靈氣療法 レイキ・ヒーリング
【 光明レイキ會 】
Komyo Reiki Kai PURPOSE
As we believe that underlying genuine happiness is the good health: To improve the mind and body, and maintain optimal health by means of Reiki Ryoho practice. To live a healthy and peaceful daily life. To strive on, through Reiki practice, to cultivate and uplift humanity and spirituality so as to attain the ultimate objective of Reiki Ryoho, i.e., “the absolute INNER PEACE” or “Satori” (“Anshin Ritsumei” in the terms of Usui Sensei).
*** Komyo Reiki is a doorway to spiritual awakening and a path
of Satori or enlightenment.
May all beings be happy and at peace!
Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
What is REIKI (靈氣)? Reiki is the Japanese term. 「靈」<rei> means something mysterious, miraculous, and sacred.「氣」<ki> means the atmosphere or something subtle or the energy of the universe. The Japanese words “靈氣” (reiki) can be defined as a miraculous and sacred energy of the universe, which sustains all life. (Reiki is the name, used by Usui Sensei, for the cosmic energy.)
Reiki Ryoho( Reiki healing method ) and the founder: USUI Mikao Sensei (1865 – 1926), the founder of Reiki Ryoho (healing method), attained enlightenment, and a healing ability as a godsend was bestowed upon him in 1922 at the age of 57 while he was fasting and meditating on Mt. Kurama in Kyoto, the ancient capital city of Japan. Reiki healing method is to channel the energy of the universe and an inspired healing art of Usui sensei, NOT the outcome of his researches, or discovery, or re-discovery. Usui sensei thought that this wonderful gift of healing ability should be shared with people, not keeping it to him and/or his family. Thus he opened up “Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai” at Aoyama, Tokyo in 1922.
Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
[In the Western countries, it’s been incorrectly said that Reiki healing method was rediscovered by Usui sensei
after researches in the
Buddhist scriptures. ] In 1925 he moved out to Nakano, a suburb of Tokyo, so as to expand his healing activities. Due to his nation-wide fame, he was very often invited to teach his Reiki Ryoho from local districts here and there like Hiroshima area, Saga, Kyushu. On March 9th, 1926, he passed away on the road (while traveling) at Fukuyama in Hiroshima Prefecture. Usui sensei’s gravesite and his memorial stone are located at Saihoji Temple of Jodo-shu or Pure Land sect of Japanese Buddhism in Tokyo. [In the West, Usui sensei is said to be a Christian minister and president of Christian based Doshisha University in Kyoto. It is quite a story. He was from beginning to end a lay Buddhist.]
Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
REIKI has gone OVERSEAS HAYASHI Chujiro (林 忠次郎) sensei (1879-1940), a captain of the then Imperial Navy of Japan, enrolled in the 30th class of the Naval Academy in December, 1899, and graduated in December, 1902. He was initiated into Shinpiden (Teacher’s Degree) in 1925 after his retirement from the Navy, and opened his Reiki clinic at Higashishinano-cho, Tokyo. He was one of the directors of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. His wife, Mrs.Hayashi Chie, was also a member of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. In 1931 he left the Gakkai and set up “Hayashi Reiki Kenkyu Kai”. He made 13 Shihans(Teachers), and two of them were women, namely his wife, Mrs.Hayashi Chie, and Mrs. Hawayo Takata. In 1940 he passed away by committing suicide.
Mrs. Hawayo TAKATA (1900-1980), a Japanese-American born in Hawaii, was diagnosed with a serious gall bladder disease. She made a trip to Japan and was treated with Reiki by Hayashi sensei. She recovered completely in four months. And then she worked for Hayashi sensei as a Reiki student for about one year before returning to Hawaii.
Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
Hayashi sensei visited Mrs. Takata in Hawaii in 1938 and initiated her into Shinpiden (Reiki Shihan or Teacher). Mrs. Takata set up her Reiki clinic in Hawaii. In her later life, she made 22 Reiki Teachers (so-called Reiki Master in the West). Thanks to their devotion, Reiki hands-on healing method has become widespread in the West.
REIKI has returned home In 1984, Reiki healing method returned to Japan, the birthplace of Reiki. And now in Japan, many Westernized Reiki systems are being publicized and getting popular, while the traditional Reiki system such as [Usui Reiki Ryoho] practiced in the Gakkai founded by Usui sensei has successively been in existence.
Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
臼井甕男先生 Usui Mikao Sensei
Komyo Reiki Kai
林忠次郎先生 Hayashi Sensei
初伝 (shoden)
高田はわよ先生 Mrs.Takata with Ms.Phyllis Furumoto
臼井靈気療法 創始者:臼井甕男(1865-1926)
USUI Reiki Ryoho Gakkai
初代会長: 臼井甕男 USUI Mikao,(1st president) 第二代会長:牛田従三郎 USHIDA Juzaburo,(2nd) 第三代会長:武富咸一 TAKETOMI Kanichi,(3rd) 第四代会長:渡辺義春 WATANABE Yoshiharu,(4th) 第五代会長:和波豊一 WANAMI Hoichi,(5th) 第六代会長:小山君子 KOYAMA Kimiko,(6th) 第七代会長:近藤正毅 KONDO Masaki,(7th)
USUI Mikao. Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho
林忠次郎 (1879-1940) HAYASHI Chujiro Hayashi Reiki Kenkyu-Kai
山口千代子(1921-2003) YAMAGUCHI Chiyoko
高田はわよ(1900-1980) Hawayo TAKATA
フィリス・フルモト Phylis FURUMOTO The Reiki Alliance
光明レイキ会 稲本百天 Komyo Reiki Kai INAMOTO Hyakuten
直伝霊気: 山口忠夫 Jikiden Reiki YAMAGUCHI Tadao
フランク・ペッター Frank Arjjava Petter
日本へ back to japan 1993 年、札幌にて伝授開始 (全レベル)
Komyo Reiki Kai
バーバラ・レイ Barbara Ray The Radiance Technique
初伝 (shoden)
オショウ Osho (Rajnesh)
日本へ back to japan
三井三重子 MITSUI Mieko
日本へ back to japan 1984 年、日本にて伝授開始 (レベルⅠ、Ⅱのみ)
招福の秘法・萬病の霊薬 Mystic art to invite happiness・ Miraculous medicine to cure all diseases
今日だけは (KYO DAKEWA)
Today only
Do not anger
Do not worry
感謝して (KANSHA SHITE) With thankfulness 業をはげめ (GYO WO HAGEME)
Work diligently
人に親切に (HITO NI SHINSETSU NI) Be kind to others
Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
a) 心身改善 b) 臼 井 靈 氣 療 法
c) 教 義
d) 招福の秘法 e) 萬病の霊薬 f) 今日丈けは h) 心配すな
g) 怒るな i) 感謝して
j) 業をはげめ
k) 人に親切に
l) 朝夕 m) 合掌して n) 心に念じ o) 口に唱へよ
a) 心身改善: (Shinshin kaizen) Mind/body improvement b) 臼井靈氣療法: (Usui Reiki Ryoho) Usui Reiki Healing Art c) 教義: (Kyogi) Teachings (Principles)
Komyo Reiki Kai
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d) 招福の秘法:(Shofuku no hiho) Mystic art to invite happiness e) 萬病の霊薬:(Manbyo no reiyaku) Miraculous medicine to cure all diseases.
f) 今日丈けは:(kyo dake wa) TODAY ONLY g) 怒るな:(Ikaru na) ANGER NOT h) 心配すな:(Shinpai suna) WORRY NOT i) 感謝して:(Knasha shite) WITH THANKFULNESS j) 業をはげめ:(Gyo wo hageme) WORK DILIGENTLY k) 人に親切に:(Hito ni Shinsetsu ni)TO OTHERS BE KIND
l ) 朝夕:(Asa yu) Morning and evening m) 合掌して:(Gassho shite) Doing Gassho n) 心に念じ:(Kokoro ni nenji) In mind bearing o) 口に唱へよ:(Kuchi ni tonahe yo) With mouth chant
Komyo Reiki Kai
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a)誉められても、b)貶されても、 c)平然と歩め、d)歩め! Go placidly in the midst of praise or blame
a) b) c) d)
誉められても、(Homerare temo) Although praised 貶されても、 (Kenasare temo) Although blamed 平然と歩め、 (Heizen to ayume) Placidly go 歩め! (ayume!) and go!
き っ さ こ
(kissa ko)
A cup of tea, A cup of enlightenment !
Komyo Reiki Kai
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Once you are initiated into Reiki, Reiki healing ability will be all yours for the rest of your life.
No specific training and expertise are needed.
Reiki energy will flow of its own accord. (You can not direct or manipulate it.)
No conscious focusing (a mind concentration) is necessary.
A Reiki practitioner is not in danger of taking on other’s negative stuff (energies).
Reiki is very compatible with other modalities of healing.
Reiki can work on all beings (humans, animals and plants), and works on all levels -- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Reiki is not a belief system (religion) at all.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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Reiki’s effectiveness is immediate and apparent, especially in the case of “cut, bleeding, burn, bruise and acute pain.”
10) Reiki can heal others who are not physically present. (distant healing). 11) Reiki, the love, harmony and power to heal of the universe, does help and guide you to develop your spiritual growth, for Reiki Ryoho is a spiritual path and practice.
