$ *see store for details.
June 17, 2021 Page 1 discount vacuum
& Appliance
3421 Bosque Blvd, Waco • 254-756-1738 4501 W. Waco Dr, Waco • 254-776-8055
IT’s Ok!!
WACO, TEXAS P.O. Box 8575 Waco, TX 76714
I KNOW THAT my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God Job 19:25-26
INcome tax pRep
Waco/ B ryan
New IRS Regulations
company, ltd.
Serving Central Texas Since 1943 Customer Service is Priority #1
$ No add-on charges $ Locally owned, year round service
4009 W. Waco dr. 254-757-2227
Se Habla Español
Family Owned & Operated Since 1990
residential Metal roofing
IndIvIduAl • pARTneRShIp • coRpoRATe
invenTory Won’T LasT Long! NEW!
15’ WiDe
12’ WiDe
in StoCk
as low as
sq. yd.
in StoCk
as low as
99 sq. yd.
Carpet padding, taCk Strip, trim, tranSitional metal, Seam tape & padding glue in StoCk!
on any flooring purchased in our warehouses in Waco & Central Texas
ABC Carpet & Flooring Warehouse LLC 254-752-4112
618 Elm Avenue, Waco, TX 76704 salvagecarpet@yahoo.com
Mon.-Fri. 7:00am-5:00pm • Sat. 7:00am-3:00pm Closed Sunday
We sell TO THe PUBlIC! PBU Panels:
PBR Panels:
saMe DaY PICK-UP! • 25 Year Galvalume • 40 Year Color 13 Colors to choose from • Cut to Length • 21’ Trim Custom Bend WE’LL MEET OR BEAT ALL PRICES!
Bon Pipe & Steel Metal Building Systems & Supplies
7700 N. HWY 6 H 254-848-2244
No Job Too Big or Too Small
custoM Metal Buildings
4 Jewelry 4 Gifts 4 Metal Art
residential Metal roofing
Guns & Ammo
HaY & eQuipMent Barns custoM Metal Buildings
angle iron
Metal Bldg. supplies
structural pipe
Central texas’ largest struCtural steel, PiPe and Metal Building CoMPonents distriButor
rebar #3 - 3/8” #4 - 1/2” #5 - 5/8” #6 - 3/4” • Corner Bars • Stirrups • Bar Ties • Chairs • Poly amErIcan madE GradE 60
www.pioneerboys.com 913 S. loop dr. & orchard ln. Waco, tX
254-754-2611 toll FrEE
Leather Gun Holster & Leather Belts
No Wait! Take It Home Today!
We’re now Stocking
dElIvEry avaIlaBlE
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Complimentary Roof Inspection 4 Roofs 4 Repairs 4 Preventative Maintenance
3101 N. Robinson Dr. • Waco, TX 254-662-4803
FA ST • d e p e n dA b l e • F R I e n d lY
VOL. 40, No. 12 • June 17, 2021
jroof.com 662-5571
Page 2 June 17, 2021
Thrifty Nickel en Español
Thrifty Nickel en Español
Thrifty Nickel en Español
Thrifty Nickel en Español
let’s play
SATuRD Ay-Sun 2:00pm DAy
DAy i R F Ay D n o M pm 5 1 : 2 1
Thrifty Nickel en Español
estamos contratando fabricante de masa,panaderos, produccion, empleada de tienda ylavaplatos. debe poder trabajar sabado y domingo. confiable e independiente. persona positiva y energicaque quiere crecer, debe tener transporte propio. debe estar comodo trabajando en equipo Seguro medico, vacacion esSe Vende Casa Mo- pagadas y plan de jubliacion vil 3 recamaras, 138 3rd 401k. Solicite en persona Street, Elm Mott, Tx (254) en: Czech Stop Inc. Salida I-35 / 353 West, TX 218-0896 WOODWAY PARK CONDOMINIUMS 2 recamaras, 1.5 Banos con 2 salas. 1200 S.F, Lavanderia Privada, Patio/Balcon, Buena Vecindad, Verificacion de Penales Antecedentes. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 349-1398
EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES. Ya esa·n disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las areas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en lÌnea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply
nigHTLy @7:00pm plus Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9:30pm
2423 Cole Ave. Waco 254-752-3993
INDEX Antiques & Collectibles......................... 0 Apartments For Rent........................... 10 Appliances............................................ 3 ATVs................................................... 14 Auctions............................................. 10 Auto Parts.. ......................................... 14 Boats.................................................. 14 Building Materials............................... 12 Business & Service Directory................. 8 Business Opportunities......................... 6 Cars.. .................................................. 13 Classic Cars........................................ 13 Commercial Property........................ 9-10 Dining and Entertainment...................... 2 Employment.......................................... 6 Farm & Ranch - General.. ................ 11-12 Farm & Ranch - Implements................. 12 Feed & Supplies.................................. 12 Financial............................................... 6 For Sale By Owner................................. 9 Furniture.. ............................................. 3 Garage Sales.................................. 10-11 Guns and Ammunition.. ........................ 12 Health and Fitness................................ 3 Heavy Equipment................................ 12 Houses For Rent.. ................................ 10 Lawn & Garden.................................... 12 Livestock............................................ 12 Lots/Land/Acreage................................ 9 Manufactured Housing.. ....................... 10 Medical Equipment.. .............................. 3 Miscellaneous.................................... 3-6 Motorcycles........................................ 14 Pets.................................................... 11 Public/Legal Notice............................... 3 Real Estate For Sale.............................. 9 RV’s.................................................... 14 Sport Utilities.. .................................... 14 Sporting Goods................................... 12 Storage/Portable Buildings.................. 12 Thrifty Nickel en Español.. ..................... 2 Tools & Equipment.............................. 12 Tractors.............................................. 12 Trailers............................................... 12 Trucks................................................ 14 Vans................................................... 13 Vehicles Under $3000......................... 13 Wanted: Have Cash Will Buy.................. 3
Thrifty Nickel en Español
Park Place Apartments 2 Recamaras, 2.5 Banos. Apartamentos o Town House. 1300 S.F con Balcon/Cerca Privada. Lavadero Privado. Agua Pagada. Midway ISD. Verificacion de Antecedentes Penales. No Tienes que pagar por Aplicacar. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 349-1398
254-752-0334 Dining & Thrifty Nickel Entertainment en Español
B A R - X A PA R TMENTS- Todas las facturas pagados, $110 a la semana o mas, $150/$200 deposito dependiendo de la unidad. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1511 S. Loop Drive (254) 756-1043 Ley de Inmigracion, The Nelson Law Firm P.C. Tarjeta Verde, DACA, Visa Para Familia, Ciudadania, Defensa en Contra Deportaciones. Susan I. Nelson, River Square Center, Waco, Texas, (866) 900-1012, (254) 754-9990. Lake Air Green A p a r t m e n t s Enormes! 1 y 2 Recamaras, 2 banos Recientemente Remodelados. Agua y Gas Pagados. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 912 Lake Air (254) 349-1398
HEAD START Taking applicaTions! (no Transportation provided) Hillsboro Head start is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Head start is a pre-school offering excellent educational opportunities along with medical, dental, developmental and nutritional benefits at no cost. The Head start approach of individualized care and guidance is well suited to helping children with disabilities. children between the ages of 3 and 5 may be elegible. There is no charge for participation in Head start. pick up your application now at the Head start center at 804B Thomas street. For more information, call your local center at 254/582-8611 or Hill country community action association at 325/372-5167.
HEAD START EsTa acEpTanDo aplicacionEs! (ningun Transporte proporcionado) Hillsboro Head start esta aceptando aplicaciones para el año 2021-2022. Head start es una escuelita para ninos de edad 3-5 anos que califican. Head start ofrece oportunidades excelentes para educacion y tambien beneficos de medico, dental, desarrollo, y de alimento. Head start ofrece mucha ayuda para ninos y familias. no cuesta nada para que su nino atiende el programa de Head start. puede usted recojer ahora una aplicacion para solicitar un puesto en Head start. para mas informacion llame a la Head start, 804B Thomas street, #del telefono: 254/582-8611 or Hill country community action association at 325/372-5167.
For just $3 more a week you can have a border placed around your ad!
OFFIcE hOuRS MONDAY ............................................. 9AM-5PM TUESDAY ............................................ 9AM-5PM WEDNESDAY...................................... 9AM-5PM THURSDAY ......................................... 9AM-5PM FRIDAY................................................ 9AM-5PM
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N OW H I R I N G ALL POSITIONS ALL SHIFTSDAY AND NIGHTNo Experience,No Problem. Hiring office position, Must be bilingual and have experience inbookeeping, Excel and Word Need Insurance We Got It! Retirement Plan - You’ll Need It!Paid Vacation You Deserve It!Pick Up Applicationat Office EntranceCzech Stop Inc.I-35 / 353 ExitWest, TX FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! COME AND GET THEM! OPEN June 24th 2021 - July 4th, 2021. Stars & Stripes FireworksRoman candles starting at $1.00, Sparklers starting at $.75. 261 S. McLennan Loop, Elm Mott, Texas, (254) 829-0947. Appaloosa Trading Post! World’s greatest western store, jewelry, dining room furniture, cross room, western clothing & bedroom furniture. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Over 200 Cow Hides, guns, large selection of Ammo. Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. CLASSIFIEDS WORK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334. Gifts, saddles, jewelry & tack! Appaloosa Trading Post . 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Bingo 7 days a week! Electronic and paper sets. Daily specials! Buckeye Bingo, 2423 Cole Ave. Waco, Texas. (254) 7523993. Look for our big ad on this weeks edition of the American Classifieds. like us on facebook. Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Beds, C o u ch e s . Ove r 3 6 0 Western Prints.! Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Over 200 Pistols, Rifles & Ammo. Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.
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Sofa and Love seat sets $599 & $1299! Furniture Outlet 254-754-9995 3414 Franklin Ave.
Susan I. Nelson
• Tarjeta Verde • DACA
• Visa Para Familia • Ciudadania
• Defensa en Contra Deportaciones
The Nelson J Law Firm P.C. River Square Center • Waco, Texas
254-754-9990 nlftx.com Oficina Principal en Waco, Texas
Health & Fitness
F or S ale I n o g e n One Portable Breathing Machine, can carry anywhere. Paid $3,000, will take $2,000. Used for 5 hours. (254) 494-0201
Medical Equipment
Scooter GoldH en GC340 3 Wheel, with 2 new 33AH Batts.
$475 (254) 751-0929 P owerchair , I nvacare N u tron, R51 LX, with 2 new 33AH Batts. $325 (254) 751-0929 Scooter Pride Elite, New, Complete, Small, Transportable. $975 (254) 751-0929 P owerchair , M erit, ( Ru m b a Style) with 2 new 33AH Batts with charger. $450 (254) 751-0929
Wanted: Have Cash, Will Buy
Furniture Louis Philippe 4 pc sleigh bed set only $799. While supplies last! Furniture Outlet 254-754-9995 3414 Franklin Ave. No interest for 24 months! Only at Furniture Outlet Locally owned family business. 3414 Franklin Ave. 254-754-9995 www. furnitureoutletwacotx.com 2 Grand Father Clocks for sale: Howard Miller clock made in Zeeland, Michigan $275. Seth Thomas Clock $150. Call for more information. (254) 640-0331 Dinette set starting at $199! Furniture Outlet 254-754-9995. 3414 Franklin Ave. Bunk bed (twin over full) now available! Furniture Outlet 254-754-9995. 3414 Franklin Ave. W e carry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622. We have Rustic Furniture! Come see what we have at 3414 Franklin Ave. Furniture Outlet. Waco, Texas. (254) 754-9995. Check out our huge selection of furniture, bedroom suites, dining sets, sofa, love seats, sectionals, Waco, Texas. Furniture Outlet. (254) 754-9995.
One year old male peacocks for sale. Also, will have babies hatched in May. (254) 723-4190 Car wanted! Must have automobile title and must be running and in good condition. Will pay $500 up to $1,500. Call Tony (903) 227-2498
This weeks special! 2 piece (no ottoman)Sectional sofa only $899. Furniture Outlet 254-7549995 3414 Franklin Ave. Estate Sale Friday & Saturday June 11th & June 12th and June 18th & 19th. 9am-6pm. Furniture, Dining Tables, Side Boards, Dressers, Desks, Sewing Tables. 823 Clay Ave. (254) 214-4625 In house finance programs Available. Come see what we have. Furniture, Appliances, TV, and more. Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture 625 Franklin Downtown Waco (254) 754-4622.
