The Bruin- January 2012

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

January 2012


1870 - 2012 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 141 years of Excellence in Education”

Volume XXXVI No. 4


Welcome to 2012!

625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281


What was your first thought when Mr. Parsons announced the threat to the high school?

10 Eric “I wonder what is wrong, and this means I get out of French.”

Megan 12 “I have to find my best friend Nicki McNeil and get out of here!”

Ethan 11 “Whatever is actually going on is going to be very interesting.”


have classes were called into the office to prepare for the evacuation. This also allowed time to coordinate with the Middle School staff, considering the Middle School was the location for the evacuation. “I believe the administration did a phenomenal job with this unfortunate threat,” said Aaron Austin, science teacher at the high school. After evacuating the building, police and administrators searched the building for the alleged bomb. With help from the Summit County Canine Unit, Wadsworth Police Force and Wadsworth Fire Department checked every area in

the building. Parsons said every locker, closet, classroom, and even the roof was inspected. Video

Kasey 12 “I have to finish my physics test.”

Anthony 9 “I thought it was a bomb threat. Why else would we evacuate the school?”

Threat forces evacuation An anonymous e-mail was sent to the high school administrators early in the morning on Jan. 18. The e-mail detailed a bomb threat against the school at a specified time. Upon receiveing the message, assistant principal Mr. Steve Moore promptly pulled principal Mr. Jerry Parsons from an early morning meeting, and he contacted police immediately. Officials activated threat plans and emergency protocol. Police and other administrators arrived promptly, including Director of Facilities Joseph Magnacca. By the time the threat was received and police were contacted, buses had already arrived, and there were students in the building, so the decision was made not to close the school. Shortly after classes began, Parsons came on the announcements asking teachers to take attendance immediately. Later, he said it was important to know who was and was not at school that day. As advised by the police, an evacuation plan was set in motion. Parsons said there was time to plan and think through the threat since it included a specific time. “Our number one priority is the safety of our students,” said Parsons. Staff members who did not

officials believed the building was clear, there was a secondary evacuation. Since the threat specified a time, police advised that no one be in the building “We would never bring during that time. The students who the students into an remained at the high school unsafe environment.” evacuated to the middle school again. -Jerry Parsons, Principal During this evacuation, cameras were checked for students were joined by all school any suspicious activity. After officials, including Parsons and thoroughly checking the building, Magnacca. This precautionary police deemed it safe for students evacuation lasted approximately 30 minutes. to return. “We would never bring “The Wadsworth Police was the students into an unsafe outstanding,” said Parsons. Although police and school environment,” said Parsons.

Even though the building and students were safe, there was an administrative meeting on Monday, Jan. 23 to debrief the situation. In this meeting, administrators discussed what changes need to be made to improve the process if a bomb threat ever happens again. Following established protocol and listening to the advice of experts gave the students and staff protection during the bomb threat. An inital thorough sweep of the school and secondary evacuation kept students safe. In this potentially dangerous situation, calmness prevailed.

Student charged in bomb threat BY BRUIN EDITOR STAFF

According to the Wadsworth PoliceDepartment’s Facebook report, officers arrested Guy Barnard, a Wadsworth High School senior, in connection with the recent bomb threat at the high shool. Officers administered a search warrant on his home on Monday, Jan. 23. He was arrested on a second degree felony charge of inducing panic. Barnard, 18, was confined to the Medina County Jail and has currently been released. Police gathered enough evidence to issue the warrant

and arrest, despite his use of advanced procedures to disguise the origin of the threat e-mail, which included multiple proxy servers. An AlertNow was sent out to inform parents and students about the arrest by principal Jerry Parsons. “We are most pleased that our local authorities maintained their investigation to find the person responsible for the e-mail threat,” said Parsons. As further potential charges pend with the Grand Jury, the extenisve investigation will continue, and items recovered in the search will be examined.


After the building was evacuated due to the student’s e-mailed threat, books and personal belongings were left behind in empty classrooms.

Inside the Bruin: MORAL MINORITY SPEAKS How are students really spending their weekends?

– page 5 APP REVIEW

Best Apps from the Apple App Store.

– page 9

index Page


Students question if black should be a school color.

– page 14


Who is your celebrity crush and why?

– page 20

Editorial...................................................................2 News.........................................................................3 Opinion.................................................................4,5 Ads ........................................................... 6, 7, 16, 17 Features ..................................................................8 Entertainment........................................................ 9 Picture Pages .................................................... 10, 11 Sports.......................................................... 12, 13, 14 Health.................................................................... 15 2011 Review........................................................... 18 Of the Month......................................................... 19 Speakout................................................................20

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Brewin’ Debate

Safe and sound


The new year has seemed to have a rocky start due to the water pipe break, the BB gun incident, and the bomb threat to our school. Students do not realize how protected we truly are at WHS. Thanks to our administration, all of the horrible incidents were settled in an orderly fashion. The administration deserves all of our gratitude and respect for the hard work they put in to caring for all of the students in our school. Their main priority is making sure none of us are harmed, and they have been doing such an excellent job as always. During the day of the water pipeline break, all students were not able to drink out of the drinking fountains, so the students were able to find cups of clean water to drink in the main office. Not only was the problem fixed for that day, but the next day the water was

E ditorial

The Bruin

January 2012 running and ready to drink again. With the BB gun incident, Mr. Parsons sent out an AlertNow message to explain the situation in a calm and informative way. Parents were set at ease after understanding what really was going on. The administration’s true character was revealed during the recent bomb threat. As always, student safety was top priority. All students immediately evacuated to the middle school. The administration and staff were worried for our sake and made sure everyone was safe. Whatever the problem is the administration solves it in an effective way, and we should all feel lucky knowing we have such a dedicated staff. We, The Bruin Staff, encourage the next time you pass one of the administrators make sure to thank them for all they do to keep us safe and sound.

Is the two hour delay better than a normal snow day? YES


By Mathias zollinger

by brad virgin

I know at first thought a normal student would instantly say no. How could a two hour delay possibly be better than a snow day? Obviously I would rather have the whole day off than just two hours, but you have to look at the other aspects of the situation. First, the chances of calling a two hour delay are much higher than a snow day. When the Superintendent looks outside and the roads look pretty bad but not enough to take the day off school, there is still a chance he will call a two hour delay. Second, we could receive time off school and not have to worry about having too many snow days that will force us to have make up days at the end of the year. Finally, it would be the easiest day of school ever. We would have an extra two hours of sleep, so we would not be tired. Also, the classes would be shortened and the day would go by fast. Overall, it would be very relaxed.

What is the point of coming to school two hours later than we normally do? We will have thirty minute classes and in that time nobody would even pay attention or want to learn anything. How about we just make it easier on everyone? If it is bad enough to call off for a two hour delay then it is bad enough to just cancel school for the day. It saves everyone the trouble of worrying if it is safe to go to school or not. Also, think about all of those kids whose parents are already gone by the time that they are getting on the bus. So now you expect elementary kids to stay at home another two hours? That is a great idea...I disagree. Do not stay in the grey area; instead let us either have school or have the day off. Especially this year when a day off of school is a dream come true. It is okay to take it easy on us and just give us a day off of school when we may have been able to go to school because by the time summer comes around some students may be burned out.

Letters to the editor...... If you have any comments or concerns about the school please submit a signed letter to the editor. You can either drop it off in room 17 or give it to either Coach G, or a Bruin staff member. I think Career Day is a very fun and effective way to learn about what you are going to pursue in the future. It offers many types of engineering and technical programs. I would have to say that is one of the down sides because they do not broaden the horizon. It seems like engineering and technology are the only categories that they have and they always somehow end up being connected, but I still think it is very useful. Also, I would really like to learn about aircraft landing. This was my first session

and I really enjoyed learning about how planes work. It is very interesting. The biological sciences are interesting as well. I am truly thinking about pursuing that one day. I would like to go into some marine biology; it interests me a lot. Overall, I think that this could severely effect the minds of our class, and can truly give a good representation of how important it is to start planning now for what career you are interested in. Logan Harvey, 10 The school spirit issue is beginning to get out of hand. Neither the students nor the administrators can agree on proper behavior. Students have had their mistakes and rules were enforced for them, but now, students feel as if they cannot participate in athletic events. What is wrong with having a theme? It gets everyone involved

in the event and lets students have some fun. Students just need to watch what they are chanting and avoid humiliating other teams or communities. Kyle Karaffa, 11 I thought career day was informative, but at the same time I think it was a waste of time. A lot of kids take Career Day as a joke and just sign up for random things such as the Cleveland Indians or ball field worker. Some kids may truly be interested in these things but for the most part it is a joke. I am not going to lie, but one of the reasons I liked Career Day was because we got out of class. I think that the reason why kids do not complain about Career Day is because it is an excuse for them to get out of classes and have a little break. Some career presentations may have been more informative then others and that is why kids enjoyed them. I

Bruin Staff Editor-in-chief: Alexa Baier Assistant Editor: Kaitlin Sherrill Copy Editors: Matt Doyle, Hayley McQuate, Molly Priest Marketing Manager: Matt Doyle Front Page: Page Editor: Dayna Gallagher Reporters: Alyssa Keiper Editorial: Page Editor: Brad Virgin Reporters: Mathias Zollinger Entertainment: Page Editor: Kayla Lockwood Reporter: Jess Gahan Speakout: Page Editor: Maggie Williams Reporter: Brooke Tittle Opinion 1: Page Editor: Jon Chamier Reporter: Joe Trogdon Opinion 2: Page Editor: Hannah Adams Reporters: Jenny Wise Features: Page Editor: Danielle Trenta Reporter: Ally Malkowski Health: Page Editior: Kenny Tollett Reporter: Nate Pound News: Page Editor: Frank Bertuzzi Reporter: Matt Grey Picture Pages: Editors: Josh Kipfer, Sabrina Parsons Sports 1: Page Editor: Matt Doyle Reporter: Jon Kuss Sports 2: Page Editor: Tyler Perry Reporter: Kara Long Sports 3: Page Editor: Nick Tavanello Reporter: Tom Calhoun Of The Month: Page Editor: Veronica Llwellyn Reporter: Clay Smalley 2011 Review: Hayley McQuate Ads/Business Manager: Brad Virgin Assistant: Mathias Zollinger Adviser: John Gramuglia

did enjoy the Education Career because I have been thinking about becoming a Speech and Language Pathologist, and that is what a lot of schools are in need of. I learned that in order to do anything in education it takes a lot of work and time, and to be a Superintendent you have to start off as a teacher and work your way up to the top. I do think a more effective way of learning about a career that you enjoy is going in and seeing it first hand. We always hear people talking about jobs and what they do, but we never get to see it. McKenzie O’Brien, 11 January 12, during seventh period, Mr. Parsons came onto the announcements and told us that the Gazette posted a story saying how there was a “cocked and loaded” BB gun in Wadsworth High School. To be honest I feel that it is pathetic that someone

started a rumor that the BB gun was loaded. I am very interested in finding out who brought it in though. Maranda Synder, 12 I think that it is bad that the administration took away themes. Themes are a fun way to get the students involved. The parents even enjoy our themes. It took the fun of going to the games away. People from Barberton tweet about how they want to out do our student section with themes and chants. Looks like they are going to win because we had themes taken away. Alicia O’Connor, 11 The speakers on career day did a good job. They made the careers seem very interesting, and now I am considering joining these careers when I get out of high school. Mike Marshall, 11

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the April/May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.