*** It is REIKI that does a fine job of healing, not YOU. (You as a Reiki practitioner do not do any healing. But you are very essential for Reiki healing. Without you, Reiki cannot work.)
*** The farther from the ego, the purer the Reiki channel will be.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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明治天皇御製( MEIJI TENNO GYOSEI) REVERENTIAL COMPOSITIONS BY THE EMPEROR MEIJI 1) 秋の夜の月は昔にかはらねど 世になき人の多くなりぬる (月) Akino yono tsukiwa mukashini kawaranedo Yoni nakihitono ooku narinuru (Tsuki)
While a moon on an autumnal night remains just the same as ever, In this world the number of the deceased has become larger. (Moon) 2) あさみどり澄みわたりたる大空の 広きおのが心ともがな (天)
Asamidori sumiwataritaru ohzorano Hiroki onoga kokoro to mogana (Ten) As a great sky in clear light green I wish my heart would be as vast. (Sky) 3) 暑しともいはれざりけりにえかえる 水田にたてるしづを思えば (をりにふれて)
Atsushitomo ihare zarikeri niekaeru Mizutani tateru shizu wo omoheba (Orinifurete) Thinking of lowly people standing in a boiling hot paddy field I hesitate to utter “it’s hot”. (Upon occasion) 4) あまたたびしぐれて染めしもみじ葉を ただひと風のちらしけるかな
Amata tabi shigurete someshi momijiba wo Tada hitokaze no chirashi kerukana (Rakuyofuh) Maple leaves tinted by frequent showers in late autumn Just a whiff of wind scattered. (Fallen Leaves Wind)
Komyo Reiki Kai
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REIKI SHODEN (First Degree) What you will learn: You will learn a basic knowledge about Reiki and a basic hands-on healing art. You will be initiated into Reiki by means of “Reiju” or “attunements” that will empower you to be a Reiki channel. From this time on, Reiki energy will flow through out your hands and do a fine job of healing. It means YOU are now a Reiki practitioner (healer) for the rest of your life. How to receive Reiju or attunements: Sit on a chair and relax. Put your palms together (Gassho) in front of your chest (when so instructed,) and close your eyes lightly. Be prepared for the body touch (top of the head and the hands) by the teacher. Move your hands and arms according to the teacher’s lead.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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How to place your hands: Stretch your palms with fingers lightly put together. Place your hands gently/lightly on a body. Be careful not to press on internal organs. Hold your hands a few centimeters over cuts, burns and the area(s) you hesitate to put your hands on. Basically two hands are used to do Reiki especially on twin organs such as lungs, kidney and ears. Two hands are placed side by side or end to end depending on an area. One hand is also used depending on an area and/or a symptom. A double hand, hand on hand, can be used to strengthen energy flow.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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12 standard hand positions: It is recommended that the hands are to be laid on each position for 3 - 5 minutes. These hand positions are basically intended for maintaining good health. While doing Reiki, your hands may feel tingly, heated, pain and the like on a certain area.
In such a case, (Byosen and Hibiki) focus on that area ,
without regard to time, until a sensation fades away.
< Note > Traditionally there are no set hand positions except some positions on the head.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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Komyo Reiki Kai
初伝 (shoden)
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Reiki can be given to:
Animals (pets), fish, birds.
Plants, Flowers, seeds.
Food stuff, meals, water, other drinks so as to correct and/or charge.
Drug (medicine) so as to correct and lessen side effect.
Room (place) so as to clear a negative energy off the room.
Anything around you.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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Shudan Reiki / Reiki Mawashi: Shudan Reiki ……………………………………… 1) Several groups of Reiki practitioners take turns at doing Reiki on one recipient without recess. 2) Several Reiki practitioners do Reiki on one recipient. A multiplied energy flow can be expected.
Reiki Mawashi (Circle) …………………………….………….……….… Reiki practitioners stand circled up with a left palm upward, a right palm down, and hold the hands over others’ standing next to you. Reiki energy will circle round and the flow can be felt thru the hands of each practitioner.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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Traditional Reiki Hands Positions: Forehead – between eye brow and crown <hair line>. Back of head – between crown and medulla oblongata. Side of the head – on both temples. Medulla oblongata – the hollow of the nape of the neck. Tip of the head – crown After doing Reiki on the head, stomach area and kidney area, then, the hands are to be placed on a trouble area. < Note > These hand positions are intended for chronic diseases.
