Words from the APFF
Event Information
History of the APFF
Asia-Pacific Culture Forum
About the 58th APFF
Industry Forum
關於亞太 58
Key Visual Design Intention
Filmmaking Expert Lecture
Trophy and Award
Spotlight on Asia
Co-Organize Team
Retro Film Festival
Organize Committee
APFF x FFIFA Independent Film Festival
亞太 x FFIFA 獨立電影巡迴展
FPA Head Delegates
Competition Films
The Jury
Spotlight on AsiaFilm Selection
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
親愛的亞太影聯成員,及來自亞太地區的評審委員、演員和朋友們,很榮幸的在 此代表亞太影聯秘書處熱烈地歡迎你們。
今年邁入第 58 屆的亞太影展,最初為東南亞地區為提倡電影文化交流所舉
辦的影展。受到於 1951 年在威尼斯影展上大獲成功的日本著名電影《 羅生門 》
之啟發,1954 年,首屆影展於東京舉行。自此,聯合八個城市的東南亞影展誕 生。隨著澳洲和紐西蘭的加入,影展更名為亞太影展,會員國逐增為 22 國。
從事電影行業的人口數量更是驟增,特別是中國。就像伊索寓言《 阿拉伯人與駱
駝 》中的駱駝一般。但因為亞太電影製片人聯盟已比以前更加成長茁壯,甚至有 許許多多的計畫即將為我們的成員展開。亞太電影製片人聯盟和亞太影展,在未 來會持續前進,以成為電影界熱情的先鋒者而努力,希望能藉此鼓勵在亞太地區 有更多在電影上的友誼和合作。 Words from the FPA Secretary
Dear FPA board Members, Jury members, artistes and friends from the Asia
Panchacharam P. NALLIAH (PANSHA)
a happy and memorable APFF 58.
Pacific member cities, On behalf of the FPA Secretariat I wish all of you a very warm welcome and The Asia Pacific Film Festival (APFF), celebrating its 58th edition this year, was first established as a cultural exchange program of films from the Southeast Asian nations. Inspired by the success of the Japanese Film RASHIMON at the Venice International Film Festival in 1951, the first SOUTHEAST ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL was held in Tokyo in 1954, with eight member cities. With the subsequent inclusion of Australia and New Zealand the name was changed to ASIA PACIFIC FILM FESTIVAL and the membership grew from 8-18 and it stands at 22 cities now. APFF has always been a grand event, gathering a large number of film professionals and personalities from the Asia pacific region. Moreover, the popularity of Asian Cinema, especially China, has soared in recent years. FPA in
its zeal to penetrate into China admitted a wrong entity into its fold and got into unprecedented mess. The new member tried to become the camel, as in the Arab & the camel story. FPA was founded by great visionaries and it shall and will not fall to any
sly camel. FPA is now stronger than ever with several programs lined up for our member cities. The FPA and APFF will continue to carry on its passionate pioneers’ mission to encourage further growth of cinema, friendship and collaboration in the Asia Pacific Region.
亞太影聯秘書處秘書長 ,Secretary of FPA
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展
非常有緣,也非常開心,我們等待了八年的亞太影展終於又回到了台北舉辦,我 是台灣電影界的老兵,曾經擔任過兩屆亞太影展的評審,一次在吉隆坡,一次在 雅加達,交到了許多亞太各地的電影人,真沒想到在 2018 年的夏天,我會以主
席,迎接來自超過 20 個城市的亞太電影人齊聚台北,共同參與第 58 屆亞太影 展的盛會。今年的亞太影展集結了台灣上下兩代的影人,在傳承與創意上獨樹一 幟,我們將竭盡所能讓亞太各地電影人賓至如歸,看看我們台灣年輕影人的作 品,也讓世界看看這個美麗的城市。
我在台灣台灣電影節拍片資歷超過 35 年,總共拍了 10 部底片電影與一部
數位電影,廣告與短片更是不計其數,在大學教書超過 35 個年頭,培養了無數 年輕人才我在 35 年的拍戲與教學生涯中,曾經 6 度擔任金馬獎秘書長,總覺得
應該要好好利用國際影展,將台灣優秀的影像人才推向國際舞台。今年的亞太影 展由我的學生洪馬克導演以及年輕策展人林瑋倫一起爭取回來,對台灣電影圈來 說是一個很難得的機會。台灣電影圈長期以來多把重點放在藝術與製作,但是電 影其實是一個面向很多元的產業,除了藝術與製作之外,還包括了宣傳、行銷、 教育、交流等,而國際影展目前已經是一個多元的平台,世界各地大小影展,承 擔起電影文化與電影作品的交流,我期待亞太影展可以點亮年輕人的作品。
略國際影展的交流活動其實才是參展的主要意義,擁有亞洲太平洋各城市加持的 亞太影展,對台灣無疑就是最好的國際交流平台,肩負著文化交流、觀光推廣與 影片拓銷的功能,能為我們不景氣的電影環境注入一股前進的力量。可以讓觀眾 看到更多來自亞洲太平洋地區、平常看不到的電影,這也就是亞太影展的價值所
在,我們所追求的國際化,精髓就在於「 如何用全球共同的方式,說出每個地方 的故事 」。
洪馬克是我 17 年前的學生,他建立了一個 FFIFA 國際電影節,長年在世界
各地推廣台灣電影,在全球跟將近 60 個國際影展建立合作關係,不但幫助台灣
電影走向全世界,更把全世界的年輕導演帶回台灣,因此這次爭取到亞太影展, 他邀請我擔任主席,我不假思索便欣然答應,更在眾多電影圈大老的支持下,組 織了一個堅強的影展執行委員會,在台灣電影圈上下兩代的共同努力下,終於催 生了這屆別具一格的亞太影展。
今年亞太影展的口號是「 對焦自己的光( Focus on Yourself)」 ,目的是為
了讓每個創作者以及電影愛好者把目光從外界拉回到自己身上,因此今年的亞太 影展我們努力走出自己的風格,跨越外界的風風雨雨,也不道人長短,以自己為 原點,從心開始,做好電影人的本分,這個精神反映在亞太 58 的各個面向,所 有規劃皆從這個精神出發,擦亮亞太,點亮台灣,也點亮每位電影人。
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
Words from Chairman of the 58th APFF⸺
We are delighted to once again be granted with the honor to host APFF after
LEE You-Ning
proud to say that I have 35 years of experience in filming-making and teaching.
eight years of long waits. As a veteran in the filmmaking industry, I could be I have produced TV shows and movies including ten films, one digital movie, countless TV commercials and short clips. The 58th APFF is now taking shape under the supervision of one of my students, Mark Ang and a young curator, Weikalossu, Lin. As a Secretary General for six times for the Golden Horse Award, I sincerely think we should use the opportunity that the APFF is granting us with to bring the movies and filmmakers in Taiwan to a more international level. For a long time, the focus of joining film festivals for people in Taiwan movie industry has always been on entering competitions and receiving awards. They have overlooked the advantages we are granted via participating in film festivals. Apart from continually improving the art of filmmaking and production, propaganda, campaigns, education, and discussion should also be emphasized. APFF creates a platform for each member cities to tell their local stories to the world. We are not only bringing Taiwan forward to the world but also redirecting many young directors from abroad to this island. This time, Mark Ang invited me to be the chairman, I didn't hesitate one moment. With the support from the veterans, we organized a complete film festival executive team. Thanks to the effort by two generations in the movie industry, a whole new APFF was born. Our slogan for this year is “Focus On Yourself.” Encouraging the creators and the cinephiles to focus on themselves, and strive to be who we are. No comments over the others will be made; instead, we focus on ourselves. This spirit is being reflected in every aspect of this Refined APFF, and Radiant Taiwan, and enlighten all the filmmakers.
第 58 屆亞太影展主席 , Chairman of the 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展
成立於 1954 年的亞太影展,已超過了一甲子的歲月,雖然被別人認為已經垂垂
老已,可是在我們的心目中它是永恆、無限、具有價值的,來自 22 個會員代表,
數以百計的電影從業人員,齊聚一堂,彼此切磋觀摩,凝聚彼此間的情感聯誼, 必定能夠增進電影藝術與技術的交流。
邁入第 58 屆的亞太影展已有將近 65 年的歷史,集合了亞洲太平洋電影製
片人聯盟 22 個會員城市,是亞洲及太平洋地區電影展上最悠久也最有指標性的
華語、亞系語言電影舞台,對於提升推動亞太地區電影走向國際都具有舉足輕重 的意義。然而亞太影展在台舉辦這件事,一路走來不被人所看好,電影圈許多大 老們都不認為這次影展能成功舉辦,面對外界各種聲音,我們並未洩氣而是想到 亞太影展是很多影壇前輩們,努力付出所堆疊出來的成果,因此我們更堅持要辦 好這次影展。
力軍,上下二代薪火相傳積極改革創新,台灣將在亞太影展史上建立一個重要的 里程碑。有新血的加入憑藉他們的熱情跟他們的堅持,讓逐漸老化的亞太能夠活
潑、燦爛蓬勃地發展,更希望藉彼此與國際合作交流,編織出更輝煌的電影史頁。 本人謹代表影展籌備委員會向與會來賓致上誠摯歡迎之意,期待今年的影展盛會 圓滿豐收。亞太加油!華人加油! Words from Vice-Chairman of the 58th APFF
APFF is seen as an ancient event, but it is permanent, infinite, and invaluable
Jeffrey KO
practitioners will gather in that moment, keep the friendships, exchange the
Founded in 1954, APFF has been established for more than 60 years. in our mind. Delegates coming from 22 member cities and hundreds of film technology and approve the movie art. The 58th APFF is long-established which has 65-year history, gathering 22 member cities of FPA. It is the longest
and the most indicative movie stage in Chinese and Asian languages, especially it pushes the movies forward international. However, APFF held in Taiwan has been doubted. Many people don’t figure that the festival would successful, but we never give up. We stick to hold this film festival in order to keep the achievements which the formers built. The longer the history has been, the more important this festival should be passed down. This year, many young people have joined in our team. Two generations try to make new changes together so that Taiwan would make a milestone in the history of APFF. For their interests and efforts, APFF will become younger than before. We also look forward to the international exchange. On behalf of the executive team of festival, I am delighted to welcome all of guests to this festival and wish the event could draw to a successful close.
第 58 屆亞太影展副主席 ,Vice-Chairman of the 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展
被取代的原因,乃在於黑暗中,一片光明凝聚了無數人的悲歡離合與理想。蒙太 奇的奇妙處,在於兩個不同畫面的衝突,進而衍伸出另一層更深的意義。而我們 進入電影院,每個人的狀態不同,因而與電影產生了奇妙的化學互動。電影人是 偉大的,需要的不僅僅是燒錢,而是一股打不敗任何難關,都要前進的衝勁。電 影人是令人尊敬的,他們在夏天做冬天的事,在嚴冬中拍夏天的戲。
二十二個地區的電影越來越好。生長在台灣,更希望這片土地醞釀出的電影,更 有生命力、更深刻、更動容。
本屆亞太影展以「 愛蔬食、愛動物、愛地球 」與綠色影展作為主訴求,提升
了影展被關注的高度,這也是前所未見的人道影展。希望藉由這樣的訴求,讓所 有與會者,真正關心地球暖化與動物扼殺的議題,當然,更加鼓勵往後能藉這些 議題融入電影創作中。 Words from Vice-Chairman of the 58th APFF
Although I am not a filmmaker, I love watching films.
Fanny SU
embodies the joys, sorrows and dreams of countless people.The wonder of
A film requires a collective effort to be presented on the big screen. It is fascinating and has not been replaced, because a silver lining in the darkness the montage lies in the conflict between two different images, which in turn leads to another layer of deeper meaning. And when we enter the cinema, everyone is in a different mood, thus we have a wonderful interaction with the film. Filmmakers are great. They don't just spend money, but also have an unbeaten impulse to move forward regardless of any difficulties. Filmmakers
are respectable. They do winter things in the summer and shoot summer films in the cold winter.
The Asia-Pacific Film Festival is the oldest film festival in Asia. This
year marks its 58th year, and it is returning to Taiwan after many years. Its extraordinary significance is self-evident. As a sponsor, I hope that the films in the 22 regions of Asia Pacific are getting better and better. Growing up in Taiwan, I also hope that the films produced by this land will be more vibrant, deep and touching. This year's Asia-Pacific Film Festival, with the theme of "Love Vegetables,
Love Animals, Love the Earth" and Green Film Festival, has also raised the height of the film festival. This is also an unprecedented humanity film festival. It is hoped that with such a request, all participants will truly care about the issues of global warming and animal killing. Of course, filmmakers will be encouraged to incorporate these issues into film creation.
第 58 屆亞太影展副主席 ,Vice-Chairman of the 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
1953 年,亞洲太平洋電影製片人聯盟 (FPA:以下簡稱亞太影聯 ) 成立,影展
第 58 屆亞太影展
史。現有 22 名會員都市代表以及 1 名觀察都市代表,是亞洲歷史最悠久的電影
台北代表 /
名稱從東南亞影展、亞洲影展,最終定名為「 亞太影展 」至今已有六十五年的歷
柬埔寨金邊,正式接任為台北代表。讓我們有機會睽違 8 年,在台北舉辦第 58
屆亞太影展。作為亞太影聯新世代的一員,我們身兼多項任務:如何讓「 舊 」亞 太影展,再創「 新」局。從此屆開始,透過更完善的評選制度、更友誼多元包容
的亞太都市舞台,讓點狀分佈的亞洲各區域電影文化,透過更有效率的網絡溝通 凝聚彼此。期許能為亞洲電影文化帶來新的方向,讓更多好的電影被世界看見。
今年的亞太影展主題標語「 對焦自己的光,Focus on yourself 」其代表著
不受流言蜚語影響,做好一件事。亞太影展籌備一年來,風波不斷。有千萬個理 由可以選擇膽小的躲在後面,但我們相信堅持自己的步調,自然而然那些極少數 能面對問題、處理問題、解決問題的人會陸續加入。特別感謝李祐寧主席、葛樹 人副主席、彩石珠寶董事長蘇怡、影展大使張鈞甯、洪馬克執行長,以及一路走
來相挺的各個事業夥伴們。沒有你們,就不會有改變與新的未來。 心胸決定視野、良心決定高度。
Words from FPA Taipei Delegate and Vice-Chairman of the 58th APFF
festival. Thanks to FPA, it’s genuinely a precious opportunity for us to hold the
LIN Wei-Lun
How to Complete the jury system with a more friendly and multicultural stage
The FPA was first founded in 1953, and now one of the most historic film
Asia Pacific Film Festival in Taipei. As a new generation’s member of FPA, there were plenty of challenges including, How to redefine the outlook of the APFF., for filmmakers and experts and connect them via the Internet regardless the distance and nationalities. The slogan of the APFF this year is “Focus On Yourself.” During the
preparation period, we have encountered many obstacles; nevertheless, we keep our rhythm and keep stepping forward. For we have faith in ourselves and are confident that many enterprises will persist in working hard to show excellence and support. Thanks to our chairman and vice chairman, CEO of the Color Stone, the Ambassador, CEO of APFF and the co-workers who work together to make this happen. Without any of you, we will see no new changes nor a new future.
With a wider mind, we see a bigger vision; with a kinder heart, we share a
higher nobility.
Refined APFF, Radiant Taiwan.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太影聯台北代表 / 第 58 屆亞太影展副主席 FPA Taipei Delegate and Vice-Chairman of the 58th APFF
影展的話 Words from 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展
這屆亞太影展篳路藍縷,但還是在各方的支持下走到了這裡,在此先感謝所有人 的幫忙。
值得,因為亞太影展意義不在於誰是第一名,其實大家都是第一名。台灣媒體的 態度一直以來都是拿到金牌就是「 台灣之光 」,沒有金牌就什麼都不是。爭取第
一名原是讓大家不斷進步的原動力,但這種「 萬般皆下品,唯有第一高 」的價值
觀,不該成為台灣唯一的態度。台灣不能總是「 短暫被看到 」,而是要「持續存 在著 」。第一名值得表揚,可更應該鼓勵的是那一大群還沒成為第一名、但正在 積極與世界交朋友的無名英雄。
上個世紀,有一大批連 ABC 都看不懂就去世界闖蕩的台灣人,當時沒有人
知道他們是誰,但正是有這群人不顧一切的冒險精神,才創造了台灣經濟奇蹟; 當大家不斷在世界上各個角落奮鬥著,台灣才能在這個地球村持續存在著。國際 影展的意義也如此,不只是第一名的獎盃,而是電影圈可以藉此認識更多國際友 人、交換經驗、分享資源、加入一個更大的電影家庭,這樣的交流重點不是誰是 第一名,而是連結每個努力成為第一名的人。
的身分邀請全世界來作客,希望能讓全世界每個很努力的電影人,在這裡都可以 交到重要的朋友,在這裡都是第一名。
Words from CEO of the 58th APFF
Mark ANG
People nowadays are questioned the APFF's reputation, was it worth to held again in Taiwan? For me, I would say yes, it's not essential whether the APFF is the best film festival or not. In Taiwan, the media would describe the one who won the gold medal is "the Glory of Taiwan" which is telling people that "You Are Nobody Until You Are Somebody.” To be on the top is the reasons kept motivated people surpass themselves.
But the values described "only the top could be best" should not trapped our mind. We shall need to exist continually instead of being a flash in the pan. The Winners deserve to be honored. But whom should be encouraged are the unsung heroes that are still trying their best to reach the world and make the world better.
For the meaning of the film festival, the attendees don’t focus on who will
win the first prize but concentrate on connecting everyone who tries to be the first one.
The festival this year has been full of challenges. We have no dare to say
that we did a great job, but we tried to be a host to welcome all over the world, look forward to letting the moviemaker who is hard-working can make the crucial friends and be the first one here. This kind of film festival is the pride of Taiwan.
第 58 屆亞太影展執行長 ,CEO of the 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太影展的歷史 History of the Aisa-Pacific Film Festival
亞洲太平洋電影製片人聯盟 FPA
Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia-Pacific 本組織是由邵逸夫先生在 1954 年發起成立的非政府、非營利的亞太影視民間學術研究團 體,其會員是亞太地區城市的影視文化團體。聯盟現有 22 個會員城市,包括:曼谷、北京、
孟買、可倫坡、達卡、河內、雅加達、卡拉奇、加德滿都、吉隆坡、科威特市、澳門、馬尼 拉、金邊、利雅德、首爾、雪梨、台北、德黑蘭、東京、烏蘭巴托、仰光等,於 2018 年 3 月加入的一名觀察員之城市廈門,明年也將晉升會員城市。
The non-government, non-profit, Asia-Pacific academic research group initiated by Mr. SHAO Yifu in 1954, other members are film and television culture groups in cities of Asia Pacific region. There is now 22 member cities of this Union, Including: Bangkok, Beijing, Bombay, Colombo, Dhaka, Hanoi, Jakarta, Karachi, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait City, Macau, Manila, Phnom Penh, Riyadh, Seoul, Sydney, Taipei, Tehran, Tokyo, Ulaanbaatar, Yangon, etc. Xiamen, one cities under observation who joined in March 2018, will also become member cities next year.
亞太影展 APFF
Asia-Pacific Film Festival 今年邁入第 58 屆的亞太影展已有 60 多年的歷史,是亞洲電影展上最悠久的華語、亞系語 言電影大舞台。具有拓展外交、文化、藝術、教育、觀光、經貿交流之功能,也是亞洲及太 平洋地區電影行業歷史悠久具有一定影響的電影藝術交流與培養電影人才的重要盛會。 APFF has been held 58 times, over 60 years. It is the oldest Chinese and Asian languages film stage from Asian film festivals. It owns the functions of diplomacy, art, education, sightseeing, economic. Moreover, it is also a historic and influential film art exchange in Asia-Pacific, and an important event to foster talents.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太影展的歷史 History of the Aisa-Pacific Film Festival
歷屆舉辦城市 Past Host Cities
東京 Tokyo
東京 Tokyo
22nd 1976 23rd
新加坡 Singapore 香港 Hong Kong 東京 Tokyo
馬尼拉 Manila
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 東京 Tokyo
馬尼拉 Manila 首爾 Seoul
東京 Tokyo 台北 Taipei 首爾 Seoul
東京 Tokyo
馬尼拉 Manila
雅加達 Jakarta 首爾 Seoul
台北 Taipei 首爾 Seoul
新加坡 Singapore 台北 Taipei
雅加達 Jakarta 首爾 Seoul
曼谷 Bangkok 雪梨 Sydney
新加坡 Singapore
雅加達 Jakarta / Bali
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 台北 Taipei
曼谷 Bangkok
32nd 1987 33rd
42nd 1997 43rd
52nd 2008 53rd
首爾 Seoul
台北 Taipei
曼谷 Bangkok
雅加達 Jakarta
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 台北 Taipei 首爾 Seoul
東京 Tokyo
雪梨 Sydney
雅加達 Jakarta
奧克蘭 Auckland 首爾 Seoul
台北 Taipei
曼谷 Bangkok 河內 Hanoi
雅加達 Jakarta 首爾 Seoul
德黑蘭 Tehran 福岡 Fukuoka
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur 台北 Taipei
雅加達 Jakarta 台北 Taipei 台北 Taipei
澳門 Macao 澳門 Macao
金邊 Phnom Penh 台北 Taipei
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
關於亞太 58 About 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太 的精神
今年亞太影展的口號是「 對焦自己的光( Focus on Yourself )」,目的是為了 讓每個創作者以及電影愛好者把目光從外界拉回自己身上。亞太影展的價值跟金
馬獎不同,並不在有多少「 強片 」參與競賽,相反地,亞太影展的價值在於可以 讓人們看到多少來自亞洲太平洋地區、平常看不到的電影,我們追求的是國際 化,而國際化的精髓就在於「 如何用全球共同的方式訴說每個最在地的故事 」,
所謂「 愈在地愈國際 」,因此我們希望今年可以邀請整個亞洲太平洋地區最在地 的電影一起來台灣共襄盛舉,在所有人都專注於訴說自己的故事、專注在自己身 上的那道光的時候,聚集在一起就是最美麗燦爛的煙火。
亞太 的頒獎典禮 跟以往有何不同?