N ews

The Bruin

January 2012

Wet weather slows progress, school still set to open in 2012

N e w s

A word from our

Construction moves ahead on building BY DAYNA GALLAGHER

Students and faculty have a renewed sense of anticipation for the new high school building after seeing the developments made in recent months. The academic wings of the school are nearly completed, with painting, lighting and casework expected to wrap up in April. Wiring for new technologies like smart boards and wireless technology continues by the contractors. Roofs are being completed over the Arts, Student Dining

and Athletics spaces. Duct work has been installed, and these spaces will be moving into the finish stage of paint, terrazzo and ceiling grid. The new gym floor will be installed in the summer. Construction on the Community Center is at a range of stages. While the Summa Space and Fitness Center are still in the early stages of construction, the Center for Older Adults is nearing dry-in stage. Despite a wet spring and fall impeding installation activities, the school will be open for the 2012-2013 school year.


The new gymnasium begins to take shape, with the floor to be installed this summer.

2011 breaks record for costliest year BY MATT GREY

With an unbelievable 355 natural disasters in just the first half of the year alone, 2011 goes on the record books as the costliest year in history for natural disasters. No sooner had the New Year started, then Queensland, Australia was virtually underwater from rain-triggered flooding which caused $7.3 billion in economic losses. Australia was hit hard again a month later when cyclone Yasi, with 180 mph winds, ripped through one of the country’s coastal towns. Surprisingly, no deaths were reported from the cyclone, determined to be the worst in a century. Australia was not alone in natural disasters. Brazil’s mudslides and flash flooding from excessive rainfall killed nearly 800 people and left 14,000 homeless. Meanwhile, New Zealand had an earthquake with a death toll of 185 and $21

billion in economic losses. “Even though the cost of these storms were high, at least the number of deaths were kind of low. Hopefully this year won’t have as many disasters,” said Meagan Sontagg, 11. The largest earthquake in Japan’s history hit in March and triggered a giant tsunami on their east coast. These events killed 15,500 people and left behind $210 billion in property damage to homes and businesses, as well as ships and railway lines, making it the worst disaster of the year. “The numbers are crazy when you really think about it,” said Jordan Bennett, 11. Foreign countries were not the only ones feeling the effects of Mother Nature. In April, the United States saw its worst outbreak of tornadoes in 50 years hit the Southeast. These deadly storms caused extensive damage and 280 deaths, spread out over five states. The town of Joplin, Missouri was demolished by a single twister in May which

B r i e f s

Joe Paterno passes away Former Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno passed away on Jan. 22 at the age of 85 from complications due to lung cancer.


Musicians Awarded

Congratulations to Mr. Hadgis, Mrs. Hire and several of our instrumental music students for their selection into the Medina County Honors Band.

Gun found in school A BB gun was discovered in a classroom office at Wadsworth High School on Jan. 5. The gun was discharged, and so far Wadsworth Police have been unable to identify a lead or a suspect. It is also unknown if this was a prank or a prop.

iPads set to replace books

Apple Inc. released their version of a replacement for college level text books on Thursday. Major textbook companies plan on supplying books to Apple’s store, but not all of them are immediately available yet.

Winners announced

Congratualations to Mr. Kauffman, Mrs. Van Dyke and five of our Web Site Design class students for being named finalists in the Medina County Auditors Seal Design Contest. The students include Jack Pecnik, Noah Lisbon, Joshua Schnick, Louie Messam and Matt Horner.

Disaster At Sea

The Italian cruise liner Costa Concordia ran aground off the Tuscany coast of Isola del Giglio after hitting a reef. At least 16 people have died and 64 people were injured. Currently there are 16 people still missing. The captain has been charged with manslaughter, failure to assist passengers in need and abandoning his ship.


Costa Concordia shipwrecked off the coast of Tuscany.

killed 159 people. “I feel global warming is to blame for the increase of powerful storms last year,” said Corey Palitto, 11. Lastly, wildfires across the Southwest, especially Texas, destroyed three million acres and over 200 homes and

businesses resulting in over $50 million in losses. The tornadoes and severe weather, along with the flooding of the Mississippi River, caused over $23.5 billion in losses for the US in the first six months of this year alone.

We have settled into the second semester academically. Interims are soon arriving on Monday, Feb. 6. Please maintain focus on why you are here every day – to learn! Planning ahead and staying focused in each class will keep you academically. On Monday, Feb. 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the library, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Canterbury and I will host a meeting with parents and community members to discuss some modifications we are planning to make in regards to student recognition. This is mostly centered on commencement and the current manner in which we recognize our top academic students. We also plan to meet with students and send suggestions to our Superintendent and Board of Education members for consideration. Continuing with some thoughts from former WHS students who are now on our staff at WHS, Mrs. Michelle Rohrer is this month’s guest and has offered some reflections about being a student in the current building, which will be closed in May. “I have so many amazing memories of this high school in the time I spent here as a student, so it is very difficult to narrow it down. As cliché as it sounds, the images that keep coming back to me are of my science classes, especially Mr. Burton and Mr. Lange’s Biology class and Mr. Schmeltzer’s Chemistry class. I remember feeling a bit overwhelmed but somewhat at home in these classrooms which, in hindsight, could have been an indication I would not be gone from this place for long! Although I will miss our old building, where all of my memories have taken place, I know there are plenty of new memories to be made in our new high school. Nothing will ever replace this building, however, where I spent some of the best years of both my young and adult life.” Thank you Mrs. Rohrer for your recollection of the time you spent at WHS. As I often note Freshmen Orientation, in a blink of an eye, the four years will pass by quickly. Enjoy every moment as a student and make positive memories that will last a lifetime. We are . . . Wadsworth! Mr. Parsons


January 2012

Bucket list for end of the world



While many people are preparing themselves for an apocalypse, I will spend my final hours living the way God intended it: with purpose. Pictured are just a few of the many points of my very own bucket list for the end of the world, such as giving a top student an “F,” figuring out a teacher’s name, and staying up past midnight.

as the Mayans predicted the end of the world to the day: December 21, 2012. The knowledge of this event is unnatural and inarguable. Although there is no way to keep this day from occurring, there are plenty of ways to live it up during our final days. This thought led to the composition of my very own bucket list for the year 2012. Although these will be difficult, it should be the goal of every student to complete a list of their own by the 21 of December. It should be understood, however, that this list does not contain “New Years Resolutions,” such as “get ripped” or “get a job.” No, these items should be far from a resolution, which rarely becomes accomplished. They should be items that would make one’s life worth all the turmoil. So, without further ado, my bucket list for the end of the world: ___Get caught up in a southern summer, barefoot, blue-jean night. ___Lose ten pounds.

Prepare yourself for an exciting year before we, as a civilization, all kick the bucket OPINION BY JON

Well, the year 2012 is upon us. To get to this point in time we, as a society, have had to endure much over the past year: the rapture, Jimmermania, and Fight Week 2011 to name a few. Unfortunately, I am afraid that we will not be as lucky this time,

Top 5 college destinations for seniors

1. University of Akron

2. Ohio University 3. Kent State University 4. Bowling Green State University

5. The Ohio State University

___Gain ten pounds because it would probably be unhealthy being that skinny. ___Diversify my portfolio. ___Master the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. ___Get money. ___Write a sequel to the Harry Potter novels. ___Capture a ‘Squatch. ___Slap the bass with Jason Segel. ___Stay up past midnight. ___Give Dan Davis, 12, and Andy Auffenberg, 12, an “F” so Nathan Winkler, 12, becomes Valedictorian. ___Conquer my unnatural fear of moderate heights. ___Finally find where Mr. Lunch’s room is. ___Get retweeted by Quaker Chewy Bars and Ohio State’s Evan Ravenel. ___Challenge Ray Lewis to a fight. ___Run away from Ray Lewis. ___Watch a “Dale and Tucker Vs. Evil” 24-hour marathon. ___Spend an afternoon with Taylor Swift.

___Take an apprentice; teach him the dark ways of the Sith. ___Watch a marathon. ___Write an undercover story about high school wrestling for a local newspaper. ___Spend a weekend in Wine Country. ___Star in an episode of “George Lopez.” ___Passionately kiss in the rain. ___Watch Jack Snowball, 12, break the single-season rushing record. ___Literally kill two birds with one stone. ___Get accepted to the prestigious Akron University. ___Publish my collection of love poems. ___Upgrade my wardrobe. ___Watch the entire series of “Lost” backwards. ___Go big game hunting in Zanesville. ___Sell my soccer memorabilia for tattoos. ___Win the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing. ___Solve the issues of time travel. ___Open with Dirty Mike and the

Boys for Hootie and the Blowfish. ___Buy Great Oaks Cinema. ___Have a scientific unit named after me: the chamier. ___Figure out what the mural in the back of Mr. Shepherd’s room is. ___Survive at least five minutes of any of the Twilight movies. ___Survive at least one minute of any of Justin Bieber’s songs. ___Finally memorize my locker combination. ___Witness the knighting of the Browns’ Buster Skrine. ___Enter into the catacombs underneath the school. ___Finish my intramural basketball career with two championships. ___Get a sketch of my face up on the wall next to Jim Reynolds. ___Figure out what Hutch’s actual name is now. ___Give up and just call her Mrs. McTinidowellson. ___Announce my college decision on national television. ___Fly. ___Compose a scrapbook of all my 2012 Bucket List adventures.

