The Bruin- April/ May 2015

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

1870 - 2015 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 144 years of Excellence in Education”

Volume XL No. 7




625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281


Clinton reveals plans for future


Clinton released a video announcing her plan to run for President in the next election. In her video announcement, she attempted to appeal to the younger generation of voters. Although Clinton does not directly state what her plans will be; her video shows her taking a stand on several topics that may be in the best interest of younger voters.

“Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.” -Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton announced her plans to run again in 2016’s presidential election. In an unprecedented campaign strategy, she released a video through social media on Apr. 12, announcing her plans for the future. However, this strategy did not work for all voters. Most students have not seen the video, and even more do not care about the campaign. “I just think it is funny that no one recognized her when

she stopped at a Chipotle,” said Jenna Peters, 10. Others had zero reaction. “I don’t have any specific feelings [about the election],” said Haley Gruccio, 10. Clinton ran in the 2008 presidential election and was the Secretary of State under President Obama’s administration. She is a Democrat who supports many liberal ideas, such as raising minimum wage, legalizing samesex marriage and closing the wage gap between men and women. Clinton is also pro-choice on the

issue of abortion. Clinton has also worked to improve the welfare of women and girls in developing countries. She has traveled the world to meet with the mothers and daughters in countries from India to Denmark. However, some people have distinct views on Clinton’s campaign. WHS English teacher, Mr. Callaghan, discussed his views on Clinton’s possible candidacy with his sophomore English classes. “I’m amazed by Hillary Clinton’s resiliency... More than anything, her candidacy speaks to

the void of ultimate leadership in our country,” Callaghan said. The announcement video shows average Americans and their very different lives. Clinton portrays herself as a friend of Americans, claiming that, “everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.” Clinton has faced all sorts of controversy in her public life, from her husband’s scandals during his presidency to Hillary’s own problems involving her e-mail last year. Find out more about her at

Elliot selected Teacher of the Year



Special Education instructor Abby Elliot speaks before the students and staff at the Fine Arts Assembly after receiving the 2015 Teacher of the Year award.

index Page

Editorial............................................................................................... 2 News..................................................................................................... 3 Opinion............................................................................................ 5, 6 Ads .............................................................................. 4, 11, 12, 15, 16 Features............................................................................................ 7, 8 Entertainment.....................................................................................9 Picture Page ...................................................................................... 10 Sports...........................................................................................13, 14 Of the Month.................................................................................... 17 Speakout............................................................................................ 18

There is no better way to celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week than to be named National Honor Society Teacher of the Year. Abby Yaggi Elliot was selected as the winner of this year’s award at the Fine Arts Assembly. Teacher of the Year is one of the most distinguished awards presented at WHS. Every year, the National Honor Society chooses a teacher who goes above and beyond to help their students

achieve. Elliot is a Special Eduction instructor, and her attention to student success has made her stand out as a teacher. Elliot’s teachings have had an impact on many. She loves her job as a teacher. “There are never two days that are the same,” Elliot said. Elliot cares deeply about each and every student and wants them to excel. Elliot’s family attended the Fine Arts Assembly and was very proud of her for receiving this award. “My family inspires me,

and I set goals for myself and reflect on those quite often to keep me inspired,” Elliot said when asked what motivates her as a teacher. This prestigious award means so much to Elliot. “It’s a great honor, and I feel very blessed,” Elliot said. Both inside and outside the classroom, Elliot puts her students first. Elliot left the entire audience with one final quote: “If you want to bring happiness into your life, become a magnet for happiness.”

Inside the Bruin: Should students be forced to stand for the pledge? –page 5 Browns new uniform revealed who will replace zayn in one direction?

–page 6 –page 9

Bruin staff wins OSMA awards (see page 3).

Visit the Bruin Online at


April/May 2015

Brewin’ Debate

Out with the old, in with the new

Staff Editorial

As the school year FINALLY draws to a close, we, your faithful Bruin staff, want to leave all the students at WHS with a simple message: We’re all in this together (High School Musical, anyone?). As you prepare to “study” for your finals, make sure to remember all the good memories made this year. If you need reminding, just curl up with your favorite copy of The Bruin to reminisce. (Here is a behind the scenes look into the workings of The Bruin: The “to” used in the last sentence of the previous paragraph was placed there after an extreme “rock, paper, scissors” match between reps for “and” and reps for “to”.) As for next year, we are looking forward to it like a grizzly bear to its next meal. Our paper will be stronger, better, faster, stronger (We listen to A

LOT of Kanye West in Bruin.) For all you social media aficionados, The Bruin is now on Twitter (@wadsworthbruin) and Instagram (@WHS_Bruin). Make sure to follow us for updates on your favorite local newspaper (Sorry, Wadsworth Post!). Are you freshmen even aware we have a school newspaper? In order for us to be the best we can be, you need to BUY A BRUIN! They are only $1 for Pete’s sake! As many of you know, our beloved advisor G Money, a.k.a. Coach G, is retiring after next year. In his honor, our theme for next year will be “ALL OUT.” This theme is representative of the final push to win that coveted Golden Flash. So get hyped, WHS, for August 19, 2015, and the beginning of the greatest year in Bruin history! What team?! WILDCAOops, we mean GRIZZLIES! P.S. Thanks to the anonymous donor of the Chipotle gift card. It was delish!!

E ditorial

The Bruin

Are Red Zones effective? Yes


By Noah baughman

by ALex lenc

Classrooms, based on teacher discretion, are usually marked as Red Zones. While class is in session, teachers have the option to let their students be on their devices or not. If a specific classroom is labeled a Red Zone, the teacher has the power to take away the device from the student who is using it. Red Zones are effective for this reason. If a teacher is aware of a student using his or her device in this restricted zone, the device will be taken, therefore enforcing devices to be used only at permitted times. Recently, the hallways have been on lock down. Staff and administration have been cracking down on the use of cell phones and ear buds in the hallways. This has been very effective thus far. As for myself, I am always aware of the zone in which I am located. One cannot find me on my device in the hallways or a restricted area by a specific teacher. Red Zones have been effective throughout the BYOD campaign and is a great idea to keep students focused on the task at hand while at Wadsworth High School. The use of Red Zones in the school has been effective.

Red Zones are futile and do not get the job done. The recent introduction of our schools Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program was a brilliant way to bring technology into the classroom. For many students, it brought a reduction to punishments associated with phones. There are Green Zones, loved by all, where technology is allowed at all times. The second are Yellow Zones, mainly classrooms, where teachers make the decision on when the students can use their phone, laptop, tablet, etc. The third and final zone is the Red Zone. No phone is allowed in this zone, and students are subject to having the device confiscated for breaking this rule. The Red Zone does not stop students from using their phones in the halls. Students still continue to break the rules and face the harsh punishments. People simply do not see too much wrong in pulling a phone or headphones out in a Red Zone. A warning system would serve the school better than losing a device for the rest of the year on first violation. This would be similar to how parking pass violations are dealt with, and could lower phone usage in Red Zones.