Nice washers, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 214-5284(254) 799-6228 Gas dryer for sale $135 (254) 495-1837 Secadora de gas en venta. $135. (254) 4951837 For Sale: Whirlpool Black Side By Side Refrigerator with ice maker, Panasonic Microwave Oven for countertop, ceiling fan with lights. Call for prices. (254) 749-2974 PLACE YOUR ad! Call 254-752-0334. $54 down! No Credit, Bad Credit No Problem! Discount Vacuum & Appliance 3421 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Tx 76710 254756-1738. 4501 W. Waco Drive, Waco 254-776-8055 RAUL’S CONCRETE SERVICE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Jobs of All Sizes Free Estimates (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251 W e carry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622.
Save on Planting! Vegetables & Seeds ready to plant! Chicks are here! $3.89 each. Deer feed, food plot, bird feeders, wasp spray, F&R supplies from the smallest to the largest of lots! Sudan grass seed, Unique gifts & more! Bar None , 7991 N. Hwy 6, Waco, TX 254848-9112 LEGER/HULL PARTNERS, LLC Dozer & Motor Grader Work Driveways Roads Land Clearing Erosion Control & Repairs Stock Tanks Build or Clean Out All Types of Ranch Work Concrete Work Pads, Sidewalks & Driveways 254-709-5914 254-3791463 I Am Looking for a Home For My Mother, Under $100,000. (254) 744-9111 Rebar now in Stock! Come and get it! Pioneer Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Iron, Expanded Metal, HBraces, Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. Two Plots in Waco Memorial Park lot number 84, spaces 3 & 4 Section P “Veterans Field of Honor”. Two concrete cryptoriums. $1,350 firm each, $125 transfer fee, fee firm. (254) 723-4404
Nice washers, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 214-5284(254) 799-6228
First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs We Accept All Major Credit Cards (254) 366-7256
For Sale Guineas, Geese, Ducks, Chickens. Baby Chicks $2.00 and Baby Ducks $4.00 as they hatch. (254) 881-2022
New 15’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $9.99 sq. yd. Pallet Pricing, Waterproof Rigid Floating Plank, “Magnolia Collection” as low as $2.19 sq. ft. New! 12’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $6.99 sq. yd. Carpet Padding, Tack Strip, Trim, Transitional Metal, Seam Tape & Padding Glue in stock! Installation Available on any flooring purchased in our warehouses in Waco & Central Texas. Call (254) 752-4112. SANCHEZ HOUSE LEVELING Specializing in: Leveling Replace Beams Concrete Work Driveways All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Reasonable Prices (254) 752-0422
S SAle S !
Public / Legal Notices
Furniture collections to Fit everyone’s budget!
louiS philippe 4 pc. Sleight beD Set $ SoFA & loveSeAt
4 pc. beDRooM Suite dresser, mirror, night stand, bed frame
& up
2 pc. SectionAl SoFA
SoFA & loveSeAt
Dinette Set
5 pc. Dining Set
with twin over full
no mattress
Mon-Fri 10am-7pm Sat 10am-6pm Sun 12pm-5pm
3414 Franklin Ave.
Se Habla Español
*With Approved Credit. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
EXPOSE YOUR business to over 60,000 potential customers every week in American Classifieds’ Business & Service Directory. 254-752-0334.
Was $46,850
Now $9,800
Camp Closing 80% Off
Log Cabin Set: Pre-Cut Log Walls, Main Timber Rafters, Ridge Beams, All Plans. Pay Only Can Haul on Delivery Get Detailed Information @
Online pricing with brick & MOrtar service For the best service, come shop our kiosk in the store • LIVING ROOM • BEDROOM
625 Franklin Ave. • Waco
and repentance and remission of sin to be proclaimed in his name.
Acts 2:38
Peter said to them Repent and be baptized in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and then you will receive the Holy Spirit
Acts 4:12
Nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name (Jesus) under heaven given to man by which we must be saved.
no Down pAyMent no inteReSt FoR 24 MonthS*
PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AT LAW DWI/CRIMINAL DEFENSE Divorce Personal Injury Child Support Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free (254) 640-1680 (800) 664-5589
Saul Jaramillo Concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Too Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445
June 17, 2021 Page 3
1 John 1:8-9 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourself - if we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 Cor 6:9-10 Do you not know the unrighteous Rev 9:21 will not inherit the kingdom of God - idolaters - fornicators - thieves - coveters - homosexuals - drunkards - sodomites - extortioners - revilers - murderers - drug addicts Be not deceived for no man or minister or priest can forgive your sins! You will die with your sins, only Jesus can forgive your sins. Confess, repent, be baptized in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit and your name is written in the book of life. All who’s name is not found written is cast into the lake of fire. Rev 20:15 jaymuratt511@gmail.com
Page 4 June 17, 2021
No oNe SellS For leSS! vinyl 6’ & 12’ ¢ planks vinyl as low as
as low as
sq. ft.
49¢ sq. ft.
2908 Franklin Ave. Waco, TX 76710
carpet remnants as low as
69¢ sq. ft.
commerical carpet as low as
79¢ sq. ft.
PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AT LAW DWI/CRIMINAL DEFENSE Divorce Personal Injury Child Support Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free (254) 640-1680 (800) 664-5589
New 15’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $9.99 sq. yd. Pallet Pricing, Waterproof Rigid Floating Plank, “Magnolia Collection” as low as $2.19 sq. ft. New! 12’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $6.99 sq. yd. Carpet Padding, Tack Strip, Trim, Transitional Metal, Seam Tape & Padding Glue in stock! Installation Available on any flooring purchased in our warehouses in Waco & Central Texas. Call (254) 752-4112.
We pay top dollar! We pay cash as-is, Where-is! Sell us your travel trailer any Make, Model or condition. Cash paid at pick up. Licensed & Bonded, Locally owned & operated! Phillips RVs, 415-A North Robinson Drive. Robinson Texas, TX. 76706. 254662-4455.
Excellent Prices Tree Services 18 Years Experience Insured Electrical Line Branch Trimming! No Job Too Big Or Too Small Free Estimates (254) 339-5130 www.excellentprices treeservice.com
June 17, 2021 Page 5 www.WacoAmericanClassifieds.com Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Money For Scrap Metal For Sale: Whirlpool General Carpen- Over 200 Pistols, Rifles CLASSIFIEDS WORK I A m Looking for a
We Buy: Junk Autos • Copper Brass • Aluminum Steel • Batteries Aluminum Cans Stainless Steel
M.Lipsitz and coMany, Ltd.
Serving Central Texas Since 1895
100 Elm StrEEt m -S 8 -5 756-6661 Also Visit Us at 4205 E. loop 340 m -F 8 -5 on
Miscellaneous Two Burial Plots 4 with Two Concrete Cryptoriums at Waco Memorial Park. These plots are easily accessible, next to the street. $4,000 both (254) 717-6877
DISCOUNT SHOPRodas Tree SerPING CLUB: Womens vice Professional & Mens Sunglasses, Tree Trimming Tree Bags, Clothes, Shoes, Removal Stump GrindWatches, Jewelr y, ing Property Cleaning More! Join Now! 1-800- Complete Service Very 685-2550; members@ Affordable! (254) 548christinepettway.com 8148 h tt p : / / w w w. ch r i s NO ONE SELLS FOR tinepettway.com LESS! Carpet as low as Got Checks? Cash 79¢ sq.ft. 6’ & 12’ Vinyl as it with us! Chapmans low as 49¢ sq.ft. Plank as Check Cashing. 1025 N low as 99¢ sq.ft. Carpet Valley Mills Drive 254- Remnants as low as 69¢ 741-1471. See what else sq.ft. Commercial Carpet we have including Purses as low as 79¢ sq.ft. CarCrosses, Sunglasses, pet Warehouse and Mill Baseball caps, signs, pic- Outlet 2908 Franklin Ave. ture, frames, knives, Texas Waco, Tx 254-752-1133 Stars and more! Bunk bed (no mat- Mathis Riley Protress), only $249. Hurry fessional Heating & before they are gone! Cooling Services, LLC Furniture Outlet 254-754- TACLA#49001E (254) 9995. 3414 Franklin Ave. 292-9673 Honest, Guaranteed Work Sales, SerInvestors want- vice, Installation Low ed one on one for se- Affordable Rates Profesnior housing project. sional Service Call Peter for Details (570) 929-1111 or (570) Disabled Family 956-4800leave mes- wants to lease ranch sage or small farm with barn and 3 bedrooms, one or CARL SURFUS Now two story farm house or Spreading & Hauling Sand mobile home. House can Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing be fixer upper, but nothShredding Also do drive- ing major. Between Valways (254) 379-1727 ley Mills and McGregor Gifts, saddles, jew- or West on Hwy. 84, or elry & tack! Appaloosa South of McGregor. (254) Trading Post . 3031 N. 644-6703 Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) JC’s Foundation 662-4803. Repair Drainage Repair, 3 Kings Mechanical 24 Tunnel Excavation, Pier hour plumbing services, Beam & Slab, Foundaincluding culverts & drain- tion Repair. Reliable age ditches.Call James, & Responsible. Free License #M-42959 Over Estimates. 20yr War20 years of experience! ranty. Veteran Discount. 3kingsmechanical@gmail. Waco & Surrounding com (254) 744-7810† or Areas(469) 682-1709 (254) 744-1231 Se Habla EspaÒol Price Reduced! Waco Memorial Park Over 200 Cow Hides, Mausoleum. Single In- guns, large selection of side Crypt, Top Level, Ammo. Come to Rodeo $3,300 (830) 613-6814 Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.
TIMESHARE CANCELLATION Avoid Timeshare Cancellation Scams Consumer protection attorney will get you a legal low flat fee cancellation for less, with a 100% money back guarantee. TimeShareBeGone has an A+ BBB rating and 5 star reviews. To request a quote, call 1-800-2231770 or go to: http:// timesharebegone.com Joey’s Lawn Service Mowing, Edging, We e d e a t i n g , H e d g e Trimming, Tree Trimming, Haul off, and more! Free Estimates (806) 281-2464 or (806) 544-8878 Money for scrap metal, we buy junk autos, copper, brass, aluminum, batteries, stainless steel, aluminum cans & steel. (254) 756-6661!
Black Side By Side Refrigerator with ice maker, Panasonic Microwave Oven for countertop, ceiling fan with lights. Call for prices. (254) 749-2974 Furnish your home with Appliances, Refrigerators, ovens, stoves, Mattresses, Electronics, LCD, LED, DVD, Plasma TV’s, Recliners, Sofas, Dinettes and much more. Kirkpatrick and Witt Furniture. 625 Franklin Avenue, Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622. Did you know that Jesus built His church? Check it out for yourself. Read Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 1:2223, Ephesians 5:23-25, Colossians 1:18-24, Romans16:16. Interested? Free Bible Study http:// www.worldbibleschool. org.
Rebar now in Stock! Come and get it! Square Tubing, Sheet Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Welding Supplies, Insulated and Non-Insulated Gloves. Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. DUMPSTER RENTAL • $225.00 Complete • Skid Steer • Demolition • Ranch Clean Up • Scrap Metal • Land Clearing (254) 307-9211
tryDoors, Window & Ammo. Come to Rodeo wonders. Call American Home For My Mother, Replacement, Roof Leaks, Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Classifieds, 254-752-0334 Under $100,000. (254) Repairs, Trim Repair, Fas- Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. and place your ad today. 744-9111 cia, Siding, Carports. Free Quote (254) 537-3873 Tanning Bed 20 bulbs 120V, $700. 2 fireplace mantels $50/each. Dining room table with 6 chairs. $200. Dining room lighted hutch $150. (814) 6570608 A merica C on struction Concrete, Brick, House, Room Additions, Drywall, REMODELING IN GENERAL, Free Estimates (254) 757-1625; Toll Free 1(800) 523-7284. Cee purlins, square tubing, structural steel, metal roofing, U-panels, sheds, will meet or beat any price! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 242-4850. Will provide good home in the country for any unwanted poultry! (254) 881-2022 Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Beds, C o u ch e s . Ove r 3 6 0 Western Prints.! Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.
