The Bruin- November 2012

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

November 2012


1870 - 2012 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 141 years of Excellence in Education”


Election results Volume XXXIVIII No. 2

Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 22-23

625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281


failed Issue 1

Constitutional Convention: Voters overwhelmingly decided against a decision to form a committee to revise the Ohio State Constitution. The issue is required to be put on the ballot once every twenty years, and Ohio voters have not approved it since 1912.


Issue 2

Photo COURTESY OF Mct campus

“Forward!” signs, imprinted with Obama’s campaign slogan, reflect the public’s decision to re-elect Barack Obama for president.

Obama surges polls for win over Romney By carly cundiff and stephanie herron

On Nov. 6, the people of this nation had an important decision to make: who will lead the country for the next four years? This election was surprisingly close, but ultimately decisive in awarding the victory to Barack Obama. He will continue his presidency for the next four years. This election pitted the current Democratic President and Vice President Barack Obama and Joe Biden against Republican Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan. Obama secured 332 electoral

votes and 50 percent of the popular vote, while Romney pulled 206 electoral votes and 48 percent of the popular vote. Florida’s 29 electoral votes were not included in this original count because the vote in that state was too close to call. In Florida, if the vote has a difference under one percent, a recount is automatically called. Obama finally pulled the state on Nov. 10, four days after the election with 50 percent to 49.1 percent, a difference of about 74,000 votes. Even if Romney had won Florida, it still would not have given him enough electoral votes to win the presidency.

What issues impacted students the most? Economy 15%

Deficit 36%

Health Care


Foreign Policy Social Issues

9% 14%






Going into the debates, Obama had the lead. After a poor performance at the first debate in Colorado, Romney’s poll numbers shot up. A solid performance in the following debates propelled the candidates to a virtual tie going into election day. An unexpected factor gave one candidate a small edge, however. Many undecided voters thought that Obama handled Hurricane Sandy better, giving Obama the slightest push over Romney on the eve of the election. Though the election was indeed closer than expected, it showed the confidence most Americans have placed in their president. “This means that most Americans think he did a good job in his first term,” said history teacher Mr. Knapp. Important elections also happened throughout the region. The senate race between Senator Sherrod Brown and State Treasurer Josh Mandel was very important to Ohio. In the end, Brown won with 67 percent of the votes. Important to the Ohio area was the race between two incumbents in the House of Representatives. Jim Renacci and Betty Sutton were both

members of the House until one of their seats was eliminated. The two ran a neck and neck race that finally resulted in Renacci’s victory, winning 52 percent of the vote. “Issues that are relevant to me are the most important. Like how the economy will be in the future so I can get a job,” said Emily Sims, 12. Students like Sims also had important views on the election, although many could not vote. In a survey of 150 students, 36 percent said that the most important issue in this election was the economy. On the national level, six out of ten voters said the economy was the most important issue to them in the election. Obama supported tax cuts for the middle class and a tax on the rich, while Romney supported small businesses. Social Issues, such as gay rights and views on abortion, also influenced which candidate the students supported. With the fluctuation of power in the polls and missteps along the way, the presidential decision was almost impossible to predict. Only time will tell if America made the right choice. The election of 2012 is one for the history books.

vs. FOOTBALL A poll of 69 students showed 72% believe the economy was the deciding issueBASKETBALL for Reporters debate most popular sport the presidential race. Other was second with 14% and the war in Iraq followed with 10% of the votes. Foreign policy received 3% and health care was last with 1%. – page

Congressional Districts: Ohioans rejected a proposal to change the way Ohio draws state and congressional district lines. Voters said the complexity of the plan, and a hard charging effort by Republicans to highlight what they saw as significant flaws in the measure, led to its downfall. The issue was turned down by 63 percent of the vote.

passed Issue 6 EMS Tax Renewal: Wadsworth voters overwhelmingly approved a 2.3 mill, 5 year levy for the city’s Emergency Medical System. The levy will fund 80 percent of the program’s expenses as well as return around the clock service. The levy passed with 73 percent of the vote.


Issue 23

Library Tax Benefit: Residents approved a 1 mill, 5-year additional levy for Ella M. Everhard Public Library for additional expenses. With the money, the library will be able to uphold its current staff and services without making major cuts. It passed with 55 percent.

Passed Issue 25

Benefit for Disabilities: A 1.9 mill, 6-year levy to support Northeast Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities was approved in Medina County. The levy will permanently replace other levies. It passed with 63 percent of the vote.

index Page *Issue 4 withdrawn


return of the o-bits The O-Bits page makes a triumphant return, with the Ressurection page to compliment

– page 4-5 VETERANS DAY Pictures from our most patriotic assembly

– page 10

Editorial.........................................................2 News.............................................................3 Opinion...................................................4,5,6 Ads ..................................................8,9,15,16 Features .......................................................7 Picture Pages .........................................10,11 Sports.....................................................12,13 Health..........................................................14 Entertainment............................................. 17 Community..................................................18 Of the Month...............................................19 Speakout.....................................................20

Sept. 4, 2008

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November 2012

Brewin’ Debate

Truly giving thanks


With the holiday season coming, where do your thoughts lie? When we were children, visions of sugar plums danced through our heads, but now we have more to contemplate. Thanksgiving and Christmas have become superficial seasons for most people; we have lost their true meanings somewhere between the extravagant decorations and the all-day shopping sprees. This Thanksgiving make a point of truly being thankful for all that you have. Most of us go home to a warm house and food on the table. We are blessed

with the company of our families and friends during the holidays. Think about all of the things you would usually take for granted and thank your lucky stars that you are fortunate enough to have them. The “giving” in Thanksgiving is often forgotten. Take time to give to those less fortunate than you are. The littlest things can make the world of a difference. Invite a lonely neighbor over to eat with your family or even just make someone a small meal and take it to their home. You will find these actions much more satisfying than eating an extra helping of turkey and stuffing any day.

E ditorial

The Bruin

Do you believe in ghosts? NO


By mathias zollinger

by Devon Gilkerson

There is no way ghosts are real. They are just a myth, a legend, made up for attention. They are played up by haunted houses and scary movies as a marketing scheme to take your money. I mean come on, do you really think ghosts are real? Is bigfoot real too? How about the tooth fairy? Have you ever even seen a ghost? I have not. If they were real I would have seen a glimpse of one, or know at least one person who has seen one. I am no ghost buster, so I am not prone to see ghosts. From bloody mary to going to the cemetery after midnight on Halloween, I have tried every trick in the book to see one with my own eyes. I have even made multiple visits to Cry Baby Bridge in Chippewa, and still no sign of any ghosts, spirits, or even a child pretending to be one. In my opinion, there is just no evidence to prove there are ghosts. There are just old houses that creak, crazy people looking for attention, and other people trying to make money.

There is no doubt in my mind that ghosts are real. They live secretly in our world and are seen only when they want to be. Those who do not believe in ghosts are lunatics. There was a time in my life when I did not believe in ghosts myself. This opinion remained in my life until my dad introduced me to Ghost Hunters. If anybody does not believe in ghosts, they need to watch this show. It was a life changing experience for me, and it has made me view the world in a completely different way. It explains so many things. Like when you lose something and there is no explanation? Obviously a ghost. Also, when something is not where you left it, it has to be ghosts. When you get a cold chill there is no other explanation other than ghosts. The main reason people do not believe is because they have never seen one. This is because ghosts are shy and very particular about who they let see them or hear them. Ghosts are real; end of story.

Letters to the editor Dear Editor, I am very pleased with the construction of the new high school for one reason and one reason only. There are small urinals. For years I was tortured by having to stand on my tippy toes to relieve myself, but no more. I can do it in full relaxation now. It is the little things that count. Thanks for the urinals. Brock Swartzbaugh, 9

Dear Editor, I believe that the school is very nice, but there are just some things that need to be dealt with. One thing is how everthing is so plain. All the walls are white and have no decorations. They should be painted red and have pictures and things hanging up to give this school some spirit. Another thing is the long lunch lines. There has got to be a way

to make them go quicker so students do not have to wait so long to get their lunch. Ronnie Tisdal, 12

Dear Editor, I think we should be able to go off campus to eat lunch since we are not allowed to bring outside food in. We could leave and be back in half an hour to forty-five minutes. We need to be able to go outside at some point in the day instead of being in the school all day long. Leaving and getting fresh air could help many students focus better and enjoy being able to leave the school for a short amount of time. Maybe on Mondays and Fridays we would be able to leave. This way we are not gone everyday for lunch, but we still get some freedom. Sydney Bowers, 10

Dear Editor, As a high school student, I have a concern. In order for a healthier more fit school they have replaced the sugary drinks with their diet counterparts. However, are they really healthier? True, the sugary sodas are fattening, but studies have shown that aspartame, a widely used artificial sweetener, can be linked to Alzheimer’s and cancer! By not providing the regular can of soda They are keeping 300 calories out of our diet, but they are also feeding us poison. Keep the diet out of schools. Jake Norman, 11

senior commons, and students are not allowed to go up there during normal study hall to get pop. I recieved a very defiant “no” when I asked to go get a pop during my study hall. I wished to do so because the caffeine found in these sodas is often imperative to the completion of my assignments. The only drinks available downstairs are bottled water and other fruity drinks. These drinks do not contain the precious caffeine that sodas do. Students should be allowed to go to the senior commons during study hall to use the drink machine. Ryan Moore,10

Dear Editor, I believe that the current logistics of the vending machines in the high school are very poor. The only machine with pop in it resides in the

Dear Editor, I think it is ridiculous that the student parking lot just got finished. It was supposed to be done a couple weeks after school began and it just now got