今年亞太 58 的精神在於「 對焦自己的光 」,因此我們回到原點,從心開始。這
個精神反映在亞太 58 的各個面向,所有規劃皆從這個精神出發。舉例來說,今 年頒獎典禮舉辦的地點選擇在台北美福飯店,此地剛好是台北地區早期凱達格蘭 族的經濟生活集散中心;以往頒獎典禮的重點在於娛樂電視機前的觀眾,今年我 們把中心拉回電影人身上,希望讓影展回歸電影,因此採取了台灣史上首度金球 獎餐桌模式來舉辦,期待讓電影人在這裡齊聚一堂達到互相榮耀與交流的目的; 因應舉辦場地的不同,我們捨棄了常見的長廊式或是廣場式的紅毯採訪,我們採 取坎城的階梯式紅毯,直接運用美福飯店的宮廷式樓梯,讓與會者在大門下車後 走進大廳直接受訪,受訪完直接上樓參與頒獎典禮。除此之外,今年的頒獎典禮 規劃在於「 對焦自己的光 」,因此我們不再外求,而是注重在尋找這塊土地上的
術師、原生動植物展現、LED 光影的台灣科技表演等元素,希望可以讓來自世
界各地的與會者在短短三個小時裡面就可以「 感受台灣 」 、「 看見台灣 」並「 記得 台灣」 。
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
關於亞太 58 About 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
Spirit of the 58th APFF The slogan of this year is “Focus on yourself”, in order to keep the sights of creators and film lovers on themselves. The value of APFF is different from Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. The value of APFF is to let the public watch more movies from Asia-Pacific which we seldom appreciate, not to focus on how many blockbusters attend. What we are pursuing is internationalization, and the essence of internationalization lies on“how to tell the native story by the common ways around the world”, that means “Globalization”. Therefore, we hope we can invite the native movies from the whole Asia-Pacific Region together in Taiwan. When the moment that everyone focus on themselves, telling their stories, the sight you see will become the spotlight you be lighted.
What is the difference between the 58th APFF and before? The spirit of the 58th APFF is ‘’Focus on Yourself’’, so we back to the beginning, start from our hearts. This spirit reflects on every dimensions of the 58th APFF, our every plans are also based on this spirit. For instance, this year's award ceremony is held at Taipei Grand Mayfull Hotel where the Ketagalan’s economic distribution center in the early Taipei area. In the past, the award was focus on entertaining the audience in front of the TV. However, this year, we turn back on the cineastes to focus on the films. We adopt the first Golden Globe Awards dining table mode in Taiwan, and look forward to honor and exchange with other cineastes. Because of the royal staircase of Taipei Grand Mayfull Hotel, we choose tiered red carpet from Cannes Film Festivals instead of being interviewed on the square or gallery. Attendees will go to the award ceremony directly after they finish the interview on the red carpet. In addition, this year's award ceremony is to "Focus on Yourself", we wish focus on the local culture, art and stories rather than outsiders. Native artists and performers will be invited to perform the shows including the elements of aborigines, Taiwan Magician, prophyta, LED Technology, hope to let the attendees ‘’Experience Taiwan”, “Catch Sight of Taiwan”, “Remember Taiwan”.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
關於亞太 58 About 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
今年亞太影展目標是 The Goals of The 58th APFF
Refined APFF, Radiant Taiwan 擦亮亞太,點亮台灣 亞太影展歷史悠久,1954 創辦至今已經 65 年,為亞太地區最重要的友誼性影展。歷經
65 年,雖然創造了許多不朽的紀錄,但是也 已經漸漸步入老年,亟需改革與創新,今年來 自台灣的洪馬克與林瑋倫之所以可以爭取到第 58 屆亞太影展主辦權,就是因為提出許多改 革性的計畫,讓亞太影聯眼睛為之一亮,預計 若一切計畫順利完成,2018 年將在台灣成為 亞太影展的分水嶺,從 2019 年開始,亞太影 展就是一個全新的影展,台灣將在亞太影展史 上建立一個重要的里程碑。 右側為今年亞太影展重要改革項目: APFF which is the most important film festival in Asia-Pacific and has been long-established held for 65 years since 1954. In the past six decades, APFF broke several records. However, it is generally out of date and has lacks of reform and innovation. This year, Mark ANG and LIN, WeiLun who comes from Taiwan has been chosen by the Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia-Pacific (FPA) to host the 58th APFF because of the reform of the plans they issued make an impression on the members of FPA. It is expected that the success of these plans will become APFF’s watershed in Taiwan, 2018. After 2018, APFF will be a brand new film festival. Taiwan will build an important milestone in the history of APFF. The following are the important reforms of this year:
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
External Review For a Reliable and Fair Vote 首度採用外部評審
亞太影展的決賽評審團歷年來皆由理事會成員 推薦投票選出,為了替亞太影展帶來新高度, 今年台灣特別提出新增外部評審的建議,經過 理事會投票,最後決議通過台灣的提案,未來 決選的評審團將有 4 個名額可由主辦城市推
薦亞太理事城市以外的電影界專業人士參與, 從此開始亞太影展進入一個新世紀。
Over the years, the Jury of APFF has nominated by the FPA board members. This year, Taipei has actively proposed to add in external reviews. For the first time, APFF takes external reviews into account to promote Asia-Pacific Film to a new level. Approval by the FPA, the host city could recommend 4 juries who are non-FPA board member's city. With this massive change, AsiaPacific Film enters a new era.
關於亞太 58 About 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
New Media: a New Competition Category 新媒體的競賽項目
近年來透過網路平台放映的新媒體盛行,在全 球催生無數優秀的影像創作者,但是重要影展 都尚未將新媒體列入競賽項目,此股創作能量 不可忽視,因此今年台灣特別提議將新媒體列 入競賽項目,亞太影聯毫無異議一致通過。 Recently, numbers of films are broadcasting through the online platform. Even if the whole world holds countless outstanding filmmakers, those famous film festivals do not accept New Online Media as a category. However, these massive creative artists cannot be ignored. Thus, this year, Taipei proposed to include New Media as the competition category. Every FPA board members accept approvement without any arguments.
Online Application & Election
以往的影展的報名評審作業都是用實體檔案進 行,但是亞太影展涵蓋 20 多個城市,要進行 實體檔案的收集是一個大工程,今年特別在台 灣的提議下,建置了網路線上報名系統與評審 系統,除了決選的最後一刻召開實體的評審會 議之外,其餘作業流程皆透過網路線上進行, 如此一來不但可以突破時區的差異,更可以減 少作業成本,節省相關經費。 Paperwork is always the significant documentary files to apply to every film workshop. However, APFF has covered more than 20 cities. Hence, it takes significant work to collect every paperwork documents. Today, at Taipei’s suggestion, online application and film jury system is developed and highly functioning. This system helps to overcome time and time differences, reduce the cost of operation.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
關於亞太 58 About 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
1. 推動亞太影展年輕化,擦亮亞太,點亮台灣 2. 國際影視人才交流,創造電影藝術、商業新方向 3. 為台灣電影與電影工作者爭取最大曝光與優勢 4. 促進民眾、產業、創作者以及國際創作者交流 5. 透過承辦大型國際活動,促進台灣電影與觀光產業
核心目標 Core Goals
1. Make AFPP much closer to young generations than ever/ make Asia-Pacific and Taiwan brighter. 2. Promote international interaction between film workers/ develop new direction of film arts and business. 3. Strive more opportunities for showing Taiwanese films to the world. 4. Promote opportunities for interaction between people, these industries, and native or international creators. 5. Promote film and tourism in Taiwan through holding huge international events.
亞太影展每年預計平均超過 15 個會員國參與 , 每個城市平均推薦 5 部該國當年最優秀的作品 參賽,每部作品的導演、製片與演員平均 5 名
成員出席,來自全球超過 100 名電影產業重量 級人士聚會,此外更有來自全球的評審、藝人、 電影廠商參與,除了頒獎典禮、紅地毯之外,更 有來自 25 個國家的理事的年度峰會。 In average, 15 members will participate in AFPP each year and each member usually recommends three best works to take part in the festival. In average, 5 of staffs from each work will attend AFPP, so there will be more than 100 excellent film workers show up in this very event. In addition, numerous judges, artist and businesspersons from a lot of countries will be there as well. Besides award festival and the red carpet, a summit held by directors from 25 countries will start at the same time.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
多國共同參與盛事 Collaboration from Numerous Countries
關於亞太 58 About 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
在臺舉辦展現軟實力 Soft Power in Taiwan
在亞太影展 65 年的歷史裡面,台灣曾經 10
度取得主辦權,台灣對亞太影展來說是一個很 重要的夥伴,亞太影展長期以來也是台灣在國 際發聲的重要管道。亞洲電影製片人聯盟是一 個交流性質的聯盟,而亞太影展最大目的即為 各國文化的交流,因此對台灣而言 , 亞太影展 也是展示文化軟實力與觀光資源的最佳平臺。
AFPP was held in Taiwan for 10 times in the past 65 years. Taiwan is an important partner for APFF and AFPP is one of the most important international associations which helps Taiwan to speak out to the world. AFPP is an association for interaction, and the most important goal is promoting international interaction as well. Therefore, AFPP is the most significant association to show cultural power and tourism resources for Taiwan.
台灣與國際: 執行經驗能力
Taiwan and the World : Our Experience
執行長洪馬克長期於全球推動國際影展串連計 畫,2016 年首度舉辦 FFIFA 國際電影節,
當年參賽導演皆喻為「 最有質感民間影展 」, 藉由舉辦本屆亞太影展,更能持續累積台灣電 影產業及相關人員國際活動經驗能力。
Mark ANG, CEO of the 58th APFF, has been connecting international film festivals from Asia, America and Europe, promoting independent films and filmmakers to all over the world. In 2016, he established FFIFA, Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awards, being complimented as "the most qualified private film festival in Taiwan” by all the attendees. In 2017, there have been already 60 film festivals connected by Mark Ang. Mark collaborated with the famous International Film Festival in Tokyo such as Short Short and in USA such as Utah Film Festival. After that, there were nearly 600 works from 55 countries joint the 2nd FFIFA in seven days. There were 11 forums, 16 speakers, 6 equipment businesspersons in the festival. The scale made it the biggest independent film festival in Asia. We expect ourselves to be experienced in these activities through holding the 58th AFPP.
Promote International Interaction 第 58 屆亞太影展除了各城市理事國蒞臨與會 之外,我們更邀請了各國駐台代表與會交流, 影展規劃之大師論壇與講堂更是一個將華語電 影市場產業經驗分享給亞太各國的絕佳機會, 透過論壇、亞太之夜、小旅行等活動,得以讓 台北成為國際影視產業的交流平台,更可促進 觀光、產業以及教育等影視相關領域的交流。
In the 58th. AFPP, besides all FPA members, representatives from important countries in Southeast Asia, America and Europe will share their experience and take part in activities such as Taipei Night and Master’s Forums. APFF is a great platform for interaction and networking for filmmaking industries.Meanwhile, we can promote interaction on tourism, industries, education, and any other fields related to films.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展主視覺設計理念 Key Visual Design Intention of the 58th APFF
LOGO of 58th APFF 第 58 屆亞太影展標誌設計
著大家齊聚一堂,互相榮耀、交流、分享、連結;眾多 的圓也象徵鏡頭的組成,呼應電影這種媒材是需要群策 群力才做得到的工程。左上角符號形似對話框,象徵電 影工作中不可或缺的溝通;左下角的符號形狀近似一個
避風港,呼應「 把台灣導演帶出去,把全球導演帶進來 」 設計師:王政揚 design by WANG Jheng-Yang
的策展理念;右上角代表月亮的陰晴圓缺,代表,一部 好作品隨著時間推移與累積而完成;右下角為全封閉的 橢圓,寄寓著圓滿、完整,並期待第 58 屆亞太影展以
台灣為重心把亞洲太平洋各國串連起來,成為一個完整 的連結。
The symbol combined with number five and eight. Look from a distance, there were four circles. These four circles symbolized that everyone get together to honor, exchange, share, and connect with each other. Circles also means the camera lens, correlate to the movie industry which needs the wisdom of the crowd. Upper left corner, the symbol which looks like dialogue balloon symbolizes the indispensable communication in movie industry. Lower left corner, this symbol resembles the haven. It means “Bring the Directors of Taiwan Out to the World and Take The International Directors into Taiwan.” The moons upper right corner which are dim or bright, wax and wane symbolize that a fine work finishes in the process of time. Lower right corner is in closed oval shape, it not only means complete, but also symbolizes to connect with each country in AsiaPacific center on Taiwan.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展主視覺設計理念 Key Visual Design Intention of the 58th APFF
Key Visual Design of the 58th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展主視覺設計 設計師:大象設計
design by Elephant Design
般,引領著觀眾走入各種動人故事的電影情節,又有如美麗的花朵綻放, 藉由土地孕育,講自己在地的故事,也期待來參加影展的各個國家,以自 己獨特的語彙,表現出各種多元文化的故事。 暗色調的背景表現觀賞電
影的氛圍,背後隱約透露出各種多元色彩,表現電影畫面在黑暗中漫舞的 樣貌,藉由這樣的暗,才能聚焦電影的光芒,進而讓大家看到隱含其中的 精彩。
Multi-level flexible material presents the rolling frames. As the spotlight, it leads the audience into different kinds of touching movie plots. As the blooming flowers, grow from the ground and tell their native stories. We are anticipating that the countries which participate in the festival would show different cultures by using their unique languages. Dark tone presents the moment we appreciate the movies, flushes the faint multiple colors, and resembles the frames flying in the dark. In front of the dark background, we can focus on the light, and let everyone appreciate the perfection inside.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
獎盃與獎項 Award And Trophy
最佳微電影 評審獎 最佳短片 最佳動畫 最佳新人
最佳紀錄片 最佳剪輯 最佳男配角 最佳配樂 最佳音效 最佳視覺特效 最佳女配角 最佳美術設計 最佳造型 最佳攝影 最佳編劇 最佳故事 最佳導演 最佳女主角 最佳男主角 最佳影片
Best New Media Jury Award Best Short Film Best Animation Best New Actor / Actress Best Documentary Best Editing Best Supporting Actor Best Original Music Score Best Sound Effect Best Visual Effect Best Supporing Actress Best Art Design Best Costume Best Cinematography Best Screenplay Best Story Best Director Best Actress Best Actor Best Feature
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
A Warm Southerly Gusts Through a Young Jujube Grove. Jujubes Grow Swiftly, While Ceaselessly My Mother Toils. 凱風自南,吹彼棘心。 棘心夭夭,母氏劬勞。 國寶雕塑師許禮憲 打造影展獎座敬創作者劬勞
創作者為作品嘔心瀝血,但光環常不在自己身上。今年 的亞太影展期盼將光榮回歸,聘請到台灣國寶級雕塑 大師⸺ 許禮憲操刀設計獎座樣式,傳達「 愈在地愈國 際 」的精神。獎盃鍍金女體,表母尊貴,喻影視者生產 創作如母育子,渴求作品獲得肯定。本屆影展期許創作 者追求外界認同時,也能將光環留給自己;底座搭配上 台灣特有的深色蛇紋石,以表對台灣土地的敬意,強調 「愈在地愈國際」的精神,藉由土地孕育,講自己在地 的故事,也期待來參加影展的各個國家,以自己獨特的 語彙,表現出各種多元的文化故事;立體雕塑隨著光線 與角度不同而變化,創造出三度空間的美感,且每個將 盃都有獨立編號,並由許老師落款,讓獎杯更能成為獨 創無價的藝術品,對每一位得獎者的貢獻及努力致上最 高的敬意。
The creators tend to not share the attention to themselves but made a tremendous effort on their creation. This year, the APFF pursue the idea of Globalization to focus on the creators. We engage the Taiwanese national treasure sculptor, XU LiXian to be the APFF trophy designer. A golden lady symbolizes a respectable mother, implying that creators are giving birth to their creations, hoping their work to have a bright future. The attached bottom made of the dark serpentine exclusive in Taiwan, which pays respect for our homeland. Emphasizing on Globalization. We narrate our tales on our native soil. Meanwhile, we expect every participating country to say to her stories about her own culture in her mother tongue. The sculpture alters as changing of light and angle, displaying the three-dimensional beauty. Every trophy has its unique serial number and the signature of Mr.XU, making each a valuable individual art piece, complimenting the contribution and achievement of the winners.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
聯合承辦團隊介紹 Co-Organize Team
CO-ORGANIZE TEAM 聯合承辦團隊介紹 洪馬克原本為 FFIFA 國際電影節主席,在得知台灣未來影像發展協會理事長林瑋倫成為亞太影展新任台北代表後,兩人便提出申請書
爭取第 58 屆亞太影展主辦權。在 2017 年 11 月初收到亞太影聯通知,確定第 58 屆亞太影展由台灣舉辦後,洪馬克便親自拜訪並邀請
拍片啟蒙老師李祐寧導演撥冗出任影展主席一職,李導演不僅是台灣資深電影導演,同時也是中華電影製片協會理事長;同時台灣媒體 教父葛樹人也在第一時間響應,答應出任影展副主席,協助媒體宣傳的重責大任。在主席與副主席的號召下,製片協會秘書長劉鵬翼與 台灣影視產業許多重量級前輩紛紛答應加入,香港電影導演會永久榮譽會長吳思遠更跨海相挺,一起推動亞太影展的籌備工作。
Mark ANG is originally the chairman of Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker (FFIFA). After knowing LIN Wei-Lun, the director general of TFFDA, Taiwan Film Future Day Association, became the Taipei delegate of Asia Pacific Film Festival, they together proposed to have the right to host 58th APFF. After receiving the notification confirming their proposal in November 2017, MARK HONG visited his enlightening teacher, the director LEE You-Ning, and invite him to be the chairman of APFF. Director LEE is not only a senior director in Taiwan but also the director general of TFPA, Taiwan Film Producer Association. In the same time, Taiwan media godfather Jeffrey KO also promised to be the vice chairman, taking the essential responsibilities for media promotion. The chairman and vice chairman gathering the senior filmmakers in Taiwan along with the Secretary General of TFPA, LAU Pang-Yik. Furthermore, the honorary president of HKFDG, Hong Kong Film Directors' Guild, WU See Yuen also participated in promoting APFF’s preparing work.
