Hungary. ermo, Sicily and is entombed next to Františka in the same in 1904 –of 1905 art in which the Romthe in town, 1945, 23rd Jan. Liberation Mausoleum. stylerole. with Gothanian armies playnouveau a significant ic elements. 1975 Building work starts on the new hospital, eventually Rožňava‘sin „krámiky“ Thismost name for the row of littleand shops One of–named the completed 1993. It is St.beautiful Barbara‘s Hospital below the town‘s Watchtower is well-established in Rožňava. Calvinist churches in Slovakia. The façade is clad Outpatients‘ Clinic. TheyReconstruction recall the renowned Rožňava annual but also thegreat in polished red brick from Humenne. The phase. 2015 of Miners‘ Square – Istfairs, trading andto social life of of the the arts town since Dénes the Middle Ages.financed patron Count Andrássy 2016 Repairs the Watchtower roof. the new organ.
THE AND MEMORIAL TO CHURCH OFWATCHTOWER ST. FRANCIS XAVIER FRANTIŠKA ANDRÁSSY The tower was built between 1643 and The church was completed between 1660 – 1654 in response to the the exact Turkish threat. 1666; sources differ as to year. Its patron saint, one of the first Jesuits, This symbol the town metres lived *1505 – of †1552. Bornisat36the castlehigh, of with an observation gallery at aPamplona height of 28 accessed Javier near inmetres, Spain, hence hisby a 144-step staircase. From here there is a superb on view in every direction. epithet. Died of exhaustion a missionary voyage off Canton, China.
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HISTORY OF THE TOWN The town‘s name is derived from that of the especially rich gold and silver mine called Rosnoubana (Hung. Rozsnyóbánya, Ger. Rosenau). 1291 First mention in a document. The name appears in a gift warrant issued by King Andreas III (*1265 – †1301) in favour of Archbishop Ladomér of Esztergom. Andreas was the last of the male line in the Arpád dynasty, and his death was followed by fighting for the throne. 1304 Completion of the parish church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (which became an episcopal cathedral in 1776) → chapter on Churches. 1382 Rožňava gains town rights from King Ludovicus I (*1326 – †1382), who became king of Hungary in 1342 and then also king of Poland in 1370. Son of the famous King Charles Robert of Anjou. 1458 – 1466 Battles against the Hussites. The town centre and parish church are badly damaged. 15thth/16thth C At the turn of these centuries the town experiences its heyday. Mining especially for gold and silver. Veins of precious metals and non-ferrous and ferrous ores are found over a 48 km22 area to the north-east and northwest of the town. Note: After the Tartar incursions in 1241 – 1242 the Hungarian King Adalbert IV invited German colonists to come and settle in the area of present-day Slovakia. The new settlers were predominantly miners, craftsmen and merchants, and subsequent Hungarian kings issued further similar invitations. The Gemer region began flourishing. 16thth C (1/3) The Reformation and following Counterreformation. Later there is rapid decline in mining for precious metals. 1604 Beginning of a series of uprisings by the Hungarian aristocracy against Imperial Vienna (the Habsburgs), bringing great suffering to the local population. 1643 – 1654 Construction of the Watchtower in response to the Turkish threat → later chapter. 1706 – 1707 Ferenc II Rákóczi occupies Rožňava. 1710 Fearsome plague in the town. The plague column was erected immediately after the epidemic as an expression of extreme gratitude for the town‘s salvation. In the same year a local writer recorded that only a third of the population had survived in Rožňava. Between May and midAugust 1710, 2025 people died in the town, which at that time had approx. 3000 inhabitants. Source: Ladislav Tajták (ed.), History of Rožňava, part 1, 1978, p. 235.
1711 Szatmár Peace Treaty. End of the aristocrats‘ uprisings and re-Catholicization. 1711 – 20 Completion of the single-storey town hall building. In the 19thth C the upper floor was added, and in the mid-20thth C the burgher‘s house on the north side was annexed to it, which has not been painted blue like the town hall to this day → next chapter.
TOWN HALL The original town hall stood immediately to the north of the Watchtower, on the site of the present-day Jesuit church. It was destroyed in a fire in 1603.
1733 Franciscan monks come to the town and build their monastery next to St. Anne‘s Church. The order was banished from Rožňava in 1950. 1776, 15thth Jan. Empress Maria Theresa (*1717 – †1780, reigned from 1740 – 1780) establishes the Rožňava diocese. This comprised the regions of Gemer, Novohrad, Malohont, Turňa, southern Spiš and part of Horehronie. Pope Pius VI approved its establishment on 13 March 1776. 1780 − 1790 Reign of her son, Joseph II (*1741 − †1790). In 1781 he issued his Tolerance Patent, granting equal rights to Lutherans and Calvinists as to Catholics. The religious status of Jews was improved a year later. Serfdom was abolished in Hungary in 1785. It was replaced with the more moderate form of liegedom, which was abolished in turn in 1848. 1786 Based on that Tolerance Patent, after three years of work the Luutheran church was completed, but with no tower or belfry → chapter on Churches. 1841 Building work starts on the Baroque Catholic Calvary above the town. 1850 and later Rožňava becomes a town of craftsmen and the centre of education in Gemer. 1866 Building of the convent for the Order of St. Vincent, generously supported by local bishop Istvan Kollarcsik (1850 – 1869) → photo on the back page. 1881 – 87 Building of the Old Hospital, originally named after its founders as the “Dr. Kóš – Schopper Hospital”, with twelve beds. 1905 Memorial to Františka Andrássy erected in front of the Watchtower → later chapter. nd Nov. As a result of the First Vienna Arbitration, 1938, 2nd Rožňava is annexed to Hungary. 1945, 23rdrd Jan. Liberation of the town, in which the Romanian armies play a significant role. 1975 Building work starts on the new hospital, eventually completed in 1993. It is named St. Barbara‘s Hospital and Outpatients‘ Clinic. 2015 Reconstruction of Miners‘ Square – Istst phase. 2016 Repairs to the Watchtower roof.
