Express’O – faith & lifestyle –
Jan Feb 2015
About Us
W380/590 is passionate for Christ - they are a group of fiery youth and young adults who believe that Christ is the cornerstone of our lives. “Love Never Fails” as their motto, they strive to love the unlovable, give hope to the hopeless, peace to the restless, light to the darkness - simply, bring Christ to the world. These core values they hold are translated and penned into beautiful words on Express’o! The articles teach us to be spiritual and, at the same time, to live life to the fullest. If you want an express bite of spiritual goodness and vitality of life, over a cup of coffee, Express’O is W380/590’s contribution to you :)
The Contributors Editor Sarah Teo @sarahteo
Sermon Summary
Jeaneatte Zee @jeanettezee
Chris Benhard A. Sembiring @mamabiringgurki
Hannah Xu Qian Ru @hannah_qr
Randall Wong Jia Jin @randallwjj
Design & Photography
Yvonne Teo Yen Pin @pinpinnz
Jason Lee @ja5onlee
Mina Elizabeth Shin @mina_liz
Connect @w380.loveneverfails @w590.loveneverfails Introduction
Table of Content Revelation Be Contented – 4 问世间情为何物 – 8
Sermon Summary Happy Zone – 12
Lifestyle Banchan (반찬) – 16
Table of Content
Be Contented words by Jeanette Zee
Be Contented
Are you always feeling grumpy? Are you feeling bored with the routine lifestyle you have? Or, unhappy with the things you have at present? In this world that we live in, we are often being compared to, be it our studies, our career, our achievements in life – often, you will find yourself unknowingly comparing with others too. Slowly, we will find ourselves unhappy with what we have and lose sight of what God has given you.
At times, we got to slow our pace down and look at the things that God has given to us. What has God blessed you with? What are the things in your life that you can thank God for? Even in the little, when you take some time and gather your blessings, you will realise that you have “12 baskets full” of unending blessings to thank God for. That is when you realise that you don’t have to be of the world, where comparison is a way of life. You don’t have to be grumpy and negative over things that you do not have. Instead, you can start looking at what you have in your hands. The beautiful things that God has placed in your life – be it your family, friends, talents, even when God blessed you with your favourite Bak Kwa during this CNY period :)
In Hebrews 13:5, it says Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I’m fearless no matter what.
One thing for sure is that God is our Heavenly Father who has more than enough to bless us with. So, what’s the reason for being grumpy when our Father in Heaven can bless you with His abundance and who is willing to give you the desires of your heart? God just wants us to be faithful and stay focused on the future that God has paved for you. Never ever lose sight just because of what you see in the circumstances that surrounds you. Our God has something greater in store for us. Just be happy and contented with what you have! :)
Who or what can get to me? The phrase “Be relaxed with what you have” resonates in my heart. In other versions, it also means being contented. The Lord wants us to be contented, happy with the little things, the talents, the achievements that we have. At the same time, He assures us that He will not leave us no matter what. Don’t be obsessed and end up feeling frustrated and angry.
