SN 2015-03-15 Hope for Hopeless Rev. Anton Cruz

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耶 33 : 3

Rev. Anton Cruz 克安通 牧師

Hope, for Hopeless …




克安通 牧師 的禱告

耶 33 : 3 你求告我,我就應允你,並將你所不知道、又大又難的事指示你。

Thank you Jesus, Thank You …

馬 9 : 23 耶穌對他說:你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。

Jesus, You are my Hope

腓 4 : 13 我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做。

Juses, in Darkness you are my light

結 37 : 2 他使我從骸骨的四圍經過,誰知在平原的骸骨甚多,而且極其枯乾。

Whenever I feel hopeless, you are my hope.

3 他對我說:人子啊,這些骸骨能復活嗎?我說:主耶和華啊,你是知道的。

Whenever I feel trash, you are my treasure.

4 他又對我說:你向這些骸骨發預言說:枯乾的骸骨啊,要聽耶和華的話。

Whenever I feel like orphan, you are my father.

5 主耶和華對這些骸骨如此說:我必使氣息進入你們裡面,你們就要活了。


結 37 : 6 我必給你們加上筋,使你們⻑⾁,又將⽪遮蔽你們,使氣息進入你們裡面,你們就要活了;你們便知道我是耶和華。

Whenever I touch your hands, I have power. 我要再⼀次開始,興起,因為主與我同在

How many of you belive in Miracles..?

You are my HOPE, LIGHT, LOVE.

你們中間多少人相信神蹟 ?!

I will Live, walk for you..

My God is the One

Let my people go …. To serve and worship me..

3.5 M check already signed by God

In Jesus name, Amen.

無法理解又大又難的事 … wow ! Wow !

克安通牧師牧養 4-10 years children.

So rich, amazing… amazing God!


Touch the Father's heart .. !

We look on big things, and we become small

Just come to Him … Daddy, Daddy….



電視節目的信息 Only One message …

I can do all things, through Him.

30 min. TV program 30分鐘電視節目

I am small, broken, nothing, but

3 millions people watch everyday.

with HIS grace, power, we can do all things.

Touch heart of millions …

⼀無所有、流浪街頭 

但是神恩膏,祝福我 …

呼求 天父 幫助我… 天父…

透過兒童 Heal, Preach,

為什麼把恩膏挪走 

天父呼召克安通牧師 成為"父親" 

" Can you love a baby .. ? " " I want your to be a father .. ! "

放下天主教的主教職位… ⼀切

付上代價 I paid a price 


我要與你相遇,不然我不離開 我要看見你的榮面,我要和你說話

第十七天,在神面前哭求 Cry before God, as small Child

>> See an angle face, turn into mother's face

原諒 媽媽….


All the hurt, curse went into my heart..


Don't open your heart for any curse


It hurt inside …

I can be small, poor, weak,

Declaring one name : .. Daddy .. Daddy .. !

" Go to the Street, I am waiting you in the street! " " God forgive me, forgive my mother "

but with God I can do all things!

Hundread times .. Daddy .. Daddy …

He's my Daddy , your Daddy ….

從吼叫的獅子變成了羔羊 Lion .. Roaring Lion > Lamb …

順從了呼召卻失去了恩膏、能力 ….

恩膏回來了,唱、跳、叫 soo happy . !

Forgive … 原諒 解開心理的結 失而復得的恩膏 

詩 37 : 3 你當倚靠耶和華而行善,住在地上,以他的信實為糧;

I lost everything … but found again

4 又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。

God pick me up again …

5 當將你的事交託耶和華,並倚靠他,他就必成全。

Hopeless, … biggest problem … ! 沒有盼望是現在最大的問題

詩 37 : 6 當將你的事交託耶和華,並倚靠他,他就必成全。

There is hope, there is a Future .. !

I was one a dried bones … 枯骨…

But with God breath.. We can live again . ! 

整夜呼喊、每天禱告 …..

New spirit, not my spirit but God's spirit.

" would your God come here ? " ….. 鄰居


你的問題是? What is your Problem .. ?

I am not preaching… it is my life …..

接到政府高級官員打電話來,你是否事那位收留痲瘋病小朋友被拋棄。 " I was taking care the cow for father, but a missionary came… !"

1 day - 7 days … just one prayer ..

" you should rule India so you should go to school… " " I look Hindi, but Christian Inside"

I lost everything, I need you … I need you ..

But I know today, I build this house … not for my family, my wife, my children ..

It's your Grace … !

Take the Key and occupy the house ! "

Small problem, small blessing .. ! Big problem, big blessing !

You will come back one more time ! It's not my journey, but God's journey.

Don't give-up … God will restore your Family ..

Don't give-up … God has a Plan for you ! … You will see miracle ! ..

I was dried bone for 5 days … but live again … till today in same community! My God is a living, almighty, great God ! … I put the spirit in you .. !

Not a Misionary Calling but a Visionary Calling .. !

You can see the grace of God,

Media, Communication, Market Area .. Television … It is what God says …

Run to God, not Run to the problem .. !

Dried bone with God Spirit … can become mighty troop of Lord …

Rev. Anton, 接納痲瘋病的小孩。

God lift me up .. !

" Same street … 11 years I have been building the house … ,

I want to start again, help me Lord !

Same God will touch you.

I was borken, cursed…

" God … with here … " " my God is with me .. ! " " I am not alone .. "

Challenge you this morning …

在街頭的五天 - 經歷神蹟 5 days in the street .. !

Hopeless, No one can Help you .. No one can help you but God … !

約壹 1 : 1 論到從起初原有的生命之道,就是我們所聽見、所看見、親眼看過、親手摸過的。

帶你覺得毫無希望 失去⼀切時 All Gone …?!

被房東踢出來到街上 … !

When you start the ministry as a dried bone, .. I rather be poor all the time, to see the richness of God … in His Glory, Love, Power..

" It is for you …. Lost everything thing … "

From " God would you give me … ?..... " > " Lord, I thank you …. " Believe before it comes …

In the street, but " God is with me ! "

say …. Amen before … it comes…

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