We Buy Junk Cars, Call Us First! Satisfaction Guaranteed (254) 2142573 S mall Acreage Shredding,Small Clean Up Jobs,Custom Tractor Rototilling, Post Hole Digging. Call Richard White for Pricing (254) 749-9104 CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding Also do driveways (254) 379-1727
Two Plots in Waco Memorial Park For Sale. Under an old oak tree in The Garden of Apostles, Section L $1,100 per plot, includes transfer fee! (John) 254-749-8495 Appaloosa Trading Post! World’s greatest western store, jew12’X24’ Carelry, dining room furniport 9’ Center ture, cross room, western Height. (254) 644-3251 clothing & bedroom furniture. 3031 N. Robinson WANTS TO purchase Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details BRICK REPAIR P.O. Box 13557, Denver, WORK Co 80201 Brick New Homes For Sale 2 Cemetery Plots side by side at Waco Replace Rusted Memorial. $2,500. (254) Mailboxes 214-1039 Brick Stone Block Bingo 7 days a week! Masonry Cutout Electronic and paper sets. Openings Daily specials! Buckeye Chimney Repair Work Bingo, 2423 Cole Ave. Waco, Texas. (254) 752Repair Cracked Walls 3993. Look for our big ad Joseph Salinas on this weeks edition of the American Classifieds. (254) 855-2819 like us on facebook.
We can be your termite colonies worst nightmare, while you sleep like a baby. Family Owned Free Estimates Local 254-752-4325 Toll Free 800-438-4325 www.olivergoldsmithwaco.com
GOldsmith Trusted Since 1930 ©2013 by Oliver Goldsmith Company, Inc.
1025 N Valley Mills Dr. 254-741-1471 1121 W. Waco Dr. 254-754-2003
Page 6 June 17, 2021
FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! COME AND GET THEM! OPEN June 24th 2021 - July 4th, 2021. Stars & Stripes Fireworks. Over 300 products- Roman candles, sparklers, firecracker artillery, fountains, cakes and more! See back page of this weeks American Classified Thrifty Nickel for prices and pictures. Stars & Stripes Fireworks261 S. McLennan Loop, Elm Mott, Texas, (254) 829-0947.
Need House Cleaner. Call (254) 300-5155 E&E Lawn & Tree ServiceTree Trimming & Tree Removal (large or small), Lawn Mowing, Mowing up to 5 Acres, Clean Fence Lines, Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup. Reasonable Prices. 20 years Experience. Free Estimates. Call Lathario 254-230-6574 254-327-7483 RABBITS FOR pets and meat. Tamnuk, Californian, Holland Lops, Lion Heads, Dutch, Blue and White and Orange Harlequin. Mini Rex! Other breeds! Located in Mansfield Texas. 817-938-8472 JOHN HART- Twin Flame Psychic Master. Full Relationship Recovery and Twin Flame Discovery. Restores Communication! Balance and align Chakras! Brings Peace and Harmony! Restores Intimacy Fully! Stops Infidelity! Eliminate Anxiety & Depression! Never Fails Removes Blockages & 3rd party interference. Inquire now for a better TOMORROW! ULTIMATE SUPERIOR INTUITIVE MALE HEALER TWIN FLAME SPECIALIST Past, present, future, #LOVEisLOVE LGVTQ Friendly. 254-2729500 Fertilizer Application, INCREASE GROWTH and Production for your Pasture, Apply N-TEXX 15-5-5, $23/acre, 30-10-10, $31/acre. Add broad leaf weed killer at $9/acre. Weed Killer only, $18/per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276
754-7997 follow the job leader.
Permanent and Temporary Placemements
Office • Clerical • Industrial
Experienced Apartment Maintenance needed. HVAC Certified a plus! Jack-Of-All-Trades Personnel Services 2701 Franklin Job Line: (254) 754-3860
merrick everything for the closet and more
plastic manuFacturEr
Start Work ImmedIately $12-$13/hour to start depending on shift Immediate accrual of PTO from day one Full benefits available • EOE Applicants may apply in person, by fax, mail or email to:
Merrick Engineering, Inc. 7325 Imperial Dr. Waco, TX 76712 Fax: 254-741-6330 mariacs@merrickengineering.com
W elder / M etal building E r e c t o r needed! Metal Building Experience required. Call (254) 853-3962.
Must be bilingual and have experience in bookeeping, Excel and Word Need Insurance - We Got It! Retirement Plan - You’ll Need It! Paid Vacation - You Deserve It! Pick Up Application at Office Entrance
czecH STOP INc. I-35 / 353 exit West, TX
JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Equipment operators. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130.
JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply Help Wanted: Parts person, duties include counter sales of new and salvage farm equipment parts, use of Microsoft Windows. Benefits, Hillsboro, TX (877) 816-0184 Part Time Help! Hardware Sales, Plumbing, Electrical, Home & Garden Experience Helps! (254) 752-2841 Ask for Neil or Betty
EXPERIENCED RESIDENTIAL Framing and Cornish Carpenters and helpers! Must have 10+experience (for carpenters), reliable transportation and reliable attendance. Pay depends on experience. Remodeling experience is a plus. Please call 254-709-9633 Jack of all Trades Personnel Services 2701 Franklin Ave. Job Line (254) 754-3860 Experienced Apartment Maintenance Needed. HVAC Certified a Plus! EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES.† ° Ya est·n disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio!† Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las ·reas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora.† Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en lÌnea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply
Part time janitorial in Cedar Park. Monday through Friday 6pm10pm. Pay $14 per hour. Call Linda for interview time. 254-715-7629. Se Habla Espanol
JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply General Laborer Need 6 Persons, $14 per hour +Bonuses! Only Apply in Person 24000 Woodway Dr. Woodway Tx. JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in WaQuickbooks experience is a must. co, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 benefits. per hour.† Please call our Kaddatz Farms office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. Hillsboro, TX janitorialservice.com/apply
Need House Cleaner. contratando Call (254) 300-5155 todos os trabalhos, todos os turnos, EARN UP to $150/Day dia e noite PartTime & $500/DAY FullSem Experiência, Time. GET YOUR FREE Sem Problema! SAMPLES NOW! Easy contratando method allows you to trabalhador de escape your job, bills & escritório stress. We will send you bilíngüe obrigatório, experiência em de FREE samples of one of these items, CBD Cof- escrituração, Excel e Word Precisa de seguro? fee, Keto Weight Loss, Nós temos isso Pain Relief Cream, or Skin Plano de aposentadoria? Você vai precisar Care Products to Look pagas? Você merece isso Younger. Hurry While Sup- Férias Aplicativo disponível na entrada do plies Last. No Credit Card escritório Required. Join for FREE czech stop Inc. salida I-35 / 353 Today! FreeSampleOpWest, tX portunity.com
Sign-On BOnuS
after 30 dayS!
immediate Opening fOr HVaC teCHniCian
Paid Vacation Good Salary with Bonus Must have Driver’s License
254-749-7436 NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Working job site superintendent. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES.† ° Ya est·n disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio!† Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las ·reas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora.† Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en lÌnea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply Trabajo de Medio Tiempo.Estamos necesitando una persona de limpieza comercial en la ·rea de Cedar Park. Lunes a Viernes 6pm-10pm. Pago es $14 por hora. Llame a la oficina 254715-7629 y pregunte por Linda para recibir hora de entrevista. PLACE YOUR ad! Call 254-752-0334. Merrick Plastics Manufacturer is NOW HIRINGFULL TIME PRODUCTIONWORKERS ALL SHIFTSStart Work Immediately$12-$13/ hour to start depending on shiftImmediate accrual of PTO from day oneFull benefits available ï EOEApplicants may applyin person, by fax, mail or email to: Merrick Engineering, Inc.7325 Imperial Dr. Waco, TX 76712Fax: 254-741-6330mariacs@ merrickengineering.com
follow the job leader.
Permanent and Temporary Placemements Office • Clerical • Industrial
Day to Day General Labor
C A R N I VA L H E L P Wanted! Summer Job in Nebraska. Must be willing to travel and have valid drivers license. For more information, call Ray 402650-1435. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR HVAC TECHNICIAN. Paid Vacation, Good Salary with Bonus. Must have Driver’s License. G.I Lewis Heating & Air Conditioning (254) 749-7436 cash! We got it!!! Chapmans Check Cashing! 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, 254741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Drive. 254-754-2003 NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Pipelayers. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. DON’T BREAK YOUR BANK! For as little as $5.00 per week you can place your classified ad with us in print and online! Plus- if you buy two weeks, we’ll give you two weeks for free! Place your ad today! American Classifieds, 254-752-0334. Engine & Electrical Mechanics Needed! Call (254) 754-6951. Jack of all Trades Personnel Services 2701 Franklin Ave. Job Line (254) 754-3860 Day to Day General Labor, Customer Service Representatives, Warehouse Workers, Machine Operators, Food Service Workers, Concrete Workers. Needed: Experienced Office Help at Kaddatz Farms Hillsboro, Tx (254) 582-3000 JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Form Setter/concrete finishers. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. CDL Driver. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. Cash your Check at Chapmans Check Cashing! 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, 254-741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Drive. 254754-2003
Need House Cleaner. Call (254) 300-5155 Engine & Electrical Mechanics Needed! Call (254) 754-6951. W elder / M etal building E r e c t o r needed! Metal Building Experience required. Call (254) 853-3962. NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Equipment operators. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. Part time janitorial in Cedar Park. Monday through Friday 6pm-10pm. Pay $14 per hour. Call Linda for interview time. 254-715-7629. Se Habla Espanol Needed: Experienced Office Help at Kaddatz Farms Hillsboro, Tx (254) 582-3000 IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR HVAC TECHNICIAN. Paid Vacation, Good Salary with Bonus. Must have Driver’s License. G.I Lewis Heating & Air Conditioning (254) 749-7436 General Laborer Need 6 Persons, $14 per hour +Bonuses! Only Apply in Person 24000 Woodway Dr. Woodway Tx. WacoAmericanClassifieds.com Check it Out! Merrick Plastics Manufacturer is NOW HIRINGFULL TIME PRODUCTIONWORKERS ALL SHIFTSStart Work Immediately$12-$13/ hour to start depending on shiftImmediate accrual of PTO from day oneFull benefits available ï EOEApplicants may applyin person, by fax, mail or email to: Merrick Engineering, Inc.7325 Imperial Dr. Waco, TX 76712Fax: 254-741-6330mariacs@ merrickengineering.com Trabajo de Medio Tiempo.Estamos necesitando una persona de limpieza comercial en la ·rea de Cedar Park. Lunes a Viernes 6pm-10pm. Pago es $14 por hora. Llame a la oficina 254- 715-7629 y pregunte por Linda para recibir hora de entrevista. EXPERIENCED RESIDENTIAL Framing and Cornish Carpenters and helpers! Must have 10+experience (for carpenters), reliable transportation and reliable attendance. Pay depends on experience. Remodeling experience is a plus. Please call 254-709-9633
Customer Service Representatives Warehouse Workers Machine Operators Food Service Workers Concrete Workers Jack-Of-All-Trades Personnel Services 2701 Franklin Job Line: (254) 754-3860
Employment Opportunities
Help Wanted: Parts person, duties include counter sales of new and salvage farm equipment parts, use of Microsoft Windows. Benefits, Hillsboro, TX (877) 816-0184
Business Opportunities
R E C E I V E P AYMENTS MONTHLY In The Mail “Without Selling Or Having A Website”. Start Today! Call 253-285-7500 or: http://www.prosper2gether.com JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply
JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply UNSECURED BUSINESS LOANS: Easy Online Application; 96% Approval; Funding in 2448 Hours. Won’t Affect Credit Score. Ethical Lenders. 1-800-7347393.
ExpEriEncEd WorkErs:
• Form Setter/Concrete Finishers • Mechanic • Working Job Site Start Superintendent AsAp! • CDL Driver All applicants must pass background check and drug test. Salary DOE/Benefit Pkg.
Apply in Person:
304 Douglas Ave., Waco, TX
ConstruCtion Worker needed Metal Building Experience Required. Some Carpentry
Spivey’s Welding Service, Inc. Call 254-853-3962
June 17, 2021 Page 7
Fourth on the Brazos Celebration
Sunday, July 4 at Touchdown Alley next to Baylor University’s McLane Stadium 1001 S. MLK Blvd., Waco
Free Admission H Gates Open at 6:00pm H Fireworks at 9:15pm Food & Drink Court
Food and drinks will be available for sale onsite from food trucks. Coolers with drinks and snacks are allowed. NO GLASS BOTTLES. Bag check stations located at entrances.
ATM & Restrooms
ATM located in the food court area. Restrooms located around the event perimeter.
What to Bring- Permitted Items:
Lawn chairs, blankets, shad umbrellas, beach shade canopies (stakes smaller than 12”), sunscreen, bug spray, strollers, cameras, video cameras, bags, backpacks (subject to search), cash and credit cards. Coolers: water, soda and beer are available for purchase, but you may bring your own. No glass bottles or containers. All coolers subject to search. Water stations available at the First Aid Tent.
