The Bruin- November 2013

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Wadsworth High School

Newspaper II/III

1870 - 2013 Wadsworth City Schools: “Celebrating 142 years of Excellence in Education”

Volume XXXVIV No. 2

November 2013



Thanksgiving Break November 28-29

625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281


Celebrating Veterans Day

PHOTOs by carly cundiff

Pictured above is Wadsworth High School’s Veterans Day assembly. On the far left, Steven Burns plays the bagpipes in honor of the veterans. In the middle, representatives of the Wadsworth VFW are dressed in their uniforms. On the far right, the students and staff of Wadsworth High School are applauding those who made great sacrifices in order to secure their liberties.

School comes together to honor all who served By BROOKE LEONARD and maddie capron

Since 1919, Veterans Day has been an important part of American history and celebration. The holiday originated as Armistice Day, which commemorated those who served in World War I. Germany signed the armistice, slowing the hostilities of WWI during the 11th hour, of the 11th day, in the 11th month.

Since then, it has become tradition at Wadsworth High School to honor all those who have served the country. This year, the veterans were honored at a breakfast sponsored by Student Council and an assembly organized by Mr. Knapp’s AP classes. The momentous day for the veterans began with the students and staff of Wadsworth High School gathering in the gym.

Once there, Steven Burns, playing the bagpipes, led the procession of veterans into the gym. Once they took their seats, the ceremony began. Darrin Gilkerson, 10, was one of the opening speakers. In a well-articulated speech, Gilkerson outlined the origins of Veterans Day and touched on the importance of honoring those who have served their country. Nick Englehart, 11, also had

Photo by carly cundiff

The veterans and their loved ones are pictured above, intently observing the ceremony in which they are being honored for their service.




wise words to say. Using a different approach, Englehart reflected on the thousands of soldiers who have never made it home and to this day remain missing. Next to the podium was a table set for one. Englehart explained the symbolism behind the place setting for one and the strain that a soldier’s absence places on family members. Regarding Englehart’s speech, David Johnson, 12, remarked, “Nick’s speech was extremely powerful.” A mass of applause from the audience followed Englehart’s speech, signaling that they agreed. The Wadsworth High School band illustrated the reflective mood with their harmonious playing. The songs that were played typified “Salute to America’s Finest,” “American Celebration,” and of course, “The Star Spangled Banner.” In response to the band’s performance, Logan Boyer, 12, said, “I am proud to be an American.” To honor the veterans, Selena Laikos, 10, a student in Mr. Knapp’s AP History class, put together a slide show


A poll of 69 students showed 72% believe the economy was the deciding issue for OPEN POSITIONS the presidential race. Other was second with 14% and the war in Iraq followed with 10% of the votes. Foreign policy received 3% and health care was last with 1%.Results of the School

Board election – page 3

SENIOR LEAF RAKING DAY Wadsworth High School seniors spend the day helping the community. – page 9 SUPERSIZE ME: BICEPS EDITION Steven Gilbert shares his journey to fitness. – page 13

presentation. It featured pictures of veterans, past and present, with a patriotic sound track that played in the background. According to Carolyn Lee, 11, “It really inspired me to serve my country.” Along with the musical additions of the band was Wadsworth High School’s choir. Both Becca Habig, 12, and Courtney Kovacs, 12, had solos during the assembly. On the day Woodrow Wilson signed Armistice Day into effect, Wilson insightfully remarked, “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…” Men and women have given up their lives for the United States, and Wadsworth High School’s annual Veterans Day Assembly is one way in which the community comes together to pay respect for those individuals.

index Page

*Issue 4 withdrawn on Sept. 4, 2008

Editorial.........................................................2 News.............................................................3 Opinion......................................................4,5 Ads .......................................................6,7,12 Speakout.......................................................8 Picture Pages ...........................................9,16 Features .....................................................10 Entertainment............................................. 11 Health..........................................................13 Sports.....................................................14,15 Of the Month...............................................17 Veteran Profile.............................................18

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November 2013

Brewin’ Debate

On Being Thankful


The Veterans Day assembly usually means that we have half hour classes in which we do next to nothing. This year, however, was different. The Bruin editorial staff was asked to go and interview a number of veterans for our back page this month. We were astounded by the sheer courage and pride of country instilled in these men, some of which served in WWII and were in their mid-90’s. Just hearing them talk about their war stories and experiences made us feel so much pride. This assembly also changed how thankful we are for the people we have been blessed with in our lives. We usually only contemplate how blessed we are on Thanksgiving, but the assembly got us thinking. We have a fantastic school with caring teachers, great friends and houses over our heads. There have been so many

disasters just in the past couple of weeks that seem to dwarf our own problems. Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines earlier this month, killing an estimated 10,000 people. Even more recently, tornados touched down all over the Midwest, including some in Ohio. In this storm, whole neighborhoods and communities were leveled. These make that math test we were worried about seem a little less important. We need to stop reserving our thanks for a single holiday and be thankful all year round. We are in a country where we are allowed to say what we want and write what we want. Not many countries allow freedom of the press, let alone a freedom of the press run by a woman. So go home and hug your parents. Say thank you to someone for no reason. We are so privileged here, and we need to start being thankful year round.

E ditorial

The Bruin

Is Black Friday a bigger holiday than Thanksgiving? YES




Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of the year in which appreciation and thankfulness take their place in every household. We all sit down and appreciate the family we still have and the people that will be there for us through every obstacle that life throws at us. Or do we? Thanksgiving is quickly becoming overtaken by the selfishness of “deals” and giant sale signs. Black Friday is destroying the roots of an American tradition. Black Friday shopping is now not only consuming Thursday night and a little of Friday morning, but is starting on Thursday morning and continues to preoccupy buyers throughout the entire weekend. K-Mart has announced that they will open their doors at 6 am on Thanksgiving Day. Black Friday is always a critical time of year for businesses; this is the weekend when their financial books change from red (debt) to black (profit). However, there becomes a point when profits and sales are taken too far. At what point should the businesses be called out for taking advantage of the situation at hand? Happy Black Friday everyone.

Thanksgiving is in no way and will never be in danger of being taken over by the Friday after known as Black Friday. Black Friday is slowly trying to creep its way into Thanksgiving night with stores like Macy’s opening at 10 pm Thanksgiving night. This is quickly being shut down by people who are strongly against Black Friday taking over Thanksgiving. People are starting to boycott Black Friday shopping due to this fear. Things like this will help keep Thanksgiving a major holiday and Black Friday just a big shopping day. Stores trying to turn Thanksgiving night into part of Black Friday may end up hurting Black Friday in the long run. People who truly understand and appreciate the great holiday Thanksgiving know that the shopping can wait until Friday. There will still be plenty of time to get good deals on great gifts for your Christmas shopping. Thanksgiving has been and always will be a day about being with family, eating food and watching football.