In the Middle Ages the town hall was considered as a symbol o emancipation of the newly-emerging burgher class, and a place plac where fundamental decisions about the town were taken.
The Mayor‘s official reception rooms (1stst floor). In the background is a copy of the royal warrant with the first mention of Rosnoubana dated 1291. The original is kept in the Bishop‘s Office. The triangular gable of the present Town Hall (indicating since antiquity the dignity and importance of public buildings) bears the town symbol dating from 1598.
HISTORIA ZAMKU TOWN HALL The original town hall stood immediately to the north of the XIII-XIV w. budowa zamku obronnego na szlaku handlowym Watchtower, on the site of the present-day Jesuit church. prowadzącym do Polski. It was destroyed in a fire in 1603. 1325 r. kasztelanem (łac. castelanus, synonim: palatinus, czyli zarządca zamku) zostaje Filip Drugeth. Ciekawostka: Drughet In the Middle Ages the town hall was considered as a symbol of to francusko-włoski ród pochodzący z Salerno pod Neapolem. emancipation of the newly-emerging burgher class, and a place W bitwie pod Rozhanovcami w dniu 15 czerwca 1312 r. Druwhere fundamental decisions about the town were taken. ghetowie walczyli po stronie króla węgierskiego Karola I Roberta. Za tę zasługę otrzymali rozległe majątki we wschodniej Słowacji. W późniejszym okresie zbudowali pałac w Humenn em, będący symbolem miasta. Ród wymarł po mieczu w 1684 r.
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1733 Franciscan monks come to the town and build their monastery next to St. Anne‘s Church. The order was banished from Rožňava in 1950. 1776, 15th Jan. Empress Maria Theresa (*1717 – †1780, reigned from 1740 – 1780) establishes the Rožňava diocese. This comprised the regions of Gemer, Novohrad, Malohont, Turňa, southern Spiš and part of Horehronie. Pope Pius VI approved its establishment on 13 March 1776. 1780 − 1790 Reign of her son, Joseph II (*1741 − †1790). In 1781 he issued his Tolerance Patent, granting equal rights to Lutherans and Calvinists as to Catholics. The religious status of Jews was improved a year later. Serfdom was abolished in Hungary in 1785. It was replaced with the more moderate form of liegedom, which was abolished in turn in 1848. 1786 Based on that Tolerance Patent, after three years of work the Luutheran church was completed, but with no tower or belfry → chapter on Churches. 1841 Building work starts on the Baroque Catholic Calvary above the town. 1850 and later Rožňava becomes a town of craftsmen and the centre of education in Gemer. 1866 Building of the convent for the Order of St. Vincent, generously supported by local bishop Istvan Kollarcsik (1850 – 1869) → photo on the back page. 1881 – 87 Building of the Old Hospital, originally named after its founders as the “Dr. Kóš – Schopper Hospital”, with twelve beds. 1905 Memorial to Františka Andrássy erected in front of the Watchtower → later chapter. 1938, 2nd Nov. As a result of the First Vienna Arbitration, Rožňava is annexed to Hungary. 1945, 23rd Jan. Liberation of the town, in which the Romanian armies play a significant role. 1975 Building work starts on the new hospital, eventually completed in 1993. It is named St. Barbara‘s Hospital and Outpatients‘ Clinic. 2015 Reconstruction of Miners‘ Square – Ist phase. 2016 Repairs to the Watchtower roof.
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Zdjęcia: Vladimír Kaminský The Mayor‘s official reception rooms (1st floor). 1347 r. akt króla Ludwika Węgierskiego – pierwsza pisemna In the background is a copy of the royal warrant with wzmianka o zamku Makovica, którego nazwa pochodzi od łańthe first mention of Rosnoubana dated 1291. cucha górskiego. Inne nazwy historyczne: 1347 Makuicha, 1355 The original is kept in the Bishop‘s Office. Makavicha, 1364 castrum Macauycha, 1367 castrum de Makovicza, 1415, 1416, 1470 Makauicha; (łac. castrum to zamek). The triangular gable of the present Town Król zakazuje kasztelanom Stefanowi i Jerzemu Bebekom Hall (indicating since antiquity the dignity (szlachecki ród, do którego należał zamek Krásna Hôrka wymarły and importance of public buildings) bears po mieczu w 1567 r.) zagrażać majątkowi Smilno (oddalonemu the town symbol dating from 1598. o 4 km) i przyciągać poddanych do posiadłości makovickiej. 1355 r. kasztelan Mikuláš Forgáč kieruje dalszym zasiedlaniem posiadłości Makovica – Zborov. 1364 r. posiadłość zamkowa Makovica wraz z posiadłością Smilno otrzymuje na własność dziedziczną szlachcic Peter Cudar z Onódu. W ciągu 100 lat ród ten przyczynił się do uświetnienia zamku i posiadłości. 1470 r. ród Cudarów wymiera. Owiany legendami i cieszący się dobrą sławą król Maciej Korwin (1443–1490) przekazuje posiadłość rodzinie Rozgonyi. W herbie rodziny królewskiej znajdował się kruk (łac. corvus), stąd przydomek króla. Maciej Korwin wspierał budowę bardejowskiego kościoła i koszyckiej katedry, która była była wznoszona przez 128 lat (ok. 1380–1508). Zmarł przedwcześnie, w związku z czym południowa wieża zamku zwana Wieżą Macieja nie została dokończona. 1471 r. wyprawa wojenna Jagiellonów i spory o tron węgierski po śmierci Macieja Korwina w latach 1490–92 przyczyniły się do upadku świetności posiadłości makovickiej. 1493 r. Zborov staje się własnością śląskiego szlachcica Schellemberga. 1522 r. zamek przechodzi w ręce szaryskiej rodziny z Torysy
This Thissymbol symbolofofthe thetown townisis3636metres metreshigh, high,with withananobservation observation gallery galleryatata aheight heightofof2828metres, metres,accessed accessedbybya a144-step 144-stepstaircase. staircase. From Fromhere herethere thereisisa asuperb superbview viewininevery everydirection. direction. Entry Entryisisarranged arrangedbybythe the Rožňava RožňavaTourist Tourist Information InformationCentre, Centre, InIn2016 2016the theshingles shinglesofof the thetower towerroof roofwere were replaced replaced(Ger. (Ger.die dieSchinSchindel, del,Lat. Lat.scindula). scindula).
