The Bruin- January 2014

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

1870 - 2014 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 143 years of Excellence in Education”

Volume XXXVIV No. 4

January 2014


BRUIN 625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281

Polar vortex blasts North America by sydney bowers AND MOIRA PRIEST

As the New Year began, a polar vortex made its mark with record breaking temperatures, leaving approximately 240 million people chilly across North America, and Wadsworth students and staff home from school. A polar vortex is a swirling pool of extremely cold air located tens of thousands of feet in the atmosphere. The vortex starts over Siberia, where it lifts the extremely cold air into the upper atmosphere and carries it along the jet stream. The vortex travels over Canada before barreling through the upper Midwest and finally along the East Coast. The first 2014 polar vortex, occurring Jan. 9-11, lasted about nine days, but the worst of it lasted only two days. Any skin exposed within five minutes during this arctic blast would be frostbitten. Hypothermia can rapidly set in due to the extremely cold wind chills. Authorities stated there were at least 21 deaths. The polar vortex caused many people to be stuck at the airport for long periods of time. A total of 27,779 flights were cancelled due to the extremely

Winter Olympics Feb. 7-23

cold temperatures. Along with the chilly temperatures, snow off the Great Lakes was falling as fast as four inches per hour. Parts of New York were under blizzard warnings due to lake-effect snow blown by 40 mph wind gusts which created snowdrifts of three feet deep or more. A few areas in Michigan saw at least 16 inches of snow. More than 40,000 homes and businesses in Indiana, 16,000 in Illinois and 2,000 in Missouri were with out power on Jan. 6. This cold blast of freezing temperatures caused Wadsworth City Schools to extend their winter break an extra two days, and the

city’s amount of salt is lower than normal during the winter. This shortage, occurring all over the state of Ohio, has residents worried. If salt is not accumulated soon enough, the intense freeze of an Ohio winter could be a potentially hazardous problem. The State of Ohio is also experiencing a propane shortage due to the extreme cold. Governor John Kasich recently declared a state of emergency that allows for the lifting of regulations that limit the transportation of propane. Propane, a gas used to heat homes, has been in high demand during this period of tremendous cold.

photo by logan lanson

The softball field, a buzzing sports complex in the spring, is currently covered in snow and ice due to the recent polar vortex.

“This will help get propane companies resupplied so Ohioans who use propane to heat their homes can stay warm, while also doing it safely,” Kasich said in a statement. The vortex also impacted the economy. It is expected that the storm cost about $5 billion in cancelled flights, missed work and thousands of burst pipes. A second, slightly warmer polar vortex known as Winter Storm Kronos lasted well through the third and fourth week of January. Kronos blasted the Midwest and East Coast with multiple feet of snow and sub-zero temperatures. Two hour delays and other delays are expected with this second blast, as the high temperatures are expected to be no more than 0 degrees. “With temperatures plummeting below zero, I cannot imagine walking to school in such conditions. A two hour delay would give the air enough time to warm up,” Alec Watkins, 11,said. The polar vortex set many new records, and it left millions chilly as they started their New Year’s Resolutions. The arctic blast left a cold, lasting impression on Wadsworth, and the rest of the country.


Record Temperatures 1. -37°F Babbitt, MN 2. -14°F Detroit, MI 3. -14°F Toledo, OH 4. -11°F Akron, OH 5. -11°F Wadsworth 6. -1°F Asheville, NC 7. 6°F Atlanta, GA 8. 35°F Tampa, FL

What is your New Year’s Resolution?

Anthony, 9

Alexus, 11

“My resolution is to eat healthier!”



Courtney, 12

“I do not want to drink pop this year.”


Ashley, 10

“I want to manage my time better between sports and school.”

Austin, 9

“This year I want to get better grades.”

Sneak peek into 2014 events of the New Year

A poll of 69 students showed 72% believe the economy was the deciding issue for Upcoming the presidential race. Other was second with 14% and the war in Iraq followed with 10% of the votes. Foreign policy received 3% and health care was last with 1%.

– page 3 Speech and Debate team dominates A look at the 2013-2014 season – page 12 Wrestling clinches 22 Wrestling team has success in the SL – page 14

“I want to get above a 3.8 GPA.”

index Page

*Issue 4 withdrawn on Sept. 4, 2008

Editorial.........................................................2 News.............................................................3 Opinion......................................................4,5 Ads ............................................................6,7 2013 In Review...........................................8,9 Picture Pages .........................................10,11 Features......................................................12 Entertainment............................................. 13 Sports.....................................................14,15 Health..........................................................16 Of the Month...............................................17 Speakout.....................................................18

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Brewin’ Debate

Light shed on darkness


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” When Martin Luther King Jr. said these words, he was living in a world that was much different from the one we live in today. In that world, people were judged based on the color of their skin instead of what kind of person they were. Flash forward 50 years, and look how far we have come. Today, schools across the country welcome all walks of life into their halls to study and learn. The lessons that MLK preached a half century ago can still be used today. Even in these very halls, people are judged and discriminated against because of what they are wearing, what music they listen to or who their friends are. This needs to stop. My mother says that our

E ditorial

The Bruin

January 2014 generation is the generation of acceptance. And I believe that. We will be the ones to stop judging people by their exterior and love people because of their personality and kindness. The Bruin has always had a mantra of “every student has a voice.” That is one of the perks of having a school newspaper. Anyone who wants their voice to be heard can have the opportunity. If you want to have your voice heard and want to make that known, just bring a letter to the editor, or even an article that you wrote, to room 1403. Who knows? You might just end up in the next issue of The Bruin. Wadsworth is a fantastic school, and we are all lucky to be here. We just need to work a little towards acceptance. The point is, we need to take the words that MLK said 50 years ago and take a good hard look at them, because we can still use those lessons today.

Snickers or Skittles? Snickers




Ever since 3400 BC, when numbers were first invented they have held the truth. We look to numbers to discover the truth, and we can use numbers to determine the best candy. Snickers have over two billion dollars in annual global sales, and an article showing the top ten Halloween candies of 2013 listed it as the number three seller at over $456 million in sales. Skittles did not even crack the top ten. Besides the obvious popularity differences, the taste and quality of a Snickers bar is far greater than that of Skittles. Original Snickers and Peanut Butter Snickers are two of the most respected tasting candies on the market. Snickers are made of sweet milk chocolaty goodness with a caramel peanut center, while Skittles are composed of primarily colored sugar and corn syrup. Which one would you rather eat? Besides tasting better and being statistically better than Skittles, Snickers has Betty White. We all know the line: “You are not you when you are hungry.” Anger is a major issue throughout the world today, and Snickers is devoted to getting you back to your normal self with just one small bite.

How could anyone possibly not love the fruity deliciousness of a Skittle? There is nothing better than the assorted flavors with a hard sugar coating and the chewy candy inside. Skittles has a much wider variety to choose from than Snickers. There are five different types of Skittles, each containing five different fruity flavors. With Snickers, you are limited to only two types of flavors that can be found on a regular basis. There are many credible sources supporting Skittles. Just listen to the sixth leading rusher in the NFL this season, Marshawn Lynch. Lynch has been seen eating Skittles on the sidelines after big touchdown runs. He became so famous for it, Nike even designed a pair of cleats for him with a graphic of Skittles on them. Skittles have been around since 1979, while Snickers have only been around since 1990. Skittles had two different types out, which would be ten total flavors, before Snickers even existed. The fact of the matter is, before one goes into beast-mode, he or she must “taste the rainbow.”


We are writing this letter to address the issue of the recent BYOD policy put in effective for the second semester. As students of the Sophomore and Junior classes, we feel that the new policy is completely inefficient in allowing the students to have access to personal electronic devices that we believe could heavily benefit our class performance. Due to a present lack of patience and tolerance among certain stand-out teachers and staff members, it has become quite evident within the past few weeks that certain members of authority have absolutely no tolerance or will to adopt the new policy. These individuals simply label their classrooms to be thorough “red zones,” thus, prohibiting the use of the

electronic devices being allowed in said policy. We hope this has shed some new-found light on the issue, and we look forward to great change in the future. Kit Boldry, 11 Jake Braumbaugh, 10

They say Ohio weather is crazy, but this year we have reached a whole new level. Our winter has brought -15 degree weather! This epidemic lasted three days before temperatures were back to somewhat normal. Students were thrilled but still stuck at home trying to keep from getting frost bite. The worst to think about is all the homeless people and animals left out in the cold to freeze to death. We thought it was all past us, but there is still more freezing weather to come. When it

gets horrible, Wadsworth should have at least a two hour delay if school is not called off. The roads will be horrible, and we have kids who walk to school! Maggie Presson, 11 I do not think we should cancel school because of the negative degree weather. If kids are wearing shorts and tiny skirts then it obviously shows that the cold weather does not bother them. When cold days come, people get mad if we have school, but they still come in shorts and skirts. It is not really fair to cancel school and make us be behind on our work when the kids do not even dress appropriately for the weather, yet they complain once they find out school is in session. I think it is a good idea to not delay school

Bruin Staff Editor-in-chief: Carly Cundiff Associate Editor: Ryan Landolph Assistant Editor: Grace Rhodes Managing Editors: Sarah Berger, Brooke Fick, Stephanie Herron and Leah Runkle Marketing Managers: Sarah Berger and Brooke Fick Front Page: Page Editor: Sydney Bowers Reporter: Moira Priest Editorial: Page Editor: Adam Dennison Reporter: Alex Laikos Entertainment: Page Editor: Megan Schwarz Reporters: Hannah Centea Speakout: Page Editor: Rachel Haas Reporter: Maddie Capron Opinion 1: Page Editor: Steven Gilbert Reporter: Ben Bingham Opinion 2: Page Editor: Mason Egleston Reporter: Trent Cornacchione Health: Page Editor: Patrick Long Reporter: Connor Sherrill News: Page Editor: Megan Wysocki Reporter: Savannah Watts Features: Page Editor: Jordin Vidmar Reporter: Brooke Leonard Picture Pages: Editor: Elissa Fusco Reporter: Jamie Oplinger 2013 In Review: Reporters: Newspaper/Yearbook students Sports 1: Page Editor: Connor Gray Reporter: Maria Sansonetti Sports 2: Page Editor: Scott Campbell Reporter: Tim Knipl Of The Month: Page Editor: Logan Lanson Reporter: Olivia Fortner Ads/Business Manager: Adam Dennison Assistant: Alex Laikos Adviser: John Gramuglia

or cancel it because the weather really does not seem to affect the kids as much as they say. They just want to make any excuse so we do not have school. If it snowed and the roads were bad, that is something to cancel school for. Otherwise, the cold is not much of a problem. Aimee Lingel, 11

