The Bruin- January 2011/ December 2010

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

december 2010



1870 - 2010 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 140 years of Excellence in Education”

625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281

Volume XXXV No. 3

Winter Break December 17January 2 $1.00

Holiday season spreads generosity to local charities program helps to provide food for Christmas dinner if it is needed. The food is donated by the group that adopts the family. Either a gift card to a grocery store or a gift basket of food is given. The group that adopts the family personally delivers all of the gifts before Christmas. Many groups that adopt a family make it relate to school. The teachers do an incredible job of combining school with helping the community. The gifts for the nine individuals


Most people look forward to the holidays to receive gifts they have been waiting for all year. However, not everyone is that fortunate, which is why so many organizations work hard to make the holidays merry. There are several local organizations and charities that work through the schools to help make the holidays special for everyone. One organization that the high school helps is Adopt “It is amazing how a Family. It is a charity much Wadsworth High through the Salvation Army Fish Program. It School truly helps.” helps families in need by -Hillary Sloan-Brown collecting and donating gifts for Christmas. that the high school adopts are The high school does a donated by the administrative magnificent job at helping those staff. These individuals are high in need through Adopt a Family. school students, but are only Cynthia Smith, along with the known to the staff that adopts other coordinators for the program, them by numbers so their identity continue to be impressed with the remains unknown. generosity of the high school. The staff only donates some “We are truly in awe about of the gifts for the individual and how much the high school helps Salvation Army provides the rest. the Adopt a Family program,” The gifts are taken to Mr. Parsons’ said Smith, Adopt a Family co- office and then the Salvation coordinator. Army delivers the gifts. Several groups in the high Families and individuals can school, such as the marketing either call the Salvation Army or class, adopt a family. To keep the fill out a form in order to be a part people in the program confidential, of the program. The Salvation only the teacher in charge of Army does not complete a collecting for that family knows background check on the families the name. Although, if a student and takes their word for it. were to find out the name of the The families that are not assigned family, the children in the families to one of the schools in the district are under high school age. can be adopted by churches and There are typically two to three other organization or businesses children in each family, and the in the community. Some churches group that adopts the family collect miscellaneous items provides all of the gifts. that get separated and go to the Also, the Adopt a Family appropriate families.



The Salvation Army is the only agency in town that will take families until Christmas Eve. So far this holiday season, there are nearly 100 families in the program. This number will continue to grow until the last person calls on Christmas Eve. Adopt a Family is just a small part of what the Fish Program at the Salvation Army does. It also helps to pay rent, electric bills, gasoline, and lodging if someone is evicted from their home. “The main focus of the Fish Program is to keep families warm, safe, and together,” said Smith. Adopt a Family is a wonderful program to help those in need in the community. This is a fantastic way for high school students to get involved in helping members of their own town. Another notable organization is Coats for Kids. This charity collects new or gently used coats. To stay warm in Ohio’s cold weather a coat is needed. Unfortunately, some people are not able to afford a coat. Coats for Kids is the organization that has helped solve this problem since 1984. The high school’s Interact Club is in charge of decorating the boxes in which the coats are placed. They also do a great job of advertising to collect as many coats as possible. The program was created by Howard Hannah and they collect the coats that the students and staff donate. The Salvation Army receives the coats and hands them out to local kids who need them. The extra coats go to the homeless shelter. Wadsworth High School does a tremendous job in helping collect coats. Last year the high school


The Interact Club decorates the boxes in which coats will be donated for the Coats for Kids program through Howard Hannah.


Students in the teacher training program take a quick picture before going shopping for gifts for the Adopt A Family program which is through the Salvation Army.

donated the most coats within the program. So far the high school has also donated the most coats. “It is amazing how much Wadsworth High School truly helps,” said Hillary Sloan-Brown, the administrative assistant of Howard Hannah. This year a gentleman anonymously brought 30 brand new coats into Howard Hannah. He spent over 600 dollars on the coats. This shows how thoughtful

Wadsworth citizens truly can be. Coats for Kids helps many children in the area to stay warm during the harsh Ohio winters. These generous local charities work hard to make the holiday season more joyous for everyone. Nevertheless, all local charities are continually encouraging families and indivuals to help their worthy cause by donating throughout the year, not just during the holidays. This is a year long project.


HOW TO LOSE A CREEPer Learn how to lose a creeper in 10 minutes on Facebook

athletes pursue COLLEGE sports Athletes are featured for moving on to college sports

– page 12

– page 4 top christmas gifts The top 10 Christmas gifts to receive in 2010

– page 11

Holiday favorites Students and teachers share their favorite holiday movies and traditions

index Page News.............................................................3 Opinion......................................................4,5 Ads .......................................................6,7,14 Entertainment............................................. 11 Picture Pages ............................................8, 9 Features .....................................................10 Of the Month...............................................15 Sports.....................................................12,13 Speakout.....................................................16

– page 16

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December 2010

Clubs, organizations deserve more support Editorial

On Friday nights in the winter and fall, one can find high school students cheering on their peers at sporting events. It is great to see that students are in full support of our athletic programs. However, we at The Bruin believe that clubs and organizations, alongside sports, deserve support as well. This season, the football and basketball teams have experienced heightened support, with students of all grades coming out to support their peers. Our devoted senior class has created a fun, safe atmosphere for athletic competition. My question is, why not show the same support for the band or choir and drama productions? Our band is a hard working group of talented musicians. Our drama department produces

some of the best performances for all age groups second to none. We have all heard our tremendous Choir department perform at assemblies, yet few go out to O.J. Work Auditorium to watch their concerts. At the high school, we are privileged enough to have language clubs, academic clubs and numerous volunteer clubs who give back to our community. These students put in the same amount of work as our athletes but rarely earn the respect that they deserve. We should not forget the athletes, but we just need to remember those outside of the arenas who also excel in what they do. Our multitude of clubs and organizations need to know they have our respect, so make plans to attend an upcoming band concert, drama production, or the next choir show.

E ditorial

The Bruin

Brewin’ Debate Is saying “Merry Christmas” politically incorrect? YES


By hayden kilbride

By brad virgin

In this new era of caring about others feelings more than one’s own, it is certainly politically incorrect to only say Merry Christmas to someone. In this day of age it would not be uncommon if the person that you are saying Merry Christmas to does not even celebrate Christmas. You have to consider other people’s feelings first or else you will be hit in the face with a lawsuit or someone hating you for the rest of their lives. Also you need to pay your respect to New Year’s as a significant holiday this time of the year. I am not saying that I think it is right to only say “Happy Holidays” to someone or in school, but I am definitely saying that society thinks that it is not right to say Merry Christmas to people who might be offended by it. So even though there are still billions of people in the world who celebrate Christmas every year, we still need to be sensitive to the select few that might be offended by the cheerful words.

“Merry Christmas” has been said for many upon many years, so why change it now? There is no reason to change something that has been perfectly fine for so many years. Why should saying “Merry Christmas” be politically incorrect? As long as one person in the intended audience is someone who celebrates Christmas, then this should be allowed. If someone was to say, “Happy Hanukkah” to me I would just take it as a “Merry Christmas.” The people who are just making a big deal about this just need to translate it to whatever holiday they celebrate. Just think about all the free time these people would have if they just translated it to what they are going to celebrate instead of complaining about it. Maybe they could teach a class on translations for the saying “Merry Christmas.” It would benefit more people if they did that instead of just complaining about it.

Letters To the editor......