What NOT to Bring- Prohibited Items: NO pop-up tents/stakes in event interior, no glass bottles or containers, no fireworks/sparklers/ noisemakers, no grills in event interior, no illegal weapons, no pets (service animals are welcome), No un-permitted vendors, no drones and any other items deemed inappropriate by Event Management
River/Boat Access:
Security & First Aid
Officers from Waco Police Department and Baylor University provide event security. Entry points will have a bag check for coolers, backpacks and bags. EMS will be located at the entry to Touchdown Alley. First Aid and lost child locations are under the Children’s Area Tent. Extra hand washing stations will be located throughout the grounds, and the city encourages guests to practice social distancing.
Boat ramps are located upstream at Brazos Park East. Both motorized and non-motorized boats are welcomed. Please note, the fireworks fall out zone must be cleared at 8:30 p.m.
Parking: • McLane Stadium’s Lot 1, 2 and 3. Vehicles enter Lots 2 and 3. • Handicap parking in lot 4 • Ferrell Center • Dutton Avenue Parking Garage • East Campus Parking Garage • Parking lots along University Parks Drive and Baylor Campus • NO PARKING IS ALLOWED ON STREET MEDIANS. More information is available at brazosnightswaco.com and on Brazos Nights Facebook and Instagram pages.
Page 8 June 17, 2021
ADvertise in this seCtion for As little As $66.00 for 8 weeks. for Questions or help plACinG Your AD, CAll 254-752-0334 \
ATTORNEy AT LAw Paula l. allen attoRney at law dwi/CRiMinal defense • Divorce • Personal Injury • Child Support • Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free 254-640-1680 1-800-664-5589
CARpENTRy geneRal CaRPentRy Doors, Window Replacement, Roof Leaks, Repairs, Trim Repair, Fascia, Siding, Carports. Free Quote (254) 537-3873
Raul’s ConCRete seRviCe Driveways Patios • Sidewalks Jobs of All Sizes fRee estiMates (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251
CONCRETE wORK saul JaRaMillo ConCRete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios • Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445
GUERREROS CONSTRUCTION, LLC • Stone • Effis • Stucco • Concrete • Framing • Roofing • Drywall • Insulation • Spray Foam • General Painting • Accoustic Ceilings • Tile Flooring • Carpet Flooring 254-744-9489 Mario guerrero 254-723-4111 Roberto guerrero
COOLING Mathis Riley PRofessional heating & Cooling seRviCes, llC taCla#49001e (254) 292-9673 Honest, Guaranteed Work Sales, Service, Installation Low Affordable Rates Professional Service
PRofessional dRywall RePaiR Texture and Smooth Finish 26 Years Experience Free Estimates No Job Too Small! Tom Nicholson (254) 266-2229 nicholsonthomas27@ gmail.com
JC’s foundation RePaiR Drainage Repair Tunnel Excavation Pier Beam & Slab Foundation Repair Reliable & Responsible Free Estimates 20 Year Warranty Veteran Discount Waco & Surrounding Areas (469) 682-1709 Se Habla Español
foundation RePaiRs Level Brick Housing Concrete Foundations Level Pier & Beam Lifetime Warranty Licensed & Bonded 40 Years Experience Reasonable Prices
RaMos foundation RePaiR 20 Years Experience Free Estimates Se Habla Español Uriell (469) 686-5290 Ramos (214) 462-5386 ramosfoundationrepair @gmail.com
H flat Creek solutions
R&R tRansPoRtation Rose Eastham Operator Sand • Gravel Topsoil 254-749-4141
duMPsteR Rental $225 Complete • Skid Steer • Demolition • Ranch Clean up • Scrap Metal • Land Clearing 254-307-9211
CaRl suRfus now sPReading & hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding Also Do Driveways 254-379-1727
H fiRst Call
legeR/hull PaRtneRs llC
FENCE Dozer & Motor Grader Work Driveways Roads Land Clearing Erosion Control & Repairs Stock Tanks Build or Clean Out All Types of Ranch Work Concrete Work Pads, Sidewalks & Driveways 254-709-5914 254-379-1463 Roads • gRavel tanks dug and RePaiRed land CleaRing shRedding we do dozeR woRk baCkhoe, bobCat exCavatoR fRee estiMates 254-340-8201 R. Johnson sand & gRavel HAUL OFFS 6 &12 Yard Loads Top Soil Washed Rock Sand & Gravel 254-749-3863 254-799-4907
esCobaR fenCing Repair Old, Build New Privacy • Pipe Chain Link All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding hugo: 254-640-9783 Jose: 254-252-0984
All Repairs New Built Fences Privacy Fences Chain Link Tree Trimming Welding 254-709-0756
JeRRy’s fenCing MClain Installing All Types of: dozeR seRviCe • Fences Dozer Trackhoe • Pickets Maintainer, • Chain Link Mulcher, Dirt • Barbed Wire & Gravel Work • Boards Call John • Decorative (903) 641-6648 Free Estimates 40 Years Experience PLACE YOUR ad! Call 254-340-8201 254-752-0334.
lonnie handyMan seRviCe Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs 254-366-7256 facebook/ firstcalllonnie We Accept All Major Credit Cards
(254) 718-6383 (512) 921-6970
ballew land seRviCes, llC We specialize in removing: Underbrush, trees, mesquite & grubbing. Shredding, clearing, thinning pastures, driveway work & more! (254) 307-1940 Veteran Owned JeRRy’s land CleaRing All Unwanted Brush Removed, Trees Cut, Pastures Cleared, Tanks Dug and Cleaned Out, River Right of Way and Repaired, Boat Docks Repaired and Installed. Free Estimates 40 Years Experience 254-340-8201 PLACE YOUR ad! Call 254-752-0334.
e&e lawn & tRee seRviCe Tree Trimming & Tree Removal siding (Large or Small) oveRhangs Lawn Mowing windows Clean Fence Lines Painting Fence Repair & dooRs Unwanted Trash Pickup bath ConveRsions Reasonable Prices all tyPes 20 Years Experience ReModeling Free Estimates Call lathaRio fRee estiMates 254-230-6574 40 yeaRs 254-327-7483 exPeRienCe 254-340-8201 Mowing, edging, Hauling, Leaf Raking, Clean Out Garages, Small Jobs Also You Call, We Haul Top Soil & Gravel We do Painting. For good yard work call stoP sign Your Trash’s Last Ride 254-349-2324 or 254-224-2161 Yes, we travel.
sanChez house leveling *Specializing in Leveling* Replace Beams, Concrete Work, Driveways, All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates
Reasonable Prices Call 254-752-0422
Mowhawk native lawn CaRe Lawn Mowing Tree Trimming Brush Hauling Free Estimates Contact: Anthony Maas 254-366-5533 MowhawkMowing.CoM lozano’s yaRd seRviCe Lawn Maintenance General Haul Off Tree Trimming Wood Chipping Leaf Removal Free Estimates Senior Discounts Great Work - Fair Prices Contact (254) 723-2819
woRk • Brick New Homes • Replace Rusted Mailboxes • Brick • Stone Block • Masonry Cutout Openings • Chimney Repair Work • Repair Cracked Walls Joseph salinas 254-855-2819
MOBILE HOME LEVELING duane’s Mobile hoMe leveling done the Right way • Single/Double/ Triple Wides & Small Homes • lic# ins4064 • Bonded • Insured Free Estimates toll free 1-888-281-5063 www.duanesmobile homeleveling.com
best Roofing & ReModeling All Types of Roofing, Siding, Concrete, Gutters, Remodels. Honest, Dependable & Reasonable Rates. FREE Estimates. Member of BBB. 254-732-2400 254-366-5753
tRaCtoR RePaiR Where it stops or in the shop! All Types of Tractors, Engine Clutches, Pumps, Hydraulic Cylinders no Pickups Call gaRy (817) 357-5134
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SEpTIC MAINTENANCE sePtiC MaintenanCe, Contracts, Repair & installation. for a healthier Community 254-717-3562
H sePtiC PuMPing asaP sePtiC seRviCe 254-829-0088
pAINTING “gotCha CoveRed” Meredith’s Painting Professional Painter Interior, Exterior Repaint New Construction Window Cleaning 30+ years experience. Reasonable & Dependable! Call Tom (254) 644-6487
pLUMBING 3 kings MeChaniCal 24 hour Plumbing services including culverts & drainage ditches. Call James license #M-42959 over 20 years of experience! 3kingsmechanical@ gmail.com 254-744-7910 or 254-744-1231
REMODELING MoReno’s ReModeling Bedroom Addition, Framing, Painting, Texture, Sheetrock, Leveling. No job too big or small! Free estimates english (254) 339-2086 (254) 221-3658 (254) 214-3231
SHREDDING JeRRy’s shRedding fields, yaRds, aCReage, Cut MesQuite, tRiM tRees, Clean land fRee estiMates 40 yeaRs exPeRienCe 254-340-8201
gRound woRk Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Stump Grinding Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling 254-405-0323 sMall aCReage shRedding Small Clean Up Jobs Custom Tractor Rototilling Post Hole Digging Call Richard White for pricing (254) 749-9104
TREE SERVICE exCellent PRiCes tRee seRviCes
18 Years Experience Insured Electrical Line Branch Trimming! No Job Too Big Or Too Small Free Estimates 254-339-5130 www.excellentprices treeservice.com e&e lawn & tRee seRviCe Tree Trimming & Tree Removal (Large or Small) Lawn Mowing Clean Fence Lines Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup Reasonable Prices 20 Years Experience Free Estimates Call lathaRio 254-230-6574 254-327-7483
Rodas tRee seRviCe Professional Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Property Cleaning Complete Service Very Affordable! 254-548-8148 olveRa tRee & yaRd seRviCe Tree Expert Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Grass Mowing, Raking, etc. Free Estimates! Waco, Texas CoSMe oLveRa (254) 855-7199 or (254) 229-3965
tyPing and design seRviCe • Resumés • Flyers • Inserts • Brochures • Posters • Term Papers • Ad Design • Invitations American Classifieds Graphic Arts Dept. 254-752-0334
254-752-0334 Real Estate For Sale
Duane’s Mobile Home Leveling Done The Right Way Single/Double /Triple Wides Small Homes License# INS4064 Bonded Insured Free Estimates Toll Free (888) 281-5063 www.duanesmobile homeleveling.com NO ONE SELLS FOR LESS! Carpet as low as 79¢ sq.ft. 6’ & 12’ Vinyl as low as 49¢ sq.ft. Plank as low as 99¢ sq.ft. Carpet Remnants as low as 69¢ sq.ft. Commercial Carpet as low as 79¢ sq.ft. Carpet Warehouse and Mill Outlet 2908 Franklin Ave. Waco, Tx 254-752-1133 Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088 VISIONARY BUYER. Great older house for sale by owner. Multiple attributes like wooden doors and more. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,House must be relocated. 469-363-2480. First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs We Accept All Major Credit Cards (254) 366-7256 Facebook/Firstcalllonnie
June 17, 2021 Page 9
Commercial Property For Lease
Real Estate For Sale
Real Estate For Sale
Lots, Land & Acreage
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
Mathis Riley Professional Heating & Cooling Services, LLC TACLA#49001E (254) 292-9673 Honest, Guaranteed Work Sales, Service, Installation Low Affordable Rates Professional Service
FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! COME AND GET THEM! OPEN June 24th 2021 - July 4th, 2021. Stars & Stripes Fireworks. Firecrackers- over 300 products to select from, ONLY AT 261 S. McLennan Loop, Elm Mott, Texas, (254) 829-0947. Foundation Repairs Level Brick Housing Concrete Foundations Level Pier & Beam Lifetime Warranty Licensed & Bonded 40 Years Experience Reasonable Prices R&M (254) 718-6383 (512) 921-6970
BRICK REPAIR WORK Brick New Homes Replace Rusted Mailboxes Brick Stone Block Masonry Cutout Openings Chimney Repair Work Repair Cracked Walls Joseph Salinas (254) 855-2819
General CarpentryDoors, Window Replacement, Roof Leaks, Repairs, Trim Repair, Fascia, Siding, Carports. Free Quote (254) 537-3873
Best Roofing & Remodeling All Types of Roofing, Siding, Concrete, Gutters, Remodels. Honest, Dependable & Reasonable Rates. FREE Estimates. Member of BBB. 254-732-2400 254-366-5753 https://bestroofingremodeling.com/ bestroofingremodeling @ gmail.com
CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding Also do driveways (254) 379-1727 Texas, between Hillsboro and Meridian in Bosque County, 98 acres with old home. County road frontage, small domestic water well. County road access. Hunting for Deer, Turkey & hogs. All fenced, ag use in place. $940,000. Approximately 13 head of cattle and equipment at additional price, negotiable. Call Cornerstone Broker 254) 744-8038. kbrather@hot.rr.com CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding Also do driveways (254) 379-1727 2 lots for sale in the city of Mart.(254) 8762397
Moreno’s Remodeling Bedroom Addition, Framing, Painting, Texture, Sheetrock, Leveling. No job too big or small! Free estimates English: 254-339-2086. 254-221-3658 254-2143231 3/2 Mobile Home, 138 3rd Street, Elm Mott, TX. (254) 218-0896
Rodas Tree SerH vice Professional Tree Trimming Tree
Removal Stump Grinding Property Cleaning Complete Service Very Affordable! (254) 5488148
All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” American Classifieds will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you are a victim of housing discrimination contact HUD at 800-6699777, www.hud.gov Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663.