The weather in Ohio is sunny one day and snowing the next. I do not think anyone in Ohio actually likes the weather. I am even wondering why people still live here. This winter has been insane; it has reached a whole new level of coldness. The only good thing about it being so cold is that more schools call off. That is just about the only benefit of living in Ohio. Nick Palecek, 10

What is the point of the TV when it is not on? Is it just to collect dust? There are a lot in the building that seem to be doing just that. A possible solution is to turn them on during school. Have the weather, Sports Center, 24/7 news or play old game tapes from the Grizzly past. It would offer a good solution to extreme boredom during study hall when you have no homework. They could possibly include the TVs with the BYOD policy coming into effect in February. The district put a lot of money into buying things for this school, why not use them? Make the Board of Education smile by using what they bought instead of just using them for show! Gary Noe, 10 Aaron Wolf, 10

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the April May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.

N ews A word from our


Students, we are well on our way with the 2nd semester. Time is flying and it has been a great year to date. I would like to mention a few items for you to review/remember for the rest of the year. 1) Scheduling time is upon us. Make sure that you have conversations with your teachers, parents and counselors regarding your schedule for next year. You will be submitting your scheduling requests to the guidance office very soon and once that is done, we have very few changes. 2) Seniors – Graduation is rapidly approaching. Make sure that you do everything in your power to walk across the stage at Commencement. It is one of the most important days in your family’s history when you graduate and get your diploma. There are a few mandatory days for Baccalaureate Practice (May 20th) and Commencement Practice (May 21st) at 9 AM both days. 3) School Spirit – I would like to thank the students that are attending the Athletic Events to promote our school spirit. It has been much better the last few games and we need to continue building upon it. We had a great fall season with spirit and will need to continue with the Winter Season into Spring. School Spirit is only what you as students make it occur; come out and support each other in a positive manner. Our student leaders have done a nice job in trying different ideas from themes to other items, keep up the good work. 4) Beautification of the Building – I would like to thank Student Council and Mr. Wright for all their time, effort and funding of the new pictures and bulletin boards in our building. The groups that are putting information on the bulletin boards have done a nice job in helping bring WHS back to life. There are still more items to come this year and in the future as we slowly but surely decorate the building. 5) Student Behavior – Students please be respectful of each other at all times. We have a great building with great people and it takes all of us to make it a great place to be. Be nice to each other and respect each other’s opinions. If you see things happen that you know should not be happening please let an adult know. TOGETHER we can help each other and make sure that ALL of us enjoy Wadsworth High School.

Have a Great Day - Principal Steve Moore

January 2014

The Bruin


To p e v e n t s a n t i c i p a t e d i n 2 0 1 4 By MEGAN WYSOCKI and Savannah watts

The year 2014 is already filled with many mustattend events, historical anniversaries and memorable dates. Locally and around the world, people have begun to recognize all the new and exciting things that they will partake in this coming year. Within one month, many of the U.S. top athletes will be gathered in Sochi, Russia, to compete in the 22nd Winter Olympics that will take place from Feb. 7 to Feb. 23. Ticket prices range from $1,000 for certain games, $37,000 for the closing ceremony and an outstanding price of $50,000 for the opening ceremony. Soon after that, much more locally, Wadsworth will celebrate its bicentennial. On Mar.15, First Night will take place in Wadsworth. According to Mayor Robin Laubaugh, First Night Wadsworth will be held downtown with a variety of activities and performances at different sites. “There is something for everyone and an evening in which everyone will want to participate,” she said to Beau Dusz, author of an article

about the bicentennial in the Akron Beacon Journal. Another big event this year is the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This is going to begin Thursday, June 12 and will end on Sunday, July 13. Ticket prices will range from $50 to $2,000. This is going to be the 20th FIFA World Cup, and it is the second time that Brazil has hosted the cup, the first being in 1950. On a more serious note, the U.S. Congressional midterm elections will take place this year. These elections will be held on Nov. 4 of this year. The United States Congress, including all of the seats in the House of Representatives and a little under half of the 100 seats of the United States Senate, are elected in this specific election. In addition, many states elect their governors during midterm elections. This year is filled with many events that no one will want to miss out on. Become involved in each big occasion. Watch the Olympics and World Cup on television, and become educated on the election. Most importantly, be a part of Wadsworth’s bicentennial celebration.


On Mar. 1, Wadsworth will celebrate its 200th anniversary. This town was founded by Benjamin Dean and named after Revolutionary War hero General Elijah Wadsworth.


The 2014 Winter Olympic Games will be the first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games.

NEWS BRIEFS WORLD Rare blue diamond found in South Africa According to Petra Diamonds, a 29.6-carat diamond was found in South Africa’s Cullinan mine, which is a source of some of the world’s most famous diamonds. The Cullinan mine yielded the 530-carat Star of Africa blue diamond that is part of the British crown jewels. Cullinan is located near Pretoria, the South African capital.

Sochi Olympic security discussed between generals U.S. and Russian military officers discussed sharing data to help prevent and remove terrorist threats at the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. Equipment for preventing these threats are not known, but one piece of equipment includes sophisticated jamming equipment that the Pentagon had developed.



New Mexico school shooting rattles community A school shooting has shocked the residents of Roswell, New Mexico, a city about 200 miles southeast of Albuquerque. Berrendo Middle School has reopened after a twelve year old with a shotgun opened fire in a crowded gymnasium. This incident is the second one to occur at a middle school in the last three months. Two students and a staff member were wounded. The shooter faces three charges of aggravated battery.

Hidden in Plain Sight production Hidden in Plain Sight took place on Jan. 27 in the Performing Arts Center. Parents were encouraged to come to learn about different dangers that take place in adolescence. It was an awareness program featuring 150 items which may include substance use, violence, eating disorders, juvenile crime, technolog y and more.

Walmart clerk arrested for attack on shopper William E. Golladay, 77, was arrested for attacking John Malherbe, 65, in an express lane at a Walmart in Florida. When Golladay noticed the items exceeded the 20 allowed in the express lane, Golladay allegedly started yelling at Malhberbe that there were too many items and he could not use that register. He then started ramming the cart into Malherbe’s wheelchair.

Amendment regarding abandoned signs approved Council recently approved an amendment to the city’s zoning code about the problem of abandoned signs. These signs are standing on commercial property and citizens of the community felt it necessar y to remove them.


Election Platform -Health Care reform

Gilbert for P r e s i d e n t : 2 0 1 6 OPINION BY STEVEN

-Cut Welfare spending -Stop heavy regulations on guns -Even distribution of taxes -Stronger war policy

Possible Competition Democratic


-Joe Biden

-John Bolton

-Hillary Clinton

-Scott Brown

-Howard Dean

-Jeb Bush

-Martin O’Malley

-Chris Christie

In the recent years, I have become deeply concerned about the direction of this great country. That is why I have decided to put my name on the ballot for the 2016 presidential election. Health Care- My policy on health care is far different from the one that is being imposed in the current office. I would first like to point out that this idea of socialized health care is terrible. Since when do we need to rely on the government to give us health care? If you cannot afford it, do not buy it. I think that is a concept that many Americans have gotten away from: paying for things with real money. I understand that accidents happen, but it is getting to a point now that strong measures have to be taken. Welfare- This is something that has spiraled out of control. Welfare is designed to help people that are out on their luck. It is meant to help them recover and turn them back into productive citizens. Now it has just become a way for people that do not want to do anything to hurt society. This is something that has to stop. If I was to take office, welfare funding would be cut drastically. After all, we have plenty of other debt issues to


Ever since WWII ended in 1945, there have not been many military hostilities between countries of the world. However, tensions have been flaring lately and we could be looking at a possible third World War. To start, I would just like to say that we have no need to fear a possible World War III. We live in the greatest, strongest country in the world, and we are back-to-back World War champions. Despite the slim chances of a WWIII actually occurring, these are the basics of what it would be like if it were to happen according to The Bruin. I am going to discuss who would be on each side, along with an honest opinion of the results of a possible outbreak. First off, North Korea could very well be a country that would be on their own side. Their friends to the west, also known as the Chinese,

O pinion 1


January 2014

are beginning to be annoyed with North Korea. We could be looking at a full-scale battle with everyone waging war against the North Koreans, led by Kim Jong-un. If North Korea were to attack South Korea, or even the United States, they would undoubtedly be left without help. North Korea gets all their military help from China anyway, and an all-out war that leaves North Korea by themselves would not last very long. Adding to the issue for Jongun, the U.S. supplies military aid to South Korea and has strong relations with most countries in the East Asian region. Now, if World War III did become reality, this is what would happen. North Korea would first attack Seoul, South Korea’s capital, since they have hundreds of long range artillery aimed directly at Seoul. That is about as far as they would get. “If North Korea did decide to attack the U.S., they would not stand a chance,” said Quinn Burgner, 11.

Let us go back to the Persian Gulf War in 1991. At that time, Saddam Hussein had the fourth largest military in the world. It was about a one and a half times bigger than the size of North Korea’s military. I believe we all know what happened next. The United States utterly destroyed Hussein’s capability of waging war in a matter of weeks while only using part of its military. If North Korea made the mistake of waging war against South Korea, the U.S. would jump in on China’s side and end the war before it would even started. No matter who ends up siding with the North Koreans, the United States of America is the best. No country in the world has the ability to match up with the Americans. Again, have no fear. North Korea will decide its own fate, and the United States will react based on North Korea’s decision. Either way, we are safe and life will continue to move forward for Americans all across the country no matter what choice North Korea makes.

