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Northumbria University

BE:0898 Advanced Measurement and Technology Building Design and Performance Critique: Option 1A: Ellison Building Module Tutor: Alan Davies Word Count: 3,298

W11030716 10th February 2015

Contents Table of Figures ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Section 1.0: Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 5 Section 2.0: Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Northumbria University ................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.1 Environmental Policy ............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Ellison Building .............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Building Usability........................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.1 Thermal Parameters .............................................................................................................. 7 2.3.2 Lighting Parameters ............................................................................................................... 7 2.3.3 Indoor Air Parameters............................................................................................................ 7 2.3.4 Acoustic Parameter ................................................................................................................ 7 2.4 Environmental Performance ......................................................................................................... 7 Section 3: Usability & Existing Performance ........................................................................................... 8 3.10 Existing Usability ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Corridors ................................................................................................................................ 8 3.1.2 Access & Egress ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.3 Thermal Performance ............................................................................................................ 9 3.1.4 Technology ........................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.4 Aesthetics ............................................................................................................................. 11 3.20 Existing Environmental Performance........................................................................................ 12 3.30 Summary of Existing Performance ............................................................................................ 12 Section 4: Refurbishment or Replacement ........................................................................................... 13 4.1 Factors Affecting Decision to Refurbish or Replace .................................................................... 13 4.1.1 Economic .............................................................................................................................. 13 4.1.2 Environmental ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.1.3 Technical .............................................................................................................................. 13 4.1.4 Functional............................................................................................................................. 13 4.1.5 Legal ..................................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................ 13 Section 5: Design Proposals .................................................................................................................. 14 5.1 Design.......................................................................................................................................... 14 5.1.1 BREEAM................................................................................................................................ 14 5.1.2 Building Information Modelling (BIM) ................................................................................. 14 2

5.1.3 Structure / Frame ................................................................................................................. 14 5.1.4 Roof ...................................................................................................................................... 15 5.3 Engineering Systems ................................................................................................................... 15 5.3.1 Heating and Power............................................................................................................... 15 5.3.2 Lighting ................................................................................................................................. 16 5.3.3 Water ................................................................................................................................... 16 5.3.4 Windows and Glazing........................................................................................................... 17 5.3.5 Building Management System ............................................................................................. 17 5.3.6 Ventilation............................................................................................................................ 17 5.3.7 Acoustics .............................................................................................................................. 18 5.4 Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 18 5.5 Environmental Performance ....................................................................................................... 19 5.5.1 BREEAM................................................................................................................................ 19 5.5.2 Waste Management ............................................................................................................ 19 6.0 Renewable Technologies ................................................................................................................ 20 6.1 Wind ............................................................................................................................................ 20 6.2 Solar ............................................................................................................................................ 20 6.2.1 Photovoltaic ......................................................................................................................... 20 6.3 Bio Mass ...................................................................................................................................... 20 6.4 Heat Pumps ................................................................................................................................. 21 6.4.1 Ground Source Heat Pumps ................................................................................................. 21 7.0 Construction Operations ................................................................................................................. 22 7.1 Offsite Construction / Manufacture ........................................................................................... 22 References ............................................................................................................................................ 23 Appendices............................................................................................................................................ 25 1.0

Northumbria University BREEAM Requirements.................................................................. 25


Functional Area Design Temperatures ................................................................................. 25

3.0 Functional Area Luminance Levels .............................................................................................. 25 4.0 Typical Ventilation Rates............................................................................................................. 25 5.0 Display Energy Certificate ........................................................................................................... 26


Table of Figures Figure 1 (NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY)................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 - Ellison Building Ground Floor Corridor ................................................................................... 8 Figure 3 - Students waiting in 1st floor corridor to enter room .............................................................. 9 Figure 4 - Single glazing in metal framed windows................................................................................. 9 Figure 5 - Addition of Technology ......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 6 - Exterior of Ellison Building .................................................................................................... 11 Figure 7 - Exterior of Ellison Building .................................................................................................... 11 Figure 8 - Energy Performance Operational Rating .............................................................................. 12 Figure 10 - Combined Heating and Power (ADE BRINGING ENERGY TOGETHER, 2015) ...................... 16 Figure 12 - Termodeck Slab with Mixed Mode Ventilation (EUROPEAN CONCRETE PLATFORM ASBL, 2009) ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 13 - Phase Changing Materials (ALTER, Lloyd, 2009) ................................................................. 19 Figure 14 - PV Shading (SOLAR CHOICE) ............................................................................................... 20 Figure 15 - GSHP ground pipe layout (THE CARBON TRUST, 2012) ...................................................... 21