Stay busy in the new year with many fun hobbies OPINION BY JOE TROGDON

Winter is a tough time for many to stay busy. Everybody feels trapped inside with nothing to do. In reality, there is much to do. Use these tips to stay busy until the sunshine comes out again in the spring. Going outside in the snow is a perennial favorite for students. Sledding is always fun with all of the city’s big hills packed on snowy days. Leatherman hill is always the biggest, which provides the most thrill and most speed. “Leatherman is the best place to sled in the winter,” said Briana Mason, 11. It can be guaranteed that if there is a snow day, sledding hills will be packed with adrenaline junkies. Some will bring sleds, and others will have snowboards, but either way, a good time is bound to happen. You never get too old to have a snowball fight or build snowmen either. Huge snowball battles are still popular with students who have nothing else to do on cold days. The problem many people have with winter is that it is hard

to enjoy the great outdoors. The chilly weather does not stop many avid hunters, though. Early months of winter are prime deer season. Get a shotgun and tags and make an attempt to get a big buck. If being outside in the cold is not your thing, there are plenty of other options. With Modern Warfare 3 newly released, do not be afraid to stay inside and play some Call of Duty. Other Xbox and PlayStation games that are popular in winter include Madden 2012 and Battlefield 3. Students can also stay inside and watch a wonderful array of sports teams compete and win. From basketball to gymnastics to swimming, the events are always competitive and a good time. Many students use the snow to test their four wheel drive vehicles off road. Deep snow and mud offer a way to stay active while having fun. “My F-150 has no problem with snow and is not capable of getting stuck,” said Mitch Gordon, 12. Ice skating is one of the most entertaining activities this time of the year. Lock 3 in Akron is a popular spot to ice skate. For only three dollars for skating and skate

rental, many students should make the short drive to Akron if he or she gets the chance. It is also a great time for entrepreneurship. Owning a snow plow can be very profitable for students who want to make some money. Even a regular shovel could be used to start a business. A little hard work could pay off in the summer. Start a business and save money to stay busy and be productive at the same time. The winter this year is not the same as others before, however. An unprecedented two-hourdelay is in effect, making the chance of snow days unlikely. The delay is preferred so that there are no make-up days in the summer, and the building of the new school can stay on track for underclassmen to move in next year. With little daylight and bitter cold, winter can seem to drag on for years. However, it will not seem as long if you learn to enjoy the season until warmer weather comes around. There are brighter days in the future for people who can withstand the next few months. Seniors can even consider moving out of Ohio for college to warmer southern states.

Opinion 2

January 2012



The cure for what ails us: school spirit redefined


Here at Wadsworth High School we pride ourselves on our Excellent with Distinction ratings on the state report card, our gifted athletes, our strong community bond, and our talented students. These are certainly all admirable things to be proud of, but for the past several years I have always heard much of the same muttered in the hallways: “we do not have any spirit.” How is it that such a talented and successful school could suffer from a lack of spirit? I do believe the answer lies within our unity and mutual respect for one another. There is plenty of talk about how great Wadsworth students are, and in many ways this is true; however, at the same time, there is a lot of room for improvement. Here are my top five ways to achieve the spirited atmosphere that we crave. 1. Do not blame the problem on others Admitting and accepting a flaw or issue is the first step to finding a solution. As easy as it may be to accuse others of not doing their part, that simply is not the way to go. Good school spirit is contagious. Therefore, if individuals are promoting positive spirit and being encouraging towards their peers while having a good time, the infectiousness will continue to catch on. 2. Respect This is a two way street. Time and time again I see a lack of it demonstrated towards our band and our cheerleaders. I live with a varsity cheerleader and I have witnessed firsthand what any member of the ‘real spirit committee’ goes through. They have practice seasons that last as long as any other sport if not longer. Each cheerleader is assigned to several football or basketball players. These guys are their ‘spirit buddies.’ As fortunate spirit recipients, these young men receive everything from bags filled with cookies to spray painted banners that feature their last names. “We are there to help support our team by making them cards and to pump up the crowd.” Said Brianna O’Conner, 11.

Take a wild guess at how many of the football or basketball players actually thank the cheerleaders for their dedication and support. Unsurprisingly, very few ever show any gratitude. “I believe that we are [underappreciated]. I also think that cheerleaders should have more responsibility with school spirit and making the school setting better.” said Baylee Conrad, 10. Let us be fair here, these girls support and cheer the team on even when the scoreboard is telling us that there is no hope and half the student section is walking out. They deserve a little bit of respect. The same is true for the band. Does anyone else miss the band at basketball games every Friday night? I certainly do. The bad news is that we take advantage of them. They spend months in the hot summer weather preparing for marching season. They create the atmosphere at games and assemblies. What would we be without the fight song to pump us up? Not even the student section’s rowdy chants can instill in the crowd with the energy and enthusiasm that the band can. Unfortunately, we do not do a whole lot to thank them either. Instead, they are labeled as ‘band geeks’ and are disregarded for all of their hard work to bring spirit to our school. 3. Step up to the challenge Students as a whole are very involved in their own little worlds. It seems that all too often, they do not care at all about the well being of the spirit of our student body. The biggest reason behind this is fear, the fear of being made fun of or looking ridiculous. As Dr. Seuss once said, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Too many people suffer from the same illness, lack of ability to step up to a challenge without fear of striking out and looking foolish. Leadership is a powerful and infinitely valuable skill, embrace it. 4. Unify High school always has and always will be a clique society. The problem lies in the fact that we cannot seem to set our differences aside and work toward a common goal. Individuals may believe that they have nothing in common with the group of students at the next lunch table over. They would be wrong. We all go through high school together. We all have very similar goals, such as: graduate, attend college, get that cute boy to ask me to prom and even pass difficult classes. We ought to be able to band together as students of WHS to address, once and for all the issue of school spirit. Set minute differences aside and embrace

who we are as a collective body. 5. Participate I may not be an athlete, but I know the significance that moral support can have on an individual. Go to games! Cheer on our hardworking and dedicated athletes. Do not stop at athletic events though, attend choir and band concerts, drama productions and show up at pep rallies ready to do the grizzly rumble. Spirit week is coming up soon. Dig out some ridiculous outfits and boogie like a pro on stop and dance day. These events are intended to be fun, but they will end up flopping if we as students do not embrace them. One of the coolest memories many students have of high school was when the student section had a dance off with Revere during last year’s stop and dance basketball game. The event would not have been memorable

Our dedicated cheerleaders are sadly, underappreciated.

if we had not gotten involved and had a good time doing it. Our high schools’ days are literally numbered. Student council and the administration want to make the senior night of the boy’s basketball game a tribute to the memories we have all made in the West Gym. Come


out February third and be a part of the last chapter of WHS’s history. Let’s make these last few months some of the most memorable ones to ever be experienced in this building. Everyone has the chance to make an impact. So get up, get loud, stay positive and remember that we are Wadsworth!

Moral minority speaks


Students spend their Friday nights doing numerous things. Lately it seems that “partying” has become a trending activity. Students are drinking and using other recreational drugs more as the image becomes appealing in their social scenes. Why has this becomes such a “cool” thing to do? One person’s actions can have great impact on their social group. It only takes one person to start drinking and having a “good” time to make the rest of his or her group think it is a good idea. Seemingly, over half the student body is drinking on the weekends and living a double life. “ I t is very hard for me to hang out with some of my friends anymore; they choose to drink even though they know I do not really want to do that stuff,” says a junior who shall remain anonymous. One can tell themselves all they want that “It was just the one time”, “I didn’t get in trouble”, “It was all in good fun,” but at the end of the day they are the ones who not only have to live with their actions , but also the impact that their actions have on others. A person’s character should

be measured when he or she is at their weakest. School organizations are asking all of the wrong questions. Sure, it is important to know someone’s achievements and all of their admirable qualities, but is it not equally important that they ask about the bad? Several students who are members of organizations such as Huddle, NHS, and student council attend their fair share of parties. These students walk the halls knowing that they are supposed to be setting an example for the rest of their classmates and even the younger students in the district, yet they carry with them the memories of last Friday n i g h t when they

were intoxicated or high. “It is not fair that most of its hard working applicants are denied acceptance, while others who do not work nearly as hard just make themselves look good on paper and get in,” says Ben Hanna, 11. Right now partying has a sugar coated image for many. Is it really going to take a drunk driving accident? Does someone have to die for the student body to understand that this issue should be more taken seriously? Morals are not something that can just be tossed aside at one’s may. They are meant to be taken

seriously no matter the time or the place. One should take caution when deciding who his or her friends are. How does he or she want to be remembered? Better yet, who does he or she want to see when they look in the mirror? Is one drink a big deal? This is a question that many ask themselves when under the pressure of a “friend” to drink. Maybe in the grand scheme of things drinking one night with friends i s not a big deal, b u t who is to say that one night will not turn into a habit? What happens when this becomes a way of life? Statistics have been tossed around as early as elementary school, but it can be hard to realize “I could end up being just another statistic.” According to The New York Times nearly 11,000 deaths related to alcohol-imparied driving still occur each year in the United States. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention adds that at all levels of blood alcohol concentration, the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle crash is greater for teens than for older drivers. It comes down to the misconception that the only way fun can be had is if one is drinking or using other drugs. With the right friends, fun can be had in any situation without the consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs. Take the challenge! Enjoy this time left of just being a kid, and more importantly being yourself! Steer clear of the parties that you wont remember and find the friends that you will not forget. Be the person who you are proud to see in the mirror.


January 2012





If it was any more local, you’d be raising cattle.

January 2012



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January 2012

HALLO AUS DEUTSCHLAND Student teachers Hello from Germany


What is the first thing you see when you open up your eyes in the morning? When my alarm clock goes off, the first thing I see is a picture, telling a story from the past. The picture was taken in 2010, and it shows me and my friends holding up an American flag after a track race, the old Wadsworth track stadium in the background. I was a German foreign exchange student at Wadsworth High School during the 20092010 school year. In other words, that was when LeBron James was still part of the Cavaliers, when the Seniors were only Sophomores and when some of you just started Middle School. By the time you read this article I will have already been out of the United States for more than 19 months; my time in Wadsworth has long since passed. What does an exchange student do after leaving the foreign country he has visited? The answer to that is: He goes home. Coming home from the U.S after ten months can be compared to suddenly waking up from the nicest dream you have ever had. First you’re upset for not sleeping longer, then you are confused about what day and time it is and at some certain point you finally

get up. I was really mad and sad for not being able to return to the U.S right away. In addition, I was confused by how strange Germany suddenly felt. I didn’t understand the German language anymore because I had forgotten most of the words, and I wondered if Germans had ever been as polite and friendly as Americans. It took me a while to recover from all the mixed feelings, but after some weeks I really got up, and then I realized that a lot had changed. The first change was caused by separation. A year in another country means a year separation from friends and family. In my opinion, it is not easy to stay in contact with all your friends over the year and it is not really easy to tell your family about everything you have done in the U.S while being there. As weird as it may sound, the year of separation has strengthened the bond between my family and I. This is because we learned how to miss each other. Also, the friendships with my friends have strengthened. When I returned, they welcomed me back like I have never been gone. They listened for hours to the stories I told them about the U.S. while they caught me up on things I had missed in Germany. What is able to destroy a friendship which outlasts 10 months of separation? Also, change was caused by what America had taught me. Having

to do a lot of homework, studying for tests and always practicing after school, Wadsworth had taught me to organize my time more wisely. I learned to be a little bit more efficient and to have the self-discipline to do everything I had to get done so I would get enough sleep before having swim practice at 5:30 in the morning. Such experiences have helped me to become a much better student. In addition, the sports in which I participated (soccer, swimming, track) taught me never to give up on myself, never to let down the team but always to give my best. I continue to run in Germany. Whenever I get tired of it or want to quit my practices, I recall what I learned in the U.S. With that spirit, I placed twice at states last year in a 5 and 10 kilometer race – something I had never imagined I could do before my exchange student year. So maybe we should add a part to the answer of what an exchange student does after his stay abroad: He goes home and changes his life. I have five more months of high school left. I don’t know exactly what I will be doing after school yet, but whether it will be being a pilot or studying journalism at a college, I know that I am ready for it because my year in Wadsworth and the time after showed me that I am ready to take on every challenge.