Vote Gilbert For a better tomorrow

deal with. Gun reform- I believe every American has the right to have any gun. As a hunter, I am at the forefront of this debate. I know there is a big issue with semi-automatic rifles, but what people do not understand is that you can buy so many other kinds of guns that are semiauto. Those who are trying to get guns out of people’s hands do not have the slightest idea what they are about. People say that it is not the guns that kill people; it is the person behind them. I believe this to be a bit of a cliche, but it is true. The problem is the only things we hear about with guns are the bad things, not the hunter that went out with his son and shot his first deer. Gun control should not even be a controversial topic in my eyes, and that is what I will aim to do if I am elected to office.

Taxes- Since when should someone be punished for being successful? Is success not what this great country was built off of? Why is it that the people who have worked hard all their lives have to pay more? I can understand a slight increase in taxes, but nothing like what is happening now. It stunts the dream of wanting to become wealthy and prosperous. To me, taxes should be almost the same across the line. War policy- One thing that really bothers me is the way that we are backing down from a fight these days. What happened to the old America? This whole mess with Iran is out of control. The sanctions are obviously not working, and the Iranian leader has been bad mouthing us. Why are we putting up with this? Something needs to change in America.

North Korea



Jong-un and North Korea would not match up well against China and the U.S.


January 2014 5 THE BRUIN O pinion 2 P o s s i b l e d e s t i n a t i o n s d e t e r m i n e d f o r o n e ’s s o u l


As human beings, we have the knowledge to send a man to space and the ability to construct prodigious architecture. We also have the unfortunate awareness of our own demise, and it drives us to insanity. Where is the ultimate destination of our souls? This is a question that can never be answered. Here are four possibilities that you can ponder on your death bed. 1. Heaven/Hell Of all the possibilities, this one seems to be the most accepted in today’s world, and it is easy to see why. Who would not want to see their grandparents, cousins and pets while hanging out with our Heavenly Father in those heavenly sandals? Up front this sounds like a opportunity you cannot miss. But do not get too excited, because there is a catch to this seemingly foolproof concept. One issue I have with Heaven/Hell is overpopulation. With Earth being 4.54 billion years old, and roughly 155,000 people dying each day, you can see


If all goes well, one would hope their life after death would include the scenic walk up the stairway to heaven.


As you can see from my tombstone, I perished almost 5 years ago due to a hang gliding accident. I am currently composing this caption from a parallel universe.

why it may be a tad crowded. 2. Reincarnation Reincarnation is a difficult thought for humans to wrap their heads around. It is basically the rebirth of a soul in a new body. So hypothetically, if you were to die, your soul would be placed in a different organism’s body (human, animal, plant, etc.) and would essentially carry out that new life unknowing that you had already gone through this process in a previous life. So, in theory, I could go from a life as a handsome and successful Homo Sapien, to an irrelevant fruit fly off the

coast of Cambodia. 3. Parallel Universe The Parallel Universe Theory states for every action, there is an infinite number of reactions. For example, if you were to die from a freak toboggan sled accident, your soul would simply be shot to a parallel universe where you survived the toboggan accident or the accident never took place. Its complexity increases with different scenarios and different actions, but there is one essential point to be emphasized. A Parallel Universe rewards those of us living on the edge with the

stunt, Miley Cyrus joins the cast of Duck Dynasty. 8. Gender-less names become popular. Parents start using inanimate objects as names, such as Chair, Sponge and Whopper Jr. 9. Spiders all across the globe organize a rebellion against humans after years of assassinations and massacres. 10. The U.S. Department of Energy identifies intelligence as a non-renewable resource. 11. Starbucks combines forces with Nutella to create the ultimate “Common White Girl” beverage. 12. The American Cancer Association admits that cell phones do not cause cancer, but do increase chances of developing diabetes. 13. Taco Bell confirms that its meat is only one grade above dog food. Africa is still jealous. 14. YouTube phenom Chris Schewe, a.k.a. Shoenice, tragically dies after trying to slam three bottles moonshine after doing five pounds of LSD. 15. Walmart attempts to counter unemployment by creating more specialized jobs. Some new titles include “Digornio’s Pizza Shelf Stocker” and “Toilet Plunger Operator.” 16. Mr. Jason Knapp wins Teacher of the Year award. 17. Stricter study hall rules are enacted, where talking becomes punishable by death. Even looking at someone warrants a detention. 18. The Bruin treasurer Alexander Laikos’s name goes down in infamy

after he is linked to a major money laundering scandal. 19. “Suburban Rednecks” becomes a hit reality TV show based out of Wadsworth. 20. The Blue Tip Festival has to be cancelled after the giant match refuses to stay lit for more than five minutes. 21. Northeast Ohio Weather is officially diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder after a snow day occurs on May 15. 22. A “50 decibels or less” limit is put on future pep assemblies. 23. The Antichrist reveals himself, but then realizes he left his garage door open, delaying his arrival even longer. 24. ITT Tech becomes the number one party school in the nation. 25. The world suddenly ends on December 21, 2014. The Mayans quietly snicker in their graves. 26. The UN solves the IsraelPalestine conflict by distributing one million squirt guns to each side. This new approach revolutionizes modern warfare. 27. NASA is forced to use its weather machine for climate control after global temperatures rise an alarming 10 degrees. 28. Canned bread becomes the newest fad to sweep the nation, ending the 85 year reign of sliced bread. 29. Canada becomes a suddenly hostile nation, stating they are fed up with the maple syrup and hockey jokes. 30. Mason Egleston gets censored and then burned at the stake for writing a controversial Bruin article.

gift of everlasting life. So the next time a friend dares you to chug that Drano, it might be something to think about. 4. Nothing Whether you want to hear it or not, nothing is a possible final destination of your soul. Immediately after the moment of death, your body will begin deteriorating and your soul, which was destined to extend your life to eternity, will cease to exist. Your body essentially becomes worm food as the decomposition process begins. The fact that your dear grandma Lou may be nothing more than a pile of dirt can

be a horrifying realization for many children across the world. Unfortunately, not every story has a fairy tale ending. We have to accept the undeniable possibility that life after death consists of being defecated on by ground hogs. While some of these destinations may seem more plausible than others, it is conceivable that your soul could end up in any of these venues. So when your time on beautiful planet Earth is coming to a close, you can confidently lean back and envision what the after life has in store for you.

Thirty bold predictions revealed for 2014


According to ancient Chinese philosophy, 2014 is the year of the horse. While we may not know, as Americans, what that statement exactly means, we do know that 2014, like previous new years, will bring a multitude of fresh changes and insights. Here are 30 bold predictions for 2014. 1. The United States suffers its first cyber terrorist attack. 2. North Korea takes a huge step towards solving their hunger problem by building its first McDonald’s. 3. Twerking becomes a new sport, with national competitions popping up all across the globe. The first televised event receives more views than all of the WNBA televised games combined. 4. Anonymous secretly wins the Nobel Peace Prize. 5. Kanye West releases three more mediocre albums, calls himself “The Next Nelson Mandela.” 6. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper tries marijuana for the first time, unknowingly secedes from the Union. 7. In her next ridiculous publicity

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper seems like a pretty “chill” guy. Hopefully, he just sticks to munching on Cheetos when he is high, not making rash political decisions.

ITT Tech is preparing the future cable TV repairmen of the world. This year, the technical institution is also creating the top partiers of the US.

Pictured to the left is the CPS 2000 Super Soaker- perhaps the most innovative solution to real world conflicts.

The crunchwrap supreme is the poster child of quality dog food at Taco Bell. While the picture shown to the right is probably not 100% accurate, it still is a hearty meal.


If a bunch of terrible albums and mixtapes constitutes someone being called the “Black Jesus”, then Kanye West has that title in the bag. Hopefully the real Jesus is not bumping his stuff in heaven though- it might earn Kanye a trip to the “Land down under.”


January 2014


Patrons 2013-2014

Allen and Amy Mavity Allen and Corina Bingham Allison Parsons Andrea Schoolcraft Andrew Booth and Family Andy and Erin McPherson Anytime Fitness Babyak Family Baxley Family Blue Moon Construction Bob and Carol Simmons Boss Frosty’s Brad Musgrave Brian and Paula Sherril Bruce and Laurel Herron Chuck and Ronda Berger Dan and Rose Jaeger Dave and Chrissie Vidmar Dave and Heidi Schwarz Dave and Teri Sansonetti David and Toni Lack Debbie and Gary Lake Debra Miller Dick Long Dom Carretta Doug Beeman Doyle Financial Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hill and Family Dr. and Mrs. Fortner Drew Knight Dwain Kibler Ernie and Ericha Joy Frank and Debbie Lingel Glen Rutherford Photography Hannan Laikos Hilliard Rospert Event Center Homestead Renovation LLC Howard Hanna Mortgage Howard Hanna Real Estate Jan Althaus Jane and Jim Douglas Jared Klein Jeff and Kathie Priest Jerry and Barb Newcomer Jessica Gibson