Section 1.0: Executive Summary The existing Ellison building is currently performing average for its age, however, the heating, ventilation, excessive energy use and aesthetics require attention to improve usability. Given the University’s ambitions to expand, it is likely that the level and intensity of activity of occupancy will increase in the future. Although refurbishment of the building is feasible, due to restrictions regarding the morphology and higher environmental standards expected of buildings today it has been recommended that a new building is constructed. A new building would allow more efficient use of the site, higher environmental performance and help the University achieve its ambition of becoming a leading University. Despite few renewable energy technologies been recommended, with the exception of photovoltaic cells, the proposed high thermal mass, phase changing materials and external insulation together with an intelligent design and efficient heating and ventilation systems allows for an environmentally high performance building.


Section 2.0: Introduction This report has been produced to assess the potential for the refurbishment or replacement of Northumbria University’s Ellison Building, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

2.1 Northumbria University Northumbria University has become the North East’s largest University with the ambition to become a world leading university. Academic and financial growth has allowed for investment in the University’s estate (NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY, 2014). 2.1.1 Environmental Policy The University has a detailed environmental policy. The University has adopted BREEAM HE which is an assessment for Higher Education buildings and has set the following BREEAM ratings in relation to its own buildings (Appendices 1).

2.2 Ellison Building Ellison Building is located in the city centre of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and forms part of City Campus. The building, constructed in the 1960’s, forms a U shape around a central courtyard/walkway and ranges from 1 to 6 stories high. The main function of the building is educational with the internal space consisting of classrooms, tiered lecture theatres, offices, group working areas, computer and technical laboratories and corridors as well as a cafeteria. The building is of concrete frame construction and is in various stages of refurbishment.



2.3 Building Usability The usability of a building is how well the building functions from the perspective of its user. The usability is dependent on a number of factors which influence the perception of its users detailed as below. 2.3.1 Thermal Parameters The thermal environment of a building is affected by air and radiant temperatures, relative humidity and air movement. The desired temperature will vary depending on the function of the area (Appendices 2). Factors must be taken into account when designing systems including heat gains from the sun, human activity and heat from electrical equipment and other machinery. 2.3.2 Lighting Parameters The amount and quality of light required is dependent on an areas use. The recommended lighting levels are indicated in (Appendices 3). Numerous factors can affect the amount and quality of lighting in an area including the reflectance of surfaces, amount of glare, interior decoration, lighting design, shape, orientation and surroundings of the building. 2.3.3 Indoor Air Parameters The indoor air quality is affected by factors such as humidity, quantity of moisture in the air and ventilation. For ventilation rates see (Appendices 4). 2.3.4 Acoustic Parameter Acoustics relate to the control of sound within an enclosed space. The acoustic requirements vary depending on the room size, shape and use. For rooms that require good acoustics, it is important to fulfil the requirements shown below:

Adequate levels of sound

Even distribution to all listeners

Background noise reduced to acceptable levels

Eliminate echos and similar defects

2.4 Environmental Performance A buildings environmental performance is a measure of the impact the building, including its operation has on the environment. Factors such as Carbon emissions, energy and water use, the internal environment and pollution are assessed to determine a buildings performance (BREEAM, no year).


Section 3: Usability & Existing Performance Building usability represents the suitability of a building for a specific use; that is the ability of building to help users in achieving their goals (DUCA, Gabriella, no year).

3.10 Existing Usability The existing buildings usability suffers mainly due to the increased number of users over recent years, technological advances and the suitability of the existing mechanical systems. 3.1.1 Corridors The corridors are narrow with relatively low ceilings. This often results in crowded and congested corridors in between lectures and seminars, compounded by the fact that students must stand outside the lecture room whilst waiting to enter (fig 2) & (fig 3).

Figure 2 - Ellison Building Ground Floor Corridor

The decoration of the ground floor corridor is a dark grey which has an effect of making the space feel enclosed (fig 2). The floor finish is ceramic tiles, which, whilst hard wearing and easy to clean can be noisy when people walk on them, disturbing lectures.