Students declare most common resolutions for hopeful new year


healthier, but they want to stay in shape. Exercising is the next most common resolution that goes along with cutting out junk food. Instead of sitting around watching TV, they want to get in shape by taking a run around the indoor track, or going to the weight room. Students want to have an overall healthier year than 2011.

know yet,” said Rebekah Keller, 10. Get a job. Many students are Now that 2011 is in the past, planning to make some money students are thinking of ways to in the new year by getting a job. better themselves for the new Job hunts have been going on for future of 2012. A new year means a while, and a popular resolution new resolutions, and some of is to actually get one. these are more common among Spend less money. Going some students than others. along with getting a job, students Get better grades. The most also want to spend less money. common resolution for students “My new years in this new year is to “My new years resolution is to resolution is to only get better grades in school. make friends with people who do go to the mall once a month,” says Nicki “I would like not like me and people I do not McNeil, 12. to become more They want to be more competitive with my know yet.” conservative by saving academic skills,” said -Rebekah Keller, 10 up for the things that Barry Fernholz, 10. Spend more time with family they actually really want instead Many seniors made the resolution of passing their and friends. Another popular of blowing money and on things last class, such as American resolution for 2012 is to spend that they do not really need. Enjoy life. The last most Government, so they are able more time with family and to graduate. Even though they friends. Some students say that common new years resolution are eager for summer, students they promise not to fight with for 2012 is simply to just enjoy promise to improve their grades their parents or siblings as much life more. Students want to stop for the remainder of the school in the new year and spend more being so stressed out, just relax quality time with them. and take the time to really enjoy year. To be a better person and the new year. Eat less junk food. The next By getting good grades, staying most common resolution for respect others. The new year can students is to eat less junk food. In bring changes for everyone in a healthy and fit, spending less,and the new year, some students want very positive way. Being more getting a job will make the to start eating healthier, and cut respectful to others and an overall students’ year fly by. Enjoying out some of the useless junk food better person is the next most life focusing on academics and in their diet. This also includes common resolution that students sports, and spending more time with loved ones are the eating fruits and vegetables or any have made for 2012. “My new years resolution is to most common resolutions that other healthy substitute. Get in shape. Not only do make friends with people that do will make each student a better students want to start eating not like me and people I do not person in 2012.

strive for success BY ALLY MALKOWSKI

The beginning of a year introduces new faces to many students at the school. Six new student teachers have arrived and are on their way to begin their teaching career. They have high hopes to succeed in the time they are here. Ms. Laura Magni, a student teacher from the University of Akron, is assigned to Mr. Schmeltzer Jr.’s math classes. When she originally started school, she wanted to be an astro-physicist. Before going into math, she had previously gone into English and engineering. Magni has always liked math, so when she began taking math courses in college, she realized she wanted to be a math teacher. “I feel like I finally found my niche in teaching,” she said of landing in math education. In her time being here, she hopes to gain real life teaching skills from the experience. From her first few weeks, she already feels like she has learned more practical teaching skills than any college class can offer. Along with what she hopes to get out of her experience, she also hopes the students take some things away from her as well. “I hope they realize how lucky they are to live in a great community with an excellent school district and truly value the education they are receiving,” she said. Mr. Warrick, also a student teacher from the University of Akron, has been assigned to Mr. Madigan’s social studies classes. He hopes to take much away from his experience as well. “I hope to get the experience to grow as a professional and set up a great network of resources and connections,” said Warrick. Choosing history was not a hard decision for Warrick. His passion for teaching was developed through high school and college by being so involved with the subject. He said it is always good to go back and see where we came from and how far we have come since then. Ms. Greene, the student teacher for Mrs. Elliot’s special education class, has always enjoyed working with students but actually received her undergraduate degree in Journalism and English. After that, she decided to go back to get her Master’s in Education. “I chose Special Ed. because of the years (around 8 or 9), I spent time working and volunteering at Akron Rotary Camp. I loved every minute of it,” Greene said. She hopes the students can leave the class she taught with a more positive feeling about their education and hopefully a more confident attitude regarding their own abilities and future possibilities. Ms. DeBruin, who is Mrs. Parson’s math student teacher for the semester, has always enjoyed math and feels it is important in almost every career field. She went through phases growing up on what she wanted to pursue her career in and considered going into engineering. Not even three-quarters of the way through her freshman year at Akron, she knew engineering was not for her. She hopes to get just as much out of teaching here as any of the other teachers. She has already learned so much from the short time she has been here and is trying to soak it all in and take each day as a learning experience. “It is my hope that the students will learn as much from me as I know I am going to learn from them,” DeBruin said. The next four and a half months could be life changing for these student teachers. They have high hopes and are sure to excel in their time being here.


Ms. Magni teaches Mr. Schmeltzer’s Jr.math students about algebraic expressions.



January 2012


There is an App for that BY JESSICA GAHAN

There are over half a million applications in the App Store. They cover a wide range of genres from education to fun and games. Apple used to be known as the technology of the future, but this year, iPhones and iPads are the present technology. Apple is known for their “there’s an App for that” motto. Apple’s application store really upped the variety of apps. The top Apps range from games to business to organization skills. Number one topping the free charts is Temple Run. In this game, the hero, who has his hands on the treasure, now has to

run through a series of traps and mazes trying to get out alive. “It’s addicting, I play every chance I can get,” said Ben Thomas, 11. Close behind with Temple Run are the With Friends apps. Words with Friends and Hanging with Friends are very popular. These

“It is addicting and I feel like a boss when I win because I do not cheat,” said Lina Sottile,11. Not as popular, Hanging With Friends gives the perks of playing hangman with friends but it gives a puzzle to figure out. Next up is Hey Tell, an App that continues to rise on the charts and on students iProducts. Hey Tell is like a modern day walkie talkie. Sending voice messages is easy and can be done with just the click of a button. Pandora is a very popular App among many adults and young adults. “Pandora is my favorite. I can listen to music that I like for

“It is addicting and I feel like a boss when I win because I do not cheat.” -Lina Sottile, 11 games keep minds quick and sharp. Words with Friends builds vocabulary while allowing you to socialize with friends.

Movies to hit theaters, 2012 BY KAYLA LOCKWOOD

Movies for all ages and of all genres are making their way to the big screen in the upcoming year, and excitement is in the air. Twilight lovers and thrill junkies alike are looking forward to heading out to the theaters. One movie getting a lot of hype from teenage girls is The Vow. After a bad car accident, the wife of a newlywed couple suffers from horrible memory loss. The movie stars her husband fighting to win her heart once again. This new production is coming to theaters Feb. 10. “It’s going to be the chick flick of the year!” said Lexie Shirley, 11. Another big movie, The Hunger Games, to be released on March 23, is a movie based on the first of a three book series. Students are already planning on attending the midnight premier. “I’m super excited! Let the games begin!” said Alyssa Horton, 12. One of many classic movies coming back to theaters in 3D is The Titanic. In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking, they are putting the

original film into 3D. For all of the Nicholas Sparks fans, The Lucky One will be released on April 20th. To any who enjoyed movies like The Notebook, Dear John, or The Last Song, this movie will be very similar because it was written by the same author but has a new, exciting plot. The next movie, The Avengers, includes all of the favorite superheroes in one. A group of superheroes including Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk come together to form The Avengers. Their job is to protect the world from “the Loki” and his army. A big movie for all of the kids at heart is Ice Age: Continental Drift. With the movie coming out on July 13, kids all over the nation will flock to the theatres to watch their favorite animals come to life. Following one of the biggest movies of all time is The Dark Knight Rises. On July 20th, this movie is predicted to break records just as the last Batman movie did. Another movie that is coming back in 3D is Finding Nemo. It is to come out on September 14.

One of the scary movies to be released this year is Paranormal Activity 4. Continuing the story from the first three movies, Paranormal Activity 4 will be released on Oct. 19, just in time for Halloween. The next movie is predicted to break all records set this year, is Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II. This movie will be the last of the Twilight Saga. “I am literally counting down the days already!” said Sami Baughman, 11. A well known novel and musical coming out to the theatres is Les Miserables. This story is based on the French Revolution and is widely considered to be one of the greatests novels of the 19th century. Last, to be released on Christmas day, is The Great Gatsby. Originally a book by F. Scott Fitzgerald, this novel takes place in America’s history in the 1920’s. James Topham calls it “an American classic and a wonderfully evocative work.” Overall, 2012 will be a year of movies. From classic novels to completely new superheroes, there will be a new movie to see just about every weekend.

Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams star as a newly wed couple in The Vow. Josh Hutcherson will be playing Peeta in the new Hunger Games.

free,” said Mr. Mike Recupero, science teacher. Pandora has a variety of songs, artists and genres. Tiny Tower has just recently been climbing up the charts. It makes building exciting while letting you manage the businesses and citizens that inhabit it. Pinterest is a good App to have just for random browsing. Apple describes Pinterest as “a virtual pinboard.” It allows easy organization of all the

interesting things found on the internet. It has a range of genres to choose from. The ACT app is not on the top charts for Apple, but it is a good choice to practice and prepare for the real test. “The App helped me get a better ACT score,” said Leah Cusick,11. These Apps, and many more, can be found in the application store for free. They can be a good, entertaining addition to any Apple device.

Twitter’s favorite #tweeters of 2011 America’s top celebrity tweeters revealed


From everyone’s favorite meat wearing pop star to the President of the United States, apparently everyone has a twitter these days. With followers in the ten millions, how can they all keep up? #IHaveNoClue! Lady Gaga is topping the charts at the end of 2011 with 17,876,980 followers! She has had her account for roughly four years, so if she gains at a constant rate, she will be at 18 million by 2013! In an extremely close second is Justin Bieber, with 16,288,284 followers. Keep in mind his main fan base is teenage girls, so his stats are boosted by American youth’s love of technology. #OneLessLonelyGirl Katy Perry, with 13,723,284 is about three million followers behind Justin. “People want to follow Katy Perry because she is an inspirational artist, and when you love an artist you want to be updated on what she is doing and what she is feeling,” said Alli Nielsen, 12. Shakira’s hips don’t lie and neither does her huge success. With 12,463,952 followers, her fan base is huge! Even though she isn’t as popular in America anymore; she has millions of fans in other countries. Kim Kardashian is loved

by many. Her fan base is extremely large, anging from teens to women and men. With 12,456,244 followers she is the fifth most followed celebrity! Brittney Spears is extremely close to Kim with 12,302,999 followers, roughly 100,000 off! #MakingAComeback! And of course in this social network world, where everyone needs to have a Facebook or Twitter, the President needs to have one. Barack Obama has 11,761,713 followers on Twitter.# HeShouldBeGettingOurTroopsO utOfCombatNotTweeting! Rihanna is the eighth most followed person on Twitter with 11,670,594 followers. Many people love Rihanna because of her fun and flirty music! Taylor Swift is in ninth place with 10,320,518 followers. Whether it is all of her fans or the fashionistas who love her style and stalk her Twitpics for the latest fashion, Taylor is a well loved girl next door. Selena Gomez is the tenth most followed person on Twitter with 9,546,144 followers. She is the most loved Disney TV Show star thus far. Now dating Justin Bieber, her fan base has grown since they started dating. All of Justins crazy fans stalk her and Justin’s relationship. #Justin’sGo ingToMakeHerEvenBigger! Most people love their celebrities, and now it is easier to follow where they are.