The Thememorial memorialwas waserected erectedasasa asign signofofrespect respectand andgratitude gratitudetotothis thisbenebenefactor, factor,the thewife wifeofofCount CountDénes DénesAndrássy, Andrássy,after after public publicfundraising fundraisingbybythe thetownspeople townspeopleinin1905. 1905. This Thisart artnouveau nouveaumemorial memorialwith withher herbust bustmade made from fromCarrara Carraramarble, marble,and andananold oldman manwith withtwo two children, children,was wasconsidered considered“ideologically “ideologicallydamadamaging” ging”from from1973 1973until until1993, 1993,and andplaced placedininthe the grounds groundsofofthe theAndrássy AndrássyMausoleum Mausoleumnear nearthe the village villageofofKrásnohorské KrásnohorskéPodhradie. Podhradie.After Afterrenorenovation vationit itwas wasreturned returnedtotoitsitsoriginal originallocation. location. OBIIT OBIITSINE SINEPROLE PROLE She Shedied diedchildless childless
Both Bothspouses spousesplayed playeda acrucial crucialrole roleininthe thesocial socialenhancement enhancementofof the thepopulation populationofofthe thetown townand andthe theGemer Gemerregion, region,and andthey theywere were great greatpatrons patronsofofthe thearts. arts. 1902 1902Františka Františka(*1838) (*1838)dies diesunexpectedly unexpectedlyininMunich. Munich.AAyear year later laterher hergrieving grievinghusband husbandhas hasthe theMausoleum Mausoleumbuilt builtininart artnouvenouveauaustyle styleononthe theleft leftside sideofofthe theroad roadleaving leavingKrásnohorské KrásnohorskéPodhraPodhrath th die dietowards towardsKošice. Košice.ItItwas wascompleted completedininSept. Sept.1904, 1904,and andonon2424 th th October October1904 1904her herbodily bodilyremains remainswere weretransferred transferredhere here – –2626 from fromMunich. Munich.Her Herceremonial ceremonialfuneral funeralwas washeld heldononthe thesame sameday. day. 1913, 1913,7th7thMarch. March.Count CountDénes DénesAndrássy Andrássy(*1835) (*1835)dies diesininPalPalermo, ermo,Sicily Sicilyand andisisentombed entombednext nexttotoFrantiška Františkaininthe thesame same Mausoleum. Mausoleum. Rožňava‘s Rožňava‘s„krámiky“ „krámiky“– –This Thisname namefor forthe therow rowofoflittle littleshops shops below belowthe thetown‘s town‘sWatchtower Watchtowerisiswell-established well-establishedininRožňava. Rožňava. They Theyrecall recallthe therenowned renownedRožňava Rožňavaannual annualfairs, fairs,but butalso alsothe the trading tradingand andsocial sociallife lifeofofthe thetown townsince sincethe theMiddle MiddleAges. Ages.
THE THEWATCHTOWER WATCHTOWERAND ANDMEMORIAL MEMORIALTO TO FRANTIŠKA FRANTIŠKAANDRÁSSY ANDRÁSSY The Thetower towerwas wasbuilt builtbetween between1643 1643and and1654 1654ininresponse response totothe theTurkish Turkishthreat. threat.
THE THECATHEDRAL CATHEDRAL One Oneofofthe thesymbols symbolsofofthe thetown townisisthe theCathedral Cathedral with withitsitsoutstanding outstandingbell-tower. bell-tower. th th The Theoriginal originalparish parishchurch churchwas wascompleted completedinin1304. 1304.InInthe themid-15 mid-15 CC was wasbadly badlydamaged damagedbybythe theHussites. Hussites. Since Sincethe theestablishment establishmentofofthe thebishopric bishopricinin1776 1776the thechurch churchhas hasbee be a acathedral cathedral(Lat. (Lat.ecclesia ecclesiacathedralis cathedralis==church churchwith witha abishop‘s bishop‘sseat). seat). 1490 1490and andlater laterRenovation Renovationofofthe thechurch, church,particularly particularlysupported supportedb the theArchbishop ArchbishopofofEsztergom EsztergomCardinal CardinalTamás TamásBakócz Bakócz(1497 (1497– –1521 152 InInthis thisperiod periodthe thetown townexperiences experiencesitsitsgreatest greatestflourishing. flourishing. 1507 1507AAstone stonesacrament-house sacrament-house(Greek (Greek pastophorium) pastophorium)isisbuilt builtbybythe thenorth northwall wall ofofthe thepresbytery presbytery(sanctuary). (sanctuary). 1513 1513Completion Completionofofa aunique uniquepainting paintinginin European Europeanterms, terms,the theRožňava RožňavaMettercia Mettercia – –St.St.Anne Anne“Mother “Motherover overand andover”, over”,with with authentic authenticscenes scenesofofmining miningactivity activitynear near Rožňava Rožňava→→separate separatechapter chapterononMining. Mining. 1516 1516Addition Additionofofthe theHoly HolyCross CrossChaChapel pel(Bakócz‘s (Bakócz‘schapel) chapel)with witha aseparate separateenentrance trancethrough througha aRenaissance Renaissancedoorway. doorway. InInthis thisperiod periodthe thechurch churchalready alreadyhad had three threeaisles. aisles. 1518 1518Gothic Gothicvaults vaultsand andthe thesouth southportal portal (Lat. (Lat.porta porta==entrance, entrance,gate), gate),where wherethe the Vernicle Verniclewas wasplaced; placed;Vera Veraicon icon==True Trueimimage age(of (ofChrist) Christ)(Lat.(Lat.-Greek.); Greek.); 1580 1580and andlater laterThe Thechuch chuchisisused usedbybythe the Protestants Protestantsfor forseveral severaldecades. decades. 1779 1779New, New,masonried masonriedhigh highaltar altarerecerected tedwith withfigures figuresofofSts. Sts.Peter Peterand andPaul Paul and andgroup groupofofthe theMost MostHoly HolyTrinity. Trinity. New Newpulpit. pulpit.Majestic, Majestic,separately-standseparately-standing ingbell-tower bell-towerbuilt builtininthe thesame sameyear, year, fitted fittedwith withthree threebells. bells. 1860 1860Complete Completerenovation renovationofofthe thecathedral. cathedral. 1988 1988Consecration Consecrationofofthe thealtar altartable. table. ST. ST.ANNE‘S ANNE‘SCHURCH CHURCH