I Am Looking for a Home For My Mother, Under $100,000. (254) 744-9111 Hunting/ Investment/ Recreational property. We have some of the best in Texas! From the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde County, free ranging exotics) to South Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Oak County, whitetail, hogs). Large or small acreage. 30-year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. Call toll-free or email for individual prices and terms, www.ranchenterprisesltd.com 800-8769720.
Lots, Land & Acreage
Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663.
For Sale By Owner
I A m Looking for a Home For My Mother, Under $100,000. (254) 744-9111
CLASSIFIEDS WORK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334 and place your ad today. Saul Jaramillo Concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Too Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445
JC’s Foundation Repair Drainage Repair, Tunnel Excavation, Pier Beam & Slab, Foundation Repair. Reliable & Responsible. Free Estimates. 20yr Warranty. Veteran Discount. Waco & Surrounding Areas(469) 682-1709 Se Habla EspaÒol
Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088
1004 Ave. F. 3BR/1BA in Moody, No HVAC, Housing Accepted, No Pets. $1,025 Mo.. Call C.I.F. Real Estate Services Inc. Property Management. (254) 756-2957. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE! 1312 E. League Street. On a corner, 1,779 sq ft. only $1,200 mo. Call C.I.F. Real Estate Services Inc. Property Management. (254) 756-2957.
We accept Cash, Check, Debit and Credit Everybody in Waco (or afar)
-Milk -Snacks is welcome to shop here! -Bread -Candies Corner of North 15th St. -Eggs -Frozen Dinners and Colcord Avenue -Lunch Meat -Frozen Pizzas Store hours: -Canned Goods -Blue Bell Ice Cream Mon-Sat: 8am-8pm Sunday: 11am-6pm And much more!!
00 8 , $9losing t w NoCamp DCiscoun 46 s$ a W
For Sale By Owner in Robinson. House on 2 lots, with 2 out buildings, 2 car attached garage, 3 bedroom, Prairie Stone Rock. $300,000. Call (254) 662-3524
Log Cabin Set: Pre-Cut Log Walls, Main Timber Rafters, Ridge Beams, All Plans. Can Haul
Pay Only on Delivery
Get Detailed Information @
Quality Built On Your Lot "Millennium Too”
3 BEdrOOMs • 2 BATHs with FLEX rOOM! (Alternate Front View)
Living ..............2,000 sq.ft. Ft. Porch ............. 68 sq. ft. Total covered 2,068 sq. ft.
With lumber prices escalating...
A Trusted Name in Home Building
under 4%! Give us a call to schedule an appointment for a Cost Estimate and Monthly Payment Estimate
Building Throughout Central TX. For Over 40 Years!
NOW is still the time to build with interest rates still
Base price-subject to change without notice. Base Price-closing not included. Financing-wac some conditions apply
Base Price
Attention Lot owners! • No MoNey DowN! • 100% FiNaNciNg!* (in most cases)
Page 10 June 17, 2021
Commercial Property For Lease
Houses For Rent
Houses For Rent
Houses For Rent
Fenced Truck Lot, Office or Storage Area for Rent. 3729 Bosque Blvd. 76710 $500/month. (254) 772-4359 (254) 749-4486
COMING SOON! 120 N 26th St Unit B is a 2/1 bath duplex in Gatesville area that rents for $850, HVAC. Duplex with HVAC. Ready Beginning of June! Call C.I.F. Real Est ate Ser vices Inc. Property Management. (254) 756-2957.
New 15’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $9.99 sq. yd. Pallet Pricing, Waterproof Rigid Floating Plank, “Magnolia Collection” as low as $2.19 sq. ft. New! 12’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $6.99 sq. yd. Carpet Padding, Tack Strip, Trim, Transitional Metal, Seam Tape & Padding Glue in stock! Installation Available on any flooring purchased in our warehouses in Waco & Central Texas. Call (254) 752-4112. Mart 2/1, CH/A, No pets, $800/mo. $350/dep. (254) 876-2341 1708 E Crest #16 1 bed 1 bath rent is $575 water is paid. No housing, Yes HVAC. No Pets. Area is Lacy Lakeview. Call C.I.F. Real Estate Services Inc. Property Management. (254) 756-2957.
217 B N. Lakeview, Lacy Lakeview 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex. $775/month $500/deposit. Call 254799-2478 EXPOSE YOUR business to over 60,000 potential customers every week in American Classifieds’ Business & Service Directory. 254-752-0334.
Houses For Rent
1708 E Crest #15 1 bed 1 bath rent is $575 water is paid. No housing, Yes HVAC. No Pets. Area is Lacy Lakeview. Call C.I.F. Real Estate Services Inc. Property Management. (254) 756-2957. Houses for rent! (254) 715-9005 109 Silver Fox, Lacy Lakeview 3 bedroom 1 bath brick home $1,190/ month $750/deposit. Call 254-799-2478
2 B edroom E a s t Wa c o 6 15 Harlem. $800mo /$60 0dep. Housing Ok.Refrigerator, range and one window unit. Please text (254) 2142366 COMING SOON! 120 N 26th St Unit A †is a 2/1 bath duplex in Gatesville area that rents for $850, HVAC. Duplex with HVAC. Ready Beginning of June! Call C.I.F. Real Estate Services Inc. Property Management. (254) 756-2957.
Escobar Fence Repair Old Build New Privacy, Pipe, Chain Link, All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding Hugo (254) 640-9783 Jose (254) 252-0984
1116 Renick ............. $1,000 Mo. 2BR/1BA, East Waco, HVAC, No Appliances, Housing Accepted, Pets Welcome.
1312 E. League St...... $1,200 Mo. Commercial Unit on the Corner, 1,779 sq. ft.
3901 W. Waco Dr. .......... $1 sq. ft. 3,200 sq. ft. of Space That Can Be Rented. North Waco, HVAC, All Bills Paid. There are Conference Rooms and Office Space Available.
C.I.F. Real Estate Services, Inc. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 254.756.2957 www.cifrealestate.com
Apartments For Rent
Manufactured Housing
Woodway Park Condominiums. Large 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with 2 living areas. 1200 s.f., private laundry room, patio/balcony, great neighborhood. Criminal background check. No application fee. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 349-1398. Se Habla Español.
Duane’s Mobile Home Leveling Done The Right Way Single/Double /Triple Wides Small Homes License# INS4064 Bonded Insured Free Estimates Toll Free (888) 281-5063 www.duanesmobile homeleveling.com
PA R K PLACE APARTMENTS: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Tow n h o u s e s o r 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Apartments. 1300sf with balcony / private fence. Private laundry room, water paid, Midway ISD. Criminal background check. No application fee. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 349-1398. Se Habla Español. Lake Air Green Apartments Huge newly remodeled 1 and 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Water and gas paid. No application fee. 912 Lake Air (254) 349-1398. Se Habla EspaÒol. NO ONE SELLS FOR LESS! Carpet as low as 79¢ sq.ft. 6’ & 12’ Vinyl as low as 49¢ sq.ft. Plank as low as 99¢ sq.ft. Carpet Remnants as low as 69¢ sq.ft. Commercial Carpet as low as 79¢ sq.ft. Carpet Warehouse and Mill Outlet 2908 Franklin Ave. Waco, Tx 254-752-1133 B ar - X A partments: all bills paid, $110 a week and up; $150/$200 deposit (depending upon unit), no application fee. 1511 S. Loop Dr. (254) 756-1043. Se Habla Español.
Vacation Rentals
We pay top dollar! We pay cash as-is, Where-is! Sell us your travel trailer any Make, Model or condition. Cash paid at pick up. Licensed & Bonded, Locally owned & operated! Phillips RVs, 415-A North Robinson Drive. Robinson Texas, TX. 76706. 254662-4455.
We pay top dollar! We pay cash as-is, Where-is! Sell us your travel trailer any Make, Model or condition. Cash paid at pick up. Licensed & Bonded, Locally owned & operated! Phillips RVs, 415-A North Robinson Drive. Robinson Texas, TX. 76706. 254662-4455. Auto Auction! June 24, 2021 @10am. No Buyers Premium! 30 plus vehicles. Call for more information! Randy Solberg #12677 (254) 709-6338
254-752-0334 Auctions
Garage Sales
C & L E quipment Sales & Auction Services. Farm Auction Saturday, June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. We will be live and online @proxibid.com. Farm Implements, Mowers, Tractors, Trailers, Golf Carts, UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools and much more added daily! (903) 326-5802. clauctionservices.com Tx. Lic #17297. C & L E quipment Sales & Auction Services. Farm Auction Saturday, June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. We will be live and online @proxibid.com. Farm Implements, Mowers, Tractors, Trailers, Golf Carts, UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools and much more added daily! (903) 326-5802. clauctionservices.com Tx. Lic #17297. C & L E quipment Sales & Auction Services. Farm Auction Saturday, June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. We will be live and online @proxibid.com. Farm Implements, Mowers, Tractors, Trailers, Golf Carts, UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools and much more added daily! (903) 326-5802. clauctionservices.com Tx. Lic #17297.
New 15’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $9.99 sq. yd. Pallet Pricing, Waterproof Rigid Floating Plank, “Magnolia Collection” as low as $2.19 sq. ft. New! 12’ Wide Shaw Carpet in Stock as low as $6.99 sq. yd. Carpet Padding, Tack Strip, Trim, Transitional Metal, Seam Tape & Padding Glue in stock! Installation Available on any flooring purchased in our warehouses in Waco & Central Texas. Call (254) 752-4112.
Garage Sales
Waco Estate Sale Friday & Saturday June 11th & June 12th and June 18th & 19th. 9am-6pm. Furniture, Dining Tables, Side Boards, Dressers, Desks, Sewing Tables. 823 Clay Ave. (254) 214-4625 W e carry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622.
Saturday, J une 12th, 9am-5pm. 1302 Stephanie, Bellmead, A Free African Violet little bit of everything! with purchase of $20 or Every priced cheap! more. Large Garage Sale 1006 Rambler, Waco. Eddy Friday, June 11th & Saturday, June 12th 8:00am- Inside & Outside Sale, 4:00pm. Kitchen Utensils 165 Bluebonnet Ridge and Dishes, Fishing Gear, Lane, Eddy, TX. Worth Tools, Men’s Western the Drive!! Saturday June Wear and Other Items 12th only. 8am-5pm. 40 Like New! And So Much More! We Haggle! No plus years of miscellaReasonable Offer will be neous. Signs, Wall Decor, Rejected! Mask Request- Unique Glassware, New Set of Lenox Christmas ed. All Indoors! Dishes and accessories, $54 down! No Credit, Tea Pots and Sets, CookBad Credit No Problem! books, Small & Large Discount Vacuum & Appli- Cages & Feed Pans. ance 3421 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Tx 76710 254- PLACE your ad in the 756-1738. 4501 W. Waco next American Classifieds. Drive, Waco 254-776-8055 254-752-0334.
AUcTiOn Thursday, June 24 • 10:00am CLASSIC TOWING & RECOVERY 105 N. Blume • West, TX 76691 Wrecked, Salvage, as well as some added Vehicles.
Terms: Cash or company check. All sell as is with no warranty. No Buyer’s Premium.