January 2012


P icture

After a steal from Tyler, 12, the boys team heads to the other end for a lay up in a 58-43 win.

The girls basketball team sets up to press Green in their 54- 42 win.

Upcoming Sports Events 1. Girls Basketball Senior Night, February 1 2. Bowling Conference Tournament, February 4-5 3. Boys Basketball Senior Night, February 3 4. Wrestling Suburban Leauge Tournament, February 11 5. Last Basketball Game in West Gym, February 24 Cody, 12, sweeps the leg of a Highland wrestler at a league match at Cloverleaf. 64-3

Rachel, 11, brings the ball up the floor under pressure during a 48-47 loss to Twinsburg.

Winter Sports photo courtesy of Brittany cleckner

The girl’s gymnastics team celebrates the many years of effort during their senior night.

Andy, 12 and Matt, 11, pose for a picture in between frames.

Mike, 12, fills in the line ups for the swimmers’ senior night.

all Photos by Mr. Teringo

P age

January 2012



photo by sabrina parsons

Two teams battle out during an important game both hoping that they end up becoming the winner.

photo by Carly Sandridge

Intramurals After losing by one, Shark Bait does not let it bring their spirit down.

photo by sabrina parsons

Left to right: Tom, 12, Bradley, 12, Nick, 12, and Drew, 12, apart of the team the Ballaholics, pose for a picture after winning against the undefeated team Space Jam.

photo by sabrina parsons

Freshman team, AFBT pose for a picture before starting there game. They hope to win yet another game.

Intramurals Saturday Showdown BY SABRINA PARSONS

photo by sabrina parsons

Team Swag runs down the court getting ready for an intense play hoping to make yet another basket.

The Red league consists of sixteen teams that include only juniors and seniors. The White league has ten teams with the freshman and sophomores. The undefeated teams in the league so far are X-Ballhers, Merle and the Boys, and Bomb Squad. “Prediction for the White

photo by sabrina parsons

After another win the X-Ballhers, the undefeated team, poses for a picture.

league is the team CFBF will win the championship,” said Javon Johnson, 10. They are undefeated and are going strong in the league. Bringing their ‘A’ game to the court every Saturday morning. “Friday night I have to go to bed early. Saturday morning I eat a healthy breakfast, and come at eight, it is game time,” said Chris Joyce, 11.

photo by sabrina parsons

Carly, 11, and Shawn, 12, prepare to battle for a jump ball.


January 2012


Sports 1

Intramural All-Bruin Team announced Beal, Harp lead list of basketball stars who take home honors Boys Girls By Matthew Doyle and Jon Kuss

Cody, 12 Position: Point Guard Team: Swag Strengths: Lamielle is fast. Really fast. He makes fast people look not fast. That fast. NBA Comparison: Derrick Rose Teammate’s update: “I think I should be first team, but whatever, Cody is pretty good.” - Scott Bales, 12 Second Team: Daniel Rospert, 12, Perpetual Motion Squad

Leah, 10 Position: Point Guard Team: Annihi-ladies Strengths: Runkle scores baskets like she scores goals. No one in the entire league can keep up with her speed. Note: Lamielle is in Senior-Junior league. NBA Comparison: Stephen Curry Teammate’s update: “I really wish my boyfriend was on the All-Bruin team, but I guess my best friend on it is cool, too.” - Sarah Berger, 10 Second Team: Kelly Witschey, 12, Senior Citizens

Jesse, 12 Position: Shooting Guard Team: Buster’s Cluster Strengths: Beal is the best all around player in the league. He can shoot, drive, dribble, rebound, pass, and has great basketball intangibles. He also has great hair. He plans on continuing his intramural basketball career at Cornell or Stanford. NBA Comparison: Dwyane Wade Teammate’s update: “Jesse is the butter to our biscuit of success.” - Nathan Winkler, 12 Second Team: Owen McDevitt, 10, Office Supplies

Jordan, 11 Position: Shooting Guard Team: X-Ballhers Strengths: Basketball runs in her blood. Woods, like her sister, can shoot from anywhere on the court and rarely misses. Her teammates look for her late in the game to hit the game winning shot. NBA Comparison: Ray Allen Teammate’s update: “She is really good. She shoots all of our three pointers.” -Kassie Recupero, 11 Second Team: Ashley May, 12, Kiss My Pass

Spencer, 10 Position: Small Forward Team: CFBF Strengths: Shelton is unselfish but has the ability to take over the game at any moment. Like Beal, he is a very wellrounded basketball player. He also has amazing hair. NBA Comparison: Kevin Durant’s skill and Ben Wallace’s hair Teammate’s update: “He is a good basketball player, but his afro is what sets him apart.” - Nicholas Winkler, 10 Second Team: Nate Jones, 11, Merle and his Boys

Danielle, 12 Position: Small Forward Team: Senior Citizens Strengths: “D.B.” can drive and shoot, which makes her tough to guard. With the “no guard in the lane” rule for girls, Braman dominates in the paint. NBA Comparison: Carmelo Anthony Teammate’s update: “D.B. has the eye of the tiger for every game. She pushes anyone down who gets in her way.” - Alyssa Erme, 12 Second Team: Carly Sandridge, 11, Shark Bait OOH AH AH

Connor, 11 Position: Power Forward Team: Space Jam Strengths: VanFleet is a rebounding machine. He has an outstanding leaping ability and size which allows him to crash the boards with ease. NBA Comparison: Kevin Garnett Teammate’s update: “Connor is not only physically imposing, but it is his finesse that kills you.” - David Fergusson, 11 Second Team: Drew Starr, 12, Da Goon Squad

Molly, 12 Position: Power Forward Team: E-Lemonators Strengths: Harp’s ability to power through defenders gives her team the advantage in the post on offense and defense. NBA Comparison: Glen Davis Teammate’s update: “Molly is really good at e-lemonating opponents down low.” -Sydney Tenyak, 12 Second Team: Allison Flanigan, 12, Fruit Hoops

Ryan, 12 Position: Center Team: Vicious and Delicious Strengths: Earle’s best quality about his game is finishing when he drives to the basket. His height allows him to tower over defenders. NBA Comparison: Dirk Nowitzki Teammate’s update: “If it was not for Ryan, we would be 0-3. We needed him for that one win.” - Chris Lewis, 12 Second Team: Alex Kuykendall, 11, The Bomb Squad

Rachel, 12 Position: Center Team: E-Lemonators Strengths: Jones is vicious. Her raw athleticism and leaping ability frighten opponents when they enter the West Gym early in the morning. NBA Comparison: Dwight Howard Teammate’s update: “The combination of Harp’s power and Jones’ height gives us an advantage down low that is difficult to stop.” - Katie Youngson, 12 Second Team: Ellie Surratt, 10, Annihi-ladies

S ports 2

January 2012



G y m nasti cs l o ok s to b uild off e a r l y s uc c e s s BY TYLER PERRY

When it comes to winter sports, the community tends to think about the dominating wrestling program, the yearly competing girls basketball team, and the quality upcoming boys basketball program. Sometimes they fail to notice other programs like the swim

team, the bowling team and the gymnastic team. The gymnastics team has been making a splash in their season this year. This year, it seems like the gymnastics team has grown closer then ever under the leadership of their three captains: Cecelia Kane, 12, Sarah Phillips, 12, and Brittany

Cleckner, 12. “We took charge of the team. We did not have a coach until a week before the first practice. Brittany, Sarah, and I got the team together to work out and condition for the first three months,” said Kane. When the varsity team of 15 girls finally got their coach, Rachel Frisby, it did not take

Intangibles lead to championships SPORTS OPINION BY KARA LONG

usually takes the cake. Teams all need to work as one unit. Take the Miami Heat as an example. With Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, and Chris Bosh, they would be expected to win championships easily. They got

Throughout the course of a year, dozens of champions are crowned in just about every sport. Whether it is in the National Football League or a high Coach G is there to push the team school state championship, in practice and make us better each one of people outside of wrestling. these teams -Aaron Warstler have intangible qualities that make them great. beat by the Dallas Mavericks, All championship teams who have one super star in have a plethora of talent, but Dirk Nowitzki along with the most talented team does players that knew their role. not necessarily win. Usually it Whether it was Tyson Chandler comes down to the team that defending and rebounding or has more than just talent. They Jason Terry making jumpshots, have a few intangible qualities the Mavericks outplayed Miami that lead them to victory. Every despite the talent level of the great team needs these things: “Big Three.” 1. Great Coaching- Even 3. Attitude- There is a though the players are the ones certain hunger a team needs to who get the credit for wins, the be successful. Not the kind of coaches do all the behind the hunger satisfied by a team meal, scenes planning. They scout but the hunger to win games the opposing teams and come and be the best. This attitude up with flawless game plans. cannot just be portrayed during They are also responsible for game time. A winning attitude making some players as good can be a huge difference maker as they are by making practices when it comes to big games, competitive and efficient. Coach especially going into them Gramuglia is a great example as an underdog. Going into a of a coach that goes above and game with a fearless mind set beyond for his wrestlers. is an advantage in any sporting “Coach G is there to push us event. in practice and make us better 4. Game Smarts- Often people outside of wrestling,” teams will have great, stand said Aaron Warstler, 12. out athletes but do not win big 2. Role Players- Most of the games because of their lack of time, a team full of players that composure and game smarts. want to be the super star does Players must know the time and not work. A team with talented score of the game and make the players who know their role right decisions accordingly.

In sports like basketball and football, teams have to read their opponents defense to figure out how to beat it effectively. Players that know how to keep calm and compose themselves in tough situations are crucial. 5. Leadership- Everyone is familiar with the term, but not many athletes practice leadership regularly. It is a role that every great team needs. Leadership usually comes from the veterans of the team or captains. These players are there to not only make big plays in crunch time, but also to pick the team up when they are down. A sign of a great leader is one who leads in a positive way. They encourage their team to do well and that can be a great recipe for success. 6. Luck-Every team has their ups and downs, but some teams have a lot more ups than others. Sometimes, it seems as if these teams just have a little extra luck. It could be draining a half court shot in the NCAA tournament with time winding down or getting a few controversial calls by a game official to go their way. Often times, it is as simple as being in the right place at the right time during a crucial moment in a game. With professional leagues, college championships and high school state championships approaching, great teams are just waiting to be noticed and crowned. All it takes is some talent mixed with these intangibles and many teams could go from good to great.