Be Contented
Be Contented
Be Contented
问世间情为何物 words by Hannah Xu Qian Ru
世间有三情:亲情,友情,爱情。我们的情绪 发展和变化离不开这三个因素。那么,情为何 物?当路人甲与你只是擦肩而过,而没有任何 的回眸和交流,那只是陌生人。而当路人乙向 你问好,逐渐的交流起来,在开始建立一种关 系的同时,情就此萌生发芽。无论是亲情,友 情还是爱情,并不是一开始就给予的,而是需 要我们不断地去建立,去付出。
什么样的朋友,就要靠自己怎么样去付出。真 心的对待就会有真心的回报。我很庆幸,人生 中我还能拥有那些属于自己的知己。 爱情很奇妙。它并不像亲情那样拥有着血缘关 系,但有时候比亲人还要亲密。它不像友情那 样有默契,但有时候比朋友更加了解自己。当 两个来自不同背景,有着不同故事的人走到了 一起,其实并不容易。一首歌曾经描写:两个 人手一牵,连命运都改变。原本的生活方式因 为另一般的不同而去做改变,去适应。原本的 我行我素因为另一半的不同而需要去磨合,去 接受。虽然路途需要牺牲一点自我,但我相信 那个终点还是幸福的。
我觉得亲情排在第一位有它的道理。血浓于水 也许在我的意识中根深蒂固,无论曾经彼此 之间有过什么样的过节,在我心里,家人永远 是最重要的。原因很简单:因为他们给予我生 命,因此我要用一辈子的爱去偿还。人生中的 过客来来往往,就算曾经的熟人也有一天会变 成陌生人,而一辈子藕断丝连的确是亲人。 亲情也需要去建立,一点点的放纵也会成为悲 剧的导火线。亲人对我们的好绝对不能当作理 所当然,而是要怀着感恩的心用另一种方式回 报。如果有了争执,请怀着宽恕的心去原谅, 毕竟在这个世界上70亿人口中,他们和你有着 最亲的血缘关系。
问世间情问何物,直教人生死相许。情字包含 了太多的含义,有时候甚至付出了我们的全 部,可是它值得,值得让我们付出一切去发 觉,去享受那过程。 新年快乐!! 别忘了偷闲去品尝一杯浓浓的咖啡哦!
人生知己无需多,却不可无,那就是朋友。当 你需要安慰,他们会在你的身边。当你忙碌于 生活,他们会在一旁默默的支持。当你因为另 一半而偶尔疏远了联系,他们会给予理解。可 当你突然停下脚步,回头望去,你会发现他们 的笑容一直在你身边。很多知己就算时隔多年 再遇见,依然可以感受到那份默契和亲切。而 很多朋友近在咫尺,却感觉那么的遥远。想要
The Happy Zone words by Randall Wong Jia Jin
The Happy Zone
“Be open, if you can’t be optimistic,” remarked Leila as she took us to her second point. Leila advised us to look up when we feel like drowning for God is there. “When you can’t feel optimistic, you can look to God and be open. He is there and He wants to touch you,” Leila said. Going back to the story of the Samaritan woman, Leila highlighted that the woman “saw it as a God-moment and opened up to Him” as seen in John 4:19.
On the 14th of November, Leila kicked off the first of what will be a five part series, titled “The Happy Zone”. In the first session, Leila focused on happiness being a choice and not an event. “Happiness cannot be an event but who we are,” quipped Leila. Leila then went on to explain why we aren’t happy and she attributed it to living in an insatiable world. She then drew our attention to the picture the story of Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman.
Closing her message with the third point – be aligned – Leila encouraged us to align our hearts to God and by doing so, “we will make the right choices.” Leila shared that when we realize Jesus is in the centre of our lives, happiness follows. “When you’ve peace, you’ll be contented and you’ll be satisfied,” Leila further elaborated her point. She then shed light into the secret of being content and spoke of the life of Paul. “Paul realized that it’s not about the events in life, but God being in the centre of your life,” and she referred to Philippians 4:13. Leila then went on to show us where does the power of contentment lies in, saying, “the key is ‘through’. It’s only through Christ. When you’re secure in God, you’ll be content.”
Referring to John 4:6-21, Leila noted that the Samaritan woman was actually talking about acceptance and not about the water. “There was a story within the story. It’s just as if you’re talking about being stressed out find a job but actually, you’re worried about not having a job,” Leila said. Focusing on worrying for a job, Leila warned us not to “love the world or anything in the world” and to be “the man who does the will of God” as found in 1 John 2:15-17. How do we be happy then? Leila provided three simple ways and the first way is to be present. Looking at 1 Corinthians 7:17, Leila encouraged us to be happy in our present moment and not to think of the future; find ways to be happy in whichever season we’re in. Interestingly, Leila noted, “people will leave the 80% they have and leave to find the 20% they want, hoping to find a 100%. But there is no 100%. Choose to be satisfied in your 80%! Embrace and contemplate in the glory of the season you’re in, rather than the future that has never appeared or the past that has been done.”