Jim and Ginny Morrison Richard and Evelyn Sickler Joe and Phyllis Berger Richard and Judy Cundiff Joe Leonard Ritzman Pharmacy Judy Lepley RK Beef Karla and Kevin Smith Rob and Amy Clark Kelli Coulombe Robert Bingham Ken and Ellen Tollett Roger Havens Ken and Gio Brandes Ron and Pam Hammel Ken and Mary Cornacchione Sandi and Bill Mueller Kenneth Richards Sandler Training Lanson Family Scott and Kelly Centea Lawerence and Nancy Jennings Scott and Loree Runkle Lee and Judy Weinerman Seibertkeck Insurance Leigh Ann Ruether Sra. Mateos Libby Egleston Sherri and Tim Rhodes Lindsay Gilbert Sonja Halstead Marilyn and Bob Runkle Stephanie Hrubik Mark and Cheryl Gilbert Steve and Sarah McIlvaine Mark and Debbie Thompson Sue Allison Mark and Jennifer Haas Teri Lee Mark and Megan Postak Teringo Family Marrin Family The Corpenings Melissa Eaton The Alishusky Family Micheal and Tiffany Leonard The Bowers Family Mike and Kara Green The Cundiff Family Mike and Lori Fick The Dennison Family Mike and Nana Callow The Fusco Family Mike and Stephanie Capron The Hassinger Family Mike Frank The LaMonica Family Mike Schmeltzer The Manley Family Mr. and Mrs. John Messina The Pace Family Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence The Recupero Family Mr. Kaufman and Family The Schoonover Family Mr. Steve Moore The Watts Family Mrs. North The Witschey Family Nancy and Dan Bender Tom and Lisa Oplinger Neil Spice Tom and Lorie Knapp Pat and Dawn Landolph Tom and Maryan Postak Paul and Kay Gilbert Trish and Dave Swanson Pete and Cindy Laikos Wadsworth Pediatrics Phyllis Dempsey Wendie Montgmery Ramizi and Cathy Shepard Wonjo Family Rebecca Dills Wysocki Family Rench Family Zach Berger Rich and Cheri Long Zollinger Sand and Gravel




January 2014


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8 Y ear I n R eview

January 2014


Social media takes over Top 10 websites of 2013 BY SHELBY WENGER

As we all take a minute to look back on the past year, what websites come to mind that you visited the most? Was it Instagram? Facebook? Twitter? Throughout the world there are 10 websites that were the most popular in 2013. 10. This one may come to a surprise to many, but yes, it is correct. At number ten on this countdown is Myspace. The website that was once a big hit among teens is now used to help promote many music artists. This once popular site was launched in August 2003 by Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson. 9. Most everyone is going to be surprised with this one. Coming in at number nine is one expected to be in the Top 5, Instagram. Used as a photo and video sharing social networking site, users can take pictures or videos, add filters and share them on other sites. This site was launched Oct. 6, 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.

“My favorite site to use is Instagram,” says Cierra Phillips, 11. “This is because I aspire to become a professional photographer, so seeing others’ photos helps inspire me and give me ideas for future shots.” 8. At number eight is a website called VK, or VKontakte. This site is a European based social media site, and offers the site in several different languages. The site is particularly popular amongst Russians, with hardly any Americans using it. VK was launched Oct. 10, 2006 by Pavel Durov. 7. Coming in at number seven is a well-known site called Flickr. This site is popular among those who enjoy taking pictures and videos, and sharing them online. Flickr was launched in February 2004 by Ludicorp, then bought by Yahoo. 6. At number six on this countdown is a popular site called Tumblr. This site is similar to a blog; users can go on and write their own blogs, share funny pictures or gifts and “favorite”

or “reblog” other users’ blogs. Tumblr was launched in February 2007 by David Karp. 5. Number five comes as no shock. The site that goes by the name Pinterest has become exceedingly popular over the years. This site is similar to a bulletin board; it allows users to share pictures of hobbies, events and interests. It also allows users to “re-pin” and “like” the photos. Pinterest was launched in March 2010 by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. 4. At number four is a site we all know, Google Plus. This website is run by the Google corporation and is a social media and identity service. Google Plus was launched on June 28, 2011. 3. At number three is a website called LinkedIn. This site is used by people in professional occupations. This site was launched in May 5, 2003 by Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly and Jean-Luc Vaillant. This site is used to help “link” people around the

world that are a part of the same profession. 2. Flying in at number two should not be of any surprise to anyone. Whenever one sees that little blue bird, one’s mind jumps to the all popular site, Twitter. This site is a microblogging site where users can read and write “tweets”. Nonusers are only able to read them, while users can favorite, “retweet” or reply to them. This popular site has almost overcome the social networking business. Launched July 15, 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, this site has become a worldwide favorite. 1. The ever popular social networking site, Facebook, has trumphed the competition at number one. “My favorite site to use is Facebook because it is easy to use,” said Jake Might, 12. At number one, this popular social networking site has become big throughout the world. Since starting out by only allowing certain colleges students to use

this site, it now allows everyone around the world claiming to be thirteen years of age. “I prefer to go on Facebook because there is a lot more to look at,” says Allie Spinder, 11th. Facebook was launched Feb. 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. “Out of all the sites on the internet, I prefer to access Facebook because I like to see what everyone is up to in their lives,” said Lisa Stover, 11. Over the past ten years, Facebook has blossomed, becoming one of the largest social networking sites, with a user population of about 1.15 billion people. “My favorite site to use is Facebook because it is amusing to see what others are up to and or thinking about,” said Kara Frymier, 10. Though the list has a few surprises, it clearly shows the most popular websites of the year.





















New beginnings, tragedies, superstorms shape world in 2013 By JACK MERHAR

Americans are sometimes secluded from the other troubles or triumphs of the outside world. The United States itself could produce ten stories, but the world has so much more to offer. Here are the Top Five World News Stories of 2013. 6. The Birth of a King It was the birth that everyone had been waiting for. On July 22, Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge was born to Prince William and Duchess Catherine. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and is currently 4th in line for the British Throne. The birth was celebrated with much fanfare and parades. The birth was announced on the customary easel displayed outside of Buckingham Palace. Gun salutes signaled the birth in Bermuda, London, New Zealand and in Canada. The bells of Westminister Abbey and many other churches rang, and many of the commonwealth realms were illuminated in various colors, mostly blue to signal the birth of a boy. 5. Supertyphoon HaiyanMany around the world thought nothing could be worse than Katrina or Sandy, but this massive storm in the Philipines blew those storms out of the water. With winds reaching 170 mph (20 mph faster than Katrina’s worst gusts) and waves reaching 20 feet high, this storm

wreaked havoc on the vast archipelago. 5,000 perished and two million were left homeless despite massive preparations. The Philippines was destroyed, but received a lot of help. The U.S. was the biggest helper, offering 37 million dollars in aid and an aircraft carrier of supplies. 4. North Korean Missile Crisis- When Kim-Jong Un took over in North Korea, most did not expect him to become an avid user of missiles. The biggest scare was when he threatened to attack the United States. Luckily, he never did, nor did anyone think he would. “The North Koreans are a bunch of little girls who would never fire missiles on the US,” said Robert Hohn, 10. 3. Francis, the Progressive Pope- Not much has been heard from the Pope, surprisingly. He is a very avid speaker though. He challenges the churches views on homosexuality and women, which denounces the nature of Western capitalism. He has also reformed finances within the Vatican. 2. Snowden Shakes the World- Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who leaked operations information about the U.S., may hinder the country’s ability to get along with key international players. Snowden is seeking refuge in Hong Kong and is now targeted as America’s most wanted fugitive. Snowden has also leaked a plethora of

information dealing with one of the world’s most top secret organization, the NSA. While in Hong Kong, Snowden said “I have left my room a total of three times during my entire stay.” One problem he may run into in the future is that with staying in a hotel room, a big bill is soon to come. He will have to come out sometime soon, but ultimately he will have to make that decision. 1. Boston Marathon Bombing- Apr. 15, 2013 is a date many Americans, and some international people cringe at when they hear it. At 2:49 pm ET, two pressure cookers exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring 264. “It was a very sad situation for all involved,” says Sydney Neugebauer,12. The men responsible for this malicious attack were Dzokhar and Tamlerlan Tsaernaev. In a city wide man hunt, the FBI got into a fire fight with the brothers, ultimately resulting in Tamerlan’s death, with Dzokhar escaping but severely injured. Later that night, a man discovered Dzokhar in his boat, and called the police. Dzokhar was found bloodied and hurt, but was arrested and taken to a hospital. He is currently pleading not guilty to 30 charges, including using a weapon of mass destruction and malicious destruction.

Top International News Stories



Prince George was born on July 22, 2013


Supertyphoon Haiyan struck the Phillipines, causing much destruction


Kin Jung-Un, the new leader of North Korea, started his regime with rising tensions with the South Koreans.



Edward Snowden suprised Americans through his whistleblowing.



Pope Francis has astonished the world with his relaxed views on many of the Catholic Church’s policies.



A bomb exploded at the Boston Marathon on Apr. 15, 2013.

Y ear I n R eview

Five songs of 2013 go viral By Elizabeth Heckler

Like most years, 2013 provided many songs that became instantly popular. Some songs, like 2012’s “We Are Young” by Fun., are loved by almost everyone. Other songs become annoying after only three plays. Were this year’s songs catchy or just repetitive? 5. Harlem Shake - Baauer: Although this song debuted in 2012, it did not really gain popularity until 2013. The popularity of the song came from the videos made by people all over the world. In these videos, the song plays while a large group of people stand around. When the familiar line “then do the Harlem Shake” plays, everyone starts dancing. Making these videos became a popular trend among many students. 4. What Does the Fox Say? Ylvis: Created by a Norwegian comedy duo, “What Does the Fox Say?” or “The Fox” was written with the intent of having the song crash and burn, but it quickly became an Internet sensation, gaining over 320 million views in just over five months. The video features the brothers dressed in


fox costumes and claims that “the fox” speaks in nonsensical words. “The Fox” is the highest-ranked Norwegian song since a-ha’s “Take On Me” in 1985. Sam Paddy, 12, said this song was “the worst thing to happen to this world,” proving that this was definitely one of those songs that one either loved or hated. 3. Royals - Lorde: Recorded by sixteen-year-old New Zealander Lorde (Ella Maria Lani YelichO’Connor) for her 2012 extended play The Love Club EP, it was released again as a single in October of 2013. The song rocketed to the top spot of the Billboard Hot 100 and remained there for nine weeks, throwing Lorde into the spotlight and kick starting her musical career. Over 85 thousand copies were sold one week in July, and “Royals” was the top selling song of the year by a female artist. 2. Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke: Released as a single for Thicke’s album of the same name, “Blurred Lines” was number one on the US Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. It also topped the U.S Billboard Hot 100 for twelve weeks, making it the longest running top



January 2014


song of the decade. However, the song became controversial because of its subject matter and Thicke’s performance with Miley Cyrus at the VMA’s, leading to it being banned from student activities at numerous colleges. Luke Lambright, 10, said, “‘Blurred Lines’ is a terrible and inappropriate song that is overplayed. It was catchy, however.” 1. Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus: This song gained popularity after the release of its controversial music video, which features Miley swinging back and forth on a wrecking ball. Kathryn Billings, 10, said it was “actually a really good song, but people overreacted to the music video.” Cyrus’s song was the number one US single for two weeks and returned to the top spot nine weeks later. Seth Phillips, 10, said that all of these songs except “Royals” is “a disease.” The question remains, did the viral songs of 2013 go viral because they were good or because they were really annoying?