Eastern Conference/ Western Conference Atlantic



1.Philadelphia 2. New York 3. Boston 4. New Jersey 5. Toronto

1. Chicago 2. Indiana 3. Cleveland 4. Milwaukee 5. Detroit

1. L.A. Clippers 2. L.A. Lakers 3. Phoenix 4. Golden State 5. Sacramento




1.Atlanta 2. Orlando 3. Miami 4. Charlotte 5. Washington

1. Oklahoma City 2. Denver 3. Utah 4. Portland 5.Minnesota

1. San Antonio 2. Dallas 3. Memphis 4. Houston 5. New Orleans

them long to get started. Frisby is hoping to build off the early successes of this year and create a tradition of success for the gymnastics program. The Grizzlies remain 6-1 and have just finished second in a big home meet behind Cloverleaf. The team lives by the quote, “one team, one heart.” This team loves the sport, and

they get better at it everyday. After this season, look for the gymnastic program to get more recognition from the whole town. They are starting to build a better name for themselves and are definitely a program that is on the rise. “It is great to be out there having fun and competing with my friends!” said Cleckner.


The strong line of Dallas Mavericks stand tall after winning the NBA Championships last year. They hope to repeat that feat this year.

NBA starts late


With the recent termination of the NBA lockout, fans and players have been eager to get a quick and competitive start to the season. With new faces looking to make a name for themselves and star players battling for a championship, this NBA season looks to be one of the most exciting of all time. Recently, teams have scrambled up their rosters in a big way. A few big name players have traded in uniforms to play for a new team and have already made big impacts on the league. The Los Angeles Clippers picked up All Star selection and former point guard for the New Orleans Hornet, Chris Paul. With Paul playing alongside standout power forward Blake Griffin, the Clippers will have threats in and out of the paint. The duo have already made noise in the league, beating the Miami Heat powerhouse of LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh. With Wade missing a number of games with an injured ankle, the Heat has not been in full strength. “I think the Clippers are going to be the best team to watch this season. Chris Paul’s great passing and Blake Griffin’s great finishing will make them virtually unstoppable,” said Connor Sherrill, 10. Sitting high and mighty at the

top of the NBA standings are the Chicago Bulls who also bettered their roster with the addition of veteran guard and former Detroit Piston Rip Hamilton. He will give MVP Derrick Rose some help on the perimeter and make the Bulls even more of a threat. “The Bulls are the best team in the league this year. With Rose, Hamilton and the post combo of Boozer and Noah, they are deeper than any team,” said Tucker Robinson, 10. Another trade that has gotten a lot of press and skepticism is the trading of small forward of Lamar Odom, former Los Angeles Laker, to the reigning Champion Dallas Mavericks. Odom will come off the bench along with last year’s sixth man of the year, Jason Terry. This trade does not leave the Lakers in shambles, though. They still are led by NBA All Star and phenom Kobe Bryant. Assisting Bryant, the Lakers have two big men in Andrew Bynum and Pau Gausol to help in the paint offensively and defensively. The last team that has shown great strides towards becoming a championship caliber team is the Oklahoma City Thunder. They have leading scorer in the league Kevin Durant, averaging 28.4 points a game and Russel Westbrook being a threat at the point guard spot. This short NBA seasons looks as if it will be full of talent and surprises.


January 2012

S ports 3


Our third school color: Black Sports Opinion By Nick tavanello

The colors that identify our school: red and white. However, there has always been one other color that seems to dwell in the ranks of the athletic teams. It outlines most of the teams’ uniforms, and many athletes seem to like it. This color is black. Even though it is frowned upon by the administrators, it always seems to find its way back into the school. Black and white are two colors that complement each other and are both used daily, so it is hard to keep it out of athletic uniforms. Black applies detail that other colors cannot. Our school unfortunately has a tradition that black is not a part of. As an athlete at our school, you must represent our school colors during warm ups and competition. “Our school has been red and white for 141 years. It is not anyone’s right to change that. It is important to represent our community and school and respect our tradition,” said Athletic Director Rich Berlin. Even though it is not a school color, it should be allowed to be worn by athletes during competition. The black outlining, or trim, of the uniforms allows designs to be more dominant. White just does not show some of the detail that should be glorified. Black is also an intimidating color. It allows athletes to look bigger than they really are and gives a slight mental advantage over their opponent. “I feel that black should be allowed in our athletic uniforms because it complements the red and white. It also makes the person wearing it look more intimidating,” said Brandon Jones, 12, who is one of the varsity captains of the wrestling team. While wearing the notorious black singlet during competition, people wonder who that person wearing it is. It makes the person wearing it look very good and cut. Although the true school colors are red and white, black has always been in the mix with these colors despite disappointment from administration. All three of them go together very well. There are plenty of schools that venture out of their school colors, especially at the university level. School colors are very important and are

highly enforced at this level, but teams have been seen with colors that do not belong to the university. The University of Oregon is a prime example of one of these schools. Their colors are green, yellow and white but they tend to go all out for their football uniforms by using colors that do not belong with their school. They have many uniforms, including ones that are strictly black and white. If schools at this level of competition are allowed to use colors outside of their main set of colors, why are we restricted to keeping black out of our uniforms? One can make a good looking design with our school colors plus the addition of a black trim allowing the red and white to stand out. Just a little bit of black should not be a big deal in a uniform, as long as it is not the main color. Black started to come around due to the influence of our neighboring school, Norton. Their school colors are red and black. Being as close as we are, it is easy to mix up the colors and add one once in awhile. Black has been taken out of most school logos and uniforms. Just insuring that the school colors are preserved and not taken over. Tradition is a big part of our school. They date back many years, and elders look at the high school to make sure that the athletes are wearing these colors with pride. We want future generations to look forward to wearing these colors as well when they get to this level. As the years pass by and the new school is built, we have to be thinking about how athletics will be looked at. Do we want to be looked at as the class that added a color to our school or be one of the many classes to preserve the red and white that alumni look at with pride? The answer is easy. We must preserve. It would be nice to have another color and make uniforms look better, but we must stick to our main colors. Black should be only used in certain cases such as outlining or trim. Black has found its way into our school and has made a mark that is going to be hard to remove. The main thing is that it should not matter if black is in a uniform. Black is not a school color, and our school has done a lot to make sure that black is not a part of it.

Tavanello’s OH “H , h Pizza swort o G me ad W Rd 6581 , h ic 6nw -33 e e 0 r 33 5G 8 29

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Photo By mr. teringo

Brandon, 12, attempts to turn his opponent during the first round at the 2011 state wrestling tournament. He was wearing the black singlet that could have given him an advantage in the match. All of the wrestlers love to wear this singlet.

School spirit six feet under Sports Opinion By Tom calhoun

Once upon a time, teams hated to come here and play. Our rowdy and passionate fans placed fear into the eyes of the other teams. They made sure the opposing team knew they were in for a long night. Students have always been known for being some of the most loud fanatics at sporting events. Therefore, we have a reputation to uphold. Revere basketball player Taylor Kessler said, “You guys have the best crowd. It is always crazy and intense in your place.” Our reputation is something well known throughout the Suburban League. “Wadsworth is different because of how big the gym is and how many students fill the stands,” said Cloverleaf basketball player Zack Miglich. School spirit is something we pride ourselves on. As students, we enjoy talking smack with our fellow members of the Suburban League. We will yell all kinds of things, hoping by chance we can distract the other team. Green basketball player Evan Keesler said, “Chants do not really bother me. It is actually really funny because they know you are a good player, they are just trying to get in your head. For me, it does the opposite. It fires me up.” However, after games, we are able to have a casual conversation with students from other schools. As many of you know, there has been a formation of a group called “Suburban League Leadership” as of this year. Last December we were a little out of control at Green. Such antics have led to this leaguewide transformation. Slowly things have escalated since then. Once this group was formed,

themes for games were required to be approved thus limiting what we can and cannot do. The themes country and gangster have been eliminated entirely. “I feel that it is unfair to the current students that they are unable to take part in similar themes and chants that the past classes participated in. Taking away rights is unamerican,” said former student Adam Woodard. Chants and cheers have been severely limited due to the fact that some of the ones we yell are viewed as “inappropriate” or “deragatory.” Keesler said that he thrives on the negative energy so if the opposing players do not have a problem with it, why must it be banned? Community member and parent Mr. Richard Wise said, “as long as the students are respectful toward opposing players and fans, I do not see an issue with approved theme nights.” The administration feels it is our job as a student body to represent the community well. In turn, it is apparent that the

community feels we do a good job of that already. On Friday, January 13, the students held a protest referred to as “The Walk Out.” Before tipoff of the varsity boys basketball game against Revere, the student section chanted “I believe that we will win” and more than 130 students stood up and left the game. If they did not want to leave, they were asked to sit in another area section. During thier departure, applause drew from the parents and community members across the gym. This shows that the community approves of our behavior at games. As students, I think we should support the leadership group because it builds better relationships with our rival schools. Although, when freedoms are taken away, support of this group will be very limited. Having the right to dress however we please at games unites the student body. We should also have the right to boost our basketball team by chanting. Dont hate, appreciate!


Before and after the walkout on January 13th, when all the students left the game.

H ealth


Meal of the month Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo Ingredients

1 pound fettuccini pasta 1 tablespoon butter 1 pound cooked shrimp - peeled and deveined 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup half-and-half 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley


1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta to it and cook for eight to ten minutes or until firm; drain. 2. In a large skillet, saute shrimp and garlic in butter for about one minute. Pour in half and half; stir. Sprinkle parmesan cheese one tablespoon at a time, stirring constantly. After all parmesan is added, mix in parsley and salt. Stir frequently making sure it does not boil. Sauce will take a three minutes to thicken. 3. When sauce has thickened, toss over cooked pasta noodles and serve hot.


Finished product of the shrimp fettucine alfredo.

January 2012


New resolutions bring challenges amongst all BY KENNY TOLLETT

The arrival of a new year makes people want to set goals for themselves. People often choose things such as losing weight and eating healthier. Everyone has a resolution, and 88 percent of them are lost after one month. Keeping resolutions can be harder than one thinks. Across the world, everyone makes at least one new year’s resolution. The challenge is to keep with it. Very few people keep with their plans to change for the whole year. Many plans for change were used this year such as losing weight, quitting a bad habit and eating right. These are all important things for someone to do in life to become a better overall person. Starting new activities is very popular to do in the beginning of a new year. Students participate in this tradition of changing one’s self for the better. Some of the more popular resolutions in the high school are to go to the gym more, get better grades and eat healthier. “My resolution was to get better grades, too bad it is not really working out,” said Colman Chaney, 10.