本協會成立於六十三年六月,丁伯先先生為本會創始人,歷任理事長 有張英、郭南宏、徐天榮、傅清華、楊登魁、蔡松林等,第十二屆理 事長是李寶堂先生。本會以推行電影政策,提高電影製作水準,擴展 國片國際市場,並團結電影製片人,製片機構及培養演藝人才、維護 製片人之公共福利為要旨。本協會在歷任理事長無我無私的奉獻下, 從無到有,乃有今日之成績,今後相信在李理事長暨全體理監事共同 努力之下,輔導電影製片業, 「 找好的劇本,找好的導演 , 找好的 演員 」,深信必能拍出好的電影,再創造國片美好的佳績。
Our association was established in June, 1974 by founder Mr. DING BoXian. Past directors include ZHANG Yin, GUO Nan-Hong, XU Tian-Rong, FU Qing-Hua, YANG Deng-Kui, TSAI Song-Lin with Mr. LI Bao Tang being the 12th Director. Our principle objectives are to implement policies on film, improve film production quality, promote domestically produced films in international markets in addition to unite film producers and production agencies, nurture talents in performing arts and safeguard the common interests of producers. Through the selfless dedication of past directors, our association has built and accomplished the current success from the ground up. With the joint effort of Director LI and the entire supervisory board to help the producing industry “find great scripts, find great directors, find great actors,” we are confident and firmly believe in our ability to produce excellent movies and create success for Taiwanese films.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
聯合承辦團隊介紹 Co-Organize Team
台灣未來影像發展協會前身為未來電影日策展組織於 2016 年 1 月 8 日成立,在協會正式成立前已為台灣影像發展,於國內外深耕,並於 全世界建立包含日本、韓國、澳門、香港、中國、德國、美國等亞洲
及歐美地區數十個影展單位。每年協助台灣創作者參加海外影展的作 品徵件、也有合作創造屬於台灣的作品單元讓世界各地能夠看到台灣 的軟實力。2014 與日本舉辦台灣動畫盃,至今成為台灣原創動畫推
薦至國際動畫影展的重要舞台。2015 年邀請東京國際電影節、台北
台灣未來影像發展協會 Taiwan Future Films Development Association
駐日經濟文化辦事處台灣文化中心共同合作舉辦東京台灣未來電影 週,希望將許多得獎的國際優質影像作品引進台灣,同時對海外宣傳 優秀的台灣作品,作為創作者與觀眾間、國內和國際間溝通的橋樑。
TFFDA is established on January 8 th 2016, and its precursor is Future Film Festival. Before TFFDA is set up formally, it had contributed a lot to Taiwan film development. It not only works in Taiwan, but also around the world. It had found tens of film festival units in the world, including Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Germany, US etc. These units help Taiwan artists participate in the creation selection of oversea film festivals and cooperate with Future Film Day to hold exhibitions of Taiwan creation, which could let the world know the soft power of Taiwan. In 2014, it held Taiwan animation festival with Japan, and since then, it has became an important stage for promoting Taiwan original animations to international animation festivals. In 2015, it invited Tokyo International Film Festival and the cultural center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan to together hold Taiwan Future Short Film Week in Tokyo, hoping to introduce award-winning quality creations to Taiwan and promoting Taiwan’s excellent creations overseas, which can be a bridge between creators and audience and domestic and international communications.
洪馬克影業有限公司始於 2005 年,創辦人洪馬克拍攝廣告起家,擅 長電視廣告、微電影、形象影片、電影等,其短片《 替生 》至今已在 全球累積 55 項國際影展紀錄。在拍攝影片之外更長年致力於促進全 球各種規模的國際影展交流與競賽活動,將台灣電影推廣到全球。冀 望未來能在亞洲建立完整的影像資料庫,搭建影像創作者的交流、投 資與合作平台,藉由這個平台讓台灣和世界各地的好片交流,也讓影 像創作者能互相切磋,攜手並進。洪馬克影業目前朝著影視創作的投 資、發行及各種形式的交流活動發展,2018 年洪馬克受邀擔任第 58 屆亞太影展執行長,期許能成為台灣電影路上的遠航者,也歡迎有志 者能一同加入,讓台灣電影接軌國際。
Mark established Mark Ang Media Co., Ltd. in 2005. He started his business off by filming TV commercials, microfilms, propaganda films, and movies are his fortés. HIs short-film, Replace has been featured in 55 filmfestivals around the globe. Apart from film-productions, Mark also made his effort in enhancing the interactions and competitions among various film festivals internationally. Hoping to show Taiwanese movies to the rest of the world. His vision is to build a complete film database based on productions from Asian, and further use it as a platform that encourages interaction, investment, and collaboration. Mark Ang Media Co., Ltd. is now focusing on film distribution, business investment, film festivals and competitions. Mark has been elected to be the CEO of the 58th AsiaPacific Film Festival in 2018, hoping to be the voyager on the path to the movies together with anyone who shares the same interests and connect Taiwanese movie industry to the world.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
策展團隊介紹 Organize Committee
主席 Chairman
李祐寧 LEE You-Ning
華民國電影事業發展基金會秘書長,曾任第 46 屆、第 50 屆亞太影展評審、多屆 金馬獎執行委員會秘書長。代表作品:《 老莫的第二個春天 》( 第 22 屆金馬獎最
佳影片 Best Feature )、《 竹籬笆外的春天 》、《 麵引子 》、《父子關係 》、《 老科的 最後一個秋天 》。
Taiwanese senior film director, producer, screenwriter and professor. 14th chairman of Taiwan Film Producer Association and Secretary-general of The Motion Picture Foundation, R.O.C. Jury of the 46th and the 50th APFF. Executive Secretary of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival several times. Quintessential works: Second Spring of Mr.
Muo (Best Film of 22th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival), Spring Outside The Fence, Four Hands, The Two Of Us, Last Autumn Of Mr. Ko.
副主席 Vice Chairman
葛樹人 Jeffrey KO
宬世環宇國際媒體集團總裁 / 台北縣縣政顧問 / 行政院人力資源學院講座 / 考試院 國家文官學院講座 / 世新大學傳播學院助理教授 / 年代數位媒體監察人 / 年代、
TVBS 電視台副總經理 / 民視電視公司新聞部採訪主任、副理、代經理 / 時報周刊 採訪、企劃主任 / 台灣汽電共生公司獨立董事。
President of DK International Touch Media Group / Taipei Country Policy Counselor / Civil Service Development Institute and National Academy of Civil Service Lecture / Assistant Professor of Shih Hsin University / College of Journalism and Communications / Controller of ERA Digital Media / Associate General Manager of Era TV and TVBS Media Group / News Editor, Deputy Manager, Acting Manager of FTV News Channel / News Editor and Planning Manager of China Times Weekly / Independent Director of Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation (TCC)
副主席 / 亞太影聯台北代表 Vice-Chairman / FPA Taipei Delegate
林瑋倫 LIN Wei-Lun
亞洲太平洋電影製片人聯盟理事暨台北代表、台灣未來影像發展協會第二屆會長、 亞洲插畫師協會副理事長、台灣動畫盃創辦人、東京台灣未來映画週間創辦人。出 生台灣,畢業於京都市立藝術大學院構想設計影像研究室。曾負責多項政府商務計 劃,服務大型企業擔任國際顧問。於後憑藉著多項實績,不斷受邀合資共同開跨國 新市場。
FPA Taipei Delegate., Chairman of the second TFFDA, Vice President of the Asiaillustrator, founder of the Taiwan Anicup, Taiwan Future Short Film Week in TOKYO. Born in Taiwan, graduated from KCUA. Lin took part in numerous business planning projects and been the advisory member for grand and international entrepreneurs. With his extraordinary knowledge and outstanding experience, he continually receives invitations for cooperation and investing in discovering new markets around the globe.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
策展團隊介紹 Organize Committee
副主席 Vice Chairman
蘇怡 Fanny SU
彩石珠寶銀樓股份有限公司董事長 / 彩石珠寶皇家俱樂部創辦人 / 2015-2018 FGA 台灣英國寶石協會顧問 / 我們這一家―毛孩中途救援捐款者 ( 經濟支援者 )/ 全愛素食狗園土地捐款者及其他中途支援者 / 動物援助者 ( 超過十年以上 )/ 維維 彩食 ( 純素 ) 嘉年華會創辦人 /2017-2018 中華全球蔬食協會顧問 / 上海非常素 餐廳股東 / 上海茹素公司股東
Chairman of Color Stone/Founder of Color Stone Royal Club/2015-2018 Consultant of FGA/Donor of Doggie's foster family, etc./Founder of VVFO/2017-2018 Consultant of China Global Vegan Association/Shareholder of two vegetarian restaurants in Shanghai
秘書長 Secretary General
劉鵬翼 LAU Pang-Yik
資深電影人,從事電影製作發行工作多年,現任中華電影製片協會秘書長,曾任第 33、44 屆金馬獎影展評審委員、中國電影製片廠廠長、漢聲廣播電台副總台長、 中央電影公司業務部經理、主任秘書。
Senior Film Director making film for many years / Secretary-general of Taiwan Film Producer Association / Chairman of China Movie Studio / Vice President of Voice of Han Broadcasting Network / Operational Manager and Chief Secretary of Central Motion Picture Corporation / Jury of the 33th and the 44th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.
執行長 CEO
洪馬克 Mark ANG
台灣新生代導演。現任福爾摩沙國際電影節主席、百大影展計畫主持人、中華電影 製片協會理事、台灣未來影像發展協會理事。爭取台灣舉辦第 58 屆亞太影展,獲 得聯盟一致肯定並以官方名義指定洪馬克為當屆亞太策展總監兼執行長。2014 年 發起百大影展計畫,帶著台灣短片至全球推廣,在計畫過程中逐步在全球建立合作 單位橫跨加拿大、洛杉磯、日本、越南、香港、北京、英國等地。 Directors of the new generation / Chairman of FFIFA, Host of the Project of 100 Film Festivals, Director of Taiwan Film Producer Association, Director of TFFDA. / Strive for Taiwan to hold the 58th APFF, approved and designated to be the 58th APFF CEO by the FPA. / Established the Project of 100 Film Festivals, brought Taiwanese short films to the world and gradually established a cooperative relationship at Canada, Los Angeles, Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Beijing, UK, etc.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
策展團隊介紹 Organize Committee
Panchacharam P. NALLIAH (Pansha) 亞太影聯秘書處秘書長
Allan CHEUNG 亞太影聯秘書處副秘書長
Asst Secretary General of FPA
Secretary General of FPA
Chairman of Taiwan Film Directors’ Guild
香港思遠影業公司監製 / 導演
WU Gao-Xiong
Taiwanese Film Director
QIU Shun-Qing
Chairman of Taiwan Movie Production Development
Chairman of Mei Ah Entertainment Development, INC.
WU Si-Yuan Producer / Director of Seasonal Film Corporation
SHEN Ke-Shang
LIN Tian-Gui Chairman of Arrow Cinematic Group Co. Ltd
LIN Xi-Hui
Chairman of TDPIF
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
LIN Xiang-Ping Chairman of Taipei Multimedia Production Association
策展團隊介紹 Organize Committee
XU Jia-Sen
導演 / 編劇
CHEN Jun-Rong
Spring International CO., LTD
劇本顧問 / 資深影評人
Script Supervisor / Senior Film Critics
YANG Chi-Chang
中華文創娛樂( 股 )董事長
QU You-Ning
氧氣電影有限公司導演 / 監製
Chairman of Hochan Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Chairman of Chinese Culture & Creative Entertainment
Director / Producer of Oxygen Film Corporation
CHEN Wen-Bin Director / Screenwriter
CHEN Hong-Yuan Film Producer
HUANG Mou-Chang Managing Director of Flash Forward Entertainment
YANG Li-Zhou Chairman of Taiwan Documentary Development Association
LIU Jing-Ling Director of Sun Ging Production House
LIU Yi-Dong 資深導演 / 影評人
Director/Film Critics
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
Panchacharam P NALLIAH 秘書長 Secretary General
⸺ 副秘書長 Asst Secretary General⸺
⸺ 副秘書長 Asst Secretary General⸺
金邊 Phnom Penh
孟買 Bomboy
張谷森 Allan CHEUNG
Chandra Kant JHA
Proshoon RAHMAAN
Ngo Phuong LAN
曼谷 Bangkok
河內 Hanoi
可倫坡 Colombo
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
雅加達 Jakarta
達卡 Dhaka
加德滿都 Kathmandu
Nancie FOO
陳逸峰 CHEN Yi-Feng 澳門 Macau
馬尼拉 Manila
林瑋倫 LIN Wei-Lun
OH Seok Geun
椎名保 Yasushi SHIINA
牟毅堅 MOU Yi-Jian
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
利雅德 Riyadh
首爾 Seoul
台北 Taipei
東京 Tokyo
德黑蘭 Tehran
烏蘭巴托 Ulaanbaatar
北京 Beijing
卡拉奇 Karachi
TAM Chung Leung 雪梨 Sydney
科威特市 Kuwait City 仰光 Yangon
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
評審團介紹 The Jury
潘夏 Panchacharam P. NALLIAH (Pansha)
亞太影聯秘書長。潘夏在電影產業中闖蕩了 50 年。他曾導演過 4 部劇情片、監製 16 部劇 情片及上百部的影集,他的電影在亞太影展及馬來西亞贏得多項殊榮。他在馬來西亞電影節 (FMM)、亞太影展,以及伊朗國際電影節有相當豐厚的經驗。 Pansha has fifty years experience in the regional Movie Industry. He has directed four feature films, produced sixteen Feature Films and hundreds of Telemovies and Tele Serials in Malaysia. His movies have won several major awards in Malaysia and APFF. He has vast experience being Head Jury and Jury in the Malaysian FFM, APFF and FIFF-Iran.
麥若愚 Michael MAI
資深媒體人、影評人、電影達人、電視廣播節目來賓,曾任金鐘獎、亞太影展、電影輔導金、 華語電影傳媒大獎、金穗獎、新加坡優電影等評審,台北電影節諮詢委員,電影分級審片委 員。著有《 麥若愚的電影世界 》。 A veteran journalist, movie critic and expert, and a TV and radio guest. Has been invited to be in the jury for Golden Bell Award, APFF award, Film Subsidiary Grant, Chinese Film Media Award, and Golden Harvest Award. He has also been the member of the advisory committee to Taipei Film Festival and Movie-rating system. He has issued a book about his view toward movies.
阿德瓦.香登 Advait CHANDAN
Advait CHANDAN 的代表作有:《 隱藏的大明星 》、《 心中的小星星 》及《 孟買日記 》。 其中,《 隱藏的大明星 》在上映後得到不少觀眾及影評的正面評論。更於第 63 屆印度電影
Advait Chandan is known for his work on Secret Superstar, Taare Zameen Par and Dhobi Ghat. Secret Superstar received positive reviews from critics and ten nominations at the 63rd Filmfare Awards. It won three Filmfare Awards.
Norman HALIM 身兼馬來西亞電影製作人協會主席及國際唱片業協會的亞太理事會會長二職,Norman 的 創意思考透過製作人的身份嶄露才華,為 KRU 贏得多筆國際交易、並得到數個獎項。包括
2010 年及 2011 馬來西亞影展最佳影片 Best Feature 獎,及 2014 年加拿大尼亞加拉綜合 電影節最佳家庭電影獎。
Norman’s creative talent shines via his role as the producer and has earned KRU international sales and awards including the best Film category in the Malaysian Film Festival in 2010 and 2011 and Best Family Film at Niagara Integrated Film Festival in 2014. Norman is the President of the Malaysian Film producer Association and Chairman of the Asia Pacific Board for IFPI.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
評審團介紹 The Jury
Truong Ngoc ANH 身兼演員及模特兒的 Truong Ngoc ANH 得過無數國內外的獎項。她也是一位著名的執 行製片人,在越南電影製作人中確立了自己的地位及專業精神。 她現在電視連續劇和電影 中都有極具指標性的演出。
Truong Ngoc Anh as collected many prestigious national and international awards for her work as both a top actress and a model. She is also a well-known executive producer who has ascertained her credibility and professionalism among Vietnamese filmmakers. She is now considered an icon with credits in 30 over TV series and movies.
Seyed Rasoul SADRAMELI 伊朗作家兼導演。從青少年實情就開始活躍於媒體及攝影界。並在 1982 年開始於電影界嶄 露頭角。Rasoul Sadrameli 曾多次擔任伊朗的曙光電影節與國際兒童與青少年電影節的 評審。 The Iranian Writer, Director. As a teenager, Rasoul Sadrameli was active as a journalist and a photographer, but he began his professional activities in the Cinema starting in 1982.
Rasul Sadr Ameli has been a member of the jury for Fajr Film Festival and the International children and young adults film festivals for many years now.
Tomoko KATAHARA 1970 年出生於日本 NAGOYA。 Tomoko KATAHARA 於 1990 年初在北京電影學院 ( 中國)學習,並於 2005 年在加州大學洛杉磯分校( 美國 )分校接受培訓。積極發展她在 經銷,宣傳與合作生產的事業,並在 2008 年成立了一家名為「 J & K 娛樂公司 」。
Born in 1970 in NAGOYA, Japan. Tomoko KATAHARA studied at the Beijing Film Academy (China) in the early 1990’s, and received training at UCLA (U.S.A.) Extension in 2005. After pursuing her career in distribution, publicity, and co-production coordination, she established a production company named “J&K Entertainment” in 2008.
Harry Priyomitro SIMON 擔任 30 餘部的印尼劇情片的攝影師及製片人 / 5 項最佳攝影總監提名 / 短劇《 白色,是愛 的顏色 》獲頒五項大獎 / 印度尼西亞電影節評審 / 第 53 及第 54 屆亞太影展評審
Involved about 30 Indonesian Features Films as Director of Photography & Producer / 5 Nominations as the best Director of Photography/5 Awards for mini series "Blanco, the Color of Love" / Jury: Indonesian Film Festival / 53rd APFF & 54th APFF
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展活動資訊 Event Information
EVENT INFORMATION 第 58 屆亞太影展活動資訊
08.24 08.30 08.24
08.26 06.15
150 Screenings, 37 Cooperation Unit in Taiwan 全台 37 個合作單位 共計 150 場
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
(台北 / 台中)
第 58 屆亞太影展活動資訊 Event Information
日期 Date
時間 Time
19:30– 22:30
活動 Event
地點 Place
Welcome Dinner
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 9 樓
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Piano Bar 9F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
08.31 FRI
09:00– 12:00
台北美福大飯店 9 樓萬福廳
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 9 樓
FPA Annual Board Meeting
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Wanfu Hall 9F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
08.31 FRI
08.31 FRI
08.31 FRI
10:00– 12:00
14:00– 16:00
16:00– 18:00
亞太文化論壇―卞洪登 x 柯楓 x 吳國正
台北美福大飯店 9 樓喜福廳
Asia-Pacific Culture Forum
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Xifu Hall
Current status of culture and business in Asia-Pacific Region
9F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
電影大師論壇―吳思遠 x 邱復生
台北美福大飯店 9 樓喜福廳
Filmmaking Expert Forum
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Xifu Hall
The Mutual Collaboration in TV and Filmmaking in Asia-Pacific Region
9F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
電影大師講堂⸺ 賈樟柯
台北美福大飯店 9 樓喜福廳
Filmmaking Expert Lecture
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Xifu Hall
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 9 樓
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 9 樓
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 9 樓
Ash Is Purest White―The Epic Romance
08.31 FRI
19:00– 22:00
Taipei Asia Color Stone Night
9F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
台北美福大飯店 9 樓鋼琴酒吧 台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 9 樓
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Piano Bar 9F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
09.01 SAT
17:00– 19:00
星光紅毯 Red Carpet
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號 1 樓
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Lobby
1F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
09.01 SAT
19:00– 22:00
第 58 屆亞太影展
台北美福大飯店 2 樓宴會廳
The 58th APFF
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei—Ball Room
Award Ceremony
2F, No.55, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
台北市中山區樂群二路 55 號
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
產業論壇 Industry Forum
台北美福大飯店 – 喜福廳
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei–Noble Meeting Room
08.31 10:00–12:00
看東南亞電影市場的未來 Future development of South-Asia Filmmaking Industry
藉由好萊塢在中國市場的發展現況,來預測東南亞電影產業的未來, 透過中美跨國影視的合作經驗,對照東南亞各國之經濟發展,結合整 體市場狀況以及中國電影市場的比較,促進各國電影人之間教育、評 論、製作和發行的跨國交流與合作,期盼能夠推動各國電影在他國電 影節或電影機構的展映等活動。
Prediction of the future of South-Asia filmmaking industry based on the fact of the development procedure of Hollywood movies in China. Improve the exchange, production, publish and educational collaboration between Asia Pacific areas. Hope to promote the activities of national films in other countries' film festivals or film institutions.
BIAN Hong-Deng 知名企業家,旗下擁有 16 個跨國企業。
Well-known entrepreneur with 16 multinational companies.
WANG Peng-Fei
KER Feng
WU Kuo-Chen
Chairman of America Hollywood Film & Television Media inc.