Figure 3 - Students waiting in 1 floor corridor to enter room

3.1.2 Access & Egress One of the main methods of access to the building is via a mechanically operated revolving door with a capacity of 2 persons per compartment. At busy times in between lectures, this door often becomes congested. 3.1.3 Thermal Performance The thermal comfort in the Ellison Building varies; certain lecture rooms can be hot, whilst others can be cold. This would imply that the current heating systems are not suitable or working incorrectly. The windows are metal framed with single glazing which results in high solar gain on sunny days and high heat loss on cold days due to a high U value of round 4.8. They are also draughty and dated and in need of replacement (fig 4).

Figure 4 - Metal framed windows


3.1.4 Technology The building is around 55 years old; since the buildings construction there have been radical changes in technology such as lighting, heating and ventilation, audio, IT systems and data cabling. In an attempt to keep up with the technological changes, systems have been added or retrofitted to existing services in the building often using surface mounted trunking (fig 5) which can look unsightly. Quite often retrofitting does not get the most out of technologies as sometimes compromises must be made during the install or use.

Figure 5 - Addition of Technology


3.1.4 Aesthetics The buildings internal and external appearance looks dated and is not currently fashionable (fig 6) & (fig 7).

Figure 6 - Exterior of Ellison Building

Figure 7 - Exterior of Ellison Building


3.20 Existing Environmental Performance The Ellison Building has a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) rating of D for 2014 with an Energy Performance Operational Rating of 97 (Appendices 5). The DEC also shows that in 2014 the building emitted approximately 2,282 tonnes of CO2 (fig 8).

Figure 8 - Energy Performance Operational Rating

3.30 Summary of Existing Performance The existing environmental performance of “D� for the building is average for a building of this type and age. The usability of the building is currently acceptable however; there are elements of the building which do not function adequately or efficiently such as the circulation areas, windows and the heating system. The building is struggling to keep pace with certain technological advances. This coupled with the likely increase in quantity of users is a concern for the future.


Section 4: Refurbishment or Replacement There are two potential solutions to enhance the usability and the environmental performance of Ellison Building, refurbishment or replacement both which have advantages and disadvantages.

4.1 Factors Affecting Decision to Refurbish or Replace 4.1.1 Economic It is usually cheaper to refurbish an existing building than to demolish and rebuild. The building fabric and basic services are already provided resulting in reduced costs and project length. The majority of the refurbishment work could be phased and programmed around the academic year, minimising disruption to the University. However, the maintenance and energy costs of a refurbished building are usually higher than a new building. The extended life of a refurbished building is around half that of a new building and there is no guarantee that the refurbishment will overcome the areas poor performance. 4.1.2 Environmental Refurbishment reduces demolition waste and fewer materials would be required, resulting in reduced production and transportation; reducing energy consumption. However, a new building is likely to have better energy performance than a refurbished building. 4.1.3 Technical When refurbishing, the existing structure of the building provides protection from the weather. It can be difficult to incorporate new technologies into refurbishment projects due to inflexibility of the existing structure and layout. 4.1.4 Functional It is unlikely that a refurbished building would match the functional performance of a purpose built building. Due to the buildings structure there are restrictions regarding the potential for changes to layouts and ceiling heights. 4.1.5 Legal Full compliance with the building regulations, such as sound and fire requirements may be difficult with refurbishment (MCMULLAN, Randall, 2012).

4.2 Recommendation It is recommended that the existing Ellison Building is demolished and a new purpose built educational building is constructed on the existing site. This option will allow Northumbria University to make a powerful architectural and environmental statement demonstrating its ambitions to become one of the world’s leading modern universities whilst providing a functional space for students to fulfil their potential.