Students React to earth day If you stop and think about it, Earth Day is a sad day to have. We have done so much damage to the Earth, and most people think dedicating one day of the year is enough. It is not enough. Every year, we put out about 10 billion metric tons of carbon emissions globally. Over the past forty years, about twenty percent of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed. Forests all around the world are in even worse shape. Something more needs to be done before it is too late. -Darrin Gilkerson, 11 I think Earth Day is a holiday that is greatly overlooked. Even though there’s not really much you can do to celebrate this day, it should not be brushed over. Our earth is a beautiful place, and we should cherish and appreciate that more. Earth Day is essentially a wake-up call

to all. It reminds us to go the extra mile to clean up the Earth and not to litter, for example. It makes you want to appreciate the simpler things in life. It reminds us of what is really important. It is not all about material things. Earth is beautiful. It is something we need to constantly remind ourselves. It should not take a holiday to show our appreciation. -Bailey Brandenburg, 10 Earth Day is a day that should be celebrated not only today, 4/22, but every day. We should always conserve and re-use when possible. I feel like today is the day to have a fresh start and new outlook on the Earth and all it provides. -Cora Smrdel, 10 I think that Earth Day is just an excuse for people to feel good about themselves by helping

the environment one day of the year. If you want to really help the earth, you will do stuff every day to help the environment, not just wake up on Earth Day and decide to take a shorter shower or turn the lights off when you are done in a room. In my opinion, Earth Day is a waste of time. You should do what you can to protect the environment everyday, not just one that the government made up to say you should help. Greenhouse gases have decreased in the environment only because Al Gore made it up to win the 2000 election. -Brody Brandyberry, 10

and do not really pay attention to how beautiful and extraordinary it truly is. We often times overlook the things around us because we are used to seeing them every day, but if you take a closer look, you will be able to see the true beauty of nature. -Laney Schoonover, 11

I think that Earth Day is an important day during the year that tends to be under celebrated. Earth Day is dedicated to the protection and conservation of our environment. Many people often take advantage of the Earth

Earth day is a holiday that started in 1970 to help repair the environment. I think it is one of the better holidays because the environment is getting damaged more and more, and if nobody does anything, all of nature’s

Bruin Staff Editor-in-Chief: Robert Hahn Assistant Editor: Elizabeth Heckler Managing Editor: John Merhar Head Copy Editor: Haylee Kupiec Marketing Manager: Regan Szalay Assistant: Hannah Studenic Front Page: Page Editor: Robert Hahn Reporters: Maria Regueiro, Abigail Cipar Editorial: Page Editor: Cameron Mendel Reporter: Noah Baughman, Alex Lenc Speakout: Page Editor: Hannah Studenic Reporters: Lauren Knipl, Olivia Addis Opinion 1: Page Editor: Regan Szalay Reporters: Meggie Flanigan, Chase Pegrim Opinion 2: Page Editor: Regan Szalay Reporters: Tyler Caudillm, Craig Rench Features 1 & 2: Page Editor: Elizabeth Heckler Reporters: Lauren Whitley, Emily Andrews, Erin Kilbride, Dean Beddow, Alex Jones News: Page Editor: John Merhar Reporters: Allison Bell, Jenna Johnson Picture Pages: Editor: Haylee Kupiec Reporters: Macie Carmel, Olivia Chaney Sports 1: Page Editor: Gary Noe Reporters: Nick Landolph, Cody Surratt Sports 2: Page Editor: Gary Noe Reporters: Michael Callow, Dylan Bowers Entertainment: Editor: Cameron Mendel Reporters: Alyssa Hopkins, Liam Leonard Of The Month: Editor: Madison Quinn Reporters: Emily Eggleton, Jodi Johnson Ads/Business Manager: Noah Baughman Assistant: Alex Lenc Adviser: John Gramuglia

I think Earth Day is an interesting and important day in helping everyone realize the importance of keeping the planet healthy and clean for all to enjoy. We should all help out in little ways to save the earth. -David DeWille, 11

beauties will be gone before we know it. This holiday should be promoted more than it is now for many apparent reasons. -Brent Runkle, 10 Earth Day was created by Senator Gaylord Wilson of Wisconsin after learning about the devastating effects of the Santa Barbara oil spill. Earth Day is not a federal holiday, but instead it is a national observance that falls on the 22nd of April every year. Earth Day is meant to be a day to celebrate our planet. More people need to realize the Earth is all we have. Without it, everything we have would not exist. We would not exist! Even though the Earth is doing alright at the moment, it does not mean that it can not give up and quit someday. People need to be more careful of what they are doing. - Rachel Williams, 10

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the April/May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.

N ews

The Bruin

April/May 2015

Teachers, students correlate for despicable rationales BY JENNA JOHNSON AND ALLY BELL

Administrators and teachers want their students to succeed, but what happens when they go too far? Eight employees from Atlanta Public Schools were given a prison sentence for helping their students cheat on standardized tests. The educators changed the wrong answers of the students on the Georgia Competency Test, which raised the students’ scores significantly. They claim that they cheated because the tests affect the school’s funding, and also impacts their employment and pay. “Teachers today get evaluated by how well their students do on standardized tests; there is a lot of pressure on them.” said Mr. Kyle

Stout, WHS social studies teacher. The teachers were convicted of a felony usually given to terrorists, drug lords and racketeers. Racketeering is defined as an organized group running an illegal business, resulting in the destruction of private institutions as well as public ones. The teachers were sentenced to 20 years in prison but will only be incarcerated for seven years and the rest on probation. They are also required to complete 2,000 hours of community service as well as pay a $25,000 fine. Their sentence, delivered by Judge Jerry Baxter, was higher than prosecutors’ recommendation. Other states are on high alert looking for potential violators.



An Atlanta teacher stands trial for cheating on standardized tests.

23 OSMA awards brought home The Bruin staff competed in a statewide competition called the Ohio Scholastic Media Awards, also known as OSMA. This year the staff earned Second Place overall in Ohio for the category of medium size school and large format newspaper. Many students on the staff earned individual awards with a ranking of Superior, Excellent, or

Honorable Mention. The Bruin staff received 23 individual awards combined. Three Superior awards were given to Adam Dennison, Alex Laikos, and Trent Cornacchione. Two Excellent awards were given to Cameron Mendel and Robert Hahn. Many other members of the staff were recognized with the Honorable Mention award. There were 18 members that received this recognition.


WORLD Nepal earthquake kills thousands A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal leaving 7,040 people dead and 14,000 others injured. Nepal has also suffered from more than 70 aftershocks following this devastating earthquake.

Volcano erupts in Chile The Calbuco volcano in Santiago, Chile, erupted, sending gas and clouds of ash into the air. This could cause respiratory problems, contaminate water and cause flights to be grounded. It is the first time in more than 40 years it has erupted.

Engineering program wins robotic challenges The Four Cities Educational Compact featuring Engineering Design & Technology and Web Programming & Design classes competed in the National Robotics Challenge in Marion, Ohio, on Friday, April 10 with a combined 45 students from both programs. The Engineering Design & Technology Team took 4th Place in the Heavyweight Sumo - Remote Controlled competition and Web Programming & Design took 6th Place in the Lightweight Sumo Self-Controlled competition. The Engineering Design & Technology Junior Team of Kyle Green, Ryan Gaither, Madison Gunselman, and Blake Horner was nominated for the Honda of America Manufacturing Innovation Award in the Sumo Robot Heavyweight/ Remote-Controlled category. National Robotics League (BATTLE BOTS) regional competition was held at Lakeland Community College and The Four Cities Compact entered two teams of Senior Engineering Design & Technology students that were sponsored by two local manufactures, Sattler Machine Products in Sharon Center and Flohr Machining in Barberton. Both teams are also competing in the national event at Baldwin Wallace University May 16, 2015

Feeding Medina County Medina County will be working together to collect as many canned foods as possible. The school that brings in the most goods will be announced on June 12 at the Medina Fair ground during the Unity in Community event. PHOTO BY MCT CAMPUS

Rioters disrupt the roads of Charm City due to the death of African-American, Freddie Gray, who died in police custody.

NATIONAL Stage collapse, injures twelve A stage collapsed during a student performance at Westfield High School in Indiana. At least a dozen students were injured and one is in critical condition. No one reported any fatalities.

State troopers maintain peace in Baltimore State troopers have been called in to help keep peace in Charm City. Protests have been growing because of the death of Freddie Gray, who died in police custody. The protests are peaceful, but can get heated at times. These protesters have disrupted the roads of the city.

A word from our


Students, it is finally here: the end of the school year.


Editor-in-Chief Mason, Associate Editor Maddie and Assistant Editor Rachel attended the OSMA ceremony on April 10.


Wadsworth teacher Dwain Kibler recognized The Wadsworth Older Adults Foundation recognized Mr. Kibler for supporting the programs and services affiliated with the Wadsworth Center for Older Adults. Mr. Kibler helped with Senior Prom and was inducted into the Senior Advocate Hall of Fame.