Veterans day reactions The assembly in the gymnasium was outstanding. From the choir, to the band, to the guests, to the audience, everyone did their part in making it a memorable experience. There is no bigger risk than losing your life, and these people, these veterans, took that risk to give us our everyday civil liberties that we take for granted. We should acknowledge all of the things and privileges we have because of these men and women. Eric Suboticki, 11 The Veterans Day Assembly was one of the best I have seen. My favorite part was when the band played the music from each branch, and the veterans stood during their branch’s song. Both the band and the

choir did a fantastic job like they always do. Another great presentation was the POW/ MIA table. Everyone who helped make this assembly happen did a great job, and I am sure the veterans enjoyed it. Thank you to all the veterans who have fought for America because they have protected our freedoms and liberties. It must take a lot of courage to go into the military. We are lucky to have soldiers that are willing to risk their lives for their country. Erin Kilbride, 10 The Veterans Day Assembly was heartwarming and well put together, even though the presentations made by the students were considerably repetitive of what the students

presented last year and the year before that. I think it would be good to let students create new and different presentations for the veterans in the upcoming years. The teachers complain about students talking and not paying attention during the assembly, but I think that they would pay more attention if the presentations were fresh and new because they would not know what was going to happen or be said. Laine Rooks, 11

The assembly was definitely honorable to all of the veterans, but I wish it would have incorporated more students speaking about their own personal experiences. I felt the assembly was not as good as last year’s because it

Bruin Staff Editor-in-chief: Carly Cundiff Associate Editor: Ryan Landolph Assistant Editor: Grace Rhodes Managing Editors: Sarah Berger, Stephanie Herron, Brooke Fick and Leah Runkle Marketing Managers: Sarah Berger and Brooke Fick Front Page: Page Editor: Brooke Leonard Reporter: Maddie Capron Editorial: Page Editor: Adam Dennison Reporter: Alex Laikos Entertainment: Page Editor: Jordin Vidmar Reporter: Sydney Bowers Speakout: Page Editor: Tim Knipl Reporter: Jamie Oplinger Opinion 1: Page Editor: Patrick Long Reporter: Connor Sherrill Opinion 2: Page Editor: Mason Egleston Reporter: Maria Sansonetti Features: Page Editor: Connor Gray Reporter: Megan Schwarz Health: Page Editor: Rachel Haas Reporter: Steven Gilbert News: Page Editor: Elissa Fusco Reporter: Moira Priest Picture Pages: Editor: Megan Wysocki Reporter: Olivia Fortner Sports Opinion: Page Editor: Hannah Centea Reporter: Trent Cornacchione Sports: Page Editor: Logan Lanson Reporter: Ben Bingham Of The Month: Page Editor: Savannah Watts Reporter: Scott Campbell Ads/Business Manager: Adam Dennison Assistant: Alex Laikos Veteran Profile: Page Editor: Grace Rhodes Reporter: Carly Cundiff Adviser: John Gramuglia

was shorter and less students the chance to do the same. Julia Garver, 11 spoke. Overall, WHS did a great job putting it together. The Veterans Day Assembly Katie Case, 12 was very moving. The whole The Veterans Day Assembly atmosphere changed when touched my heart. I am a our brave, retired soldiers daughter of a Navy Veteran walked into the room with who passed away in 2011. Steven Burns playing the bag This assembly meant a lot to pipes. The songs played for me. It reminded me not only each regiment made me think of what my father has done, of my grandpa who passed but also what my brother, away about five years ago. my uncle, my cousin, my He served in the army during grandfather and many others World War II. I thought it who are not in my family was nice that Mr. Moore had have done for generations everyone stand up if they had now and to come. I have a veterans in their families. family member in each and Overall, my favorite part every branch of the military. of the whole ceremony was Watching all of the veterans when we had the moment come and sit down before us of silence as the flags were shows their dedication to our coming in. country. I hope one day I get Guy Gaponenko, 10

Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the April May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. Because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper, we must reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.

N ews A word from our


Hello students, it is hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us. It seems like we just started school and now we are approaching Thanksgiving. Semester exams are right around the corner and you need to make sure that you stay focused on your academics. This is a time that students can lose focus and fall behind in their work, do not let that be you. Great job by our Seniors during Sr. Leaf Raking this year. You raked over 200 yards this year and it was a good time had by all. Thank you to Mr. Wright for organizing and all the staff members who assisted as well. Also, great job to all the students who participated in the Veterans Day Assembly. It was a wonderful assembly, and our veterans were very impressed with our student body for their excellent behavior during the assembly. As I said at the assembly, I am extremely proud to be your Principal. Students, I want to reemphasize the message that I delivered to you during the Veterans Day Assembly: make a pledge to try and do something that will make our school, our city and our country a better place. It can be as simple as helping a student in need, assisting a neighbor without being asked or contributing to one of the many charities that are available. I would love for you to share with me some of the things you have done or plan on doing to assist people during this school year. Finally, as winter approaches, please take a moment to remind yourself of the necessary safety steps to take during the winter. Be careful driving to and from school; walking inside and outside of our building tends to be slippery during the winter. Take great care not only of yourself but others around you. BE THANKFUL to all of your family members who have cared for you and helped you to this point. Enjoy and have a great month. Principal Steve Moore

The Bruin

November 2013


Board of Education fills three open positions By elissa fusco and moira priest

The Medina County Board of Elections held voting for the school board. Six candidates ran for three open positions on the Wadsworth City Board of Education on Nov. 5, 2013. The candidates who ran for these school board positions were Jason Arnold, Julie Batey, Mark J. Casalinova, Amanda E. Gordon, Chuck Pfeister and Donald A. Thomas. Rob Mendel was originally a candidate but he withdrew from the election on Oct. 21. The three that claimed the seats were Amanda E. Gordon, Julie Batey and Mark J. Casalinova. The candidate who received the first seat was Amanda E. Gordon. Gordon snagged the most votes at 22.91 percent. Gordon is a public finance and school law attorney and hopes to use her financial skills to help the budget. According to The Post, Gordon believes, “Funding is one of the biggest issues that schools are facing right now. It is everchanging and I realize we cannot rest on our laurels, but need to stay on top of it.”

Julie Batey, who received 21.99 percent of the votes, has already spent many years serving in the school district as a member of Wadsworth Home Youth School, which is known as the WHYS. She has served as the WHYS United president and also served at CIS’s WHYS. Batey also had experience with teachers and students while she was a part of the levy committee. According to The Post, Batey

“Funding is one of the biggest issues that schools are facing right now. It is ever-changing, and I realize we cannot rest on our laurels, but need to stay on top of it.” -Amanda E. Gordon predicts that the school’s budget will be the biggest challenge to face in the future. Mark J. Casalinova, who


The Medina County Board of Elections took place on Nov. 5, 2013. Three seats were available on the Board of Education. The three candidates that received these seats were Amanda E. Gordon, Julie Batey and Mark J. Casalinova.

received 21.27 percent of the votes, has invested an interest in the school board because he has two kids within the school system. Casalinova is a part of the Wadsworth Community Support Committee and helped obtain the funds for Art Wright Stadium renovations. The Post quoted Casalinova saying, “The budget is a large issue that the school district will need to overcome.” All three candidates want to work on maintaining and improving the school district’s budget. Funding is the biggest concern with the candidates. Luckily, Gordon, Batey and Casalinova all have some experience that may assist them. “After my experience with raising funds for the stadium, I have learned how challenging this can be, and I want an opportunity to serve the school district,” said Casalinova.



Typhoon Haiyan strikes Philippines Super Typhoon Haiyan hit the central islands of the Philippines. As the strongest storm of the year, Haiyan killed 2,344 people and forced millions of people to flee their homes. The death toll is expected to rise to about 10,000. Haiyan reached winds up to 155 mph with gusts as high as 235 mph.

Tornados blast through midwest A monster thunderstorm wrecked havoc as it moved across the Midwest, leveling whole neighborhoods. Six people died in Illinois and two in Michigan in a storm that ravaged several states, including Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio.

INDIA’S FIRST SPACECRAFT FOR MARS New Delhi, India launched its first spacecraft bound for Mars on Nov. 5. If the mission is successful, India will become the fourth nation to visit Mars.

ALLIGATOR FOUND IN CHICAGO AIRPORT A small alligator was found meandering under a Chicago O’Hare International Airport escalator. It was only about a foot long and was captured by an officer who put a trash can over it. The alligator was in poor condition, and it was taken to Chicago Herpetological Society to be nursed back to health.

pope increases his followers The first non-European pope in more than a thousand years has tripled his followers on Twitter.