獨立藝術片中國導演,國際電影節競賽、 展映經驗豐富。 Chinese independent art film director who have international film festival competition, exhibition experience.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
Founder of Positive Energy Holdings Corporation Limited
電影大師論壇 Filmmaking Expert Forum
台北美福大飯店 – 喜福廳
Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei–Noble Meeting Room
WU Si-Yuan 監製、導演 / 香港電影導演會永遠榮譽會長 / 香港思遠影業公司。 Producer / Director / Hongkong Film Directors Association Forever Honorary President Forever Honorary President / Hong Kong Siyuan Film Co.,
亞太影視的合縱連橫 08.31 14:00–15:00
The Mutual Collaboration in TV and Filmmaking in Asia-Pacific Region 香港著名導演兼監製的吳思遠,為香港「 香港電影工作者總會會長 」 。 經常舉辦與香港電影有關的活動、會議以及電影專業培訓計劃等。而 手擁台灣、香港、大陸三地的媒體資源,年代國際影視公司創辦人邱 復生正在串連兩岸影視資源,更期盼能名揚國際。 近年中國電影以及東南亞電影陸續崛起,中國的連續劇、泰國的創 意廣告以及印度的寶萊塢,希望能透過亞太影展交流彼此的影視產業 技術資源,讓整個亞太影業共同向上發展,趕超歐美影視強國。本次 的大師論壇,希望經由知名電影工作者與影視大亨的對談,眾多觀眾 能夠從中獲取正向能量。 The renowned movie director, See Yuen NG, current chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers. Frequently holds events, conferences, and movie-making professions projects to promote Hong Kong movies.On the other hand, Qiu Fusheng, the founder of the Era Group is not resourceful of Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Chinese media, but also hoping to utilize these resources and further expand his experience to the world.
CHIU Fu-Sheng 行銷台灣電影在國際舞台屢獲國際大獎,將海 峽兩岸電影導演及演員推向國際舞台,使得華 語電影在國際影展占重要地位。
Marketing Taiwanese films and won international awards on the international stage multiple times. Bringing the film director and actors from both Taiwan and China to the international stage and makes Chinese films occupy an important position in international film festival.
In recent years, movie productions from China and South-east Asia are blooming. TV series from China, creatives commercials from Thailand, and Bollywood from India are all displaying a particular ambition to surpass the attention of the show business in Europe and the US. We sincerely hope that from the forums the APFF is holding, the audience will b receiving more positive energy.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
電影大師講堂 Filmmaking Expert Lecture
《江湖兒女》史詩級華語新片 08.31 15:00–16:00
Ash Is Purest White—The Epic
《江湖兒女 》講述了一段時間橫跨半個中國、穿越了 17 年的愛情故 事,除了把中國的「 江湖 」介紹給了國外的媒體,賈樟柯導演透過他 觀察入微的鏡頭串連起中國十餘年來的發展變遷和都市化過程,以電 影來訴說中國的故事。世界一直無情地變化,曾經的黑幫兄弟會雲散 煙消、人會老去,而友情也終將淡去。 當被問到自己的靈感來源時,賈樟柯導演表示:「 全世界的電影 都是我的靈感來源,在我的電影世界裡很少提東方和西方,電影就是 電影。重要的是找到一個人的口音,就好像我們每個人的講話口音、 節奏是不一樣的,這代表一個作者講述的方法,拍攝的方法。」 透過這次論壇,賈樟柯導演更希望能分享電影創作的思維,讓現場 觀眾能有更多的創作靈感。 Ash Is Purest White is about a 17 years of love romance that travels half of China. This movie not only introduced the concept "Ganghood" to the international media, Jia Zhangke but was also able to tell the story of the changing scene of Chinese society and the urbanization. The brotherhood is no-longer valued, people will age, and the friendship will soon come to an end. Upon being asked how he gets his inspiration, movie director, Jia Zhangke, usually says, "All the movies from the world. In my works, there is usually no apparent eastern or western influence. A film is a movie. I think it is crucial to find the right accent. For example, each person talks with his or her accent and rhythm. Which also shows the creator's way of telling the story, and filming the movie. Through this lecture, Director Jia hopes to share his cinematic mindset and provide more abundant creative inspiration.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
JIA Zhang-Ke 中國電影導演與編劇 / 第 68 屆威尼斯電影節 地平線單元評審團主席 / 擔任第 67 屆坎城電 影節評委 / 第 68 屆坎城影展導演雙週單元金 馬車獎( 終身成就獎 )
Chinese Film Director And Screenwriter / Chairman Of The 68Th Venice Film Festival Horizon Unit Jury / Served As A Judge Of The 67 Cannes Film Festival / The 68Th Cannes Film Festival Director's / Biweekly Unit Golden Carriage Award (Lifetime Achievement Award)
電影大師講堂 Filmmaking Expert Lecture
《 江湖兒女 》講述了一段時間橫跨半個中國、穿越了 17 年的愛情故事。
Ash Is Purest White is about a 17 years of love romance that travels half of China.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太主題巡迴影展 Spotlight on Asia
本屆亞太巡迴影展,從各城市觀摩片之中精心 挑選出共 10 餘部電影,更加入今年代表台灣 地區與其他國家進行角逐競賽單元之強片集 結,在多種類型片之中,小眾大眾皆能一次滿 足,將於台北、台中作巡迴放映,並結合影展 系列活動。部分場次放映後邀請導演、演員或 電影工作者與觀眾進行講座分享,讓喜愛電影 的觀眾近距離深入了解電影經歷及意涵,從不 同的角度看電影。 The Spotlight on Asial has selected over ten films including award-winning films Taiwan and from abroad. The wide variety of categories that are provided by the festival will be sure to satisfy different audiences. The screening will be touring in Taipei and Taichung, combined with various series of activities. The festival even invited movie directors, actors, and filmmakers to the afterscreening discussion, allowing movie-lovers to appreciate their works from a brand new scope to the process of making and the stories behind the films.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太主題巡迴影展 Spotlight on Asia
漂港 NOWHERE MAN 第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
放映場次表 Spotlight on Asia
台北市光復南路 578 號 B1
B1, No.578, Guangfu S. Rd., Taipei City
08.24 FRI.
哈囉!有事嗎? Single Day
梁凱威| 95min
Mad Artist
夜山明| 95min
Nowhere Man 張書瑋| 103min
The Albino’s Tree
08.26 SUN.
金子雅和| 85min
Twelve Muses 張凱智| 25min
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
放映場次表 Spotlight on Asia
C.C. WORK 兆基商務空間
台北市和平西路一段 15 號 3 樓
3F., No.15, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Taipei City
08.28 TUE.
勇往直潛: 我們的潛水人生
Land Divers : Our Diving Life 眭澔平| 94min
台中市公園路 38 號
No.38, Gongyuan Rd., Taichung City
出口:夢想肢戰 Way Out: D-Fight
08.24 FRI.
朱詩晴| 21min
二七部隊,1947 李佳懷| 48min
Starfish Girl WED.
武裝台中― Lock and Load
海星女孩 08.29
潘瑋杰| 57min
08.25 SAT.
From Now On
陳文彬| 85min
勇往直潛: 我們的潛水人生
Way Out: D-Fight 潘瑋杰| 57min
08.30 THU.
我是演員 The Actor
大澤樹生| 94min
Dad is Pretty
Soo-Min PARK、Sung-Gook KIM|94min
08.27 MON.
Land Divers : Our Diving Life 眭澔平| 94min
親愛的卵男日記 Bao Bao
謝光誠| 96min
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
亞太復刻影展 Retro Film Festival
RETRO FILM FESTIVAL 亞太復刻影展 本活動自由入場
熊南人映像工作室 20 年代台灣電影產業剛起步時,當時電影仍是默 片( 無聲電影 ),更有許多觀眾看不懂字幕,因此 便有了電影「 辯士 」一職,負責在影院現場搭配伴 奏樂隊為觀眾「 講解 」電影。辯士並不只是敘述電 影而已,常常還得負責替角色配音,再加上各種 本領讓電影「 更好看 」。為了貫徹傳承在本屆亞太 影展中的重要角色,我們特別與台南 80 年的戶外 電影家族熊南人合作,特別舉辦一場「 亞太復刻影 展」 ,預計於重映經典電影,並邀請辯士現場解說 以及音樂伴奏,帶觀眾一同回到默片時期的觀影體 驗,重新復刻回味嚐鮮。
In 1920s, when Taiwanese film just took off, there were only silent films. Though with subtitles, a big part of the audience wasn ’t be able to understand. Therefore, the role “ Theater Reopens ” took place, accompanied with live orchestras, explained the movies to the audience. Not only did the theater reopens describe the films, but often show their talent to do the dubbings, which added great entertainment to film watching. In order to implement the inheritance spirit of 58 th APFF, we specially cooperate with Bear Man Film, a family entity which has eighty years of experiences displaying outdoor movies, to hold the “ Retro Film Festival ”. Looking to show some classic films, along with theater reopens and live orchestras, we are to take the audience back to the era of silent film, re-experience the memories of old days.
地點 Place
Junxi 13 Junxi Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City
亞太復刻影展 Retro Film Festival
《老莫的第二個春天》Second Spring of Mr. Muo 08.24 FRI
1984 年發行上映的台灣電影,由本次擔任第 58 屆亞太影展主席李祐寧所導演,國民編劇 吳念真導演編劇,獻身公益長達 30 年,為人 和善的孫越孫叔叔主演。
《戀愛與義務》Love and Duty 08.25 SAT
《 戀愛與義務 》是一部根據波蘭裔中 國女作家華羅琛的同名小說改編,中 國聯華影業公司於 1931 年出品的黑 白無聲電影,由卜萬蒼執導,阮玲玉 及金焰領銜主演。
《花甲大人轉男孩》Back to the Good Times 08.26 SUN
露天電影院多半是配合酬神活動,某些宮廟特 地找放映師來播放電影回饋居民,同時也聚集 人氣逗熱鬧,大部份都會選擇熱鬧的賀歲片來 做放映。本劇主打親情,劇情有笑有淚,是 2018 年闔家觀賞影片首選。
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
FFIFA 國際電影節( 簡稱 FFIFA )前身為 電影櫥窗( 簡 稱 WOFFF ),由洪馬克導演發起的百大影展計畫發展而 來,百大影展計畫在 2014 至 2016 年之間在全球各大城 市舉辦台灣電影推廣活動,三年間跟全球將近 60 個國際
2016 年 12 月 17 日 首 度 在 台 灣 舉 辦 第 一 屆 「 WOFFF 電影櫥窗 」,在兩天內創下 9 成導演出席映後 座談、11 個國家參與放映、20 多名國際電影人出席、在 社群軟體上累積多達 10 萬人次討論的的輝煌記錄。因為 深獲得台灣獨立製片界的熱烈迴響,2017 年活動擴大為 福爾摩沙國際電影節( FFIFA )全球超過 55 個國家多達 600 部作品報名參賽,活動規劃也由兩天擴大至一週, 並規劃了 11 場國際論壇、接受了 15 個姐妹影展單元放 映、邀請了 10 家軟硬體器材廠商進行展覽,並與許多小 型單位進行連線放映,已成為目前亞洲最大的國際獨立電 影節。 在 2018 年,FFIFA 承 接 了「 第 58 屆 亞 太 影 展 」,
更將資源整合,將每年的獨立電影巡迴展擴大為「 亞太 x FFIFA 獨立電影巡迴展 」,並與富宇建設、草悟廣場 - 慢 聚落、台中市立圖書館、彰化縣文化局、花蓮縣文化局等
37 個單位聯合主辦,放映地點囊括圖書館、旅宿、露天 場地、咖啡廳、學校等空間合作,讓民眾在這些地方皆可 看到這些來自世界各地,在電視、網路、戲院都看不到的 獨立製片;全台總共舉辦超過 150 場獨立電影放映會,
成為台灣有史以來場次最高的獨立電影巡迴展。 本活動最特別的地方在於每個場次都有安排導演或是 影評人出席進行影後座談,希望可以參考紙風車的 368 鄉鎮計畫的精神,在全台各地進行影像教育的培育工作, 不但讓觀眾有更多機會欣賞更多元的電影,也讓導演有機 會在第一線與民眾互動,親自獲得觀眾的回饋,拉近創作 者與觀眾的距離,讓彼此更加瞭解,進而促進全民欣賞獨 立電影的風氣。 即日起開放網路免費索票,為響應環保一律採用電子票卷。
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Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awards (abbreviated to FFIFA) known as Windows of Formosa Film Festival (abbreviated to WOFFF), is developed by Formosa International Screening Tour (FIST), which originated with Director Mark Ang Between 2014 and 2016, some campaigns were launched for the promotion of Taiwanese films in major cities around the world. Thus, in the past 3 years, we have established the cooperation with nearly 60 international film festival organizations worldwide. The first WOFFF was held in Taiwan on December 17th, 2016. This two-day film festival set a splendid record that over 90%of filmmakers attended post-screening discussions, screening films were from 11 countries, over 20 international filmmakers took part in the event, and most importantly, up to 100,000 people discussed the event via social media. As WOFFF has got favorable feedback and enthusiastic response from Taiwanese independent filmmaking industry, the film festival is expanded to the FFIFA this in 2017. As a result, all of the worldwide submissions are accepted. There was up to 600 film entries from over 55 countries this year. Our festival events are going to be held for one week instead of 2 days only, including 11 International Film Industry Forum, 15 Sister Festivals Screenings and a Filmmaking Software and Equipment Exhibition where 10 companies were invited to display their products at the booths. Therefore, FFIFA becomes the most extensive international independent film festival in Asia. FFIFA hosts the 58th Asia Pacific Film Festival (APFF) in 2018, combining all resources, and extended the touring screening to APFFxFFIFA Film Festival. Working together with 37 companies and organizations including Fu Yu construction, Caowu Square, Taichung Public Library, Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau, and Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau. The screening takes place in libraries, hostels, outdoor venues, cafés, and schools. People will have access to over 150 screenings featuring independent films from all over the globe. The festival will also invite movie directors and film critics to join the afterscreening discussion with the audience, hoping to enhance and inspire the appreciation of independent movies. Free tickets are available online from now on. Also, to keep the environment unpolluted we use electronic tickets. To get tickets, please go to: https://passer.cc/events/APFFxFFIFA. Seats are limited, we sincerely hope to see you at our festival.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
THE 58TH APFF NONIMATED FILMS 第 58 屆亞太影展 入圍競賽片介紹
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Bad Genius Nattawut Poonpiriya 劇情片 Feature |曼谷 Bangkok | 130min 小琳,是一位用作弊來賺錢的明星高中生,因為新接下的工 作而前往澳洲雪梨。為了數百萬泰銖的酬勞,小琳和他的同
班同學必須完成國際 STIC 考試,並將答案傳送回去給尚 未舉辦考試的泰國同學們。
― Lynn, a genius high school student who makes money by cheating tests, receives a new task that leads her to set foot on Sydney, Australia. To complete the millions-Baht task, Lynn and her classmates have to finish the international STIC exam and deliver the answers back to her friends in Thailand before the exam takes place once again in her home country.
Nominated Award 最佳導演 Best Director
最佳剪輯 Best Editing 最佳編劇 Best Screenplay 最佳男主角 Best Actor 最佳女主角 Best Actress
最佳新人 Best New Actor/Actress 最佳影片 Best Feature
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Legend of Broken Sword Hero Bin BUNLUERIT 劇情片 Feature |曼谷 Bangkok | 122min 在阿瑜陀時代,拳擊學校聚集了許多頂尖拳擊手,並由各類 型武術的大師來指導。他們必須提升他們的能力、耐力及忠 誠才能成為學徒。但是傲慢且對自己武術相當有信心的拳
擊手 Thong Di 認為自己不需要接受指導。直到有一天, 一個無法接受的失敗重挫了他的自信心。為了重拾自信,
Thong Di 開始展開尋找武術師父的旅程,並立志成為阿
瑜陀時代最強的拳擊手。 ― In the late Ayodhya Era, boxing schools were places where great fighters gathered to be mentored by masters of various martial art techniques. However, to be accepted as apprentices, they must prove that their skill, endurance, and commitment. Thong Di was one of the arrogant fighters who was confident of his martial art skill and did not consider having a mentor as a necessity. Until one day, an unacceptable defeat left him heartbroken. To gain his confidence back and become the greatest fighter of Ayodhya, Thong Di’s journey to find himself mentors of martial arts started.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
A Little Wisdom
康宇琪 KANG Yu-Qi
紀錄片 Documentary |北京 Beijing | 92min 天菩提樹下。這個花園 2500 多年前,釋迦摩尼佛出生 在 古印度邊內東北部恆河邊上一個幽靜花園裡的山,被世人稱
為藍毗尼園,是全世界重要的宗教勝地之一。1997 年被列 為世界文化遺產。五歲的小喇嘛小柏克利和十歲的哥哥卓丹 已經在藍毗尼生活了三年。清規戒律的寺廟生活已然是他們 的天命。每個清晨五點 , 莊嚴肅穆的晨鐘總會敲醒在夢中游
離的小柏克利。作為藍毗尼園裡最年少的小喇嘛 , 小柏克利 渾身上下吐露著孩童貪玩又調皮的天性。諾大的藍毗尼被無 邊無際的原始森林所包圍 , 持為孩子世界裡廣闊的遊樂園。
小柏克利幻想著有一天成為世界的大英雄 , 幻想著有一天擁 有銀行都裝不下的那麼多錢…. 在哥哥嚴厲的管教下 , 小柏 克利不服氣 , 卻又打不過哥哥。在這些年紀尚小的小喇嘛眼
裡 , 十五歲的維嘉高大又強壯。維嘉是他們眼中的英雄 , 然 而 , 對於一個十五歲的少年 , 寺院的紅牆一經無法阻止一個 少年對外面世界的渴望…. ― A Little Wisdom is Yuqi Kang’s intimate portrait of orphaned monks living in an isolated monastery in Lumbini, Nepal. In the birthplace of the Buddha, we follow the daily routine of novice monk Hopakuli, and his older brother Chorten, left by their mother at Karma Samtenling Monastery. KANG lived at the monastery for a year prior to filming Hopakuli, Chorten and the other young monks. A Little Wisdom’s subtle rhythms and symbols evoke Buddist teachings while showing the contradictions between Hopakuli’s austere monastic upbringing and a child’s natural fascination and longing for attraction and longing for the world beyond Lumbini.
Nominated Award 最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Dectective Bizarrerie: Army Invincible 左丰銜 ZUO Feng-Xian
劇情片 Feature |北京 Beijing | 79min 閆飛查出上海近期發生的離奇命案真兇乃喪失神識力大無窮 的改造人,改造人四處殺人令社會大亂。黃俊以神笛之音控 制了局面,因而被段司令提拔成新任市長。黃俊聯手閆飛追
查背後真相,線索指向日本 731 部隊……閆飛父竟然也被
改造了。失踪一年的白凌突然出現要求跟閆飛合作聯手對付 黃俊,指出黃俊是個能力極強的魔頭,一年多前利用日本人 的實驗室復活了父親黃朗,更成功把活人改造成不死戰士, 妄圖征服世界。黃俊更是設計讓閆飛誤殺了自己的父親,面 對重重險境,眾人如何戰勝逆境。
― The massive chaos caused by a series of mysterious murders in Shanghai involving a cult group, a witch, and a Cyborg army controled by the sound of flutes. With Detective Bizarrerie, the enigma unfolds.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Lasting love
席世偉 XI Shi-Wei
短片 Short Film |北京 Beijing | 5min 老裁縫夫婦行走在這條熟悉的街道,品嚐著習慣去的面館的 麵食,老夫妻之間的調侃和拌嘴正是他們保險愛情的秘訣。
老裁縫在製作一件新的精美旗袍給妻子,紀念結婚 50 週 年,但當夢遊人醒來,空間回到了現實,老裁縫心裡清楚的 知道妻子在半年前就已經去世老裁縫的生活日常早已經是獨 自一人,只是老裁縫還沒有對老伴的離去釋懷。 ― The old tailor and his wife enjoy the simple things in life. Going to the noodle shop together, occasional
bickering and, teasing each other is their secret to keep their love so fresh. The celebration of their 50th anniversary became an impossible episode with the old tailor found himself sleeping walking holding a newly made cheongsam in his hand.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
顏值當鋪 關永忠
劇情片 Feature |北京 Beijing | 60min
《 顏值當舖 》的主要關注點其實是它的別出心裁的故事創
作,故事主要圍繞的是當下最熱的「 顏值 」問題,通過一個 一個故事牽扯出對顏值、金錢、人際關係等的深層聯繫,並
且通過男女主的奇幻之旅讓大家對這一問題進行深入思考。 ― This is a movie about people visiting pawn shops, having their appearance as their pawns instead of anything material. The story line revolves around the influence of people’s appearance, money, and relationships, and how they are valued.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Beautiful Arc 董元慶
短片 Short Film |北京 Beijing | 17min 在一個偏僻的山村里,總有些善良的叔叔阿姨給山區孩子 們,送些生活學習用品,期中一位留守兒童石頭因缺少母
愛,而性格孤僻,但是對打乒乓球非常感興趣,老師通過看 乒乓比賽,給孩子們簡易做了乒乓球檯,石頭不停的訓練, 終於在一次重要的比賽上,獲得冠軍,而他母親也去觀看了 他的比賽,為他的拼搏精神而感動。
― Story set in a rural village, about a child, Shih Tou, who is extremely quiet from lack of attention from the mother. Shih Tou's passion and persistence in pingpong gradually changed her attitude.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Soul of Himalaya 曾云輝
劇情片 Feature |北京 Beijing | 100min 一千多年前,神秘的珞巴人世居喜馬拉雅原始森林,與世隔 絕,一場突然降臨的災難將部落推向滅族邊緣。獵手達瑪另 崇為了解救族人,不顧族人的反對、巫師的神諭,冒著遭受
惡靈懲罰的命運出走部落,在藏地歷盡路途險惡和猛獸攻 擊,身處險境遭遇重創,在絕境中遇見智者受到啟示。在「 直
刺天空的長矛」指引下找到了「 南伊」仙境,卻險些喪命。 被救甘露洞,才得知能夠解救性命的並非傳說中的「 生命之
泉 」。雖然族人獲救了,但達瑪另崇和妻子卻同歸於雅江的 金色河灘上。
― The Soul Himalaya is a story about a tribal hero, Tamar, who fought to save his people from brutal extinction caused by a natural disaster.