The Happy Zone
In an increasingly bitter world, these are such practical, simple yet spiritual ways in which we can learn to be happy. Leila has brought much simplicity and prudence into the understanding of happiness. Hitherto, there are only two more sessions and each session has been more glorious than the previous. Let us all strive to be happy and make it a point to catch the last two sessions if you’ve yet to attend a one.
The Happy Zone
The Happy Zone
Banchan (반찬) Healthy, Happy and Humble side dishes words by Mina Elizabeth Shin
Banchan (반찬)
Chinese New Year, or the Lunar New Year as most people all over the world know it as, is usually widely celebrated by Asians predominantly Chinese. However, there are some cultures, which have Chinese roots that also celebrate this festive and joyous occasion. One of those cultures or countries is Korea. Those who celebrate CNY always celebrate over food. Whether it is at the reunion dinner for the Chinese, or the snacks which are shared around during visitation, this festive season is mostly about the food. Why? Because food makes people happy and is the most direct form of blessing (at least to W380 and W590)! Koreans are no different. Koreans love their food, especially their country’s food with all the strong flavours coming together, not forgetting the health benefits that come along with it. Good for health as well as good for the tummy. Here are some side dishes which you can try to make for your family this CNY. They are easy, simple, tasty and healthy too! Hope that these recipes will be helpful in making your CNY a multicultural, festive and joyous one! :) GONG XI FA CAI!!!
Banchan (반찬)
Quick Cucumber Kimchi Traditional cucumber kimchi takes at least 1-2 days to make, while this version takes only 1 day or half a day. (Half a day means the kimchi will taste fresher.) Flavours to expect Salt y, tangy, slightly spicy, f resh.
Banchan (ë°˜ě°Ź) - Quick Cucumber Kimchi
How to make
• 6-8 small cucumbers, such as Kirby or small Persian (or 3-4 long cucumbers) (Preferably try to pick slimmer ones as they tend to have lesser seeds in them)
1. Wash and cut the cucumbers (if they are the long ones, if they are the small ones they do not need to be cut into pieces) and trim off the ends of the cucumbers so that they are able to stand. If there are too much seeds in the cucumbers, try to take some out, but need not take all of it out.
• Shrimp
2. Stand the cucumber pieces on their trimmed ends and, using a small knife, cut an X into each, stopping about ¾ way down. Season inside and out with 1-1/2 Tbs. salt and let sit in a shallow bowl at room temperature for 1-1/2 hours to soften.
• Asian fish sauce • Garlic • Crushed red pepper flakes • Salt (preferred: sea salt)
3. In another bowl, make the marinate mixture by combine the onion, spring onions, leek, saeujeot (small shrimps), garlic, ginger, gochugaru (chilli powder), and 2 Tbs. water; mix these together and set aside.
• 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped (about 3/4 cup) • 1/4 cup very thinly sliced spring onions (both white and green parts)
4. Rinse the cucumbers well inside and out under cold running water and squeeze them very gently (to just get the surface amount of water off) to dry.
• 10 fresh leeks • 1 Tbs. chopped saeujeot (Korean salted shrimp) or small pink shrimps which are sold in a bottle
5. Gently spread open the cucumbers and press about 1 heaping tsp. of the marinate mixture into each piece.
• 1 medium clove garlic, minced (1 tsp)
6. Transfer to a shallow glass or plastic container, standing them on their trimmed ends and packing them tightly together. Press any of the remaining chilli mixture in and around the cucumbers and pour over any accumulated liquid.
• 1 tsp. minced fresh ginger • 2-3 tsp. gochugaru (Korean chilli powder) (can be adjusted according to how spicy you would like it to be.)