Fashion trends style 2013 By KENZI CAVANAUGH

The year of 2013 had a variety of trends made popular by many girls. Different fashion trends formed for different seasons. Summer 2013 was bursting with colorful cropped tops and high-wasted shorts. Gladiator sandals were also popular during summertime. They have been around for a while and will not be going out of style anytime soon. Also seen a lot during the spring and summer of 2013 were maxi skirts, or long skirts. The style can come in dress form too. These skirts or dresses are made of light material and fall to the ankle. They are perfect for springtime. High-wasted shorts and jeans were popular in the 50’s, and it seems history has repeated itself. These vintage shorts made a comeback in the summer and early spring of 2013. High-waisted jeans, of course, can be worn anytime. Heading into fall, infinity scarfs were very popular in 2013. Scarfs can be paired with almost anything and are perfect for dressing up any outfit. Combat boots were worn by many people in 2013 as well. These boots started making a large appearance in 2012 but continued to be seen in 2013. The masculine look of the

combat boot is very popular. These boots will likely be popular for many more years to come. With the cold temperatures and snow during the winter of 2013, Uggs were worn by many girls. These fur and sheep skin boots have been popular for women of all ages for years. They are expected to be worn for many more winters. Another example of history repeating itself in fashion is leg warmers. Many wear leg warmers under tall boots, such as combat boots. Leg warmers were very popular in the 80’s. It seems they have also made a comeback in modern day fashion. Leg warmers are worn from fall to winter under tall boots. “Leg warmers are definitly coming back in,” said Abbie Blankenship, 10. Flannels are another popular fashion trend often seen in 2013. They can be worn anytime throughout spring, fall and winter. These button-up shirts are great for layering. “Wearing a flannel is an easy way to make a cute outfit,” said Nancy Morek, 10. 2013 was a year filled with a variety of fashion trends, many of which were popular decades ago. Only time will tell if these trends can survive in 2014.


Top 5 sports stories shock the world in 2013 by brady dearth

5.Tyson Gay Tests Positive Tyson Gay is the American record holder in the 100 meter dash with a time of 9.69 seconds, which ties him with the second fastest time in record. Tyson Gay was having a magnificent season and looked like he was going to be a strong competitor against Usain Bolt for the Gold in the 200 meter and 100 meter dashes at the World Championships, but a failed drug test caused him to drop out of the competition. Before Tyson Gay had failed the drug test, he had won the USA outdoor track and field championship in the 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Madison Gunselman, 10, commented by saying, “I was not really shocked by his failed test because a lot of athletes take or have taken steroids, but [...] most athletes will not fess up to it because they do not want to be stripped of what they have accomplished.” 4. Mike Rice Fired for Bullying Mike Rice, head basketball coach of Rutgers, was fired early in the year of 2013. Video of practices


were released for the public to see, and one could see Rice physically and verbally abusing people. The video depicts him cussing at some players and throwing basketballs at others. When asked if Coach Rice’s firing was right, Danny Cundiff, 10, said, “I feel like he was unfit to coach. There is no situation where it is acceptable to say or do those things to people, and he definitely should have been fired.” The firing of Coach Rice was just the start of Rutgers troubles throughout 2013. 3. Oscar Pistorius Charged with Murder Oscar Pistorius was a hero to kids and adults everywhere. The South African star was the first double amputee to participate in the Summer Olympic Games. Pistorius wowed everyone when he qualified for the semi-final heats for the 400 meter race in the London Olympics in 2012. Pistorius ran an incredible 45.44 second in the 400 meter. On Valentines Day 2013, police officers were called to Pistorius’s home in South Africa after gun shots had been heard from his home. The police found Pistorius’s


girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, dead in his bathroom from gunshot wounds. Pistorius has been charged with premeditated murder, and his trial is set to begin Mar. 3. 2. Aaron Hernandez Scandal The Pro Bowl tight end who played for the New England Patriots had questions about Aaron Hernandez when he came into the league. Aaron Hernandez had some off-field trouble while playing for the Florida Gators, and several NFL teams thought he had ties to gangs when he was coming into the league. His off-field problems and gang ties caused his first-round talent to fall right into the New England Patriots hands in the fourth round. In the three years that Hernandez played for the New England Patriots, he seemed to prove everyone wrong about who he was. He showed himself to be one of the best up-and-coming stars in the NFL, along with his teammate Rob Gronkowski. It seemed as if Hernandez had matured, but this was soon proved wrong. On June 26, 2013 Hernandez was taken from his home and arrested


for the murder of Odin Lloyd, a semi-professional football player dating the sister of Hernandez’s girlfriend. Joey Cheff, 10, said that he was surprised by the charges brought against Hernandez but believes Hernandez is guilty because he would not answer the police. 1. Terror In Boston It was a regular day in Boston on Apr. 15, 2013 as the annual Boston Marathon took place. Thousands stood and watched as some of the best marathon runners in the country and the world ran in this national event. This Boston Marathon would go down in history, but not for breaking records or athletic accomplishments. It would go down in history as the day of the catastrophic Boston Bombings. Two pressure cookers were set in bookbags near the finish of the race, and when they were set off, they sent a rumble through the streets in the heart of Boston. The bombs killed three people and injured about 264 others. The FBI released the photos of two suspects on Apr. 18, three days after the incident. The suspects were brothers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.


Following the release of the photos, the police and FBI were forced to participate in a wild chase to catch the two men. The chase involved a shoot-out in which Tamerlan was shot by police then ran over and killed by his brother Dzhokhar, who was driving a stolen SUV. On Apr. 19, 2013, Dzhokhar was found hiding in a resident of Watertown’s boat. The resident found him lying in it in his backyard. Dzhokhar was taken into custody a few hours after being discovered. The Boston Bombings brought back memories of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but the day should be viewed as more than just a catastrophe. It was a day when people came together with one purpose: to help others. On this day, we all felt the pain of the injured and of the families who lost loved ones, but we all became “Boston Strong.” These attacks brought us closer together as a nation. The day of the Boston bombings will go down as a day of tragedy and sadness, but we need to remember one thing. When America is under attack and fear is in our hearts, we will unite together and overcome anything in our way.




Picture Page


January 2014

Winter Sports Photo courtesy of Logan Lanson

The boys swim team poses for a picture after placing 2nd in the Warrior Relays at the University of Akron. PHOTO COURTESY OF NOAH BAUGHMAN

Noah, 10, beats his opponent from Nordonia in an exciting 4-3 victory. The Varsity team went on to beat Nordonia 34-21.

Photo courtesy of Korrin Harp

Mckenzie, 9, executes her floor routine during a recent home meet.

Upcoming events 1. Wrestling Suburban League Tournament: Feb. 1 @ Nordonia

Photo by Ron Schwane, Medina County gazette

Jodi, 10, goes up for a lay up during the girls 61-43 win against Revere.

2. Girls Varsity Basketball Senior Night: Feb. 1 3. Boys Varsity Basketball Senior Night: Feb.7 4. Swimming Sectionals: Feb 7 and 8.

Photo Courtesy of ben bingham

Boys basketball team poses for a picture with the grizzly bear before the year.

5. Gymnastics Senior Night: Feb 3.

P icture P age


January 2014

g r i z z l y

During the Prodigy vs. Lank game, Craig, 9, takes a shot over Cameron , 10.

Sam, 12, takes an uncontested three-point shot, looking to clost out the game strong.

Michael 11, soars high to score for The Countrymen. Josh, 12, however, is determined to block Hillegass’s motives.

i n t r a m u r a l s


Jim, 11, looks for his teammates during the second half of the game against TMBS.

The Supernovas and Underdogs scramble to retrieve the rebound.

Danny, 10, of The Dream Team, takes a free throw against the Flyin’ Hawaiians.

A competitive game between The Senoritas and Common White Girls took place on Saturday, Jan. 18th. Cara, 12, takes a lay up against defender, Erica, 12.

all photos by elissa fusco


F eatures Speech and Debate team dominates state, national levels during 2013-14 season THE BRUIN

January 2014


For the 2013-14 season, the Wadsworth High School Speech and Debate team set the goal of placing at every single tournament that they were scheduled to compete at. Many were dubious, but for the regular season, that goal has been met. The Speech and Debate team is a part of the Ohio High School Speech League (OHSSL), a sub-group of the oldest Honor Society in the United States, the National Forensics League. The team competes nearly every Saturday for five months on the local, state and national level, and is composed of approximately fifty members. Coached by Victoria Mathews, Sam Zulia and Andrew Golden, the competitors perform in a wide variety of events, including interpreting literature, debating and humorous speaking. In the 2012-13 season, Wadsworth finished just shy of the top 10 teams in the state of Ohio, and it appears that victory will once again be achieved. According to Mathews, “This is my Cinderella year. I feel like a princess at the ball with all of the success!”

The team exemplifies a multitude of talents and hardworking individuals who deserve to be recognized for their accomplishements. From Dec. 6-9, the team competed rigorously at George Mason University’s Patriot Games tournament. This was the largest tournament in the entire country, with thousands of competitors. Wadsworth High School held their own, however, and placed 9th as a team. The list below are the people who helped make it happen.