Section 5: Design Proposals 5.1 Design The design should focus on an integrated design rather than individual building systems with the emphasis on environmental performance and the usability of the building and aim to fulfil the requirements discussed in section 2.3. Design choices should be scrutinised for resource and lifecycle implications. 5.1.1 BREEAM In accordance with Northumbria University’s Carbon Management Plan 2010 – 2020, the building will be required to achieve a BREEAM “excellent” or “outstanding” rating. 5.1.2 Building Information Modelling (BIM) The use of BIM would allow the most efficient design, construction and maintenance methods to be utilised for the building, achieved through collaborative working and the use of digital technologies. 5.1.3 Structure / Frame The structure of the building should aim to increase the buildings thermal mass, which is the ability of the structure to absorb and emit thermal energy. This helps with passive solar heating as heat is absorbed deeper into a material and released slowly over a long period of time. Without thermal mass, heat that has entered a space quickly re-radiates back out, making the space too hot with sunlight and overly cold without. It is important for the material to be in contact with the air to allow efficient transfer of heat. Concrete has a high thermal mass and is recommended for the structure of the building. External walls should be solid concrete with an external insulated render system, reducing the potential of thermal bridging. The thermal mass was increased at the Joseph Chamberlain College, Birmingham which was awarded the RIBA 2009 Prime Minister Award and has so far being a success (MADDISONS CHARTERED SURVEYORS, no year). Termodeck can be used as a structural floor this allows air to be supplied through a hollow concrete slab before it enters the room. The slabs work as heat exchangers between the supply air and the rooms, reducing the amount of mechanical cooling required (fig 9) (TERMODECK) whilst exploiting the potential of the thermal mass. The slabs also allow the large uninterrupted spans up to 20m required for lecture theatres.


Figure 9 – TermoDeck (TERMODECK)

The pre cast concrete wall panels and Termodeck floor slabs can be manufactured offsite providing the benefits discussed in section 5.7.1. 5.1.4 Roof A section of the roof could be an Extensive Eco-roof system or green roof suitable for low-slope or roofs up to a 40% pitch. Green roofs have the advantage of providing habitat and biodiversity in a city environment whilst also providing good sound and thermal insulation and retaining storm water. Green roofs should be planted with drought tolerant, self seeding plants that require little or no irrigation or maintenance.

5.3 Engineering Systems 5.3.1 Heating and Power The passive heating will reduce the requirement for mechanical heating and cooling. However, it is recommended that a gas fired combined heating and power (CHP) boiler is installed to provide heat at peak demand and contribute to electricity generation (fig 10). The heating system should be a warm air system, distributed utilising the hollow core Termodeck floor slabs. By generating heat and power simultaneously, CHP can reduce carbon emissions by up to 30% and typically saving around 20% of energy costs.


Figure 90 - Combined Heating and Power (ADE BRINGING ENERGY TOGETHER, 2015)

5.3.2 Lighting The design of the building should maximise the use of natural to provide illumination as this is a free light source and has been proven to provide physical and psychological benefits to the buildings users. The building should be oriented on an east – west axis to maximise the efficiency of passive heating. The use of solar shading on south facing windows is recommended, these should be photovoltaic, reducing glare, minimising direct beam sunlight penetration into work spaces whilst contributing to the buildings electricity supply. In areas where artificial lighting is required, LED modular lighting should be used, although more expensive to buy, the running costs are up to 50% less than standard fluorescent lighting. The use of daylight-activated controls would save energy as lights are dimmed or turned off by automatic controls dependent on the levels of natural lighting in the area. Motion sensors should be installed on light fittings in areas which are occupied sporadically, such as WC’s. This will reduce energy consumption as the lights are only on when the area is occupied. 5.3.3 Water In accordance with the University’s Water Management Policy, rainwater will be harvested via a dedicated tank to supply low flow flush WC’s. The supply tank should be located to allow access for maintenance and be backed up by a mains water supply, providing a supply in times of no rainfall. Urinals should be waterless. The use of stabilisation ponds and a reed bed drainage system is not suitable given the built up location of the site. The Green roof will help reduce run off.


5.3.4 Windows and Glazing Windows should be installed to balance the amount of light admitted with the control of solar heat gain. To maximise the effectiveness of passive heating the area of south facing glazing will need to be sized to take account of a range of factors including the insulation performance of the glass and level of thermal mass. The amount of glazing should equate to approximately 15% of the floor area (EUROPEAN CONCRETE PLATFORM ASBL, 2009). 5.3.5 Building Management System A building management system (BMS) should be used to control the heating, ventilation and lighting (fig. 11) this would reduce energy costs and increase comfort. Temperature and light sensors will be needed to provide the system with data. The BMS should be programmed to suit the occupancy status of areas using timetables of rooms for example.