1745 1745Start Startofofbuilding buildingwork workononthe thechurch churchand andFranciscan Franciscanmonaster monaste 1784 1784Fire Firedestroys destroysthe thealready alreadycompleted completedmonastery monasteryand andchapel chapel 1791? 1791?Church Churchtower towerand andfaçade façadecompleted. completed. Nov.The Thechurch churchisisceremonially ceremonially 1826, 1826,5th5thNov. consecrated. consecrated. 1892 1892Three Threebells bellsfrom fromBudapest Budapestinstalled. installed. 1897 1897– –1918 1918Well-known Well-knownlocal localartist artistJúlius Július Ádám Ádámdecorates decoratesthe thechurch churchinterior interiorwith with mural muralpaintings. paintings. 1905 1905High Highaltar. altar. 1906 1906Last Lastgreat greatrepairs repairsafter afterseveral severalfires! fires! Chapel Chapelofofthe theHoly HolySepulchre Sepulchreisisbuilt builtonto ontothe the east eastend. end.
This This symbol symbol of of the the town town isis 36 36 metres metres high, high, with with an an observation observation gallery gallery at at aa height height of of 28 28 metres, metres, accessed accessed by by aa 144-step 144-step staircase. staircase. From From here here there there isis aa superb superb view view in in every every direction. direction. Entry Entry isis arranged arranged by by the the Rožňava Rožňava Tourist Tourist Information Information Centre, Centre, In In 2016 2016 the the shingles shingles of of the the tower tower roof roof were were replaced replaced (Ger. (Ger. die die SchinSchindel, del, Lat. Lat. scindula). scindula).
The Thememorial memorialwas waserected erectedas asaasign signof ofrespect respectand andgratitude gratitudeto tothis thisbenebenefactor, factor,the thewife wifeof ofCount CountDénes DénesAndrássy, Andrássy,after after public publicfundraising fundraisingby bythe thetownspeople townspeoplein in1905. 1905. This This art art nouveau nouveau memorial memorial with with her her bust bust made made from from Carrara Carrara marble, marble, and and an an old old man man with with two two children, children, was was considered considered “ideologically “ideologically damadamaging” ging” from from 1973 1973 until until 1993, 1993, and and placed placed in in the the grounds grounds of of the the Andrássy Andrássy Mausoleum Mausoleum near near the the village village of of Krásnohorské Krásnohorské Podhradie. Podhradie. After After renorenovation vation itit was was returned returned to to its its original original location. location. OBIIT OBIIT SINE SINE PROLE PROLE She She died died childless childless
Both Both spouses spouses played played aa crucial crucial role role in in the the social social enhancement enhancement of of the the population population of of the the town town and and the the Gemer Gemer region, region, and and they they were were great great patrons patrons of of the the arts. arts. 1902 1902 Františka Františka (*1838) (*1838) dies dies unexpectedly unexpectedly in in Munich. Munich. A A year year later laterher hergrieving grievinghusband husbandhas hasthe theMausoleum Mausoleumbuilt builtin inart artnouvenouveau austyle styleon onthe theleft leftside sideof ofthe theroad roadleaving leavingKrásnohorské KrásnohorskéPodhraPodhradie die towards towards Košice. Košice. ItIt was was completed completed in in Sept. Sept. 1904, 1904, and and on on 24 24thth October 1904 1904 her her bodily bodily remains remains were were transferred transferred here here –– 26 26thth October from from Munich. Munich. Her Her ceremonial ceremonial funeral funeral was was held held on on the the same same day. day. 1913, 1913, 77thth March. March. Count Count Dénes Dénes Andrássy Andrássy (*1835) (*1835) dies dies in in PalPalermo, ermo, Sicily Sicily and and is is entombed entombed next next to to Františka Františka in in the the same same Mausoleum. Mausoleum. Rožňava‘s Rožňava‘s „krámiky“ „krámiky“ –– This This name name for for the the row row of of little little shops shops below below the the town‘s town‘s Watchtower Watchtower isis well-established well-established in in Rožňava. Rožňava. They They recall recall the the renowned renowned Rožňava Rožňava annual annual fairs, fairs, but but also also the the trading trading and and social social life life of of the the town town since since the the Middle Middle Ages. Ages.
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THE THEWATCHTOWER WATCHTOWER AND AND MEMORIAL MEMORIALTO TO FRANTIŠKA FRANTIŠKA ANDRÁSSY ANDRÁSSY The The tower tower was was built built between between 1643 1643 and and 1654 1654 in in response response to to the the Turkish Turkish threat. threat.