Nominated Award 最佳美術設計 Best Art Design
最佳視覺特效 Best Visual Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
車床喬西 Lathe Joshi
Mangesh JOSHI
劇情片 Feature |孟買 Bombay | 104min 喬希在車床業擁有著高超的技術,人稱「 車床喬希 」。某天
被失業後他與家人的生活一落千丈。努力找尋方法生存時他 試圖去維持自己那早已褪色的招牌,然而終究敵不過科技的
進步,車床喬希的未來漸漸沒落在時代的演變。 ― Mr. Joshi fondly known as "Lathe Joshi" for his skill at working the Lathe machine is left jobless. While his family and the world at large, manage to survive or thrive, he struggles to retain his fading identity. Technology rules the changing time; the inevitable human price is Lathe Joshi.
Nominated Award 最佳男主角 Best Actor
最佳攝影 Best Cinematography
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Thinking of Him Pablo CESAR 劇情片 Feature |孟買 Bombay | 111min 由兩個不同時空的故事交織。悲觀且懶散的地理老師菲 利 克 斯, 在 青 少 年 輔 導 中 心 教 書 時 找 到 一 本 書, 他 深
深 為 之 著 迷, 因 此 受 到 啟 發 後 親 自 踏 足 到 印 度 的 小 鎮
那關於諾貝爾獎得主拉賓德拉納特.泰戈爾與維多利亞.奧 坎波之間的關係。
― Two stories intertwine over the time. One story is about the bond between Noble Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and Victoria Ocampo in the past and In the present, Felix, pessimistic and lazy teacher encounter a book that dazzles him, while he teaches geography in a detention center for minors and later he came to India (Shantiniketan) to search of spirituality.
Nominated Award 最佳造型 Best Costume
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
鋼鐵茉莉 Yasmine
Siti KAMALUDDIN 劇情片 Feature |汶萊 Brunei | 109min 「 有些夢想值得為之奮鬥。」愛情從來都不是一件容易的事, 特別是對雅思敏而言。夢寐以求的男孩阿迪回到小鎮,卻跟 她長期的對手德威在一起。雅思敏厭倦了學校生活,決定擔 任團隊領導人,動手整頓不被看好的馬來武術社。起初,雅 思敏的秘密活動很隱蔽,但是當她父親最終得知此事,他認 為這會毀掉人生,決意徹底將雅思敏拯救出來。
― “Some Dreams are worth fighting for” Love is never an easy matter, especially for Yasmine. The boy of her dreams, Adi is back in town, but he hooks up with Dewi, her longtime rival. Tired of her school and tied up in an underdog Silat club, she decides to take matters into her own hands and start leading the team. At first, Yasmine’s secret activities were well hidden. However, when her father eventually finds out, he decides once and for all to save Yasmine from what he believes to be her downfall.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Demons In Paradise Jude Ratnam 紀錄片 Documentary |可倫坡 Colombo | 94min 一位居住在斯里蘭卡的泰米爾電影製作人第一次從內部看內 戰。在 1983 年,因為針對泰米爾少數民族問題的騷動導致
斯里蘭卡分崩離析,並且開始了長達 30 餘年的內戰。還是 孩子的 Jude Ratnam 逃至泰米爾在北邊的據點。現在,
Ratnam 的前游擊隊叔叔從海外流亡回來,重新揭起瘡疤, 並認真地思考這個國家到底出現了什麼問題。 ― For the first time, a Tamil filmmaker living in Sri Lanka views the civil war from the inside. In 1983, Sri Lanka was torn apart by riots targeting the Tamil minority and a war started that was to last 30 thirty years. As a young child, Jude Ratnam fled to the Tamil strongholds in the north. Now the return of Ratnam’s ex-guerrilla uncle from overseas exile provides the occasion for a re-opening of these old wounds and an impassioned consideration of what went wrong.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Wind Beneath Us Nuwan JAY 劇情片 Feature |可倫坡 Colombo | 85min 電影開始於一個嶄新的早晨,一輛露營拖車從鄉村載著貨
物 前 往 鄰 近 的 都 市。 弟 弟 韋 安 甘. 科 許( Vihangaand
Kasun )居 住 在 遠 山 環 抱, 有 著 森 林 綠 蔭 與 潺 潺 溪 流 的
斯里蘭卡鄉下。家裡的經濟來源全仰賴一頭名叫「 蘇達 」
( Sudda,僧伽羅語中「 白色 」的意思 )的白牛搬運貨物。 然而,兩個外地人駕著貨車來到這遺世獨立的鄉村,偷走了 蘇達,想運到可倫坡的屠宰場。當家人發現蘇達失蹤了,四 處都找不著心愛的牲口,心中浮現了最壞的恐懼,甚至舉行
儀式祈求佛陀能讓蘇達平安歸來。在一連串的事件中,兩兄 弟意外地找到了偷牛賊,並開始追逐載運蘇達的卡車。哥哥 韋安卡( Vihanga )發現他們的追逐徒勞無功便放棄了;但 弟弟悄悄地搭上途中一輛載運蔬菜的卡車,獨自前往都市。 抵達可倫坡最大的果菜市場,科許引起了一位聰明能幹的女 子⸺ 妮安莎( Nihansa )的注意,便一同踏上了尋找蘇達
的旅程。 ― The film begins with the images of a travelling caravan, set against the dawn of a new day, where goods are trans-ported from a rural village to the nearest city. Vihangaand Kasun, latter being the youngest of two brothers, live in this rural district of Sri Lanka, in among the rivers, forests and misty mountains. Their family’s economy is entirely relied upon a white bull named Sudda (meaning “white” in Sinhalese), which is used to transport goods. However two strangers from the city arrive in a truck to this isolated village, and steal Sudda in order to take him to a slaughterhouse in Colombo. After discovering that Sudda is missing, the family search for Sudda all over, and fearing the worst for their beloved work creature, they even perform Buddhist rituals and pray to gods for the return of Sudda. During a course of events, the two brothers, stumble upon the cattle thieves and they begin to chase after the truck which holds Sudda, realizing that their pursuit is in vain Vihanga, the oldest, gives up the chase while the youngest secretly gets on another passing vehicle, which transport vegetables, and travels to city by himself. After arriving at the largest vegetable market in Colombo, Kasun comes across a street-smart girl, Nihansa and together they set out in search of Sudda.
Nominated Award 最佳故事 Best Story
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
給上帝的一封信 A Letter to God
Hemanta SADEEQ 短片 Short Film |達卡 Dhaka | 15min 桑特和單親父親住在山腳下孤單的房子裡。她獨自開船去偏 遠的學校上學。當她耳聞若有人寄出了一封信,就能收到回 信。因此,她寫了一封信給上帝,提到了她們極度的貧窮以
及對母親幸福的寄望,並且投到了郵筒裡。郵政局長看到收 件人是「 上帝」 ,打開她的信後塞了一些錢並給了回復,希 望這樣能讓桑特單純的信任不會被打破。
― The motherless girl Sangte, lives at the bottom of hill with her father in a lonely house. She herself drives the boat to go to a remote school. When she comes to know if someone drops a letter into the Postbox, it is received by the receiver. So, she writes a letter to God mentioning their extreme poverty and well-being of her mother and she drops it into the post box. The post-master opens the envelope and reads the letter seeing the receiver’s name ‘God’. The postmaster then writes a reply to this letter as well as sends some money with the letter so that her simple trust doesn’t break down. As a result, she continues her belief on God but mistrusts the postmaster himself.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Girl From Yesterday Nguyen Cao TUNG, Vu Quynh HA 劇情片 Feature |河內 Hanoi | 120min
Thu 用盡了一切的方法追求 Viet An,但 Viet An 似乎並 不將他放在眼裡,使得 Thu 的追求失敗的愈顯慘烈。Thu 最終才了解到「 女孩的智慧會隨著成長漸增,但男孩則是徒 增愚蠢。」
― When Thu was a kid, he was always proud of his intelligence and how he could easily bully his neighbor girlfriend, Tieu Li. Years later, Thu now is a high school student. He has a crush on Viet An, a new classmate who is very beautiful and an excellent student. Thu does everything to draw attention from and please Viet An, but she doesn’t seem to care and makes him miserable. Thu gradually realized that “the more grown-up a girl is, the wiser she becomes, the more grown-up a boy is, the bigger fool he becomes.”
Nominated Award 最佳攝影 Best Cinematography
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Tailor Loc TRAN, Kay NGUYEN 劇情片 Feature |河內 Hanoi | 100min 在與母親爭執關於奧黛生產的家族傳統事業後,如意穿越到
未來,並遇見了未來的自己。在這裡,如意遇到了許多麻煩。 她在 2017 年遇到了很多來自未來世界的人,與她一起旅行 以挽救她的家族傳統事業。最終如意也愛上了奧黛之美。
― After having an argument with mother about the family’s traditional Ao dai making career, Nhu Y travels to the future and meets herself who is living in the future world. In here many troubles happen to Nhu Y. And she meets a lot of people coming from the future world in 2017, travelling with her to save her family’s traditional career. And Nhu Y learns how to love Ao dai, too!
Nominated Award 最佳造型 Best Costume
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Way Station Anh HONG 劇情片 Feature |河內 Hanoi | 93min 改編自小說家 Do Phuoc Tien 的同名短篇小說,中途站 一片描述各個角色在追求幸福與尋找生命意義的過程中,充 滿了混亂與不確定,片中呈現了越南五光十色的多元文化底 下獨特的越南風情。 ― Adapted from the short story with the same name by author Do Phuoc Tien, The Way Station depicts the
confusion and uncertainty in the journey of finding happiness and meanings in life of our characters, from what represents the interesting and unique Vietnamese culture, hidden in the multi-cultured and colored of Vietnamese life.
Nominated Award 最佳故事 Best Story
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
My Son Is My Home Ngoc Dang VU 劇情片 Feature |河內 Hanoi | 84min 《 當你在家的時候》的背景是一個兩父子在寧靜的鄉村的故
事。父親很愛他的孩子,但卻有賭博的壞習慣。有天發生了 一件事,使得父親和兒子不得不逃到城裡,結果卻跟對方失 散了。由於他們從未踏足過大城市,在尋找對方的過程異常 的艱辛,因此他們都必須依靠朋友和陌生人的善意來尋找對 方。
― My Son Is My Home is the story of two father and son in a peaceful countryside. The father loves his child but has a bad habit of gambling. An incident occurred that father and son have to escape to the city and lost each other. In the midst of the hardships of a big city they never set foot, they both have to rely on the kindness of their friends and strangers to find each other.
Nominated Award 最佳新人 Best New Actor/Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Filly Funtasia—Episode “The Missing Student” Jacob ANDERSEN, Henrik ANDERSEN 動畫片 Animation |香港 Hong Kong | 24min 故事發生在獨角獸世界裡,非常魔幻的 Funtasia。而王國
的中心是 Funtasia 的皇家魔法學校,他們會從各個王國
中四處挑選小獨角獸,精通特殊技巧的獨角獸將成為皇家魔 法成員。劇情隨著一年級的學生,小獨角獸羅絲在校園發生 的日常及冒險。這天羅絲負責帶新同學熟悉校園,但她還有 另一項特別任務也在同一天進行。然而,新同學竟然在羅絲 為了執行特別任務離開的時候消失了。這個特別任務吸引了
潛伏在影子之中的黑暗巫師 Wranflum,他想偷走在這個
王國中所有的魔法,來展開他的報復行動。新同學的失蹤是 否也是他邪惡計畫中的其中一環? ― The animation take place at Funtasia, a rich magical place within the Filly World. At the kingdom center lies the Magic Royal Academy of Funtasia, which select Fillys from each kingdom attend to become magical royalty by mastering unique skills. Our story follows first-year student Rose, a Filly Unicorn, and her friends’ everyday live and adventure in their academic years. This day, Rose is in charge of guiding a new student all through the academy but she has another special assignment held on the same day. At one point, the student has disappeared while Rose is away for the assignment. Lurking in the shadows, that special assignment caught the attention of the Dark Wizard Wranglum, who aims to steal all the magic in the kingdom to make his revenge. Does the student missing is part of his evil plan?
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
以青春的名義 In Your Dreams
譚惠貞 TAM Wai-Ching
劇情片 Feature |香港 Hong Kong | 94min 張子行是一個十六歲的少年,家中有一個經常喝得醉醺醺、 喜歡撿二手傢俬電器回家的年邁老爸張福偉。八年前,由大 陸移民來香港的媽媽方艷明離開了他們兩父子。有一天,張 子行在學校泳池救起了一個女人。第二天,這個叫葉若美= 的女人成為了他的班主任。機緣巧合之下,張子行知道了葉 若美老公劉方信有外遇一事,為了她而報讀那個小三李菁的 跳舞班。張子行把學回來的舞蹈教給葉若美,兩個寂寞的人 在相處過程中漸生情愫…… ― A teenager grew up in a broken home with mother gone and father always drunk. One day, he saved a woman from drowning in the swimming pool. Later, they formed a special relationship between two generations and two social status.
Nominated Award 最佳編劇 Best Screenplay
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
一念無明 Mad World
劇情片 Feature |香港 Hong Kong | 101min 迴避還是直面,否定還是擁抱,放棄還是改變。阿東患有躁 鬱症,因父親離家不顧,獨力照顧飽受病患折磨的母親。母 子兩人情緒互相牽引激化,猶如漫長的困獸鬥。一天,阿東 如常替失禁的母親沖洗,拉扯間發生意外,導致母親死亡。 阿東的父親大海驚覺一直逃避的問題發酵成了悲劇。獨居多 年的他在愧疚和孤獨驅使下,應醫院建議,接阿東到自己的 板間房暫住。兩個背負沉重愧疚的大男人只剩下對方,對方 卻是自己最不能面對的過去。當兩人一步一步走出過去的陰 霾和枷鎖,在狹縫間建立關係,更大的壓迫卻來自社會。
― To avoid, or to confront? To deny, or to embrace? To give up, or to make a change? The film begins with an old man who has long absent as a father, picking up his son, who is suffering from bipolar disorder, from a mental hospital. Both men are in deep remorse for the accident that caused the death of the mother. The tension and anxiety boil as they with each other in a tiny subdivided flat. As time passes, they realize the pain between one another is not the only confrontation that awaits them; but also to face the cruel and unjust world that they are living in.
Nominated Award 最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
最佳女配角 Best Supporing Actress 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Somewhere Beyond the Mist 張經緯 CHEUNG King Wai
劇情片 Feature |香港 Hong Kong | 88min 《 藍天白雲》故事講述一宗迷離殺人事件。中學生 Connie
,Connie 天生患有心臟病,朋友不多,計畫謀殺雙親卻自 知體弱,因此決定將同班同學 Eric 拖下水,兩人成為共犯。
Connie 於弒親後毫無悔意,案件由重案組女探員 Angela 接手調查。 新婚的 Angela 與患有老人痴呆症的父親及老 公 Tony 一起生活,剛懷孕的 Angela 看似擁有幸福美滿 的家庭,卻發現自己的情緒越來越受案件影響,慢慢地她似 乎開始了解 Connie 為何會走上這條不歸路 ... ― Connie grew up with heart disease. Weak as her, she was determined to commit murder. Angela, the detective who solved this case, just gave birth to a child, and now lives with her father and husband. Angela seems to have it all, but slowly she discovered her emotion was profoundly affected by the case, and she was starting to understand why Connie had to do what she did.
Nominated Award 最佳女配角 Best Supporing Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Tomorrow is Another Day 陳大利 CHAN Tai-Lee
劇情片 Feature |香港 Hong Kong | 91min 黃金花,街訪鄰居稱之為黃師奶,視家庭重於一切,與老公
合力照顧患有自閉症兒子 20 年,豈料老公愛上狐狸精丹鳳 眼,辛苦維繫的家庭一夕間破碎,不知所措的黃金花更因而 萌起殺死小三的復仇計畫!眾師奶們無意中揭破她的密謀, 從慌張慢慢變成支持。正當黃金花逐步邁向目標之際,她赫 然醒悟:成為真正不再失敗的女人,原來還有更好的出路 ...
― Mrs. Wong Knows her husband is carrying on an affair, but for the sake of their marriage and their autistic son, she has chosen to endure silently. However, the mistress comes to disturb them, and in the end, Mr. Wong leaves home after a flight. Feeling at a loss and struggling to watch over her son by herself, Mrs. Wong begins to plot ways to take revenge against the mistress, but in the run-up to the plan, she soon realized that there could be other ways to become a better person...
Nominated Award 最佳新人 Best New Actor/Actress 最佳女主角 Best Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Adi Sopo Jarwo INDRAJAYA 動畫片 Animation |雅加達 Jakarta | 7min
Ucup 和 Kipli 驚 奇 地 看 著 Sanip 用 一 種 布 清 理 神 偶 ondel-ordel。神偶 ondel-ordel 是 Sanip 先生的朋友 所擁有的,通常用在傳統的婚宴和割禮上。Sanip 先生必 須稍微離開一下神偶,並且將它交給 Ucup 和 Kipli 託管。 但 Ucup 和 Kipli 很好奇的想待在神偶裡面,看看會有甚 麼感覺,所以就穿上它並且用來嚇唬在 Karet Berkah 村 莊玩的小朋友們。這些小朋友感到很害怕,Mamat 還甚至 差點害怕得從摩托車上摔下來。但是 Ucup 和 Kipli 穿著 的神偶卻跌倒了,它的一隻手也壞了。Sanip 先生會原諒 弄壞神偶的他們嗎? ― Ucup and Kipli are looking at the ondel-ondel that's being cleaned by Sanip using some kind of cleaning cloth. They look amazed by it. The ondel-ondel is owned by a friend of Mr. Sanip, Brother Juned, and is usually used for entertainment in traditional wedding and circumcision event. Mr. Sanip has to leave the ondel-ondel and entrusts it to Ucup and Kipli. Ucup and Kipli is curious how it would feel like to be inside the ondel-ondel and to take it around the village. They go inside it and try to scare the kids in Karet Berkah village who are playing. The kids are scard of th ondel-ondel. Mamat almost fall from his motorcycle because of his fear of it. Finally, he ondelondel taken by Ucup and Kipli fall to the ground and one of its hand is broken. will Sanip forgive Ucup and Kipli for breaking the hand of ondel-ondel which is entrusted to him by Brother Juned?
Nominated Award 最佳動畫 Best Animation
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
班達 : 被遺忘的黑暗之途 Banda The Dark Forgotten Trail Jay SUBYAKTO 紀錄片 Documentary |雅加達 Jakarta | 94min 在中世紀時期,稀有的肉豆蔻價值超過歐洲市場的一箱黃 金。 阿拉伯人壟斷市場和十字軍東征使得歐洲國家相繼尋
找香料之島,也造成了之後的民族衝突。當時唯一的肉豆蔻 原產地班達成為了歐洲國家爭奪的地方。荷蘭人放棄了他們 英國的殖民地,以獲得利潤豐厚的肉豆蔻及其貿易壟斷權。 在班達,第一次的奴役和大屠殺在印尼發生了。同時,民族 主義與多元文化認同的精神也誕生了。
― In medieval centuries, a handful of nutmegs worth more than a crate of gold in European Markets. The monopoly of the Arab and the crusade wars brought European countries in the race to find spice islands, which later sparked the clash of nations. Banda, the only place where nutmegs grew, became the place European nations fought over. The Dutch relinquished their in Banda, an English colony, to gain the monopoly of the lucrative nutmeg and mace trade. In Banda, the first slavery and massacre happened in Indonesia. But there too, the spirit of nationalism and multicultural identity was born.
Nominated Award 最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts Mouly Surya 劇情片 Feature |雅加達 Jakarta | 93min 故事發生在一座印尼的桑巴島小山丘上。某天瑪莉娜慘遭惡 棍攻擊與搶劫,她為了保護自己,決定計畫殺害這些男人。 於是她踏上了追尋正義、賦權和救贖的旅程。然而長路漫
漫,當她刀下的無頭鬼魂決意糾纏她時,又更是如此。 ― Marlina tells a story of a young widow of the Indonesian's hills of the island of Sumba. Attacked and robbed by a gang, Marlina defends herself by killing several men. The next day, she goes on a journey for justice, empowerment and redemption. But the road is long specially when the ghost of her headless victim decides to haunt her.