Figure 11 - Example BMS (CONTROLEAD, 2015)

5.3.6 Ventilation Although the high thermal mass will assist in cooling the building on warm days, mechanical ventilation will be required for heat recovery, air movement and in certain areas of the building such as server rooms and laboratory’s. It is recommended that a ‘mixed-mode’ system is used which optimises the use of natural and mechanical ventilation. As discussed in section 5.1.4, Termodeck slabs can be utilised to supply air through their cores (fig.12).


Figure 102 - Termodeck Slab with Mixed Mode Ventilation (EUROPEAN CONCRETE PLATFORM ASBL, 2009)

Night cooling should take advantage of ambient conditions whilst avoiding overcooling, which will cause discomfort at the start of the day, and may result in the need to reheat the space. Mixedmode systems should default to natural ventilation whenever possible so the energy consumed by running fans is minimised. 5.3.7 Acoustics The proposed high mass of the structure will improve sound insulation as they transmit less sound energy than lightweight structures, improving sound insulation. Lecture rooms require good acoustics; the seats should be raked, offering good views whilst preventing absorption of direct sound paths. The rooms should be rectangular shape; allowing sound waves to travel the length of the room ensuring occupiers receive a direct sound. Absorbers can be used to stop unwanted reflections; these could be constructed of phase change materials.

5.4 Materials Where possible, materials should be produced from recycled products. As the proposed structure contains a lot of concrete which has a high embodied carbon value it is recommended that fly ash is used in the concrete, reducing water demand, shrinkage and permeability of the concrete. As it is a waste product, it can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of concrete (CEMEX UK, 2015). Phase change materials should be used in place of wall boards. They store heat by using the materials change of phase, usually from a solid to liquid and back, increasing the thermal mass of the building (fig 13) and assisting with the passive design.


Figure 113 - Phase Changing Materials (ALTER, Lloyd, 2009)

5.5 Environmental Performance 5.5.1 BREEAM In accordance with Northumbria University’s Carbon Management Plan 2010 – 2020, the building will be required to achieve a BREEAM “excellent” or “outstanding” rating. 5.5.2 Waste Management All waste produced during the construction and maintenance of should be managed in accordance with a waste management plan detailing how waste will segregated and recorded. Consideration should be given during design and planning stages on how waste will be minimised.


6.0 Renewable Technologies 6.1 Wind The urban site location restricts the potential for wind turbines. Although, building mounted turbines are available they produce limited power, with a 6kW turbine producing enough to power a small office with a payback period of around 20 years. For this reason along with planning restraints it is felt that wind turbines would not be viable for this project.

6.2 Solar 6.2.1 Photovoltaic Photovoltaic (PV) cells convert energy from the sun the electricity. It is recommended that integrated PV cells are installed as solar shading as discussed in section 5.3.2. This was part of the design on the Zero Emissions Building Renewing Alnwick, and proved successful. The electricity generated could contribute to the buildings electricity demand (fig 14).

Maintenance of the PV cells is minimal requiring cleaning once a year, with a payback period of around 5 – 10 years.

Figure 124 - PV Shading (SOLAR CHOICE)

6.3 Bio Mass Although CPH boilers are compatible with bio mass fuel, a substantial storage area is required for fuel along with regular deliveries, a 222 mile round journey to the nearest pellet supplier impacts on the environmental benefit of the boiler. As heat demand will be mainly responsive given the buildings use, a bio mass boiler is not deemed suitable.


6.4 Heat Pumps 6.4.1 Ground Source Heat Pumps Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) utilise heat stored in the earth and convert it usable heat by using an underground pipes and an electric or gas heat pump with a heat exchanger. Small commercial scale systems up to 55kW cost around ÂŁ60,000. The installation involves a lot of civil engineering works due to amount of ground works required for the installation of the pipes (fig.15).

Figure 135 - GSHP ground pipe layout (THE CARBON TRUST, 2012)

Given the urban location of the site, it may not be feasible to install a GSHP due to the likely hood of sewers, services and other ground obstructions which would make the installation complex.


7.0 Construction Operations 7.1 Offsite Construction / Manufacture Whenever possible, offsite construction and manufacturing should be utilised. This reduces could reduce the length of the project which is important with this project. Other benefits include reduced skilled labour on site and wastage, improved health and safety and quality due to the controlled environment. The proposed pre-cast concrete walls will be suited to this method of construction, being manufactured offsite and delivered when required for assembly. There is good access to the site via the A167(M) delivery should not pose too much of a problem but will still need planning correctly.