Dear Editor, As you may or may not know the legendary musician John Lennon died thirty years ago as of last Wednesday. Depending how old you are you could know everything he wrote or nothing like my partner. Regardless, the Beatles were one of the most revolutionary music group to have ever existed, and John Lennon one of the best artists. Even if you do not enjoy his music; respect is due to such a great artist, musician, and musical revolutionary. Jordan Bennett, 10

Dear Editor, I would like to say that the courtyard looks so nice this time of year. All of the snow that covers the benches and bushes make it look like we have our own winter wonderland. A lot of people say that the courtyard is pointless and makes the school terrible, but I think that it provides so many benefits to the students here. People need to stop insulting the great design of our

building and most importantly the awesome courtyard. Kevin Sklarek, 12

Dear Editor, I wish that we could have more snow days. Three days are not enough! This is a very snowy part of Ohio, and we should just keep the five days. We might not use all five of the days, so what’s the harm of having them? I also wish that we could also decorate the school in Christmas decorations. It would make the school look happier, and merrier! It would be a lot of fun! Maggie Thelen, 11

Dear Editor, I think that leniency on snow days should be respected, considering we do not get the extra days of school off like usual. For example, if the roads are bad or the weather is bad or what not, we should get that day-off. Mariah Robinson, 10

Dear Editor, There seems to be some problems with the logic that the video and the assembly presented. People who have never experienced what it is like to grow up in our day and age are trying to give us guidelines on an enemy they have never had to face. The video expert says that agreeing with a bully will take “power” away from a bully. Can anyone say that appeasing a bully has ever solved the problem? It seems like that is exactly what the bully wants. Marshall Gnap, 12

Dear Editor, One of my complaints is how the power goes off randomly in the middle of the day. I also think that they should make the hallways warmer because the rooms are warm, but the hallways are terribly cold. I also think we should have more snow days, we never have a snow day where everyone around us has one. Kyle Long, 9

Bruin Staff Editor-in-chief: Adam Woodard Assistant Editor: Evan Dammarell, Mackenzie Blanton Copy Editors: Samm Malkowski, Kayleigh Miller, Hayley Douglas Marketing Manager: Tate Moore Front Page: Page Editor: Molly Priest Reporter: Alexa Baier Editorial: Page Editor: Adam Woodard Reporters: Hayden Kilbride, Brad Virgin Entertainment: Page Editor: Jack Snowball Reporter: Nick Tavanello Speakout: Page Editor: Natalie Davis Reporter: Callie Ray Opinion 1: Page Editor: Kara Long Reporter: Kaitlin Sherrill Opinion 2: Page Editor: Tate Moore Reporter: Luke Lyren Features: Page Editor: Tom Calhoun Reporter: Hayley McQuate News: Page Editor: Elaina Lanson Reporter: Mallory Gruich Picture Pages: Editors: Samm Malkowski, Claire VanFleet Sports 1: Page Editor: Josh Kipfer Reporter: Brett Amadon Sports 2: Page Editor: Matt Doyle Reporter: Garrett Cutting Of The Month: Page Editor: Hayley Douglas Reporter: Tiffany Weiss Ads/Business Manager: Hayden Kilbride Assistant: Brad Virgin Adviser: John Gramuglia

Dear Editor, This school has many problems to review. First, the heat doesn’t even work in half of the rooms, and water drips from the ceiling on a regular basis. The parking lot definitely needs to be salted, so that parking spaces are actually visible, and so that nobody has to worry about not getting out of the parking lot. Justin Chaney, 11

Dear Editor, We got a snow day already in December, which was pretty exciting. But it upset me how the Wadsworth High School is only limiting snow days to three days of the WHOLE year. I think it should be more than that. Imagine this; the snow days are out and we still need to go to school with really bad weather and someone got in a car wreck. I heard rumors it will get worst next year. I believe that the school is not doing a good job to protect the student this year. Breanna Ryder, 10

Dear Editor, We had our first snow day of the year December 7, 2010. It was fun waking up to the phone ringing and I thought to myself no school and then my friends Melissa Cole and my mom texted me saying no school. I was excited but I did not sleep in for long. My body told me to get up, and I hated it. I cleaned my room and moved something. I went sled riding at my friend Stevie’s house with my friend Rachel and Stevie. It was fun until my clothes got wet because of the snow. Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year. Audrey Cole, 12 Dear Editor, We believe that the school should stop talking about bullying. It’s at a point where it’s over played. The students get it.The school has done many great things to enforce and prevent it but we’re beating a dead horse. Some of us feel it’s almost become a joke. Enough is enough. Matthew Grey, 10

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.

N ews Principal’s Message

As noted in previous columns, during this school year The Principal’s Message will highlight the “Six Pillars of Character Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship”. In the November issue, I addressed Trustworthiness. This month, the first guest writer in this series is Superintendent Fortner who will offer comments regarding Respect. “The Boomerang Effect” “Respect is like a boomerang. You send it out and it comes back. If you don’t send it out, you receive nothing in return. As you walk the halls of WHS, think about whether or not you are a boomerang thrower. Respect is something you have heard about for a long time from many people. It is the basis for the Grizzly Five you learned several years ago. Now, as high school students, I would like to re-visit the topic. More than a school belief, Respect is a simple expectation of our society. Yet, you don’t have to be wealthy, skilled athletically, or a top academician to have it or give it. Respect is certainly something that you get back what you put into it. It costs you nothing. I ask you to remember that Respect has significant importance in everyday life. Each day, Respect yourself, Respect others, Respect differences of opinion, different cultures, people with different ethnic backgrounds and different religious beliefs. I am certain you have witnessed situations when Respect is absent. I implore you to hold in esteem this fundamental rule of life, and remind you not to underestimate the value of self-respect, selfworth, and self-dignity. But remember, Respect is not an entitlement; it has to be earned. People who utter, “I want Respect,” are usually people who have not earned that Respect from others. When it comes to Respect, be a boomerang thrower. Each day take others into consideration by giving them worth and value. Take it upon yourself to teach Respect and show Respect. If you do so, that boomerang will come back.” We greatly appreciate Mr. Fortner offering words of advice regarding the character trait of Respect. In the January issue, the next guest writer will address Responsibility. As I have written before, character defines who you are, so I continue to ask, “Who are you?”

The Bruin

December 2010


North, South Korean conflict escalates BY ELAINA LANSON

Communist North Korea attacked Democratic South Korea, escalading the tension between the two countries on November 23, 2010. These two countries have been battling for territory and fighting over political views since the 1950’s. This attack is causing concern around the globe that it could turn into a full scale war. A war in this area could be devastating: a large percentage of the world’s population lives in Asia, and it is a very important worldwide economic region. The artillery fire that killed two South Korean marines, two civilians, and wounded fifteen others, is said to have happened because the United States and South Korea conducted joint military exercises too close to

North Korean territories. South Korea, who is backed by the United States, has responded by building up its military presence in the area, and U.S. military ships are on their way there as well. North Korea, who is supported by China, says it might launch another attack. Other countries around the world are hoping North and South Korea settle this most recent conflict peacefully without another battle arising. According to U.S.A. Today, “South Korea is our ally. It has been since the Korean war, and we strongly affirm our commitment to defend South Korea as part of that alliance,” said President Obama. After the past days’ attacks The President ordered the U.S. military to work with the South Korean military to “insure readiness.” Kim Jong-il, the leader of

North Korea, has sent million plus troops to be ready for combat. They are not receiving help from China because, like other nations, they refuse to aid them. This is because North Korea will not give up their nuclear weapons program. There is no doubt that North Korea is possibly planning, or at least preparing, for a war. As for the South, they are readying their military for an attack from the North. They have been suffering from terrorist attacks from the North since the 1980’s. On Sunday, November 28, the United States began the largest combined military build up in years. They have brought over a nuclear aircraft carrier to patrol the east coast of South Korea. Having threats thrown at them by North Korea, neither force is ready to back down. The battling countries are

not expected to resolve this catastrophic issue overnight. But, as tensions continue to rise, they are not stepping down.


The map shows the border where North and South Korea are seperated by a Ditcatorship and a Democratic People’s Republic. This is a source of conflict.

News Briefs New School In Process

Unemployment Benefits

Annual Career Day

Nasa Facility Lockdown

The annual Career Day will be held December 17. It will include students from grades 10-12. Each student has the opportunity to learn, ask questions, and make decisions on which careers they want to pursue.

In Cleveland there was a recent NASA research facility lockdown because there was word that a gunman was in the building. That is now said to be a false alarm, and no one was harmed.

The new school is starting to take shape. The first floor of the academic wing and the track is complete. The geothermal contractor will bedrilling wells this month.

LeBron’s Return to Cleveland

National Weather Service

Wiki Leaked Government Files

nutritious lunches

The Miami Heat took home a victory over The Cleveland Cavaliers, as fans booed for LeBron James’ return.

According to the National Weather Service there has been no measurable snow for 251 days straight. This is our second stretch on record.

Wiki leaked secret government documents onto the internet. Unotherized informantion about future plans for the nation were released to the public.

This is a Bill to make school lunches more nutritous ready for President Obama to sign. This is believed to help the issue of child obesity.

Whooping Cough Grows

Hottest Year On Record

Sales Are Up From Last Year

United States Congress

Whooping cough cases have gone up 40% from last year and recent years before.

“2010 is one of the hottest year on record, and this is the warmest decade ever.” says World Meteorologigical Organization.

The State retails say sales are up from last few years, while housing market is seeing fewer foreclosures.

The 112th United States Congress will start their duties January 3, and will include Wadsworth’s own Jim Renacci.

By the end of April, 4,000 Medina County residents will lose their unemployment benefits because the federal extensions expired on Tuesday, November 30.


fights for

Power outage causes concern, confusion BY MALLORY GRUICH

The high school experienced a power outage in the early afternoon last Wednesday, December 1, Jerry Parsons, Principal, said that a fuse was overheated and blown. Sometime around the ground breaking ceremony this summer, the electric box was moved from the east side of the building to the west side, so that the building of the new school didn’t interfere with the wires. Once it was set up on the west side, one

of the wires was compromised in some manner, which caused the fuse to blow. Several halls were dimly lit including the library and the commons. The heat had shut off leaving the two hundred hall very cold, some rooms as low as sixty degrees. There are three main electrical lines that run the school’s electricity. Everything from the computers to the heat runs on these lines. When one was blown it made it hard on the

other two lines to hold up all of the electricity, causing the entire schools electricity to flicker on and off. Eventually, the emergency generators started up. Considering the school is rather old, and after approximately twelve additions, there are many different mechanical methods the workers have used in engineering the building and fixing common electrical issues. Construction workers, Wadsworth city workers, custodians, and Mr. Magnacca

worked together to create a solution. Although it is temporary, this solution will work until something permanent can worked out during winter break. This could take anywhere from several hours, to a couple days. “At no time was anybody’s safety at risk,” said Principal, Mr. Parsons. Although being in school that day may have been slightly uncomfortable for students and staff, everyone pushed through, and a solution was found.

“We are . . . Wadsworth!” Mr. Parsons


The following photos show the commons area, the 400 hall, and the library, in their darkest hour due to the electrical malfunction that had taken place Wednesday, Dec. 1 morning.


Favorite Tennis Shoe Brands

Footwear fettishes flip genders OPINION BY KARA

Nike Adidas



December 2010

Tennis shoes, boots, or sandals, everyone loves a nice pair of shoes. One can never have too many pairs! A Wadsworth student has taken this phrase way too literally. Tyler Perry, 11, has over 30 pairs of shoes.

As his collection grows, Perry’s passion for fashionable footwear has turned into an obsession. His love for shoes is well known across the school. “I try not to duplicate pairs in the same week, that is unheard of,” said Perry. The wide variety of shoes that he owns makes this task easy. With colors ranging from royal blue to neon yellow, each pair of shoes are unique and eye popping. “I would buy every single shoe that Perry owns, they are all cool,” said Connor Sherrill, 9. Usually it is the girls that have extreme shoe fettishes.

Reebok Asics Tyler surrounds himself with his favorite Nike shoes.


Females have more options like heels, boots and mocassins, so they normally beat out boys in the shoe department. But lately, more and more boys are ranking shoes higher on their list of importance following sports, girls, and videogames. “One day, I went to the mall to buy a pair of shoes instead of having a call of duty gaming session with my boys. I would rather get a new pair of shoes than eat for a week. That’s how much I love shoes,” said Perry. Some girls seem to be enjoying the new male transformation. Now, instead of wearing the same dirty tennis shoes they wear every single day, some boys like Perry are even matching shoes with outfits! “I used to think Tyler was just an unfashionable bum, but then I saw his shoes. Now I cannot keep my eyes off of him,” said Emily Blankenship, 11. The upcoming Christmas holiday gives Perry a great opportunity to make his collection grow. “I’m asking for four pairs of shoes for Christmas and two for my birthday,” he said.

Tyler is not the only boy in this school that is sporting some fashionable footwear. Gunnar Graham, 10, is looking to take over Perry’s throne as shoe king as soon as he graduates. With over 20 pairs of just Nike Brand shoes, Graham is poised to be a fantastic replacement for Tyler. His collection is more than just shoes, though. “Gunnar’s are better than shoes, they’re more like artwork,” said Alex Kuykendall, 10. Although some boys think this new male shoe obsession is a bit feminine, it looks as if the trend will not end any time soon. 17 out of 20 boys said they will be asking Santa for a new pair of shoes this year. What does this mean for the females? “We need to step it up. Girls are getting out shined by boys when it comes to footwear and it is unnacceptable,” said Katie Magnacca, 11. Right now Perry is the man of the hour, but with Christmas around the corner, could a new king of shoes be crowned? Only time will tell who will have the most decorated feet at WHS.

How to lose a creep in ten minutes on Facebook OPINION BY KAITLIN

“Who are you?” and “How do I know you?” are questions commonly asked by Facebook users. Such questions are posed when a stranger or an unfamiliar classmate sends them a message through the site. Use these simple tips to avoid awfully awkward encounters with those known as creepers. 1. Identify the culprit. According to dictionary. com, a creep is defined as “a boring, disturbingly eccentric, painfully introverted, or obnoxious person.” Chances are if they seem unusually mysterious or if you feel awkward talking to them, they are most likely creeping on you. Depending on the severity of the creep, they may start with a poke, or a picture “like” or comment. A more intense creep will shoot straight for the send button on a message or chat. Extra Tip: most creepers are boys, but there are a few girls out there who creep too. “I started to suspect that a random boy was creeping me when they started to like all my statuses and pictures. Turns out, he started messaging me too,” said Allison Hagans, 9. 2. Check mutual friends. If you and a creep share less than twenty friends on

Facebook, it might not be a good idea to get too involved with them. You and your friends probably do not know them and they most likely found you by creeping on someone else’s profile. Scary! 3. Delete personal information. Your profile may be viewed constantly by strange people. To avoid being texted, called, or visited at your door or workplace by a creep, you should remove all personal information off of your page, especially your phone number, address and place of employment. 4. Act uninterested. When and if you engage in conversation with a creep, keep it to a minimum. Other wise, they will think you are interested and want to continue chatting. It will get boring and dreadful for you if you talk to them like they are actually your friends. Do not waste your time trying to be nice, especially if the creep will not take a hint. Rather than opening the message, leave it alone or delete it because the creeper who sent it can see that it has been read. “Some boy chatted me once and I only gave him one word answers but he just would not give up. It was terrible,” said Krista Frank, 12. 5. Limit your contact. Creepers often like to get in contact with you, whether it be through a message or a comment. It is best for you not to respond every time because they will think it is okay and continue to do it. 6. Become unappealing. Once you get a taste of what they

are like, act the opposite way. For example, if they like sports, say you hate them. Contrast your opinions with their to get them off of your back. You could temporarily change your information of you Facebook page to make it different from theirs. Do not be afraid to be excessively opinionated but avoid making the creeper angry, for that may result in very bad consequences. They could possibly pose threats to you that you certainly do not want. 7. Delete from your friends. As a last resort, you could remove the creeper as a friend. This would ultimately solve all problems you have had with the creeper. However, if your profile is not completely private people are still able to message you. Ensure that this does not happen by making that important switch from public to private. There are rare occasions when you may receive unexpected messages from strangers that end up resulting in friendship, instead of a run for your life. “Someone accidentally added me while they were looking for another person and they messaged me asking who I was. I was scared at first but after the situation was explained we kept chatting and now we are good friends,” said Alyssa Keiper, 11. To all you “Facebookers” out there feel free to use these tips to keep the creepers off your pages and out of your lives. Be careful though, they could be wanting to start a genuine friendship. Good luck, and happy Facebooking!

Most Common Times to be on Facebook 6%



Before School After School Early Evening Late Night



Creepers are most likely to be lurking at late night hours since more students are on at that time. Take extra precautions during these hours!


When you receive a notification like this you should probably ignore it. If it is the first of it’s kind from a stranger it is okay to open it, but watch out another one might be on the way.


December 2010





December 2010



December 2010



Get To Know One day I will... Marry Taylor Swift.

Finally be adopted into the Davis family.

I can’t live without... My editorial staff.


I can’t live without... Tweeting all day every day with ndavis92 kingjique and rohrdizz.

I’m inspired to...

I can’t live without...

Edit every page Tiffany and Claire do.

My Jim’s, shout out to all my dads! :)

Pet peeve...

Pet Peeve...

When people use the word “literally”


One day I will... Work at Laser Quest with Jon Davis.

One day I will... Marry Anderson Varejao, Delonte West or Mo Williams.


I’m inspired to... Try and be as great as Diabetic God, Wilford Brimley.

Nick name... Samiisweets.

Pet peeve... When people rub me the wrong way.


One day I will... Find a cure for the Diabetes.

One day I will...


When people don’t kiss me to say hello.

Pet Peeve... Big chocolate chips in mint chocolate chip ice cream.


You’d know I love Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Date someone with dual citizenship.


If you really knew me...

Pet Peeve...

Tatorade or Bone Crusher.

You would know I’m scared of fire.


One day I will... Own a bakery in North Carolina with my B.F.F. Samantha Malkowski.

One day I will... Take over RK Beef Farms Inc.

I can’t live without...

Pet Peeve... When people think I’m wrong but I KNOW I’m right.

Pet Peeve... When people don’t say thank you.

I can’t live without... Twitter!

Pet Peeve...


One day I will... Get a haircut.

When people don’t say the score before they serve in tennis.


If you really knew me... It would blow your mind.

One day I will... Be a doctor.

One day I will... Meet Lil’ Wayne, my gurl Nicki Minaj and Wiz Khalifa.

I can’t live without...

When boys talk to younger girls.

One day I will... Figure out how to stay up late!

Colorful socks.

I can’t live without... My iPod.


I’m inspired to.. Talk like Cartman for an entire day.

Pet peeve? Underclassmen cutting me off in the halls.


If you really knew me...

One day I will... Get married and have one more ring than LeBron.

I’m inspired to...


Kid CuDi, Mackenzie Blanton and the Bruin.

One day I will... Be an extra in a movie.

One day I will... Have six children.


I can’t live without...


Nickname... Ging.

Nickname... Cal Ray Ray.






One day I will... Win big off of scratch off lottery tickets.

Nick name... The L-Train.

I can’t live without... RK Beef.


Luke One day I will...

Take my talents to South Beach. I can’t live without... Alex Bingham.


One day I will... Be in the CIA or FBI.

One day I will... Pump my own gas.

I can’t live without...

Pet Peeve...

My sister (Aumaine).

Walking on the wrong side of the mall.

If you really knew me...

I can’t live without...

You’d know that I love to sing and play the piano!



One day I will... Be living in New York City, with my best friend Alexa Baier.

One day I will... Have a normal collarbone.

I can’t live without...

A knee brace and a shoulder sling.

I can’t live without...

My friends and family!

If you really knew me... You wouldn’t be reading this.

9 Staff December 2010

Pet Peeve...

Pet peeve...


PDA in the hallways, save it for later please.


One day I will... Find Black Beard’s treasure.

One day I will... Rock your socks off :*

I’m inspired not to be...

Nickname... Chicken.

Injury prone like Jack Snowball.

If you really knew me...

I can’t live without...


X-box 360 and my TV.


Tavanello One day I will... Sky dive!

Travel to all 50 states in my life.

One day I will... Marry Ron Weasley.

Pet Peeve...

I can’t live without...

The way freshman hold their books.

Pet Peeve... Shirt tags hanging out!

One day I will...

Be living in New York City with my best friend, Molly Priest. Nickname... ALB- my initials; very simple.

I’m inspired to... Travel around the world.

My chief Woodward.

If you really knew me...




You’d know I have to match everything, especially to what I’m wearing.

One day I will... Date Ally Malkowski.

I’m inspired to...


When people fake injuries.

You would know I want auburn hair like Pappas.

Pet Peeve...


When Jack Snowball fakes injuries.

One day I will... Date Alex Bingham.

One day I will... Be taller than Josh Kipfer.

I can’t live without...

I’m inspired to...

Watching Tate hit on freshman.

Go to college and make a lot of money.

I’m inspired to...

Pet peeve..

Watch Jack Snowball play again.

When people drive under the speed limit...Brad Virgin.



December 2010


‘Grizzlies Going Green’ comes alive BY HAYLEY MCQUATE

designed several energy saving measures such as using natural light and optimizing green space. We also have several recycling programs within our schools and we work hard at being efficient in our daily operations, such as use of electricity, fuel, other energy, etc. to support “Grizzlies Going Green.” HM: How is this going to help our schools in the future? DF: All of our new buildings will be much more energy efficient than our current ones and the high school will

resources and dollars are limited. Our responsibility is to manage what we have and conserve for the future. I believe an effort like “Grizzlies Going Green” is a step in that direction and something all of us can do to secure a better future for everyone. HM: What is the most important factor to “Grizzlies Going Green?” DF: I would say the most important factor is that ALL of us embrace conservation and practice it daily. If the 5,000 students and 550 employees in this district can “Go Green” as part of our daily life and for as long as we live, the results will be long lasting and substantial. For instance, simple steps in becoming more green would be to reduce paper coming home from school by students, electronic work orders, electronic newsletters, electronic pay checks, student forums off the internet and paperless Board of

Education meetings. Also, the schools will be a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) compliant. LEED is a building certification system that designs a building to be more “green”. Students like Emily Sims, 10 and Brooke Sharpless, 10 think this idea is awesome. “As long as it saves money!” exclaimed Dan Brazier, 9. There has always been a need to become more and more conservative, this is only baby steps to becoming a more conservative school. With a thumbs up, Nick Marshall, 11 said, “Good for them!” Fortner is strongly encouraging people to follow him in the movement to “go green”. It would be a huge advancement for the school systems and make the Earth a better place to live.

The school’s colors might be red and white, but it will “go green” this year. Utilizing paperless resources such as the web page would help the school system to become more environmentally friendly. I asked Mr. Dale Fortner a few questions and he was eager to respond. Hayley McQuate: When did the idea come to mind? Mr. Dale Fortner: It came to mind after we received comments back from “If the 5,000 students and our community 550 employees in this survey this summer. district can ‘Go Green’ as The community responses indicated apart of our daily life, the that they would like results will be long lasting to see Wadsworth and substantial.” City Schools (WCS) -Mr. Dale Fortner be more “green” in our operations. While we already had several use sustainable energy, like initiatives underway, we needed geothermal energy. Our natural to do a better job of sharing with the public what we do from a conservation standpoint. HM: Who came up with the idea? DF: I did. I was thinking about some type of phrase rather than “Conserve” and came up with “Grizzlies Going Green.” I have asked our building administrators to add their initiatives to the list because I am certain we are doing more than what is currently listed. HM: What are the some other ideas, other than the website, about going green? DF: The entire construction project has a strong element of recycling and reusing materials. PHOTO BY BRUIN STAFF In addition, the architects have Technology helps Mrs. Swanson’s seventh period class become more “Green” in their everyday projects.


Christmas ways to go green 1. Recycle used gift wrap. 2. Reuse gift bags for other holidays or next time. 3. Turn on your Christmas lights only when necessary. 4. Buy a fake tree instead of a real one to increase the oxygen levels. 5. Try not to use plastic wear for your meals.

Danger in school parking lot OPINION BY TOM CALHOUN

What is the world coming to, with sophomores driving to school? Underclassmen deserve to do their time and wait to drive to school. Every upperclassmen has waited and some are still waiting. “I am outraged at the fact that traffic will be worse and the parking lots more congested. Just what we need as winter comes, more cars and less parking spaces,” said Anthony Papas, 11. Sophomores should not be allowed to drive to school. I understand there is extra parking available but there are still juniors and a few seniors that do not have their license yet. Eventually, once they get their license, they will want to drive to school but there will be less parking spaces because of the sophomores. The administration also needs to take into account the experience of drivers. Most sophomores just got their license or will be getting them soon. How will they fair this winter driving to and from school in a huge snow? Another popular reason that is stirring up the upperclassmen is the fact that we all had to wait our turn to drive to school. Some

TC: How do you think you will be able to handle driving in the snow? HH: I am not even going to try to drive to school. TC: How do you feel about sophomores being able to drive to school? HH: I do not think it is a big deal, especially since “It makes me worried we it is a possibility that are bad enough drivers only seniors and a few will be able to being upper class men and juniors drive to school next then adding sphomores year. I then went and into the equation is a bad spoke with Mr. Parsons idea.” to hear his side of the -Mike Pavlak, 11 story TC: Why did you decide to allow sophomores to bad idea,” said Mike Pavlak,11. drive to school? Mr. Jerry Parsons: I spoke I sat down and interviewed sophomore Haley Hassinger on her with Mr. Fortner on the situation because in the past sophomores driving experience. Tom Calhoun: Would you have never been allowed to drive to school. We both agreed there consider yourself a good driver? Haley Hassinger: No, I am was a surplus of spots left over. So very bad. I failed my drivers test we decided to allow sophomores to drive and there are still plenty of twice. TC: When did you get your parking passes left for those juniors and seniors that do not have their license? HH: I got my license in license yet. TC: What will happen to the October. of us had our license when we were sophomores, but we were not allowed to drive to school. It is also a privilege and a perk that comes along with being older. “It makes me worried, we are bad enough drivers being upper class men and then adding sophomores into the equation is a


Anthony,11 lashes out on Alex,10 for blocking him in.

parking lots next year? JP: We may lose the Steiners parking lot next year due to the city building a retention basin as part of the construction for the new building. The parking lot where the band practiced will still be their practice field next year. However, there is hope that we will be able to keep Steiners throughout most of the year, but this can change at anytime. So there is a slight chance that we will have to limit the amount of student drivers next

year. It would be all seniors and then a lottery for remaining passes for juniors. But nothing is for sure, because again, this can change at anytime. Mr. Parsons had good reasoning to allow sophomores to drive. However, there should still be some kind of system of seniority set up. For example seniors park in the first 2-3 rows and juniors fill the rest. Then sophomores fill in the Steiners parking lot. This system would satisfy the upper class men.



December 2010


‘All I want for Christmas is...’ BY JACK SNOWBALL

Black Friday has come and gone, but Christmas shopping is still up in the air for many shoppers. Even though this may be the most stressful time of the year, here are the top 10 gifts of 2010: 10. UO DJ MIXER With the UO DJ Mixer you and your friends can now listen to two ipods at once without changing ipods in and out. This new stereo player comes with a microphone and the iPod will charge while in the stereo. So now you and your friends can jam out to all different kinds of music with the new and improved UO DJ Mixer. 9. THE NOOK Traveling alone with nothing to do? The new Nook has improved how you read books on the go. With over 200 books in its memory initially you can pick whichever genre is on your mind. The screen has no glare and also

has a backlight so you can read in the silence and darkness of your room. 8. FOURTH GENERATION iPOD TOUCH Apple has come out with the fourth generation iPod touch. This new generation is thinner, faster, and has a digital camera built in. “The new iPod touch has so many features! I learn new things about it everyday. I would recommend it to anyone who loves the previous generations,” said Nick Seme,10. 7.CANON SURESHOT Memories can be made at any point in your life, but with the new Canon Sureshot 12.1 MP camera you can save those memories. With this new camera, you have the option of 25 shooting modes, with nine special scene modes. 6. Skull Candy Head phones The newest release of the Candy Headphones has arrived, and it is here to stay. These headphones

come in a variety of different designs. The feature that is most appealing is that it cancels out the noise in your surrounding environment. With these headphones you can enjoy your music with no interruptions. 5. Pandora Jewelry Need a gift for your mom, wife, or girlfriend? Then do not hesitate to buy Pandora Jewelry this holiday season. Pandora Jewelry does not have to be too expensive. You could buy your loved one the bracelet along with beads to dress it up. Buying the Pandora bracelet can guarantee you many more gift ideas until her bracelet fills up with beads. 4. IPHONE 4 Is your AT&T phone ready for a new upgrade? This season keep your eyes peeled for the new iPhone 4. This phone features engineered glass, a retina display, a stainless steel band, and a camera + LED. The phone is thinner, has a better battery life, and HD video

capability. The AT&T iPhone 4 should definitely be on your Christmas list this holiday season. 3. KINECT XBOX 360 Xbox fans this year have one thing on their list: The Kinect Xbox 360. This hot item is basically a new and improved Wii. This new gaming system gives you ability to move around and changes the entire gaming experience. Kinect seems to be the closest gaming has gotten to actually bringing the gamer into the game. The Kinect is a cooperative, communal experience that involves everyone in getting up off the couch and spending quality time with their families. 2. MACBOOK AIR Promoted as the ‘World’s Thinnest Notebook,’ the MacBook Air is in high demand this year. This is a great idea for teens going to college. “I want a MacBook Air so bad,” said Spencer Meyers, 12. The MacBook Air has more

battery life and can stay in sleep mode for up to 30 days. It is Apple’s smallest and thinnest laptop, and the closest thing Apple has to a true ultra portable notebook. This can be a beneficial gift this year to all. 1. iPAD The number one gift this year is the iPad. The iPad is a tablet computer designed and developed by Apple. You can carry this light (about 1.5 pounds) and compact mini-computer with you anywhere. The iPad is a gift that can be given to mom, dad, brother, sister, or friend. So for all of you shoppers who missed the deals on these wonderful gifts on Black Friday, time is running out! The Christmas rush is approaching quickly, and you do not want to be left out in the cold without these chart-topping presents. We hope this list helps you find the perfect holiday gifts for 2010.


#4 #5 #1 #2 #3 #8 #9 #10 #6 #7 Rude Boy

Take It Off



Say Ahh



Taio Cruz

Taylor Swift

Trey Songz



No Love

California Gurls

Riding Solo




Katy Perry

Jason DeRulo

First person shooter games take over 2010 BY NICK TAVANELLO

This year the gaming world has shifted from animated cartoons, such as Mario and Donkey Kong, into the gaming world of war and destruction. With new first person shooter war games coming to the market, the gaming world has shifted from the traditional old fashion games into a new decade of gaming. Ranging from the Halo series to the newly released Call of Duty, war games and first person shooter games have rampaged the country. These games have changed the way people have been playing games over many years. With the graphics of games looking more realistic, these war games make the player feel like they are actually in the game. Here are a couple of the top war and first person shooter games from 2010: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was one of the first war games to come out this year. It came out in March and helped to set the standard for first person shooter and war games. This game’s online experience allows the person to not only feel like they are in a war, but allows them to take control of different weapons such as tanks and helicopters. The graphics of this game are decent, but not to the

standards of other games. The campaign for this game is well put together. With its futuristic take on warfare, it allows the player to experience all different aspects of warfare. The campaign also goes all over the world. From snowy mountains to the desert, players go all over the place in this game. All around game rating: B+. Halo: Reach With the Halo games seeming like they were over after Halo 3: ODST, Bungie came out with this new and improved Halo game. This game goes way into the future of first person shooter and warfare. Halo: Reach has a campaign that is harder then the previous Halo games. It consists of even more enemies and takes even more skill to kill them. The campaign is made to allow up to four people to play on each level. The graphics of this game are better than previous games. This game really takes the players into the future and allows them to experience what future warfare will be like. Gamers really enjoy this futuristic feel. Online game play is the same as it was in Halo 3, but it brings new maps and some new game play along with it. Fire fight is one of the new game modes that can be played online along with the other game modes. All around game rating: A.

Medal of Honor EA’s new war game looks to put them back on the war gaming market. Medal of Honor’s story line takes place in Afghanistan and portrays the war on terrorism. The first person shooter in this game is of U.S. military personnel that are fighting in the war on terror. This game has brought up some controversy in the multi player mode where players can be Taliban terrorists and kill U.S. soldiers. Although the game allows players to be terrorists, its online

maps take place in a setting of battle rather than in a town environment. All around game rating: B. Call of Duty: Black Ops One of the most highly anticipated games of the year, Call of Duty: Black Ops is one of the best first person shooter games on the market. This has a campaign about a special operator named Alex Mason that takes on many different missions for him to try and get his memory back. These missions take place over many different maps.

The online multi player has been upgraded from the last one. Players can now have two players on the same Xbox 360 and still play online. Gamers must now buy weapons and other accessories with money that is earned after winning matches online. New maps and accessories make online play better than before. All around game rating: A. There are other games that have helped change the gaming world in 2010. None of them impacted the gaming world like first person shooter games.


First person shooter games have been all the hype on the market for 2010 and have made a major impact on the gaming world.


December 2010

Sports Briefs Boys Basketball 1-0

Their first victory is over Cuyahoga Falls 6739 with three dunks by Prescott Williams

Girls Basketball

Athletes ready for next level


As this year continues some of the top athletes in our school have to make the big decision of going on to play their sport at the college level. For some the big decision is just if they want to commit to the hard work and time a college sport demands. Between class and practice your free time is

very limited, but when you talk to anyone who has played a college sport they always say it is worth it. “The benefits outweigh the time commitment, such as discipline, lifelong skills, lifelong friendships and it provides opportunities to enhance the college experience,” said teacher Mr. Lance Currens. The high school has a lot of


Their first two wins over Strongville, and Tallmadge. Their two losses came to Hudson and Twinsburg

Wrestling The team went to the Moeller duals on Dec. 4 and beat St. Xavier, Springboro, Mason, and Moeller

Swimming Both girls and boys swimming teams beat Barberton and Tallmadge and Elaina Lanson curently hold six records



Photo courtesy of Mr. Teringo

While his mom and dad look on, Clay, 12, signs to Kent State University to wrestle for the Flashes next year. He was one of many WHS athletes to sign early.

athletes that will be playing at college in many different sports. When asked what the major factor was in her decision to go swim at Georgia Southern, Elaina Lanson, 12, said, “ The weather, the girls and I really liked the coach. It also has the program I wanted to go into which is Broadcast Journalism, and I can perform well in the conference my freshman year.” Clay Wenger, 12, signed at Kent State for wrestling on Dec. 1. He won the Suburban League and the sectional tournaments in his weight class of 152. He also went on to states to help the team win the overall Division one State title. Sheldon Brandenburg, 12, will be signing at Cleveland State for wrestling. He took first place at the suburban and sectionals meets, second place at the district meet, and a fifth place at the state tournament to help the team win it all over all. Taylor Woods, 12, signed at Ashland for basketball this year. She will be a three year letter winner for the girls team, and has been a part of a Suburban League Title team. Robyn Rotterschmidt, 12, also signed at Ashland for basketball. She is a big part of the team this

BCS degrading to college football SPORTS OPINION BY BRETT AMADON

As the college football season winds down, and the bowl games approach, once again, the BCS is filled with controversy. With three teams remaining undefeated, and only two able to play for the national championsip, it prompts the popular question, will the BCS ever adopt a playoff system? The BCS is comprised of three polls: USA Today Coaches’ Poll, Harris Poll, and an average of three computer rankings. These polls consider factors such as record and strength of schedule to ensure that #1 and #2 plays each other in the title game. Still, the simple fact is the BCS fails year in and year out to provide a fair way of determining a national champion. In college basketball, upsets are a comon theme, yet with the BCS, that factor is virtually eliminated. If college basketball had the BCS, Butler would have never made their magical run to the final game last season. Another problem with the BCS system is it is more directed to the schools who want money, rather than the players who put in all the sweat and effort every week. Greed plays an intrical part in the BCS, and personally, I believe this is the sole reason as to why there is not a playoff system. If there were to be a playoff, schools would lose millions of dollars they would have received from the bowl games. (Remember schools want money, the team and players

are merely an afterthought). Boise State, who is considered a non-automatic qualifying school, was ranked as high as number three in the BCS rankings this season before falling to Nevada. That loss eliminated them from a BCS bowl game and cost the school and the WAC conference 13.5 million dollars, including Nevada! Unlike Division I, Division II and III have had a playoff system now for a while. This year, the playoff field has been expanded to 20 teams, comprising of conference champions, who get an automatic bid, and wildcard teams who get selected by a committee. If this system were in place, Boise State would almost be assured of a spot in the playoffs. “I would like a playoff system because it gives 1-loss teams a

chance for the title,” said Bilal Hoblos, 11. 20 teams, win or go home. That simple format is the structure that ultimately leads to a national champion. Higher-seeded teams get home field advantage until the championship game which is played at a neutral site. The BCS pits the top two teams against each other every year. Yet in a playoff system, the top two teams do not always play each other. Why? It is called upsets, and those are something that the ridiculous computer system has never heard of. Also, closed-minded executives fail to remember the recent past. In 2004, LSU and USC split a national championship. This absolutely would never happen in a simple playoff format. Another reoccuring theme with the BCS is that teams from


Tyrod Taylor and Virginia Tech were left for dead after losses to Boise State and James Madison; however, after 11 straight victories, the Hokies are for real.

automatic-qualifying conferences are making it to the big games with a pitiful record. According to the BCS, its goal is match-up the best of the best. However, when teams with three and four losses continuously win the conference and advance to the BCS, it raises the question, why do the conferences continue to receive automatic bids despite their unworthy record? “Teams with a barely .500 record don’t deserve a BCS bid,” said Angus Hartman, 12. The Big East is a prime example of this. Connecticut, who finished the year 8-4, won the Big East despite not even being ranked in the top 25. Clearly, Connecticut deserves to go to a bowl game more their style, say the Meineke Car Care Bowl, not the Fiesta Bowl. The Big East has proven over the years they are not a powerhouse conference and should be stripped of their automatic qualifier. “I feel that the Big East’s BCS bid should be taken from them and given to a non AQ team,” said Zach Richards, 12. Finally, strength of schedule clearly does not matter. Michigan State (11-1), played two ranked teams all year, one of which, Iowa, blew them out. Yet, because of their record, they vaulted up to #8 in the standings and were strongly considered for a BCS bowl, which is ridiculous! All in all, the BCS is clueless in all facets of the game. Faulty rankings and seemingly meaningless stats proves why playoffs are needed, and quick!

year being one of the few six foot centers in the league Alli Beery, 12, signed at the University of Toledo for softball on a full scholarship. She is a three year starting pitcher and first base for the Lady Grizzlies and helped them to a 16-11 record last year. Ian Johnson, 12, is looking to sign at Mt. Vernon for soccer. He had a very good year this year with many awards at the end including first team all league, first team all county, first team all district and second team all state. Julie Bassett, 12, is a prospective signer at Mt. Vernon College for volleyball. She lead the valleyball team this year to a Suburban League Title. Prescott Williams, 12, is also a prospective signer for basketball, but is not sure where he wants to play yet. He was a leading scorer on the team last year and helped them out to the best record, 13-8, since 2004. Nate Heideman, 12, is another prospective signer for football. The school that has interested him the most is Baldwin Wallace. He was the quarterback this year for the football team. These athletes have worked relentlessly thus far, and truly deserve to play at the next level.

BCS Predictions BCS National Championship

Oregon over Auburn

Tostitos Fiesta Bowl Oklahoma over Connecticut

FedEx Orange Bowl Virginia Tech over Stanford

Allstate Sugar Bowl Arkansas over Ohio State

The Rose Bowl TCU over Wisconsin

THE BRUIN December 2010 13 S ports 2 Justice League splits up; intramural championship up for grabs BY MATTHEW DOYLE

Last year, the Lumberjacks won the sophomore-freshman division in intramural basketball and were hoping to take their intramural talents to the next level. However, there was one team that was standing in their way. That team, The Justice League, was the top returning team in the seniorjunior division, but unfortunately, the team broke up which has led to a wide open championship race. The Justice League were onetime champions of their sophomorefreshman division, but came up short of the championship last year in the senior-junior division with a dominant starting line-up of seniors

Nick Messam, Kevin Sklarek, Garrett Cutting, Adam Woodard, and Ryan Bonzo. Unfortunately, two starters were dropped from the team. Cutting and Woodard have formed a new team, which will consist of Hayden Kilbride, 12, Matt Woods, 12, and former high school basketball player, Sam Goddard, 12. This squad hopes to bring justice back to the intramurals and prove to the world that they are not a team to mess with. “We understand that they are angry, but we know that we can win without those guys. They were the ones that needed us,” said Nick Messam, 12. The senior teams were not the only teams to be filled with controversy in the off-season. Last year, the rivalry

of the Lumberjacks and Primates was ignited, but this year the teams have been shaken up. The Lumberjacks, who are now going by the name B.S.T.B., won the championship last year and have a one win advantage over their rivals. The Primates have changed their name to the Dirty Wizards and are hoping to have star player, Ryan Wise, 11, back in time for the playoffs. To go along with the free agent movements of Cutting and Woodard, there was a trade between the rivals, B.S.T.B. and Dirty Wizards, that will have an impact on the two teams. Mitch Gordon, 11, was a star player on the Primates last year, but a disappointing ending to the season led Gordon to

PHOTO courtesy of Yearbook

The Lumberjacks, or B.S.T.B., took home the sophomore-freshman championship last year for intramurals and hope to continue that success into the senior-junior league.


By The Numbers

request a trade. As a result, the Dirty Wizards sent Gordon to B.S.T.B. for shooting guard, Jake Kettenbauer, 11. Unfortunately, Gordon hurt his knee during the football season and is not expected to play this year, but has not ruled out the possibility of returning. “I was disappointed with the way the season ended last year, but I am

occurred on other teams, but nobody can look at the Ballaholics resume and not declare them contenders for the championship. In recent rankings, the Ballaholics are ranked fifth in the league, but they are not disappointed. The team is using these low rankings as motivation. The acquisitions that have occurred in the offseason have “We can win without those reminded some of the guys. They were the ones movement of LeBron James during the that needed us.” summer, but there is a -Nick Messam, 12 difference. The movement of hoping to return for the championship James only made one team better, game this year and show the Dirty while all of the teams have become Wizards what they are missing,” said better in the intramural league making Gordon. for an exciting season. Also, Cutting Another team that could be and Woodard did not have an hour contenders is the Ballaholics. The long television show to announce their Ballaholics, who came in second decision to make a new team, and the place this year in the three on three Dirty Wizards and B.S.T.B. did not tournament, look towards their announce their trade to the world. They star players, Brad Virgin, 11, and did their movements with class, unlike Nick Marshall, 11, to lead them to a James. championship. The team is looking for Fans have marked their calendars Drew Starr, also known as the “Mixed for when Cutting and Woodard will Mamba,” to dominate the boards and play their former team and when the play the way he did in the tournament. Dirty Wizards play B.S.T.B. as they “I was impressed with the way the could possibly determine who plays Ballaholics played against us during in the championship. This is the most the summer, but unfortunately, nobody competitive the intramural season has ever remembers who came in second,” been in the past ten years and teams are said Gunnar Graham, 10. so evenly matched that there is no clear The Ballaholics and other teams are cut number one team. The teams are not being noticed throughout the league ready. The coaches are ready. The fans because of the controversy that has are ready. Let the controversy begin.


Number of surgeries Jack Snowball, 11, had to have in the 2010-2011 football season.

Number of people that booed LeBron James at Quicken Loans Arena on December 2, 2010.


Nick Tavanello’s, 11, record against high school wrestling opponents. He also has 1 state championship.

True Grizzly fan offers wish list to Santa SPORTS OPINION BY GARRETT CUTTING

Dear Santa, I, along with all the other sports fans here at Wadsworth, would like to share some holiday wishes with you, Kris. I dearly hope we are on a first name basis. I have focused this year on being a good kid. I will be honest; that is not very hard when I go to bed at 8:30 p.m., but please give me some props. I better be on your “Nice” list because if I am not, I am going to have to have a talk with Bernard, your head elf, because that is just outrageous. It has taken me some time to conjure up this list of events I would like to come true that not only reflect my ideas, but I think all the other sports fans at Wadsworth would appreciate this too. 1. Wrestling team repeatI know it was only last year that our wrestling team won state. It would be great to see them make it back to the Schottenstein Center and see all the hard work pay off again. With 8 returning members from last year’s lineup, the squad remains a top contender for the title. They are very hard working, and they are also extremely deserving of their accomplishments.

2. Winter sports teams win Suburban League Title- Both of the Grizzly basketball teams have difficult schedules to say the least, but that should not stop their hopes of getting the prestigious title of Suburban League Champions. The swimming teams have solid lineups, so they have a good shot at becoming the League Champs. The gymnastics team had a bit of a rough year last year, so they have some ground to make up this year. I hope they can get it done and bring another banner to WHS. The last winter team is the wrestling team. I am not very concerned about them. If they do not win the Suburban League Title, I will be flabbergasted. 3. Browns keep Peyton HillisPeyton Hillis is a man. He is the heart and soul of the Browns offense. “His arms are as big as Tre Palecek,” said Adam Weese, 12. The Browns need to keep him. He runs over people, hurdles them, and then has one of the sweetest celebrations after he scores a touchdown where he just flexes. He brings excitement to Cleveland, and that is exactly what the city needs after you-knowwho left. He has one year left on his rookie contract. He is not even making over a million dollars a

year, so I hope the Browns give him an extension sooner rather than later. Hillis, who was called “America’s running back” by Trey Wingo from ESPN, is one of the toughest running backs in the NFL, and it is a privilege for the Browns to have him on their team. On the other hand, I would like to see the Browns get rid of Jake Delhomme. Colt McCoy is our future quarterback, so he should get more playing time.

4. Miami Heat to not do wellAlright, so the return of LeBum did not go so well for the Cavs, but that does not mean smooth sailing for the team down in South Beach for the rest of the year. I would not mind to see them lose 45 to 50 straight games. That would make every person happy except for Posh, who looks like a Velociraptor, D. Fade, and Queen James, who should just marry his girlfriend so he can get

his first ring. “I hope the Cavs can make the playoffs this year and knock the Heat out,” said Jordan Woods, 10. Santa, if you can make all these wishes come true, I will sing loud for all to hear. I think that is by far the best way to spread Christmas cheer. Some of these wishes are not far from coming true, so I hope they do; I have no doubts. Love, Garrett


Rachel, 10, goes in for a layup against Tallmadge. The Lady Grizzlies won that game in deciding fashion behind a stellar student section. All the winter sports teams hope to capture the Suburban League Title this year.


December 2010



Patrons 2010-2011

Al and Amy Mavity Allison Parsons Amy Alic Amy LaMonica Anne Mellinger Barb McConnell Becky Dills Beth Lance Bill and Deanna Lyren Bill and Sharon Powell Bob and Kathy Calhoun Brian and Paula Sherrill Carol Simmons Chris and Leslie King Craig King Dale and Debbie Fortner Dave and Laura Bennett David & Karen Cutting Deb Tavanello Debbie and Gary Lake Dee Bennett Delbert & Sandy Killough Diana Maddox Don and Carol Grey Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Manning Dwain Kibler Elizabeth Khoury Jeff and Kathie Priest Jeff Teringo Jessica Henry Jill Krug Jim and Shelly Davis Joe & Kellie Baughman John and Chris Perebzak Jon Kipfer Jordan Cutting Judy Lepley Kristin Contini Kirt and Leanne Virgin and Family

The Bertuzzi Family Larry Kaufman Family The Capron Family Lauren Woodard The Csaky Family Leslie Georgiadis The Dammarell Family Linda Kramer The Douglas Family Lisa and Ken Owens The Fusco Family Lisa Feltes The Gahan Family Lisa Jones The Hamilton Family Mark and Cheryl Gilbert The Lanson Family Mark Postak The McQuate Family Mark Schoonover Matt, Kristin, and Jude Cole The Ray Family The Sidol Family Max and Diane Miller The Van Dyke Family Melissa Eaton The Vanfleet Family Michael Pellish The Williams Family Mike Schmeltzer Sr. The Wise Family Mr. Parsons Thomas Tavanello Mr. Shepherd Tim and Judi McNutt Mr. Sladky Todd and Kelley Dorland Mr. Steve Moore Tom and Mary Ann Postak Mrs. Barb Klaus Tom and Tracy Penrose Nancy King Pappas Construction Co, Inc. Trish and Dave Swanson Paul and Roberta Woodard Walt and Betty Gairing Phil and Leighanne Baier Rachael and Ed Hantzsche Rich and Cheri Long Rich and Cynthia Doyle Rich Berlin Rita Couch Robinson Water Systems Inc. Rocky and Lori Robinson Roscoe and Raetta Gasser Sarah & Judge McIlvaine Spencer Schleigh Sra. Mateos Steve & Karen Blankenship Sue Fisher Tamara Amadon Tavanello’s Pizza The Berg Family

The Bruin thanks you for your continued support!

Kitchens, Baths, Offices, Libraries, Entertainment Centers, Bars, Residential & Commercial - Quality Cutsom-Made Cabinetry Reflecting your Personality Built by Local Craftsman


When approaching Anna Anderson with the esteemed award, “Junk of the Month,” she squealed with excitement because of the love she feels for her 1990 Oldsmobile Sierra Cutlass. During the winter months one often uses windshield wiper fluid to help quickly melt

some of the ice away, but for Anderson this is a laughable idea. Prescott Williams, 12, said, “The windshield wiper button sticks for at least 20 minutes, so I like to hold it down, and it never stops!” The rustic red look occurred from the wear and tear of the previous owners, Anderson’s great-grandmother and both of her older sisters.

Anna, 11, poses with her antique car named, “Old Red.”


In the snow, the driver’s side door leaks not only water but arctic air as well. Along with the problems of the driver’s door, the passenger’s door does not always open on command. The all red interior and the red exterior made Anderson’s friends nickname the car, “Old Red.” One can tell the years have worn the Sierra Cutlass down because Anderson’s speedometer does not gage her speed, and the gas gage is never accurate, making it hard for her to determine when the car needs fuel to move another inch. In all, Anderson’s 1990 ride is at the breaking point. With a “million miles” recorded, “Old Red” might actually be a diamond in the rough - proved tried and true through all of the years. On behalf of The Bruin, Congratulations Anna Anderson.


s t u d e n t s o f

t h e

m o n t h What is your favorite class? -Spanish III junior year with Señor Lee 5th period! Plans for college? -Study math education! Quote you live by? ”If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say it at all.”

What is your favorite class? -Mr. Callaghan’s 7th period Senior Composition! Plans for college? -Attend Ashland University in the Fall. Quote you live by? “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”



December 2010




Career Tech. Students of The Month


What is your favorite memory from your career at WHS? Being awesome... Why did you want to become a teacher? I wanted to work with kids, coach, be able to talk about government/economics and be paid for it! PHOTO BY HAYLEY DOUGLAS

What is your favorite food? I love to chow down on buffalo wings. What is your favorite car? The brand new Honda Odyssey- what a mini-van! What do you want to achieve? I want more than anything, an undefeated freshmen boys basketball season. Games are at

Tudor works diligently to ensure his class receives the best learning experience.

4:00 in the East Gym. See you there. What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear is the Colts not making it into the playoffs. Your ultimate pet peeve? I dislike it when students complain or make excuses.

What person from history would you enjoy to be like? I would love to be like the famous first President of the United States, George Washington. What is your greatest accomplishment? Convincing my wife to marry me.

Clay Senior


Teacher Training

Teacher Training





One of the best ways to stay warm is to wear a hat; most body heat is lost through the top of the head.

“The future depends on what we do in the present.”


The Tourist

Kanye West Featuring: Nicki Minaj



Fine Arts Students Of The Month

Senior Hannah (Band, Drama)

Johnny Depp &

Angelina Jolie


Senior Haley (Art, Choir, Drama)


December 2010




What is your favorite holiday movie? “The old Rudolph movie with the island of the lost toys!”

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas because Jim Carey is a hunk...even in green!”

-Mitch Oehlenschlager, 12

“Elf because maple syrup with noodles is the bomb diggidy!”

-Ryan Bonzo, 12

“My favorite holiday movie is Elf because it is a funny movie to watch with my friends.” -Emily Zeitz, 9

-Jackie Petrak, 11



“Elf; ‘He’s an angry elf!’” -Erik Peltz, 10

“Christmas Vacation is my favorite holiday movie because it is a funny and entertaining movie.” Connor VanFleet, 10

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas because the Grinch’s heart grows three times its normal size. It also shows the true meaning of Christmas and how it is not just about presents.” -Brenna House, 9



“Christmas Vacation! My family watches it every Christmas Eve!” -Krista Frank, 12



“My favorite holiday movie is A Christmas Story because it is the best, classic, Christmas movie. I watch it every Christmas while opening presents. It is funny every time I watch it. I will always love this movie!” -Alyssa Horton, 11 “Every Christmas Eve my whole family gets together and watches A Christmas Story. It is the best one out there!” -Dustin Likens, 12


What is your favorite holiday tradition? “Watching White Christmas while decorating the Christmas tree!” -Mrs. Pamela Csaky

“Going out as a family and cutting down a Christmas tree and the Christmas Eve Church Service.” -Mr. Larry Kaufman “I love making cookies with my kids. They enjoy helping add the ingredients, cut out the shapes, and they like to make a huge mess with the sprinkles.” -Ms. Kristin Contini

“Festivus is my favorite holiday. My favorite tradition is the ‘airing of the grievances’ and ‘feats of strength.’” -Mr. Dwain Kibler

“Opening up presents on a snowy Christmas morning with my husband and beautiful baby boy. Throw in a roaring fire and a good cup of coffee, and my Christmas is complete!”

-Mrs. Michelle Rohrer “Tackling my old man in the snow and then giving him a good old fashion white wash or packing a snowball upside his head! Classic!” -Mr. Bobby Jones

“My favorite traditions are making Christmas cookies and decorating the tree. I especially love hanging up my favorite ornament that Mrs. Mellinger gave us!”

-Mrs. Abby Elliott

Mrs. Sandra Nedoh


“To sit around the fireplace after dinner and listen to the older members of the family as they exchange stories from their childhood memories.” -Mrs. Sandra Nedoh


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