New officers for Alumni Association The new officers for 2015-2016 Alumni Association are the following: Lori McIlvaine, Jennifer Gill Frisby, Julie Graves Batey, Sally Morrison Porter, Joan Hanna Heller, and Stephanie Bauman Schmeltzer. The graduating class of 2015 has free membership for the first year of graduation. They are on Facebook on the WHSAA page where you can get the monthly newsletter and news about WHS and Wadsworth. The website is

National honors society blood drive The blood drive was a big success. 85 total pints were donated. Members of the National Honors Society volunteered with the Red Cross. Students that donated received free pizza and other snacks.

It has been a fantastic year, and I want to thank all of you for making it a great one. We have had athletic success, Fine Arts success and academic success all year. It has been amazing to watch all of you mature over the course of this year, and I cannot wait to do it all over again next year. Each year brings wonderful moments of excellence from our student body. Keep up the good work. I want to specifically thank our retiring teachers this year. We have a special group of retirees this year who have been special to several students. Mrs. Gilbert, Mr. Kibler, Mr. Currens and Mrs. McNamara have been at WHS for several years and will be sorely missed. Each of you are wonderful and have given your professional lives to the success of Wadsworth students. Each of you deserve to be honored and recognized, THANK YOU for all of your service. Staff and students, enjoy your summer. You have earned some time off. Make sure to take advantage of spending some much needed time with your families. Remember your family will always be with you and care for you at all times. Students, I have said it multiple times, and I will say it again. We have the greatest high school in the state of Ohio because of all the people here. Have a great summer and see you in August. P.S. The greatest day of the year is Aug. 19th (The day we come back to school, CAN’T WAIT). Thanks. GO GRIZZLIES! Mr. Moore-Principal


April/May 2015


Where is Top Driver Driving School ? Wadsworth High School 625 Broad St Wadsworth OH 44281


O pinion 1


April/May 2015


Extracurricular participants receive too much homework OPINION BY MEGGIE

Most extracurricular students suffer from stress because school work piles upon them. Studies show that stress among students can cause an increase in depression, suicide rates, and cheating. Most students are involved in many different activities such as sports, band, drama, etc. Athletes should not get the amount of homework they usually do because as an athlete, the commitments I have during the week is a little more than I would like.

There are seven hours in a school day, and we spend enough time in classrooms. On top of school work, we have to study. This takes up even more time. Sometimes, most students do not even know what to study because teachers do not make it clear or give us a study guide. Many students that participate in extracurriculars can handle receiving a lot of homework. The thing that matters the most is if one can maintain a good grade point average or not. I think if extracurricular students would receive less homework, then they would easily maintain a higher G.P.A. Adding on from the stress of school work already, some students may have an even busier life outside of school. It would be nice if most teachers realized this and not make their classes as hard. The students that are still smart and

do well in school are more likely to be successful in the future. When I asked multiple individuals their opinions, their responses varied. Individuals participating in extracurricular activities agreed that they should receive less homework. The students that are not involved in extracurriculars agreed that students should have the same amount of homework because it is the individuals decision to participate in the activities. Although some extracurricular students choose to take on this responsibility, should they have to suffer? No, I do not think they should suffer because when we are involved in extracurriculars, it makes our school look even better because of the performances we make. If teachers cut back on school work or even extended the due dates, it would benefit our students tremendously.


This shows the struggle between academics and extracurricular activities which students across the world deal with daily.

Do you think student athletes should receive more or less homework?

“I think students should obviously receive less homework during their sports season because balancing everything is extremely difficult.” -Bailey, 10

“I think students who are involved in school activities should receive the same amount of homework but the due dates should be extended.” -Maddie, 11

“I think they should receive the same amount. I played sports so I understand that it’s a big commitment, but it’s still a choice to play.” -Mr. Jurey

“Assigning more homework would accomplish nothing while assigning less would be unfair to people who are in non-school affiliated sports, or have jobs.” -Brent, 10

“I feel that they should have the same amount of homework, but more time to finish it.” -Patrick, 10

Should students be forced to stand for the pledge? OPINION BY CHASE

First Amendment rights and civil rights have always been a hot topic. Many First Amendment rights activists often choose not to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance as a way to exercise their rights. In many cases, students have been punished for refusing to stand for the Pledge each morning. Backlash from parents has caused several of these cases to end up in court. The law tends to favor the protestors. It is the constitutional right of every person to stand or not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Any rules punishing students for not standing for the Pledge or forcing them to stand for the Pledge would be unconstitutional and in direct violation of that persons First Amendment rights. However, just because

students cannot be forced to stand for the pledge, does not mean they should choose not to simply based on not wanting to. There has to be a reason. Thousands of Americans have died to protect our freedom. The Pledge of Allegiance is a testament to the freedom of the American people. Any person, regardless of age, should stand for the Pledge. Refusing to stand for the Pledge is one of the most disrespectful things an American can do, particularly in the presence of any military veterans. They say that their refusal to stand is on religious grounds. Since the Pledge refers to being

“under God,” many argue that it suggests the Pledge is Christian and violates freedom of religion. This argument is a poor excuse. The statement can be removed or easily ignored. Disrespecting the nation and all its veterans because you do not want to say “under God” is inexcusable. Just because you are not forced to do something does not mean you should not do it. Anyone who refuses to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance is directly disrespecting the thousands of brave men and women who died to give you that right.



The students shown above stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance, as most schools do across the United States. Controversy has arisen several times due to students refusing to stand for or say the Pledge.

Should students be forced to stand for the Pledge?

“No, I stand for the pledge personally but refusing to stand for it is a form of free speech.” - Jenny, 11

“Stand up you Communists or leave the country, #Murica.” - Andrew, 10

“No, standing for the pledge every day would be a waste of energy” - Noah, 11

“Out of respect, I believe all should stand but not be forced.” - Mr. Berg

O PINION 2 THE BRUIN 6 Browns new uniforms revealed April/May 2015


The Cleveland Browns’ new uniforms move away from a traditional design to a more unique one. There are six different changes that are hyping our students. With these new uniforms, Cleveland is the only team in the NFL that has their city across the front of their jersey, rather than their team name below the front collar. Also, “Dawg Pound” is inscribed on the back collar. This is to honor the section for Cleveland’s crazies.


The new stripes on the sleeves are thicker than the previous uniforms. Also, there are only three sleeve stripes on the new uniforms. These stripes run

into the chest plate, rather than stopping at the sleeve endings. A new helmet design is also being introduced. The face mask has changed from gray to brown. Along with the face mask, there is a carbon fiber texture to the helmets and an advanced stripe pattern. The pants of the new uniforms have seen drastic changes as well. The side stripe is thicker than before and does not run all the way down the pants. Also, their team name is written on the

can show off in the 2015 season. “I feel they are great for the team. The uniforms will take us to the Superbowl,” stated Zack Friedt, 11. These new uniforms are getting students excited for the football season. Many think the uniforms will make the Browns play better, giving them a winning season. “I believe the uniforms are great because they will give confidence to the players. If you look good, you play good,” said Gabe Morello, 10.