Bruin Staff Editor-in-chief: Maggie Williams Associate Editor: Ally Malkowski Assistant Editor: Kayla Lockwood Managing Editors: Brooke Tittle, Jenny Wise, Kenny Tollett, and Clay Smalley Marketing Manager: Clay Smalley Front Page: Page Editor: Stephanie Herron Reporters: Carly Cundiff Editorial: Page Editor: Mathias Zollinger Reporters: Devon Gilkerson Entertainment: Page Editor: Rebecca Adams Reporter: Veronica Llewllyn Speakout: Page Editor: Dean Brennan Reporter: Hannah Neff Opinion 1: Page Editor: Patrick Long Reporter: Connor Sherrill Opinion 2: Page Editor: Jordan Schleigh Reporters: Arianna Jones Features: Page Editor: Brooke Fick Reporter: Matt Grey, Ryan Landolph Health: Page Editior: Kayla Sunkin Reporter: Katelyn Storad News: Page Editor: Grace Rhodes Reporter: Chad Pegrim Picture Pages: Editors: Baylee Conrad, Erica Hantzche Sports 1: Page Editor: Scott Campbell Reporter: Jamie Witschey Sports 2: Page Editor: Sabrina Parsons Reporter: Nate Pound Of The Month: Page Editor: Sarah Berger Reporter: Leah Runkle Ads/Business Manager: Mathias Zollinger Assistant: Devon Gilkerson Adviser: John Gramuglia

finished some two months later. Kids are being dropped off by their parents and I am sure their parents do not like wasting their time and gas. Especially if their kids have their license and a car. Nick Gummere, 11

Dear Editor, Last month’s issue of The Bruin was awesome! I really liked the Fantasy Teacher League and the picture page on Homecoming 2012. I agree that the side doors of the high school should be open in the morning though. As a WHS student who walks to school, it is a pain to have to walk all the way around to the front entrance of the school just to go in the mornings. Especially when it is cold, raining, or snowing. I am excited to see the November issue! Emily Triplett, 10

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the October issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.

N ews A word from our


The Bruin

November 2012

Renacci, Sutton appeal to students BY CHAD PEGRIM AND GRACE RHODES

Thanksgiving break is upon us, and with it, another chance to consider all of our blessings during the past year. Please take time to enjoy your family and friends, reflect on what is positive in your life and what challenges you or others may face, and demonstrate gratitude toward others in some way as a young adult. Self-sacrifice and servitude are important values that we all can constantly improve upon during our lifetime. The upcoming holidays are a good time to refresh many values. As we enter the holiday season after the Thanksgiving break, we will often witness the spirit of giving. Many of you are involved in helping families during the holiday season. Thank you for recognizing families and individuals who are not as fortunate. We greatly appreciate your benevolence. Thank you for your patience with the delays of opening the student parking lot. Now that we are using the new lot, please move carefully as you enter and exit this area. This is a friendly reminder to our student drivers who do not observe the rules that are posted on the parking permit application; you may lose the privilege of parking on the WHS campus. Unless you are informed differently by a principal, you are required to park in the student parking lot when school is in session. This includes all students who travel to and from school at various times during the day due to special programs. Anyone parking at the track, WMS, Community or Senior Center will lose parking privileges. Always yield to our school transportation (yellow busses) and follow normal driving rules while on campus. Thank you for your cooperation. After the winter break, I am forming a committee to begin developing plans regarding the beautification of WHS. We have staff already interested in this building wide project to seek input from students, staff, and many others for both short term and long term planning to address the corridors, wings, and various areas to demonstrate Grizzly pride. One goal is to place items throughout our new building with purpose. Another goal is to analyze our resources to meet the beautification ideas. Currently, please continue to use the lower half of the interior glass areas throughout the main wings (1100 & 2100) when posting approved items. We are . . . Wadsworth!




Renacci (left) and Sutton (right) campaign at Wadsworth High School, addressing student voters on Oct. 22. Opponents Judith Cross and William Batchelder, candidates for Ohio House District 69, also attempt to rally student support, as does 22nd District Ohio Senate candidate Larry Obhof. Medina County Commissioner office-seekers Steve Hambley and Mark Kolesar make appearances as well.

Congress incumbents, Jim Renacci and Betty Sutton appealed to student voters Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Wadsworth High School. The candidates discussed their platforms on the foremost issues, allowing students to gain perspective on the senatorial election. “I was happy Sutton and Renacci came because it really changed my opinion on Renacci,” said Jacquie Gray, 12. Republican candidate Renacci found himself on home turf, having presided as mayor of Wadsworth for one term. The Senator, who represented Ohio’s 16th district in the United States House of Representatives during the 112th Congress, discussed the crucial need to lower the unemployment rate and

increase workers’ salaries. He also spoke highly of citizens’ hard work and the American Dream. “If you encourage American ingenuity, American ingenuity will succeed,” said Renacci. Sutton, Renacci’s opposing Democratic candidate, represented Ohio’s 13th district in the U.S. House of Representatives for three terms. At Wadsworth High School, Sutton described the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act she authored, saving sixty thousand jobs. She also discussed her dedication to veterans, the importance of education, and her commitment to helping constituents. “At the end of the day, I work for you and your families,” said Sutton. However, Renacci ultimately proved to be the more persuasive candidate, winning the Senate seat with 52 percent of the vote.



Hurricane Sandy kills 71 in Caribbean

Hurricane Sandy wreaks havoc in United States

Wadsworth excellent with distinction 10 years in a row

Hurricane Sandy resulted in the deaths of at least 71 people across the Caribbean. At least 54 people were killed by the storm in Haiti, and 11 were killed in Cuba. Deaths were also reported in Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas.

Hurricane Sandy caused an estimated 50 billion dollars’ worth of damage in the United States. The storm is blamed for the deaths of at least 113 U.S. citizens and resulted in the loss of power for more than 8.5 million buildings.

The Ohio Department of Education awarded the Wadsworth City School District with a perfect 26 out of 26 on the state report card. The school district is now ranked 1st in the county, 5th in the region, and 36th in Ohio.

Malala Yousufzai shot by Taliban

West Nile virus deaths Rise 19%

Horseback riders excel at Major competitions

The Taliban targeted and attacked 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai for advocating females’ rights to education. Yousafzai has survived the assault and is currently recovering in Britain.

The year 2012 is the second worst on record for deaths caused by the West Nile virus, exceeded only by 2003. This year 219 deaths and 4,725 cases have been reported nationwide.

Veronica Llewellyn, 12, won the title of Reserve World Champion in Second Level Dressage. Kaili Mitchell, 11, earned National Champion status in the events of English Equitation and Hunter Under Saddle.


Baumgartner shocks world with space jump BY CHAD PEGRIM

Photo Courtesy of mct campus

Planet PH1 is the only quadruple star system that has been discovered to date. The planet is represented here by the small black circle orbiting the largest, central star.

Astronomers discover planet with four suns BY GRACE RHODES

A new planet boasting four suns has been discovered by amateur astronomers Kian Jek and Robert Gagliano. This planet, named PH1, is the first quadruple star system to ever have been identified. PH1 is a circumbinary planet, orbiting one pair of stars, and is in turn orbited by a second pair of stars nearly ninety billion miles away. Slightly larger than Neptune, the planet has a radius approximately six times the size of Earth’s. It is believed to be a gas giant that completes a single orbit around its parent stars every 138 days. PH1 was named after the Planet Hunters website on which it was

discovered. Planet Hunters allows volunteers to access data from NASA’s Kepler telescope and work hand in hand with professional astronomers. However, some remain skeptic of the site’s role in PH1’s discovery. “I feel like there should be more testing...It seems kind of rushed to just declare it a planet since it was not originally discovered by professionals,” said Madison Scobee, 11. Jek and Gagliano identified PH1 using the transit method, which involves observing dips in light as the planet passes in front of its parent stars. Their discovery was then confirmed with the Keck telescopes in Hawaii by Yale University researcher Meg Schwamb and her team.

On Oct. 14, 2012, Austrian Felix Baumgartner flew 24 miles into space then jumped in a space suit out of a capsule. He reached a speed of 834 miles per hour. Baumgartner was lifted into space by a helium balloon as tall as the Space Needle in Seattle. As the balloon rose it expanded, which helped him reach his final height of 119,846 feet. He landed in eastern New Mexico after falling for 4 minutes and 19 seconds. He was the first human to break the sound barrier without mechanical propulsion. Since returning to Earth, Baumgartner has done several

interviews with news sources around the world. He has used this opportunity to tell the world his opinion on certain issues such as space travel. Baumgartner feels that Mars is not worth visiting. He believes that we first need to evaluate how we are treating Earth before we impact another planet. “It’s interesting how one person’s opinions matter after they do something amazing,” said Hope Leonhard,11. Besides skydiving from the edge of space, he also holds records for highest parachute jump off of a building, skydiving across the English Channel, base jumping off Christ the Redeemer, and others.

Photo COURTESY OF mct campus

Baumgartener will only jump if he is at least 90 percent sure he will survive.


November 2012




The once controversial O-Bits section has risen from its grave to be printed onto the pages of The Bruin once again. Only this time around, Roy Tate Moore and Matthew James Doyle will not be writing the famous column. Instead, it will be written by Richard Patrick Long and myself, Connor John Sherrill. “O-Bits were the coolest thing in The Bruin! I am glad to see it back in black. . . and white,” said Ben Peters, 11. Along with adding the O-Bits back to your favorite newspaper, we also have added the Resurrection section. This is where we take things that used to be “dead,” but are making a comeback, and raise them from the dead.

Tiger Woods’ Golf Career

Eldrick “Tiger” Woods has put on his brand new, $180 golf shoes, and has risen from his grave with a set of golf clubs, looking to conquer the game once again. Woods was rumored to be dead after he ran his Cadillac Escalade into a tree, but in reality he went into a golfing coma and woke up at the start of the 2012 PGA Tour golf season. Woods, who has not won a golf tournament since his 2009 season, came out swinging and won three events. He made the Ryder Cup team for Americans, and had a lead for a brief moment in the U.S. Open, British Open, and PGA Championship. However, he failed to win any of the major tournaments.

