The Bruin- January 2014

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

1870 - 2014 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 143 years of Excellence in Education”

Volume XXXVIV No. 4

January 2014


BRUIN 625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281

Polar vortex blasts North America by sydney bowers AND MOIRA PRIEST

As the New Year began, a polar vortex made its mark with record breaking temperatures, leaving approximately 240 million people chilly across North America, and Wadsworth students and staff home from school. A polar vortex is a swirling pool of extremely cold air located tens of thousands of feet in the atmosphere. The vortex starts over Siberia, where it lifts the extremely cold air into the upper atmosphere and carries it along the jet stream. The vortex travels over Canada before barreling through the upper Midwest and finally along the East Coast. The first 2014 polar vortex, occurring Jan. 9-11, lasted about nine days, but the worst of it lasted only two days. Any skin exposed within five minutes during this arctic blast would be frostbitten. Hypothermia can rapidly set in due to the extremely cold wind chills. Authorities stated there were at least 21 deaths. The polar vortex caused many people to be stuck at the airport for long periods of time. A total of 27,779 flights were cancelled due to the extremely

Winter Olympics Feb. 7-23

cold temperatures. Along with the chilly temperatures, snow off the Great Lakes was falling as fast as four inches per hour. Parts of New York were under blizzard warnings due to lake-effect snow blown by 40 mph wind gusts which created snowdrifts of three feet deep or more. A few areas in Michigan saw at least 16 inches of snow. More than 40,000 homes and businesses in Indiana, 16,000 in Illinois and 2,000 in Missouri were with out power on Jan. 6. This cold blast of freezing temperatures caused Wadsworth City Schools to extend their winter break an extra two days, and the

city’s amount of salt is lower than normal during the winter. This shortage, occurring all over the state of Ohio, has residents worried. If salt is not accumulated soon enough, the intense freeze of an Ohio winter could be a potentially hazardous problem. The State of Ohio is also experiencing a propane shortage due to the extreme cold. Governor John Kasich recently declared a state of emergency that allows for the lifting of regulations that limit the transportation of propane. Propane, a gas used to heat homes, has been in high demand during this period of tremendous cold.

photo by logan lanson

The softball field, a buzzing sports complex in the spring, is currently covered in snow and ice due to the recent polar vortex.

“This will help get propane companies resupplied so Ohioans who use propane to heat their homes can stay warm, while also doing it safely,” Kasich said in a statement. The vortex also impacted the economy. It is expected that the storm cost about $5 billion in cancelled flights, missed work and thousands of burst pipes. A second, slightly warmer polar vortex known as Winter Storm Kronos lasted well through the third and fourth week of January. Kronos blasted the Midwest and East Coast with multiple feet of snow and sub-zero temperatures. Two hour delays and other delays are expected with this second blast, as the high temperatures are expected to be no more than 0 degrees. “With temperatures plummeting below zero, I cannot imagine walking to school in such conditions. A two hour delay would give the air enough time to warm up,” Alec Watkins, 11,said. The polar vortex set many new records, and it left millions chilly as they started their New Year’s Resolutions. The arctic blast left a cold, lasting impression on Wadsworth, and the rest of the country.


Record Temperatures 1. -37°F Babbitt, MN 2. -14°F Detroit, MI 3. -14°F Toledo, OH 4. -11°F Akron, OH 5. -11°F Wadsworth 6. -1°F Asheville, NC 7. 6°F Atlanta, GA 8. 35°F Tampa, FL

What is your New Year’s Resolution?

Anthony, 9

Alexus, 11

“My resolution is to eat healthier!”



Courtney, 12

“I do not want to drink pop this year.”


Ashley, 10

“I want to manage my time better between sports and school.”

Austin, 9

“This year I want to get better grades.”

Sneak peek into 2014 events of the New Year

A poll of 69 students showed 72% believe the economy was the deciding issue for Upcoming the presidential race. Other was second with 14% and the war in Iraq followed with 10% of the votes. Foreign policy received 3% and health care was last with 1%.

– page 3 Speech and Debate team dominates A look at the 2013-2014 season – page 12 Wrestling clinches 22 Wrestling team has success in the SL – page 14

“I want to get above a 3.8 GPA.”

index Page

*Issue 4 withdrawn on Sept. 4, 2008

Editorial.........................................................2 News.............................................................3 Opinion......................................................4,5 Ads ............................................................6,7 2013 In Review...........................................8,9 Picture Pages .........................................10,11 Features......................................................12 Entertainment............................................. 13 Sports.....................................................14,15 Health..........................................................16 Of the Month...............................................17 Speakout.....................................................18

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