➠ 30+ Vehicles! ➠ call, Text or email Your Questions Randy K solberg 254-709-6338
Randy K. Solberg Lic # 12677 254-709-6338
P.O. Box 20486, Waco Tx 76702
254-752-0334 China Spring
2 MALE Goldendoodles looking for their forever home. 1st shots, Vet check, 8 wks. Text or call 432-894-0331 Boston Terriers 7 weeks old. 1st Shots, wormed. Females $650 no papers. (254) 339-0577 Maltipoo pups. 3 boys, one girl. Will have first vet visit, first shots and wormed. $500/girl, $450/boys. Ready to go Riesel June 28th through July 9th. (903) 729-7802 leave YARD SALE in Riesel, message. TX. June 18 and 19, from 0730 am until 730 pm Cats both days. 208 North Main Street, APT A. Furniture, clothing, DVD’s, cassette Persian Kittens, tapes, electronics, comic first shots, adorable $250. books, hardback books, (254) 644-1485 and small appliances avail- 6 week old kittens ready able. to go to their forever home! Call for informaPets tion. (254) 633-0884 (254) 229-1020 Have three 10 weeks old kittens ready for their forever home! Please call and leave message. (254) 799-6196 Dogs Free Kittens To a good home (254) 7238320 10 weeks old, Long Haired Chihuahua, Birds male, with first shots, $125. Text (254) 6248473 or leave message One year old male peacocks for sale. Also, 1 Gray Female Wolfdog will have babies hatched Pup, 9 weeks, 2 shots, 2 x in May. (254) 723-4190 wormed. Very socialized. 8 Cockatiles and 3 $450. Also have a pet Parakeets for sale. (254) Black & White Neutered 252-2914 Nigerian Goat $75.(254) 707-7591 Pets Maltipoo Puppies, Shots, Dewormed, $950. Guaranteed Healthy, Pic- RABBITS FOR pets and tures Available. (254) 217- meat. Tamnuk, Californian, Holland Lops, Lion Heads, 9196 Dutch, Blue and White Registered Pug and Orange Harlequin. Puppies $950. Blacks, Mini Rex! Other breeds! Brindles, Fawns. Shots, Located in Mansfield Pictures (254) 410-4672 Texas. 817-938-8472 Beautiful Mala- results you can mute/Low Content count on! We can Wolf Pups, 1 boy, 1 girl, sell just about anything! 12 weeks. 2 shots, de- Call American Classifieds wormed, $275. (903) at 254-752-0334 and place 682-3559 your ad today. Thursday, Friday & Saturday June 10thJune 12th. B.C. Farrar’s Harley Davidson Clothes, Leathers, parts and hundreds of collectible items! 5 miles North on Wortham Bend in Eagle Canyon, 557 Leisure Circle. Look for signs!
Farm & Ranch General
LEGER/HULL PARTNERS, LLC Dozer & Motor Grader Work Driveways Roads Land Clearing Erosion Control & Repairs Stock Tanks Build or Clean Out All Types of Ranch Work Concrete Work Pads, Sidewalks & Driveways 254-709-5914 254-3791463 Save on Planting! Vegetables & Seeds ready to plant! Chicks are here! $3.89 each. Deer feed, food plot, bird feeders, wasp spray, F&R supplies from the smallest to the largest of lots! Sudan grass seed, Unique gifts & more! Bar None , 7991 N. Hwy 6, Waco, TX 254-848-9112 R&R Transportation Rose Eastham, Operator Sand Gravel Topsoil (254) 749-4141 2 Female, 1 Male adult Pot Belly Pigs (make offer), 1 young Barbado Sheep Ram, 3 grown Barbado Rams (good horns). For information call (254) 729-0001 or leave message. Or Text Only (254) 645-0393 Disabled Family wants 21 ft to 22 ft used stock trailer bumper pull. Would like it to be donated or let us make payments, any color, in good condition. Needed ASAP! (254) 644-6703 20 Hereford and Angus bulls, 18-24 months old, fertility tested, ready for services. Caldwell area. Joey, 979-224-4698, Victor 979-446-2054 or Margaret 979-218-8336.
Farm & Ranch General
Farm & Ranch General
Appaloosa Trading Post! World’s greatest western store, jewelry, dining room furniture, cross room, western clothing & bedroom furGETYOUR FIREWORKS! niture. 3031 N. Robinson OPEN June 24th 2021 - Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. July 4th, 2021. Stars & RAUL’S Stripes Fireworks. 261 CONCRETE S. McLennan Loop, Elm SERVICE Mott, Texas. Fountain Fireworks starting at $1.50. Driveways Cake fireworks 200 gram Patios starting at $2.25 and 500 Sidewalks gram starting at $23.50 , Jobs of All Sizes (254) 829-0947. Free Estimates Baby pigs and feeder pigs. (254) 447-2117 (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251 Ground Work Shredding Ballew Land SerPost Hole Digging vices, LLC We specialize Rototilling in removing: Underbrush, trees, mesquite & grubMinor Lot Clearing bing. Shredding, clearDirt Leveling ing, thinning pastures, (254) 405-0323 driveway work & more! 1-254-307-1940 Veteran Farm Equipment. 3 Owned PT. Hookups, Box Blade, Over 200 Cow Hides, Hay Fork, Spreader, Auger, guns, large selection of and more! Priced half of Ammo. Come to Rodeo retail! Axtell Area. (254) Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson 366-2925 Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Disabled Family Saul Jaramillo wants to lease ranch or small farm with barn Concrete and 3 bedrooms, one or Construction two story farm house or Specializing: mobile home. House can Driveways be fixer upper, but nothing major. Between ValSidewalks ley Mills and McGregor Patios or West on Hwy. 84, or Curbing South of McGregor. (254) Parking Lots 644-6703 Free Estimates Escobar Fence “No Job Too Big Or Repair Old Small” Build New (254) 498-4445 Privacy, Pipe, Two-L-Shaped Fuel Chain Link, Tanks with 12V Pumps, All Types almost new, one diamond Trim Trees plated. $300 & $350. 3 Spray Mesquite Point Equipment, Dirt Scoop, Box Blade and Welding others. (254) 707-2838 Hugo S eptic M ainte (254) 640-9783 nance, Contracts, Jose Repair & Installation. For a Healthier Com(254) 252-0984 munity 254-717-3562 B lack A ngus Grass fed fat bulls and heifers. Purebred gentle, 11-18 months old, $1,250. (254) 899-2558
June 17, 2021 Page 11
Farm & Ranch General
Farm & Ranch General
Excellent Prices Tree Services 18 Years Experience Insured Electrical Line Branch Trimming! No Job Too Big Or Too Small Free Estimates (254) 339-5130
DUMPSTER RENTAL • $225.00 Complete • Skid Steer • Demolition • Ranch Clean Up • Scrap Metal • Land Clearing (254) 307-9211
www.excellentprices treeservice.com
S mall Acreage Shredding,Small Clean Up Jobs,Custom Tractor Rototilling, Post Hole Digging. Call Richard White for Pricing (254) 749-9104 Texas, between Hillsboro and Meridian in Bosque County, 98 acres with old home. County road frontage, small domestic water well. County road access. Hunting for Deer, Turkey & hogs. All fenced, ag use in place. $940,000. Approximately 13 head of cattle and equipment at additional price, negotiable. Call Cornerstone Broker 254) 744-8038. kbrather@hot.rr.com
Farm & Ranch General R. JOHNSON Sand & Gravel Haul Off 6 & 12 Yard Loads Topsoil Washed Rock Sand & Gravel (254) 749-3863 (254) 799-4907 Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Beds, C o u ch e s . Ove r 3 6 0 Western Prints.! Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3031 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. RABBITS FOR pets and meat. Tamnuk, Californian, Holland Lops, Lion Heads, Dutch, Blue and White and Orange Harlequin. Mini Rex! Other breeds! Located in Mansfield Texas. 817-938-8472
James Wills Custom Shredding. Small Acreage. Axtell, Tx (254) 749-4675 McLain Dozer Service Dozer Trackhoe Maintainer, Mulcher, Dirt & Gravel Work. Call John (903) 641-6648 Gifts, saddles, jewelry & tack! Appaloosa Hunting/ Trading Post . 3031 N. investment/ Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) recreational 662-4803. property Anatolian Sheep We have some of the & Goat Pups 14 weeks best in Texas from the old. Mom & Dad on site. Hill Country (Edwards, Raised with sheep & Menard, Coke, Val Verde goats. (254) 493-3218 County, free ranging exotics), to South Texas In Stock for Immediate Delivery! Huge Selection! (Kinney, Duval, Live Oak County, whitetail, hogs). Dump Trailers, Bumper Large acreage or small. Pulls, Goosenecks, Perfect Contractor Unit! 14’ with 30 year fixed rate owner 36” sides, Tarp System, financing. Only 5% Down. Call toll free or email for Ramps, Loaded Out! Prices starting at $5,999 individual prices and terms. & Up. Flat Rock Trailers 800-876-9720 ranchenterprisesltd.com and Ranch Supply. (254) 420-1112
All Aluminum 16’ utility • Brakes On Both Axles • Super Strong Aluminum Rear Ramp Gate • Perfect For The New Larger UTV’s
ow n e l a s on
$ We Repair All makes of trailers
9 9 3,9
435 Enterprise Blvd.
(I-35 South)
Hewitt, TX 76643
Page 12 June 17, 2021
Farm & Ranch General
Farm & Ranch Implements
Building Materials
Livestalk trailer 14’ Enclosed Fair Tires, dependable $600.00 Firm. Heavy duty plows. 12’X24’ CarKewanee Bush Hog, wing (254) 707-2838 port 9’ Center over tandem, 24ft. Krause Height. (254) 644-3251 14ft & Rhino SRFarm & Ranch tandem 20 shredder, hard rub- Drill Stem Pipe, Fertilizer AppliImplements ber. (817) 277-4078 (817) Square Tubing, I-Beams, cation, INCREASE Metal Buildings, Angle 797-5314 GROWTH and Production Iron, C-Purlin, Metal rooffor your Pasture, Apply JD 630 Hay Cutter ing. We manufacture on N-TEXX 15-5-5, $23/acre, Conditioner $18,000. Site! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 30-10-10, $31/acre. Add Call 7am-7pm (254) 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 848broad leaf weed killer at 2244. 722-5692 $9/acre. Weed Killer only, DISCS, CHISEL Cee purlins, square $18/per acre. Contact Carp l ow s , m o l d b o a r d tubing, structural steel, Heavy los Morris 254-421-1276 plows, V-ripper, JD metal roofing, U-panels, grain drill, call for deEquipment sheds, will meet or beat JD 630 Hay Cutter tails, Tom Lockwood, any price! Bonz Pipe & Conditioner $18,000. 254-385-6487. Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, Call 7am-7pm (254) Trailers (254) 242-4850. 722-5692 CLASSIFIEDS WORK wonders. Call American Takehuchi Mini Over 200 Pistols, Rifles Classifieds, 254-752-0334. & Ammo. Come to Rodeo C & L E quipment Track Excavator 10HP C & L E quipment Sales & Auction Services. 3 cylinder, diesel enPawn. 3031 N. Robinson Sales & Auction Services. Farm Auction Saturday, gine, $4,000. New HolDr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. In Stock for Immediate Farm Auction Saturday, June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. land Skid Steer, Good Delivery! Huge Selection! June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. We will be live and online Condition $8,000. AtTractors Dump Trailers, Bumper We will be live and online @proxibid.com. Farm Im- tachments available. Pulls, Goosenecks, Perfect @proxibid.com. Farm Im- plements, Mowers, Trac- 72 Honda 500 MotorContractor Unit! 14’ with plements, Mowers, Trac- tors, Trailers, Golf Carts, cycle, completely re36” sides, Tarp System, tors, Trailers, Golf Carts, UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools stored, $6,000. AccesRamps, Loaded Out! UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools and much more added sories available. 1947 Case Show VA Tractor, Prices starting at $5,999 and much more added PLACE your ad in the & Up. Flat Rock Trailers daily! (903) 326-5802. daily! (903) 326-5802. great condition $1,500. clauctionservices.com next American Classifieds. and Ranch Supply. (254) clauctionservices.com Shredder available Tx. Lic #17297. 254-752-0334. $300.00. (254) 865-2112 Tx. Lic #17297. 420-1112 John Deere Backhoe 310D, Runs great! New Rebar now in Stock! tires, overhauled fuel Come and get it! ResiNOW system, recently packed dential Metal Roofing and hydraulic cylinders, Gates- Siding, Storage Buildings, : Was $ ville, Texas area, $25,000 Metal Buildings. We Deice r P inal OBO. No Texts! (254) liver and Unload! Pioneer 7 9 Orig 5 217-1723 Steel & Pipe, (254) 754$84, 2611 or (800) 662-2877. Tools & Open to the public! Steel & pipe- c-purlin, Equipment square tubing, U-panels, structural, custom cuts, contractors discounts. Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 242-4850. In Stock for Immediate For sale: U-panels, Delivery! Huge Selection! PBR R-Panel- 40 year Dump Trailers, Bumper paint warranty, panels cut Pulls, Goosenecks, Perfect to length, sturdier design Contractor Unit! 14’ with at afforable price. Bonz 36” sides, Tarp System, Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Not to Scale Ramps, Loaded Out! Hwy 6, (254) 848-2244. Prices starting at $5,999 Drill Stem Pipe, 2 3/8, & Up. Flat Rock Trailers 2 7/8, All lengths up to 31 Timber Framed Wood Barn Set. Liquidation and Ranch Supply. (254) feet. (254) 242-4850. Pay Only When Delivered Barn, Shop, Garage 420-1112 Rebar now in Stock! Extra Heavy Barn Siding THOUSANDS OF read- Come and get it! Pioneer ers every week. American Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, Rapid Assembly Plans & Instruction Discount Classifieds 254-752-0334 Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Iron, Expanded Metal, HBraces, Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. Custom R-panel Galvalume and color, (254) 242-4850. Rebar now in Stock! Come and get it! Square Tubing, Sheet Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Welding Supplies, Insulated and Non-Insulated Gloves. Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. America Roofing, Remodeling & Fencing Commercial Residential We do leveling and concrete work and complete remodeling. We build new houses, room additions. Quality Work Wind and Hail Damage Specialist Free Estimates (254) 7571625 Toll Free (800) 5237284 BBB Member Open to the public! • Deer Feed Steel & pipe- c-purlin, square tubing, U-panels, • Food Plot structural, custom cuts, contractors discounts. • Bird Feeders Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 242-4850.