Boy Bands

R esurrection


Boy bands are no longer just a fad from the early 2000s! They are coming back from the dead and they are here to stay. Groups such as One Direction, The Wanted, Big Time Rush, and the Jonas Brothers have brought the fad back to life. The faith of boy crazed teenage girls also contributed to the rise of the boy band craze. “‘I want it that way’ was easily one of the greatest songs to have ever been created,” exclaimed Jami Toth, 10, who was referring to her favorite boy band song of all time. Boy bands are here to stay and will not be saying, “Bye, Bye, Bye” for a long time.

“Chrihanna” became an official couple once again while being spotted together at a very exclusive Halloween party in Hollywood. The two were seen kissing and dancing at the party. The two went to a Jay-Z concert together and Jay called Chris backstage and told him that if he hurts Rihanna, whether emotionally or physically, it is over for him. He will ensure it will result in the end of his career. Best of luck to the two artists.

Rihanna and Chris Brown


Notre Dame football is back after sitting in their locker room for the past 20 years. Head coach, Brian Kelly, is the main reason the Fighting Irish are on their way to a possible run at the 2013 BCS National Championship game, which is to be held in South Florida. Kelly has beat some major teams in very close games this season. Notre Dame’s last perfect season ended with a national championship trophy in their hands, which has not happened since 1993, when they were coached by Lou Holtz. The Irish are having their best season in years. They are currently, 10-0, and looking ahead to a match up against rival, University of Southern California on the 24th of Nov. This game could be one of the deciding factors to see if they can make it to the national championship. Kelly is looking to bring back some championship swagger to the once prominent collegiate powerhouse.

Jerseys are being taken off of their dusty hangers and being worn once again. The once fashion fad is making a comeback. Jerseys now have their own day, Jersey Thursday. This is not only the day where the weekend is creeping up on us, but it is now a day for jerseys to be worn again. Even though they are not being worn as part of peoples’ daily attire it is now a weekly must wear. I like the idea of people wearing their favorite old jerseys. Jersey Thursday is a day where people can wear jerseys and not be ridiculed by other students for wearing a jersey that is two sizes too small for their body. “I love getting to wear my old jerseys! Jerseys used to be lame and outdated, but Jersey Thursday makes them cool and brings them back again,” said, Ryan Salem, 12. Jerseys may not last long, but for the moment they are here to stay, at least on Thursdays.

Ash Ketchum is back to catch ’em all. Pokémon is on the rise again with a new game that has recently come out on the market, Pokémon Black and White 2. This game has brought old fans back to remind them how much they used to love the famous Nintendo video game. Dan Ruff, 12, who is an avid Pokémon player, said, “I beat the first Pokémon Black and White with ease and when I got the second one I played it all day, from dusk ‘til dawn!” Pokémon Black and White

Winter sports season is coming back to life. Grizzlies are grabbing their gear for wrestling, basketball, gymnastics, and bowling. The teams are looking to improving their records from last year. The Red Zone is looking to be rowdy in the stands this season, but due to recent restrictions held against them, I doubt that we will have as many fans as we usually do. Come out and show your support for the Grizzlies, but do not say anything that your mother would not say.


Facial Hair


Rihanna and Chris Brown are hopping back on the love boat once again. The couple split because Chris Brown was being a “Rude Boy.” Chris Brown could not “Say Goodbye.” Rihanna was feeling like the “Only Girl (In The World)”, so the two of them decided to “Kiss Kiss” and make “Sweet Love” once again. Chris and Rihanna broke up the first time because Rihanna found out that Chris was cheating on her with another woman. Chris then became filled with rage and anger. He then abused her and when she attempted to call for help he threw her phone out of reach and then threatened to kill her. The altercation ultimately resulted in termination of their relationship.

Brent Walton, 12. I let them share the best beard award because they both have incredible beards. The best moustache in the high school goes to Brad Scheiman, 12. This young man knows how to grow a ‘stache’ and actually has the guts to keep the furry caterpillar right above his lip. Good luck to all that are attempting to grow facial hair this month but when November ends, please shave your face. Stay hairy Wadsworth.

Winter Sports

Notre Dame Football


Hurricanes are back and bringing massive amounts of destruction to the East Coast of America. Sandy hit the East Coast on Nov. 30, but the rain that she left behind has continued to fall all over. Sandy has left millions without power, numerous deaths, damage all across affected areas, and has created great amounts of precipitation. Sandy made her way to Northeast Ohio and canceled many schools and colleges, ruining a great day to learn important material that could have educated us in a greater way than we could ever imagine. The only thing we can thank Sandy for is the first hurricane day!

2 will look to intrigue both new and old users of the game. Choose your Pokémon wisely and go catch ’em all!

As No Shave November is starting up again, facial hair will be on the rise. High school students will be attempting to grow out their best beards, moustaches, goatees, and various other types of facial hair. Brian Wilson, Dr. Phil, James Harden, Louis CK, Kimbo Slice, Baron Davis, Zach Galifianakis, Chuck Norris, and Jesus, are all men who have amazing facial hair. They also make us high schoolers believe that we can achieve the furry faces of the famed and fortunate. Facial hair on high schoolers does not grow like most people would like it to. You may see a few great ensembles of facial hair, but I think that we will be seeing a lot of scruffy, scraggly, and patchy beards. I would like to now honor and congratulate the people in the high school that can grow fantastic facial hair. The best beard award is an even tie between Cole Henry, 12 and

Some documents sealed in the 1970s as part of the court case against seven men involved in the Watergate burglary must be released, according to a federal judge in Washington . One of the biggest scandals in US government history is going to relive its past when the documents are released. The Watergate scandal caused the first and only resignation of a U.S. President. That president was Richard Nixon. Even though the papers will be released some experts are unsure whether the papers will lead to any new, or major Watergate revelations.

If you have any resurrections that you would like to see in next months Bruin, contact The Bruin via Twitter:@whsbruin P HOTO S C O U R T E S Y O F M C T C A M P U S


NBA Competition

LOS ANGELES-The competition of the National Basketball Association passed away on August 11, 2012. The death of the league is currently under investigation with Lakers’ center, Dwight Howard, being the main suspect. Right before this tragic incident, Howard fled from his Orlando home. LeBron James and Chris Bosh are also suspects in the case. When the two joined up with Dwyane Wade in Miami, the NBA was nearly killed. With the NBA season kicking off on Oct. 30, fans across the world will mourn this tragic death. Funeral services will take place in Miami at American Airlines Arena during a Heat game later this season.

Jersey Shore

NEW JERSEY-- The once popular MTV show Jersey Shore died due to an alcohol-related accident. The cast was said to be drinking while Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast in late October. Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi was the only member to make it out alive. Snooki ended up at a McDonald’s drive thru two days after she went missing. The reality star purchased a Happy Meal for her newborn child and a couple Big Macs for herself. Lorenzo Dominic, her child, is the series’ only hope for carrying on the legend of Guidos and Guidettes.

Lance Armstrong’s Legacy


Lance Edward legacy of

THE BRUIN biking greatness passed away October 12, 2012. Armstrong was banned for life and disqualified from all his results since August 1998 for using and distributing performance-enhancing drugs. In addition to being stripped of all wins, Armstrong was also dropped by all of his sponsors, including Nike. Although they dropped him as a spokesperson, Nike kept the Livestrong name. The foundation that Armstong founded has become one of the most well known products in the world.

it would survive longer than this!” YOLO has realized its own meaning at last. You only live once.

Bare Faces


PALO ALTO-- The social network website, Facebook, died due to lack of site interaction. Many high school students have stopped going on Facebook for two main reasons; their parents and grandparents try to friend them and it is very boring. Twitter and Instagram have taken over the social media game. “Twitter is awesome! I love tweeting my feelings and retweeting The Notebook quotes,” Joel Kipfer, 10, said. Facebook joins other websites such as MySpace and Google+ in the boring social media world. There is a higher likelihood of stalking than friendship on this site. Mark Zuckerberg, the proud father of Facebook, is devastated over the loss of his greatest achievement. Like the great Black Eyed Peas would say; Facebook is so 2000 and late.

WADSWORTH-- No Shave November has taken the life of bare faces. Girlfriends, mothers, and bosses are all devastated about this tragedy. No Shave November is very popular with high school students. For some, it means a full beard by week two. For others, it means peach fuzz and a couple of long hairs by the end of the month. Either way, bare faces are gone. It is a fact that all great men have beards. Albus Dumbledore, Santa Claus, and Jesus are all prime examples. Every student strives to grow facial hair like these men. Having facial hair gives you an advantage in almost everything possible. “I will honor the memory of bare faces this month even though it is not by choice,” said Alec Booth, 9. Bare faces may make an appearance in the resurrection section after No Shave November and winter.

Student Section Freedom

November 2012 pumped our team up and gave us the will to win,” Mr. Schrock said. Schrock, who graduated in 2003, was 20-0 as a senior on the basketball team. He and the rest of the team had a student section that rattled every team that set foot in the West Gym. We are lucky enough to have great athletic teams , and we need to show our support. How can we do that when we are ridiculed for everything we cheer? There will be a moment of silence at the first basketball game in honor of the fallen student section on Nov. 24. Hopefully the student section comes back to life for our winter sports teams.


lacks personality and spirit. Every hallway looks exactly the same. There might be a couple red and white lockers in each hallway, but that does not give the school character. The main hallway is 1/4 of a mile long and everything looks exactly the same. I am not saying that I do not like the new school, I am just saying it could use some personality.

Mike Brown’s Career

Eminem’s Rap Career

D E T R O I T - Marshall Bruce Mathers III, aka the real slim shady, aka B-Rabbit, has passed away from the rapping industry. Mathers, who came onto the rap scene in the early 2000’s, has been one of the best rappers of the 21st century. He released his last album, Recovery, over two years ago and that may have been the very last for him. Mathers is still producing and is featured in other artists songs. Eminem’s songs will remain classics, but he will not be able to make new rap songs while his career is dead.