THE THE CATHEDRAL CATHEDRAL One One of of the the symbols symbols of of the the town town isis the the Cathedral Cathedral with with its its outstanding outstanding bell-tower. bell-tower. The C itit The original original parish parish church church was was completed completed in in 1304. 1304. In In the the mid-15 mid-15thth C was was badly badly damaged damaged by by the the Hussites. Hussites. Since Sincethe theestablishment establishmentof ofthe thebishopric bishopricin in1776 1776the thechurch churchhas hasbeen been aa cathedral cathedral (Lat. (Lat. ecclesia ecclesia cathedralis cathedralis == church church with with aa bishop‘s bishop‘s seat). seat). 1490 1490 and and later later Renovation Renovation of of the the church, church, particularly particularly supported supported by by the the Archbishop Archbishop of of Esztergom Esztergom Cardinal Cardinal Tamás Tamás Bakócz Bakócz (1497 (1497 –– 1521). 1521). In In this this period period the the town town experiences experiences its its greatest greatest flourishing. flourishing. 1507 1507 A A stone stone sacrament-house sacrament-house (Greek (Greek pastophorium) pastophorium) isis built built by by the the north north wall wall of of the the presbytery presbytery (sanctuary). (sanctuary). 1513 1513 Completion Completion of of aa unique unique painting painting in in European European terms, terms, the the Rožňava Rožňava Mettercia Mettercia –– St. St. Anne Anne “Mother “Mother over over and and over”, over”, with with authentic authentic scenes scenes of of mining mining activity activity near near Rožňava Rožňava →→ separate separate chapter chapter on on Mining. Mining. 1516 1516 Addition Addition of of the the Holy Holy Cross Cross ChaChapel pel (Bakócz‘s (Bakócz‘schapel) chapel) with with aa separate separate enentrance trance through through aa Renaissance Renaissance doorway. doorway. In In this this period period the the church church already already had had three three aisles. aisles. 1518 1518 Gothic Gothic vaults vaults and and the the south south portal portal (Lat. (Lat. porta porta == entrance, entrance, gate), gate), where where the the Vernicle Verniclewas wasplaced; placed;Vera Veraicon icon==True Trueimimage age (of (of Christ) Christ) (Lat.(Lat.- Greek.); Greek.); 1580 1580 and and later later The The chuch chuch isis used used by by the the Protestants Protestants for for several several decades. decades. 1779 1779 New, New, masonried masonried high high altar altar erecerected ted with with figures figures of of Sts. Sts. Peter Peter and and Paul Paul and and group group of of the the Most Most Holy Holy Trinity. Trinity. New Newpulpit. pulpit.Majestic, Majestic,separately-standseparately-standing ing bell-tower bell-tower built built in in the the same same year, year, fitted fitted with with three three bells. bells. 1860 1860 Complete Complete renovation renovation of of the the cathedral. cathedral. 1988 1988 Consecration Consecration of of the the altar altar table. table. ST. ST. ANNE‘S ANNE‘S CHURCH CHURCH 1745 1745 Start Start of of building building work work on on the the church church and and Franciscan Franciscan monastery. monastery. 1784 1784 Fire Fire destroys destroys the the already already completed completed monastery monastery and and chapel chapel 1791? 1791? Church Church tower tower and and façade façade completed. completed. Nov. The The church church isis ceremonially ceremonially 1826, 1826, 55thth Nov. consecrated. consecrated. 1892 1892 Three Three bells bells from from Budapest Budapest installed. installed. 1897 1897 –– 1918 1918 Well-known Well-known local local artist artist Július Július Ádám Ádám decorates decorates the the church church interior interior with with mural mural paintings. paintings. 1905 1905 High High altar. altar. 1906 1906 Last Last great great repairs repairs after after several several fires! fires! Chapel Chapel of of the the Holy Holy Sepulchre Sepulchre isis built built onto onto the the east east end. end.
The The two two crossed crossed hammers hammers 400 400km km symbolize symbolize mining. mining. The The 200 200km km PL PL Rose Rose isis considered considered to to be be CZ CZ aa symbol symbol of of love. love. The The medieval medieval idea idea was was that that UA UA the the rose rose could could hide hide AT AT secrets secrets among among its its petals petals which which were were also also HU HU protected protected by by thorns, thorns, hence hence itit isis also also aa symbol symbol of of reticence reticence and and mutual mutual trust, trust, two two important important virtues virtues among among miners... miners... In In antiquity antiquity there there were were places places called called SUB SUB ROSA ROSA where where confidential confidential comversations comversations could could be be held. held. Yellow Yellow symbolizes symbolizes gold, gold, thus thus also also wealth wealth and and power, power, while while blue blue isis the the symbol symbol of of heaven, heaven, eternity eternity and and immortality. immortality.
CHURCH OF OF ST. ST. FRANCIS FRANCIS XAVIER XAVIER CHURCH The church church was was completed completed between between 1660 1660 –– The 1666; sources sources differ differ as as to to the the exact exact year. year. 1666; Its patron patron saint, saint, one one of of the the first first Jesuits, Jesuits, Its lived *1505 *1505 –– †1552. †1552. Born Born at at the the castle castle of of lived Javier near near Pamplona Pamplona in in Spain, Spain, hence hence his his Javier epithet. Died Died of of exhaustion exhaustion on on aa missionmissionepithet. ary voyage voyage off off Canton, Canton, China. China. ary Rare statues statues on on the the façade, façade, Moses Moses (on (on the the left) left) and and Rare King David, David, carved carved from from linden linden wood. wood. To To the the left left King of the the church church stands stands aa statue statue of of of St. John John of of Nepomuk Nepomuk (*1350? (*1350? –– St. †1393), patron patron saint saint of of the the diodio†1393), cese. cese.