In Stock for Immediate Delivery! Huge Selection! Dump Trailers, Bumper Pulls, Goosenecks, Perfect Contractor Unit! 14’ with 36” sides, Tarp System, Ramps, Loaded Out! Prices starting at $5,999 & Up. Flat Rock Trailers and Ranch Supply. (254) 420-1112 Tractor Repair Where it Stops, Or in the Shop, All Types of Tractors. Engines Clutches, Pumps, Hydraulic Cylinders No Pick Ups Call Gary (817) 357-5134
0 16,8
80% 214-771-6887
Vegetables and seeds ready to plant
• Wasp Spray • Farm and ranch supplies from the smallest to the largest of lots • Unique Gifts • Clothing, Boots and Shoes
Sudan Grass Seed
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Steel/Storage Buildings
BRADBERRY BUILDERS Supply- 30’x40’x10’ shop or garage building built on your lot. Includes: Steel materials, concrete foundation, building erection, freight (to central Texas area). Call for details 888-556-2967. Shipping containers $3,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (817) 3861800, Burleson, TX. 12’X24’ CarH port 9’ Center Height. (254) 644-3251 Rebar now in Stock! Come and get it! Residential Metal Roofing and Siding, Storage Buildings, Metal Buildings. We Deliver and Unload! Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 7542611 or (800) 662-2877. Cee purlins, square tubing, structural steel, metal roofing, U-panels, sheds, will meet or beat any price! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 242-4850.
Sporting Goods
1995 Astro Boat, 175 Mariner, Minn Kota Trolling Motor, Lowrance Graphs $3,900. Also have 3 room dome tent, never been out of the box $100. (254) 301-3114 Black Widow Recurve PMAII Grey bark, excellent condition, $550. (254) 223-1209
Guns and Ammunition
DON’T BREAK YOUR BANK! For as little as $5.00 per week you can place your classified ad with us in print and online! Plus- if you buy two weeks, we’ll give you two weeks for free! Place your ad today! American Classifieds, 254-752-0334.
Lawn & Garden
M owing , Weedeating, Edging, Yard Work, Leaf Raking, Hedge Trimming. Jason (254) 2298639 or (254) 548-5849 Engine & Electrical Mechanics Needed! Call (254) 754-6951. Reasonable Push and Riding Mowers. New & Used Parts. Call (254) 366-4631
Lawn & Garden Save on Planting! Vegetables & Seeds ready to plant! Chicks are here! $3.89 each. Deer feed, food plot, bird feeders, wasp spray, F&R supplies from the smallest to the largest of lots! Sudan grass seed, Unique gifts & more! Bar None , 7991 N. Hwy 6, Waco, TX 254-848-9112 Joey’s Lawn Service Mowing, Edging, We e d e a t i n g , H e d g e Trimming, Tree Trimming, Haul off, and more! Free Estimates (806) 281-2464 or (806) 544-8878 E&E Lawn & Tree ServiceTree Trimming & Tree Removal (large or small), Lawn Mowing, Mowing up to 5 Acres, Clean Fence Lines, Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup. Reasonable Prices. 20 years Experience. Free Estimates. Call Lathario 254-230-6574 254-3277483 1,0 0 0 Pride of Barbados Seed $650. Bell County (307) 6905145
Ground Work Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling (254) 405-0323 Mowing, Edging, Hauling, Leaf Raking, Clean Out Garages, Small Jobs also. You call, we haul top soil & gravel. We do painting. For Good Yard Work call Stop Sign. Your Trash’s Last Ride. (254) 349-2324 or (254) 2242161 Yes, We Travel!
20 Hereford and Angus bulls, 18-24 months old, fertility tested, ready for services. Caldwell area. Joey, 979-224-4698, Victor 979-446-2054 or Margaret 979-218-8336. 2 Female, 1 Male adult Pot Belly Pigs (make offer), 1 young Barbado Sheep Ram, 3 grown Barbado Rams (good horns). For information call (254) 729-0001 or leave message. Or Text Only (254) 645-0393 B lack A ngus Grass fed fat bulls and heifers. Purebred gentle, 11-18 months old, $1,250. (254) 899-2558 For Sale Guineas, Geese, Ducks, Chickens. Baby Chicks $2.00 and Baby Ducks $4.00 as they hatch. (254) 881-2022 Baby pigs and feeder pigs. (254) 447-2117 Limousin Heifers, weaning age, black & polled. Tremendous set will make outstanding replacement females. (254) 722-6543 CHAROLAIS BULLS Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701 Also Guineas for sale.
3 wk old Muscov y Ducks, $5.00ea. Also have grown ducks. (254) 315-0451 Will provide good A gulair ’ s home in the country for Prompt & Efficient any unwanted poultry! Lawn & Garden Tractor (254) 881-2022 Repair. 1624 N. 11th S ale Street. Or call us at H orse Cleburne, Tx Ever y (254) 749-7827 We d n e s d a y N i g h t GETYOUR FIREWORKS! @6pm. Good Riding OPEN June 24th 2021 - Horse Market, Top July 4th, 2021. Stars & Loose Horse Market. Stripes Fireworks. 261 S. Call I.W Ward (254) McLennan Loop, Elm Mott, 744-5563 or Trent (469) Texas. Cake fireworks 200 595-6870 gram starting at $2.25 and 500 gram starting at $23.50 Feed & Supplies , (254) 829-0947. C & L E quipment Sales & Auction Services. Farm Auction Saturday, June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. We will be live and online @proxibid.com. Farm Im- Save on Planting! Vegplements, Mowers, Trac- etables & Seeds ready to Chicks are here! tors, Trailers, Golf Carts, plant! $3.89 each. Deer feed, UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools food plot, bird feeders, and much more added wasp spray, F&R supplies daily! (903) 326-5802. from the smallest to the clauctionservices.com largest of lots! Sudan grass Tx. Lic #17297. seed, Unique gifts & more! Bar None , 7991 N. Hwy Escobar Fence 6, Waco, TX 254-848-9112 Repair Old Fertilizer AppliBuild New cation, INCREASE GROWTH and Production Privacy, Pipe, for your Pasture, Apply Chain Link, N-TEXX 15-5-5, $23/acre, All Types 30-10-10, $31/acre. Add Trim Trees broad leaf weed killer at $9/acre. Weed Killer only, Spray Mesquite $18/per acre. Contact CarWelding los Morris 254-421-1276 Hugo JD 630 Hay Cutter (254) 640-9783 Conditioner $18,000. Jose Call 7am-7pm (254) (254) 252-0984 722-5692
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254-752-0334 Cars
Only $220 month. 2021 Mitsubishi Mirage Hatchback. Sale Price $13,995 Call (254) 3996487 We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2011 Dodge Charger, Hemi, Auto, Leather. $7,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 Only $290 month. 2021 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport. Sale Price $19,978 Call (254) 399-6487 Credit Help! Let us help you reestablish your auto credit. It really can be done! Call us! (254) 420-4740 2004 Lexus LS 430, 115K Miles, Sunroof. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2012 Chevy Malibu LT, Only 123,000 Miles! $1,500 Down, $6,995. +TTL $156.00/month. (254) 339-1471 2016 Chevy Cruze Limited 1LT, $13,907 (254) 420-4740 FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! COME AND GET THEM! OPEN June 24th 2021 - July 4th, 2021. Stars & Stripes Fireworks. Firecrackers- rolls starting at $6.50. Strips staring at $.35. Artillery starting at $7.50. 261 S. McLennan Loop, Elm Mott, Texas, (254) 829-0947. We Buy Junk Cars, Call Us First! Satisfaction Guaranteed (254) 2142573 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2002 Ponitac Grand Prix, roof, leather, $2,250 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133
Only $232 month. 2020 Mirage G4 Sale Price $15,999 Call (254) 399-6487 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, InHouse 2010 Nissan Altima 2 Door, Auto, A/C, New Tires. $5,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 Only $220 month. 2021 Mitsubishi Mirage G4. Sale Price $13,995 Call (254) 399-6487 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat one owner! $57,895. (254) 420-4740
2007 Lexus ES 350 $10,995. (254) 420-4740 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2013 Cadillac ATS. Call (254) 776-2290 Only $365 month. 2017 Honda Civic. Sale Price $23,548 Call (254) 399-6487 C & L E quipment Sales & Auction Services. Farm Auction Saturday, June 12, 2021 @9:00 A.M. We will be live and online @proxibid.com. Farm Implements, Mowers, Tractors, Trailers, Golf Carts, UTV’s, Cars, Trucks, Tools and much more added daily! (903) 326-5802. clauctionservices.com Tx. Lic #17297. Only $349 month. 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander Sale Price $23,950 Call (254) 399-6487 Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2016 Ford Mustang. Only 66,000 Miles! $1,500 Down, $21,900 +TTL, $332.40/month. (254) 339-1471 Only $240 month. 2021 Mitsubishi Mirage Hatchback. Sale Price $15,303 Call (254) 3996487 Only $389 month. 2017 Honda CR-V. Sale Price $23,275 Call (254) 399-6487 Credit Help! Let us help you reestablish your auto credit. It really can be done! Call us! (254) 420-4740 We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 Only $245 month. 2021 Mitsubishi Mirage G4. Sale Price $15,675 Call (254) 399-6487 Auto Auction! June 24, 2021 @10am. No Buyers Premium! 30 plus vehicles. Call for more information! Randy Solberg #12677 (254) 709-6338 Only $343 month. 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander. Sale Price $23,620 Call (254) 399-6487
Car wanted! Must have automobile title and must be running and in good condition. Will pay $500 up to $1,500. Call Tony (903) 227-2498 Only $460 month. 2021 Mitsubishi Outlander. Call for sale price! (254) 399-6487 Save on Planting! Vegetables & Seeds ready to plant! Chicks are here! $3.89 each. Deer feed, food plot, bird feeders, wasp spray, F&R supplies from the smallest to the largest of lots! Sudan grass seed, Unique gifts & more! Bar None , 7991 N. Hwy 6, Waco, TX 254848-9112 Only $255 month. 2016 Mitsubishi Lancer. Sale Price $16,548 Call (254) 399-6487 2006 Cadillac STS, 107,000 Miles, Sunroof! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2015 Chevy Malibu, Auto, A/C, Tint $9,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 need your chimney cleaned, mobile home repair, party supplies, security systems, trees trimmed, or something welded? It’s all in the Business and Services Directory of American Classifieds. Call 254-752-0334 to place your ad. Only $199 month. 2020 Mitsubishi Mirage Hatchback. Sale Price $13,835 Call (254) 3996487
Classic Cars
1985 Mercury 4 Grand Marquis. Runs, Drive and Looks
Like New! $3,999 (254) 799-2650 We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 Auto Auction! June 24, 2021 @10am. No Buyers Premium! 30 plus vehicles. Call for more information! Randy Solberg #12677 (254) 709-6338
Vehicles Under $3,000
We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345. Credit Help! Let us help you reestablish your auto credit. It really can be done! Call us! (254) 420-4740
gileS MOTOrS
June 17, 2021 Page 13
financing available
2010 CHEVY 1500
2012 MAZDA CX-9
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bankrUTPcY? DivOrce?