Nominated Award 最佳導演 Best Director
最佳美術設計 Best Art Design 最佳女主角 Best Actress 最佳配樂 Best Original Music Score 最佳攝影 Best Cinematography 最佳影片 Best Feature 最佳造型 Best Costume
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
喜馬拉雅村的女孩 A Curious Girl
Rajesh Prasad KHATRI 短片 Short Film |加德滿都 Kathmandu | 14min 當尼泊爾女孩 Jaalgedi 第一次在偏遠的喜馬拉雅山村見到
白人遊客,好奇的她在工作中分心了,而一切的好奇心卻導 致了她的家庭發生大災難。
― When a white tourist is seen for the first time in her remote Himalayan village, Jaalgedi - curious Nepali girl is distracted from her job and thus caused a catastrophe in her family.
Nominated Award 最佳短片 Best Short Film
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Dying Candle Naresh Kumar KC 劇情片 Feature |加德滿都 Kathmandu | 127min 這是關於一個身為姊姊必須為了弟弟奮鬥的故事。她別無選 擇,最後只能出賣自己的尊嚴好來拯救弟弟,直到一切分崩 離析為止。
― A sister fights all odds to take care of her young brother, until things fall apart, and she is left with no option, but sell her dignity to save him.
Nominated Award 最佳剪輯 Best Editing 最佳造型 Best Costume
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Electricity Machine Navin AWAL 短片 Short Film |加德滿都 Kathmandu | 14min
Bijuli 機器是一個尼泊爾的社會問題,並且對許多尼泊爾人
造成挫折。這部片圍繞著兩個人的責任感因而採取的行動。 將焦點放在人類的好奇心以及對於優秀追求,這部片展現了 跳脫框架的思考、樂觀和堅持對抗儘管非常不利的機率。這 是第一部由尼泊爾,第三世界國家,所製作出的科學電影先 驅。 ―
Bijuli Machine is a social story of a problem in Nepal that causes frustration among Nepalese. The film revolves around two individual's sense of responsibility to take action. With a focus on human curiosity and the pursuit of excellence, the film shows the power of thinking outside of the box, optimism, and perseverance against unfavorable odds. It is a pioneer science film made in Nepal, a third world country...
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
再會吧!加德滿都 Goodbye Kathmandu Nabin Subba 劇情片 Feature |加德滿都 Kathmandu | 129min
2004 年的冬天,尼泊爾正在經歷一場殘酷的內戰,大多數 的鄉村都被當地的毛派分子所控制,國王透過軍隊的幫助, 在政府中實行獨裁統治。Amar Sharma,一個從美國回
Mangal Bajracharya,徘徊於傳統雕刻家的角色與成為 搖滾樂手的渴望之間,他在生命無情的變化之中,掙扎著找 尋自己的身份認同。Robin Gurung,一個英國廓爾喀士
兵的兒子,面臨了加入廓爾喀一直以來的壓力。他渴望墜入 愛情,但是最終只留下了自己破碎的心。三個不同的角色,
生活在相同的城市⸺ 加德滿都,而在同樣的時空背景之 下,唯一使他們有所連結的,是各自對於自身之外的渴望以 及物質追求、身份認同與對愛的嚮往。 ― In winter 2004, Nepal is experiencing a brutal civil war, and most of the countryside is under the Maoist rebels control.The King assumes absolute control from the democratic goverment, with the help of the military. Amar Sharma, a returnee from America who is determined to make a difference with his new business he aims to start in the difficult climate. Mangal Bajracharya, caught in-between his traditional role as a sculptor and his desire to be a rock musician, finds himself struggling to define his identity as his life changes inexorably around him. Robin Gurung, a son of a British Gurkha, faces consistent pressure to join the Gurkhas. He longs to fall in love, and ends up breaking hearts and having his own broken in the process. All three characters share the same city – Kathmandu. That, along with their longings for something outside of themselves – material success, identity and love – are the only things that bind them together as they move in and out through the same historical time & space.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Big Brother Fadil 2 Syafiq YUSOF 劇情片 Feature |吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur | 96min
Fadil 不知何故發現自己陷入黑手黨的世界。某天他突然被 誤認為是一名叫 Tiger 的殺手。而各方來的客戶一直在僱 用他去「 照顧 」他們的敵人。現在,Fadil 首要任務就是揭 開 Tiger 的真實身份。
― Fadil has somehow found himself plunged into the
world of the mafia thanks to the schemes conducted by the criminal mastermind Taji Samprit and his son, Doyok Wak. A certain incident leads Fadil to be mistaken as a hitman known as Tiger by Inspector Wahab abd Inspector Shuaib. Meanwhile, a journalist from TVKL named Yana, who has been closely following the crimes though to have been by Tiger somehow gets tangled up in the mess that make up Fadli's list of problems. Now that he has been mistaken as Tiger, people have been hiring him to "take care" of their enemies and Fadil's first target is Taji Samprit's power crazy rival King Kong. Now, the only way Fadil can clear his name is if he uncovers Tiger's true identity.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
我的恐怖鄰居 Interchange
Dain Iskandar SAID 劇情片 Feature |吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur | 102min 在目擊一場異乎尋常的謀殺以後,法證攝影師 Adam 決定
遠離塵世,直到一名警探 Man 來到他面前。相隔多年後又 再度發生一場了相似的謀殺案,而這些謎團需要 Adam 的 協助才能解開,他再也無法躲避。被放血的屍體、怪異的羽 毛和古老的相片,這些線索似乎都在指向 Adam 美麗的新
鄰居 Iva。隨著 Adam 進一步深入 Iva 的部落格和 Man 的調查之中,他們發現這個城市百年迷信的神秘巫師和超自
然的核心,正在逐漸活躍起來。 ― A f t e r w i t n e s s i n g a b i z a r r e m u r d e r , fo r e n s i c s photographer ADAM retreats from the world, until detective MAN arrives at his doorstep. Another crime has occurred, one with undeniable similarities to the one that pushed Adam over the edge. Adam’s help is required to unravel the mystery – one revolving around corpses drained of blood, impossible feathers and antique photographs that appear to capture Adam’s beautiful new neighbor IVA. As Adam is drawn further into Iva’s tribal world and Man delves deeper into his investigation, they discover the city’s mystical underbelly of shamans and supernatural beings as century-old superstitions come to life.
Nominated Award 最佳視覺特效 Best Visual Effect 最佳音效 Best Sound Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
農村班的春天 My Superhreoes Eric ONG 劇情片 Feature |吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur | 122min 謝瑞爾 . 安 . 費爾南多是一位新來的老師,對於明年她即將 報到的農村學校該抱著什麼樣的期待。雖然她對學生們的傲 慢感到驚訝,但並不感到沮喪。費爾南多很快的就喜歡上了 她的學生們,並融入了他們的生活。農村學生的生活相當艱 難,而生活貧困,反復無常的父母,造成他們對於人生不抱 任何期望。最糟糕的是,他們大多數看不見自己人生未來的 其他可能性。費爾南多為了激勵她的學生,決定開始指導班
上三十五名學生去參加全國英語合唱的比賽。 ― Cheryl Ann Fernando is a wide-eyed new teacher, not knowing what exactly to expect from the rural school she is to teach for the next year. Surprised but not dismayed by the insolence of her students, Fernando quickly takes a liking to her students and becomes personally involved in their lives. The student's lives are difficult, burdened by poverty, unstable parents, and low expectations. Worst of all, most of them can't see a way out of the cycle. In an attempt to inspire them, she begins to coach thirty-five students for a national English choral competition. Not only must the students be able to perform in front of an audience, but they must also do so in English and unison. Working tirelessly, Fernando and the students finally manage to get their recitation up to scratch. But will they compare next to students from more privileged schools? Giving it their all, the students take the stage. Based on a true story, Adiwiraku My Superhreoes is a heartwarming tale about putting brakes on growing up too fast.
Nominated Award 最佳故事 Best Story
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Choices of Life 晴朗
短片 Short Film |澳門 Macau | 20min 改編自女主角高菁的真實故事。十年前,巧寧還是個幸福的 小女孩,有個疼惜她的父母,在旁人眼中,她們是一家就活 脫脫是一個模範家庭。但隨著母親誤交損友,致使她開始走
上一條歪路染上毒癮,與父親的關係日漸變壞,幸福的生活 開始逐步崩壞 ...... 巧寧是一位懷著夢想的高中生,在面對
種種壓力和引誘下,茫茫前路,她該如何抉擇 ...... ― Ten years ago, this little girl seemed to have it all. She had a happy family with mommy and daddy who loved her dearly. Little did she know, her life would go spirally down since her mother made a wrong choice of life. This family portrait was soon to collapse....
Nominated Award 最佳短片 Best Short Film
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Don't be late tomorrow 余志雲
劇情片 Feature |澳門 Macau | 75min 阿藍及萍熱戀中,並相約明天看電影,但就在那天萍失蹤, 渺無音訊。阿藍展開了苦苦追尋,期間常見到一位年邁老太 跟隨,這令阿藍大為不解,直至在老婦家中發現蛛絲馬跡, 揭開事情的真正來龍去脈 ......
― A young couple who are madly in love is going to have a movie date the next day. However, the girl was nowhere to be seen. While searching for his loved one, the boy couldn't help but notice an elder woman was always around. What on earth was going on? He is soon to find out according to the evidence found in the lady's house.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Facing Light 余志雲
短片 Short Film |澳門 Macau | 72min 耿直的阿森,在巨大的生活壓力下患上精神病。突如其來的 轉變他掉進痛苦的深淵。女兒因為亦漸對阿森產生厭惡,使 其更感失落。而同樣在生活中感到萬般不如意的青年阿浩, 患病後只活在虛無飄渺的幻想世界裏 ......
― With so much stress in his life, Shen started to suffer from mental health issues. This sudden change of experience and perspective has brought him to extreme darkness. His daughter gradually became distance from him as well. Meanwhile, another young man, who has the same problem escapes to his imaginary world.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Love is colder than death 何飛 HO Fei
劇情片 Feature |澳門 Macau | 90min 故事發生在回歸前的澳門。開場男女主角謹慎地清理案發現 場,到底他們謀殺了誰?為甚麼他們要殺了那個人?他們又 將會有何種的結局?一個盡受同學欺凌的新移民內地女孩; 一個有黑幫背景的本澳男孩;他們的相遇,到底是一場刻骨 銘心的愛情?還是一場處心積慮的復仇?一場九十年代的愛 與恨,終究會怎樣劃上句號?
― It starts off with the two main characters cautiously cleaning up a crime scene. Who did the murder? Why was the person killed? What was going to happen to them? A girl who moved to Macau from Mainland China bullied and humiliated in her new school. A boy who lived in a complicated family involved in the gangster. Was their encounter going to lead to romance or revenge? Set in in the 90's when Macau was not yet taken over by the Chinese government.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
沒有那麼多時間難過 No Time to Regret 余志雲
紀錄片 Documentary |澳門 Macau | 72min 某次視障女學生被學校勸退,她經歷了漫長的封閉終於在某 一天知悉到在台灣也有一位成功創業的視障咖啡師佳箴。倩 瑩毅然跳出家人的保護網,出發去尋找佳箴,進而克服自身 的殘障,努力學習製作咖啡和糕餅。這一段時間的實況則被 獨立電影人余志雲拍成紀綠片。
― Based on a true story. A girl with severe seeing problem searches for the light of light from coffee making and out of her bubble.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Sisterhood 徐欣羨
劇情片 Feature |澳門 Macau | 97min 年近四十的詩詩由澳門搬到台灣定居後,與丈夫本來生活安 穩自在,但偶然間竟看到一則有關自己的尋人啟示,勾起了 她對過往情感的回憶。詩詩毅然決然回到如今已人面全非的 澳門,她選擇坦然面對過去的自己,原來,過去的一切也從 未被她遺忘 ......
― In her late 30s, she left Macau to settle in Taiwan. Her life with her husband was slow but quiet. Until one day, she saw a notice for a missing person with her own photo. She was quickly reminded of her long forgotten past......
Nominated Award 最佳女配角 Best Supporing Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Super Partners 晴朗
短片 Short Film |澳門 Macau | 5min 由澳門最受歡迎組合 MFM 主唱的〈超級聯盟〉 ,這個是導
演晴朗拍過的 MV 之中成本最高,製作最大型的一個。晴
朗很榮幸此 MV 是澳門巴黎人酒店開業後首個在那裏取景 的 MV,他感謝 MFM 親力親為地安排所有拍攝瑣碎事。
亦花了很多心思在造型上,其中在巴黎鐵塔下那場景,晴朗 拍了八個不同的角度,歌手和舞蹈員總共跳了十多次完整的 舞蹈,但都毫無怨言,非常專業。 ―
SuperPartners is a music video by a top-rated group, MFM, from Macau. As this video is the first ever to be filmed in the Parisian Macao Hotel, it is the most expensive music video that had been done by the director, Ching-Long. MFM not only arranged the slightest details of the video but also participated in the costumes. This music video is the result of over ten hours of endeavor of the performers and the crew.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Astri and Tambulah Xeph SUAREZ 短片 Short Film |馬尼拉 Manila | 19min
16 歲的變性人 Astri 和 17 歲的 Tambulah 在交往。雖然 這在他們所居住的社區中是一個不尋常的景象,但是沒有
人能夠對他們造成困擾。偶爾他們在海邊表演傳統的舞蹈, 觀眾還會給他們零錢,一切看起來都是這麼單純美好。除了
Badjao 的傳統和一個久遠以前簽下的協議竟要求 Astri 娶 一個根本不認識的女孩。
― Astri is a 16-year old transwoman in a relationship with 17-year old Tambulah. Although it’s an unusual sight at the community where they live, nobody bothers them. Subsisting on the coins people throw at them when they perform their traditional dance at the sea, everything seems perfect except that Badjao traditions and a pact made long ago require Astri to marry a woman she hardly knows.
Nominated Award 最佳短片 Best Short Film
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
鷹爪下的國度 Birdshot
Mikhail RED 劇情片 Feature |馬尼拉 Manila | 116min 某天她誤入了森林保護區,甚至誤殺了食猴鵰,也就是一種 瀕危絕種保育類的國鳥。當地的政府官員因而開始人肉搜查 這位盜獵者,但在官員們搜查的同時,他們也漸漸發現更為 可怕的事實 ......
― Birdshot is a mystery-thriller film that tells a story of a young Filipina farm girl who wanders into the boundaries of a Philippine reservation forest. Deep within the reservation she mistakenly shoots and kills a critically endangered and protected Philippine Eagle. As the local authorities begin a manhunt to track down the poacher of a national bird, their investigation leads them to an even more horrific discovery.
Nominated Award 最佳編劇 Best Screenplay
最佳音效 Best Sound Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Bundok Banahaw Sacred and Profane Dempster P. SAMARISTA 紀錄片 Documentary |馬尼拉 Manila | 104min 「 巴納霍山,神聖和世俗是探索這神秘之山的名義,用秘密 的歷史、神聖的知識拼湊出菲律賓的文化精神。」⸺ 奧格 斯克魯茲 (Oggs Cruz)
― " B u n d o k B a n a h aw, S a c r e d a n d P r o f a n e i s a n exploration of the titular mystical mountain using secret histories and sacred knowledge as a way of piecing together the Philippines's cultural psyche.“ — Oggs Cruz
Nominated Award 最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
菲常嘻哈 Respeto
Alberto MONTERAS II 劇情片 Feature |馬尼拉 Manila | 96min
Hendrix 夢想著嘻哈的偉大,但他卻逐漸陷入犯罪與 貧困之中,直到他遇 Doc,一個仍對戒嚴時期的回憶 揮之不去的老詩人。他們彼此扶持,試著不被周遭環境 所改變內心所衷。這部電影頌揚著詩歌的力量,電影中 藉由音樂、說唱及詩歌充份表達了現今菲律賓所身處的 暴力時代。 ― Hendrix dreams of hip-hop greatness, but he’s spiral-ing down a rabbithole of crime and poverty until he meets Doc, an old poet still haunted by his martial law past. They turn to each other, trying to not to be swallowed by their circumstances.The film celebrates the power of verses. This movie is charged with music, rap and poetry expressing the era of violence in the Philippines today.
Nominated Award 最佳剪輯 Best Editing
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor 最佳男主角 Best Actor 最佳配樂 Best Original Music Score 最佳音效 Best Sound Effect 最佳影片 Best Feature
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Portrait Loy ARCENAS 劇情片 Feature |馬尼拉 Manila | 124min 故事發生在二戰之前,敘述著一對叫 Candida 及 Paula 的 Marasigan 姊妹所處的困境,她們是有名的公益畫家,
同時也是 Don Lorenzo 的女兒。在財務陷入危機的巨大 壓力之下,她們賣出了爸爸的最後一幅畫,這幅自畫像吸 引了民眾對政府的好奇心。身為記者 Bitoy Camacho 與 Tony Javier,也是英俊的寄宿者,為了維持生計,幫助 姊妹賣畫給美國人。Ang Larawan 來歌頌逝去的美麗與
真理,是韌性的慶典,也是一場上揚的物質主義與消費者主 義。
― Set before World War II, the plight of sisters Candida and Paula Marasigan, daughters of Don Lorenzo, a famous painter but no longer prolifit. In financial dire straits, the unmarried sisters are pressured to sell their father's last painting, a self-portrait which attracts the curiosity of the government, journalist Bitoy Camacho and Tony Javier, the handsome boarder the sisters take on to make ends meet and who wants to sell the painting to an American. Ang Larawan is an ode to the passing of the world of truth and beauty, and a celebration of the tenacity of the spirit the rise of materialism and consumerism.
Nominated Award 最佳配樂 Best Original Music Score
最佳美術設計 Best Art Design 最佳造型 Best Costume
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Right to Kill Arnel BARBAONA 劇情片 Feature |馬尼拉 Manila | 90min 在民答那峨島上,一對原住民夫妻,Dawin 及 Obunay 在面對外來者採礦及軍事化威脅中靠著傳統的狩獵、耕種來
撫養孩子長大。在與軍人相遇後,他們的家庭便支離破碎, Obunay 被軍人們強姦了。她與她的丈夫被迫領導軍人們
別無選擇的 Obunay 只好找可以繼續生存下去並與家人團 聚的方法。「 Tu Pug Imatuy 」在 Manobo 方言中代表
殺戮。此部電影的靈感源自發生在 Manobo 面臨著企業的
環境掠奪及原住民社區內軍事鬥爭的真實事件。 ― In the hinterlands in Mindanao, the lumad couple Dawin and Obunay try to raise their children through their traditional ways of hunting and farming. They do this amidst the threats of mining and militarization in their ancestral land. An encounter with the soldiers breaks the family apart. Obunay is raped by the soldiers. Stripped and gagged, she and her husband were forced to guide the soldiers in their operations against guerrilla rebels. A chance to escape leads instead to tragedy. Faced with no choice, Obunay have to find a way to survive and reunite with her children. Tu Pug Imatuy in the indigenous Manobo language means “To Kill”. The movie is inspired by actual events of Manobos who faced struggles against environment plunder by corporations and militarization in their communities.
