Q4 | 2017
Q3 | 2017
Charter 2017 Year in Review Traveler’s Blog: To Brazil! The Year of the Woman Save the Date: International Women’s Day 2018!
Thank you to the following individuals for their contributions. Writers Silvia Cabala Jennifer Dong Agnes Pascual Jennifer Ren Digital Producer Danielle Theroux Editor Jennifer Ren
CHARTER OUR VISION Create an environment for women to connect, engage, inspire and celebrate each other. OUR MISSION Support the professional advancement of women by providing opportunities to grow networks, learn from each other and give back into the community. VALUES & PRIORITIES Ò Learning: professional development and advancement Ò Networking: expand connections and share experiences Ò Awareness: increase visibility and celebrate accomplishments Ò Community: give back and make a positive impact
Q3 | 2017
From our work with Dress for Success and the Grameen Foundation, to connecting and buildingrelationships during networking events and to discussing the challenges women face in the workplace,2017 has been an eventful year for the Women@Capco community. We have seen tremendous growth and engagement across our community as well as the others throughout the firm, and this has opened the door for conversations throughout the firm. Now as we head into 2018, Women@Capco looks to continue this progress and drive its mission to support the professional advancement of all Capco women! Please read on to view a breakdown of our 2017 activities and highlights.
Q3 | 2017
TRAVELER’S BLOG: TO BRAZIL! Written By: Silvia Cabal
Although I had been to Brazil in the past, this time was my first time travelling for work. As a new associate who had joined Capco in August and the Bradesco project only 3 weeks before, I was very excited (but also, naturally, anxious) about my first trip. My project consisted of supporting the Product Owner of Next, Bradesco’s new digital bank for millennials, by enhancing the idea management process within the bank. Thus, my trip involved many client-facing interactions as well as situations where I would have to translate (and I had not practiced my Portuguese in a while!). This trip was a moment to prove to myself and my team that I was fit for the job.
comfortable. But it was when I sat down next to Season and Joaquim that I felt at home. It was in that moment when I realised how essential it is to have a good relationship with the people you work with — and what a stellar bunch of Capco and Next employees they have down in Brazil!
Apart from long days in the beautiful Next offices, the people were the highlight of my trip. Brazilians are such happy, expressive people who don’t hold back from being generous with their words. “Você é brasileira?,” “tem certeza que não tem família brasileira?,” “é portuguesa?,” “nossa você fala português melhor do que eu!” — I would hear one of these phrases at least once a day from a different person. The butterflies in my stomach disappeared Although I clearly do not sound Brazilian after being in the Next Osasco office for nor do I speak Portuguese better than ten minutes. That first Monday morning any of them, it’s these little things that just that I arrived at the São Paulo office, evbrighten your day and make you feel at eryone in Bradesco greeted me so warmly ease. that I immediately started feeling more
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Apart from the people, other highlights of the trip were going for a “cafezinho” every other hour of the day and going out for lunch with coworkers (which would typically end with another “cafezinho”). And did I mention the “pão de queijo”? A snack whose name literally translates to “a taste of heaven on earth”? Okay, not true, but it should. It translates to “cheese bread,” but cheese bread doesn’t even compare to pão de queijo. The small chewy cheesy balls of goodness are my weakness and probably the reason why I have to go on a diet now. If you go to Brazil, don’t leave without trying one (or a lot). From learning about a new culture to meeting fantastic new people and getting closer with coworkers from home, travelling to Brazil was without a doubt a positive experience. I am grateful for this great opportunity and excited for the new challenges that will come along!
Common Translations Você é brasileira? Are you Brazilian? Tem certeza que não tem família brasileira? Are you sure you do not have Brazilian family? É portuguesa? Are you Portuguese? Nossa você fala português melhor do que eu! Wow, you speak Portuguese better than I do! Cafezinho Little coffee
Women@Capco CATO Holiday Mixer Written By: Agnes Pascual and Jennifer Dong Women@Capco CATO Holiday Mixer The annual CATO Women@Capco Holiday Mixer was a success! At the end of 2017, we asked our community to begin thinking about what they’d like to see going forward in 2018 and at the mixer, had a brainstorming session. We were able to not only connect with one another but we were also able to develop great ideas for our 2018 agenda. Although we had the brainstorming session at the mixer, we always encourage and welcome additional ideas, so feel free to reach out to the below individuals for involvement! CATO Lead: Agnes Pascual CATO Communications: Jennifer Dong CATO Events / New Joiner Development: Tahia Shah
Q3 | 2017
The Year of the Woman 10
Written By: Jennifer Ren
In 1992, harassment allegations made against US Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas sparked the question of male dominance in the Senate, and in turn set off the Senate campaigns of multiple women (who eventually won). This gave rise to what was called the year of the woman in the Senate. Many other years were termed “The Year of the Woman” in the last 50 years, most of which were due to huge gains for women in politics. In the last year, we have seen a flurry of harassment and assault allegations spanning the Hollywood Hills to the White House. These allegations, along with the political debates regarding women’s rights, have exposed how extensive the issue of women’s rights actually is, the progress that we’ve made and the progress that is still needed. Despite all the issues that have come up, there has been a rise amongst both women and men everywhere to protect each other. We have organized and rallied, protesting and marching against harassment, assault and inequality. Throughout all this, social media has been a crucial tool for this movement and has proven to
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be an effective one. We’ve seen the rise of the “#MeToo” campaign and we’ve seen the results – Time Magazine naming “The Silence Breakers” the person of the year, the “Time’s Up” campaign and the millions of voices, previously hushed, that are now loud and clear.
2017 was full of obstacles and contention but as we have seen is often the case with disorder, there are always opportunities to grow. As we look forward to 2018, we can surely say that this will not only be the Year of the Woman, but it will also be the Year of Change.
In 2017, the Women@Capco community continued its mission to empower, inspire and celebrate women under the “#BeBoldforChange” theme. We had a great year working together to drive conversations about women empowerment in the workplace, building relationships with each other and working with external organizations to further our cause. This March 8th, Capco offices across the globe will again gather and celebrate International Women’s Day and begin driving this year’s theme, “#PressforProgress”. Please save the date and keep an eye out for further details on the event!
Please reach out to: Women_at_Capco@capco.com
Q3 | 2017