LUTHERAN CHURCH CHURCH LUTHERAN Built under under supervision supervision by by local local mastermasterBuilt builder Ján Ján Mayer Mayer between between 1783 1783 –– 1786, 1786, builder shortly after after Emperor Emperor Joseph Joseph II II issued issued shortly his Tolerance Tolerance Patent Patent (1781) (1781) →→ chapter chapter on on his History of of the the Town. Town. History The altar altar and and pulpit, pulpit, just just as as in in the the Roman Roman The Catholic cathedral, cathedral, Catholic were created created by by the the well-known well-known artist artist Jozef Jozef were Gode. The The organ organ dates dates from from 1785 1785 and and was was Gode. made by by master-craftsman master-craftsman Ján Ján Gertner. Gertner. Its Its made quality ranks ranks itit among among quality the top top class class instruinstruthe ments in in Gemer. Gemer. ments CALVINIST CHURCH CHURCH CALVINIST Built early early last last century century Built in 1904 1904 –– 1905 1905 in in art art in nouveau style style with with GothGothnouveau ic elements. elements. ic One of of the the most most beautiful beautiful One Calvinist churches churches in in Slovakia. Slovakia. The The façade façade isis clad clad Calvinist in polished polished red red brick brick from from Humenne. Humenne. The The great great in patron of of the the arts arts Count Count Dénes Dénes Andrássy Andrássy financed financed patron the new new organ. organ. the
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Jesuits founded founded aa Latin Latin school school Jesuits here in in 1688, 1688, thus thus the the church, church, here once attended attended by by the the pupils, pupils, isis once also known known as as the the “pupils‘ “pupils‘ church”. church”. also After the the temporary temporary abolition abolition of of the the Jesuit Jesuit Order Order After (1773 –– 1814) 1814) the the church church was was taken taken over over by by the the Franciscans, Franciscans, and and later, later, (1773 up until until 1950 1950 by by the the Premonstratensians Premonstratensians of of Jasov, Jasov, who who also also ran ran the the up Catholic grammar grammar school school here. here. From From 1990 1990 to to 2013 2013 the the Salesians Salesians were were Catholic active here, here, and and they they returned returned again again in in 2016. 2016. active
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KEY: KEY: 1. 1. Town Town Hall, Hall, 2. 2. Cathedral, Cathedral, 3. 3. St. St. Anne’s Anne’s Church, Church, 4. 4. Bishop’s Bishop’s Palace Palace and and Plague Plague Column, Column, 5. 5. Church Church of of St. St. Francis Francis Xavier, Xavier, 6. 6. Watchtower Watchtower and and Memorial Memorial to to Františka Františka Andrássy, Andrássy, 7. 7. Convent Convent of of the the Order Order of of St. St. Vincent, Vincent, 8. 8. Mining Mining Chamber, Chamber, 9. 9. Lutheran Lutheran Church, Church, 10. 10. Former Former Lutheran Lutheran Grammar Grammar School, School, 11. 11. Calvinist Calvinist Church, Church, 12. 12. Municipal Municipal Offices Offices (29 (29 Šafárikova Šafárikova Street), Street), 13. 13. Mining Mining Museum Museum (31 (31 Šafárikova Šafárikova Street), Street), not not shown shown on on map map for for reasons reasons of of space, space, 14. 14. P.P. J.J. Šafárik Šafárik Grammar Grammar School School
Regular Regular events events in in the the town: town: New New Year Year hike hike up up Volovec Volovec (January) (January) Easter Easter markets markets (March/April) (March/April) •• Whatever Whatever moves moves is is alive alive (May) (May) Rožňava Rožňava Summer Summer of of Culture Culture (July/August) (July/August) Rožňava Rožňava Town Town Days Days (September) (September) •• Rožňava Rožňava Annual Annual Fair Fair (September) (September) The The Year Year in in Gemer Gemer (November) (November) Tourist Tourist Information Information Office, Office, 32 32 Námestie Námestie baníkov baníkov Square Square +421 948 948 205 205 226 226 || (in (in the the Town Town Hall Hall building) building) •• ☎ ☎ +421 © © Jozef Jozef Soročin, Soročin, 2017 2017 || © © English English translation: translation: Andy Andy Billingham Billingham || © © Photography: Photography: Peter Peter Olekšák Olekšák || Title Title page, page, hiking hiking trails trails and back and back page: page: © © Published Published for for Mesto Mesto Rožňava, Rožňava, Šafárikova Šafárikova 29, 29, SK-048 SK-048 01 01 Rožňava, Rožňava,,, by by Ing. Ing. arch. arch. Anna Anna Soročinová, Soročinová, Rázusova Rázusova 6, 6, SK-071 SK-071 01 01 Michalovce Michalovce || © © Printed Printed by: by: Rotaprint, Rotaprint, s.s. r.r. o., o., Barčianska Barčianska 68, 68, SK-040 SK-040 17 17 Košice Košice
THE ROŽŇAVA METTERCIA – 1513 The name METTERCIA is derived from the medieval Latin „Me tertia“ – I (am) the third. This refers specifically to St. Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, portrayed here as a careworn old woman. Her old Slavic epithet „Samotretia“ might be put into English as “with child and grandchild”, i.e. grandmother. The red colour of her robe is the colour of blood, thus also of sacrifice and of life itself.
The religious motif here is combined in a quite inimitable way with a realistic and very detailed illustration of the work of medieval miners. Thanks to this work, unique in Central Europe, for more than 500 years now whole generations have been able to learn about the techniques and technology of underground ore mining in that period. The work was extremely demanding and correspondingly dangerous, but the miners brought forth treasures, and therefore also wealth. St. Anne and later also St. Barbara were the patron saints of miners. This Latin chronogram was created during the work on this brochure:
IN ECCLESIA CATHEDRALI METERCIA ROSNAVIENSIS. ITA IBI INTROI! In the cathedral church is the Rožňava METTERCIA. So enter there! ∑ = 11xI + 1xV + 0xX + 2xL + 4xC + 1xD + 1xM = 2016
NÁMESTIE BANÍKOV (MINERS SQUARE) This commemorative plaque above the Town Hall entrance recalls the activity of Ferenc II Rákóczi in the town at the turn of the years 1706 – 1707.