LOS ANGELES-- Former Cleveland Cavalier’s head coach, Mike Brown, had his career murdered Nov. 9. After a 1-4 start with the new look Lakers, owner Jerry Buss showed no mercy and murdered Brown’s career. Brown led the Cavs to the Eastern Conference Finals and the NBA Finals while he was with Cleveland from 20052010. After a lot of controversy with former Cavs star, LeBron James, Brown was fired. Many believed his career would be resurrected when he was hired to coach the Lakers in 2011. After just one season and five games, Brown was let go. His career will be honored in his home town of Columbus later this month.

Romney Campaign

School Personality


WA D S W O RT H - - T h e commonly used expression, YOLO, has recently passed away. The overly used phrase was murdered. The cause of death is abuse. Suspects that are alleged to be involved with the death are rappers, athletes, students, several t-shirt companies, and the internet. Creator of the phrase, Aubrey Drake Graham, has gone into a deep state of depression after recently learning that his famed phrase was murdered. Drake said, “I knew that YOLO could only live once, but I thought

WADSWORTH-- Our student section has been one of the best student sections in this area for as long as I can remember. This year, a close friend of mine, the student section, lost its freedom. Alumni, such as Tate Moore, put our student section on the map. Students from other schools want to be like our student section. Our students have always supported our athletic teams, and it has always fueled our athletes to victory. With this tragic loss, I believe that all students and athletes will suffer. “When I played, the student section was out of control. It


WADSWORTH-The personality of Wadsworth High School was demolished along with the old building. The old school was not half as nice as our beautiful new building, but it had a lot that this school does not have. The old school had character. The walls were covered with spirit and decorations and it felt like home. The new school is great, but it

WASHINGTON D.C.-- The campaign of Willard Mitt Romney was killed by the African American population on Nov. 6. Barack Hussein Obama, Romney’s opponent in the presidential election, received 93 percent of African American votes. Other minorities, such as Latinos and Asian-Americans also contributed to the killing of the Romney campaign. The death of Romney’s campaign will be remembered by all republicans and mormons in America.

If you have any obituaries that you would like to submit for next month, contact The Bruin via Twitter: @whsbruin ALL OTHER PHOTOS COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS


November 2012



How to live wild, precious life


Society has planted this seed in our minds that high school is where we are supposed to “find ourselves”. In high school it is hard to identify a definition of self and decide where we want the direction of our lives to go. We must keep our grades in mind, while maintaining some form of a social life to keep us sane. It goes without saying that high school is the most influential point in our lives. This is where we develop from gawky kids into confident teenagers. We step out, find ourselves, and then enter a more exciting world. We will find ourselves

surrounded by people who will The time we get in high school broaden our perspectives on and is so short. It may not seem to introduce us to new things. We matter now, but make some begin to learn more about how memories. We must set the bar friendship, love and life work. higher and challenge ourselves. We start to understand the things The more we put ourselves out that made no sense to us years there, build new experiences ago. and push our limits, the more Everyone is we learn about ourselves and the special in his or her own way and “Tell me, what is it you every human life is precious. When plan to do with your one we peel away the superficial layers of wild and precious life?” class, race, culture, -Mary Oliver interests and quirks, all that is left is the basic human more personal achievements we quality that makes us all the will be able to obtain. same. Learning a skill, finding a 2.) Let it go passion and trying to find some Drama is bad, plain and simple. source of happiness will make us Let go of all those problems that unique from everyone else. seem to rule our lives. In ten A wise man once said, if it is years, wherever we are, none of to be, it is up to me. This means this high school drama is going that the conclusion of ones life is to matter. Socially, everything we entirely in his or her control. do now is extremely insignificant Whether we want it to or not, compared to the rest of our lives. life is happening. To make high So, just let go of all that stress school a little easier as we are that has built up over the frenzy trying to find our way, here are we call high school. five simple tips to keep in mind: 3.) Prioritize 1.) Get involved We really have to focus on our

Love fights for top spot OPINION BY JORDAN

A question I have heard multiple times is, “What movie do you think is better? Titanic or The Notebook?” This question to me is completely ridiculous. I do not see how you can even begin to compare such

a tragic love story like the Titanic the film. The film cost $200 million with a tacky chick flick like The to produce and grossed $1.84 Notebook. billion worldwide. The Notebook First off, Titanic was based only cost $29 million to produce on a true story with true feelings and grossed $115.6 million. I think involved. Every heartfelt moment the facts speak for themselves. actually happened, making it even The Titanic also has better acting more touching. In “ The Notebook, all of the feelings are fake. The couple, Noah and Allie, never felt anything for each other because they never even existed. -Aden Campbell, 11 There was no true love. Another reason Titanic is better is and better looking actors. Let us because there was more hard work, be honest, Jack and Rose make a time and money put into producing much more romantic couple than Noah and Allie. Leonardo Dicaprio is a god compared to Ryan Gosling, with both looks and awesome acting skills. Also Kate Winslet from Titanic rocks the red hair. The story line of The Notebook is probably the corniest plot I have ever seen. What happens in The Notebook would never actually happen for a couple in real life. True love does not always work out in the end. Through Titanic you get a real life event, shown through two fictional characters, that gives the story of true love and loss. Chick flicks like The Notebook are one of the reasons why so many high school girls expect PHOTO COURTESY OF MC CAMPUS their relationship to be so perfect

Noah and Allie from the tacky chick flick The Notebook.

Titanic was a much better movie because the red head was better looking.”

grades in order to get into the college of our dreams; and better yet, get good grades so that we get more financial help. Work on getting some scholarships. College is crazy expensive, and it is getting worse every year. The immediate gratification of going out with friends instead of studying for a test is not worth it. There is a lot of work needed to get good grades; it does not come easy. 4.) Stay Positive Remember that everyone has problems, whether visible or not. Everyone goes through tough times. We need to keep our heads high. “While at the moment, everything you are experiencing may seem paramount, the truth is that these are merely the obstacles which are preparing you for far greater tribulations down the road. Things are going to get much harder, so enjoy right now,” said English teacher Anne Layton. 5.) What are we living for? There is one thing finite that we waste freely. We try to please everyone or live selfishly for ourselves. This one thing is

our precious and limited time. Everyone is guilty of this because we take our time for granted. “Overall, enjoy high school and being a kid. We tend to generally covet things that are short supply in our world. One thing that is in short supply is your childhood. You have the rest of your life to be an adult. Take this opportunity to enjoy this fleeting time,” said English teacher Charles Berg. We must remember who we are as individuals and keep our opinions and thoughts our own. We can not let the people around us dictate the way we live. Once again, life is short. Instead of living selfishly for ourselves, we should be asking what we can give back to the world. Poet Mary Oliver said, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” This is a question only we can answer for ourselves. We have to try to add meaning and substance to our lives. We only have one life to live. Once it is done, it is done, What are we willing to die for? If we do not have an answer for that, than we are not really living.


Jack and Rose from the awesome action packed movie the Titanic.

like Noah and Allie’s. It sets the expectations high for guys because girls want a “Noah” as their boyfriend. Titanic gives it to girls straight and shows the heart break side of love. When I watched The Notebook, I could not help but be bored with the over predictable plot line. I had a hard time watching it for the treacherous two hour length, which seemed like forever. Everything that happens is so unoriginal. You can already tell what is going to happen because it is so similar to every other love story. Titanic has so much more action which keeps your attention the whole time. Titanic has a great story line and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole movie. I would have never guessed the tragic

ending. It was a change up from all the predictable, romantic love stories. I am not the only one who believes that Titanic trumps The Notebook. When Jacob Stephen, 11, was asked which movie he preferred, he responded how the majority of boys would. “The Notebook is too girly of a movie, and Titanic is about a huge part of history, so Titanic is better.” Obviously, I believe Titanic is a much better movie in every way; through action, romance, and tragedy. The Notebook does not have any substance and drags on. It is almost offensive to compare a legendary and gripping movie like Titanic to an unrealistic, overly sappy love story like The Notebook.

F eatures



November 2012

Obama, Romney fight for presidency BY BROOKE FICK



The community center is going to be a huge addition to the community. As seen above, there will be many features the community has lost access to due to major construction.

Community center prepares new additions by RYAN LANDOLPH

The new community center is tentatively expected to open in early to mid December. It will include many of the athletic features that were lost after the destruction of the Steiner Recreation Center and old high school. The community center will have an area of 70,000 square feet. The family, competition, and therapy pools will all be located on the left side of the first floor. The first floor will also include a field house. The competition pool will be a huge addition for the swim team. The pool will have eight lanes used for racing. There will also be a set of bleachers that will be able to seat between 300 and 400 people watching the event. Along with the competition pool, the family pool will include fountains and a small lazy river. These are two things that will appeal to the youth in the

community. Along with these two pools, next year an outdoor pool will be constructed. This pool should be open to the public sometime in the summer. Summa will maintain a wellness center located across from the lobby. There will be doctors, physical therapists, and radiologists in its office. On the west side of the building, WCTV will have office space. A senior center will also be located in this area. The senior center features multipurpose rooms, a full kitchen, and the Soprema Cafe. The entire second floor will be YMCA space. It will include a fitness area, the Steiner Youth Center, and some more multipurpose rooms. Once the center opens in December, it will quickly become a main attraction in the community. The features previously lost will finally be back and here to stay.

What are your thoughts about the new community center? “I think that it will really benefit the community of Wadsworth.” -Alex Lenc, 9 “It is going to be sweet. It will be good for the youth as well as the older folks.” -Nathan Aberle, 12


Shakespeare’s works have always been part of the high school curriculum, but this December, the drama department is offering a different point of view on one of his classics, Taming of the Shrew. The story is a romantic comedy that gives a twist on the life of a wife after finally tying the knot. It portrays how a man and a woman act as their affection in one another progresses from their very first encounter to marriage.