George Mason-9th

Dan Brazier-1st Jack Bruno/Nick Englehart-6th Ryan Moore/Matt DeperoQuarters Dimitri GeorgiadisQuarters Olivia Pickard-Quarters Mina Hoffman-Quarters Becca Habig-Quarters Keragen CorpeningQuarters Brooke Leonard/Madelyn Mann-Triple Octas


At Wooster High School, the most recent tournament, Dimitri, 12, Dan, 12, Ryan, 11, Gabe, 12 and Matt, 12, all placed.

On Jan. 4, 2014, Norton High School hosted their annual holiday tournament. Wadsworth captured the title of champions, with a large amount of participants placing, including:


Olivia Pickard-1st Dimitri Georgiadis-1st MattDePero-1st Ryan Moore-1st Jordan Perrin-1st Keragen Corpening-1st Mina Hoffman-2nd Greta Conley-2nd Jake Wilkinson-2nd Joey Hughes-2nd Becca Habig-2nd Katie Fox -3rd Nate Adams-3rd Jack Bruno-3rd Sydney Nardo-4th Kevin McQuate-4th Dan Howard-5th Allison Hose -5th Leslie Hutchens-5th Emily Brazier-6th

Becca Habig-5th Ben Peters-6th Olivia Pickard-Semis Ben Beheydt-Semis Christo Benson-Semis Dan Brazier-Octas Ryan Moore-Octas Matt DePero-Octas


Becca H, 12, and Ben Beheydt, 11, show off their awards.




Maddie, 11, Rachel, 11 and Caroline, 12, are preparing the materials they need to complete their next HUDDLE lesson.

HUDDLE stands for “Helping Us Develop Dedication Leadership and Enthusiasm.” The program is comprised of juniors and seniors dedicated to teaching and modeling a drug-free life to younger students. In order to qualify for these leadership responsibilities, students must apply, go through an interview process and then participate in training. Each student must sign a contract to live a drug-free life. “We are confident these leaders will do a tremendous job, and many have been involved in our


Pictured above are some of the many high-achieving participant from Wadsworth’s very own Joseph Gains Invitational.

Clubs, organiztions take over There are many clubs and school programs at Wadsworth High School that many of the students do not know enough information about, including International Club, Key Club and HUDDLE. International Club is headed by Mr. Lee. It is meant for students to learn more in depth about the different cultures and the languages of the world. Some of the languages that are further explored are Latin, French and Spanish. Key Club is lead by Grace McCourt, 12. Key Club students mainly do volunteer work on their own as a club and also while working with their parent club, Kiwanis. Key Club actually stands for “Kiwanis Educating Youth.” “It has nothing to do with actual keys that open doors and treasure chests, but sometimes, we like to pretend it is all about real keys,” said Owen McDevitt, Vice President of Key Club. HUDDLE is lead by Mrs. Ross.

The Sylvania Invitational, which took place from Jan. 9-10, is also included in one of the many highlights of the season. Sylvania is the largest tournament in Ohio, and Wadsworth’s team placed 6th. Among the placers were:

prevention programs starting in middle school,” said Mrs. Ross. Once one is accepted to be a HUDDLE leader, he or she is placed into a team. The teams of leaders present monthly lessons to all fourth and sixth grade classes in the Wadsworth School District.The lessons last thirty minutes and they cover a variety of topics such as bullying prevention, peer pressure and conflict resolution To find out more about school clubs and school program options, talk to the teachers or leaders about opportunities available.

The regular season has finally ended, and only Districts, Regionals, States and Nationals remain. The team is sure to do well at all four tournaments, as their talent and practice have shown to make a difference this season. Ryan Moore, 11, remarks, “I believe that Speech and Debate is the best kept secret at Wadsworth High School.” It is not widely known or widely popular, but the extreme success will potentially bring in more participants.


Waiting for the results at Perry High School, fellow speechies crowd around for a picture.


Head Coach, Victoria Mathews, and Allison, 11, are anticipating a win.

What is your opinion of the club or school program you are in? “At International club, we learn a lot about the cultures of the countries each languange is derived from, and you get to do fun activities. Also, the snacks are delicious!” -Megan Drown, 11 “I am so lucky to be a part of HUDDLE because not only am I touching kids lives, but the kids are also changing mine.” -Tayah Turocy, 12” “At Key Club, we like to smile because we are one big happy family!” -Owen McDevitt, 12

“HUDDLE has made me realize what it is like to be a role model. It sets the younger kids on the right course while also allowing them to have fun.” -Michael Hillegass, “Il est tres interassant meaning international club is very interesting!” -Madi Salem, 11 “I love seeing the kids eyes light up when I walk into the room. The feeling you get knowing you have impacted their life with HUDDLE is a great reward.” -Korrin Harp, 12


January 2014



Social media evolves over time BY HANNAH CENTEA (HCSPOILED)

The world is changing in social media, and people do not even see it. AOL Instant Messenger was released in 1997. The senior class of Wadsworth High was about one or two years old when MySpace came out in 2003, which is over eleven years ago. Facebook came to life in 2004. Today, people lean more towards Instagram, Twitter and Vine to find out what is happening and to keep up with the latest trends. The question is, what is next? Sitting at lunch, the question that came up was: Does AIM still exist? The answer is yes but ask any teenager, and they will most likely say that they no longer use it. AIM was mainstream when the senior class was in seventh and eighth grade. Using AIM, people could find out someone’s likes and interests. Also, they could find out who someone was dating by looking at his or her

profile, which would say “taken by so and so” with hearts by the name. Next, MySpace came along; today, no one uses it. In 2002, MySpace’s purpose was to be an online data storage and sharing site. In 2004, it was transformed from a file storage service to a social networking site. If people went back and looked at what they posted on their “wall,” many would be embarrassed by what they said. MySpace was also a main source for finding new artists; examples include Zynga and Rock You. There is always going to be good and bad aspects of social media. The good aspects include that people are able to stay in touch with friends and look at each other’s photos. The bad side is that if a MySpace profile is not private, anyone can see one’s personal information. They can then find out where one lives and what his or her cell phone number is. People say MySpace was the start of “creeping” because personal

information was gathered without consent. In 2008, MySpace was taken over by Facebook. Facebook is a great tool to use to post feelings, to get a business started or to stay in touch with old friends. Founders of Facebook had initially limited the website to Harvard students, but later expanded the site to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League and Stanford University. The site was only available to students in college before it was opened to the rest of the public. Now, Facebook is allowed for everyone over the age of 13. Twitter followed Facebook. Twitter is a service that enables users to send and read “tweets.” Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Twitter has made a major impact on the world. It enables people to see what is happening on a wide scale. From top current events to celebrity life, Twitter discusses it all.

High school students often find themselves spending too much time on Twitter rather than doing homework or spending time with family. Business Insider states that Americans spend an average of 37 minutes daily on social media, which is the largest time period spent on any major Internet activity, including email. Instagram and Vine are the two newest popular social media services available. On Instagram people post pictures, and other members that see the posts are able to “like” them. Recently, Instagram has turned into a selfie central app. Vine is an app that enables its users to create and post short video clips. People have become top sensations because of this app. Will people get bored with the newest trends and move on with their lives, or will something new become popular and continue the evolution of social media? The answer may not be here right now, but it will be trending soon.

G r e at e s t AIM screen names Bergalicious Bigbadwolf







Feel alive this year with The Walking Dead BY MEGAN SCHWARZ

The year of 2013 came and went, just like 2012. However, there are certain things which do not simply pass with the closing of a year. One such thing, which has continually thrived since the year 2010, is the television series, The Walking Dead. Throughout four seasons, there has always been a reason to keep watching. Also, with the fifth season arriving in February, there are reasons to begin watching. This TV series is one of much excitement and thrill, as it focuses on the lives of several people during the zombie apocalypse. Like any other show, the watcher develops emotional attachment

to each person. These feelings can be hurt if and when things go badly and zombies begin biting. What can they say? comes naturally. The first three seasons of The Walking Dead can also be found on Netflix. The show kicked off with the main character, Rick. As he wakes up in a hospital, he quickly discovers the world is not the way he remembered it. Because his hometown is barren and inhabited by Walkers (zombies), Rick decides to set off to find his family. Of course, there is more to the series than just that plot line. There are numbers of other people who come into the picture, and

many do not stick around long. Ranger Rick and his gang faces not only Walkers, but dangerous people as well. In a world in which order and normality have ceased to exist, what is left of the human race has become as much of a threat as the zombies. The first two seasons focused mainly on Rick finding his wife and son, adjusting to the new zombie-infested world and forming a group of survivors. The third season includes the group finding a new home, The Prison. Also, The Governor comes into the picture. He runs a small town and seeks to rid The Prison of Rick and his gang. Season Four is about the group, which has doubled its number, and

its struggle to coexist peacefully. It also follows the Governor through his search for new people. Of course, there is much more to these seasons than can be disclosed, and that is what makes this a show to watch in 2014. The adrenaline rush inducing events and the ability of the show to make your heart race is what pulls viewers in and gets them hooked on this brilliant series. Many TV shows created today are reality shows that people enjoy for the drama and surprises they depict. This series has drama, surprises and zombies! So, if one is looking for something new and different to kick off the new year, take a look into The Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead’s realistic portrayal of a zombie is eating a “human.”

Rick’s son and wife, Carl and Laurie, are contemplating their new world.

The Walking Dead’s cast is pictured above as they appear in the series.



The series’ main character, Rick, steps up to become a leader of the group.

The Governor is the group’s biggest threat encountered in Seasons 3.