Nominated Award 最佳導演 Best Director
最佳配樂 Best Original Music Score 最佳新人 Best New Actor/Actress 最佳音效 Best Sound Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
殺出金邊地獄 Jailbreak
Jimmy HENDERSON 劇情片 Feature |金邊 Phnom Penh | 92min 《 殺出金邊監獄 》是柬埔寨首部大型動作片。由 2011 年移 居柬埔寨的義大利導演 Jimmy Henderson 所執導。
在構思開始,他便想拍一部困在一個空間的群打片。電影 以傳統柬埔寨武術作賣點,動作部份媲美 2011 年印尼的
《 突擊死亡塔 》。故事講述警隊拘捕罪犯 Playboy,才知
,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的 道原來 Playboy 另有「 幕後黑手 」 老大。為免 Playboy 洩露社團機密,蝴蝶夫人懸紅追殺
他,惹來監獄一片惡鬥,所有人對 Playboy 虎視眈眈。押 送 Playboy 的警察加入戰團抵抗保護證人。最後蝴蝶夫
人出手來突襲!選角有柬埔寨女子混合格鬥冠軍 Tharoth Sam 和法柬混血特技人 Jean-Paul Ly 助陣,還有前艷 星 Céline Tran 首次拍動作片。電影在柬埔寨大賣,掀起
動作片熱潮。 ― A group of Special Task Force Officers are sent to Prei Klaa prison where are detained the country’s top criminals. What starts as a simple escort mission will soon turn into chaos as the prisoners take over the prison grounds. Trapped in the building, our 4 heroes will have to fight their way out for survival, or die trying.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Love Without Borders — The Belt and Road 1st International Peace Art & Cultural Festival Tom TANG 紀錄片 Documentary |金邊 Phnom Penh | 96min 前高棉人,今日的柬埔寨,曾經有段輝煌的歷史。吳哥窟王 朝留下來的古城已經成為世界的七大奇蹟之一。但過去的
四十年,柬埔寨經歷了許多悲傷的歷史:紅色高棉、內戰和 地雷,對整個國家造成重大的傷害。在柬埔寨,擁有一個完 整的家庭對他們來說是件奢侈的事。每天大約有六十萬的孩 子為了活下來上街,用各種的方式乞討或販賣東西。有鑑 於此,中柬國際文化交流中心舉行了以一帶一路第一屆「 國
際和平藝術文化節」-柬埔寨站「 微笑關愛行動 」的公益活 動。來自香港醫院管理局和天驕國際青年樂團,超過 50 名
兒童和志願者的醫療團隊,在金邊和暹粒市提供了免費的醫 療服務和精彩的表演,展現了「 愛無國界 」。 ― Former Khmer, today’s Cambodia, once had a glorious history. The ancient city, Angkor Wat, left by the Angkor Empire has become one of the seventh Wonders of the World today. But in the past forty years, Cambodian had experienced sad histories: The Khmer Rouge, the Civil War and the Landmines, which lead to a disaster to the country. In Cambodia, having a complete family is a luxury. There are about six hundred thousand children who go around the streets every day and struggle to survive in various ways by begging money or selling goods. In view of this, China-Cambodia International Cul- tural Exchange Centre held the Belt and Road 1st International Peace Art & Cultural Festival - Kampuchea station "Smiling Care Action" public welfare activities at Cambodia. Medical team, kids and volunteers of more than 50 people from the Hong Kong Hospital Authority and the TianJiao International Youth Orchestra provides free medical services and fantastic performances at both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap which shows “Love without Borders”.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Railway Michal Shaneequa LOH 短片 Short Film |金邊 Phnom Penh | 5min 軌跡⸺ 柬埔寨的鐵路建於 1930 年到 1960 年 , 建成於 1969 年。由於紅色高棉的內戰爆發許多段鐵路被毀。不能 接軌的鐵路,卻在戰後成為貧民聚集地,建立社區的路線。 他們把不能投入正常運作的鐵軌,變成了他們可以生活和利 用的地方,沒有專業公共工程的知識,但是卻有人類求生的
智慧,運用起了鐵路,柬埔寨的義工 hout,於 4 年前隨著
國外義工到這裡做翻譯和扶貧計劃,而開始和這裡的居民和 小孩認識和熟悉。在一個發展中國家,有許多的缺欠也有很 多的需要。在他這些年的義工生涯裡,接觸了這裡的小孩、
年輕人、老人。這個紀錄片要帶領大家來聽聽和看看這裡的 生活和了解鐵路旁的故事。隨著城市發展,鐵路需要重整, 部分會被拆遷,而這些居住在鐵路旁的居民們也被迫拆遷離 開。只是未來會如何,這樣的改變對於將來又是一個怎麼樣 的景象呢? ― Cambodia’s first railroad was built from 1930, and the constuction had been poseponed many times until 1969 it was finally ready to used. 1976, a civil war occurred and the railroad was destroyed in to pieces. The railroad was abandoned and later after the war, the poor gather nearby the railway and becomea a small community. The railway became one of the tool for their daily life. An cambodian volunteer – Hout, started his first interpreting volunteer work in 2014 when there was a team of foreign NGO came for Poverty alleviation. He started to know the people in the erea and got closer to them and also realized the ignorance of this place from the society. The children, the teenagers and the elders. This documentary will lead us to listen and see the stories along the abandoned railway. As the development of the country keeps growing, the reorganizing and removing of the whole railway, this small group of people will also be forced to move. What will be changed? where are they going to, how they are going to be?
Nominated Award 最佳微電影 Best New Media
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Invitation Abdulaziz ALMUGHRBI 短片 Short Film |利雅德 Riyadh | 16min 一個 26 歲的穆斯林學生法爾漢正在經歷艱難的上學時間。
有天他遇見了他之前的老師,這位老師之前透過邀請法爾漢 到她的教堂來幫助他。法爾漢一方面說服他的朋友與他一起 去教會會議,一方面也想約老師出去。沒有人知道他將會面 對甚麼。
― Farhan, a 26 years old Muslim student is going through some rough school time. One day he meets an ex teacher of his, who offered her help by inviting him to her church. Farhan in the other hand persuaded his friend to go along with him to the church meeting. Only to ask his Ex-teacher out. Not knowing what he’s about to face.
Nominated Award 最佳短片 Best Short Film
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
漫漫回家路 Lion
Garth DAVIS 劇情片 Feature |雪梨 Sydney | 118min 五歲的 Saroo 意外搭上駛離家鄉加爾各答的火車,最終落
惑之餘,Saroo 仍然熬過露宿街頭的日子、克服了途中種 種的困難,最終被一對澳洲的夫婦領養,在寄養家庭中得到
愛與呵護。Saroo 因為害怕傷害養父母的心,因此一直壓
抑著想與原生家人團聚的情感,但在一次與印度朋友們的交 談中,再次喚醒了 Saroo 想找尋母親與哥哥的渴望。憑著
一絲絲模糊的記憶以及 google 地球技術的幫助,Saroo 決心踏上這條看似不可能的尋家之旅。
― In Lion, five-year-old Saroo gets lost on a train travelling away from his home and family. Frightened and bewildered, he ends up thousands of kilometers away, in chaotic Kolkata. Somehow he survives living on the streets, escaping all sorts of terrors and close calls in the process, before ending up in an orphanage that is itself not exactly a safe haven. Eventually Saroo is adopted by an Australian couple, and finds love and security as he grows up in Hobart. Not wanting to hurt his adoptive parents’ feelings, he suppresses his past, his emotional need for reunification, and his hope of ever finding his lost mother and brother. But a chance meeting with some fellow Indians reawakens his buried yearning. With just a small store of memories, and the help of a new technology called Google Earth, Saroo embarks on one of the greatest needle-in-ahaystack quests of modern times.
Nominated Award 最佳導演 Best Director
最佳剪輯 Best Editing 最佳編劇 Best Screenplay 最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor 最佳配樂 Best Original Music Score 最佳攝影 Best Cinematography 最佳影片 Best Feature 最佳視覺特效 Best Visual Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
逃出亞馬遜 Jungle
Greg McLEAN 劇情片 Feature |雪梨 Sydney | 116min 三個熱愛大自然的背包客在玻利維亞相遇,為了一圓探險
夢,在奧地利冒險家卡爾的慫恿之下,四人出發前往亞馬遜 雨林,尋找一個傳說中的印地安人部落,卻自此展開了一段 鑄成災難的冒險旅程。在大自然的野性與重重考驗之下,四 人起了內鬨,尤奚與凱文決定搭乘自製竹筏循著水路前進。 然而途中遇上激流,將兩人沖散,尤奚就此落單,一個人在 這個地球上最變幻莫測的領域獨自求生。沒有地圖,就連一 把小刀也沒有,亞馬遜叢林裡充滿虎視眈眈的動物、劇毒的 蟲子以及狂風暴雨,大自然最險惡的一面才正要開始,他開 始懷疑,自己能不能活著回去 ......
― Three backpackers along with an Austrian adventurer started their exploration in the rainforest of Amazon, aiming at finding a long-lost Indian tribe. But this is just a beginning of a series of a disaster. No one could be sure wheater or not they could go home in one piece.
Nominated Award 最佳視覺特效 Best Visual Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Alifu, the Princess
王育麟 WANG Yu-Lin
劇情片 Feature |台北 Taipei | 97min 髮型設計師阿利夫為排灣族,他的頭目老爸宣布將由他接下 頭目一職。隨著繼承頭目的日子逼近,他快樂無憂的生活也 被打亂。此時,對他呵護備至的帥氣室友佩真,卻也開始對 美麗的「 阿莉芙 」產生了愛憐…。但「 阿莉芙 」一心迷戀著靦 腆的公務員政哲,並跟著他見識到下班後扮裝酒吧的迷人世
界。而酒吧老闆娘 Sherry 對水電工老吳無怨無悔的愛情,
也讓他明瞭追尋真我所要付出的代價…。 ― Alifu, a 25 year-old Paiwan boy, works as a hair-
dresser in Taipei. Alifu struggles between his dream of getting a sex change operation and inheriting as the chief of the Paiwan tribe. His lesbian roommate/ co-worker, Pei-Zhen, is also his best friend. Sherry, a transgender man, is the owner of a drag queen bar. For years, she's been in love with the plumber, Wu. Even though Sherry has been selflessly treating Wu with kindness, Wu only sees him as his buddy. Chris, a government worker, lives a dull life. A one-time gig as a drag queen in the bar unexpectedly became his only way to relief stress. He has been performing there ever since. Chris is keeping this gig a secret from his girlfriend, Angie, who works as a piano instructor. Between the different race, gender, and problems, the only common ground is — love.
Nominated Award 最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor 最佳新人 Best New Actor/Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
親愛的卵男日記 BAO BAO
謝光誠 SHIE Guang-Cheng
劇情片 Feature |台北 Taipei | 96min 榕心與伴侶絜安在英國倫敦積極建立她們理想的家庭,兩人 的關係卻因為一對男同志的出現被徹底的擊潰。榕心決定返 鄉爭取自己的小孩,卻因為回台,不得不面對上一代與傳統
的包袱。 繼李安導演經典作品《 囍宴 》,25 年之後的台灣, 誕生了第一部女同志想擁有家庭與自己小孩的當代之作。
― This deeply felt feature film debut by Guang-cheng Shie tells the story of Taiwanese expats Cindy and Joanne, living in London, who are about to have their first child. Their marital bliss is threatened when Cindy discovers that Joanne has promised their unborn son to another gay couple, their friends Charles and Tim. Told through an array of flashbacks, the film explores issues that affect many same-sex families, and is anchored by moving performances from newcomer Emma Reis and Huan-ru Ke.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
最佳女配角 Best Supporing Actress 最佳新人 Best New Actor / Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Blood Amber
李永超 LEE Yong-Chao
紀錄片 Documentary |台北 Taipei | 96min 緬 甸 北 部 的 某 處 森 林, 正 由 克 欽 獨 立 軍 (Kachin Independence Army) 控制著,這座森林以盛產琥珀聞
名,住在森林裡的人民以挖琥珀為生,挖琥珀是他們唯一致 富的希望。他們的生活如深不見底的礦洞,不知何時才能看
到曙光;夜裡,還要擔憂緬甸政府軍何時會攻打進來…。 ― Somewhere in Burma, there is a forest controlled by The Kachin Independence Army. The forest is abundant in amber; therefore, most of the habitants there make a living by finding amber as their only hope to get out of poverty. They work in difficulty and rest in fear of the attack from government army. The life there is in despair, as the darkness in the end of mine…
Nominated Award 最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Last Painting
陳宏一 CHEN Hung-I
劇情片 Feature |台北 Taipei | 107min 總統選舉當日,女大三生楊婕被發現陳屍租屋處,她赤裸的 身體被塗滿油彩,美麗的眼睛遭利刃刨出…。種種跡象顯
示,她的畫家室友江中澤和閨蜜訥訥涉有重嫌…。訥訥既是 男人也是女人,感情路上跌跌撞撞,他對楊婕情同姊妹,卻 也忌妒她擁有的一切。而為追尋真愛,訥訥一心想變性來改 變命運…。江中澤曾是社運憤青,他雖與舞蹈家女友耽溺 於肉慾,卻從楊婕充滿理想的眼睛,看見了過去熱血的自
己…。他們在這座城市裡,用自己的方式衝撞著體制、社會、 性別與愛情。一樁命案揭開了這社會的真實面貌,活在激情 和慾望下的,是在這時代裡躁動不安的靈魂…。 ― On the day of the Taiwanese presidential election, third-year university student Yang Chieh is found dead in her rented flat. Her naked body is covered with oil paint while her beautiful eyes are dug out by a sharp tool. All the evidence suggests that her flatmate Jiang Jhong Ze and confidant Nana are the prime suspects. Why did Yang Chieh get killed? Who on earth killed her?
Nominated Award 最佳美術設計 Best Art Design
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Road to Mandalay 趙德胤 Midi Z
劇情片 Feature |台北 Taipei | 108min 在靜謚的湄公河支流,也就是泰緬兩國交界,蓮青與阿國兩 人在偷渡時相遇。阿國對蓮青特別好,在種種巧合下,他們 成了情侶,並到了紡織工廠一起工作。但蓮青並不甘於困在
工廠,她想到更好更遠的地方去―比如台灣。但阿國的夢想 跟蓮青不一樣,他只想趕緊存錢,跟蓮青結婚,回到家鄉 去。蓮青想方設法想買一張假身份證,阿國費盡心思想要阻 止她。
― Lianqing and Guo meet when they smuggle themselves into Thailand. Lianqing finds a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant while Guo works in a textile factory in the suburb. Guo really likes Lianqing, but Lianqing just focuses on getting the Thai ID card. They are two people with contradictory personalities, however they seem to be bound by fate. When Lianqing gets hold of the ID card, their love is doomed.
Nominated Award 最佳剪輯 Best Editing
最佳編劇 Best Screenplay
最佳美術設計 Best Art Design 最佳男主角 Best Actor
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
紅衣小女孩 2 The Tag-Along 2
程偉豪 CHENG Wei-Hao
劇情片 Feature |台北 Taipei | 108min 整日奔波處理許多個案的社工師李淑芬,某天接獲一樁虐童 案件,在她正盤查女童母親林美華時,突然接到女兒雅婷下 午失蹤於校園的消息,心急如焚的淑芬查看學校監視器後, 竟發現雅婷跟著一名穿著紅衣、身影詭異的小女孩離去,這 個小女孩是誰?她們要去哪裡?循著線索,淑芬隨著救難隊 前往山區的廢棄醫院,在那裡發現疑似雅婷的蹤影,但找回 的卻是失蹤已久的廣播主持人沈怡君。無計可施的淑芬只好 先將精神不穩定的怡君帶回家,希望能從中問到女兒的下 落,沒想到帶回家的可能不只是怡君…。
― Social worker LI Shu-fen is often overwhelmed by her heavy workload and neglects her 15-year-old daughter, LI Ya-ting. When she discovers that Yating has gone missing, she realises that there is a past demon hidden at the bottom of her heart. Shu-fen tries everything to find Ya-ting, and she encounters many horrifying mysteries on the way. Among these is another mother, LIN Mei-hua, who has kept her own daughter in a strange place where all walls and doors are covered in paper written with spells for over a year. Meanwhile, another pregnant woman, Shen Yichun, is found in the mountains after being reported missing several months before. Shu-fen decides to venture into the mountains as well to rescue her daughter.
Nominated Award 最佳女配角 Best Supporing Actress 最佳女主角 Best Actress
最佳視覺特效 Best Visual Effect 最佳音效 Best Sound Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
邱士杰 CHIU Shih-Chieh
短片 Short Film |台北 Taipei | 7min 青少年在接受一段基要主義的信仰後,開始見到種種詭異與 恐怖的現象。他所身處的世界非黑即白,不是良善的東西就 必定被視為邪惡的,所有人似乎得遵照信仰的規則走,身處 在這樣極端保守與封閉的環境下,讓他內心的衝突越來越巨 大,並開始懷疑這份信仰,漸漸地被自身的罪惡感給吞噬。 此部電影題材大膽,劇情時而尖銳時而幽默,期望帶給觀眾 更多「 宗教 」議題的反思。
― This is the story of a teenager who discovers the strange and terrifying reality behind fundamentalism. Warped into an ultra-religious environment from a young age, his surroundings force him to adhere to a rigid and sometimes irrational world-view. He eventually succumbs to the madness, and lives consumed by guilt while devouring every crumb of false hope thrown at him from his religious community. One day he gathers the courage to leave his faith behind and sees that human existence is a more nuanced experience than the black and white reality in which he grew up in. This is the story of a teenager who discovers the strange and terrifying reality behind fundamentalism. Warped into an ultra-religious environment from a young age, his surroundings force him to adhere to a rigid and sometimes irrational world-view. He eventually succumbs to the madness, and lives consumed by guilt while devouring every crumb of false hope thrown at him from his religious community. One day he gathers the courage to leave his faith behind and sees that human existence is a more nuanced experience than the black and white reality in which he grew up in.
Nominated Award 最佳動畫 Best Animation
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Traffic Light
姜宗泰 JIANG Zong-Tai
短片 Short Film |台北 Taipei | 6min 嘉豪和怡萍兩人是認識多年的好友,一天夏日晚上,一場電 影約會,一段騎機車前往的路途上,有個隱藏在心底的秘密 與情感,正蠢蠢欲動著……
― Years of friendship, one summer night, a movie date, and a joyride on a motor pad. The secret and the emotion are now no longer hidden.
Nominated Award 最佳微電影 Best New Media
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
七歲那年的初次見面 You Are My Sunshine 黃駿傑
短片 Short Film |台北 Taipei | 17min 剛出生就托育給奶媽扶養的小男孩緯傑,一直到準備上小學 一年級之前,才讓親生媽媽阿英接回來一起生活。但多年未 見的陌生頻頻造成母子之間的摩擦,兩人間內心的拉扯及互 相猜疑,造成兩人關係猶如隔著一道巨牆,直到後來緯傑失 蹤時,才讓阿英明白自己原來有多在乎這個兒子。究竟兩人 的心防能否徹底敞開?能否珍惜流著相同血液的情感呢?
― We each carry everything we have, not knowing that we are everything to each other. 7-year-old J is finally going to live with his mother. Years before, J went to live with Nanny Yui after his father ran off, leaving Mother Ying to work long hours in order to make ends meet. Now that Nanny Yui’s health is declining and elementary school is about to start, J goes to live with his mother. After seven years’ separation, the two feel like strangers sharing a roof for the first time. After moving in, J is appalled by the first sight of his mother smoking. His discomfort with his mother’s smoking habit and their clashes over daily routines grow into a wall between mother and son.Even though they live side by side, J and Mother Ying seem to be on different planets. While the grown-up tries to resolve the immediate dilemma, the child tries to find his way out. It is only when J goes missing that Mother Ying finally realizes how much her son means to her. When everything seems lost, J returns home safely with an unusual gift for Mother Ying, breaking down the wall between them and bringing them closer.
Nominated Award 最佳短片 Best Short Film
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
健保風暴 Appendix
Hossein NAMAZI 劇情片 Feature |德黑蘭 Tehran | 83min 因 為 嚴 重 的 腹 痛,Zari 和 她 的 丈 夫 Reza 去 了 醫 院。 然
而 Zari 的保險卡已經過期,所以他們被迫只能向她的朋友 Leila Attarod 借用保險卡。最終,她用了 Leila 的保險
被迫交換身分,讓醫事人員覺得那張保險卡是屬於 Zari 的。 然而,在這個過程中發生許多不幸的事件……
― Due to severe abdominal pain, Zari and her husband, Reza, go to the hospital. However, Zari’s insurance ID has expired and they are forced to borrow her friend Leila Attarod’s ID. Eventually, she undergoes appendectomy using Leila’s ID and the staff at the hospital suspect about this matter. Due to this, they are forced to switch roles to convenience hospital staff that the ID belongs to Zari. However, many unfortunate events take place in the process…
Nominated Award 最佳男主角 Best Actor
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Leaf of Life Ebrahim Mokhtari 劇情片 Feature |德黑蘭 Tehran | 86min 一位電影導演對於拍攝番紅花種植過程的紀錄片沒有很大的 興趣,但為了買得起德黑蘭的房子他還是接了這個工作。但 在房地產地價驟增之下他開始擔心這件案子的結果,為了專 注拍出一部好作品,他極力說服製作人為他添購一棟在德黑 蘭的房子。製作人也如願幫他買了一間公寓。然而導演接到 了一通電話,他必須離開這份工作並回到德黑蘭一趟,這同 時也改變他拍片的態度。
― A film director is unenthusiastically making a documentary film about Saffron cultivation and harvesting in a little town. He has accepted this job for the money so he can buy a house in Tehran. However, property prices are rising and he is concerned about this case. Therefore, instead of focusing on making a good film, he pushes his producer to buy a house for him in Tehran. Then, his producer informs him that he has bought an apartment for him. However, he receives another phone call and leaves the job and travels back to Tehran. After some incidents, he is determined to make a memorable film, but …
Nominated Award 最佳故事 Best Story
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Villa Dwellers Munir GHEIDI 劇情片 Feature |德黑蘭 Tehran | 100min 在兩伊戰爭期間,許多伊朗士兵的家庭待在靠近前線的住宅 區別墅,為了能與他們所愛的家人們相見。而 Aziz 為了有
機會可以見到她的兒子 Davoud,所以她和她的孫子女們 去到了那裡。當她到達之後,新的挑戰即將展開……
― During the Iran-Iraq war, some of the families of the Iranian soldiers stay at residential villas near the frontline waiting to see their loved ones. Aziz and her grandchildren go the complex to get a chance to visit her son, Davoud. After her arrival, new adventures begin…
Nominated Award 最佳女配角 Best Supporing Actress 最佳視覺特效 Best Visual Effect
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Wind in Your Heart 尹錫湖 Sukho Yun
劇情片 Feature |東京 Tokyo | 86min 攝影師涼介來到了富良野市,偶然遇見了高中的初戀情 人⸺ 小遙。雖然她已有了丈夫和孩子,但涼介心中一直從 未放下對小遙的愛,便藉機邀請小遙參與拍攝的過程。即便 最初有些猶豫,小遙還是答應了涼介的邀約,他們一起紀錄 了富良野與美瑛町的景色。曾經在熱戀時分開,他們試圖重 拾過去的時間。在兩天的攝影結束後,小遙決定跨過那條 線…
― It is spring in Hokkaido. Visiting rural Furano city for work, video artist Ryosuke is unexpetedly reunited with his first love, high school classmate Haruka, for the first time in 20 years. Haruka now has a husband and a daughter, but Ryosuke, whose thoughts never strayed from her, invites her to accompany him during filming. At first hestitant, Haruka accepts, and together they film the beautiful scenery of Furano and nearby Biei. Although they were forced to lead spearate live despite their love for each other, they reconnect as though trying to regain their lost past. Finally, at the end of 2 days together, Haruka decides to cross the line into the forbidden...