Baptista, played by Hannah Romich,11, has the responsibility of marrying off her two daughters. The youngest is Bianca, played by Jess Gray, 12, who already has many suitors. One of the suitors is Lucentio, played by Isaac Clark, 12. This character represents a handsome, young man. Another one of the suitors is Gremio, played by Dimitri Georgiadis, 11. Even though he is a middle aged man, he has his own ways of winning over Bianca. Hortensio, played by Kyle Anderson, 11, is the last suitor after Bianca’s heart. However, his interest flops between Bianca

around every year, many students are begging to be heard. “Romney has a fair tax rate for everyone. He will not only tax the hard working people. I also think Obama gives too much money towards welfare, and he is a huge spender. Unemployment has gone from 8 to 10 percent under Obama,” said Matt Beidler, 10. Romney and Obama were neck and neck on Nov. 7, 2012 for the title of President.

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were involved in a very close competition in the presidential election. Although the majority of students in high school cannot vote yet, many have voiced their own opinions on who they wanted to win compared to who they believe would actually receive the most votes. After conducting a poll of 100 students, the results “I like Barack Obama were tallied. 44 because he is open for percent of students wanted Obama to gay marriage. He is also win, while 56 percent going to let people that wanted Romney to are gay fight in the army.” win. Regardless of -Shelby Wenger, 10 who the students wanted to win, 38 percent thought Romney would It was an extremely close win, and 62 percent thought election, and both parties Obama would pull through. had high hopes of winning. It was surprising to see that Obama ended up winning, even though more people and will be our president for the wanted Romney to win, they next 4 years. Obama had 332 believed Obama would get electoral votes, while Romney the majority of the votes. had 206. Obama had a total Political views on Romney of 62,230,740 popular votes, and Obama were shared and Romney had 58,893,837. by many of the students. “I like Barack Obama because “Mitt does not believe in gay he is open for gay marriage. marriage. Denying one’s right He is also going to let people to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit that are gay fight in the army,” of happiness’ is wrong. Also, said Shelby Wenger, 10. outlawing abortion even in The Democrats won the the case of incest or rape; that election this time with pride, would not be right! If it is her while the Republicans will remain baby, she should be allowed extremely frustrated for the time to do what she wants with being. No matter what happens, it,” said Brenden Smith,10. everyone is going to have to When the election rolls respect our president eventually.

“I am excited to see the new pools.” -Logan Harvey, 11 “I have high expectations for the center because of the great building we are currently in.” -Rachel Haas, 10

Taming of the Shrew finishes O.J. tradition with a laugh This is scheduled to be the last drama production at the O.J. Work Auditorium due to the current expected opening of the High School’s stage.


and a widow, played by Corrinne Magons, 10. All would be well, except Baptista cannot marry off Bianca before her eldest daughter, Katharina, played by Olivia Pickard, 10. This proves to be an almost impossible task due to the fact that Katharina is a “shrew”. A shrew is a woman of violent temper and speech. With a title like that, it is not hard to imagine why Baptista cannot find a man to marry her eldest daughter. Petruchio, played by Gabe Reed, 11, accepts the challenge of taking this head-strong woman and taming her into a bride with foresight of being a housewife.

100 students were surveyed to find who the most popular candidate and candidate most likely to win were. Romney was most popular while Obama was believed to win.

What: Taming of the Shrew Where: O.J. Work When: December 6-8 Cost: $7 for students “It is a marvelous production; so much time and effort has been put into the show.” -Megan Harp, 12

“Come see us close out O.J. Work with our new show.” -Elaine Gossard, 10

“This is Shakespeare, but funny.” -Grace Cammarn, 10

A moment with the director...

“When you think Shakespeare, the words boring, dry, and drawn-out may come to mind. With Taming of the Shrew, this is definitely not the case! There are some pretty hilarious scenes.”

“This production will offer the audience a new perspective on Shakespeare that will entertain through humor.” -Mrs. Csaky, Director

-Emily Stasko, 11.


November 2012





November 2012


WhS Student Rates available w/ taNNING! Student Rate: $25 / Month | Tanning: Additional $15 / Month

153 Broad Street


P icture P age 1


November 2012


2012 D A Y BELOW: Student Council members join together in the commons to show their appreciation by serving Veterans breakfast.

BELOW: Veterans enter the gym while students give them a standing ovation.


“We never had one of these when we were younger. It makes me proud to come and be apart of it. It makes me feel safe knowing the next generation is coming up to serve our country.” - Joe Rodgers


LEFT: Fellow Veterans present the American flag during the opening ceremony.









BELOW: Our guest speaker shares heart warming stories about his experiences to the listening audience.


BELOW: Veterans sit and enjoy listening to our guest speaker.


BELOW: Members of Student Council help serve our Veterans.


P icture P age 2

November 2012









Raking E



Football better than basketball


Football is a better sport than basketball for numerous reasons. There is just something about the old gridiron that gets people going. The overall camaraderie of the teams and the way people are brought together creates a love for the sport that millions of Americans share. “The players really bond in football,” said Mason Egleston, 10. The blood, sweat and tears that these players shed together create a bond that cannot be imitated in any other sport. The liveliness of football season out dues that of basketball season. The team effort showcased in football is incomparable. It is impossible for one player to dominate the way LeBron James or Michael Jordan have in basketball. It takes a special person to play the sport of football. A football player has to be tough and persistent. It takes more than one player to lead a team to a championship. It takes a full team effort to achieve the common goal of becoming a champion. To survive an entire season of football with no injuries is a feat in itself. The grueling

S ports 1


November 2012

Athletes of the Month season takes a tole on the body. Unlike basketball, football players actually engage in physical contact every play. People running full speed into one another can result in both excitement and pain. Football players put their bodies on the line for the entertainment of fans. When asked if football was more entertaining than basketball, Seth Johnston, 11, said, “The strategic battle between football teams is exciting, way more entertaining than basketball.”



Austin, 10, started on the varsity football team as a safety. He had a total of 61 tackles and three interceptions for the season. White is a force to be reckoned with making big plays one after another. Next year, White will lead a solid defense with many returners from a 6-4 team.


The statistics prove that football season is favored over basketball season. The sweet season of fall attracts fans to go out and enjoy some Friday night football. The cold, snowy, wet climate that the winter season endures sways people to stay home. “I like football more because I play it and more people attend the games,” said Zach Looser, 9. Football season out duels the dull basketball season because of the fall aroma and love for the game displayed by the avid fans. Fans really go crazy for their boys of fall.

Basketball better than football


Alice, 11, is a member of the varsity golf team. She has lettered all three years of her high school career. This past season she finished at the State tournament as a second team All-Ohioan. Ho finished with a score of 78-74-152 for the two days. She placed ninth overall. Ho is in position to win the state title next season.

Basketball is a better sport than football for many different reasons. Teammates support each other on and off the floor. The compactness of the court really brings the city together as a family. Basketball overall has a greater impact on the town, let alone the region. Basketball is a sport that is played year round unlike football; it is only played in the fall. This helps the athletes stay in shape year around. Being in shape helps the player with their game because basketball is a faster pace than football, and there are only five players on the court at a time compared to the eleven for football. “I like it because it is in constant motion; it never stops,” said Joel Kipfer, 10. Only having five people on the court means that you only need ten to fifteen people to complete the team. With less people on a team than football, which has sixty men, it helps to grow a close bond and become a well functioning team. Since the stands are right on the

court, the fans feel more involved because when they cheer for their family member or friend, the player can actually hear them. This gives the fans a feeling that they are contributing to the game as it is going on. “I like watching basketball more because you are closer to the court and can be more involved in the game. Also it is more detailed,” said Maria Pace, 11.


Being inside also gives it an advantage over football. You will never have to stand outside in the pouring rain, smoldering heat, or ice cold snow just to support your team. Also, being indoors helps with the capability of cheering. The student section being closer to the court makes it possible for everyone to pay attention and actually watch the game. In football people mostly go to socialize, but at the basketball games, they go to watch. Cheering is much louder in the gym, and everyone is capable of hearing what the student section cheers. Basketball season is about to have a massive affect on the entire city.

Winning games, taking names BY SCOTT CAMPBELL AND JAMIE WITSCHEY

This is the season of the coveted winter sports season. The season in which Grizzly athletics thrive on their journey to reach the pinnacle of their desired sport. From basketball to swimming, and gymnastics to wrestling, they excel in proving their worth to the city. In the past decade all sports have shown substantial growth. From winning the State Championship Title, or making it deep into the playoffs, Grizzly athletics have outdone themselves and are becoming a powerhouse in all winter sports. Both boys and girls basketball teams have excelled in the postseason. The girls basketball team has made it as far as the State Championship. It is becoming a routine for these girls as they have made it deep into the playoffs the past five years. The girls basketball team is becoming a factory of college bound athletes. They are consistently among the top of the Suburban League standings. Boys basketball, headed by Mr. Mike Schmeltzer Jr., have been building up and are ready to take the league by storm this year. Through endless hours of preparation, the team is more fundamentally sound than it has

been in the past few years. The team attended the Findlay College basketball camp this summer to help improve their chemistry. Basketball truly never stops for these athletes and coaches. “We really trained hard this off-season and are going to bring a Suburban League Title back home to the city of Wadsworth!” exclaimed Barry Fernholz, 11. The pride of the city is gearing up for another Suburban League title hunt. The wrestling team is looking to make it twenty-one league championships in a row. “We’re going to grapple our way to the top ten at state,” said Noah Baughman, 9, with an intense look on his face. With only five returning varsity wrestlers, the expectations are raised for the underclassman. Coach John Gramuglia will have them prepared for the tough grinding schedule. Grizzly swimming raises their standards for the upcoming season. With no returning state participants coming back for the season, the team takes it upon themselves to take it to the next level. Expecting to make a splash this season for the boys team are Spencer Lahue, 12, and Matt Pavlak, 11. Ellie Surratt, 11, Kim Stafford, 11, and Sami Baughman, 12, are expected to

stand out this season for the girls swim team. Swimming has had many complications with having a place to practice since Steiners was knocked down. This year they are going to get into the new YMCA for some better training. Having a home pool will give them a greater benefit as well. The Grizzly gymnastics team is flipping into action. Whether it is the uneven bars, the floor, the vault or the beam, the girls have put themselves through an uncanny amount of pain and work to get to where they are today. The team is ready to leap into the race for the League Title. “We really want to do well this season and qualify for Districts a second time in a row,” said Callie Almes, 10. Overall the Grizzlies are a force to be reckoned with throughout all of Ohio. The success shown over the years by the organization is one that other schools strive to imitate. Intimidating opponents is something that comes naturally with the reputation of the Grizzlies. The endeavor to be prosperous by the teams is marvelous. School pride is in abundance with the constant onslaught of Grizzly victories. This is the season to squad up and express your school pride by supporting the winter sports.