Taylor Gabriel, Dwayne Bowe, and Brian Hartline show off the new designs of the uniforms at the unveiling.

in action the first preseason game. Many people have spoken out and believe that these new uniforms will be the turn around for the franchise. The new flare of the uniforms have brought a lot of enthusiasm to Browns fans at our school. Cleveland fans outside of our school are also spewing with excitement. These new uniforms have brought new life to the city. Many people hope that these new

uniforms will be the start of a new team. “Hopefully the production on the field will bring more wins,” said Sean Corp, 11. Many fans hope that the new designs will give the players a better chance of winning because the uniforms will bring more confidence and organization to the players. Hopefully, the new uniforms will shed light on the Cleveland Browns and give them a long-awaited winning season.


sides of the pant legs, cutting off the stripes. With these new uniforms, the Browns have nine different uniform combinations that they

“I like the new uniforms because they look cool. The whole team will be ballin’ in them,” said Andrew McNutt, 10. Students cannot wait to see these uniforms

first home game of the football season. Everyone was ready for the football season to start at Art Wright Stadium. It was memorable because the students were not only extremely loud, but the orange was in support of Coach Dennison. In the summer, Coach Dennison was fighting kidney cancer. The students wanted to show support for Coach Dennison and show that no one fights alone. The football team moms even made the football players and some of the teachers t-shirts that say “No one fights alone.” The t-shirts were orange because that is the color that represents kidney cancer awareness. It was awesome to see this many people support Dennison. One of the other loudest and proudest was the beach theme at the Ashland football game. It was the first game of the season for the Grizzlies, which started on the road at Ashland High School. The students were loud, and they were

ready to cheer the Grizzlies on to a memorable season. Everyone who takes part in the student section has fun! No matter what season or what sport, the students of WHS can be seen having a good time together while showing school pride. Students of all grades are encouraged to see what all of the hype is about and show their school spirit at all athletic games.


Friday night student sections light up, excite crowd


One of the most exciting things you can do in high school is participate in the student sections on Friday nights. Overall, our student section really does make an impact on the game in a positive way. The loudness does boost the players’ confidence and gives them a surge of energy. It also is fun to participate in the student section. One has the opportunity to meet new people and hangout with friends while cheering the Grizzlies to a victory. The loudest and proudest student section this year was the white out with orange accessories because it was the Grizzlies’


The students cheered on the Grizzlies while supporting coach Dennison at a Friday night football game. It was a fun and cool night for all of the students.


The beachwear theme was a good choice for the warm Friday night.

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What was your favorite student section? “The blackout theme because that is all I ever wear.” Kevin, 10

“The camo theme because no one could see us.” Ally 10

“The white out theme because it was a blast.” Joey, 11

“All of them because our student section is the bomb.” Abby 11

“The pink out theme because it’s pink.” Mason 12

F eatures 1


April/May 2015


Finals stress can be eliminated What do you do to relax for finals? BY EMILY ANDREWS AND LAUREN WHITLEY

Photo Courtesy of MCT CAMPUS

Many students are overwhelmed with studying for their finals.

As the year comes to an end, the classes seem to get tougher and finals continue to get closer. Most students start to panic about bringing up their grades and studying for finals, but what do they do to relieve all of their stress? Here are ten tips on how to relieve finals stress: 1. One of the simplest things a person can do is take a deep breath. By taking a deep breath, one can collect their thoughts and take a moment for themselves. It relieves tension by decreasing their heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tightness. Breathing can be practiced anywhere, but the key is to practice focused breathing, which increases the supply of oxygen to the brain and leaves the body feeling calm and focused. 2. Exercise is another great way

to relieve stress. While exercising, endorphins are released, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and can leave one feeling happy. It is also a great way to get in shape for summer and feel better about oneself. If the body feels better, so will the mind. 3. Listening to music can help calm and distract students from the overwhelming tests ahead of them. For some people, music can relax them while they study, though it is difficult not to get caught up in the lyrics. Music prevents the mind from wandering and creates a calming effect on one’s body. 4. Something even as simplistic as sleeping or taking a nap can leave someone at peace when they wake up. Most students do not get enough sleep. With finals and last minute grades being turned in, it is even harder to get a good night’s sleep. Taking some time to rest the body and escape reality for a while can leave a person feeling refreshed and energized. 5. Spending some quality time with friends or family can also help motivate people. Sometimes having a good time can help one forget about their worries by laughing all of the stress away. If one studies with a friend, both of them can teach each other, and mini breaks can be taken throughout the study session. That way, no one person has to do all the study preparations on their own. 6. Animals can relieve stress as well. They have a calming presence and can instantly change one’s mood with just a look. Pets give an excuse to take a break from studying because a pet can not be neglected. Walking a dog

or just sitting in the same room as an animal can make a person feel significantly better. 7. There is also a type of stress relief called “progressive stress relief.” All the muscles in one’s body are tensed from studying. To relieve of the tense feeling, tighten every muscle in one leg, count to ten and then release the pressure. Continue this process in every limb and other part of the body. The last thing to do is tighten every muscle in the body, hold for ten seconds and release. This can be done even when sitting in a desk taking a test. 8. Sometimes a feeling of being overwhelmed takes over and a person feels like they cannot get past it. Just writing a to-do list or writing about something that is bothersome can help. Once the problem is found, it becomes a lot easier to stop freaking out and to form a plan of attack. 9. Leave devices and technology behind. People get so wrapped up in their phones and computers that they lose track of time, and then they complain about having no time. Technology might be able to help, but try to avoid it as long as possible while studying. 10. Prepare for the tasks that will need to be done the next day. By making snacks or picking out clothes the night before, there is a lot less havoc the next day. This can also be applied to schoolwork; get it done the day before and have a bookbag packed and ready to go the next day. Finals can take a great toll on one’s mind and body if the task is not handled correctly. Since so much stress is thrown on students at once, these ten helpful tips should definitely help lead to a less stressful and week.

want their student to be from. ISE works hard to match students with host families so that everyone enjoys the experience. Hosts can request a male or female, and they are matched with the student based on their hobbies and interests. Hosts then read through profiles that are matched with them, and they can pick a student. They can request more profiles until they find the right one. One of the most important aspects of being a foreign exchange student is having a supportive host family. “Students are really hoping for a loving family who will show them compassion, an interest in them and give them love and support,” Hamilton said. Bill Lambert and his family have hosted two foreign exchange students, Arthur Castro and Vojta Slavik. “It is a little strange at first. It quickly becomes routine, as most things do. Once the students come to realize that this is their home for the school year and settle into the American way of things, it starts to go well from there. The only difficult part

is saying good-bye,” Lambert said upon being asked about his experiences with hosting a foreign exchange student. Similar to the host family, the foreign exchange student also usually has an easy time adjusting. “Both students we have hosted adapted very fast to their new surroundings. One student had a little difficulty with the language while the other was more fluent, which made it very easy for him to adapt,” Lambert said. There are not many expenses that the host family has to cover for the student. The only things that are necessary to provide are room, board, a place to study and transportation. Any other financial costs are up to the host family to decide, although many hosts try to pay for a lot of activities for the student. Lambert said that prospective host families should be comfortable sharing everything with their student, including vacations, church, professional sports alliances and holidays. “Otherwise,” he said, “you would be cheating a foreign adolescent out of a lifelong memory and

“When I am stressed, I like to go and hang out with my friends.”

“I sleep or listen to music and eventually fall asleep.”

Ariel, 9

Morgan, 11

“I like to practice my guitar and play softball.”

“I like to watch Netflix.”

Matt, 11

Delaney, 10

“I watch Awkward and bake cookies and brownies.”

Mackenzie, 10

“I try to stay as organized as I can and schedule all of my studying out.”

Abby, 12

Hosting foreign exchange students BY ERIN KILBRIDE

Have you ever wanted to be a host family for a foreign exchange student? The opportunity is available to everyone at Wadsworth High School, and it is a lot easier than you would expect. Karen Hamilton is a representative of International Student Exchange (ISE), and she encourages all students to take advantage of this opportunity. Students from other countries enjoy being foreign exchange students in America because learning English is very important to their futures, and living abroad improves their language skills and provides them with a competitive edge over others in the future on their resumes. Foreign exchange students learn English for at least 6 years. However, they usually learn for 8 or more years, so there is not a large language barrier. Some of the students still in need of homes come from countries like Spain, Venezuela, Finland, Germany, China, Italy and Colombia, and host families can pick where they

experience, as well as cheating yourself.” Currently, Hamilton has three students whom she needs to place with host families as soon as possible. Gianmarco is from Italy and has been studying English for 10 years. He is interested in basketball, music, boating, school activities, snow sports and travel. Santiago is from Spain and is interested in biking, music, photography, skiing, soccer, track and church. Valentina is from Venezuela

and has been studying English for 10 years. She is interested in arts and crafts, bowling, swimming, traveling and volleyball. It is important for these students and others to get matched with a good host family so that they get an experience that will help them with their future careers. If you are interested in hosting a foreign exchange student, you can contact Karen Hamilton at (330) 328 - 9943 or for more information or to be put in contact with a former host family.


