Contact Ben Versnik at 414-604-4938 or or visit our website at for more information. Online registration forms for all Adult Sports Leagues can be found on our Adult Sports web page at
Men’s Spring Basketball Dottke High School - 10 week league Since we missed our traditional Winter Leagues, we are offering extended Spring Leagues! Get your team together and get registered. Registration will open Monday, March 1 Day M, T, W or TH
Date 4/12-6/17
Time 6:15-10:15pm
RES/NR $465/$515
Adult Coed Sand Volleyball League Liberty Heights Park Want to have fun with friends in the sun and sand? Come join us this summer for sand volleyball.
Returning team deadline: Friday, April 23 Open Registration begins: Monday, April 26
Adult Softball Now that the snow is gone, it's time to get back on the diamond. Call your buddies and join us for another season of softball.
Day TH
Date 6/17-7/22
Time 6:30pm
RES/NR $125/$175
• Men’s Softball League Liberty Heights Park- 14 week league
Registration will open Monday, March 1 Day M, T, W or TH
Date 4/12-7/15
Time 6:30-9:30pm
RES/NR $445/$495
• Men’s Softball League WA Athletic Complex - Thomson Field- 7 week league
Returning team deadline: Friday, April 23 Open Registration begins: Monday, April 26 Day M, T, W or TH
Date 6/21-8/5
Time 6:15-10:15pm
RES/NR $225/$275
• 55+ Summer Softball WA Athletic Complex The WAWM RCS Department is proud to announce another season of the 55+ slowpitch softball league. Anyone over the age of 55 is eligible to play in this fun and recreational league. The price includes a team jersey.
Registration will open Monday, March 1 Day M, T or F
Date 5/3-8/6
Time 9:30am-12pm
RES/NR $20/$40
Adult Coed Kickball League WA Athletic Complex - 6 week league The BIG red ball is making a comeback as the ultimate adult recreational sport! This twist on the grade school classic is a fun-for-everyone game that's the perfect excuse to just get out and have a good time. Kickball is played on a baseball diamond. Game play consists of 10 players on the field (a minimum of five of each gender is required).
Returning team registration deadline: Friday, March 26 Open registration begins: Monday, April 5 Day TH
Date 6/24-7/29
West Allis-West Milwaukee Recreation & Community Services Department
Time 6:30-10:30pm
RES/NR $200/$250