Many of these wrestlers are coming back again this year.


First home meet at Wooster for the 2011-2012 season.


The gymnastics team when they qualified for Districts last year.


Returning players from last season’s Elite Eight varsity team.

S ports 2


Obama, Romney face off in old fashion boxing match


Romney and Obama went head to head in the past election on Nov. 6. Obama may have won the election, but who would win head to head in a real boxing match? Let us start by looking at the present Democratic president, Barack Obama. He may have the athletic advantage based on the fact that he plays basketball and

comes from the streets of Chicago. His speed and quickness, along with his lanky build, gives him a slight advantage. This allows him to throw quick jabs at Romney. However, Romney is a successful, cutthroat, business man that would do whatever it takes to win. He is not just a Republican, he is a ReTHUGlican. He would definitely fight dirty, and possibly put some brass knuckles on underneath his gloves. Romney may be less athletic than Obama, but he has the physical attributes to make up for his lack in athletic ability and put up a fight. Standing at a towering six feet, two inches, Romney outweighs his competitor, Obama,


Romney and Obama faced off in an old fashioned boxing match on Nov. 6.

Sports Briefs Volleyball

The girls finished first in the Suburban League for the third straight year. They advanced to the Sweet Sixteen, but fell to the Kenston Bombers. The ladies finished the year with a 23-3 record.

Boys Soccer The soccer team lost to Brunswick in the Sectional final game. The boys finished the year 7-5-3. Luis Escudero was named second team AllOhio.

Girls Soccer

After a heart breaking loss to Copley in the District semifinals, the Lady Grizzlies finished the year with a record of 11-3-2. Leah Runkle takes home the honor of first team All-Ohio.

Football The football team finished their year on a high note by beating the Nordonia Knights. The team finished the year at 6-4.


The golf season was highlighted by a District qualifying boys team, and a solid performance from Alice Ho, 11, and Katy Ho,12, on the girls team. Alice placed 9th in the state, taking home second team All-Ohio.

by fifteen pounds. “Romney has this one in the bag. He is a big dude and would put up a great fight,” said Tyson Heideman, 10. Based on their political viewpoints, Obama is at a disadvantage because he wants everything to be “fair and equal.” Romney, however, would probably give benefits to the rich and somehow fix the fight. Let us not forget about the Vice Presidents. They both would sit in the corner just in case the candidates need to tag team them. If it does end up going down to the Vice Presidents, the Democrats are in some serious trouble. Joe Biden has 27 years and two near fatal aneurysms on Paul Ryan. This gives Paul Ryan, and the Republicans, a distinct advantage in the Vice Presidential candidates. This highly anticipated fight would, unfortunately, most likely never happen. Mitt Romney would try to outsource the fight to China, or possibly buy his way out of it with his money. Barack Obama would likely have someone else, such as George W. Bush, fight Romney that way he could blame all of his problems on someone else. In the end, Obama won the election, but this fight is too close to pick a true winner.

November 2012


Winner’s Circle

Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 176 lbs. Age: 51 Votes For: 60,787,432 Votes Against: 57,891,780

Seniors relive Powderpuff glory The class of 2013 does not just win, they win in a landslide BY SABRINA PARSONS

The returning champions did not just show up to take home another victory; they wanted nothing more than to completely demolish the Juniors. It was like any other Saturday on Oct. 13, except it was game day for the Seniors and Juniors. Before the game everyone met at Art Wright and got their game faces on for the day. As everyone made their way to Hubbard Valley Park, tension was in the air. Seniors and Juniors were stretching, chanting and making sure everyone knew who really wanted to win. Amanda Davies, 12, kicked off to the Juniors, and it only took a couple plays before Sabrina Parsons, 12, intercepted the ball. Every senior on the team then had the momentum to make sure they did not lose to the Juniors. The Seniors started off their first possession with a run by Natalia Escudero, 12. She ran down the field showing no regard for human life and took out everyone who stepped in her way. After that run, the Juniors knew they were in trouble. Lauren Files, 11, was one who tried to take Escudero out within the first couple plays, but Escudero must have eaten her Wheaties that morning. Escudero scored the first touchdown with three girls hanging on her and announced, “I am walking down the field!” The Juniors got very close to


The 2011 Powderpuff Champions repeat this year and pose for a picture (above) before the big game.

a touchdown, but were stopped by another interception from Parsons. This set the tone for the game in which the Seniors were almost unstoppable. On offense for the Seniors was the quarterback Rachel Goddard, 12. She threw the ball to Emily Graydon, 12, scoring the second touchdown. It was not until a few possessions later when the Juniors finally scored with a run by Peyton Booth, 11, making the score 146. They attempted the extra two points and succeeded. The Seniors defense was almost too good for the Junior’s offense. The defensive line consisted of Sara Wagner, Taylore Robinson, Alyssa Schwab, Alicia O’Connor, Hannah Smith, Brooke Tittle, Hannah Kelley, Kennedy Copeland, Sarah


The senior girls, then juniors, defeated the class of 2012 in last year’s Powderpuff game.

Sterling and Becca Rotterschmidt. With the last play of the game, Taylore Robinson, 12, threw an unbelievable pass to Goddard into the end zone. The question is, will there be a rematch in the spring? The answer

is, absolutely. Seniors will be back stronger than ever to leave their mark as the Powderpuff champions for the third time in a row. The class of 2013 are the living and breathing proof of champions at the heart.

H ealth


Kick illnesses to curb this winter BY KATELYN STORAD

During the fall and winter seasons with the cooler weather, students tend to catch viruses that usually spread throughout the school. This causes many students and teachers to miss school. The “vacation” can sometimes be nice, but all of the makeup work can be a pain. “Getting sick during the winter is the worst because it causes me to miss school and makes me have so much make up work,” said Hannah Centea, 11. To stay healthy and away from the tedious makeup work, here are tips suggests to help prevent illnesses. One of the many common illnesses this season is the flu. Those that have suffered from the flu before will most likely agree that it is not fun. The precautions to help prevent the flu are very simple. Eating seafood boosts the immune system and can help one stay away from this

virus. Peppermint can also be useful because it helps settle the stomach. Catching the common cold can be tough. Some people seem to be unable to shake it. Staying away from this can be very important since colds can turn into bronchitis or other serious illnesses. For cold symptoms, vitamin C is important to help boost the immune system. To help stop the constant coughing, take vitamin C and eat licorice. Eating licorice helps moisten the lungs and stop the coughing. Another common illness during the cold months is strep throat. Strep can be prevented by staying hydrated. This is a very important factor to staying healthy. When strep throat symptoms start to occur, gargling warm salt water can help relieve the irritation. In general, to stay away from any illness, there are simple things one can do to remain healthy. Washing one’s hands can always help kill germs. Keeping

hand sanitizer handy can also be helpful to kill unwanted germs. Dressing properly when going out into the cold can help from catching a virus. Getting enough rest is also very important. A good nap can help here and there. Staying healthy can help a person stay positive, and it can save one from costly and continuous trips to the doctor’s office. “When I get sick in the winter, I feel very sad because then I am not able to do fun activities,” said Kyle Hang, 11. Illnesses during any season are not fun for anyone. During winter break, students and teachers usually try to relax and have fun. They do not want to deal with being sick during a vacation week. Trying to stay healthy all the time is important, but trying to stay healthy when the cold seasons come around is more difficult to prevent. Taking the necessary steps will help one to remain healthy and lead them to a much better vacation!

Peak Performance Athletic Center: The only gym that includes classes with the membership, Peak Performance offers Ballbike, Circuit Fit, Kickboxing, Pilates, Silver Sneakers, Spinning and Zumba. This gym is slightly larger than Anytime with 4,670 square feet. “I like working at Peak Performance because it is pretty affordable, and all of the classes are included in the membership which is really nice,” said Sam Ryan, 10. Peak Performance has racquetball courts that are open to the public. Unlike Anytime Fitness, Peak Performance is not open 24 hours a day. Superior Health Club: Boasting the largest gym open right now, Superior Health dominates size at 56,000 square feet. With the use of an access pass, the gym is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. 2,300 square feet of this space is devoted to the newest fitness craze, CrossFit. According to the Superior Health Club, “CrossFit is the principal strength and

conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide.” The YMCA: Although unfinished, the YMCA will be the largest gym in town at 70,000 square feet. It is due to open on Dec. 4 next to the High School. It will include three pools, a field house with four basketball courts, and 2 teen multi-purpose rooms. Along with these amenities, the gym also has a library kiosk and a physical therapy center. Memberships are available to be purchased and can be used in Barberton until the new center is completed. These gyms and others like them eliminate common excuses for not joining a gym. The country is growing, and not just in population. Working out can help combat obesity, so get up and get moving at one of the local gyms right here in Wadsworth!

Local clubs fight obesity BY KAYLA SUNKIN

Since First Lady Michelle Obama announced the launch of “Let’s Move!” in 2010, campaigns all over America have community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, moms and dads being brought together in the nationwide effort to demolish the challenge of childhood obesity. Younger people in society have created this hype to restore a healthier America. Because of this, it is no wonder there are gyms popping up everywhere. Wadsworth has four gyms alone, so there is no excuse not to get fit. Anytime Fitness: Just like the name, this gym offers fitness 24 hours, 7 days a week, and it is completely safe. There are cameras securing the 3,500 square foot area, making it the safest of the gyms. It is also the only gym that provides 24 hour tanning. Though the gym is small, it picks up the slack with advanced technology such as the treadmills with HD TVs built into them.