The Bishop’s Palace + Plague Column Latin inscription on the Palace façade, meaning: The apostolic zeal of Maria Theresa caused this building to be erected for the Bishop of Rožňava in 1778
The original statue of the Virgin Mary from the Plague Column (1710) now stands in the Town Hall.
The convent of the Order of St. Vincent and coat of arms of Bishop Istvan Kollarcsik (1850 – 1869), who generously supported its founding → 10 Námestie baníkov Square. Nowadays the convent houses the combined junior and senior boarding school. The remnants of two mural paintings have been preserved on the façade of the Roman Catholic parish house (between the Cathedral and St. Anne’s Church) when viewed from the Square. On the left is the Virgin Mary, patron saint of Greater Hungary, and on the right is the Archangel St. Michael and part of the Biblical scene of Christ with the Samaritan woman by the well. The royal warrant with the first mention of Rosnoubana dated 1291 → chapter on the Town Hall.
Information board on the wall of the Mining Chamber building. This plaque can be seen on the Town Hall façade.
NÁMESTIE BANÍKOV (MINERS SQUARE) This commemorative plaque above the Town Hall entrance recalls the activity of Ferenc II Rákóczi in the town at the turn of the years 1706 – 1707.
The Bishop’s Palace + Plague Column Latin inscription on the Palace façade, meaning: The apostolic zeal of Maria Theresa caused this building to be erected for the Bishop of Rožňava in 1778
The original statue of the Virgin Mary from the Plague Column (1710) now stands in the Town Hall.
The convent of the Order of St. Vincent and coat of arms of Bishop Istvan Kollarcsik (1850 – 1869), who generously supported its founding → 10 Námestie baníkov Square. Nowadays the convent houses the combined junior and senior boarding school. The remnants of two mural paintings have been preserved on the façade of the Roman Catholic parish house (between the Cathedral and St. Anne’s Church) when viewed from the Square. On the left is the Virgin Mary, patron saint of Greater Hungary, and on the right is the Archangel St. Michael and part of the Biblical scene of Christ with the Samaritan woman by the well. The royal warrant with the first mention of Rosnoubana dated 1291 → chapter on the Town Hall.
Information board on the wall of the Mining Chamber building. This plaque can be seen on the Town Hall façade.
HIKING TRAILS Rožňava is protected from the north by the Volovec massif (1293 metres high). Its highest point Skaliska offers wonderful panoramatic views of the mountainous parts of eastern Slovakia. To the north-west the High Tatras can be seen, to the west the Low Tatras with Kráľova hoľa (King‘s Fell), to the south the plateaux of the Slovakian Karst, and to the east the continuation of the Ore Mountains ridge with Kojšovská hoľa (Kojšov Fell) in the background. On 7 January 2017 the 39th edition of the annual New Year Hike up Volovec took place. It is regularly held on the first Saturday in each year. Skalisko
CBS GPS: N48°39‘44‘‘ E20°31‘40‘‘ NB: We recommend the Map of the Košice Region, 1: 200 000, 2014, • the map SLOVENSKÝ KRAS, 1: 50 000, Tatraplan 2008 • the map SHOCart Slovenský kras (Slovakian Karst), 2007 and the tourist guide to Slovenský kras, Horný Gemer, 2004.
Σ = 16xI +20xV +0xX +6xL +6xC +2xD +0xM = 2016
ˇ Rožnava
SCHOLA LVTERANA ROSNAVIÆ VETVSTA ATQVE PRÆCLARA, PARITER QVOQVE EI DVÆ VIRI INGENTES PAVLVS IOSEPH ŠAFÁRIK AC GEORGIVS HRONEC. DECVS SLOVACIÆ! ITAQVE IBI IIS VSQVE-QVAQVE LAVS! SENTI! The Lutheran grammar school in Rožňava, ancient and very famous, just like its two great alumni Pavol Jozef Šafárik and Jur Hronec. is an ORNAMENT OF SLOVAKIA! Praise them here therefore always and everywhere! Perceive!
and its Treasures
While compiling this brochure the author created the following authentic Latin chronogram. The arithmetical sum of the bold letters (Roman numerals) gives the date of its creation.
NÁMESTIE BANÍKOV (MINERS SQUARE) This commemorative plaque above the Town Hall entrance recalls the activity of Ferenc II Rákóczi in the town at the turn of the years 1706 – 1707.
HISTORY OF MINING IN AND AROUND ROŽŇAVA This town has been linked with mining since its very beginning. The mine it is named after was called Rosnoubana because it was “rosy” (old German mining slang for “bearing precious metal ore”). Gemer was one of the most developed regions in Greater Hungary. Námestie baníkov Square / Šafárikova St.
The original statue of the Virgin Mary from the Plague Column (1710) now stands in the Town Hall.
Brief history from the early 15th C. 1414 The Mining Chamber is set up, the top-level institution supervising all important activities connected with mining 1487 Union of seven Upper Hungarian towns is eastablished, comprising Rožňava, Smolník, Gelnica, Spišská Nová Ves, Jasov, Rudabánya and Telkibánya. 1530 The “mining compass” starts being used for surveying in the local mines. 1546 Mining for iron ore starts in the „Bogellstol“ drift on the “mine slope” above Rožňava-Baňa. 1619 The Andrássy family start their mining and metallurgy business. 1653 Mining for mercury ore starts on Calvary Hill. 1701 Iron hammer=works built at Nadabula and Betliar. 1718 Mining for lead ore starts on the “mine slope” above the village of Rudná. 1762 Empress Maria Theresa establishes the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica, probably the first of its kind in the world (!) 1850 Austrian govt. recognizes Rožňava as a royal mining town. 1870 Dynamite starts being used in local mines.