The current foreign exchange students at WHS enjoyed snow tubing this winter. Along with tubing, they’ve been able to experience many other new things, as well.


April/May 2015


Mrs. McNamara leaves on a high note BY ELIZABETH HECKLER

Vocal music is an important part of the community of Wadsworth. From the time a student is in elementary school, they participate in vocal music. Many of these students choose to continue their vocal music careers in high school; Wadsworth High School has not just one choir, but three: concert choir, elite choir and show choir. For the past 32 years, Mrs. Linda McNamara has taught, choreographed and directed all three of these choirs. McNamara has taught at Wadsworth since 1983, but the 2014-2015 school year was her last. The vocal music director announced her retirement at the beginning of this year. Mrs. McNamara was kind enough to answer a few questions about her career and her plans for retirement. What is your favorite music genre? “I can’t pick a favorite genre of music. I like it all!” What is your favorite hobby/ past time? “My hobby is still music, I was just lucky to turn my hobby into a my profession.” What is your favorite quote? “My favorite quote is, ‘Always remember who you are, what you are and what you want to become.’”

What subjects/classes have you taught? “I have taught Elementary, Middle School and High School Vocal Music and Music Theory and Appreciation.” Why did you decide to become a choir director? “I loved to sing.” What was your favorite song to direct and why? “Sing Me To Heaven. I recorded the kids singing this and played it for my dad the night he passed away.” What was the funniest thing that happened during a concert? “Loud, loud thunder claps during a song that it was appropriate for.” What do you think students have learned from your classes? “A love and appreciation for music.” What has been the best thing about teaching at WHS? “The kids.” What do you plan on doing when you retire? “Anything I want.” What will you miss the most about teaching at Wadsworth High School? “The students and the friendships of colleagues.” Mrs. McNamara has greatly influenced many students at WHS. The Bruin staff wishes her the best in her retirement.


Photo Courtesy of whs yearbook

Mrs. McNamara plays piano to accompany the choirs at the 2014 Veterans Day Assembly at WHS.

Photo Courtesy of whs yearbook

Mrs. McNamara is the director of the concert choir, elite choir and show choir. She has taught at Wadsworth for 38 years.

Judge McIlvaine brings court to upperclassmen


Judge McIlvaine sits in front of the upperclassmen as he reads the verdicts of the accused suspects for charges ranging from a mall theft to a sixth offense OVI. BY ALEX JONES AND DEAN BEDDOW

Judge McIlvaine held court in the school on April 16, displaying real life cases as examples to teach students about how their decisions have consequences. As the students walked into the gym, they saw a real court room set up with real convicts and real sentences. The juniors and seniors had the experience of seeing people just like them getting sentenced to time in jail. The judge has done this at the high school every two years since 1997. Judge McIlvaine is the head judge in Wadsworth and also oversees the southern part of Medina County, Lodi and Sharon township. Judge McIlvaine had to go through an extensive process to get to this level of jurisdiction. He went through four years of

college, three years of law school and then had to pass the bar exam. After all of his schooling, he was still only a lawyer. After practicing law for five years, he finally became a judge. “It is right before Prom, right before Junior Banquet and it is right before graduation.” Those were Judge McIlvaine’s three reasons for talking to the juniors and seniors at this time. During this time of Prom and Junior Banquet, students might be tempted to drink alcohol or take drugs. Judge McIlvaine wanted the students to see the consequences they could face if they participated in illegal activities. There were four court cases presented during the assembly. These included defendants convicted of shoplifting, a first offense OVI, a second offense

Students participate in Government Day


Judge McIlvaine (above) is talking to the juniors and seniors about good choices for Prom.

OVI and a sixth offense OVI. All of the defendants that appeared in front of the upperclassmen had a range of sentences. Most defendants received up to 90 days in jail, a specific number of hours of community service and license suspension with driving privileges. One defendant who was tried for shoplifting received community service but no jail time or suspensions. The defendants who volunteered to appear in front of the student body received a reduced court date fee for their participation. Most defendants pretended that the student body was not even there. The fourth and final defendant took a different route from the other three. This trial was his 6th offense OVI, and he had struggled with alcohol his whole life. As

he was being sentenced, he told the students that they should not make the same choices that he did because they would have to face the consequences. Mr. Kibler ran the court day and said a few words after the proceedings. “Mrs. Vandyke is going to make sure and keep this going every two years,” he said, referencing his approaching retirement. Many of the juniors and seniors were appreciative of Judge McIlvaine’s visit. The audience had many questions to ask the Judge after the court proceedings had ended, including questions about Judge McIlvaine’s career and about hypothetical legal scenarios. “It was nice to see what would happen if we decided to make the decisions that he was talking about,” Sarah Elfers, 11, said.

City Hall held a Students in Government Day on April 17 to show senior students what it would be like to work in government positions. Each student ran for a certain government job. Their peers then elected the best student for each job. Each student was assigned to a counterpart who actually holds the position to which the student was elected. These pairs went around town to different occupations surrounding their position. “It is important because you start to gain an appreciation for the job and take pride in that job. It also gives students an idea of different kinds of jobs, and maybe they will discover something they never thought they would do,” Mayor Robin Laubaugh said when asked about the importance of students involved in government. There were three different kinds of committees that the students went to around town. The students were assigned to a committee based on their elected position. The first committee was the Public Service Committee which consisted of jobs that provide the different services around town, such as Water Treatment, Electric and Communications and Sanitation. The second committee was the Public Ways Committee, which oversees the town and all the maintenance, such as in the Streets Division, Vehicle Maintenance and City Hall Engineering. The third committee was the Public Safety Committee, which provides public safety forces such as the fire department, police department and Municipal Court. “The students in government will be our future, and it is important to educate our future positions,” Mr. Lynn said about the importance of Students in Government Day. WHS hopes that giving kids a first-hand experience in jobs like these will make them eager and ready to take on these jobs in the future. Each senior that signed up got great field experience. “I became very educated in each job and got to see a lot of different and unique positions,” said senior Shane Mast. Students in Government was a big success this year. It is a lasting tradition which is both fun and a great way to educate our youth.


Seniors pose for a photo at the start of the day.

E ntertainment


April/May 2015


Who will replace Zayn in One Direction? Potential Candidates

All photos by MCT CAMPUS

The world of Directioners was rocked by the shock of one of the singers, Zayn Malik, leaving One Direction. “I was surprised, but I probably did not cry that hard over it,” Hannah Musser, 11, was willing to share about how she felt after the traumatizing event. However, many were left in tears by this heart-shattering event. We are all still left with one question, though: “Who will replace Zayn?” The top picks begin with any of the ex-Jonas Brothers. From 2005-2013, the Jonas Brothers captivated the hearts of young girls across the nation. However, after the band suffered from “creative differences,” they split up and left millions heartbroken. Brothers Joe and Nick have begun to launch successful solo careers and are definite potential candidates for the band. One Direction could easily find a replacement among the rubble of the former band. All of the brothers are very talented and could bring more success to the wildly successful band. On the other end of the spectrum, One Direction

could take a risk and possibly add a female artist to the band. Anna Kendrick, the star of Pitch Perfect, has a strong and powerful voice along with a great look. She would be a great addition to the band by attracting more male fans, which would increase the band’s fan base. Kendrick is no new face in show business. She performed with Neil Patrick Harris at the 2015 Oscar Awards along with an appearance on Lip Sync Battle on which she performed “Booty” by Jennifer Lopez. She entertained audiences and left them asking for more. Next on our list is the R&B performer, Kanye West. West has maintained a successful musical career since 2008. Despite his success, he could possibly explore some new waters and try joining a band. After all, West did say that he is the “Number 1 living and breathing rock star.” Why not share some of that talent with a band that just suffered the loss of one of their members? The boy band could also consider taking in Jaden Smith. Smith may not have a singing career but he may have the potential to become a songwriter.