Anytime Fitness, the YMCA, and Crossfit are the gyms located, or soon to be located, right here in Wadsworth.

Local Gym Anytime Fitness Peak Performance Athletic Center Superior Health Club YMCA

Student Price


See Office 24/7 for Prices $20 per M-F 5:30 AM-9 PM Sat 7 AM- 3 PM Month-Year Sun 9 AM-2 PM Membership Unlimited Gym and Cross Fit 24/7 $99/month See Barberton M-F 5:30 AM-9 PM Sat 6 AM-6 PM Office for Prices Sun 12-6 PM

Square Feet

Added Perk








Connected to School

N ovember 2012



Washing your hands can help keep unwanted germs away, allowing you to stay healthy. Hand hygiene is especially important during the cold, winter months.

Health Facts! It is a proven fact that two ounces of dark chocolate can have the same results as a typical dose of cough medicine. Eating large amounts of junk food can make one more vulnerable to catching illnesses such as a cold or the flu. Some research proves that moderate exercise can prevent one from catching the common cold. Hand sanitizer has been shown to kill more germs than soap. The alcohol in it acts faster than the ingredients in soap. The common cold can turn into pneumonia, bronchitis or other serious illnesses within weeks.



November 2012

Patrons 2012-2013

Adams Family Aimee Lingel Allison Parsons Amy Broadhurst Amy Lamonica Andrew Booth Audrey Hose Bill Goddard and Family Brenda Fisher Brennan Family Brian & Paula Sherrill Bridget and Dan Witschey Bruce & Laurel Herron Butch & Linda Mueller Caitlin Grey Carrie Tomko Chris Witschey Chuck & Ronda Berger Clarke and Shawn VanDyke Cundiff Family Dan Malkowski Dana Addis Dana Hire Dave & Kathy Ott David Hopkins Debbie & Gary Lake Debbie Ritz, Barberton HS Drew Knight Dr. & Mrs. Dale Fortner Dwain Kibler Ericha Fryfogle-Joy & Ernie Joy Fick Family Frank & Anna Burkhart Gary & Barb Klaus Gary & Janice Cirino George & Joan Solti Gilkerson Family Hantzsche Family Jane Ross Jeff & Kathie Priest Jerrilyn Bryenton Jill Brown Jim & Liz Rhodes Jim Ladrach and Family John & Kellee Trenta


Judy Lepley Radiant Life Church Katey Tollett Ray & Pam Prunty Kelli Coulombe Rebecca Dills Ken & Mary Cornacchione Reggie Campbell Kiersten & Julie Castner Rich & Cheri Long Knapp Family Richard & Ruth Dowling Kris Storad Rob and Beth Lynn Kristi Beeman Roger L. Havens Kristin & Rob MacDowell Roger Taylor Laurine Young Ron & Helen Jones Linda Kramer Ron & Pam Hammel Llewellyn Family Runkle Family Long Family Schleigh Family Margaret Campbell Sheryl Roberto Marilyn Ruff- Leonard Smalley Family Mark & Cheryl Gilbert Sra. Mateos Mark & Megan Postak Sunkin Family Mark Schoonover & Family Ted Bach Mary Ann Storad The Arvay Family Melissa Eaton The Baughman Family Michelle & TJ DeAngelis The Baxley Family Michael & Lori Fick The Berg Family Michael Williams The Case Family Mike Jones Ruby Group The Conrad Family Mike & Lisa Pace The Croyle Family Mike Schmeltzer Sr. & Family The Csaky Family Mr. and Mrs. Thompson The Dennison family Mr. Parsons The Farr Family Mr. Steve Hadgis The Kaufman Family Mr. Steve Moore The Noe Family Mr. & Mrs. Shepperd The Recupero Family Ms. Jessica Krska The Singleton Family Mrs. Nancy Bender The Tollett Family Neff Family The Teringo Family Nicole Doepker The Wise Family Pappas Construction The Yetzer Family Parsons Family Tim & Sherri Rhodes Pat & Dawn Landolph Tittle Family Paul & Kay Gilbert Todd & Stephanie Gordon Pegrim Family Tom Babyak Pete & Sandy Giacomo Tom & Maryann Postak Chris & John Perebzak Trish & Dave Swanson Peter & Jill Graydon The Williams Family Phyllis & Joe Berger Zollinger Family The Bruin thanks you for your support! Pound Family

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November 2012




Fall Special! Just $279.00 Ends Dec. 2nd

Located at 147 College Street 330-331-7192

We are proud to announce we will be donating $10 for every Wadsworth student who signs up for class on Dec. 1st and 2nd to the Wadsworth High School after hours party. Our winter break schedule will be Dec. 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31. Class times will be 10:00 am to 2:10 pm. Behind the wheel training usually starts within 3 to 4 weeks of completion of classroom hours.

E ntertainment


November 2012


How far would you go to get the product you want on Black Friday?

I would not go, but if I did, I would bring a shield to get through the crowds of detrimental people. Dan, 10

I am not really into shopping, but if I really wanted something, I would do what I could to get it. I would never want to hurt anyone. Molly, 9

At most half an hour. The prices are not usually that great of deals, anyway. I guess it just depends where you go. Kassie, 12

I would not rule physical fighting out of what I would do. Mason, 10

If it is [for] the end of the world! Mina, 11

economic threat remains. The average shopper increased their Black Friday spending to $398.62 in 2011, $33.28 more than was spent in 2010. Such spending may not be realistic for many shoppers in 2012. Black Friday is notorious for changing the mind set of shoppers. Instead of looking for products which are beneficial in the long term, shoppers buy the flashy products which catch their eyes and seem like good purchases in the moment. states, “When we see big discounts, we

sometimes lose sight of what we really want and need. We can get distracted with the savings and the thrill of a good deal that we do not do our research, or settle for a purchase that actually ends up costing us money.” By going into the day with strategies to keep one’s focus, financial efficiency is increased. US News suggests following these four tips of shopping tactics to help save money this Black Friday. 1. Skip the extra piece of pumpkin pie Pushing the limits, more and more stores are changing their hours from opening in the early morning to opening the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Some retailers are opening as early as 8 p.m. Although the sales do not all begin right away, some stores open their doors early to allow customers the opportunity to get started browsing earlier. Leaving the dinner table quickly could help one’s chances of finding the desired products for the best price. 2. Do not blow your budget on Friday “Of the six biggest saving shopping days in 2011, none fell on Black Friday or Cyber Monday,” ShopAdvisor, a retailfocused app, reported. Prices on

most items will be reduced in the weeks following Black Friday, unless the item on sale is a very specific brand or good. Cyber Monday, for example, is expected to have 51.8 percent of U.S. consumers shopping online, according to the National Retail Federation. Last year, the days following Thanksgiving weekend until about Dec. 13 provided some of the best discounts, as well as right after Christmas, on Dec. 29. Over-spending on a single day of holiday shopping requires adjusting one’s expenditures to remain on budget, and could result in missing out on better deals to come later in the season. 3. Use your phone while shopping Take advantage of the tools available while shopping. Using a cell phone to compare a store’s price with the competition increases one’s chances of spending the least amount of money on the desired product. Apps such as Google Shopper, Shopkick, Pricegrabber, and AisleBuyer all have different features, which include barcode scanning that provides information, customer reviews, and recommendations on the product. Also, individual coupons, offers, and discounts are offered through the apps.

Perhaps the most time saving feature is an app’s ability to allow shoppers to use their cell phone as a self-checkout device. Specific stores, like Target, WalMart, and Amazon offer their own apps, which offer updates on the latest sales and products in stock. 4. Connect through social media Capitalizing on sites such as Facebook and Twitter, companies are posting many deals through social media to their friends and followers. As of 2011, almost three-quarters of retailers used their Facebook page to reach out to shoppers, as opposed to 57.1 percent in 2010. Prepare to be bombarded with advertisements of any friended or followed companies, however. Christine Frietchen, editor-in-chief of, suggests unfriending the companies after the holiday season to avoid excess posts clogging up one’s newsfeed. Another option she recommends is making a separate account distinctly for monitoring social media feeds. With careful planning and wise use of one’s resources, Black Friday shopping can be both budget-friendly and efficient.

If you had $200 and 45 minutes to shop on Black Friday, what would you buy?

$200 worth of giftcards so I could buy whatever I want whenever I want. Isaac Clark, 12

I would buy Assassin’s Creed 3 and a Wii. Becca Kuss, 10

Black Friday tactics increase efficiency By Veronica Llewellyn and Rebecca Adams

According to CNBC, “the remnants of Superstorm Sandy and the ramifications of the ‘fiscal cliff’ in Washington are expected to result in at least two quarters of slow or no growth that could make investing even trickier than it was during the ups and downs of 2012.” Slowing corporate profits ensue from this projected lack of growth, and threats of a recession linger in the economy. Although the holidays are approaching, the same


Black Friday shoppers crowd through Macy’s in search of the best deal, 2011.

I would take my grandma, because she is a Black Friday shopping pro! [It is] a bit scary! Amanda Gaeckle, 11 When going for clothes it is grab anything and everything. If you know general size range, do not worry about how it looks. Sarah Bradly, 9 Get there when it [the store] opens and know what you are looking for. Sarah Barkley, 11 Three words: ruthless, aggressive, jackhammer. Ben Hanna, 12 Get to the store first, bring a group (team), and drink lots of caffeine. Jessica Anderson, 11

Blitzkrieg. Spencer LaHue, 12 I pick out things online so that when I get to a store, I know exactly what I want. Ali Adams, 11 If the store has the stuff shown before Black Friday, I will hide it so it will not run out. Alex Stub, 10 I avoid it, so I will not get hurt by crazy bargain hunters. Cole Skelly, 11 I start training months in advance by filling shopping bags with bricks and running two miles a day. Sami Baughman, 12 Wait for the rush to die down, and start at noon. Jacob Cornelius, 11

What strategies do you use for Black Friday shopping?