The convent of the Order of St. Vincent and coat of arms of Bishop Istvan Kollarcsik (1850 – 1869), who generously supported its founding → 10 Námestie baníkov Square. Nowadays the convent houses the combined junior and senior boarding school. Information board on the wall of the Mining Chamber building. This plaque can be seen on the Town Hall façade.
1902 – 1905 Building of the Mining Museum, now 31 Šafárikova St. For this part of the complex visit 1946 Nationalization of industry, establishment of the state company Iron-ore Mines, Spišská Nová Ves. 1993 End of siderite mining at the Rožnava-Baňa plant (apart from the Baňa Mária section, which was placed under an idling regime. Siderite iron ore has the chemical formula FeCO3 (ferrous carbonate) and the name comes from the Greek σίδηρος (sídyros) = iron. 2008 End of siderite mining at Nižná Slaná. Main source of info: Abridged and adapted. Published with the kind permission of Prof. Ján Fabián.
From the time of Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne (*747? – †814) Latin schools were set up in all large parishes. Such a school doubtlessly existed here in the period of Rožňava‘s greatest flourishing. The Jesuits later played a crucial role in Catholic education, while German ministers and Slovak scholars who studied in Germany were active in Protestant schools. The Jesuits opened the first class in their three-year Latin school in Rožnava in 1688.
Rožňava is protected from the north by the Volovec massif (1293 metres high). Its highest point Skaliska offers wonderful panoramatic views of the mountainous parts of eastern Slovakia. To the north-west the High Tatras can be seen, to the west the Low Tatras with Kráľova hoľa (King‘s Fell), to the south the plateaux of the Slovakian Karst, and to the east the continuation of the Ore Mountains ridge with Kojšovská hoľa (Kojšov Fell) in the background. On 7 January 2017 the 39th edition of the annual New Year Hike up Volovec took place. It is regularly held on the first Saturday in each year. Skalisko
1 Academician Hronec Street The grammar school was built in 1904 – 1906. For more details on the school‘s history visit: The south wall of the building bears a sundial with a now almost illegible inscription. NON POTEST ESSE SEPIUS DIES, QUI SEMEL FUIT ME SOL VOS UMBRA REGIT There cannot be a repeat of a day which has once been. I am controlled by the sun, you by shadow. Since its establishment in Rožňava in 1786 the Lutheran grammar school has been very significant. In this very building between the Lutheran church and the bus station, many outstanding Slovak and Hungarian representatives of the sciences, the arts and culture studied. At present it is being rebuilt to serve as a Lutheran elementary school. Pavol Jozef Šafárik (*1795 – †1861), co-founder of Slavist studies, historian and poet, studied here between 1805 – 1808. Pavol Dobšinský (*1828–†1885), Lutheran minister, follower of Ľudovít Štúr, collector and publisher of Slovak folk tales in 1837 – 1838. Jur Hronec (*1881 – †1959), founder of Slovak mathematics and holder of public office between 1894 and 1902.
CBS GPS: N48°39‘44‘‘ E20°31‘40‘‘ NB: We recommend the Map of the Košice Region, 1: 200 000, 2014, • the map SLOVENSKÝ KRAS, 1: 50 000, Tatraplan 2008 • the map SHOCart Slovenský kras (Slovakian Karst), 2007 and the tourist guide to Slovenský kras, Horný Gemer, 2004. While compiling this brochure the author created the following authentic Latin chronogram. The arithmetical sum of the bold letters (Roman numerals) gives the date of its creation. SCHOLA LVTERANA ROSNAVIÆ VETVSTA ATQVE PRÆCLARA, PARITER QVOQVE EI DVÆ VIRI INGENTES PAVLVS IOSEPH ŠAFÁRIK AC GEORGIVS HRONEC. DECVS SLOVACIÆ! ITAQVE IBI IIS VSQVE-QVAQVE LAVS! SENTI! The Lutheran grammar school in Rožňava, ancient and very famous, just like its two great alumni Pavol Jozef Šafárik and Jur Hronec. is an ORNAMENT OF SLOVAKIA! Praise them here therefore always and everywhere! Perceive! Σ = 16xI +20xV +0xX +6xL +6xC +2xD +0xM = 2016
The two crossed hammers 400 km symbolize mining. The 200 km PL Rose is considered to be CZ a symbol of love. The medieval idea was that UA the rose could hide AT secrets among its petals which were also HU protected by thorns, hence it is also a symbol of reticence and mutual trust, two important virtues among miners... In antiquity there were places called SUB ROSA where confidential comversations could be held. Yellow symbolizes gold, thus also wealth and power, while blue is the symbol of heaven, eternity and immortality.
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KEY: 1. Town Hall, 2. Cathedral, 3. St. Anne’s Church, 4. Bishop’s Palace and Plague Column, 5. Church of St. Francis Xavier, 6. Watchtower and Memorial to Františka Andrássy, 7. Convent of the Order of St. Vincent, 8. Mining Chamber, 9. Lutheran Church, 10. Former Lutheran Grammar School, 11. Calvinist Church, 12. Municipal Offices (29 Šafárikova Street), 13. Mining Museum (31 Šafárikova Street), not shown on map for reasons of space, 14. P. J. Šafárik Grammar School
Regular events in the town: New Year hike up Volovec (January) Easter markets (March/April) • Whatever moves is alive (May) Rožňava Summer of Culture (July/August) Rožňava Town Days (September) • Rožňava Annual Fair (September) The Year in Gemer (November) Tourist Information Office, 32 Námestie baníkov Square (in the Town Hall building) • ☎ +421 948 205 226 | © Jozef Soročin, 2017 | © English translation: Andy Billingham | © Photography: Peter Olekšák | Title page, hiking trails and back page: © Published for Mesto Rožňava, Šafárikova 29, SK-048 01 Rožňava,, by Ing. arch. Anna Soročinová, Rázusova 6, SK-071 01 Michalovce | © Printed by: Rotaprint, s. r. o., Barčianska 68, SK-040 17 Košice