Some goals that are set at the can contribute to giving up on beginning of the year are too a resolution. Many things can vague to keep, such as losing tempt someone and make them weight. Setting a date and amount pick the wrong choice, such as of weight that one wants to lose eating as much as possible in is the key to holding a resolution one sitting. With all of these ways to until the end. “I plan to lose ten pounds accomplish a new year’s goal, before summer,” said Connor it will be easier to achieve Sherrill, 10. This is an example of this year’s resolution or help a good goal because Connor set a plan out with what to do for time and amount of weight that next year. Everyone has a new he will lose. He will be less likely year’s resolution, but sadly few accomplish the task. Goals to give up on the resolution. “We have many resolutions are always planned in life and and we are hoping to keep with resolutions are just another goal them,” said Haley Hassinger, 11, to attain. It might be difficult to do, so stay confident and keep and Alicia O’Connor, 11. Overloading with too many with it. Remember that it is a new goals can also be a downfall in keeping just one. With all of the year. ideas and ways to stick with them, it can halt or stop one or many of the resolutions that are planned to accomplish. This is c o m m o n among most Americans. Weak self PHOTO BY KENNY TOLLETT control and Jared 11, keeps his resolution to work out and get stronger self reliance for the new year.

Activities during winter help maintain shape Instead of hibernating this winter, work out with some outdoor exercise


Now that the midst of the winter season is among us, it is harder for people to enjoy the outdoors. This time of year many animals are hibernating and unfortunately, so do many people. There are various activities to do around Ohio to help stay in shape, during this winter season. There is so much to do in this winter wonderland. Exercise is healthy, and cold air can be refreshing. Here is a list of some things to do this winter season. Activities to do are closer than one may think, like the ski club. It does not matter how experienced you are. “Ski Club is the best! Four hours of skiing makes my day,” said Melissa Petit, 11. Skiing is a great activity. It is often compared to activities such as running and swimming. However, it is also hard to do in the winter weather. Skiing tones the entire body, while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout; it strengthens the heart and lungs. Another benefit from skiing is that it helps to regulate the good

cholesterol in a body. In return, this helps to burn fat and lose weight. Before heading out on the slopes one should do some warm up exercises and a lot of stretching. Do your stretching before and after skiing to minimize the pain. If never riding before, one should get a lesson from a pro before beginning. It is a bad idea to rush into a new activity. The trick to benefitting most from this is exercising for at least 20 minutes or longer, three times a week.

Another activity very similar to skiing is snowboarding. This is a great workout and tons of fun. This is also an aerobic exercise that offers an intense cardio workout and helps burn calories. The average person burns up to 450 calories per hour, so it is a great way to lose weight and increase endurance. Snowboarding also exercises

many muscle groups in the body. It works out all the major muscles and even works some muscles that may not be used often, like the ones in feet and ankles. It will use your quads, hamstrings and calves to ride the snowboard. The muscles in one’s ankles and feet will help you steer the board, and the core muscles will get stronger as they are used for balance. Snowboarding even works the muscles of the arms and shoulders, which are used for balance and to pick oneself up after falling. Another benefit from snowboarding is that it releases endorphins. These endorphins release chemicals responsible for feelings of happiness and well being. Snowboarding and exercising regularly can lead to higher endorphin levels all the time. Exercising outdoors also helps to elevate mood and reduce anxiety, so snowboarding can lower stress levels and support mental health. Snowboarding significantly improves overall flexibility, as it requires you to change directions and pace frequently. Snowboarding also will improve one’s balance as they grow more proficient at the sport. It strengthens the ability to

concentrate by paying close attention to the changes in the snow. “I love snowboarding with my friends! It is tons of fun and it makes my week go faster,” said Andrew Sidol, 10. Ice skating i s another healthy exercise. It is a fun and fancy sport. One does not have to be a professional to enjoy themselves and help stay fit at the same time. During this aerobic exercise, one can burn 250 to 810 calories per hour with recreational ice skating, according to the U.S. Figure Skating Association. Meanwhile, competitive skating burns up more calories, at 450 to 1,080 per hour of skating. Simpler activities to do include sledding. There is nothing like whooshing down a hill with the wind in one’s face. There is nothing like the fresh air. It brings a feeling of aliveness. Climbing back up the hill is great exercise, too. It works out the legs and helps get ones stamina up as they walk up the hill several times. “Sledding is my favorite thing about winter. I always go on snow days, but walking up the hill tires me out,” said Tyson

Heideman, 9. Even

simpler or e v e n more f u n than sledding is having a snow ball fight. Running around in the snow is a good

cardio work out and can help maintain shape. Perhaps the simplest winter activity is making snow angels. This may sound silly, but laying in the snow can be very relaxing. Relaxation is great for your health and happiness. Making these angels can help one stretch before heading out to do some of the previously listed activities. Staying in shape during the winter is one the most difficult things to do. Most people want to stay inside and hibernate. However, there are several activities that one can do outside in the snow. The best part of these activities are that they are fun and enjoyable. Listen to these ideas and try something new. The amount of skill that one possesses does not matter. The important thing is to stay active and have a good time losing weight, while staying in shape.


January 2012



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January 2012



Patrons 2011-2012

Ali McCauley Allison Parsons Amy Broadhurst Audrey Hose Bill & Sharon Powell Bob & Kathy Calhoun Brad & Sue Fisher Brian & Paula Sherrill Chamier Family Chris & Lisa Jones Courtney Brown Craig & Joy King Dale & Debbie Fortner Dave & Jennifer Frisby David Justice Debbie & Gary Lake Dee Bennett Drs. Joseph & Susan Arpad Dwain Kibler Evan Dammarell Gilbert Family J. Teringo Jane Ross Jamie Wyrick Jason & Carrie Knapp Jeff & Kathie Priest Jerry D. Parsons Jim & Carol McIlvaine Jim & Chris Widrig Joe Lockwood Jon & Sandi Trogdon Judy Lepley Katey Tollett Kathie & Bob Engler Kelli Hoffman Kristin MacDowell Lanson Family Margaret Campbell Mark & Cheryl Gilbert

Mark Schoonover Melissa Eaton Michelle DeAngelis Mike & Katie Recupero Mike Frank Family Molly Harp Mr. & Mrs. Belden Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bender Kauffman Family Mr. Berg Mrs. LaMonica Mrs. Nance Watts & Family Mrs. Mathews Nancy A. King Paul D. Coleman, M.D. Peltz Family Ramizi & Cathy Shepherd Randy & Robin Kilbride Gary and Barb Klaus Rebacca Dills Reggie Campbell Rich & Cynthia Doyle Rich & Dana Berlin Richard & Pauline Thompson Richard & Ruth Dowling Rita M. Coach Roger L. Havens Roger L. Taylor Roger Pries Scott & Lisa Sidol Steve & Sarah McIlvaine Steve Moore The Baier Family The Baughman Family The Baxley Family The Bertuzzi Family The Meuller Family The Csaky Family The Clark Family The Croyle Family

The Fick Family The Fusco Family The Gahan Family The Gallaghers The Georgiadis Family The Lynn Family The McQuates The Ott Family The Trenta Family The VanDyke Family The Virgin Family The White Family The Wise Family The Witschey Family The Zollinger Family Tim & Judy McNutt Tipton Family Trish & Dave Swanson Walt & Betty Gairging

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2011 I n R eview

January 2012



Top ten famous deaths of 2011 Top 10 obsessions BY CHAD PEGRIM

As many people should know, many notable people passed away during 2011. This list is in no particular order because no one person’s death is more important than the other. These were the deaths that people were affected by the most. They are people who have all impacted our lives in some way. 10. Heavy D was famous in the 1990s. He performed at the 2011 BET awards. He died outside his home in Beverly hills on Nov. 8 from a pulmonary embolism. He was on the verge of a comeback, but he could not see it through. 9. Dan Wheldon is a name that might ring a bell if you are into Indy Car racing or the Indianapolis 500. On Oct. 16, Wheldon’s car flew 325 feet into a fence. Before being declared dead, he was flown to a hospital with what were described as “unsurvivable injuries”. Previously, he had signed a deal with Andretti Autosport to replace Danica Patrick as the face of Andretti Autosport. 8. Joe Fraizer was the undisputed world heavyweight champion. Nov. 7, he passed away. “The world has lost a great champion. I will always remember Joe with respect and admiration,” said Muhammed Ali. Joe Frazier will certainly be missed in the heavyweight boxing community and beyond. 7. Pete Postlethwaite might not sound like a familiar name, but he has been in many movies.

He starred in Blockbuster movies such as Alien 3, Inception, The Town, Romeo & Juliet, Aeon Flux and Jurassic Park: The Lost World. Steven Speilberg called him “the best actor in the world.” He won the Academy Award Nomination and he was named Officer of the order of the British Empire. He died of pancreatic cancer on Jan. 2. He was a renouned actor that Hollywood will not soon forget. 6. Betty Ford set the standard for First Lady position. She won the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She died July 8 of natural causes. She was an inspiration for women around the world. 5. Muammar Gaddafi was the leader of Libya for 34 years. There are 112 different ways to spell his name. He was considered by many to be a vicious dictator and an advocate of state sponsored terrorism, as well as a murderer and a thief. He was murdered by revolutionaries while trying to flee from his home city of Sirte. Libya is now undergoing a period of civil war and government transition. 4. Amy Winehouse is an English singer/songwriter. In 2008, they tried to make her go to rehab and she said “no, no, no.” Three years from that date, she was found dead in her home on Jul. 23. She passed away from alcohol poisoning. “Amy changed pop music forever. I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not alone because of her,”

said Lady Gaga. After her passing, she joined the “27 club”,which is a list of celebrities who died at the age of 27. Some members include Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and Kurt Cobain. 3. Kim Jong-Il, or “Dear Leader”, has been the “Supreme Leader” of Communist North Korea since 1994. He was the center of a Cult of Personality. His oppressive rule was so controlling, he was able to convince people that had served under him that he had power over the most outrageous things, such as the weather. He died of a heart attack on a train. His son and successor, Kim Jong-Un, was declared supreme ruler on Dec. 28 that same year. 2. Steve Jobs was an American icon. He invented the iPhone, the iPod, and the first truly successful tablet computer, the iPad. Before these successes, he sold Pixar to Disney. He was an important part of how people interact today, and Apple will not be the same without him. 1. Osama Bin Laden is considered the most misguided and truly evil person of the new millennium. He was responsible for countless acts of terrorism and the loss of thousands of American lives. Last fall, his compound in Abbottabad was raided by the men of SEAL Team 6 in Operation Neptune Spear, and Bin Laden was brought to justice. Relief and happiness spread throughout the United States of America.

team. 7. Michigan State University Michigan State University had an enrollment of 36,058 undergraduate students this fall. The campus is located in East Lansing, Michigan. Their sports teams are in the Big Ten conference. The team’s nickname is the Spartans, and their colors are green and white. They were established in 1855. They are known for having a competetive team in basketball and a good football team every year. 6. University of Texas - Austin The University of Texas - Austin had a total of 38,420 students enroll to the university this fall. They have the second highest enrollment of any school in Texas. Their nickname is the Longhorns, and their school colors are burnt orange and white. The have a total of 2,700 people on their academic staff. It was opened in 1883. 5. Pennsylvania State University - University Park Pennsylvania State University - University Park had a total of 38,594 undergraduate students. The university as of late has been under a lot of controversy with the Jerry Sandusky trial. They are known as PSU or Penn State for short. Some notable alumni that went to Penn State are Joe Paterno, former football head coach. The university was established in 1855 and is still going strong. 4. Texas A&M University College Station Texas A&M University - College Station, had an enrollment of 39,148 undergraduate students this fall. This school has the highest enrollment in Texas, beating their fellow Texas college in the top-ten, University of

Texas - Austin. The university was established in 1877. Their nickname is the Aggies, and their school colors are maroon and white. 3. Ohio State University Columbus The Ohio State University comes in on the list as the third most enrolledin college in the US with 42,082 undergraduate students. This is only Ohio college on this list. The college was established in 1870. The president of the university is E. Gordon Gee. They are known for having excellent sports teams in most athletics. They had a recent run-in with the NCAA involving players receiving tattoos and other benefits for their accolades and trophies. Despite this, they still have a great campus and academic wings of the campus. 2. University of Central Florida The University of Central Florida is the third college on the list from Florida and has the most undergraduates enroll, with 47,580 students. They beat the other Florida colleges in a landslide. This is also the newest college on the list being established in 1963. They are also known as UCF for short and their school nickname is the knights. 1. Arizona State University The number one most enrolled college by undergraduate students in 2011 was Arizona State University, with a total of 59,562 students enrolling in the college. The college was established in 1885. The president of the school is Michael M. Crow. Their nickname is the Sun Devils. Some notable alumni that went to the university are the home run king Barry Bonds and the head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers Byron Scott.