I would buy an iPhone. Tara Mihocka, 9 I would buy a puppy. Hannah Reiber, 11

I would buy socks, shoe strings and a lot of shoes. Zach Looser, 9

I would go to Barnes and Noble and get a bunch of books. Andrea Beavers, 11

As many on sale DVD’s and video games as possible, then resell them online for more to make a profit. Laurel Palitto, 9

Jewelry, like legit bling-bling. Michaela Blom, 10

Camera accessories. Elissa Fusco, 11


November 2012



Veterans Day Assembly Reactions I do not think many people truly understand the amount of devotion, hard work, determination, and bravery that the soldiers in the audience had to have to serve our wonderful nation. My family moved to the United States to escape the religious unjustness that we underwent back in Israel. I am very appreciative of the presentation because without all of the soldiers that served our country, my family would still be stuck in a country where we would not be able to reach our full potential. Moe Falah, 12 Veterans Day is one of the most important holidays that Americans participate in, but it is often overlooked. The assembly that we had helped crystallize the importance and dignity that Veterans Day represents. The guest speaker, Major Pat Durbin, provided a touching and inspiring account of what it means to be an American soldier. His anecdotes touched even the coldest of hearts, and he helped encourage and magnify the praise that all veterans deserve. Accompanied by the choir and band performances, the WHS Veterans Day assembly brought to me, as well as many others, a new appreciation for our veterans. Ryan Moore, 10

There are few things in life more inspiring than Veterans Day. As an aspiring soldier, I am filled with pride to see all of our veterans in the gymnasium for the Veterans Day assembly. They deserve the thanks of everyone in our nation. The assembly was well put together, and the band playing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” was a fantastic way to conclude the assembly and honor the veterans. Brendan Winkelman, 11 The Veterans Day assembly was extremely good this year. All the students were not disruptive and everyone had so much respect for the veterans. I especially liked the speaker, Pat Durban. He told of how his parents were proud of him, but his mom passed away a few years ago. He gave an emotional speech that was one of the best I have heard about Veterans Day. This country has been through so much, and without our veterans we would not have the freedoms we take for granted today. Jeremy Schroeder, 11 Veteran’s day is a day to commemorate our troops who have served and are currently serving in the military. It is often too easy to forget those who are no longer with us and have given their lives for our

nation, but I feel the assembly did a great job dignifying them and their sacrifices. The poem read by Pat Durbin not only paid tribute to those soldiers in recent wars such as Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq, but it also remembered those who created our nation from powder, fire, and blood. Grant Simpson, 10 Having a Veterans Day assembly is important each year. Most people usually look over and forget about all those who have died and served to protect American, our home. This year’s Veterans day assembly was very humbling. The speaker, Major Pat Durbin, shared his accounts of being a proud soldier, and he also read a beautiful poem. I thought the speech given by Major Durbin was very heart-warming and patriotic. Patriotism is also forgotten, so his speech reminded me how thankful I am that these men and women sacrifice their lives to protect the country they love. Many can learn from these everyday forgotten heroes. Rachel Haas, 10 Personally, I thought the Veterans Day assembly was great. The band played great, they were well in tune with their songs and sounded great. The choir sounded excellent

and sang every song almost perfectly. The speaker Major Durbin had a very touching story that impacted everyone. It was good to have someone who was in the army and saw everything first hand tell us his story. It was the best Veterans Day assembly I have seen. Christian Ellis, 10 Tears started running down the cheeks of all who were there to listen to the speech of Major Pat Durbin. His heartfelt, tear-jerking speech seemed to touch every single person in attendance. At the end of his speech and poem called “I am a soldier”, the crowd erupted and stood for nearly three minutes clapping and cheering. It was a great reminder of how important our soldiers and our freedom is to us. A feeling of pride took Wadsworth High School by storm from the very start of the ceremony with the National Anthem to the end with all the veterans being recognized. I admit I began to tear up when Major Durbin began to tell the story of how his now deceased mother told him how proud she was of him and how he said he would, “give back all my medals and accomplishments for just one more day with her.” The assembly certainly touched me deeply. Jimmy Elchlinger, 11

Out of the four Veteran’s day assemblies that I have attended, this year was the most touching. The band and choir preformed very well and the speaker, Major Durbin, was very moving. Although I have not personally been impacted by the loss of family member due to war, I can now better understand what it would be like. I was among the many students that started to tear up. All in all, it was a beautiful assembly, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to be in attendance. Sami Baughman, 12 The Veterans Day Assembly was really great. As a freshman, it was the first Veterans Day Assembly I have attended. Before the assembly, I had never really realized the importance of this holiday. I am so thankful to all of the soldiers who give their lives to protect this great country every day. Being in the band also gave me a unique perspective. I really enjoyed practicing and performing all of the patriotic songs. I am so glad I got to attend and perform in this assembly so I could have the opportunity to learn more about those who give so much to this amazing country, and the day we take to recognize them. Nathan Lockwood, 9



Junk of the Month


Abdulhabib Ahmedhussian Abdulhabib Alyatie Almmounsie 12, known to most as just Abdul, is the proud owner of a 1996 Plymouth Voyager. He feels an emotional attachment to this awkwardly colored green beauty because it is his first car. “It is kind of my baby,” said Abdul of the Voyager. The van has a plethora of problems, one of which being its lack of heat. Abdul said that if he does not wear a coat in the winter, he freezes. The engine is horrible; it makes crazy


Abdul, 12, sits on top of his beautiful van, the November Junk of the month.

Embarrassing Picture of the Month

noises every time he drives. “I know something is very wrong, but I cannot really do anything about it,” said Abdul. Another problem of the Voyager is the windshield. The spider web of cracks that spread across it makes it extremely hard for Abdul to see the road. Also, the front bumper is falling off. The most scary problem has to be the fact that the wheels always feel like they are going to fall off. Abdul even says that they have fallen off before! Although his van has so many problems, Abdul loves his baby through thick and thin. He could not imagine having to replace it.

N ovember 2012

Students of the Month

VS Photo courtesy of Haley hassinger

A much younger Becca, 12, and Haley 12, strike a pose in their favorite childhood outfits.

Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins, who smell the same.

Weird Fact of the Month

Career Tech Students of the Month Teacher Training

-Billy Hatfield,12


-Billy Gearhart, 11

Kingdoms of Camelot

Tip of the Month



App of the Month

Photo by sarah berger

Mrs. Beavers strikes a pose next to her second-floor classroom.

The Fantasy Teacher League will be continued on the Of The Month page from now on. This month’s match up featured Mrs. Beavers and Mr. Callaghan. Callaghan’s supreme like-ability gave him the edge, and he came out on top. Also, a shout out to former Bruin member Jon Chamier for this fantastic story idea.


Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Csaky Plans after graduation: Attend college to pursue either pre-med or pre-law. Advice to younger students: Participate in as many activities as possible. Do not be afraid to try new things. Best high school memory: Tailgating before football games!

If you want to get information out of someone, create an awkward silence- it will make people open up, just to break it.

By Sarah Berger

Photo by sarah berger



Favorite Teacher: Mrs. North (and Sra. Beavers when she buys me things) Plans after graduation: I want to major in nursing and (hopefully) minor in Spanish. Advice to younger students: Read the Bible and live a good life based upon it! It will make you a lot happier than “YOLO” ever will.

Fantasy Teacher Winner of the Month

Mr. Callaghan shows his beautiful smile in the extended learning lab.


Song of the Month Gangnam Style

No S have November facial hair of the month


Brent, 12, shows his manly facial hair that puts all other boys to shame. The shocking part is that he shaved on October 31st. In just a short time, he has grown a magnificent, lush beard. Photos by Sarah Berger

Zack Media

Freshman FEATURE By leah runkle and sarah berger

Photo by leah runkle


Julia, soccer phenom of the 2016 graduating class, is this month’s Freshman Feature. After a few weeks of playing Junior Varsity, she was moved up to Varsity and immediately earned a starting spot. She was the only freshman to be on the Varsity team. She is also in all honors classes and has a 4.0 GPA. Favorite thing to do in spare time: I like to play sports, hang out with friends, and stay out of trouble. Best Friends: Carly Paumier and Erin “Bear” Kilbride. Favorite Memory with them: When we went to Cedar Point over the summer. Favorite Ride: The Maverick. It is so fun!


N ovember 2012

S peakout

THE BRUIN “Corn, I grab a big bowl of it and watch football.” -Mitchell, 10

“I like mashed potatoes because they remind me of my family all coming together on a special holiday.” -Isabelle, 9

Wha Tha t is you nks givi r favo rite ng s ide d ish? “Turducken. It has duck, turkey, and chicken in it. Yum.” -Matthew, 11

S t t e u a d c e h n e t r s s “Stuffing. Hands down. I do not need to tell you why.” - Connor, 12

“I like potatoes. They taste like potatoes.” -Bryan, 9

“I loved running the Home run for the Homeless 4 mile race in Akron on Thanksgiving morning.” - Mrs. Allison Parsons

“Mashed Potatoes. They are like clouds for your mouth.” - Bailey, 10

In a word; family! - Mr. Nate Singleton

“I went to Cincinnati to visit my in-laws, and my mother in-law asked me to help stuff the turkey. I began stuffing the turkey and as I pulled my hand out, one of my nails was missing. We never found it during dinner.” -Mrs. Pamela Woodruff

l l a r u o y s i t a h e t W i r o v a f g n time i v i sg ? y k n r a o m Th e M d n e k wee

“My sons dressed up as an Indian and a Puritan. That was last year, my sons are 28 and 31.” - Mr. Dwain Kibler

“Watching football, eating food, then falling asleep.” -Mr. Brian Madigan

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