If you look at Smith’s Twitter, you will see how wise he is for his age. His outlook on life is both inspiring and thought-provoking. Tweets such as “if a cup cake falls from a tree how far away will it be from down?” and “how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real,” is just a glimpse into the inquisitive mind of Jaden Smith. It is vital for every band to have their bad boy, and it is no question that Zayn Malik was One Direction’s bad boy. Now that he is gone, the band needs a replacement. Who better to fill that position than legendary bad boy Justin Bieber? Bieber has had multiple runins with the law and nothing will stop him from relieving himself in a mop bucket, spitting on his fans or having his body guards carry him up the Great Wall of China. He is a bad boy to the core and that is exactly what One Direction needs. Despite the loss of their high-note-hitting bad boy, One Direction is left with many worthy contenders willing to replace Zayn in the multi-million dollar band. Many individuals would be honored to fill Zayn’s spot,but only one can come out on top.

heart-stopping masterpiece that had the audience on the edge of their seats for the duration of the movie. The movie made $147 million in the first week alone. Seventh Son, starring Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore, came up short in the long run, losing around $79 million. This fantasy/action adventure failed to give the audience any substance with few action scenes that could actually engage the viewer. The plot was all over the place, and it was hard to keep up with what was going on. The only reason this movie is watchable is because Game of Thrones star Kit Harrington’s cameo. The star gets killed off in the

opening scene. The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water excited and thrilled Spongebob fans of all ages. An evil pirate on land named Burger Beard has stolen the Krabby Patty formula, so it is up to Spongebob and his arch nemesis Plankton to steal it back. Sponge Out of Water got some pretty average reviews but made a ton in the box office, earning $55 million in the first week and a whopping $161 million in total domestic gross. Blackhat failed to bring in an audience in this cyber-hacking thriller. Nick Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth) is a computer hacker serving a 15 year prison

sentence. He is later freed after a code, written when he was younger, makes its way into a malware. This ultimately triggered a terrorist attack. The movie sounds exciting but failed to captivate the audience in theaters. Overall, the film lost $63 million in disappointed moviegoers. 2015 has been the year where movies struck it big in the box office or flopped miserably and lost millions of dollars in debt. Whether you are a movie fanatic or simply enjoy seeing a flick once in awhile, there will always be movies that appeal to your movie preferences. A movie one thinks is great, may be awful to others.


Box office winners, flops shape 2015 BY LIAM LEONARD

2015 has already been rocked with a plethora of satisfactory releases. While the months of April and May have not been as promising as the first few months, there are still some awesome movies for one to enjoy. Among the top of the popular box office releases, Furious 7, The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water and Unfriended have stolen the show. Box office flops have been frequent in 2015. The biggest flops, Jupiter Ascending, Seventh Son and Blackhat, have lost a combined $269 million. One movie that disappointed

audiences was Jupiter Ascending. Jupiter was written and directed by the Wachowskis, the same people who created the billion dollar trilogy, The Matrix. The Wachowskis failed to provide a solid storyline to base Jupiter on, only giving the viewers a visual feast that was unable to support itself, leading to a very disappointing, average movie. In Furious 7, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker team up for one last ride. In this critically acclaimed thriller, Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) for Shaw’s comatose brother, ultimately leading to an action packed,

BOx office winners and losers


Furious 7 came out with excellent reviews, grossing an estimated $296 million total.


Sponge Out of Water earned $55 million in its first week and has earned $161 million total.


Blackhat took a spill at the box office, losing $63 million bucks.


Seventh Son disappointed audiences, ultimately costing them around $79 million dollars.


Jupiter Ascending flopped big time at the office losing more than $127 million dollars.


Picture Page


April/May 2015

Spirit Week Monday

Movie Character







What Not to Wear

Throwback Thursday



Tacky Tourist



H. H.

L. L.

M. M.






Grizzly Gear Friday



A. Sarah, 11, dresses in a Peter Pan inspired costume. B. Nate, 11, sports his Rocky themed sweat suit. C. Sarah, 10, dresses as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. D. Kenzie, 9, dresses as Boy Scout Russell from Disney’s original movie UP. E. Jodi , 11, Dylan, 12, Colin Klonk, 12, and Grant, 12, relax as they enjoy their day as tourists. F. Dylan, 9, shows off his sunglasses and tourist hat. G. Cameron, 10, Maddie, 11, and Morgan, 11, model their tourist outfits as they make their way down the hallway. H. Stacy, 10, poses for a picture with her “fashionable” necklace and hairstyle. I. Zach, 11, Blake, 10, and Zach, 11, clash their different patterns and colors to show us what not to wear. J. Dylan, 10, and Joe, 10, show off their outdated and random

accessories. K. Charlie, 10, poses in his 60’s attire. L. Carly 11, sports her 80’s gear. M. Nancy, 11, Kenzie, 11, and Sydney, 11, pose for a picture in their throwback outfits. N. McKenzie, 11, shows off her inner hippie in tie-dye. O. Clayton, 10, gets ready for a touchdown in his football helmet. P. Kyle, 10, poses in his customized football sweatshirt. Q. Tori, 9, and Maddie, 9, pose in their grizzly gear. R. Isaac l, 10, wears his Wadsworth Grizzlies hat and shirt to end the week.




April/May 2015


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April/May 2015



S ports 1

April/May 2015


College bound


Signees make big strides from high school to college sports BY CODY SURRATT

The Grizzlies are known for their excellent performance in sports, now more than ever. Some students have made a decisive choice in their life to continue their Grizzly traditions and follow their high school sport into college. Over the years, Wadsworth has had many great athletes. Now, there are new athletes making their mark in our community’s sports history. Kassidy Deuber, Nick Bebout, Adam Dennison, Tim Knipl and Shane Mast have all decided to pursue their athletic careers and play collegiate level athletics.

Nick Bebout Participating in a college sport takes an immense amount of dedication. Someone who knows a lot about dedication is Nick Bebout. Baseball has been a part of his life for a long time now. Nick has a 3.3 cumulative G.P.A. and was ranked in the top 50 among all baseball players in Ohio by Prep Baseball Report. There is a bigger goal that senior Bebout is chasing. He is shooting for the most career wins. As of right now, Bebout is at 21 wins, three behind the current record holder, Coach Billy Gearheart, who has 24 career wins. “I cannot wait to further my baseball career. It has been one of

my goals for a long time to play in college and I am excited to see what I can bring to the table at Walsh,” said Bebout. Kassidy Deuber Kassidy Deuber has excelled in cross country and track tremendously for the past four years. Kassidy is a four year letter winner in track and cross country, which is an outstanding accomplishment for a high school student athlete. Her coach explained how it was an honor to have coached her and can not wait to see what she can do in college. Adam Dennison Adam Dennison is also someone who puts in extreme work. Between

Photo COURTESY OF brad musgrave

The signees all pose for a picture before they begin to sign their letters of intent.

playing baseball and football for the Grizzlies, he has a lot on his hands. Adam has been a three year letter winner in football and a two year letter winner in baseball. He has played a key role in the baseball’s undefeated season. He is excited to impact the upcoming playoff games. Shane Mast Shane has wrestled with Wadsworth for six years. He is a two time state qualifier and placed fourth in the state tournament this year.

spring College signees Tim committed to The Citidel (SC) to wrestle

Kassid committed to Gannon University (PA) to run cross country

Shane commited to Kent State University to wrestle

Adam committed to Wheeling Jesuit University to play baseball

Nick committed to Walsh University to play baseball

Spring sports round corner BY NICK LANDOLPH

Entering the home stretch of the spring sports season, spring athletes are looking to make a final push in order to achieve their season goals. Regardless of how well they began their season, our Grizzly athletes are giving everything they have in the final stretch of the 2015 season. The Grizzly baseball, softball, track and field and lacrosse teams are all working their hearts out to end their seasons on a high note. Baseball The Grizzly baseball team, facing adversity in the form of injuries to seniors Alex Laikos and Mason Egleston, began their season with an undefeated 20-0 start. The Grizzlies’