College enrollment rates increase BY CONNOR SHERRILL

These ten colleges have the highest enrollment rates for undergraduate students for 2011. They range from Arizona to Florida and Ohio to Texas. The number of undergraduates range from 59,562 students to 32,660 students. 10. University of Minnesota Twin Cities The University of Minnesota had an enrollment of 33,607 students this fall. The university is located in St. Paul, Minnesota. It has the fourthlargest campus student body in the US with 52,557 students in 20112012. It was established in 1851, and their school colors are maroon and gold. Notable alumni that went to the school are former NBA all-star Kevin McHale, MLB hall of famer Dave Winfield, and former Vice President Walter Mondale. 9. University of Florida The University of Florida had an enrollment of 32,660 students. The university is located in Gainesville, Florida. The campus is over 2,000 acres long. Some notable alumni that went to the university are ESPN analyst Erin Andrews and Tim Tebow. Haley Hassinger, 11, said “Tim Tebow is super hot! He is my favorite football player.” 8. Florida International University Florida International had the eight highest enrollment of students this fall with 33,786 students. Their nickname is the Golden Panthers, and their school colors are blue and gold. The university is know for hiring former NBA all star Isiah Thomas as the head coach for the men’s basketball

that drove us crazy during 2011 BY CARLY CUNDIFF

Move over, Sillybandz. 2011 has been the year of obsessions. From fashions to gaming to movies, this year has brought numerous obsessions to think about. 1. Planking- In fitness, the word “plank” is designed to strengthen your core; however, this trend did nothing for our cores or our dignity. The act of planking involves lying face down, stiff as a board, with no expression and no movement. Planking has spawned other acts, such as “owling” and, more recently, “tebowing”. Look at any Facebook account, and you aresure to find some form of this year’s number one trend. 2. Vera Bradley Purses- Last year, the fad was large purses that could hold everything a person needs and more. This year, the fad is Vera Bradley. In multiple patterns and styles, Vera Bradley can fit any type of personality. “I think they are great! I love Vera Bradley,” said Ilaria DiBernardo, 10. The bright, fun colors of these convenient bags are fun, and they stick to the ‘no bigger than a sheet of paper’ rule that the school implemented last year. 3. Gotta get down on FridayRebecca Black was an unknown teenage girl living in California, until her video “Friday” took the world by storm. The insane lyrics, nasally vocals put through AutoTune and a ridiculous music video made this girl one of the year’s unexpected obsessions. Alongside stars like Justin Beiber, she was discovered on YouTube. Rebecca asked her mother to fork out 2,000 dollars so she could have a song, and the result went viral. “I don’t hate her. I just hate her song,” says Grace Rhodes, 10. With 18 million views, and almost 80% of those being dislikes, Rebecca Black has spawned a fan base; a hateful one, but a fan base nonetheless. 4. Angry Birds- Pickle-green pigs meet their matches in the form of wingless, decidedly non-aerodynamic birds. The years greatest gaming obsession is Angry Birds. Made in Finland, this game has been downloaded 500 million times since the iPhone’s launch in December 2009. Angry Birds can be seen on T-shirts, backpacks and even as one of the most popular Halloween costumes this year. “Angry Birds is the single most pointless game ever, but Fruit Ninja, that’s where it’s at,” said Elissa Fusco, 10. While not everyone has gotten on the Angry Birds train, it sure is popular all over the world. 5. Twilight- With bloodsucking vampires, shirtless werewolves, and an awkward teenage girl, what can go wrong? Twihards everywhere

have been flocking to theaters to see the newest installment of the “Twilight” series, Breaking Dawn: Part I. It gained over 650 million dollars worldwide, while making it the second biggest movie of the year. Fans of the series are sure to shatter that mark, when Breaking Dawn: Part II comes out sometime next year. 6. Harry Potter Expecto Patronum! The story of three wizards fighting evil took the world by storm, when the very first Harry Potter book was released. It soon became a movie franchise. 10 years after the first movie was released, the series following Harry Potter and his friends Ron and Hermione wrapped up this past year. They had over one billion dollars in the box office, making it the number one movie of the year. While there will be no more movies, Harry Potter fans will have the books and the movies to look back on. 7. Modern Warfare 3- The game that was one of the most talked about video games and had guys and girls everywhere playing nonstop has landed a number seven spot on this years list. The game follows a soldier in World War Three, and the player has to capture bases and then protect them to advance in the game. The game made one billion dollars in the first week alone, and is still flying off the shelves. Students are now eagerly awaiting the next installment of the Call of Duty Series. 8. Royal Wedding- 2011 was also the year of the wedding. The biggest wedding this year has been the marriage of Kate Middleton to Prince William of England. After dating for nine years, the prince and the commoner tied the knot this past April in Westminister’s Abbey. The guest list included other royals such as the queen and even David Beckham and his wife. 9. Feathers- From earrings to necklaces to hair pieces, feathers were the trend of the year. Over this past summer, the hair feather came into fashion, and by the time school started, almost every girl had some sort of feather in their hair. While the trend has dwindled a bit, feathers can still be found on necklaces and detailed into clothing on girls everywhere. 10. The Kardashians- It was that wedding heard around the world. Then it was the divorce heard around the world. The Kardashians, famous for their show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, ran the headlines when Kim got married to NBA star Kris Humphries, and then divorced him 72 days later. While the show is still famous, we can look forward to seeing lots more from this zany family.




January 2012

Students of the Month


Joey, 12

Movie of the Month

Sherlock Holmes 2

Who is your favorite teacher?: Mrs. North What is your favorite Class?: AP Biology What are your plans after high school?: Pursue a degree in Engineering What is your favorite quote or motto?: “You are more than the choices that you’ve made, you are more than the sum of your past mistakes, you are more than the problems you create. You’ve been remade.” -Tenth Avenue North What is your greatest high school memory?: WHS Varsity Tailgating What is one piece of advice you would give to underclassmen?: Treat high school like the foundation for the rest of your life - build it wide and build it strong.

Favorite teacher: Mr. Schmeltzer Sr. Favorite Class: Chemistry What are your plans after high school?: Go to either Ohio State University or Kent State University for Nursing and then anesthesiology. What is your favorite quote or motto?: “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” -Romans 12:2 What is your greatest high school memory?: Sports! What is one piece of advice you would give to underclassmen?: High school can either be really fun or really terrible depending on your attitude towards it; you can only take out of it what you put into it.

Junk of the Month BY CLAY SMALLEY

Mitch, 12, rolls up to school in his 1996 Ford F150. This $1500 truck that Gordon bought has had over $800 of work put into it in only a few short months. This mean green driving machine is named Nancy. Mitch loves his truck very much and has many fond memories with it. His favorite memory is when the seniors went leaf raking and Anthony Pappas, 12, Brandon Palidar, 12, and himself, had to push Nancy to get her started multiple times throughout the day. This gas hog gets about

11 miles to the gallon. On top of these problems, the breaks have gone out twice while driving on the road and the shifter does not work quite right. Gordon loves Nancy even


Erik Peltz

9. @Ron_Knows_Best Hayden Frisby

8. @Stayin_CHRISpy

Lexi, 12

Song of the Month


though the safety of this steel death trap is questionable. Gordon has earned his truck a well deserved spot in this month’s Junk of the Month.

Top Ten Twitter names of theMonth 10. @Peltzdoggydog


I Like It Like That

By Hot Chelle Rae


Chris Joyce

7. @Ferry_Barry Barry Fernholz

6. @Buff_Ruff Daniel Ruff

5. @syd10yak Sydney Tenyak

4. @DGalfDidItLarge Dylan Galford

3. @TRobidoitbigger Tucker Robinson

2. @ThatDudeJwill

By: Anna Booth Sophomore

Jamison Williams

1. @Byron_is_Brown Byron Brown

Emilee, 12 152


Max 12


Teacher Marketing Training Education



January 2012



If you had to choose a movie title to describe your life, what would it be and why? The Perfect Man...

She’s the Man... “Because my favorite is Gouda!” -Rachel Grasso, 9

Mary Poppins...

“Because my life is fun and magical just like hers!” -Owen McDevitt, 10

“Because I am the perfect man!” -Tyler Aberle, 9 Owen 10

The Notebook...

Chronicles of Narnia...

“Because every time I open my closet, it turns into a magical land!”

“Because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” -Mac Jones, 12

-Jani Bailey, 10

Abby, 11


“Because my life is a musical and I have a great singing voice!” -Leah Schrock, 11

Jani 10

Legally Blonde...

“Because I got into Harvard!... Bend...& SNAP!” -Abby Malek, 11

Ryan Gosling...

Mr. Singleton

Mrs. Baxley

“Because she is a great “Because he is super cute and actress!” an amazing actor. My favorite -Mr. Lynn movie with him is Lars and the Real Girl!” Teri Hatcher... -Mrs. Rohrer “She is from Desperate Housewives and Superman. She drives an old VW Microbus and hangs around Katy Perry... with Superman...My kind “I do not have a crush, but it of Woman!” is amazing that Katy Perry has -Mr. Kibler a crush on me! I ran into her in L.A. the other day, and she said I made her feel like she was living a ‘Teenage Dream,’ whatever that means. She then filed for divorce from Russell Brand. Rumor has it that I was the inspiration for her song ‘The One That Got Away’.” -Mr. Hamilton

Bruce Springsteen...

“Mr. Kibler; followed by Bruce Springsteen because he is the Boss!” -Mrs. Baxley


Jennifer Aniston...

Megan Fox...

“Well, my obvious crush is my wife, who I think is a star! My celebrity crush is Megan Fox-‘nuff said.” -Mr. Singleton

Who is your celebrity crush and why?


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