Komyo Reiki Kai
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霊気のエナジー・レベルを強くする方法 1. 精神の修養を積むこと(人格を高める) 2. 霊授を出来るだけ多く受けること 3. 聖座合掌行(合掌瞑想)を日々行うこと (就寝前と起床後に 15~30 分)
The three ways to raise your Reiki energy level 1. To strive to cultivate your mind (spirituality). 2. To receive Reiju (attunement) as often as possible. 3. Do a daily Gassho meditation before bed and after rising for about 15 – 30 minutes.
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臼井霊気療法「教義」の原点(典拠) 大正3年(1914)12 月 28 日発行の鈴木美山博士の著書「健全の原理」という書籍 の巻頭に載っている「健全の道」という題の付いた以下の文言に基づき、臼井先生が 創作されたと言われています。 「 今日だけは 怒らず、恐れず、正直に、 職務に励み、人に親切に 」 美山
The Source of Usui Reiki Ryoho Principles (Five Precepts) Usui Sensei, the founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, created Reiki Principles or so-called Five Precepts based on the phrase in the opening page of a book “Kenzen-no-genri” or “the Principle of Soundness” written by Dr. Suzuki Bizan, and published on December 28, in the 3rd year of Taisho (1914).
The PHRASE titled “A Path to Soundness” reads: [Today only Be not angry, Be not fearful, With honesty, Perform diligently your duty, Be kind to others.] By Bizan
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{発靈法}HATSUREI HO (Method to activate Reiki energy) 1. POSTURE: Seiza or Japanese style sitting (i.e., to sit erect with one’s legs folded under one.), or Agura (to sit cross-legged), or sitting on a chair, or standing will do. Close your eyes lightly keeping your back upright and put your consciousness on Tanden (3 fingers below your navel). Place your hands on your lap with palms up. 2. MOKUNEN: (silent communication) Say silently to yourself “I’m going to do Hatsurei Ho.”
3. KENYOKU: (dry bathing) to purify your body and mind. (1) Put your right hand on your left shoulder and stroke
your body
diagonally (with the right hand) down to your right waist. (2) Likewise, with your left hand on your right shoulder, down to your left waist. (3) Repeat (1) with your right hand again.
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(4) Stretch your left arm forward with palm up, then with the right hand sandwich your left hand (a thumb on the back and four fingers on the palm) and strongly stroke the left hand down to the fingertips. (5) Likewise, with your left hand sandwich and stroke the right hand down to the fingertips. (6) Repeat (4) with your right hand again. (7) Gassho.
4. JOSHIN KOKYU HO: (Breathing method to purify the mind) (1) Close your eyes and raise your arms up feeling that you are being connected with Reiki energy, and then lower your arms slowly. (2) Put your hands on your lap with the palms up and lightly folded, resting your mind on Tanden. (3) When breathing in, imagine that a white light of Reiki enters into you through your crown flowing down to Tanden. (4) Hold your breath for a second or two, in the meantime the white light fills up Tanden. (5) When breathing out, imagine that the white light of Reiki filled up in your Tanden radiates from your body in all directions boundlessly.
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5. GASSHO: (Putting your palms together) Put your palms together in front of your chest, a little above the heart.
6. SEISHIN TOITSU: (Mind concentration) (1) When you inhale, imagine that a white light of Reiki flows in through your Gassho hands down to Tanden. (2) Hold your breath for a second or two, in the meantime your Tanden will be filled up with Reiki white light. (3) When you exhale, imagine that Reiki white light radiates from your Gassho hands.
7. MOKUNEN: (silent communication) Placing your Gassho hands back on your lap, say silently to yourself “I now finish Hatsurei Ho.”
<Note> This Hatsurei-ho is mainly based on Gendai Reiki Ho method.
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“ANAPANASATI “ MEDITATION This is a simple and easy Buddhist meditation method based on mindfulness of breathing (or counting the breaths).
1) Sit upright on a chair or sit cross-legged on a cushion or floor. Try to maintain a relaxed pose but keep the back straight. 2) Close your eyes, check for muscle tension throughout your body and focus on the area that is causing the tension, consciously relaxing the muscles. 3) Make sure your mouth is closed and focus on the breath entering your nostrils. Don’t try to force or regulate the breath, just breathe normally. Let the natural rhythm of your breathing take charge. 4) After a few minutes, begin to make a mental note of counting the breaths in pairs, i.e. count “one” on inhaling and also “one” on exhaling, count “two” on inhaling and “two” on exhaling and so on up to “ten”.
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a) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 b) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 c) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 d) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8 e) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9 f) 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, 10-10
* Once you have reached the set ending with “10”, resume the whole process with the set ending with “5”. * If you make an error in counting, go back to the first set ending with “5” and start it all over again. * When you come to commit no more errors in counting, don’t bother counting. Just concentrate on the breath as the air touches your nostrils. Make this the focus of your attention.
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光明レイキ會 Komyo Reiki Kai