Ashley looks to drive the ball.

pitching staff, headed by seniors Nick Bebout, Aaron George and Quinn Bergner, have been dominant, allowing only 16 runs in their first 11 games. Despite the early injuries, the offense has been superb throughout the season as well. Seniors Riley Campbell, Adam Dennison and Will Rock supply the team with base runners, and seniors Kyle Pennington, Nick Bebout and Dylan Palidar provide the lineup with power. Defensively, sophomores Craig Palidar and A.J. Robinson fill major roles in the field, with Craig starting behind the plate and A.J. starting in center field. All of these athletes play a crucial role in the team’s success and are looking to continue their success throughout the rest of the season. Their goal is to win the Suburban League and make a run for the State Championship. “The season has been great! We are undefeated and we have confidence in our abilities to win the league and finish the season out strong,” said Chris Byers, 11, when asked about how the season has gone so far. Softball The Grizzly softball team started out their season strong, winning a close game 2-1 over Ashland. Unfortunately, they dropped their next two games against Perry and Highland, losing both in heartbreaking fashion. However, the team quickly bounced back and dominated in their next four games.

“The best part of the season so far has been playing in the Upside of Down’s Syndrome tournament. It was a great experience, and we were able to help two amazing girls,” said Haleigh Klatka, 11. After playing 20 games, the girls have a 14-6 record. The team is preparing to string some wins together to make a run in the Suburban League. Track and Field Both the boys and girls track and field team started off hot, with the boys team starting out with an undefeated 8-0 record. They recently finished fourth out of 46 teams at the AustintownFitch Optimist meet. “I feel like the season has been great. We continue to improve every week, and we have placed in every event this year,” said Kyle Hibinger, 10. The girls team has been successful as well, with their only loss coming from Nordonia. They placed seventh out of 46 teams at the Optimist meet.

“We have exceeded our expectations for this season, and I feel like our team can only get better going forward,” said Alexa Conley, 10. Both the boys and girls have expended countless hours of training in the offseason, and their hard work has definitely paid off. Lacrosse Although many lacrosse players are new to the sport and some are even first-timers, the boys and girls lacrosse teams have both looked like pros on the field. The varsity boys lacrosse team, headed by new coach Phil Mershner, is a young, hungry team that is constantly looking to improve every day. They have already improved their record from last year, and are making huge strides toward a successful season.When asked about their season, sophomore Drew Blankenship said, “I feel like the team is really coming together. We are all playing


Girls track & field pose with their trophy after finishing in first place.

“As soon as I found out he was going to wrestle at KSU, I was extremely happy for him. He has put in so much work; I am just glad it is paying off for him,” said fellow teammate Darrin Gilkerson. It is paying off for Mast; four time letter winner, all county wrestler and state placer must mean you are doing something right. Tim Knipl Tim Knipl is no man to mess with. Attending one of the top military schools in the United States is a huge challenge. He was a three time state qualifier, where he placed 5th and was a state runner-up. Knipl was a varsity team captain for the team, which is one of the highest honors on the wrestling team. Knipl is a person who was always a hard worker, and that is why he will fit in perfectly at The Citadel. The Citadel offered him a full ride scholarship, and he is excited to accept the challenge of one of the toughest military schools in the country.


Ace Nick looks in to get his signs.

much better than last year and play hard together as a team.” The girls squad has had a nearly perfect season and are looking to have an even better season next year. The girls are confident that an undefeated season may be possible in their first year of the program. Boys Tennis The varsity boys tennis season was a very successful one. They recently competed in the Suburban League Championships and finished in third place out of eight teams and third in the season rankings. They have a solid, young squad and are looking to improve on their performance next year. “The season has been fun with a lot of hard work. I enjoyed bonding with the team during practice and matches,” sophomore Kyle Zufra said about the season.


S ports 2


April/May 2015

C le vel and sp or ts app arent ly jinxe d BY DYLAN BOWERS

It is that time of year again, where the jinx of Cleveland sports looks to be broken. The King and company are beginning their playoff journey. The Indians are trying to get back on track after a slow start, after a predicted World Series, while the Browns are looking to build through the draft. The Cavs finally settled in as the team many hoped they become. As the second seed in the Eastern Conference, the Cavs are the favorite in Las Vegas to win the NBA title at 9 to 4. The Cavs’ season came together after the team acquired Timofey Mozgov, J.R. Smith and Iman Shumpert. Led by Kyrie Irving, LeBron James and Kevin Love, the Cavs finished 34-9 after the mid-season trades. The Cavs will have to get through the Chicago Bulls and the Atlanta Hawks to represent the Eastern Conference in the NBA Finals. The Cavs have

their work cut out for them. After Kevin Love’s devastating post-season injury, requiring him to receive shoulder surgery, the Cavs will be without him for the remainder of the playoffs. As the Cavs continue their journey to break the jinx, there is another team in town who is looking like they’re jinxed this season as well: the Cleveland Indians. The Indians were picked by Sports Illustrated to win the

World Series this year, but the Sports Illustrated jinx appears to have gotten to them. The Indians have a young core consisting of Yan Gomes, Carlos Santana, Jason Kipnis, Michael Brantley and pitchers Corey Kluber, Carlos Carrasco and Trevor Bauer, but the Indians’ bullpen appears to be very poor early in the season. 2015 is the season the Indians look to take it to the next level. The team acquired right



fielder Brandon Moss from the Oakland Athletics in a move to get a power hitter. With the addition of Moss, the young core has continued to grow and develop. A slow start has many doubting the Indians, but the team still has 5 months of baseball left to play. The Browns offseason has been absolutely atrocious. Quarterback Johnny Manziel and Wide Receiver Josh Gordon have had troubling off-seasons. Manziel spent the offseason in rehab and Gordon was suspended for an entire year. The team got a “new” logo, and

was also involved in a texting scandal in which General Manager Ray Farmer was suspended four games and the franchise got a $250,000 fine. The new uniforms and draft were off-season positives. The Browns drafted Danny Shelton, a defensive tackle and offensive lineman Cameron Erving. All the hype from Cleveland sports has suddenly disappeared. The Cavs will have to overcome the loss of Kevin Love, the Indians will have to overcome a slow start, and the Browns are still a few players away from contending.

Cavaliers’ Kyrie Irving and LeBron James (Left) and Indians’ Michael Brantley (Right) are trying to break the bad luck of Cleveland sports.

Mayweather cements his legacy as T.B.E. BY MICHAEL CALLOW

The stage was set for the biggest fight of the century: Floyd Mayweather Jr. versus Manny Pacquiao. The two best boxers in the world went head-to-head for the welterweight title.

upwards of $128,000. Pay-Per-View sales were so huge that they crashed the cable servers on the night of the fight. The hype surrounding these two fighters was unreal. Mayweather came into the fight with a record of 47-0 (26 knockouts), with the


Mayweather celebrates one of his many world championship belts that he achieved on his way to a perfect 48-0 record.