LOCAL BYOD FOR WHS Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is being considered for implementation in January 2014 for WHS staff and students. Participants will learn tips for getting started and become familiar with different devices, apps and web tools. These sessions will be presented by Rebecca Rosecrans and Shelly Baltic of TCCSA and will be offered on Nov. 20 & 21 and Dec. 4 & 9. Co-owner of Bidinger’s passes away Greg P. Bidinger passed away Oct. 29. His memorial service was held Monday, Nov. 4 at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church.

PEEBLES soon to move into Big Lots Plaza Peebles is a department store, like K-Mart, that is predicted to bring traffic to Great Oaks, which may benefit the other businesses such as Goodwill, Déja Vu and Big Lots. Peebles has a variety of items ranging from clothes to home decor. WADSWORTH CITY SCHOOLS APPLIED FOR GRANT WCS partnered with Highland, Buckeye and Cloverleaf school districts in hopes of receiving a portion of a $373, 208 grant that would be used for their Partners in Literacy program. WCS also applied for a $250,069 grant with Medina and Buckeye to improve their math programs.


O pinion 1


November 2013

The common teen girl uncovered

What comes to mind when you think of your typical teen girl? Well, some twitter accounts cover all that comes to mind and more with their everyday tweets. Whether it is fashion trends, sayings or favorites, these Twitter accounts cover everything. These are the top seven things that make you a typical teenage girl. 7. Fall lover. If you ask a true teen girl what her favorite season is, you will not be surprised when she tells you fall. Fall outfit trends such as leggings, boots and oversized sweaters are popular amongst many girls. “I like fall because it is volleyball season,” said Sophia Chirumbole, 9, “The leaves are always pretty, too, and I like football games.” Another reason why girls go crazy over fall is the pumpkin flavored treats. Drinks and

sweet snacks are some favorites. Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte is a true teen girls’ favorite fall drink. 6. Retweeting a “Typical White Girl” Twitter account. The types of things the account tweets about are relationship troubles, appearance, everyday school problems, friend memories and other typical girl favorites. Food is also a hot topic on the accounts. If you can relate to almost all the tweets of a teen girl account, then you are a typical teenage girl. 5. Having long hair and not caring. Yes, a typical teen girl saying is “long hair don’t care.” This is when girls have long hair and simply do not care. Do you ever wonder why girls say they do not care? Well, there is no real reason why girls do not care. 4. Bum days. Bum days are very popular among teenage girls because they can wind down and take a day from dressing to impress and instead, dress to depress. Some of the popular clothing items girls wear on these days are sweatpants, sweatshirts, yoga pants, uggs, tennis shoes and, of course, the messy bun. 3. Legging lovers. Leggings are known to be the

most comfortable pants girls can wear. “I like patterned leggings because you can pair a lot of different shirts with them,” Kayla McCrory, 11, said.“I own a couple!” The big debate about leggings is whether or not they are pants. The debate still continues today. 2. Miley Cyrus fanatic. When you are a Miley Cyrus lover, you are a typical teen girl. She has recently become more influential in teenage girls’ lives now that she is rebellious and has a unique style of clothing and songs. Her new CD, Bangerz, is a top seller among teenage girls because of her racy lyrics. Miley Cyrus influences teenage lives more and more each day. 1. Starbucks. Whether she is tweeting about drinking Starbucks, taking a picture of a Starbucks drink or taking a picture of herself with her Starbucks drink, every teen girl loves Starbucks. Consider yourself a typical teenage girl if you are guilty of taking a selfie with your Starbucks drink. These Twitter accounts are coming up with more and more funny ways to describe the characteristics of a typical teen girl. Girls will continue to make new trends everyday.

Death. Yes, The Plague is making a comeback from its temporary retirement back in the 14th century. Just recently, there was a Plague outbreak in Europe, and officials say it killed an entire village in England, almost 100 people. That horrifying fact right there should make people want to wash their hands every time they touch something foreign. 3. New World Order This one is definitely the most talked about apocalyptic scenario here in the 21st century. For those of you who do not know what NWO is, here is a quick synopsis. There are 6+ billion humans on Earth, but only a small group, 13 people to be exact, control everything there is to speak of. They manipulate the media, pull strings in politics, own all the wealth and even influence the weather. Yes, that is right-- our own president has a hurricane machine in his backyard in Washington. Their ultimate goal is to reduce the world population to a mere 600 million and create a world dictatorship where everyone is slaves to the rich. To us worthless peasants here in Wadsworth, this is a lose-lose situation. Even if we make it past the 90 percent reduction in population, we will still end up enslaved, working for

satanic beings such as Bill Gates and George Soros. Hopefully this never happens, but it certainly is a possibility. 2. Global Warming This topic must be mentioned when talking about the end of the world. Although this devastating process has been eating away our protective ozone layer since the beginning of time, it was first brought to our attention in the late 1990s by none other than the “Carbon Billionaire” himself, Al Gore. Global Warming is a simple concept. Ever since the industrial age, humans have been emitting gobs of carbon dioxide, and this is destroying the ozone layer, which protects us from the harmful UV and gamma rays from outer space. On top of that, the global temperature is rapidly rising, and the polar ice caps are melting as a result. In my opinion, humans should be frightened for their lives. Numerous movies have been released as realistic examples of what could and will ultimately occur, 2012 and An Inconvenient Truth among others. Also, Gore has a ridiculously credible background in politics, including two unsuccessful runs at the presidency. 1. Alien Invasion Of all apocalyptic scenarios, this one is the most shockingly plausible.

We all know the universe is infinite, and the chances of there being extraterrestrial life somewhere in the depths of space is not as astronomical as many would think. Besides that glaringly obvious fact, there is some legitimate evidence here on Earth that proves that aliens have, de facto, already visited our world. Just look at the great wonders of the world, The Great Pyramids most notably. There is no possible way that humans could have constructed such magnificent pieces of architecture. Anyone who has seen the shockingly true show, Ancient Aliens, on Discovery Channel already knows this. Also, there have been a multitude of UFO sightings and documentations from a variety of amateurs, and those photos definitely were not edited or photoshopped. And let’s not forget about Area 51the government may say there is no suspicious activity that occurred in the Nevada Desert, but we cannot trust them! All of these examples should be an alarming sign of a potential pending martian offensive. There are simply way too many signs for us to feel safe, and that is why an alien invasion is the most likely apocalyptic scenario to cause the downfall of the Earth.



(Top Left) Pattern leggings are popular amongst most girls. (Top Right) Miley Cyrus shows her rebellious side. (Middle Left) Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks is a seasonal drink. (Middle Right) Junk food is loved by every single girl. (Bottom) Three girls show how they have long hair and do not care.