References ADE BRINGING ENERGY TOGETHER. 2015. What is CHP. [online]. [Accessed 29th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> ALTER, Lloyd. 2009. Why is Phase-Changing Drywall in the News Instead of in the Home Depot? [online]. [Accessed 29th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> ATKINS. no year. Northumbria University. [online]. [Accessed 10th December 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> BLUYSSEN, Philomena M. 2009. The Indoor Environment Handbook. Oxfordshire: Earthscan. BREEAM. no year. What is BREEAM? [online]. [Accessed 13th December 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> CEMEX UK. 2015. Fly Ash. [online]. [Accessed 27th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> CIBSE. 2005. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refridgeration guide B. CIBSE Publications. CIBSE. 2007. Biomass Heating. Plymouth: CIBSE Publications. CONTROLEAD. 2015. Building Management System. [online]. [Accessed 30th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> DOUGLAS, James. 2006. Building Adaptation. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. DUCA, Gabriella. no year. Usability requirements for buildings:a case study on primary schools. Naples. EUROBOX. IP Rated Exposures Explained. [online]. [Accessed 2nd Febuary 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> EUROPEAN CONCRETE PLATFORM ASBL. 2009. General guidelines for using thermal mass in concrete buildings. [online]. [Accessed 30th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> JAMES ATKINSON, Yves Chartier, Carmen LĂşcia Pessoa-Silva, Paul Jensen, Yuguo Li, and Wing-Hong Seto. 2009. Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings. Geneva. KIRBERT, Charles J. 2013. Sustainable Construction Green Building Design and Delivery. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. MAARTJE VAN ROOSMALAN. 2014. Maartje van Roosmalan Web site. [online]. [Accessed 17th January 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <>


MACE. Mechanical and Electrical Services. [online]. [Accessed 25 January 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> MADDISONS CHARTERED SURVEYORS. no year. Featured Project: Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College, Birmingham. London. MCMULLAN, Randall. 1992. Environmental Science in Building Third Edition. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. MCMULLAN, Randall. 2012. Environmental Service in Building. London: Macmillan Publihers Ltd. NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY. 2014. History of Northumbria. [online]. [Accessed 10th December 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY. City Campus. [online]. [Accessed 10th December 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> PASSIVENT. 2014. Mixed mode ventilation with Mitsubishi. [online]. [Accessed 17 January 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> RAPID CLIMATE CONTROL. 2014. Mixed Mode Colling Systems. [online]. [Accessed 17 January 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: < de_cooling.aspx> SCREWFIX. 2015. Light Sensors. [online]. [Accessed 23rd January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> SOLAR CHOICE. BIPV: Building-integrated Photovoltaics, the future of PV. [online]. [Accessed 27th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> TERMODECK. How TermoDeck Works. [online]. [Accessed 27th January 2015]. Available from World Wide Web: <> THE CARBON TRUST. 2012. Making sense of renewable energy technologies. London. THE ECO EXPERTS. 2013. Cost of Biomass Boilers. [online]. [Accessed 2nd Febuary 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <> THONRE, Andrew. 2011. Biomass Systems - Key Factors for Successfull Installations.


Appendices 1.0 Northumbria University BREEAM Requirements Required BREEAM Rating ‘Very Good’ ‘Excellent’ ‘Outstanding’

Type of Project All major refurbishment projects All new build development projects as a general standard with the aspiration to achieve BREEAM HE Will be considered in relation to specific ‘landmark’ development initiatives. (Carbon Management Plan 2010-2020)

2.0 Functional Area Design Temperatures Type of Building Classrooms, school Offices, general Laboratories, general

Design Temperature (⁰C) 20 20 20

(MCMULLAN, Randall, 1992)

3.0 Functional Area Luminance Levels Location Public entrance halls, foyers Public passageways, stairs Office: general Office: workstations Education: general classrooms Education: display boards

Luminance (lux) 200 100 500 300-500 300 500 (MCMULLAN, Randall, 2012)

4.0 Typical Ventilation Rates Area Classrooms Offices General Occupied Rooms

Rate 3-4 air changes per hour 2-6 air changes per hour 8 litres/second fresh air per occupant (MCMULLAN, Randall, 2012)


5.0 Display Energy Certificate


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