Boxing fans all over the world tuned in on May 2, in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the most important fight since Ali versus Frazier. When a ticket deal was finalized, the tickets sold out in under a minute and the floor seats in Mayweather’s corner resold for

nickname of T.B.E or The Best Ever. This win over Pacquiao has quite possibly cemented Mayweather’s legacy as the greatest of all time, and he could retire as the highest paid athlete in the world. Mayweather made sixty percent of the fights purse which is estimated

to be around $300,000,000. The fight went all twelve rounds, in what many believe should have been a Pacquiao win. When asked what he thought about the fight, Manny said, “I thought I won the fight. He didn’t do nothing.” Judges scored the fight 118-110, 116-112, 116-112, in a unanimous Mayweather win. Reviewing the fight, the sports world has come to believe that the judges scored the fight correctly. Now 48-0, Mayweather has cemented his legacy as one of the greatest boxers to ever lived, and has proved his doubters wrong who said that he could never beat Pacquiao. If Mayweather never fights again, he can retire as the highest paid athlete ever, and have an unblemished record. Now that he has beaten Pacquiao, Mayweather has proved that he is the most dominant fighter since Mike Tyson. Alex Jones wanted Manny Pacquiao to win, and believes that “The fight was rigged and Pacquiao would have won if the outcome was not already decided.” Boxing expert and good friend

of Floyd Mayweather Jr., Stephen A. Smith, believes that “Floyd will retire on the Mount Rushmore of boxing,” Mr. Callaghan, the boxing aficionado, stated that Smith is a, “bombastic twit,” and when asked about putting Mayweather on boxing’s Mount Rushmore, he replied with, “Heavens no.” He went on to give his Mount Rushmore consisting of, “Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, Rocky Marciano, and Sugar Ray Leonard.” Mayweather has always considered himself as The Best Ever, even before being considered to be

on the Mount Rushmore of boxing. That confidence has propelled him to a level where only the great Rocky Marciano has been before, and that’s 49-0. Floyd has announced that he will retire after one more fight. Could we have a Mayweather/Pacquiao II for this historic event? If Mayweather were to win his next fight, and make it against a healthy Pacquiao who would be coming off of shoulder surgery, he would retire with a perfect 49-0 record, be on the Mount Rushmore of boxing and would without a doubt would be considered T.B.E.


Floyd Mayweather Jr. (left) fighting Manny Pacquiao (right) during Round II of the fight on May 2, 2015.

Who were you rooting for? PHOTO BY MICHAEL CALLOW

“Mayweather because he is undefeated and I want him to stay perfect.” -Cam, 10


“Manny Pacquiao since Mayweather has never lost and Manny seems like a nice guy.” -Dylan 9


“I wanted Pacquiao because my whole family was rooting for him.” -Kristi, 10


“Definitely Floyd Mayweather because he is the G.O.A.T. and he has some sweet cars.” -Tyler, 10



April/May 2015



April/May 2015



Patrons 2014-2015 Abby Elliot Adrianne Santiago Allen and Corina Bingham Andrew and Erin McPherson Anytime Fitness Arellano Family AvaLenc (“GrizzlyTeamWadsworth�) Betty Nalepa Bill and Alice Carter Bob and Carol Simmons Brad Musgrave Caitlin Douglas Carl and Chanin Tyler and Family Carly Cundiff Carole Egleston Carrie Szalay Cary Goodin Charlene Blevins Charles and Patricia Szalay Charles V. Kuss Cindy Laikos Dave and Chrissie Vidmar Dave and Toni Lack Dawn and Pat Landolph Dawn Wolf Debbie and Gary Lake Debbie Lingel Dom Carretta Don and Dolores Lenc Doug and Beth Snyder Doug Beeman Dr. Andrew & Dawn Hill Family Dwain Kibler Ernest L. Bergan Ervin Family Fernholz Family Gary and Kimberly Noe Greg and Debbie Pegrim Hannan Laikos Hendricks Family Dentistry Jack and Jone Cionni Jane and Jim Douglas Janet Bing Jeff and Kathie Priest Jenny Wise Jerrilyn Bryenton Jessica Gibson Jill and Terry Young Jill Brown Joanne Isaac Joe and Cindy Hanlin Joe and Terry Carter Joe Leonard John and Jenny Griffin John and Kellee Trenta John Johnson

Joseph Cheff Joyce Pannunzio Karla and Kevin Smith Ken and Barb Hillegass Ken and Gio Brandes Ken and Mary Cornacchione Kevin and Dana Quinn Killian and Ann Mendel Klaws Family Kristin MacDowell Larry and JoLynn Kaufman Laurence and Nancy Jennings Lee and Judy Weinerman Leslie North Libby Egleston Lockwood Family Mark and Cheryl Gilbert Mark and Megan Postak Mark Schoonover and Family Mark Zimmer Marrin Family Matt and Mary Porter and Family Matthew and Jennifer Fuss Melissa Eaton Michael and Lori Fick Michelle Kocevar Mike and Nana Callow Mike and Tonya Fullbright Mike Schmeltzer Movsesian Family Mr and Mrs Robert A Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Jim Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Tim Odell and Family Mr. Bill Goddard Mr. Jurey Mr. Steve Moore and Family Mrs. North Pam and Larry Craig Paul and Kay Gilbert Rebecca Dills Rhonda Cossick Rich and Pat Studenic Rob and Julie Peters Rob Hahn Robb Karovic Robert Bingham Ron and Angie Mendel Ron and Steffany Kupiec Roger Havens Sandy Kurt Sarah Trausch Sharon and Tom Melody Sharon Genis Steve and Sarah McIlvaine Studenic Family Sujata Patel and Family

Tanya and Don Miksch The Baxley Family The Bowens The Butch & Linda Mueller Family The Capron Family The Case Family The Cerino Family The Csaky Family The Dennison Family The Earnest Family The Eggleton Family The Erme Family The Gabe Tudor Family The Gabel Family The Gibson Family The Harwick Family The Heckler Family The Kellner Family The Knipl Family The LaMonica Family The Lenc Family The Merhar Family The Recupero Family The Singleton Family The Szalay Family The Todd Baughman Family The VanDyke Family The Virgin Family The Wright Family Thomas and Lynn Bardar Tim Leonard Todd and Joni Grice Tom and Lisa Oplinger Tom and Maryann Postak Tom and Toni Knapp Trish and Dave Swanson

Wadsworth Sports Medicine, Dr. Crawford

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April/May 2015

Place Of The Month

Throwback Of The Month



Subzero Ice Cream & Yogurt

Mr. Kibler holds up the throwback t-shirts that he raffled out for free to WHS students

Junk of the Month


BY Eme Eggleton

After paying the pricey sum of $700 for his truck, Allen Geimer has been in multiple accidents. However, his truck still has a place in the Junk of the Month Hall of Fame. The dents, rust and broken fender make this piece of junk worth looking for in the parking lot. Allen keeps the muffler in the bed of the truck. The “Leave Me Alone” sticker on the back is a testimony in itself to not judge, even if some of the damage is Allen’s fault.



Trap Queen by Fetty Wap


Allen 11, shows off his beloved truck’s muffler.



The Avengers 2 / The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)



Medical Assisting

Web Design




Media Communications



“We should all start to live before we get too old.”


-Marilyn Monroe

Students of the Month What is your favorite class?

AP Calc

What are your plans after high school?

What is your greatest high school memory? Mr. Knapp AP U.S. History/ Mr. Singleton AP Language Arts What are your plans for this summer? Work for the Street Department and visit Vermont and Montreal.


Who is your favorite teacher? Mrs. North What is your greatest high school memory? The Rave my freshman year.

Who is your favorite teacher? Mrs. North What is your favorite class? Mr. Callaghan’s English class




Attend the University of Cincinnatti to study Mechanical Engineering.






April/May 2015



S peakout “Pro-crastination.” -Brooke, 12

Describe the 2014-15 school year in 3 words.

“SNOW DAY CALCULATOR.” -Sami, 12 “Exciting, crazy, fast.” -Tristan, 11

“I. Need. Sleep.” -Julia, 9


“Anyone do physics?” -Ryan, 12

What is your most memorable 2014-15 school year moment or event?

“Being “My favorite amazed at how memory of the past good the fall semester school year is spending student slam poems time with our students were!” at different events.” -Mrs. Trausch - Linda Kramer, School Board member

“My last year-every day was a memory .” -Mr. Kibler

“Having “I am such the 3 amigos a fan of the Jazz in class. Nick Band, anytime Landolph, Dylan they played was Bowers, and great! I especially Mike Burnley. loved when they played for the lunch Their passion for periods. Thank you history and Arby’s makes everyday Mr. Hadgis and all memorable.” the great Jazzy -Mr. Hamilton Musicians!” -Mrs. Mathews

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