January 2014

S ports 1


Wrestlers score ‘double deuces’ BY CONNOR GRAY

For nearly a quarter century the Wadsworth wrestling team has dominated the area and state of Ohio, winning a State Championship in 2010. This year, is no exception. They are hunting for its 22nd consecutive Suburban League Title and now have 55 consecutive SL dual victories. They clinched at least a share of it with a victory over Nordonia on Jan. 16. To kick off the season, the varsity wrestling team competed at the Olentangy Liberty Classic. Winning individual titles were Noah Baughman, 10, Darrin Gilkerson, 10, Jordan Schleigh, 12, Shane Mast, 11, Tim Knipl, 11, and Clayton Brandenburg, 12. Overall as a team, they won the tournament with 303 points. The next tournament they competed at was the North Canton Holiday tournament. They finished 2nd out of 33 teams with 211.5 points finishing behind Uniontown Lake with 228 points. The 5th place finishers in their weight classes were Brandon Randolph, 9, (106 pounds), Cody Surratt, 9, (120) and Jeremy Randolph, 12, (285). Finishing in 4th were Alex Jones, 9, (160) and Brandenburg (195). Third


Alex 12, battles a top-notch Nordonia wrestler on Jan. 16. They went on to win the dual by a score of 34-21, clinching its 22nd consecutive Suburban League Title.

place finishes went to Schleigh (138) and Robbie Bosley, 12, (152). Baughman and Gilkerson finished the tournament with a silver medal. The Grizzlies suffered first dual loss of the season to the Perry Pirates on Dec. 21 by a score of 33-29, but the Pirates wrestled an ineligible wrestler, giving the victory back several weeks later, They also defeated the Mentor Cardinals that night by a score of 39-15. They then traveled to the Medina Invitational Tournament,

on Dec. 28 and 29. They placed 5th as a team behind nationally ranked teams Massillon Perry, St. Edward, Detroit Catholic Central and Claymont. The place finishers were Baughman, 3rd at 106, Gilkerson, 2nd at 126, Bosley, 5th at 152, Mast, 8th at 160, Knipl, 5th at 170 and Brandenburg, 7th at 195. Next, the Grizzlies wrestled three dual matches against nationally ranked teams No. 21 St. Edward, No. 28 Claymont, and Westerville North. The Grizzlies fell to St. Eds by a score

of 39-15, but they upset Claymont by a score of 31-29. They also defeated Westerville North 39-24. Heading into the showdown against the previously unbeaten Nordonia Knights, the Grizzlies had won 54 Suburban League Dual meets in a row and 21 consecutive Suburban League Titles. Having beaten Highland 63-9, Cloverleaf 71-6, Tallmadge 53-9, Revere 62-4, Green 65-3 and Copley 52-12, the Grizzlies won the showdown against Nordonia 34-21 in front of large home crowd. The winners were Randolph (106), Baughman (113), Gray (120), Gilkerson (126), Bosley (152), Mast (170), Knipl (182) and Randolph (285). By defeating Nordonia, the Grizzlies captured a share of their 22nd consecutive Suburban League Titles in a row, also known as “Double Deuces.” The wrestling team still has more competition left this year. They host the G.I.T on Jan. 25. The Suburban League tournament will be held at Nordonia on Feb. 1. The team dual state tournament is in Columbus on Feb. 8. Followed by sectionals, districts and state on Mar. 1 in front of 16,000 spectators at The Schottenstein Center on the Ohio State campus.

Tournaments: Olentangy Liberty: 1st Place 303 points North Canton: 2nd Place 211.5 points Medina Invitational: 5th Place 119.5 points Current Dual Meet Record: 13-1

Ladies begin to belong BY MARIA SANSONETTI

The varsity girls basketball team is on track for another memorable season. They have an outstanding record of 17-0, and are 55-0 in the Suburban League for the last 4 years. Starting for the Grizzlies are Jodi Johnson, 10, Laurel Palitto, 10, and seniors Hannah Centea, Peyton Booth and Maddie Gilger. Seniors Olivia Thompson, Taylor Wyatt and Courtney Palange contribute a big part to the team play. Also, juniors Aubrey Virgin, Elizabeth Edurese and Annie Gilbert contribute to their

high-set standards. Johnson leads the Suburban League as the top scoring player with approximately 20 points per game. If there is any team in the school hunting down another Suburban League Title, it would be the girls varsity basketball. They are looking forward to achieving another unforgettable season. The team is just now finishing up half of their season and is No. 2 in Division I state rankings. All of the girls can agree that winning is more fun when they are challenged. They just recently played their


Olivia, 12, prepares to guard their biggest Suburban League rival, the Lady Minutemen, from Revere on Jan. 12. The girls won the game 61-43, and are preparing to play them at home on Feb. 12.

biggest Suburban League rival, Revere, on Jan. 12. They defeated the Lady Minutemen 61-43 out scoring them in the 4th quarter 24-6. Johnson showed her strength scoring a high of 21 points to win the game. Booth also had 11 points and Centea had 8. The Lady Grizzlies also played Cloverleaf on Jan. 14. The final score to the game was a Grizzly victory of 49-37. The team is predicted to win another Suburban League title and also win another District championship. Their goal is not only to go farther than the consecutive years, but they would like to go down to Columbus and win another State Championship just like the 1997 basketball team. As of now, the Lady Grizzlies are ranked No. 2 in the state behind Mason High School near Cincinnati. The last time the two teams met up was when the Lady Grizzlies beat them in the 1997 State Championship. On Jan. 19, the Grizzlies competed in the very competitive Classic in the Country in Berlin, Ohio at Hiland High School. The Grizzlies were placed up against the No. 8 team in Division II, the Toledo Rogers. The girls set out to beat a team with six Division I commits compared to our two commits. They did rise above the occasion and showed the Rogers the best defensive


Taylor, 12, goes up for a shot. Wyatt was a big contributer in the Classic in the Country on Jan. 19 against the Toledo Rogers. She finished with 12 points. Wadsworth won the game 43-35.

game of the season. The Grizzlies were up at halftime 29-19, so they knew they needed to keep up their efforts into the 3rd quarter. In the 3rd quarter, Rogers only scored two points. Although the Rogers scored their most points in the 4th quarter, it did not look like

the Grizzlies would ever fall behind. The girls won 43-35. Johnson led the way with 17 points and Wyatt finished with 12 points. Hopefully this season will be an even bigger accomplishment to Wadsworth history than the last consecutive years.

15 Suburban League prepares for mix-up S ports 2 BY TIM KNIPL

The Suburban League has had several minor changes made to it throughout since being first formed in 1949. Many people do not remember that at one point in time, schools like Norton, Hudson and Field were Wadsworth’s Suburban League rivals. Wadsworth sports have triumphed in their respective league since they joined back in 1984. However, in the near future, there will be much more competition for the Grizzlies. On Oct. 3, 2013, League Commissioner Keith Walker and President Dana Addis announced that the league would expand to 16 schools, effective in the 2015-16 school year. The league itself will be split into two divisions: a “big” school and a “small” school division. The big school division will be known as the National Division. It will be made

January 2014


up of Wadsworth, BrecksvilleBroadview Hts, Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Nordonia, Stow-Munroe Falls and Twinsburg. The little school division will be known as the American Division. Schools in this division include Aurora, Barberton, Copley, Highland, Kent Roosevelt, Revere and Tallmadge. The league is still looking for one more small school to join the American Division. Athletic Director Mr. Brad Musgrave said, “I think the competition will increase tremendously, and it will push our top notch programs more in the league than they have been in the past,” on the new league change. For some of these teams, this is not their first time in the Suburban League. Barberton, Hudson and Twinsburg have already been a part of the league in the past. Hudson rejoins Copley, Green and Nordonia (called Northfield at the time) as original members of the league. The only other school that was originally part of the

league was Manchester. Green and Cloverleaf are the only two schools presently in the league that will no longer be a part of the league. Wadsworth did not join the Suburban League until 1984 as a replacement for Coventry, who left the league the year before. When Wadsworth joined the league, the other teams in the league were Copley, Green, Hudson, Highland, Revere, Field and Norton. Ever since Wadsworth joined the league, they have triumphed in just about every sport at one point or another. However, with all of the new schools coming, the league will be much more competitive for Wadsworth. With Division 1 powerhouse’s like Brecksville, Hudson and Twinsburg coming in, the Grizzlies will have a lot on their plate in years to come. However, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Grizzlies will continue to compete for Suburban League titles in all sports.





1. Copley

1. Aurora

2. Highland

2. Brecksville

3. Nordonia

3. Cuyahoga Falls

4. Revere

4. Kent Roosevelt

5. Tallmadge 6. Wadsworth

5. North Royalton

7. Barberton

6. Stow-Monroe Falls

8. Hudson

7. Undecided

9. Twinsburg

New Browns era begins under center by SCOTT CAMPBELL

It is the beginning of a new era in Cleveland. Following the abrupt firing of Coach Rob Chudzinski, the path the Browns are heading may not seem clear. With the ending to a sub-par season and the front office in shambles, it will be interesting to see which direction the organization will be heading this offseason. After being the last team in the National Football League without a head coach under contract, the Browns reached a deal with Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator Mike Pettine on Jan. 23. Working under Jets current head coach Rex Ryan, Pettine has similar defensive philosophies to ex-defensive coordinator, Ray Horton. He will keep the 3-4 defense in place in Cleveland, which will allow the Browns to retain their personnel and focus on improving the offense in the 2014 Draft. The upcoming draft could potentially mold the new offense or add to the framework of an

already good defense. With ten picks in the upcoming draft, including two in the first round, one in the second, two in the third and fourth and one in each of the last three rounds, the organization will have the opportunity to add many young, talented players to the roster. With the surplus of potential franchise quarterbacks available in the upcoming draft, there has been much debate as to which one would benefit the team the most. Depending on who is available, whether it be Johnny Manziel, Teddy Bridgewater or Blake Bortles, each has their own strengths and weaknesses. According to various mock drafts, at least one of these studs has been selected in the prior three picks before the Browns. Manziel could potentially be the face of a franchise. However, he has been under much scrutiny regarding his attitude, physical attributes and play style. Many scouts doubt his ability to carry over his play style from college to the NFL. His reckless, Brett Favre-like attitude could place him at the end of a bench or in a future Hall of Fame ballot. With the risk comes much reward,

as he was the first freshman ever to win the coveted Heismen trophy. Bridgewater is a highly touted junior out of Louisville and many believe he is a cannot miss prospect. Shocking the world his sophomore year, he carried his team to the Sugar Bowl and beat SEC powerhouse, Florida. Standing at 6’3” 196 pounds, many scouts think he is too light. His play style can be compared to former number one overall pick’s Sam Bradford. With his strong decision making skills, many NFL teams have been raving over his potential to become a part of the new era of franchise quarterbacks. Although he did not live up to his hype this season, he proved that he is a top tier college quarterback. Another quarterback that has been receiving much deserved attention is Bortles. The junior out of UCF brought his team to its first ever BCS bowl game against Baylor and won despite being a heavily favored underdog. With his Ben Roethlisberger build, he has the characteristics of a NFL quarterback. At 6”4’ 230 pounds,

the man is a load. Running a 4.7 forty time, he has showed an ability to create time and space and pick up valuable yards in the rushing game when needed. Many NFL scouts have expressed their opinion that he should have stayed in college to gain experience. Despite the skepticism expressed from these scouts, Bortles decided to declare for the draft. His draft stock has been booming, and he is expected to be a top five pick in the draft. While any one of these three top quarterbacks could dramatically improve the roster, Manziel may provide the greatest benefits to the team. His enthusiastic playing style, coupled with his undeniable athletic ability, will add a piece to the offense that has been lacking for many years. It will be interesting to see what the Browns decide to do this offseason. Many moves will be made, and the team has the opportunity to change the culture in Cleveland. Look for the team to be major players in the 2014 NFL Draft, which will be held May 8-10.