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
Day of Us 3 Enkhdalal MIJIDDALAI 劇情片 Feature |烏蘭巴托 Ulaanbaatar | 84min
Khulan 和 Bayaraa 在 雨 中 初 次 見 面。Bayaraa 承 諾 Khulan 會在一周年紀念日實現她一個願望。Khulan 希 望他能像他們初次見面般,在雨中走向她。即使要突然 下 雨 很 難,Bayaraa 還 是 有 個 好 點 子。 他 最 好 的 朋 友 是
Boroo(雨),他們從小就很要好。Bayaraa 英俊聰明,
但 Boroo 卻從來沒有認識其他女孩,在緊張的時候還會無 法思考。三人一起約會並且有許多有趣的活動和沒料到的改 變。他們約會時到底會發生甚麼事?
― Khulan and Bayaraa saw each other in the rain for the first time. Bayaraa promised Khulan that he will make her one wish come true on the first anniversary day. Khulan wished him to come to her with rain like the first day they met. Even it was difficult to make it rain, Bayaraa had a good idea. His best friend's name is Boroo(rain). Bayaraa and Boroo are the best friends from childhood. Bayaraa is a handsome and a bright guy. On the other hand, Boroo never met any girls before and he halts when he is nervous. Boroo, bayaraa, Khulan started to date with each other and there will be many funny events and unpredictable changes. \tVhat will happen in their date?
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展入圍競賽片介紹 The 58th APFF Nonimated Films
The Mother B.ERDENETSETSEG 劇情片 Feature |烏蘭巴托 Ulaanbaatar | 84min
1984 年,一位 69 歲的單親媽媽 Khand 住在烏蘇布省,
她的獨子加入了共和軍。但一個不幸的事情發生在他們身 上,她的兒子被指控謀殺。Khand 不惜行走千里、盡己所 能的為她唯一的兒子抗爭。
― In 1984, Khand, a single mother aged 69 lives in Uws province while her only son was gone to serve Republic Army. An unfortunate event occurs and her son is convicted for murder. Khand would travel miles and dedicate every breath, fight with everything she has for her only child.
Nominated Award 評審獎 Jury Award
最佳故事 Best Story 最佳女主角 Best Actress
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
謝光誠 Guang-cheng Shie
劇情片 Feature |台北 Taipei | 96min 榕心與伴侶絜安在英國倫敦積極建立她們理想的家庭, 兩人的關係卻因為一對男同志的出現被徹底的擊潰。榕 心決定返鄉爭取自己的小孩,卻因為回台,不得不面對 上一代與傳統的包袱。 繼李安導演經典作品《 囍宴 》,
25 年之後的台灣,誕生了第一部女同志想擁有家庭與
自己小孩的當代之作。 ― This deeply felt feature film debut by Guangcheng Shie tells the story of Taiwanese expats Cindy and Joanne, living in London, who are about to have their first child. Their marital bliss is threatened when Cindy discovers that Joanne has promised their unborn son to another gay couple, their friends Charles and Tim. Told through an array of flashbacks, the film explores issues that affect many same-sex families, and is anchored by moving performances from newcomer Emma Reis and Huan-ru Ke.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
張書瑋 Kanny CHANG
劇情片 Feature |台灣 Taiwan | 103min
阿國,33 歲,是屏東東港一名修船工人,因為一次酒後駕車,撞死了一對婦女。原本平凡 的生活瞬間變得水深火熱,除了鉅額的賠款,還得被判入獄服刑。阿國的阿爸為了賠償受害 者家屬也散盡家產,弟弟阿偉對阿國產生不滿,太太阿如也與阿國離婚。四年過去,阿國假 釋出獄。為了逃避內心的譴責,他搬到了鄰近的城市高雄,並找了一份搬家公司的工作。他 沒有朋友,也不接受他人關心,只能靠菸酒來麻痺自己。某天,隔壁搬來新鄰居婉琪,她來 到高雄投靠紅燈區的好友,並住在國宅裡。婉琪常與阿國在頂樓聊天,因而對阿國產生了興 趣。這天,阿國從公司接到弟弟阿偉來電,告知阿爸過世的消息…… Life is short, and people are afraid of having no courage to start over.A-Guo, a shipwright from Donggang, Pingtung, killed two women because of drunk driving. Suddenly, he fell into an abyss of misery. In addition to the massive amount of compensation, he was sentenced to imprisonment, and his father spent all the fortune to compensate for victims’ families. A-Guo ’s younger brother, A-Wei, was so dissatisfied with him, and his wife, A-Ru, got divorced from him. Four years later, A-Guo was released on parole, and he moved to the neighboring city, Kaohsiung, to escape from the inner pain, and found a job in a moving company. He had no friends, and refused to accept others’ concerns, then relied on alcohol and tobacco to paralyze himself. Someday, a girl named Wang-Chi moved to the next door. She came to Kaohsiung, in order to seek refuge with a friend who worked in the redlight district and lived in the slum. Wang-Chi and A-Guo often chatted with each other on the top floor, and gradually Wang-Chi got interested in A-Guo. One day, A-Guo got a phone call from his brother, A-Wei, and was informed the death of his father…
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
Mad Artist 夜山明
紀錄片 Documentary |中國 China | 95min 影片從徽州群山開始,張小雨在深山裡生活創作,隨著一
首歌曲《 藍色窗簾》的出現,我們了解到張小雨的過去, 2005 年,十八歲的美術生張小雨在兩個好朋友的陪伴下
來到省城合肥上大學,在大學期間為「尋找自我、追求真 我 」而努力奮鬥,與學校的制度格格不入,導致與美術老
師、教導員產生分歧,入學一年不到的時間,被學校以曠 課太多為由除名,從此以一種自由創作者的身分生活在合 肥這座城市。
― The scene started when ZHANG Xiao-Yu lived as a hermit in HuiZhou mountains. With the background music Blue Curtains, we learned about his past. Back in 2005, Zhang Xiaoyu, 18 years old, came to the university to learn arts in the capital city, HeFei, accompanied by his two best childhood friends. During his college life, he was in a persistent pursuit of finding true self, which ratically contradicted the regulations of the university. Consequently, he was in a huge disagreement with his art teacher and his tutor. And he was dispelled from the university on the ground that he skipped too much classes. From then on, he worked as a free originator in HeFei.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
我的美麗爸爸 Dad is Pretty
Soo-Min Park、Sung-Gook Kim 劇情片 Feature |韓國 Korea | 92min
父母、兄弟姊妹住在一起這麼多年,他們要如何理解彼 此呢?許多平凡的人們總是以家庭的名義被忽略,本片 意圖點亮新觀點,重新建立人們同情心、理解生存意 義,以及教人學會如何去夢、去愛。 ― Father, mother, brothers, and sisters who have been living together for many years. How do they understand one another? This film is designed to illuminate the most ordinary people who have been neglected in the name of “family“ with a new perspective, and to form a deep sympathy, meaning of existence, and further teaches us to dream, and love.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片
Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
武裝台中 - 二七部隊,1947 Lock and Load
李佳懷 LI Chia-Huai
紀錄片 Documentary |台灣 Taiwan | 48min
1947 年 228 事件中,台灣民眾不滿國民政府的怒火在各
地爆發。台中憤怒的民眾集結佔領公署,並接收武器組成民 軍二七部隊,抵抗不義的政府。七十幾年過去了,這是一段
被遺忘的人民抵抗故事。 ― Because of the February 28 incident in 1947, the anger and rage against the government arose. A group of people in Taichung who were fired up with fury armed with weapons gathered in front of the office and formed an army, "27 Brigade" to rise against the unjust. This movie is about an incident which had been forgotten by people and foreseen in History for seven decades.
出口:夢想肢戰 Way Out: D-Fight
潘瑋杰 PAN Wei-Chieh
紀錄片 Documentary |台灣 Taiwan | 57min
2014 年夏末,台灣唯一以肢體障礙為主的「 戰神棒球隊 」,
為了赴日參加「 第三屆世界身障棒球大賽 」正緊鑼密鼓的集 訓。隊伍中五位帶有小兒麻痺、右手肌肉萎縮、血友病、肌 肉萎縮及視覺障礙等不同缺陷的球員,即將踏上追尋出口的 人生旅途。 但這趟旅程是否能替他們創造更多可能?他們
能否為了自己的出口放手ㄧ戰? ― By the summer end in 2014, the only physicallychallenged baseball team in Taiwan—Mars Baseball Team, was practicing intensively for the sake to attend the 3rd Baseball World for physically challenged held in Japan. Tough five team players in which were polio, right-hand muscular atrophy, hemophilia, muscular atrophy, and vision-impaired respectively, they were going to pursuing their dream to find the home for their soul. However, could the journey to Japan create for them more possibilities and could they try their best to prove their resolution?
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
我是演員 The Actor
大澤樹生 Osawa Mikio
劇情片 Feature |日本 Japan | 85min 是黑道還是做電影演員?一個攸關孤獨男子漢的人生選擇⸺ 辰巳彰,辰巳是日本黑社會「 梶本會 」的 成員,長達 4 年的服刑期滿後下決心脫離黑社會,為了亡妻留下的獨生女彩乃而改邪歸正,卻遇上組
織裡的城島種種干擾。出獄後,為了找工作,辰巳去找監禁時常為他送慰勞品的茂森社長,然而茂森社 長的工廠也不景氣,無法收留辰巳。辰巳卻發現此時工廠裡正在拍攝一部黑道電影。在偶然的情況下他 居然當了臨時演員,導演中澤看上了辰巳的演技,說服他與另一名演員神崎共演這個新的黑道電影。於 是,原本走黑社會的辰巳走起演員之路,誰也料不到到底會發生什麼事……男人的決心、友誼,和愛 情⸺ 這是一部大澤樹生描寫的男子漢故事!
― To be a gangster of the underworld or a film actor. A life choice for a lonely man —Shouichi Tatsumi was a member of the Japanese triad Kajimotoe. For the only daughter, Ayano, left by his late wife, Shouichi determined to leave the underworld for good after the up to four-year sentence in prison was served and mended his ways. However, he encountered all kinds of interference by his mate Joujima from the organization. After released from prison, Tatsumi visited the company president Maosen, who always gave him comfort gifts, in order to find a job. However, the company business was depressed, so he was’t able to employ Tatsumi. Tatsumi foud that there was a film about the underworld being shot. Then, he became an extra accidentally. The film director Nakazawa recognized his performing skills and asked him to act in the new film about the underworld with another actor Kanzaki together. As a result, Tatsumi was a gangster originally but now he embarked on a new course to be an actor. No one can foresee what will happen in the end. This is a story of the virile man described by Mikio Ôsawa — the determination, friendship and love.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
The Albino‘s Tree
金子雅和 Masakazu Kaneko
劇情片 Feature |日本 Japan | 85min
Yuku 是一名在日本中部地區從事防護野生動物破壞工作的人,為了能夠支付他母親的龐大醫療費用, 他接起了一筆報酬優渥的案子,去獵殺一隻偏遠森林村落中的稀有白鹿,這隻鹿卻被鄰近鎮上的官僚人 員視為影響觀光的問題。當他進入那個那個小村子,他才發現當地人將白鹿視為神,祂以一個半孤獨和 社會保持距離。當 Yuku 糾結著他所要面臨的道德問題時,他也跟當地居民有了更多的接觸,感受到 他們的矛盾情緒,居民也開始思考是否要繼續保持與世隔絕的狀態 ...... Yuku is a hunter who works for animal damage control programmes in the mountains of central Japan. In order to afford the medical bills for the treatment of his mother’s illness, he accepts a lucrative contract to kill a rare, white deer that live in the forest by a remote village, and whose presence is thought to undermine tourism in the region by the neighboring town’s bureaucrats. As he ventures into the village, however, he discovers that the animal is venerated as a god by the local community, which lives in a state of semi-isolation from the rest of society. While assessing his ethical responsibilities in undertaking such a task, he gets closer to inhabitants of the village, facing their conflicting emotions as to whether they should keep living as “outsiders.”
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
Twelve muses
張凱智 CHANG Kai-chih
短片 Short Film |台灣 Taiwan | 25min 當一個女人用她的肌膚改變了視覺的定律、用性愛改變了顏色的規則、用情慾改變了畢卡索
的瘋狂,卻有誰記得那個女人的名字叫做瑪莉沃特?日本知名偶像男星與AV女優的逆倫之 戀,他們將彼此的愛隱喻在十二幅畫的畫廊。當她走進畫廊,當他走向了他 ... 這一場不能 擁有彼此姓名的關係,會是愛情,或者只是情慾遊戲?而走出畫廊,她會是誰?而他又會是
誰?從拉斐爾、竇加到克林姆,從瑪格麗塔、阿爾巴夫人到名為蘇珊娜的瓦拉東,從古希臘、 文藝復興到現代主義 ... 本片重現十二幅美術史上最重要的情慾畫作現場,將平面的畫作轉
換成流動影像,藉由十二位藝術巨匠與他們私密愛人的情感狀況,重現人類情慾的演化。 ― “Nobody would know those muses’ names, and they could only see the strokes of the drawing…” From Rembrandt, Klimt, Renoir to Picasso. From La Fornarina, The Nude Maja, Danaë to Girl before a Mirror...... A gallery, 12 master paintings, and 12 unknown relationships between painting masters and their muses…a lament about a Japanese porn idol. It was a metaphor for the secret love of an porn idol and male celebrity. When they entered the gallery, they tried to figure out their relationship in this fantasy journey between the masterpieces and reality.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
Starfish Girl
朱詩倩 Michelle CHU
短片 Short Film |台灣 Taiwan | 21min
她說:「 媽媽不能愛你一輩子,可是媽媽會 用一輩子來愛你。」「 海星女孩 」擁有特殊敏感 體質,在水裡悠然自得,但一離開水面,就瞬 間僵硬地動彈不得。在以愛為名的教養過程, 兒時都曾懷疑媽媽是否真的愛自己,帶著無人
知曉的莫名創傷,繼續努力長大。透過不斷書 寫、繪畫、自我對話,在鏡頭安靜凝視下,帶 著觀眾一同潛入平靜的海底,呈現水面上與水 面下截然不同的面貌,展現如孩子般最真誠的 告白。 ― She is a starfish girl, feeling so comfortable underwater, her body stiffens as soon as she gets out of the water. ”The starfish girl leads me deep into the sea, where I slowly get to see her true looks.“
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
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Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
From Now On
陳文彬 CHEN Wen-Pin
紀錄片 Documentary |台灣 Taiwan | 84min
2009 年八月八日台灣莫拉克風災,造成高雄小林村無數家
庭破滅。本片主角翁瑞琪是事發後少數倖存的村民中,親眼 目睹災難倖存者之一。曾面對親人死亡的翁瑞琪,埋在心底 深層的苦痛是什麼?三年來他又是如何面對生命,並放下過
去的種種夢魘?導演陳文彬執導,以素樸、趨近白描的鏡 頭,表現生命在面對挫折後又長出新生的綠芽的過程,耗時
七年記錄 2009 年莫拉克颱風時,小林村民翁瑞琪的故事,
表現出小林村民在經歷生離死別後,如何自我療傷繼續人生 旅程,並且讓逝者安息、生者無憾地重新尋找生命意義的一 部電影。 ― August 8th, 2009, Typhoon Morakot tore many families in Xiao-Lin Village, Kaohsiung, Taiwan apart. Weng Ruiqi is a survivor who witnessed the death of her families and the catastrophic disaster. How has she been hiding the emotional agony? How did she cope with her life for the past three years and learn to let go? The director Akira Chen spent seven years documenting Weng Ruiqi's struggle through finding the new meaning of life after the death of the loved ones and strived to move on.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
哈囉!有事嗎? Single Day 梁凱威
劇情片 Feature |台灣 Taiwan | 94min 做為一個家庭裡的老大,你肩頭上要承受多大的重量? 你 有沒有時常覺得你的人生一切都很荒唐?或是你堅定地認 為,你就是宇宙世界霹靂無敵倒楣鬼 ...... 無人能敵。你身 邊有愛講垃圾話、說話給的意見不負責任的「 壞 」朋友,家 裡有個像是外星人的妹妹,甚至常常都讓你懷疑她是不是你 媽親生的。一直窩在校園裡賴著不畢業的弟弟,居然搞大了 自己公司女神同事的肚子,女神同事的爸爸竟是人稱江湖彪 哥,超級愛代購開團的媽媽,卻不願在弟弟的婚禮上花費, 並把責任都丟給大哥。 ― As the first child of a family, how much pressure do you need to carry? Do you often feel what happens in your life are all ridiculous? Or, you are 100% so sure, you are having the most bad lucky on the earth… There are bad buddies who always say something irresponsible around you, your younger sister seems coming from outer space and you always have doubts that whether she has the same Mom as you do and younger brother who don’t want to leave school always saying that he’s going to get the diploma soon even made your own beautiful colleague a Mom… Besides, father of the colleague is the gangster boss. Even more than that, the money-making super queen Mom doesn’t want to pay a penny on the wedding of my brother. The responsibility is all on the big brother’s side.
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
第 58 屆亞太影展觀摩片 Spotlight on Asia-Film Selection
勇往直潛 : 我們的潛水人生 LAND DIVERS: OUR DIVING LIFE 眭澔平
紀錄片 Documentary |台灣 Taiwan | 87min 《 勇往直潛:我們的潛水人生》這部電影由世界知名的台 灣冒險家兼電視主播眭澔平耗時 20 多年製作,整部電 影用一根管子串起三個殘缺的生命,故事發生始於 1996 年,一位為了幫癱瘓的母親看外面世界的台灣知名電視主 播眭澔平,在百慕達 40 米海底的潛水開始,他發現當他 比對三人差異極大的人生際遇歷程時,自己口中在海底所 咬的「潛水空氣管」卻和另外兩位的管子極為相似:後天 小兒麻痺氣切殘障者陳榮福的「 維生呼吸管 」和先天顱顏 顎裂兔唇缺陷者徐玉樺的「聲帶練習管」 。隨後這年齡相 仿的三個人在台北這同樣的城市裡,歷經整整 20 年的時
間相互扶持,逐步完成了他們自己的理想,也完成三位母 親夢想的真實紀錄。
第 58 屆亞太影展 58th Asia-Pacific Film Festival
Through a ”tube“ this movie LAND DIVERS connect three originally imperfect lives to create a better perfection. It also links with the three mothers that they are connected like an umbilical cord for them. Together the three Taipei guys about the same age help each other to explore and develop their lives in order to contribute this documentary which was filmed and produced for 20 years to salute their mothers who never give up them. The story began with a well-known Taiwan TV anchor Hawping who helped her paralyzed mother to see the outside world and dive in Bermuda's 40 meters deep seabed for her. He found that his dive air snorkel was very similar to the other two. The “oxygensupplying pipe” for an acquired polio tracheotomy patient, Ronfu and the vocal cord practicing straw for a congenital craniofacial impaired lady, Yuhua. Finally, step by step the three had encouraged each other to fulfill their own and their mother’s dreams during the past two decades.
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