We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030
rePOS? firST TiMe bUYer?
2004 LEXUS LS 430
nO PrObleM!
creDiT aPPrOval
gUaranTeeD! We help your credit rating by reporting to the credit bureau
1915 franklin ave. 254-756-1250
See our new inventory at:
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Hometown owners
Page 14 June 17, 2021
2014 ram 1500
2010 ford f-150
4 door, hemi
lifted, Auto, A/C, 4 door
2012 Chevy Tahoe lT
2010 Jeep CompaSS
Auto, A/C, 20’s
Auto, A/C
2002 ponTiaC grand prix
2010 niSSan alTima
roof, leAther
2 door, Auto, A/C, new tires
2015 Chevy malibu
2011 Chevy Cruze
Auto, A/C, tint
Auto, A/C
2016 Chevy SoniC lT
2005 ford explorer
Auto, A/C
3rd row, A/C
2006 ford f-250
1997 dodge 4x4
powerstroke 4x4
3.6l V8, reg. CAb
2003 Chevy Suburban z-71
2011 dodge Charger
hemi, Auto, leAther
Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2017 Chevy Silverado. Only 90,000 Miles! $1,500 Down, $37,850 +TTL, $589.00/ month. (254) 339-1471 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2008 Dodge Ram 1500. Call (254) 776-2290 Gator Truck Bed Cover for a short bed Dodge. $200 Call (254) 493-9904 (254) 493-9902 Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2016 Ram 1500 One Owner! $2,000 Down, $27,995. +TTL $435.00/ month. (254) 339-1471 1999 Ford F-250 Super Cab! Jacked Up! Ready to work! Has Tool Box! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español 2 018 G M C S i e r r a 2500HD Denali $66,995. (254) 420-4740 Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2016 Ford F-150 XLT. Only 99,000 miles! $1,500 Down, $25,700. +TTL $438.01/month. (254) 339-1471 We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2010 Ford F-150, Lifted, Auto, A/C, 4 door. $10,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab, Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2016 Ram 1500 SLT. 129,000 Miles! $1,500 Down, $25,995. +TTL $399.50/month. (254) 339-1471 Credit Help! Let us help you reestablish your auto credit. It really can be done! Call us! (254) 420-4740 We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345. 2010 Chevrolet 1500 Short Wheel Base pick up. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español
Business & Service
Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2008 Toyota Tundra. Only 143,000 Miles! $13,650 +TTL, $286.00/ month. (254) 339-1471 In Stock for Immediate Delivery! Huge Selection! Dump Trailers, Bumper Pulls, Goosenecks, Perfect Contractor Unit! 14’ with 36” sides, Tarp System, Ramps, Loaded Out! Prices starting at $5,999 & Up. Flat Rock Trailers and Ranch Supply. (254) 420-1112 We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Certified appraisers on-site, no obligation to buy. Transportation after the sale available by request! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your car and TERMINATE your existing loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 1997 Dodge 4X4, 3.6L, V8, Regular Cab $3,995 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 2016 Ram 1500 Sport $38,988. (254) 420-4740 1996 GMC Pickup Extended Cab, 6 cylinder. Loaded! Runs Good. Asking $1,500. (254) 230-8013 Auto Auction! June 24, 2021 @10am. No Buyers Premium! 30 plus vehicles. Call for more information! Randy Solberg #12677 (254) 709-6338 2017 Ram 1500 Laramie $31,473. (254) 420-4740 Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2016 Chevy Silverado $2,000 Down, $36,980. +TTL $489.49/ month. (254) 339-1471 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, InHouse 2006 Ford F-250 Powerstroke 4X4. $7,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2018 Ford F-150 4X4 Lariat. Only 55,000 Miles! $39,995. +TTL (254) 339-1471
2011 Nissan Rogue S, AWD (All Wheel Drive). Wont last! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español Only $378 month. 2018 Honda CR-V. Sale Price $23,852 Call (254) 399-6487 2000 Jeep Cherokee 4X4, winch included. Good Condition. $3,800. (254) 855-9187 2003 GMC Yukon Leather, 3rd Row Seating! Lots of Room! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español 2012 Mazda CX-9, Beautiful, Grand Touring edition. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345. Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2003 Chevy Suburban Z-71 4WD $4,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2012 Buick Enclave. Call (254) 776-2290 2018 Toyota RAV4 LE One Owner! $21,995. (254) 420-4740 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander. Call (254) 776-2290 Only $675 month. 2020 Kia Telluride. Sale Price $43,995 Call (254) 399-6487 2001 Toyota Sequoia SR5, 4WD, 3rd Row Seating, Leather. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254756-1250 Se Habla Español 2015 Volkswagon Tiguan S $12,567. (254) 420-4740 2016 Buick Enclave Leather Group, One Owner! $22,995. (254) 420-4740 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2017 Chevy Suburban. Call (254) 776-2290 2005 GMC Yukon Denali, Lots of Room! Ready To Roll! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español 1983 K5 Blazer 4WD, rebuilt transmission, good tires, removable top, restorable, $5,500. (254) 366-2925 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2010 Jeep Compass, Auto, A/C. $5,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara $31,995. (254) 420-4740
2013 Chevrolet Equinox. Only 95,000 Miles! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2011 Ford Escape. Call (254) 776-2290 Toby’s Autos! We Buy Cars & Trucks! We Finance! Special Financing, Bank Financing, In-House 2005 Ford Explorer, 3rd Row, A/C $3,950 Cash. Call (254) 756-1133 Only $235 month. 2016 Jeep Patriot Sport. Sale Price $14,995 Call (254) 399-6487 Financing as low as 2.9%. Lenders Available Now! 2016 Jeep Wrangler, Only 40,000 Miles! $33,995. +TTL (254) 339-1471 2012 Jeep Liberty, Black. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español 20 09 Subaru Forrester, Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español
Only $265 month. 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport. Sale Price $16,995 Call (254) 399-6487 2008 Chevy Tahoe LT, 3rd Row Seating, Leather. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español 2015 Jeep Patriot. Only 45K Miles. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español
Is Your Honey-Do List Getting Out of Hand? Put an enD tO tHe LIst!
RV Lots Starting at $155 per month. 15 miles North of Waco (254) 6941269 Disabled Family wants 21 ft to 22 ft used stock trailer bumper pull. Would like it to be donated or let us make payments, any color, in good condition. Needed ASAP! (254) 644-6703 We pay top dollar! We pay cash as-is, Where-is! Sell us your travel trailer any Make, Model or condition. Cash paid at pick up. Licensed & Bonded, Locally owned & operated! Phillips RVs, 415-A North Robinson Drive. Robinson Texas, TX. 76706. 254-662-4455.
1995 Astro Boat, 175 Mariner, Minn Kota Trolling Motor, Lowrance Graphs $3,900. Also have 3 room dome tent, never been out of the box $100. (254) 301-3114
We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your loan or lease! (254) 562-3030 CASH FOR HARLEYS. G o t o W W W. B A R NETTHARLEY.COM, push the CASH FOR HARLEYS button. OK if not paid off. 800-736-8173 2014 Harley Sportster, 1,000 miles, Screaming Eagle, $5,000.(361) 212-4389 Victoria
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P.o. Box 8575, Waco, tX 76714
Polaris Sportsman 550 4 WD, 600 miles, excellent condition! (254) 266-4014 We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your loan or lease! (254) 562-3030
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We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-218-5345. We pay top dollar for your vehicle! Bring your vehicle to a dealership you know and trust! Bring your car and title. Have a lien? We’ll pay off your loan or lease! (254) 562-3030
June 17, 2021 Page 15
Your Mitsubishi service specialist
full synthetic oil change 4 With 0-20w Oil 4 Change engine oil and filters 4 Top off all fluids (brake, power steering and windshield washer) 4 Check engine air filter 4 Check A/C filter 4 Inspect brakes for wear and ensure they are working properly 4 Inspect tires for uneven wear 4 Insure all lights are working
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MITSUBISHI 4717 W. Waco Dr., Waco,TX • 855-840-0295 Service Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-6:00pm, Saturday 8:00am-2:00pm, Closed Sunday
2016 Jeep patriot sport #M0496A SALE PRICE
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2016 Mitsubishi lancer #M0432A SALE PRICE
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389 Month
Se Habla Español
(1) 75 MONTHS @ 1.99% APR, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. All prices plus Tax, title, and licensing fees. Financing with approved credit. Photos for illustration purposes only.
378 Month
2020 kia telluride
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675 Month 254-399-6487 $
We Will buy your car. top dollar for all vehicles - if you buy a car or not.
We Will buy your car. top dollar for all vehicles - if you buy a car or not.
Page 16 June 17, 2021
Please ask for Traci Douglas To geT Pre-aPProveD
4717 W. Waco Dr. Waco,TX
June 17, 2021 Page 17
no Payments for 90 days!
Rates as low as 1.99%
We Will buy your car. Top Dollar for all vehicles - if you buy a car or noT. 2021 mitsubishi mirage g4 Stk #M0482
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2020 mitsubishi mirage hatchback
Stk #M0383 msrP .................. $16,835.00 loyalty rebates ... $500.00 military rebates.. $500.00
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Month* 2021 mitsubishi mirage hatchback Stk #M0381
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Month* 2020 mitsubishi outlander
Stk #M0497 msrP .................. $29,150.00 loyalty rebates ... $750.00 military rebates.. $500.00
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Month* 2021 mitsubishi outlander sPort Stk #M0454
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Month* 2020 mirage g4
Stk #M0379 msrP .................. $19,180.00 loyalty rebates ... $500.00 military rebates.. $500.00
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Month* 2020 mitsubishi mirage g4 Stk #M0373
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Month* 2020 mitsubishi outlander
Stk #M0498 msrP .................. $28,820.00 loyalty rebates ... $750.00 military rebates.. $500.00
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Month* 2021 mitsubishi mirage hatchback Stk #M0400
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Month* 2021 mitsubishi outlander
Stk #M0447
call for sale Price
Month* 0.00% Financing available on Selected MitSubiShi ModelS** Se habla español
MITSUBISHI 4717 W. Waco Dr. Waco,TX
*75 Months @ 1.99% APR., W.A.C. With approved credit.
Page 18 June 17, 2021
900 W. Loop 340 • Waco Take The ImperIal dr. exIT
Our Goal is
Barbara delarosa
Se Habla Español
Don’t Be Discouraged With Credit Issues Bring a Current Paystub and Proof of Residence
WORSHIP with us Live Streaming Services
Sunday 9am, 11am, 5pm, 7pm
Sunday 10:45am
Sunday 8:30am, 10:50am
Fellowship Bible Church
Sunday 10:45am
First Baptist Church Lorena
Sunday 10:45am
First Baptist Church Waco
Sunday 10:30am
First Woodway Baptist Church
Sunday 10:30am
Sunday 10am, 11am, Wed. 6:30pm
Sunday 11am, 6pm, Wed. 7pm
Sunday 9am, 11am, 7pm
Sunday 8:40am, 10am, 11:20am
Sunday 9:45am, 11am
Moldbreakers Fellowship
Sunday 10:30am
New Road Church of Christ
Sunday 10:30am
Sunday 10am, 5pm
Sunday 8:30am
Sunday 10:30am, Wed. 7pm
Sunday 11:30am
Sunday 9am
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Sunday 9am, Wed. 6:30pm
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Sunday 10:30am
Sunday 11am
Antioch Community Church Christ The King Baptist Church Columbus Avenue Baptist Church
Grace Church Greater Waco Baptist Church Harris Creek Baptist Church Highland Baptist Church Meadowbrook Baptist Church
Parkview Baptist Church Peace Lutheran Church Rock Creek Church Seventh & James Baptist Church St. Albans Episcopal Church
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco
June 17, 2021 Page 19
financing as low as 2.9% lenders available now!
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2014 Chevy Silverado 1500, EcoTec3 4.3L V6 Flex Fuel, Automatic,
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too Many extraS to liSt
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*Not all will qualify at this rate . See dealer for details. W.A.C. All prices +TT&L. Prices figured at 2.99% for 72 mo. with $1,000 down W.A.C. Pictures are for illustration purposes only.
847 N Hewitt Dr. Hewitt, TX 76643
Page 20 June 17, 2021
even if it’s on it’s last leg!
14401 N. I-35 Elm Mott, TX 76640
3738 HWY 21 E Bryan, TX 77808