Earth inevitably doomed; start your preparations


In life, there are certain profound questions that every man ponders from time to time. One of those questions is the age old query of how the world, as we know it, will come to an end. Some of the bolder figures in history even went as far as making predictions. It is an interesting concept that we all inquire about: What will be our final destination? Here are my top five most likely scenarios for total apocalyptic destruction. 5. Black Hole We may all feel safe on Earth now, but in the depths of the space-time continuum lurks a cold-blooded serial killer that can suck the life and light out of nearly anything. That serial killer is known as a black hole, and yes, there is one located here in our own native galaxy, the Milky Way. In fact, the breed that resides in the center-most part of our galaxy is a

unique, rogue black hole that is 100 million times more powerful than a typical run-of-the-mill black hole. What exactly occurs in the annals of this unstoppable death machine is currently unknown to mankind (except Obama), but the brightest theoretical astrophysicists theorize that any matter that enters a black hole would be condensed to a point of infinite density, known as singularity. Humans may want to reconsider their values in life the next time they walk out the door without thinking about the formidable black hole that prowls a mere 27,000 light years from Earth. 4. Pandemic Even with modern technological advances allowing for the permanent extermination of certain diseases, this apocalypse scenario must still be considered. Mankind may be the most advanced species on the planet, but do not sleep on bacteria and viruses, as they have been roaming this planet since the beginning of time. There are a multitude of diseases that could pose a serious threat to humanity. Anthrax is potentially the most dangerous, as it has an ability to adapt to vaccines like no other. However, we cannot sleep on age old diseases such as MadCow Disease and the dreaded Black



Even Tom Cruise struggled to deter an alien attack in his world-renown movie, War of the Worlds. If the intergalactic death machine pictured here came walking down the streets of Wadsworth, we would not stand a fighting chance.



November 2013


Coolest people in the world OPINION BY CONNOR

World’s Coolest Men What is cooler than the other side of the pillow? I can name five males off the top of my head. 5. George Clooney Not much is cooler than being Batman and an astronaut. George Clooney may look like a 52 year old man, but he has the style, charisma and good looks of a thirty year old. George Clooney will be forever cool.


4. Barney Stinson The king of picking up women at bars cracks the top five at number four. He never loses his cool, has a top notch apartment in New York City and has a life-size stormtrooper action figure. Barney Stinson is cool. 3. James Franco This is not the end for James Franco. His career is just heating up, and he shows no signs of cooling off. The heart-throb has thousands of fans, with the majority of them being females. Franco’s future is extremely bright and has endless possibilities. 2. Morgan Freeman The man with possibly the smoothest voice in America is also the second coolest man alive. Morgan Freeman can do no wrong. He even played the role of God in Bruce Almighty. Freeman may be aging, but it looks like he only gets better as time goes on. 1. Jay Gatsby His real name is James Gatz, but everyone just calls him Gatsby. He lives in a massive house in West Egg and throws some crazy bangers. He has a garage filled with some of the nicest whips money can buy. He is friends with some of the most powerful people on the planet. The guy even played a key role in fixing the 1919 World Series.

1. Ellen DeGeneres 2. Heromine Granger 3. Oprah Winfrey 4. Katniss Everdeen 5. Betty White

top seed is Santa Claus, followed by the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Frosty the Snowman, Father Time, Uncle Sam, Cupid and Mother Nature. The bracket is loaded with different powers. Mother Nature is looking to upset the top-seed Santa Claus in the first round match-up, but is unsuccessful. She is too inconsistent to hang with the top dog. Santa looks strong, but he may see trouble with the winner of Frosty the Snowman and Father Time in the next round. The four-five match-up is a tough first round battle. Frosty has

the disadvantage of melting, but Father Time is too old to realize this, so he cannot use it against him. Father Time is still very wise, but the youth and athleticism of Frosty is too much for the brittle legend to handle. Frosty moves on to the second round! The next first round match-up is the third seed Tooth Fairy against the sixth seed Uncle Sam. Upset alert! Uncle Sam is under-seeded and takes down the Tooth Fairy. He uses his overwhelming patriotism to take down the favorite and advance to the next round. In the final first round match-up,

Coolest Men

1. Jay Gatsby 2. Morgan Freeman 3. James Franco 4. Barney Stinson 5. George Clooney


Coolest Women

World’s Coolest Women There has been a debate through the winds of time, and I am here to settle it. Who is the coolest woman on the planet? 5. Betty White Betty White, the oldest person to crack the list, has brought humor and has tickled the souls of America for over 74 years. Betty White may not live forever, but her spirit will never die. 4. Katniss Everdeen Katniss Everdeen: The Girl On Fire. She won the Hunger Games, saved her sister and is dating Peeta Melllark, a strapping young man and co-winner of the Hunger Games. Everdeen has been cool since the day she volunteered as tribute for her younger sister, Primrose. What will she do next? We will soon find out. 3. Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey is an actress, producer and philanthropist. She used to have her own talk show and now has her own channel, the Oprah Winfrey Network. She has even been ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century. Winfrey also contributes to the Democratic party and helped President Obama be elected. 2. Hermione Granger Hermione Granger is a Muggle-


born Gryffindor student, and the best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Granger is an extremely accomplished witch and may be the wisest of all time. She helped Harry and Ron collect all the horcruxes and defeat Lord Voldermort. Ron Weasely even married the goodlooking woman. 1. Ellen DeGeneres Ellen has her own TV show, a large cash flow and a sexy supermodel wife. She interviews some of the most famous people in the world, tells funny jokes and is a solid dancer. Ellen has starred in several movies, and she even hosted the Emmys in 2001. She is also very active in lifestyle and policy issues such as sexual orientation, veganism, gay rights and animal rights. DeGeneres can do it all.

The best mystical characters go head-to-head in tournament OPINION BY PATRICK

As the holiday season approaches, I think of Santa Claus and Christmas spirit. His powers and magic must make him the best mystical character, right? I love a good competition, so I had to see how Santa would fare against other powerful characters. The bracket below is seeded by overall popularity and magical powers each creature holds. The

the Easter Bunny and Cupid face off. Cupid is too loving and gentle to compete with the fierce Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny uses speed to dodge Cupid’s love arrows and moves on to the final four in a match-up with Uncle Sam. Onto the final four, where Santa Claus and Frosty compete for a spot in the finals. Although they seem friendly, these two are big Christmas rivals. Comparable to Ohio State vs. Michigan in football, tensions always run high between these two legendary characters. Although Frosty puts up a good fight, Santa is too much

1 Santa Claus

3 Tooth Fairy 1 Santa Claus

for him to handle. For the honor to compete in the finals, Uncle Sam and the Easter Bunny battle to the end. Uncle Sam came off with an emotional victory over the Tooth Fairy and kept his momentum in another upset over the Easter Bunny. He enters this final match the obvious underdog, but has proven capable of miracles. Can he do it again? No way. Clearly magical powers and Christmas spirit give Santa the edge. These powers override the democracy of America. Uncle Sam had a great run, but his great Cinderella Story must come to an end. So, congratulations to Santa Claus, the best mystical character!

6 Uncle Sam

8 Mother Nature

6 Uncle Sam Uncle Sam ? Santa Claus

4 Frosty

2 Easter Bunny 4 Frosty

5 Father Time



November 2013


Patrons 2013-2014

Allen and Amy Mavity Allen and Corina Bingham Allison Parsons Andrea Schoolcraft Andrew Booth and Family Andy and Erin McPherson Babyak Family Baxley Family Blue Moon Construction Bob and Carol Simmons Brad Musgrave Brian and Paula Sherril Bruce and Laurel Herron Butch and Linda Mueller Chuck and Ronda Berger Dan and Rose Jaeger Dave and Chrissie Vidmar Dave and Heidi Schwarz Dave and Teri Sansonetti David and Toni Lack Debbie and Gary Lake Debra Miller Dick Long Dom Carretta Doug Beeman Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hill and Family Dr. and Mrs. Fortner Drew Knight Dwain Kibler Ernie and Ericha Joy Frank and Debbie Lingel Hannah Laikos Jan Althaus Jane and Jim Douglas Jared Klein Jeff and Kathie Priest Jerry and Barb Newcomer Jessica Gibson Jim and Ginny Morrison Joe and Phyllis Berger Judy Lepley Jue Leonard

Karla and Kevin Smith Ken and Ellen Tollett Ken and Gio Brandes Ken and Mary Cornacchione Kenneth Richards Lanson Family Lee and Judy Weinerman Leigh Ann Ruether Libby Egleston Lindsay Gilbert Marilyn and Bob Runkle Mark and Cheryl Gilbert Mark and Debbie Thompson Mark and Jennifer Haas Mark and Megan Postak Marrin Family Melissa Eaton Micheal and Tiffany Leonard Mike and Kara Green Mike and Lori Fick Mike and Nana Callow Mike and Stephanie Capron Mike Frank Mike Schmeltzer Mr. and Mrs. John Messina Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaufman and Family Mr. Steve Moore Mrs. North Nancy and Dan Bender Neil Spice Pat and Dawn Landolph Paul and Kay Gilbert Pete and Cindy Laikos Phyllis Dempsey Ramizi and Cathy Shepard Rebecca Dills Rench Family Rich and Cheri Long Richard and Evelyn Sickler Rob and Amy Clark Robert Bingham Roger Havens

Ron and Pam Hammel Sandi and Bill Mueller Scott and Kelly Centea Scott and Loree Runkle SeĂąora Mateos Sherri and Tim Rhodes Sonja Halstead Stephanie Hrubik Steve and Sarah McIlvaine Sue Allison Teri Lee Teringo Family The Corpenings The Alishusky Family The Bowers Family The Cundiff Family The Dennison Family The Fusco Family The Lamonica Family The Manley Family The Pace Family The Recupero Family The Schoonover Family The Watts Family The Witschey Family Tom and Lisa Oplinger Tom and Lorie Knapp Tom and Maryan Postak Trish and Dave Swanson Wendie Montgomery Wonjo Family Wysocki Family Zach Berger

The Bruin thanks you for your continued support!





November 2013

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November 2013


t is you r fa way vor t o ite tha spen nks givi d ng?

“My favorite way to spend Thanksgiving day is at my grandma’s house. We stay there all day and do random stuff. Then when dinner comes, we say what we are thankful for and eat.” - Alyssa, 9

“The classic family argument between my grandpa and random others.” - Kyle, 11

“With the family eating a Thanksgiviving dinner.” - Brandon, 9

“My favorite way to spend Thanksgiving is to spend time with my family and watch football” - Tony, 12

“Spending time with my family and getting to eat a lot of good food.” - Jenna , 10

“Eat, sleep, and watch

football. That is it.” - Zach M, 10





“None! I would rather get punted

in the face. A man is never the same after a Black Friday shopping event gone wrong.” -Mr. Berg (1)






“None! I despise Black Friday! Too many crazies! We stay home, order pizza and watch movies as a family.” -Mrs. LaMonica (2)

e t i r o v fa r u o y s What i to shop on store ? y a d i r black f

N T E R “All of them! Best shopping day of the year.” -Mrs. Bowers (4)

“Target.” -Mrs. McClish

“I’ve only shopped on Black Friday one time. I camped out at Best Buy to get a good deal on a television. I got the TV, but promised myself to never again go out on that day. So far, I’ve kept my promise.” -Mrs. Swanson

“The Recliner Store in my living room. I hate shopping.” -Mr. Kibler (3)

Pic ture 1




P icture P age


November 2013




Katelyn, Shannon, Brooke, Brittany and Mariah are seen after raking a yard, posing for a picture in a pile of leaves. Groups were paired together and had between ten and twenty yards to rake with the help of a teacher.

Ellie, Keith and Matt, Kali, Peyton, Hannah and Maria gathered in a pile of leaves to take a picture after spending a long day raking 11 yards.

Senior Leaf Raking 2013


Students took time out of their day on Nov. 8 to rake over 200 yards for senior citizens. Multiple groups gather for a picture while showing off their rakes and leaf blowers after spending the day raking.



Brooke and Julia hug for a picture after raking a huge pile of leaves. Students not only helped out community, but they had a fun day with their friends.

Cassedy, Bailey, Becky, Rachel, Taylor, Lauren, Katie and Melissa stop for a for a picture; then, it was back to work. Students made sure to dress warmly because the temperature was only 37 degrees in the morning.

THE BRUIN Features 10 First Mr. WHS Pageant King crowned November 2013


The first ever Mr. WHS Pageant was held in the Performing Arts Center on Nov. 6. Led by Cara Powell, 12, and Allison Hagans, 12, the pageant consisted of a total of 18 male students in the sophomore, junior and senior classes. Mr. Singleton, Mr. Kibler, and Mrs. Csaky were the judges for the pageant. A winner from each class was crowned. In the sophomore class, the winner was Nate Van Dyke. For the formal round of the pageant, Van Dyke wore a casual suit and tie, getting a thumbs up from the judges. During the swimwear round, Van Dyke wore basic swimming trunks and a tank top. Finally, for the talent, he tied a tie into a double knot, which was just an outstanding talent according to the judges. He struggled a little in the questions round, but it was still good enough for him to win the sophomore class. Van Dyke was bid on by Maria Pace, 12. The junior class winner was awarded to the one and only Tyler Aberle. For the formal wear, Aberle wore throwback MC Hammer gold pants with a jean jacket and a top hat. For swimwear, Aberle decided to bust out a full wet suit and carry a water ski. Lastly, for the talent, Aberle shockingly spelled his name with his butt, getting many

laughs from the crowd and the judges. Aberle’s answers were all about solving world hunger in the question round. Aberle was bid on by Haley Banfield, 10. Rounding out the pageant, there were three seniors in the final round along with Van Dyke and Aberle. Owen McDevitt, Alec Katsaros, and Gabe Reed were in the running. After all of them wowed the judges, McDevitt was awarded the first ever Mr. WHS. In the opening formal round, McDevitt wore a cream colored blazer with a hot pink tie, and a black dress shirt. After moving on to the swimwear round, McDevitt won over the judges by wearing the shortest shorts he could find with a swim cap, goggles and a nose plug. To top it all, McDevitt swam across the stage. He then sang a song in Spanish for his talent , receiving many laughs. For the final round of questions, McDevitt answered the question, “Which famous person do you resemble the most,” by answering with Notorious B.I.G. After he was announced Mr. WHS, McDevitt thanked his mom. The first Mr. WHS Pageant was definitely a success. There were many different outfits and talents performed by the students involved in this pageant. The Mr. WHS Pageant is here to stay for years to come.







Bret Noah Darrin Nate

Dan Quintin Billy Devon Alec Owen Gabe

Tyler Nick Connor D.J. Johnson Tim Corey


Above, (left to right) shows Nate , 10, tieing his tie, Owen 12, getting crowned Mr. WHS, and Tyler 11, answering his questions.

‘John Lennon and Me’ creates new visions BY MEGAN SCHWARZ

Caught in between the end of fall sports season and the start of winter sports season, one may have been searching for something to do at the close of the week. This could have been attending a high school drama production. Wadsworth High School’s Drama Department presented the play, John Lennon and Me on Nov. 21-23. Starring Becca Habig, 12, as Star, and Mina Hoffman,12, as Courtney, this inspiring play depicts the life of Star, a Beatles fanatic, who is confronted with cystic fibrosis, a genetically passed disease that promises death at a young age. Spending the majority of her time at the hospital, Star accepts fate while envoking a


Top: Becca 12, and Olivia,11, act out a scene. Bottom: Mina, 12, shown with Lauren 11, also helped with technological aspects of the play

twist of imagination to cope by surrounding herself with John Lennon-influenced bodyguards and a nurse turned pro-boxer. Then comes along Star’s new roommate, Courtney. Courtney is a pretty cheerleader who seems to be lacking sickness, contradicting Star. Neither girl has much knowledge about the other, but eventually, they come to understand one another and ultimately, themselves. Mrs. Csaky and Mrs. Zagar, heads of the Drama Department, decided to ressurrect the play after presenting it in 2004. “We decided to bring this play back because we loved it before... We wanted to do it differently this time, so we incorporated video. Working in collaboration with the Media Class and with help from Mina Hoffman, we were able to do something really neat,” said


Cast members Emily, 12, Jake 11, and Gabe, 12, act out a scene from John Lennon and Me.

Mrs. Csaky. It may not have been a typical weekend activity, but seeing a play with a cast full of one’s peers became a fun way to change things up. The WHS Drama Department always delivers great performances, and with a unique addition to this play, everyone left impressed and entertained.

Bicentennial celebration continues to roar on


Wadsworth’s 200th birthday celebration continued on with three successful events occurring during the past few months. The Grizzly tailgate, the Scare on the Square “Thriller” flashmob, and Sept. 27 Grizzly tailgatea success


the annual Candlelight Walk all honored the city. The Grizzly tailgate, which used to be a Homecoming tradition, was reinstated for the Sept. 27 football game against Cloverleaf. The marching band led the parade down Mill St.,

Oct. 24

Mini flash mob “Thriller”A Success

March 15

First Night Wadsworth Memorial Park

followed by representatives of all the schools, as well as the 2013 Homecoming Court. Another successful celebration occurred when members of the city, including the show choir, dressed as zombies surprised trick or treaters at the annual Scare on

July 25-27

Community Picnic Memorial Park

the Square with a flashmob to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. Lastly, there was the Candlelight Walk downtown. The band played, as people in attendance were encouraged to shop locally and buy their holiday gifts from the multitude

Aug. 7-10

Bicentennial Celebration Weekend

Timeline of Bicentennial Events

Sept. 26

Homecoming/ Tailgate Party


of hometown businesses. While the bicentennial festivities may be on hold until March 2014, Wadsworth’s birthday is sure to be celebrated to the fullest extent coming next year, where we will party like it is 1814.

Oct. 23

“Thriller” Flash Mob


Christmas Carol Sing Along

E ntertainment

Hunger Games sequel expected to ‘Catch Fire’ in theaters soon


The movie phenomenon, The Hunger Games, was released on Mar. 23, 2012. After much anticipation, the sequel movie, Catching Fire, is ready to burst into theatres. The movie will begin showing in theatres starting on Nov. 22. The first Hunger Games movie made $408 million in the United States alone. With the foreign gross of $283 million and the United States domestic gross, the movie had an outstanding $691 million total gross. Catching Fire is expected to hit high bars as well. The movie is projected to gross $950 million, with a $375 million gross from the United States and a $575 million foreign gross. This will make this new film top The Hunger Games. The movie picks up with Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen and Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark returning home

from the 74th annual Hunger Games. Their previous victory means that they must leave their family, friends and home once again to embark on the journey of the “Victor’s Tour” through all of the districts of Panem. Katniss is hearing rumors about life in District 13 and soon realizes that the districts are speaking of a rebellion. With the districts angry and President Snow preparing for the 75th annual Hunger Games, all of Panem could be changed forever. This action-packed Sci-Fi movie is sure to get you hooked and anticipating the third Hunger Games movie, which comes out in November of 2013. Most theatres are showing a midnight premier. Great Oaks Theater in Wadsworth is having a double premier of the first Hunger Games and then playing the much anticipated Catching Fire. Presale tickets are available now, so order tickets soon!


November 2013








WHS Hallway Chatter Angela Loparo, 9

Kylie Bushi, 11

Quinn Burgner, 11

Courtney Palange, 12

What do you think of ios 7?

Where will you shop on Black Friday?

What new movie will you see?

What new movie will you see?

What do you think of ios 7?

“It is all right, but I like the old version better. I hate when Siri just pops up!”

“I will shop at the mall with my cousins because I want new clothes!”

“The new Hunger Games movie for sure! I also want to see Bad Grandpa.”

“I cannot wait for Catching Fire to come out. I am so excited to see it!”

“I am pro iOS 7. I love the design and the new features. It is really cool!”

Black Friday “must haves” 1. TV’s

2. iPad

3. Movies


5. Clothes

Maddie Gilger, 12

Celebrity Newsfeed BY SYDNEY BOWERS

Readers are always curious about what is going on in celebrities’ lives, so here is the scoop about all of the popular celebrities. Anyone who is a “Belieber,” Justin just bought his dad a home for $850K. Bieber has also been releasing numerous new songs every Monday, and his fans are calling them “Music Mondays.” As of now, Bieber has released “Heartbreaker,” “Hold Tight,” “All That Matters,” “Recovery,” “Bad Day” and “PYD.” Fans have been wondering if these new songs are about Selena Gomez. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were recently seen together by paparazzi. The Twilight stars officially broke up in the spring, but could things be turning around now? The Jonas Brothers have broken up, but they are saying it is not permanent. What does the future hold for the Jo Bros? Many fans are wondering if they will reunite or start solo careers.

When Camden Williams, 10, heard the Jonas Brothers broke up, she said, “They were my childhood inspiration, and I loved them. To me, this is a tragedy!” Amanda Bynes, who recently checked into rehab, will be home in time for Christmas, doctors say. Bynes entered psych rehab, not drug rehab. Her mother will be taking care of her once she is released from rehab. The Bangerz World Tour will hit stages in early 2014. Miley Cyrus will perform in Ohio in April at the Schottenstein Center in Columbus. Tickets went on sale Nov. 16. Many fans are expecting this to be an epic tour. When Maria Pace, 12, heard about the concert tour, she said, “Turn down for what?” Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and their baby, North, are doing very well these days. West and Kardashian began planning their wedding, and Kardashian announced she will be taking West’s last name. Kardashian has been spotted a few times lately out and about with North.

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom have put their $4 million mansion up for sale because they want a “fresh start.” The couple wants to get their marriage back on track. Kardashian and Odom spent Odom’s 34 birthday together, so it looks like things are getting better for them.

Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus

Jonas Brothers rocked it in their younger days with many catchy songs.

Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus

Miley Cyrus’s new album, Bangerz, recently came out. The Bangerz World Tour will begin February 2014. Cyrus will perform in Columbus next April.


November 2013



H EALTH S teven ’ s T ips for S uccess


1) Nothing but sweats 2) Pound that protein 3) Keep the heart rate up 4) Eat Healthy 5) No days off, PERIOD

Weird Health Tips

Facial hair can collect pollen, causing allergies to act up.

From a toasted B.M.T on Italian bread to a classic meatball marinara sub, Subway is an ideal spot to have it created the customer’s way. Subway is also seen as an alternative option to greasy, fattening fast foods. However, Subway’s catchy slogan, “Eat Fresh,” may deceive customers into believing Subway is a healthy choice; in reality, it may not be as healthy as once perceived. With 23 different classic sandwiches to create-yourown masterpieces, Subway is a favorite for many people who

like to customize their food selection. Although Subway is a better choice than most fast food companies, what one fills a sub with could be worse than those greasy, salty french fries. Blinded by the vast array of fresh vegetables displayed in front, the customers are tricked to believe that if one adds these vegetables, one’s sandwich will automatically be healthy. Regardless of the vegetables added to a sub, the calorie count from the meats and bread soars high. Take, for instance, a Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt (serving size 293 grams for six inch). It is made with Monterrey


With the convenience of having three locations in Wadsworth, many customers choose Subway because it may be a “healthy” choice.


Super size me: biceps edition BY STEVEN

Most people are familiar with Supersize Me, pertaining to McDonalds. I have set out to put a twist on the movie. Instead of being in worse health than I started with, it will be for the better. For the past two weeks, I have rigorously exercised my body to create the best health possible. I first started by breaking down workouts into three day increments. The first day would be upper body. The next would be lower body. Then, the cycle finishes with cardio. I followed this routine for two weeks, and tracked my results from start to finish. On my first day of lifting, I experienced a lot of soreness. After all, I had not lifted a weight since my freshman year. As the days went on, the soreness started to fade away, and I began to feel much healthier than I did when I started. As the days progressed, I began to increase the workouts. However, that was just the start of my success. I not only noticed the difference in the weight room but in everyday life as well. For instance, running up a flight of stairs became as easy as running

Sniffing a green apple can reduce a migraine or the feeling of claustrophobia.

Subway weighs in calories BY RACHEL HAAS

November 2013

cheddar cheese bread, chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato, onions and green peppers. Although this sub already comes with vegetables on it, the number of calories reaches about 570. Compare this to a Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco Supreme (serving size 110 grams each), which comes with beef, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and sour cream. This snack only has 200 calories. Although the serving sizes of one six inch sub to two tacos differ by only a little, one could eat two of these tacos and still take in about 100 calories less. Why do these other fast food restaurants get such awful raps for being bad when most of their menu items actually prove to have less calories than some subs seen as being good for customers? The next time one wants a healthy meal, Subway still has many good choices. Just be informed of what the actual health facts are before assuming it to be healthy. By adding more fresh vegetables, and reducing the amount of meat on one’s sub, Subway sandwiches have the potential to be great meals for your health.


The before and after pictures above show the improvements in just two weeks.

a hot knife through butter. Also, it helped me in the field of hunting. As an avid waterfowl hunter, I need to be able to carry decoys to where ever I decide to hunt. I went from struggling to carry a bag of full body geese to being able to load myself up with a bag of geese and two bags of duck decoys. In my final week of transformation, I realized that lifting was not as strenuous as I once imagined. I have decided to carry out my workout routine until track season begins when

we start team workouts. All of my success would not be possible without the guidance of my weight lifting partner, Albert Falkenstein, 11. His inspiration pushed me to work hard every day. “Thinking about weight lifting burns zero calories,” said Falkenstein. As a message to anybody wanting to get in shape and improve their overall health, weight lifting is a great way to accomplish that. Just remember, if the bar is not bending, you are just pretending.

Gum chewing can help improve brain power, but only for a short time.

Avoid kisses from dogs. Bacteria from dog mouths are linked to gum disease.

the facts behind the subs 6” Italian B.M.T Calories: 410 Sodium: 1260 mg Total fat: 16 g Serving size: 228 g

6” Chicken & Bacon Ranch Melt

Calories: 570 Sodium: 1050 mg Total fat: 28 g Serving size: 293 g

6” The Big Philly Cheesesteak

Calories: 500 Sodium: 1280 mg Total fat: 17 g Serving size: 294 g

6” Meatball Marinara

Calories: 480 Sodium: 920 mg Total fat: 18 g Serving size: 299 g



November 2013


S ports O pinion

Battle of the QB’s; Manning vs. Brady Who is the greatest quarterback of our generation?


It is the civil war of NFL quarterbacks. If you ask 100 people their answers may be split; the conductor’s brilliance and the pretty boy’s rings both have been the face of football for the last decade. Every time they square off on prime time, it is must watch TV. It is a one-on-one rivalry unlike any other. It is Peyton Manning vs. Tom Brady. Breaking down this match up should be fun. Two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, yet their careers could not have started any differently. Brady, a sixth round pick in the 1999 NFL Draft from the state up north, was not even sure he would make it in the pros. Then, there is Manning, who was drafted first overall in the 1998 NFL draft from The University of Tennessee. He was expected to turn the Colts franchise into a Super Bowl contender and did just that. It is now 2013, and they are both still playing at an extremely high level. In fact, they could be on a crash course for the AFC

Championship Game in late January. We will start with Tom Terrific, a six foot four, 225 pound prince charming. Brady’s career statistics and achievements include a 63.4 completion percentage throwing for 47,062 yards. He has totaled 347 career touchdowns, 129 interceptions and a 95.9 passer rating in his 14 year career. During that span, he has racked up three Super Bowls (two if it was not for the tuck rule; sorry Oakland) and two MVP’s. He has certainly built up a hall of fame resume. But the question is, how does he stack-up to Manning? Manning is your prototypical NFL quarterback. Standing at six foot five and weighing 230 pounds, Manning is certainly a force to be reckoned with. Watching Manning run the “O” is absolutely spectacular. When asked his thoughts, senior Ashraf Hoblos said, “It is like he is playing a college team. It is no contest.” During his 15 year career, Manning has a career completion percentage of 65.5. He has racked up 62,736 yards with 469 touchdowns and 215 interceptions, along with a 96.8 passer rating. Manning has won one Super Bowl and four MVP’s (he is the leading candidate to take home his fifth this year). After missing a whole year recovering from neck surgery, Manning joined the Denver Broncos after 13 iconic years with

the Colts. People questioned how he would preform coming off the surgery. I think it is fair to say he exceeded all of their expectations, as he led Denver to one of the best records in football over the past two seasons. Although picking between the two may be a difficult choice for most, I find it fairly easy. The fact is football is a team sport, and one player is not solely responsible for a team’s success. In that case, you can

It should be mentioned that Manning almost certainly would have finished 16-0 at least once if he was not replaced late in the season by Curtis Painter in efforts to rest his arm for the playoffs; thanks a lot Jim Caldwell.

good enough and does not make the team, unfortunately, they will be cut. With cuts come parent’s complaints. Saying their kid was not given a fair opportunity, it is all based on who knows who and the coaches already knowing who was going to make the team are all complaints everyone has heard before. If their child made the team, would they still say the same things? (Probably not) In a small town like Wadsworth,

play? High school is a “make-it-orbreak-it” time for student athletes. This is where politics supposedly show their true colors. The complaints most commonly heard about high school sports are the children of coaches being the star of the team, being friends with the coaches, what their last name is and what team they played for when they were younger.

Regular Season Manning

not use the Super Bowl argument. We are debating who is the better quarterback, not who has the better team. When people tell me Brady is better than Manning, I always respond with the same argument. When Brady tore his ACL in 2008 and was lost for the year, Matt Cassel (Yes, Matt Cassel) stepped in and led the team to an 11-5 record, the same Matt Cassel who is a third string quarterback on one of the worst teams in football. On the other

hand, in 2011, when Manning was out for the season with his injured neck, Curtis Painter went 2-14 en route to having the worst record in all of football. Look, both are sure fire Hall of Famers and will go down as two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, and no one can argue that. However, Peyton just stands out a little bit more in my book. At the end of the day, I say Manning over Brady.



Playoffs Manning




Games Started



14-2 (twice)







Pass Attempts





Pass Completions


32 (twice)



Completion %















Passing TDs/Season




6 (twice)

Passing TDs/Game


3 (3 times)


4 (5 times)



3 (3 times)


14 (3 times)




4 (twice)


Rush TDs/Season





30+ TD Seasons





4,000+ Yard Seasons



The untold truth behind sports scene SPORTS OPINION BY HANNAH

Today, there is controversy on whether a team is built on true talent or politics. Is the athlete making the team because he or she deserves to, or are they on the team because of the connections they have with coaches? If sports are based on politics, then at what time does it start to play a key role in the development of a roster? People say that politics in Wadsworth begin at a young age, with coaches recruiting the best players. Can you blame the coaches for this? With any sport at any age, there will always be a desire to win. If I was a coach, I would want my team to be the best. I would want the players on my team to be considered the best players because they have a great work ethic and do not mind putting in the extra work to improve. For the first time, all athletes are combined onto one team, competing for limited positions on the roster. Athletes must try out for teams, and if they are good enough to play, they will make the team and battle for starting positions. If an athlete is not


Talent determines whether or not a player makes a team, including football.

everyone talks. Saying one bad thing travels quickly around town. I do not believe that parents running their mouths ever help a kid get on a team either. The parent is not the one playing and sometimes a kid is just not good enough to play. What happens if your kid makes the team but was not in the rotation and sat the bench the whole season? Would you rather have your kid get cut and enjoy their free time instead of sitting and being miserable watching their fellow teammates

Being the child of a coach never gives the public a good vibe. The public feels that if an athlete plays for their mom or dad, they become the star of that team. Being the quarterback of the football team and the face of girls basketball are examples of labels that are given to the athletes by just being a coach’s child. Is this fair? Sometimes, those kids go the extra mile to get better and will work harder just so the idea that they only play because their parent is the coach is dismissed.

If your last name is known around town, most feel that you will obviously be a starter or a strong contributor to the team. People think even if the athlete is not good, their name will still be put in the roster to make the program appear better. I do not believe this is true. I believe they are given the same opportunity as everyone else, and if the player is not good enough, then the coach will take proper actions to have the best team possible. The public thinks that if you play for a certain team as a kid, then you automatically make the high school team. For example, people think that if you play soccer for Grizzly Soccer Academy (GSA), you have a better chance of making the Varsity or JV team rather than someone who plays for Wadsworth Amateur Soccer Association (WASA). Also, there is the thought that if you make the travel team for girls or boys basketball then you automatically have your name known and will

also be given a spot on the high school team. This is not the case at all. Any athlete that walks the halls of Wadsworth High School works hard and gives one-hundred percent all the time. It does not matter who their parent is, what their last name is or who they played for when they were younger. Society needs to stop worrying about the athletes on the team and needs to focus their attention on the team in general. If the team is winning, I see no complaints. In some schools, politics may be the reason for the way rosters are constructed. In Wadsworth, I do not believe this is the case. Wadsworth athletes work hard for their positions, and people need to give them more credit. In life, nothing comes easy, and when wearing Wadsworth across your chest, every team is after you. The coaches put the best players out to play and that is what it comes down to; not politics, true talent.

S ports THE BRUIN Castro kicks from Brazil to America BY BEN BINGHAM

Living in a foreign country is hard enough, let alone achieving success in a foreign sport. This is just what the Wadsworth High School foreign exchange student, Arthur Castro, is doing. Arthur, also known as Arti, is from Ouro Preto, a historical city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He grew up learning the Portuguese language until the age of seven. Then, he started learning English, which, surprisingly, has not been much of an obstacle in his transition to America. Back home, Arti played a variety of sports common to his culture, just like someone here in America would do. He played soccer, basketball and even rugby for his city’s team. Ever since he was a little kid, Arti has wanted to live in America because of how important sports are here in the U.S. Traveling from Brazil to America has been a life-long dream not only for Arti, but also for his older brother. Last year, his older brother was part of the interchange student program and lived in Waverly, Ohio. When asked why he decided to come here, Arti said, “I wanted to experience a new culture and try new things, especially the American culture.”

November 2013


Sports Briefs Girls Tennis:

The doubles team of Maria Pace, 12, and Katie Doyle, 12, was the first pairs team to make it to the District Championship since the 1970’s.

Girls Soccer:

The girls team defeated Akron Garfield in the Sectional Semifinal but later fell to Brunswick 5-0 in the Sectional Final.

Boys Soccer:

photo by glen rutherford

Arthur (19) drills an extra point in the game at Copley High School off of a successful hold from Adam Dennison (5). The Grizzlies won the game 28-7.

Within the first month of transitioning from his homeland to Wadsworth, Arti described how he experienced a huge cultural change. He also mentioned that receiving a great host family, along with being on the football team, made his big switch much easier. His wonderful family and welcoming group of friends really helped him adapt to his new environment. When he came out for the Wadsworth football team in the summer, Arti did not know exactly where on the field he would be. For that reason, he started the season as the backup kicker behind fellow senior Aden Campbell. After four games, Arti

received his chance to kick against the Cloverleaf Colts and did not disappoint, making his first of 19 extra points during the season. Now, there is no more looking back for Arti. When asked if he ever thought about earning a chance in varsity action, he said, “I thought about it sometimes, and I was ready if the team ever needed me. When I got my chance, I did what I had to do.” Sometimes a foreign exchange student arrives at Wadsworth and goes unnoticed; however, this is not the story for Arthur Castro, who has excelled athletically and will be remembered during the 2013 9-2 football season.

volleyball team, under head coach Jill Klingbeil, has gone undefeated in the Suburban League. No current players have lost a league game as members of the varsity team. These players include the four year undefeated class of seniors Ciera Koons, Peyton Booth, Erin Zita, Madison Gilger and Andrea Beavers. “This was the closest team I have been on, and it felt great to achieve our goal of going undefeated in the league together,” said Zita. Not only did the volleyball team become four time consecutive league champions, but it also became both Sectional and District champions during the OHSAA State playoffs. The volleyball team began in the Barberton District with wins over Akron Garfield (3-0), Cloverleaf (3-0) and Medina (3-1).

As District champions, the girls went on to play in the Regional Semifinals against Hudson on Hudson’s home court. Wadsworth fell to Hudson three games to none in the hard fought battle that sent Hudson to the Final Four against Jackson High School. The football team also had a successful, history-making season this fall. The team started out with three wins and no losses until they suffered a heartbreaking loss to the future Suburban League Champions, the Highland Hornets. The loss seemed to spark the Grizzlies, who then went on to win every game after to post a record of nine wins and just the one loss. The offense led the way with a punishing rushing game. Heading the rushing front was running back Martice Jackson,

After defeating Barberton in the Sectional Semifinals, the boys soccer team fell to Brunswick 3-0 in the Sectional Finals.


Alice Ho, 12, placed 17th out of 72 golfers at the State Championship match in Columbus. Connor Sherrill, 12, was a District qualifier and First Team All Suburban League.

Boys Cross Country:

The varsity team placed 6th out of 14 teams at the District Championship. Jon Bach, 10, qualified for the regional cross country meet at Tiffin where he placed 28th.

Girls Cross Country:

The varsity team placed 7th out of 13 teams at the District Championship Meet.

College Signings:

On Nov. 13, four seniors signed letters of intent to play college sports. Hannah Centea signed with Mercyhurst University, Ellie Surratt committed to The University of Toledo, Peyton Booth will continue her basketball career with The University of New Hampshire and Ciera Koons will bump, set and spike for Eastern Kentucky University.

Volleyball, football achieve phenomenal fall success


Sports teams at Wadsworth High School are highly regarded as some of the best overall athletic teams in the area. The school has celebrated a tradition of excellence in the field of athletics. This past fall, two teams left everything on the field and court, showing pride for their school. Football and volleyball both showed great determination to make phenomenal accomplishments in their respective sports. Volleyball made history in a variety of ways this year. The team effort helped to compile a total record of 22 wins and four losses. The team was able to go undefeated in Suburban League play this year as well, capturing the fourth Suburban League Title in a row. This season marked the fourth year in a row that the

12, as well as running back Scott Campbell, 12, and fullbacks Shane Mast, 11, and Greg Young, 12. The defense was nearly perfect as it only had four games where more than 10 points were scored, averaging just 9.1 points a game going into the final week against Nordonia. The defense was complete with a physical secondary of safeties Ryan Looser, 12, and Austin White, 11, and cornerbacks Cyler Caldwell, 12, and Campbell. