The Bruin- February 2012

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

February 2012



1870 - 2011 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 141 years of Excellence in Education”

Volume XXXVIi No. 5

625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281

Spring Fling March 10 $1.00

Academic committee recommends to change student recognition BY BROOKE TITTLE AND KAYLA LOCKWOOD

Along with the State of Ohio adding new requirements for upcoming graduating classes, a couple of recommendations for student recognition at future Wadsworth High School graduations have also been made by an academic committee. Recommendations will be presented to the Board of Education during an upcoming meeting. Across the country, the debate on the issue of Valedictorian and class rank has been brewing just like at WHS. A local committee was established in 2005 to discuss ideas for changes in class rank for future years, but it slowly died out, and no changes were

ever passed. Now, the committee has reorganized and come up with new ideas. These suggestions are not guaranteed to pass, for they have yet to be presented and approved in a Board meeting. These changes will be made to benefit as many students as possible. No changes will apply to the class of 2012, but the committee is trying to get the new changes passed for the graduating class of 2013. One of the changes they are hoping to make is the elimination of honor row. The committee believes that honor row does not give students the type of recognition that they deserve. They are also driven to ensure that every student feels like their hard work is accounted for. On the subject of class rank,

In Memory of Sam

Samuel Walker, 19, passed away in his sleep on Sunday, February 5, 2012. Sam was a special person in every sense of the word. He was always happy and his infectious smile lit up every room he entered. Sam had a positive effect on everyone he met. Sammy Walker epitomized the word “JOY.” He loved to ride his pedal car up and down Highland Avenue and he enjoyed working in the Produce Department of Buehler’s. His beloved classmates and the Friday Friends Group at Wadsworth High School meant the world to Sam. Sam’s family would like to express their thanks to all of Sam’s special needs teachers and aids that helped him through all of his years in school. Also, we give special thanks to the team of doctors that helped Sam



through the years. Sam was preceded in death by his maternal grandfather Salvatore “Sam” Giurbino. He is survived by his parents Bob and Patty (nee Giurbino) Walker; his siblings Pete (Corie) Walker, Matt Sehorn, Nicki Lucas, and Shawn Walker. Sam adored and was loved by many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, & Friends. -An excerpt from Sam’s obituary

there is no definite decision on what should be done. Some committee members voted to eliminate it for reasons of not having enough recognition for all students. The elimination of Valedictorian and Salutatorian has been suggested, but will not be carried out for a couple of years. “My prediction is that Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be eliminated in another five years or so,” said Principal, Mr. Jerry Parsons. On the subject of developing more student recognition, the committee would like to hold a Summa celebration at graduations. This is based on the Summa cum laude system, which means that at graduation, students with a 3.0 to a 3.49 GPA will wear a certain colored cord with their graduation robe. Students with a 3.5 to a 3.8 will wear another colored cord, and students with a 3.8 to a 4.0 or above will wear a different colored cord. “I like that they are keeping Valedictorian, but I do not like the idea of getting rid of Honor Row. A 3.0 is not that hard to attain. The GPA requirement should be a little higher,” said Ben Hanna, 11. Parsons said he would like to remind students that colleges look at three main things when accepting students to a university. First, they check to see what your class rank is. Top universities like to see that you are in the top 10% of your class. Second, they check your GPA level. Finally, they look at the type of courses you have taken. They want to see if you have challenged yourself by taking honors or AP courses. Unlike the possible Valedictorian changes, the


Layne gives her Valedictorian speech at the 2011 graduation ceremony.

curriculum requirements for the state of Ohio have been decided on and are now being enforced. Due to the political shifts in the past election of Ohio’s state government, new requirements have been determined. The biggest change for students is that students are now required to take four years of math, and it must include one unit of Algebra II or the equivalent to Algebra II. The current standard only requires three units. However, these new standards only apply to the graduating classes of 2014 and beyond. “These changes do not really have an effect on me because I was already planning on taking math every year,” said Grace McCourt, 10. Changes also include the new physical education conditions. Under the new law, students who participate in interscholastic athletics, band, or cheerleading for two full seasons are exempt from the physical education requirement. This new policy was exciting to underclassmen involved with athletics, but upset some



Students voted for the cutest class couples.


Jon Chamier talks about teaching Jack Snowball everything he knows about sports.

– page 11 FoR loVe oR tHe GAMe

Who knows these athletic players better?

– page 14

– page 7 SPEAK OUT

Who was your first crush?

– page 20

students who already had to take the required gym class. “Taking gym as a junior has been horrible! I wish that I could have counted cross country like the younger classes did,” said Abby Malek, 11. Even though schools are required to follow the state requirements, they can add their own required classes. The new Ohio Diploma standards require 20 credits to graduate, but Wadsworth High School requires its students to take at least 21 credits. Overall, WHS is in for some new academic changes in the upcoming years. As Parsons commented, “We are moving on from the rotary phone, to the cell phone. These changes will be for the benefit of the students.” The school is looking for better and more efficient ways of doing things. It is moving in a new direction, while still maintaining old traditions. Although these changes may seem unnecessary to some students and parents, they are beneficial to more students.

INDEX PAGE Editorial ........................................................2 News.............................................................3 Opinion.....................................................6, 7 Ads ...................................4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 16 Features .......................................................8 Entertainment............................................... 9 Picture Page.................................................10 Holiday Page................................................11 Of the Month...............................................19 Sports....................................................14, 15 Speakout.....................................................20

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Brewin’ Debate

Think before you tweet

Recently, several controversial remarks have been the cause of punishment for a few reporters. Now, more than ever, caution must be taken when posting comments on the Internet, especially on Twitter and Facebook. ESPN recently fired reporter, Anthony Federico, for the racial slur in his headline. Federico stated that he was not trying to offend anyone, and it was a mistake. However, the mistake was made, and he now has to deal with the consequences. ESPN also suspended Max Bretos for making the same remark on air. Tony Grossi, Cleveland Browns’ reporter, accidently tweeted his harsh opinion about Randy Lerner, Browns’ owner. Even though he quickly realized his mistake and deleted his tweet, it was already too late; people had already read what he said. Grossi has now been reassigned.

I know you have heard it a thousand times before, but what you say on the Internet is permanent and can be very harmful to others as well as yourself. Twitter may seem like a place to speak your mind, but sometimes tweets can be inappropriate. Twitter has become very popular among high school students. Lately, I have seen many tweets that are unacceptable. Tweets that attack other students is a form of cyberbullying. You may not think that your tweet is harsh; however, if you look at it from another perspective, it can be deemed as extremely controversial. What you say jokingly to your friends can be taken a completely different way to an outsider. Sometimes what you post can be a offensive towards others. It is important to take caution when you post on the Internet. You do not want to regret your choice of words the way Grossi, Bretos, and Federico all did.

who died in his sleep on Sunday, February 5, 2012. Samuel Walker, known as Sam, was 19 and a student at Wadsworth High School when he passed away. Here are some tributes from fellow classmates and teachers of his that show how much he will be missed and how truely great he was.

I liked playing memory with Sam. Sara Herold


E ditorial

The Bruin

February 2012

Does having little snow make for a good winter? By BRAD VIRGIN




This winter has been great so far, with very little snow at all. We had a good week in which we could go sledding and now that it is nice out again, we do not have to worry about poor road conditions or not being able to go outside and do anything other than sledding. Parents have to love this winter. They do not have to worry about their kids driving in bad weather in which they are not very experienced. School administrators also have to love this winter. Not having to worry about canceling school or calling a two hour delay has to relieve a lot of stress from their already stressful lives. Also, most kids love summer and especially summer break, so the couple days over winter break where it was warm enough to go outside and go for a nice relaxing run, or just go outside and hang with friends is just another great thing about this winter. All in all, this winter has not been like most winters and that alone makes it better than most.

Snow may be annoying, cold and wet, but it is not winter without it. It does not feel like winter, and it does not look like winter. It was one of the worst feelings in the world to wake up and not have a white Christmas this year. We need snow during the winter months in Ohio to get that feeling of wanting to go inside for a warm cup of hot chocolate. Also, this year we are yet to have a single snow day. This would be the first year of my life where I went the whole school year with no snow days. There is not even any hope or chance for a snow day this year because any time we get snow, it is very little and only for a couple hours. Finally, all the fun things that kids love to do during winter are impossible to do without any snow. There is no sledding, building snowmen, snowball fights, ice skating or snow forts. This is the worst and most depressing winter without any snow, and we can only hope that it turns around and snow starts to fall again. Winter just is not the same without it.

tribute to sam... I just wish I knew what he was thinking when he would stop and stare at you with his huge smile. Barb Klaus When Sam passed away, I was devastated. My favorite memory of Sam is when he would get in trouble. I thought he said funny things. I thought it was funny, when he talked back to teachers. I wrote a song for Sam. Christian Stanton

We will miss you. We will miss playing memory with you. David Sanders Sam is in heaven singing with the angels. Evan Marty I feel very fortunate and blessed to have worked with Sam Walker for the past three years. I was able to watch him turn into a very polite, determined and hard working young man. Sam came into school every morning with a bright smile and happy attitude. If Sam knew you, he always made a point to say hello or wave. Sam had first period gym, he really enjoyed exercising and warming up with the class. His favorite game was basketball and he made a lot of baskets without having to

try to hard. Sam not only spent time at Wadsworth High School, but also out in the community as well. He worked at Buehlers and Maries. Sam learned different jobs in Produce at Buehlers. He learned how to bag oranges, apples, rotate produce and stock shelves. It was a great feeling to watch him take pride in what he did and enjoy being out with everyone. He always said hi to everyone that passed, a lot of times they were people that he already knew. He was just happy to be out in the community and watch people with their day to day activities. Sams’ favorite game to play was memory, and he was good at it. When I played with him, nine times out of ten he would get the first match and usually beat me! I even would mix things up to see if was truly paying attention, he would notice and move the pieces back. He looked forward to Friday

Bruin Staff Editor-in-chief: Alexa Baier Assistant Editor: Kaitlin Sherrill Copy Editors: Matt Doyle, Hayley McQuate, Molly Priest Marketing Manager: Matt Doyle Front Page: Page Editor: Kayla Lockwood Reporters: Brooke Tittle Editorial: Page Editor: Brad Virgin Reporters: Mathias Zollinger Entertainment: Page Editor: Dayna Gallagher Reporter: Frank Bertuzzi Speakout: Page Editor: Nick Tavanello Reporter: Josh Kipfer Opinion 1: Page Editor: Kara Long Reporter: Tom Calhoun, Tyler Perry Opinion 2: Page Editor: Jon Chamier Reporters: Jess Gahan Features: Page Editor: Veronica Llwellyn Reporter: Alyssa Keiper Health: Page Editior: Hannah Adams Reporter: Matt Grey News: Page Editor: Jenny Wise Reporter: Sabrina Parsons Picture Pages: Editors: Kaitlin Sherrill, Molly Priest Sports 1: Page Editor: Matt Doyle Reporter: Jon Kuss Sports 2: Page Editor: Danielle Trenta Reporter: Nate Pound, Joe Trogdon Of The Month: Page Editor: Maggie Williams Reporter: Kenny Tollett Holiday: Page Editor: Ally Malkowski Reporter: Clay Smalley Ads/Business Manager: Brad Virgin Assistant: Mathias Zollinger Adviser: John Gramuglia

Friends and seeing them every week and hopefully play a game of basketball with everyone. Sam will be deeply missed but I’m so thankful to have spent this time with him. His enjoyment for life and what it had to bring to him every day is something I learned from Sam, be happy with every moment and just be glad to be there. He brought a lot of happiness to others around him by just being happy with the moment given, always trying his best, and always moving forward to the next thing. The three things that will always stick out in my mind that he would say would be; “Be Patient, It’s not a race,” and “What’s next Mrs. Nardo”. Kristen Nardo Sam inspired everyone. Miss Pam

Sam has no seizures now and no pain. Sam is in heaven. I am

sad he is gone, but he is in my heart. I say prayers for him. I liked singing with Sam. I made cards and pictures for him and his family. Justin Glas I do not think I have ever seen Sam not happy. He loved life and had a smile that would light up every room he walked into. Sam defied all stereotypes of students with disabilities. He never liked taking no for an answer. He had determination that you can not teach. He loved trying new things and insisted on doing things for himself. He never complained. We all loved Sam and he will never be forgotten. Miss Chase We are lucky to have our memories of Sam. He always had a smile, he loved life and making others laugh. Mrs. Gunselman

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the April/May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.

N ews

The Bruin

West Gym leaves legacy


For the last 32 years, the West Gym has been a symbol of victory and Grizzly pride. Saturday, Feb. 10 the girls basketball team played their final home game against Berlin Hiland. They went out with a bang, defeating the Hawks 57-45. The time is running down on the clock for the West Gym. Wadsworth has won

N e w s B r i e f s

numerous Suburban League championships. The game has finally come to an end but the legacy of the original West Gym will live on in the hearts of Wadsworthians for eternity. “Half court shots will never be the same,” said Chris Joyce, 11. With the next chapter in Grizzly sports approaching, many take the time to reflect on the memories already made, which will be held in their hearts forever. “My favorite memory was

Speech and Debate is statebound Talk about an impressive group; the Speech and Debate team has 21 qualifying members for the state level competition. Wish them luck as they prepare to compete on Mar. 2 and 3.

Students awarded for their designs The Medina County Auditor chose five Wadsworth High School students’ designs to be used in the county during the years of 2012 and 2013. Congratulations to Louie Messam, 11, Matt Horner, 12, Noah Lisbon, 10, Jack Pecnik, 11, and Joshua Schnick, 11, for their outstanding designs.

Melancholy at the Grammys Whitney Houston, highly celebrated pop singer, passed away a day before she was scheduled to perform at the Grammy award ceremony. This brought the mood of the night down initially.

OGT week

Underclassmen: get your thinking caps on! Upperclassmen: turn off your alarms. OGT week is Mar. 12 through the 16.

Charles Dickens’ birthday

Charles Dickens’ 200th birthday was celebrated on the seventh of the month. Dickens was arguably one of the greatest writers in the English language.

Public Library faces operating levy The Public Library has not asked voters for funds since 2002. With current state and local funding decreasing, it will be more difficult for the library to maintain core services.

Wrestlers continue to impress By winning the Suburban League yet again, the wrestling program celebrated an impressive accomplishment. This marked 20 consecutive years of Suburban League Titles! Looks like the “W” in Wadsworth stands for win.

February 2012


A word from our



The West Gym, in its final glory, awaits its date with a wrecking ball.

probably senior night. I did not expect it to be emotional, but it actually kind of was. I saw my entire family, friends and all of the fans and realized it would be the last time I would ever play there in front of them. We ended up winning the game by twenty points. It was a surreal night because I had spent so much time in that gym and it was all coming to an end,” said former player Ben Falkenberg. Basketball is not the only sport that has made memories in the West Gym. The state champion wrestling team has won a lot of important matches

on the mats in the West Gym. Also, the volleyball and gymnastic programs have put in tons of sweat and hard work. All of this has happened in a gym that has been around long enough to see countless classes graduate. It just goes to show how important the West Gym is, to not only the community, but to former athletes and fans. The memories of the West Gym will always be in the heart of Wadsworth. Even though there will be a brand new gym soon, the old gym and its memories will become the base on which Grizzly spirit can build for the years to come.


series of attacks are known as ‘Operation Blitzkrieg.’ “Your incomprehensible actions, and your reluctance to accept the Freedom and Equality that every single human being possesses by right from birth, causes the birth to hatred and worldwide racism,” said Anonymous to the American Nazi Party. Anonymous has gained the respect of many people. They have more than 200,000 followers on Twitter, and they receive hundreds of comments on posts in their blog. “Although this group is hacking and doing its attacks over the Internet, they should not be underestimated. They are obviously a group of very intelligent people who have taken a stance on the events in their world,” said Jordon Gerwieniec, 11. They have found a way to gain power in numbers. Who would have thought that a group of citizens could have an impact on nations all over the world? Anonymous continually reminds everyone to be accountable for their actions. They are known for saying, “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. Expect Us.” Anonymous takes action on issues they see unjust. They hope to inspire more people to speak out against oppression of government, and to make a difference. They encourage integrity and the utilization of freedom.

Hackers take stance against unjust actions The United States National Security has found a new enemy. Said to be just as much of a threat as terrorism, internet hacking has become a problem for the CIA, FBI and other high standing national organizations. A fast growing group known as Anonymous has been posing a threat to the national security. This group is composed of several internet hackers who have taken a stance against the government. These ‘attacks’ mainly consist of the hackers causing the particular agency’s site to crash. The CIA’s web site was down for several hours. The FBI’s website was revived in merely minutes. It is not just the United States that Anonymous has been targeting. There have been reports of the group protesting against Greece’s government’s latest decisions pertaining to the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. “What is going on in your country is unacceptable. You were chosen by your people to act on behalf of them and express their wishes, but you have derogatorily failed. You have killed the most sacred thing your country had, and that is democracy,” said Anonymous to the Greek government. Not only has Anonymous acted out against the governments of the world, but also against racism. Most recently, they have conveyed messages against the American Nazi Party. These

With the timeline narrowing as we prepare for the relocation, we will begin many preparations as staff pack boxes and purge. We continue to frame our memories of WHS. Continuing with some thoughts from former WHS students, Mr. Nate Singleton is this month’s guest and has offered some memories about being a student in the current building, which will be closed on May 18. “I always knew that I wanted to teach. I never thought it would be at my alma mater. It is weird how life works. During my junior year, I remember reading The Great Gatsby in the same room where I now teach. My teacher, Mrs. Taggart, was teaching Fitzgerald’s novel and I fell in love with it. It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to teach novels like ‘Gatsby.’ Little did I know I would teach such novels in the same room where I first found I loved literature. To this day, every time I begin “Gatsby” I smile. Life does come ‘full circle.’ I am often asked by those who learn that I am a WHS graduate: ‘what’s it like teaching at your alma mater? Do you get nostalgic?’ Honestly, no. There’s no time for nostalgia. In fact, I rarely (if ever) think of my days while I walk these halls. There is a place for fond memories, but I quickly learned that in teaching today’s students, I don’t have time to think back, nor do I need to. This building has served me well. It will be sad to see it torn down. However, I am a firm believer in progress and the process that must occur to achieve new beginnings. WHS is experiencing a new beginning. What wonderful news! Though it is sad to see such an historic building go, my fond memories lie with the people who make this building one full of Grizzlies. Concrete and blocks do not inspire; people do. This building has been full of inspiring people and I take their lessons every day. Being a sentimental guy, I’ll be a little emotional when this building tumbles to the ground. Upon its demolishing, every one of the physical structures that housed me during my education will be no more. But, as I said, I carry the lessons-learned with me, and no wrecking ball will ever touch them. In closing, I will miss the physical structure of WHS. However, I am more excited about that window that I will finally have in my classroom, and the dynamic moments that will be experienced in the new building. Go Grizzlies!” WOW! Mr. Singleton hit the mark with his recollection of being a student at WHS We are . . . Wadsworth! Mr. Parsons


February 2012


A ds

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If it was any more local, you’d be raising cattle.

February 2012


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THE BRUIN O pinion 1 6 Twitter; fake accounts show #immaturity F ebruary 2012

BY @NUwildcats16fan

Twitter has surpassed Facebook in 2011. It has become the new hub of social networking. With a new form of socializing comes new forms of bullying. Twitter allows one to make up a name such as @AnonymousTweeter. Students do this, so they can hide behind a name and can say whatever they want. Four Twitter accounts stand out. @Grizzly Gossip was the first account to surface. My sources have said that this was more

than one person. Either way these kids were obviously the coolest kids in the whole school for what they did. Everyone wants to put kids down on the Internet. Our school has promoted an anti-bully campaign, that has apparently done wonders for these students. The fact that we are all age 14 and up and still care about what other people wear and how they look is just pitiful. I understand some things never change and people’s attitudes never change. However, embarrassing people on the Internet for the whole entire school to see is a little too much. @GrizzlyGossip prided itself on making fun of people for what was being gossiped about. They called the people out on it and embarrassed them on

Twitter. @FYI_Wads_High was also another high school student that thought they were funny. They proceeded to make fun of kids for defects they cannot help, such as twitching and size. This person had the nerve to post: “Weeks have passed and haters have been made, popularity only rises and I remain unknown. But it’s only getting started.” I am pretty sure it is negative popularity. The next tweet obviously shows how attention hungry this kid is. “Night night everyone can’t wait to hear everyone talking about me tomorrow.” Well, maybe if they were nicer to people, or not so cocky they would not have to make a fake Twitter just to get attention at school. This person possibly thought that they might get a girl for this but that definitely will not happen.

I understand the notion that girls like jerks, but that only goes so far. @TrollOfWadsworth was a former student who dropped out. This person was by far the most cruel to people. There are things that can be said that are funny, but some of his phrases made my mouth drop. I cannot quote a lot of what he said because of the vulgarity. “Obviously he thinks he is funny. Honestly it is not a big deal, but how old are we 17 or 18?” said Drew Starr, 12. @WadsNiceGuy was by far the most popular on Twitter. He complimented students instead of put them down. Students looked forward to going home and checking their Twitter to see if @WadsNiceGuy tweeted them. He was known for sending girls tweets such as

“you’re really nice” and “you’re beautiful.” He tweeted some guys as well, stating they are “cool” or “chill” and they seem to be “friendly with everyone.” This was a nice change of pace. However, when I found out this person was also @FYI_Wads_High, I lost respect . Twitter is a place where students can spread their thoughts. However, we must draw the line between what thoughts should and should not be shared. We are in high school, let us not act like middle schoolers. A little integrity can go a long way, and by showing Twitter integrity, less drama would be instigated.

Fall for one or talk to tons BY TYLER

There are two types of people in this loving world. The men and women who can settle down and give all of their love to one special person, and the guys and girls that have so much love that they cannot just give it to one person. They believe they need to spread the love. I have witnessed many relationships. I have also had a few experiences myself. Well, to be honest I can only say I have been in one true relationship within my four highschool years. “I consider myself a lucky girl, so far I am the only girl to date Tyler!” said Haley Hassinger, 11. For the most part, puppy love in high school does not seem to work. The point is, you are supposed to enjoy your high school years: have some fun, get your school work done, play some sports, join the debate team, or go get a job. You do not need all the added stress a boy or girl can give you. Do not get yourself overwhelmed over one person,. It will only lead to problems in the end. Unless it is that rare situation where you fall in love with your future husband or wife and date all throughout high school, stop jaw dropping on one person and flirt around. Some people think that being in a relationship is beneficial. They always talk about how their boyfriend and girlfriend has become their bestfriend. That he or she is always there

for them, and they always have someone to hang out with. Well, let me break it down to you. It is not always that sweet and happy. Girls: when you are in a relationship with a guy there can be some worries. Cheating is never out of the question with these young hormonal teenage guys walking the halls. In fact, even guys have to worry about their girl talking to other guys. You might just find yourself questioning your trust towards your significant other. The stress can be overbearing. Unlike being in a relationship, there is so much to benefit from being the single man or the single girl. You can talk to whoever, flirt with whoever and even go on dates with whoever. “Look at me, I have been single for all four years of high school, and I am living the life!” said Anthony Pappas, 12. It is the life. You can have multiple girls and guys to hang out with, meet more people and have more friends. You can text and talk to as many people as you want, and you do not have to worry about getting yelled at! Not only do you get to talk to a variety of men or women, you can do what you like, when you want to do it. You are a free man, a free woman. If you wanna go chill with your boys or have a girls night with your girlfriends, you can. You are not tied down to anyone and have no obligation to

a certain person. You find yourself walking around smiling 24/7. Life is too good to be true. You have all the time in the world, no stress, and if you are lucky enough, you can have multiple men or women to talk with. Do not fall in love in high school. Play the field, and do your thing. A great man once told me, “You just got to live Young, Wild, and Free!” Hayden ‘Beef’ Kilbride, Wadsworth alumnus.







1) Raquel 12, and Ryan “Squishy” , 12, are head over heels for each other.2 and 4) Kelcie, 12 and Anthony, 12, have gone their high school careers without ever having a serious relationship.3) Jake, 12, and Morgan, 12, have been in a long happy relationship.

Along with Tyler, I agree that there are two types of people when it comes to love, but my views differ slighty. The people that he refers to that “spread their love” are missing out on having a great high school relationship. Instead of living the lonely single life, I think being taken has many more perks. Being in a relationship means always having someone to talk to. You get to share experiences with that one special person, which makes ones teenage years much more enjoyable. The “stress” that Tyler mentions might come into play at some point in a relationship, but the good times that a couple have overwhelm the bad. No love is perfect, so a few small fights should not steer anyone away from their possible soulmate. In my opinion, people who avoid relationships are just too concerned about keeping their options open. They are just scared of commitment or getting hurt. What does that get you? Well, for one, it left you dateless on February 14th when all of your friends were out with their girlfriend or boyfriend. Boys are the biggest offenders of the anti-relationship crimes. They prefer to text a handful of girls and lead them on, but never choose just one and commit. Since when is it cool to be talking to five sophomore girls as a senior? Oh wait, it is not. It is cool, however, to have

a great girlfriend that you can hang out with on weekends. Simple flirting cannot replace the companionship that a relationship gives. Another big advantage to relationships comes along when we have school dances. Instead of searching for a date, you already have a great dance partner that you are comfortable with. If you think talking to multiple guys or girls is cool, think again. It might seem like a good idea to benefit yourself, but what happens when one of those little flings ends up getting real feelings for you? Think about having a broken hearted person on your conscience. People who drag other people along and never consider a relationship are nothing but selfish. Tyler’s article talks about relationships as if they are a cult or jail. Just because one is in a relationship does not mean they cannot have fun and hang out with friends. Not every boy or girlfriend is a control freak. Most high schoolers want a normal relationship with freedoms. Just because you are in a relationship, does not mean that you are married. “I love being in a relationship with Matt! (Doyle, 12) We have so much fun together and I always have someone to hang out with,” said Alex Bingham, 12. Although there are a few advantages of being single, in my opinion, being in a relationship is the way to be. Even though it is easier said than done finding the right person to be with, it is worthwhile in the long run. You never know, your high school sweetheart could end up being a future husband or wife.

O pinion 2


F ebruary 2012


Dream dates leave little sparks of hope OPINION BY JESSICA


Jack and I were vicious when playing football. This is displayed by this particular picture with my lack of teeth and our bloody lips.

How I taught Jack Snowball all he knows about sports OPINION BY JON

It has been a chaotic couple of months for one Jack Snowball. He was named the Division-I Co-Offensive Player of the Year, signed his letter of intent to play at Miami of Ohio, and is currently “talking” to Lady Grizzly forward Jessie Gearhart. For all of his success over his high school career, Jack has repeatedly given credit to his offensive linemen, fullback and coaches. He has thanked both family and friends. That is all good and well, but I have one question: Where is my recognition? I do not want to brag, but I, Jonathan Edward Chamier, taught the Jack David Snowball everything he knows about sports. Although he may not be aware of what I have done over the past 17 years for him, I am sure he would be gracious nonetheless. His mother, however, has known about all the coaching that has taken place. “Jon has been not only a mentor, but I consider him to be Jack’s guardian angel,” said Angie Snowball, Jack’s mother. There have been reports that Jack was a chubby boy. I would like to go on record by saying that yes, those reports are totally and completely true. Before he met me, Jack could


not even spell “broken tackles.” I have single-handedly turned a fat boy into a fit man. Let me explain. When we were just kids, Jack and I, along with neighbors Anthony and Maria Arnone, were “Rocket Power” but without the surfing. If we had lived in California, we would have owned those waves, though. Anthony and Maria were Otto and Reggie Rocket; Jack was Twister; of course, that left me as Squid. Each and every day, the four of us would compete against each other in different sports. When we would play football, I taught Jack how to play aggresively. Reaching maximum speed, he would run over me as I tried to tackle him. If I had not been so willing to hand over my body in such a fashion, Jack probably would not have

to play lockdown defense. I let him block my shots regularly, in addition to allowing him to steal the ball from my possession. I would eat steak and explain BEEF (Balance, Eyes, Elbow, and Follow-through) to him. His shot has progressed into the prettiest thing since Selena Gomez. The extent of his knowledge gained from my coaching is not limited to skills. I also taught Jack how to get tackled properly. My right arm was broken once by falling improperly on a tackle by Chris Baughman, 12. Jack was aware of such a hit and now refuses to fall the way I had fallen myself. Unfortunately, I was unable to foresee a knee or shoulder injury, but notice how he has never had a broken arm. Though all of these attributes

“Jon has been not only a mentor, but I consider him to be Jack’s guardian angel.” -Angie Snowball

the ability to break tackles by Minutemen, Bulldogs or Golden Eagles. When we would play baseball, I taught Jack how to be an efficient fielder. My lazy pop flies, bouncing groundballs and occasional bunts allowed Jack to make plays on nearly every one of my hits. He gave up the sport to focus on football and basketball, but he probably could have rewritten those record books as well. When we would play basketball, I taught Jack how

Htg & A/C 112 Watrusa Ave Wadsworth, OH 44281-1466 330-336-4527

are important, I believe that teaching Jack the meaning of humility while still being a winner has been the greatest lesson. He may be the most humble star since Jeremy Lin. This trait is appreciated by coaches and fans alike. “I have never really thought about it, but, when I really do think about it, I realize that every single thing that I know about sports, I learned from Jon Chamier,” Jack said. There you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth. This relationship was not just a one-way street. I learned a lot from Jack, too, such as selfcontrol and grammar. Now, I can write goodly. Next year, when Jack attends Miami, and I become an Ohio Bobcat, I will proudly cheer for my rivals’ running back. If you find a beaten-up kid wearing a “Snowball” Redhawk jersey in Athens, it will probably be yours truly.

The perfect guy asks the perfect girl out for Valentine’s day. He buys her flowers, puts on his nice clothes and makes himself smell nice. He thinks the night is going to go better than perfect. Does the girl think the same during dinner, or does she want to crawl out the bathroom window before the main dish even arrives? These different stories are some real dates that did not go as well as planned. Starting off is a story of a teacher here at our school. Her mom made her go out with a guy she did not know very well because her mom did not like that she was exclusively dating one guy. She went out to dinner with him and ended up calling her friends on the pay phone since there was no such thing as a cell phone back then. None of her friends could come and save her from her awful date. Therefore, she was stuck spending her evening with a lame, dull guy. There is nothing worse than a date with a snoozer. The next story comes from a student. She was excited to go to the movies with this guy she really liked during her freshman year. His mom picked her up at her house to take them to the theatre. The awkward part is, his mom stayed the whole time because he asked her to come along. His mom sat with them throughout the whole movie. Needless to say, there was no holding hands in the popcorn bowl after that mistake. It is hard to top that story, but this next one might just do it. This tale is about a guy who had just recently broken up with his girlfriend. They went out to breakfast about a week after they had broken up and discussed all of the new things in their lives. He took her home and recalled, “it was an awkward, long car ride.” When he got to her house, she asked for a hug. He said no and drove away. It was not quite the get-back-together breakfast she was looking forward to.

The next story is about a guy who went to homecoming with a girl. The night was reaching for the stars for both of them, but not in the average “he kissed her and sparks flew.” She left him to dance with another guy. He left her to dance with another girl. She kissed the OTHER guy and he kissed the OTHER girl. They both knew about the other person, but pretended for two weeks that they did not know. They came to terms with their mistakes and started dating each other. I guess you could say that they had some trust issues. This is the fear everyone has when they go on a date: he does not pay for your dinner. A girl went to Applebee’s with a guy. They were having a grand ol’ time, and when they were finishing up, he said IT. He said the words. The ones that no girl wants to hear. Separate checks please. She said, “I was freaking out. I had no idea what to do. I did not bring cash. I thought he was taking me on a date.” She had to have her mom bring her money to pay for her meal. How embarrassing. She will definitely remember to take money on every date she goes on from here on out. There is always the awkward dates where the other person is too scared to make a move. We have all heard of the yawn for him to put his arm around her. This story is different. She got a text message from the boy she was on a date with asking if he could hold her hand. She replied and said no. He lost his chances of a good night kiss on that date. The last story is about the “friend zone.” Everyone knows brunch and lunch are “friend zone” dates. So what happens when, at the end of a late night date, she says, “I just want to be friends?” That is exactly what happened to this poor guy. He had the perfect date set up. They went mini-golfing and then to Olive Garden. When he took her home, she still just wanted to be friends. Looks like he is stuck in the “friend zone” for the rest of his life. Some dates do turn out great. Sparks could fly across the room when they have a final kiss good night. Their date could be the beginning of a great relationship, but in these cases, there will be no sparks, no fireworks, and definitely no second date.


Mariah, 11, and Kacie, 11, kiss Nick, 9, on Valentine’s Day, making it difficult for him to pick just one girl to spend Valentine’s Day with.




F ebruary 2012

Republican race heats up BY ALYSSA KEIPER

We are officially halfway through the Republican nomination battle. A clear winner has failed to emerge so far in the race. Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum remain in the running. Whoever wins this nomination will run against Barack Obama in November to become president of the United States. This has been one of the most indecisive races yet. In most election years, a clear frontrunner emerges by early January. In early December, Romney appeared the likely victor. “There is a good shot I might become the next president of the United States. It is not a sure thing, but it is a good shot,” said Romney during a question-andanswer session in October. Romney is no stranger to presidential campaigning. In 2008, Romney lost the Republican bid to Arizona Senator John McCain. Romney is the former governor of Massachusetts. Initially, it seemed that Romney won both the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. After a recount of the votes in Iowa, Santorum was actually announced as the winner. Santorum won by a margin of only 35 votes, with Romney in second, Paul in third and Gingrich in fourth. Santorum was formerly a U.S. Senator and Representative from Pennsylvania with a strong conservative record. His success in Iowa was not long-lived; Santorum came in fifth in the very next primary, which was in New Hampshire. Romney was announced the victor, followed by Paul, former candidate Jon Hunstman,

Gingrich and finally, Santorum. Just like many other candidates, Paul is familiar with the presidential election process. In 1988, Paul ran in the Libertarian party. In 2008, he sought the Republican bid. Although he did not win in 2008, the supporters he gained are the basis for his campaign this year. Paul is most popular among first-time voters and young adults. The next primary was held in South Carolina, where Gingrich became the unlikely victor. Previously coming in fourth in both primaries, Gingrich surprised the other candidates with this win. Romney came in second place, followed by Santorum and Paul, respectively. Gingrich was Speaker of the House and ended 40 years of Democrat control in Congress. His popularity declined as controversies came to light. “The controversies Gingrich has been involved in does not change his ability to run our country,” said Hannah Smith, 11. The race then moved to Florida, where Romney won. This win was an important one for Romney. In 2008, Romney failed to win Florida and consequently had to drop out of the running. Gingrich continued his success, coming in second in this primary. Santorum came in third, followed by Paul. Santorum became the surprising victor in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri, all held on the same day. Romney came in second in Colorado and Missouri and third in Minnesota. Paul came in second in Minnesota, third in Missouri and fourth in Colorado. Finally, Gingrich came in third in Colorado and fourth in both Minnesota and Missouri. In Maine, the most recent primary, Romney won, followed

Candidate Health care






Social Issues

·Replace Obamacare with a “pro-jobs, proresponsibility” policy ·Sell health care across state lines ·Reform Medicare and Medicaid

·Create an optional 15% flat tax ·Extend Bush-era tax cuts ·Break up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

·Support amendment to Constitution against same sex marriage ·Defund Planned Parenthood ·End taxpayer funded abortions

·Repeal Obamacare ·Sell health insurance across state lines ·Provide tax credits and deductions for all medical expenses ·Prevent the creation of a national database of personal health info

·Audit and end the Federal Reserve System ·Allow offshore drilling to reduce gas prices ·Eliminate the income, capital gains, and death taxes

·Reverse Roe V. Wade, making abortions illegal ·Will not make same sex marriage illegal on the federal level ·Legalize recreational use of marijuana

·Give states the right to refuse the current health care mandates ·Reform the medical liability system ·Allow the sale of health care across state lines

·Cut “cap-andbalance” approach to spending to curb deficit spending ·Reduce corporate income tax rate to 25% ·Create lower, flatter tax rates

·Will overturn Roe V. Wade, making all abortions illegal ·Preserve traditional marriage between a man and a woman ·Supports an amendment against same-sex marriage

·Rejects current health care bill ·Strengthen patientdriven health coverage options ·Allow patients to purchase health insurance across state lines

·Reduce corporate taxes to 0 for firms that manufacture ·Will not raise taxes ·Cut spending by $5 trillion over five years ·Will simplify the tax code

·Fights against all laws that make abortion legal ·Will fight against same- sex marriage · S t r e n g t h e n enforcement of illegal pornography laws


by Paul, Santorum and Gingrich, respectively. It is nearly impossible to determine which candidate will win the nomination based on these results. The race has fluctuated greatly, leaving no clear frontrunner. Some analysts say the cause of this volatile race is the negative

Guys and Dolls WHO: WHS Drama Club WHAT: Performing Guys and Dolls WHEN: Thursday, March 15

ads that have been used. America has seen more negative ads relating to the primary than we see in most general elections. “Republican candidates are breaking one of Ronald Reagan’s rules by turning against each other. They are nasty to each other and it is only harming the Republican Party,” says Mr.

Don’t delay, Order Today

2012 Yearbooks are now on


Friday, March 16

and Saturday, March 17 at 7:30 PM

WHERE: OJ Work Auditorium Do not miss out on this popular musical that WHS students have been practicing for months.

Recupero, science teacher at Wadsworth High School. Many candidates are looking for big wins on March 6th, better known to candidates as Super Tuesday. On this day, 10 states are holding their primary elections. Candidates are hoping that strong wins that day will solidify a nomination.

To Order: 1. Wadsworth City Schools Website 2. High School Link 3. Parent/Student Information Link 4. Yearbook Link

9 Charges brought against former child star

E ntertainment


F ebruary 2012


Former Home Improvement star Taran Noah Smith, 27, was arrested on Wednesday, Feb. 1 on a suspicious DUI and marijuana possession charge. The arrest occurred close to one in the morning in Burbank, California when police found him sitting behind the wheel of his Honda Accord, parked at an angle in front of a fire hydrant. As officers approached the vehicle, cannabis could be smelled. Smith was administered a sobriety test, which he failed. Upon a search of the vehicle, they found hash. He was arrested and held on a $10,000 bail and is due back in court on Mar. 1. He faces a felony charge and up to a year and a half in jail as well as $1,500 in fines. Smith is most notably remembered for his role as Mark Taylor, son of Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor (Tim Allen) on the hit TV series, Home Improvement. The series aired on ABC from 1991-1999, and


Macaulay Culkin Taran Noah Smith as a child in the early 90’s and him in 2011.

was picked up by Nick at Nite in 2007. Home Improvement can currently be seen on TV Land and TBS. Smith has not spent significant time on screen since 1999. “When I was 16, I knew that I didn’t want to act anymore,” said Smith. In 2001, he sued his parents for fraud and claimed they were using his trust fund money and

Novels that became the basis for high-grossing films



withholding royalties he made from the show as a child after they purchased a luxurious Los Angles mansion. At the age of 17, he married his 32 year-old girlfriend Heidi Van Pelt. They began an all vegan and organic food business before divorcing in 2007. Smith won two awards for his role on Home Improvement. In 1992, he won the Young

Artist Award for “Exceptional Performance by a Young Actor Under Ten,” and in 1994, he won the Young Artist Award, which he shared with co-stars Zachary Ty Bryan and Jonathan Taylor Thomas, for “Outstanding Youth Ensemble in a Television Series.” Smith is currently being held by police officers in Los Angeles and is awaiting his trial.


This plot line is examined with more depth in the novel, where both of Oskar’s paternal grandparents act as narrators. The book jumps quickly back and forth between perspectives, adding dimension but also making the separate plots harder

Lindsay Lohan

‘Extremely Loud’ movie transforms bestselling novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, a recent movie release adapted from Jonathan Foer’s bestselling novel, is a classic story of a young boy on a quest for healing and understanding in the face of his father’s death. Featuring stars such as Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock, ‘Extremely Loud’ deals with the tragedy of 9/11 and how the families of the victims cope. Told from the perspective of Oskar, a nine-year-old boy played by Thomas Horn, the movie follows the quirky and intellectual child as he searches New York City for the owner of a mysterious key. He believes if he can find the lock the key opens, he will understand more about his father. Oskar befriends strangers from a variety of backgrounds along the way and discovers that everyone he meets is dealing with problems of their own. “My life story is the story of everyone I have ever met,” said Foer. Oskar finds comfort in his vocal relationship with his paternal grandmother, who is also struggling with the loss of her son. Oskar’s grandfather, on the other hand, is unable to speak because of his traumatic past. Instead, he answers questions with the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ tattooed on his hands. The movie receives depth through the history of these grandparents, who have a colorful and painful story of their marriage, struggles and separation.

tear-jerking and terribly intimate story,” said Rocky Mountain News. The movie adaptation received similarly mixed reviews, despite being nominated for two Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor for Max von Sydow. ‘Extremely Loud’ received 45 percent positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, though 65 percent of the audience said that they enjoyed the -Jonathan Foer movie. “The mysteries are to follow. not that mysterious and some may Foer’s second novel, Extremely have a hard time embracing its Loud and Incredibly Close, met abrasive hero,” said Roger Moore less critical acclaim than his first of the Dallas Morning News. bestselling novel, Everything Is The movie and book wrap up Illuminated. with satisfying endings while Some critics slammed leaving the audience pondering ‘Extremely Loud’ for exploiting the truth of many ideas posed by the tragedy of 9/11 or, as Michiko the poignant story. “It’s a shame Kakutani said in a New York that we have to live, but it’s a Times review, being “contrived tragedy that we get to live only and improvisatory, schematic and one life,” said Foer. haphazard.” Extremely Loud and Incredibly Others disagreed, reveling Close presents audiences with in the complex and wise story. an opportunity to reflect on the “Extremely Loud and Incredibly tragedies of 9/11 and the valuable Close is a complex, hilarious, role of family.

“It is a shame that we have to live, but it is a tragedy that we get to live only one life.”



F ebruary 2012

P icture P AGE


Katharine, 9, Mrs. Baxley, and Kiersten, 10, support their favorite bands on Band T-shirt Day.


Liz , 11, and Leah, 10, wear their Minnie Mouse shirts on Disney Day.

Olivia, 12, Meganne 12, and Katie, 12, dress up as their favortie characters for Dinsey Day.


Amanda, 10, Sekai, 10, and Katrina, 10, pose in their band t-shirts for Band T-shirt Day during Spirit Week 2012.



Cody, 12, Daniel, 12, and Robert , 12, sport suits and sweaters on Dress to Impress Day.

SPIRIT WEEK 2012 Favorite Band Shirt Disney Day Dress to Impress Stop & Dance Day Pep Assembly


Mrs. Lance teaches her seventh period word processing class the new dance in preparation for Stop-and-Dance Day.

H oliday P age


F ebruary 2012


Cutest Couples

Students reveal their favorite couples of the school Lexi & Joe

Jenni & Asa


Food is the best way to a guy’s heart. This is probably why Lexi Surratt and Joe Sayre have been together for three years now after meeting in middle school home economics. They always have fun when they are together, especially when they went on their first date to the Akron Zoo. Even though that was their first date, Joe has a different favorite date. “It was definitely when we saw Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1,” said Joe. Joe has also asked Lexi in cute ways to the dances. The one that she remembers most is when Joe and his friends painted a giant sign that was asking her to Homecoming. These two do nice things for each other all the time to show their appreciation for one another. Once, Joe wrote Lexi a poem and in return Lexi helped him out with putting together a Zombie Apocalypse emergency kit. Although they do some things for each other that are “cheesy”, everything still means something to them. Even though not many people know about the little things, their peers still think that they are the cutest senior couple.


Had it not been for the study hall monitor Mrs. Hammel at the middle school, this relationship would be nonexistent. She moved Jenni Green right across from Asa Berlin, and there they met for the first time. They have now been together for two years and eight months. They went to the Blue Tip Parade for their first date, and it went very well. Although that might have been their first date, Jenni’s favorite date was when Asa took her to Stan Hywet Hall on a beautiful, snowy night. Neither has anything negative to say about the other. “I love everything about her. Everything she does is what makes her, her, and I would never want that to change,” said Asa. “I love everything about Asa. Sure he has his faults, but they only make him more interesting,” said Jenni. The length of time they have been together proves why they are the cutest couple. They are happy to be able to go through high school with each other and continue to grow and be in love with one another.

Cara & Nathan MIXED

“It is pr

etty m uch i mposs to na ible rrow o ur be exper st ience down to on one m ly omen t . ” C ara


It is not surprising that Cara Powell and Nate Aberle’s personalities harmonize considering they met in middle school show choir. They have been together for two years and seven months. Although they differ in age by one year, that does not stop them from feeling the way they feel about each other. “Nate is so kindhearted and always knows how to make me laugh. However, he refuses to go running with me...” said Cara. They both feel the same way about choosing one specific memory they have together. “To ask me to choose one is a crime, for over all this time there have been far too many great memories,” said Nate. Along with all their great times together, the time when Nate asked Cara to a dance is always a memory that sticks out. He drew arrows around Cara’s neighborhood to a park where there was a poem she found when she arrived there . The poem was asking her to the dance. They are by far one of the happiest couples out there by the smiles always shown on their faces when they are together. They are now and forever in love.

Grace & Luke

m ho I a for w e m s e .” ept it “He lov e acc m s p l e and h Green


“We cann

ot drive, so we have never really been on a date before.” Jenna Oplin


Jenna & Joel SOPHOMORE

Many boys decide to ask their girlfriend out for the first time on Sweetest Day. This was the case for Luke Swanson when asking Grace Boland out. He wrote her a letter with a flower asking her to be his girlfriend, and of course she said yes! They have been together four months since then. Their first date together was Homecoming, and they both had a spectacular time. “We went to dinner, danced, and had so much fun. It was amazing,” said Grace about Homecoming. Luke agrees that the dance went very well and enjoyed each other’s company the entire time. Although they have only been together for a short time to date, their relationship is still growing. They hope to have many more good times together in the future and keep their relationship building. Sophomore sweethearts are sure to last a long time.


People say the best relationships evolve from awesome friendships. This is the case for Jenna Oplinger and Joel Kipfer who have been together for one year. She first started noticing that he liked her when he would tease her. “I would mess with her sometimes, but it was only to get her attention,” said Joel. Being a freshman couple definitely has its disadvantages. Going on a date becomes much more difficult. “We cannot drive, so we have never really been on a date before,” said Jenna. They have been to Wendy’s before, which was “fantastic” according to Jenna. Joel also happens to tower over Jenna in height. She refers to him being “10 feet taller than me”. Despite the incredible height difference between the two love birds, there is nothing that could separate the passionate love that this freshman couple shares.


February 2012





February 2012


Bidinger’s Ice Cream

Opening Day March 17, 2012 Eri







. .B

O . .Y



Bring your own




F ebruary 2012

For love or the game With Christy Who knows the sharp shooting Lady Grizzly better, her boyfriend of 40 months, Jesse Beal, 12, or her longtime teammate, Jessie Gearhart, 12? To find out, we quizzed her, then questioned them. Jessie.

Jesse Got to be Gearhart.



She has literally told me before that it is drowning.

5 Spiders.

0 What makes her happy?

I love every day Jesse is actually nice to me.

When I am nice to her.


Snowball commits to Miami

Jesse. 5

Favorite food?

Favorite song?

Best feature?

next level


5 Biggest fear?

Going to the Athletes that signed their Letter of Intent on National Signing Day, February 1.

Christy Teammate she goes to for advice?

S ports 1

I do not have a favorite food, but my favorite place is Chipotle.

She loves when we have mashed potatoes.

Oh Darling.

Oh Darling.


She likes Chipotle.




That new single by the Black Eyed Peas, Imma Be. 0

I think it is her eyes, but she will say her hair.

My hair.


Campbell commits to Ohio University

Her hair.





Gearhart hits on five of her six questions to win a tight race with Beal 22.5-20. Turns out, four years of being teammates outshines the 40 months Cingel and Beal have been together. With mike Who knows the future Cleveland State Viking swimmer better, his girlfriend, Ellie Surratt, 10, or his teammate and brother, Matt Pavlak, 10? To find out, we quizzed him, then questioned them. Mike Most prized possession?

My red hat!



He wears his red hat a lot, so his red hat.

His mega-bed.

5 Dream vacation?

Favorite day of the week?




Mike is an idiot, so he probably said boat trip to Atlantis. 0





5 Favorite movie?

Favorite swim event?


100 Breaststroke.

Mike is ripped like Sylvester Stallone, so Rocky.

0 The Muppets.


0 200 Individual Medley.

200 Individual Medley.


0 Celebrity look-alike?

Will Smith.

Neil Patrick Harris.

He does not look like a celebrity.






Surratt proves that swimming in a pool of love is stronger than the pool of brotherhood in her 15-0 shutout over Matt. By Matthew Doyle and Jon Kuss

Jones commits to Palm Beach Atlantic Anderson commits to Walsh

S ports 2


F ebruary 2012


Swimmers remain competitive, break records Senior swimmer Mike headlines season by beating competition, putting his name in record books BY JOE TROGDON

Most winter sports could say that they have experienced success so far this year, and the swim team is no exception. The 2011-2012 teams have put several names in the record books, yet the Grizzlies have even more records and awards in their sight in the weeks ahead. Mike Pavlak, 12, has had many of the highlights for the Grizzlies this year. He led the Grizzlies to a winning 4-2 record in the Suburban League. So far, Pavlak has beaten his own 100 meter breaststroke record. Pavlak sees no record as a boundary, not even his own. Resetting the record is looked at as his biggest accomplishment so far this season. Pavlak also is a state qualifier and would like to stand on the podium at the state

tournament. Many Grizzlies have used this year to improve on their times and become better all around swimmers. “My greatest accomplishment this season is dropping seven seconds off my 100 backstroke,” said Phillip Bertke, 11. Practicing was not an easy task this year. With Steiners being torn down recently, the swim team does not have a pool within walking distance anymore. The team had to drive to the Barberton YMCA just to practice. Students went there every school day and on most Saturdays. Demanding practices were necessary because the Suburban League brought some very challenging swimmers. “Nordonia was our toughest competition this year. They were really good,” said Bertke.

Despite the tough competition, the boys team still placed third in the Suburban League. The girls team said Copley was the best team they faced. While their record was only 1-5, everybody tried to improve for next year. “Swimming with my sister Ellie and Kim Stafford was my favorite memory of the season,” captain Lexi Surratt, 12, said. “I’m going to miss them.” Surratt beat some of her best times this year and plans on attempting to continue to improve before the end of the season. Both teams improved this year and some swimmers continue competing in the postseason. Records were broken and students overcame obstacles and still practiced despite not having a pool in town. Overall, the season has been positive for everyone.


Pictured is swimmer Mike on Senior Night. He had a great season highlighted by breaking a school record. The Grizzlies were 4-2 in the Suburban League and finished in third place.

New sport adds variety to athletics BY NATHAN POUND

Jeff , 12, takes his turn and uses good form to bowl when the team faces Firestone.


Bowling team strikes big accomplishments

fun memories this year so far, besides winning. “My favorite memory was With many successful sports when we were bowling Wooster. during the winter season, We were losing by a lot, so we one in particular tends to go tried to get our lowest baker unrecognized. The bowling team game (which was 100) as a has become successful this year, team,” says Lexie Shirley, 11. with a record of 9-4. Even though they have really With that record, the teammates fun times as a team, there is also of the bowling team have had a downside. Unlike experience knocking the 20 other sports “Bowling really needs to be a down the pins. The Wadsworth High team practices every varsity sport. We try just as hard at School, bowling Wednesday, and with as the other varsity sports.” is not counted as a scores in the 100’s varsity sport, so the and 200’s, they are -Jacob Roden, 12 teammates cannot improving. “My best score is 246. My challenging team was Walsh. letter in it. “Bowling really needs to be a technique is just following This was their biggest win through while hitting my mark,” because it was the first time the varsity sport. We try just as hard school had beat them in a while. as the other varsity sports,” says said Alexis Sylvia, 12. Another accomplishment Jacob Roden, 12. Along with Sylvia, other Other than that fact, the team teammates like Max Finnerty, was winning fourth place at the 10, have been bowling for ten G-man tournament, which was has fun at every practice and also an excitement for the team. every competition. Bowling can years. “One of our biggest wins was be tough for some, but no other “My best this year is 279 with a 213 average practice,” said getting third place at Conference team is a match for our own Tournament, and we almost got a Wadsworth High School bowling Michael McVicker, 11. team. Their record shows how The team says that these trophy,” said Katie Long, 10. The team has had many hard they work. scores are the results of a lot of BY DANIELLE TRENTA

practicing and good coaching from head coach, Tom Kriska. “Some of the teams we have bowled against include Walsh, Hoban, St. V, East, North, Kenmore, CVCA, Ellet, Green, Copley and Nordonia,” said Andy Auffenberg, 12. Out of all those opponents, the team says that one of their most

Lacrosse is the most recent club sport and will soon join the other 20 varsity athletics at the school. Many are anticipating the arrival of this sport. Athletes have been preparing, yet many are still unsure of what lacrosse exactly is. In basic terms, lacrosse is a mix between soccer, basketball and football. Lacrosse, very commonly referred to as “lax,” is considered one of the fastest sports out there. There are ten people from a team on the field at a time, which totals to 20 people combined. There are three attack men, three mid fielders, three defense men and one goalie. Much like basketball and football, there are four quarters in a game. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Also like the two sports, lacrosse is a very physical sport. A player scores by shooting the ball from their stick’s pocket into the opposing team’s goal, just like in soccer. The rubber lacrosse ball is about the size of a baseball. The student body is excited about the addition of the sport. “I think it is a great addition to the Wadsworth sporting lineup,” said Eric Merle, 12. Students are also ready to

cheer for this new sport. “You can guarantee that I will be painting my chest and supporting our lax team” said Scott Campbell, 10. Currently, the practice is an open gym style. Ages range from elementary school to high school. During practice, the unofficial team works on throwing and running. Much like every other sport in the school, the lacrosse players workout and try to get faster and stronger. There are around 15 to 20 players as of now. After the practice, the high schoolers watch film. “I went to a few camps over the last few months in preparation,” said Zach Frank, 9. Many wonder who the lax team will actually play this year. It is not a very common sport in the Suburban League. Green is one of the few schools that offer the sport to their student athletes. The team’s competition will mostly consist of private schools such as CVCA, St. Vincent St. Mary, and Hoban. The lacrosse team is a great addition to the school. Both athletes and the student body are excited to play and watch this sport. It will not take long for everyone to learn the rules and love the great sport known as lacrosse.


February 2012



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February 2012


Patrons 2011-2012

Ali McCauley Allison Parsons Amy Broadhurst Audrey Hose Bill & Sharon Powell Bob & Kathy Calhoun Brad & Sue Fisher Brian & Paula Sherrill Chamier Family Chris & Lisa Jones Courtney Brown Craig & Joy King Dale & Debbie Fortner Dave & Jennifer Frisby David Justice Debbie & Gary Lake Dee Bennett Drs. Joseph & Susan Arpad Dwain Kibler Evan Dammarell Gilbert Family J. Teringo Jane Ross Jamie Wyrick Jason & Carrie Knapp Jeff & Kathie Priest Jerry D. Parsons Jim & Carol McIlvaine Jim & Chris Widrig Joe Lockwood Jon & Sandi Trogdon Judy Lepley Katey Tollett Kathie & Bob Engler Kelli Hoffman Kristin MacDowell Lanson Family Margaret Campbell Mark & Cheryl Gilbert

Mark Schoonover Melissa Eaton Michelle DeAngelis Mike & Katie Recupero Mike Frank Family Molly Harp Mr. & Mrs. Belden Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bender Kauffman Family Mr. Berg Mrs. LaMonica Mrs. Nance Watts & Family Mrs. Mathews Nancy A. King Paul D. Coleman, M.D. Peltz Family Ramizi & Cathy Shepherd Randy & Robin Kilbride Gary and Barb Klaus Rebecca Dills Reggie Campbell Rich & Cynthia Doyle Rich & Dana Berlin Richard & Pauline Thompson Richard & Ruth Dowling Rita M. Coach Roger L. Havens Roger L. Taylor Roger Pries Scott & Lisa Sidol Steve & Sarah McIlvaine Steve Moore The Baier Family The Baughman Family The Baxley Family The Bertuzzi Family The Mueller Family The Csaky Family The Clark Family The Croyle Family

The Fick Family The Fusco Family The Gahan Family The Gallaghers The Georgiadis Family The Grey Family The Lynn Family The McQuates The Ott Family The Trenta Family The VanDyke Family The Virgin Family The White Family The Wise Family The Witschey Family The Zollinger Family Tim & Judy McNutt Tipton Family Trish & Dave Swanson Walt & Betty Gairging

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F ebruary 2012

Protein equals perfect physique OPINION BY MATT GREY

High Protein/Carb Supplements

One of the things that many people do at the beginning of a new year is make a resolution. Many of these resolutions have to do with people’s health – eating better, exercising more, etc. Even though we are already into the second month of 2012, it is not too late to begin to fulfill that dream of the perfect physique. If you are wondering, “how do I even begin?”, do not sweat it; at least not yet. I have researched the information on which foods will support the body’s protein needs after an intense work out. The easiest way to approach this is by figuring out the amount of supplements the body needs to achieve the ultimate goal of packing on muscle mass. Some of these supplements are mentioned in this article. “I have been trying to bulk up a bit for track season, but I do not even know where to begin,” said Aaron Driss, 10. The suggested optimal range of protein intake for an athlete trying to gain muscle is .72-.81 grams per pound per day. If the overall goal is to maintain muscle, the range is closer to .54-.64 grams per pound per day. To calculate your requirements, simply

multiply your weight times one of the figures previously mentioned. After an intense workout, it is recommended that the individual has an intake of 20-30 grams of protein. Whey protein is a fast acting protein, so it is more effective before and after workouts. Whey protein powder can be found virtually anywhere and comes in a variety of flavors depending on the buyer’s taste preference. “My favorite whey protein is definitely the chocolate. I use to drink a glass of that stuff every day after soccer practice,” said Carly Sandridge, 11. For people who are serious about working out, protein powder is worth the investment. However, remember to still eat a variety of protein sources in your diet for optimal performance and health. In addition, it is important to consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates, both before and after workouts. Carbs are the fuels that the muscles actually run off of, whereas proteins are simply for growth and repair. Warning: if one does not eat enough carbs, the body will have to use some of the protein that was consumed as fuel. This makes for a much less efficient process that


can impair the muscle growth. “Eating enough carbohydrates is essential whenever trying to maximize your results,” said Chris George, 11. Caffeine is another supplement that one should take in before and after a workout. This is already known as a performance enhancer, but it can also lead to the overall goal of gaining muscle mass. A simple cup of coffee will help give the body a boost to power through strength training. Protein intake is not the only important component in building the perfect physique. In addition to the different types of protein supplements, let me share some tips about building muscle with you from a trainer that I spoke with at the Akron General Health & Wellness Center. Proper diet is vital and the chart below should help guide you in your food choices if you are truly committed to having impressive results. Another factor in building muscle is a workout specifically suited to your body type that you are dedicated to. Do you want to just bulk up or do you want to have lean muscle mass? All of these factors help to determine your plan of action to achieve results.



Almonds, slivered 1 Cup 28 27 Dried Apricots 1 Cup 80 5 Bananas 1 Banana 27 1 Black Beans, cooked 1 Cup 41 15 Blueberries 1 Cup 20 1 Carrots, fresh, cooked 1 Cup 16 2 Cashew Nuts, dry roasted, salted 1 OZ 9 4 Cheese Burger, 4 OZ patty 1 Sandwich 40 30 Chicken Breast, batter fried 4.9 OZ 13 35 Chicken Leg, batter fried 2.5 OZ 6 16 Doughnuts, cake type, plain 1 Doughnut 24 3 Eggs, hard boiled 1 Egg 1 6 Fish Sandwich, with cheese 1 Sandwich 39 16 Hamburger, 4 OZ patty 1 Sandwich 38 25 Lima Beans, cooked drained 1 Cup 49 16 Oysters 1 Cup 8 20

Meal of the month Ambrosia Yogurt Parfaits Ingredients

3 containers (6 oz each) Yoplait® Original 99% Fat Free French vanilla yogurt 1 can (8 oz) crushed pineapple in juice, drained 2 cups Honey Nut Cheerios® cereal 1 medium banana, sliced (1 cup) 1 can (11 oz) mandarin orange segments in light syrup, drained 1/4 cup flaked coconut, toasted 4 fresh strawberries, sliced

The finished product is shown above.



1. In a medium bowl, mix yogurt and pineapple. In each of the 4 parfait glasses, place 1/4 cup of the cereal. 2. Spoon 2 tablespoons yogurt mixture on top of cereal in each glass. Top each with 1/4 cup cereal, then with 1/4 of the banana slices. 3. Spoon 2 tablespoons yogurt mixture onto banana in each; top each with orange segments. Spoon remaining yogurt mixture over orange segments. Sprinkle with coconut. Garnish with strawberries. To toast coconut quickly in the microwave, spread it in a shallow microwavable bowl or pie plate. Microwave uncovered on High 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds, stirring every 30 seconds, until golden brown. Bon Appetit!

Maintaining stability in a stressful society BY HANNAH ADAMS

In the realm of high school students, there is one ‘s’ word that overpowers all others: stress. Most students cite this devilish creature as the cause of their lack of sleep, unfinished homework, and mental instability. Though, what most students and even adults fail to realize is that there are ways to acknowledge and put this beast to rest. WebMD refers to stress as “what one feels when they have to handle more than they are used to. The body responds to stress as it responds to danger. Hormones are released, the heart speeds up, breathing is quickened and a feeling of energy or adrenaline results. This can be either a good or bad thing. Sometimes a

small amount of stress can help to get motivated and accomplish the task at hand or protect from danger. Too much stress, though, can have a variety of negative effects. Headaches, insomnia, canker sores, nausea, inability to focus, gray hair, heart problems, depression and asthma are just a few health problems that can be attributed to stress. In fact, WebMD also states that “43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.” Furthermore, “75 to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.” It is fairly clear the stress has a massive impact. What is still not understood is that the way one deals with stress now will likely have a direct impact a few years

down the road. Society today is constantly on the move. Guidance counselor, Mrs. Gilbert, took a few minutes to share her thoughts on stress. She cites three things as the most common items that students stress about: “The responsibility as students, the responsibility of having too much to do -that is the biggest one- and the third would be family issues.” Seniors are potentially the most prone to stress and its many effects. With graduation looming, seniors feel the extreme pressure to put the finishing touches on everything from their scholarship applications to selecting a college. “I am worried about receiving enough scholarships,” said Hannah Johnson, 12. So how should stress be dealt


with? When asked her advice on how students should deal with stress, Gilbert replied, “Talk about it. Everyone should have a solid foundation of people they can trust and confide in.” Different relief tactics work for a variety of people. Writing down the objects of frustration and stress on a piece of paper and then shredding it or tossing it in a fire is one option. Activities like yoga, dance or simply exercise in general have also been proven to relax tension. This can be as simple as picking up archery and having target practice with a cardboard cut out of Justin Bieber to let out stress. Finding a hobby that is

completely unrelated to school such as painting, reading for fun, listening to music, playing an instrument or shooting hoops in the driveway are all fantastic ways to clear one’s head. “Stressed is desserts spelled backwards. Cookies, cake and ice cream are my best friends,” said Jackie Grey, 11. Regardless of how one decides to maintain stress, ignoring it is simply the worst possible thing that anyone could do. Stressors do not always disappear overnight. Therefore, being able to deal with stress in a healthy way will help one maintain his or her sanity in all situations.




Twitter Trends of the Month

Junk of the Month

#Seniors12 #YOLO Fact of the Month 15% of females in the United States send themselves flowers on Valentines Day.


(What Doesn’t Kill You)

By: Kelly Clarkson

Song of the Month


Dakota, 12, and his car have an interesting history together. His Chevy Blazer has a cracked windshield, two blown wheel bearings, radiator leakage, an arrow for an antenna and deer parts on the front. Yes, deer parts! This car was purchased a year ago for $1,500. All of the customizations are done by Rader himself. The deer antlers and hooves are attached by many wires, which make them stable. Rader was pulled over

F ebruary 2012

earlier this year by a police officer because he said that they were not fully attached to the car. The officer then kicked them and realized that they were not going anywhere. He let Rader go on after he tested the stability. “My Chevy Blazer is an attention grabber. It can be distracting for other drivers,” said Rader. With a certain style that only a select few can pull off, Rader is not afraid to show his vehicle. This car deserves the title of Junk of the Month.


Dakota, 12, on his Chevy Blazer showing the various deer parts.

Students of the Month January

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” -Matthew 4:18

Art of the Month Chris

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others.” -Ghandi



“May the force be with you!” - Starwars “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” -Cinderella Story



Career Tech Students of the Month

Date Spot of the Month

Sean Media

Ashley Automotive Technology


F ebruary 2012


S peakout


Who was your first teacher crush?

“My freshman year I stumbled into my first health class. I was disoriented, confused and I was legitimately concerned that I would wet my pants. I looked up and saw the strong, burlesque form of a grown man. It was Mr. Bobby Jones! Never before had I seen anyone so strong yet graceful. I fear that my concept of masculinity has been compromised by the great man.” -Mike, 12

“My first teacher crush was Mrs. Baughman in 2nd grade at Overlook. I loved the way she taught and always took care of her students. That was my first year here, and she helped make it easy for me.” -Matt , 11

“My first teacher crush was Mr. Jurey. He is so nice and good looking. He is everything I would want in a man, but of course way younger. He was my favorite teacher my sophomore year.” -Taylor, 11

“My first teacher crush was in 7th grade. It was Mrs. DeAnglis. I think it was the way she spelled her name. I had a crush on her because she is very good looking.” -Kyle, 9

“Mr. Jones. I was in 8th grade, but a lot of other girls thought he was hot. He is super buff, he has really pretty eyes and he is very funny. So yeah, he is a ‘hunk’.” -Jordan, 9

“Mr. Hamilton. I was a sophomore and he was just the smartest, funniest, coolest guy. I was crushed when I realized his children were closer in age to me than he was.” -Jamie 12

Who was your first Valentine?

“Mrs. Hammel. The way she monitors study hall gets my heart throbbin’.” -Colman, 10

“Mrs. Layton. She is the most warm-hearted person on Earth. It was my freshman year and I was in love #realtalk.” -Scott, 10


“I will never forget my first Valentine. I was in 3rd grade and my family lived in Hawaii. There was a boy who sat next to me in class. Because he was left handed, he always knocked my pencil off my desk and then would say ‘Lo siento’. That year for Valentine’s Day, he gave me a pack of 24 pencils with hearts on them and a card that said ‘Vote your heart, be my Valentine’.” -Mrs. Malia Gunselman

“My nine year-old told me I am his Valentine because I ‘love him, feed him, and protect him from horror.’” -Mrs. Jennifer Greenlees

“All I remember is being pumped about handing out Thundercat valentines, but I hated writing my name over and over.” -Mr. Gabe Tudor

“I think it was when I was in kindergarten. She was a helper in my class. It was all cool until she made fun of my G.I. Joe that I brought in for show and tell.” - Mr. Mike Recupero

“My first Valentine was a boy named Kevin. I chased him around the playground during each 4th grade recess, until one day, while standing in line for gym class, I puked all over him. Unfortunately, I blew my chances (and my lunch) that day.” -Mrs. Amy Lamonica

“I have only had three boyfriends in my life and none of them were romantic enough to do anything on Valentine’s Day, but my favorite Valentine is my son, Grayson. He was born on Valentine’s Day.” -Mrs. Michelle Farr

“It was first grade. Every student in the class was my Valentine because we had to give each student a card signed by me. I only gave one girl a card that I put (Luv) Billy. I do not know her name.” -Mr. Bill Goddard

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