Manziel (top) is shown flashing his famous “Pay Me” touchdown celebration. Bortles (middle) calls an audible against Ball State. Bridgewater (bottom) prepares to deliver a pass down field to one of his receivers.

GYMNASTICS: The gymnastics team has only lost two meets at this point in the season, posting a 6-2 record. The top performers for the girls are Callie Almes, 11, and Charlotte Bates, 11. BOWLING: Girls bowling has posted a 6-3 record and boys bowling has recorded a 6-5 record at this point in the season. The girls are led by seniors Sarah Barkley and Megan Novak. Seniors James Jones and Spencer Harrod lead the boy’s squad. BOYS BASKETBALL: Boys basketball has been hot recently, winning two consecutive tough games, and improving their record to 7-4. Their most recent win was against county-best Buckeye by a score of 57-54. BOYS SWIMMING: Boys swimming has had an outstanding season thus far, going 8-0 in the Suburban League, while receiving the honor of regular season champs. Matt Pavlak, 12, is ranked individually in the 100 yd. breast stroke. The 200 yd. medley relay of Jake Braumbaugh, 10, Pavlak, Logan Lanson, 12, and Joe Pavlak, 9, is also hoping for a state appearance. GIRLS SWIMMING: Girls swimming has maintained a solid record this year, going 6-3 in meets at this point in the season. University of Toledo commit, Ellie Surratt, 12, and Kim Stafford, 12, have been making top finishes for the Lady Grizzlies.

Winter Sports Briefs


H ealth


January 2014

Addictive foods consume diets By connor sherrill

Ever heard the phrase, “Just one more....” Well, here are the top five foods that really fit that phrase. 5. Pringles Coming in at number five is the always delicious Pringles. The tasty, light potato chips are a great snack to eat. Almost every time somebody opens a new can, they are finished by the end of the day. One can of Pringles only contains an average of 200 calories. Even though that may not seem like a lot, the cans that are consumed can really add up. 4. Ice Cream At number four on the list is ice cream. Ice cream is never not a good snack. It is best served cold on a warm summer evening, but why not eat a tub during a chilly winter night while snuggled under a blanket? A gallon of Ruggles’ Vanilla

ice cream is 4,480 calories, and even though it is a lot of calories, one bowl just is not enough. 3. Pizza The number three most addictive food is pizza. Can

somebody think of a time when just one piece of pizza was enough? The warm, cheesy goodness just tastes so good when it hits the lips, so one piece is never enough. 2. Coffee A coffee drinker will not argue that caffeine is addictive. The more coffee that a person consumes, the more likely a person will feel withdrawal and crave a warm, energizing cup. The same feeling occurs when drinking tea, sodas and other caffeinated drinks. 1. Oreos Researchers have recently stated that Oreos are even more addictive than cocaine. A person cannot just eat one with a glass of milk; one is just not enough to satisfy the craving one feels in his stomach all day. Oreos are the perfect mixture of a hard, chocolate cookie and a sugary, creamy inside. They are the most addictive food.

Other Addictive Foods

Cotton Candy

Donuts Doritos


Connor’s 2014 Resolutions

Patrick’s 2014 Resolutions

1. Find Tupac

1. Grow facial hair

2. Stop Kony

2. Learn to play jazz-flute

3. Beat Kyle Korver in one-on-one

3. Survive a shark attack

4. Catch a Bonito Fish

4. Get bigger biceps

5. Hangout with Fergie

5. Witness birth of a baby panda

Top New Year’s Resolutions for 2014 1. Lose weight 2. Get more organized 3. Spend less, save more 4. Enjoy life to the fullest 5. Stay fit and healthy 6. Learn something exciting 7. Fall in love 8. Help others achieve their dreams 9. Travel more 10. Spend more time with family 11. Get out of debt 12. Quit smoking 13. Learn a new language 14. Drink less alcohol

New Year, new by patrick long

It is that time of the year again: time for everyone to make New Year’s resolutions and completely change who they are because the date changed. The “New Year, New Me” motto is usually not achieved, but here are some tips to those dedicated enough to stick with their resolutions. The most important thing to do when making a New Year’s resolution is set realistic goals. If one has never gone for a jog before, resolving to run five miles every day of the week is setting up oneself for failure. If the resolution is trying to lose weight, do not make the first week goal to lose fifty pounds. Expectations cannot be that high.

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The lower the expectations, the less likely one will be to get discouraged and give up on resolutions altogether. Make small, progressive, easily achievable goals to gain confidence and momentum. Also, try focusing on one change at a time rather than attempting to completely change one’s lifestyle. Instead of worrying solely on the weight loss, focus on healthy behaviors instead. Eat and drink healthier, exercise more, and if weight is lost along the way, it is a bonus. The resolution that is made should not solely be about losing weight, it should be about becoming an overall healthier person. 2014 can be a great year if one adopts the right mindset and attitude to improve his or her health habits. Good luck!


January 2014


Quote of the Month

Career Tech Students of the Month

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Taylor Web Programming and Design

Athletes of the Month


Kelsy Greene



Medical Assisting





Students of the Month January



Favorite Teacher: Mr. Schmeltzer Sr. PHOTO COURTESY OF PEGGY PAVLAK

Matt, 12, is shown here swimming the 100 breaststroke.

Callie Almes, 11, a gymnast, has shown the perfect qualifications to be named female Athlete of the Month. This year, she has placed in the top three of all the meets she has competed in. Almes, who works very hard, has made up most of her routines; she hopes to make it to state again this year. As the season continues, she hopes that her hard work will help the team make it to districts this year.

Swimmer Matt Pavlak, 12, has earned Athlete of the Month for January. Pavlak has clocked district best times in the 100 yard breaststroke, as well as helping the 200 yard medley and 400 yard free relays to top finishes. As a cocaptain of the swim team, Pavlak has helped lead the Grizzlies to an undefeated Suburban League season.

Favorite Class: AP Chem

Favorite Class: Late Arrival

Future Plans: Attend Ohio State to major in Chemical Engineering.

Future Plans: Attend Ohio University to study international business.

Hangout Spot of the Month: Lock 3 Akron

Lock 3 is located in downtown Akron near the Akron Civic Center on Main Street. Lock 3 offers a wide variety of outdoor activities. It includes a large outdoor skating rink, a sledding hill, a farmer ’s market and shopping. Parking is also free on weekday evenings.


Maddie Gilger, 12, and Mike Kurnot, 12, are Students of the Month for January

Joke of the Month

Movie of the Month Frozen

What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver?




Callie, 11 has been named female Athlete of the Month for January.

Favorite Teacher: Mr. Knapp


Junk of the Month


Quintin, 12, is shown here in his Camero modeling the replacement driver side door.

Senior Quintin Douglas, shown posing with his 1993 Chevy Camero, has been awarded January Junk of the Month. Jim, as Douglas affectionately calls his ride, has a list of problems that make driving the vehicle a hazard. Problems start with the broken dash that brings down the visual appreciation for Jim. The seats are torn, which causes sitting to be uncomfortable. To make driving dangerous, vision is impaired by the large crack in the vehicle’s windshield. Probably the most obvious problem with Jim is the black door on the driver’s side of the red Camero. “I love my car, Jim, with all my heart,” said Douglas. Even after all these issues, Douglas would not give up his car for the world.


Although his vehicle is very hazardous, Douglas still drives his car with pride.

January 2014



S peakout


“In ten years I see myself buying shoes.” -Corinne

“Being the last survivor after a zombie apocalypse by burying the dead upside down.” -Colin, 12

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

“I see myself as a successful mermaid owning five unicorns and the star of a successful reality show about mermaid life.” -Rachel, 12

“I will move to Mexico and raise cows.” -Thomas, 10

“I see myself in the corporate world in supply-chain management or perhaps even a CEO one day. Either way I will be content moving up the ladder. Like the prophet Miley Cyrus once preached, ‘It’s the climb.’” -Allison, 11

“Mikey Recupero, of course. He has it all: intelligence, good looks, and is a great musician. His parents are alright, too.” -Mr. Recupero

“Sarah Berger, so I would have three state medals.” -Mr. Burton

“I would like to be Cara Powell! A great leader as President of Student Council, involved in sports (...), and a terrific singer and actress in drama (...). Everyone likes her. (...) Also, being a senior with late arrival is awesome! (...) All of these put together make a perfect little package called Cara Powell!” -Mrs. Lake

If you could be a student at WHS, who would you be? Why?

“I would be any of my Art 4 students because they all have more artisitic talent than I did in high school.” -Mr. Derrig


“Bob Krueger, because maybe then I would understand math.” -Mrs. Csaky

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