7. Cover and let sit at room temperature to ferment for at least 24 hours. 8. Refrigerate until chilled, at least 20-30 minutes, then serve.
Banchan (반찬) - Quick Cucumber Kimchi
Serving serves 6-8 Note: Dependent on how much they like to eat in this case it is assumed to be 1-2 cucumber pieces per person.
Tips • The cucumbers can be left at room
temperature to ferment for up to 2 days. Must chill before serving. • For leftovers, this kimchi can be refrigerated in an airtight container, for up to 1 month. Okay. The kimchi may not have been that easy, but compared to its traditional counterpart it is pretty quick. The next two dishes are sure to be a piece of cake!
Banchan (반찬) - Quick Cucumber Kimchi
Banchan (반찬) - Quick Cucumber Kimchi
Spicy Pickled Radish Mu Saengchae (무생채)
This side dish is a great dish to go with red or white meats. Mostly has white radish and nothing much, but recipe can be changed according to preferences. (E.g can add pears or apples or both or make a refreshing sweet and spicy side dish.) Flavours to expect Slight spiciness, sweet, tangy
Banchan (반찬) - Spicy Pickled Radish – Mu Saengchae (무생채)
How to make
• White radish (3 to 4 inches long)
1. Peel the white radishes and cut both tips off.
• 1 Tbs. Sugar
2. Using a sharp chef’s knife, cut the peeled white radish diagonally first then lengthwise into thin strips.
• 1-1/2 tsp. Plain rice vinegar/apple vinegar • 1 tsp. gochugaru (Korean red chilli flakes)
3. Transfer to a large bowl and gently mix in the remaining ingredients.
• 1/4 tsp. minced garlic
4. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, at least a hour.
• 1/2 tsp. Salt
5. Drain the excess liquid and serve cold.
Banchan (반찬) - Spicy Pickled Radish – Mu Saengchae (무생채)
Banchan (반찬) - Spicy Pickled Radish – Mu Saengchae (무생채)
Serving serves 6 but can be more depending on how much radish you have and how much ingredients you add.
Tips • The dish can be made up to 1-2 days ahead, however, it is best served when freshly made. • Drain just before serving.
Banchan (반찬) - Spicy Pickled Radish – Mu Saengchae (무생채)
Korean Spinach
Sigeumchi Muchim (시금치 무침) This dish is a simple and really quite healthy dish that helps to boost your immune system. The nuttiness of the sesame oil gives this spinach a deep, earthy flavour that pairs well with pretty much anything and can be eaten any time. Flavours to expect Sesame seed, a lit tle nut t y, salt y, slightly sweet
Banchan (반찬) - Sigeumchi Muchim (시금치 무침)
How to make
• Chinese Spinach (3-4 bunches)
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Set a large colander inside a large bowl of ice water.
• Salt (1 1/2 teaspoons) • Sugar (1 1/2 teaspoons)
2. Cook the spinach in the boiling water, stirring, just until bright green, about 10-15 seconds.
• Garlic (2 teaspoons)
3. Using chopsticks or a holed scoop, immediately transfer the spinach to the colander and stir a few times to quickly cool it.
• Sesame seeds (for garnish) • Sesame seed oil (for garnish)
4. Drain well and squeeze out excess water. Do not twist the spinach but squeeze as much water out as possible. 5. Using your fingers, loosen the spinach slightly as you transfer it to a medium bowl. 6. Mix until all ingredients are well combined. 7. Cover and refrigerate for at least 20-30 minutes. Return to cool room temperature before serving.
Banchan (반찬) - Sigeumchi Muchim (시금치 무침)
Serving serves 1-2 but can be more depending on how much spinach you have and how much ingredients you add
Tips • The spinach is best served on the day it’s made.
• Leftovers can be kept up to 3-4 days in the fridge.
Banchan (반찬) - Sigeumchi Muchim (시금치 무침)
Banchan (반찬) - Sigeumchi Muchim (시금치 무침)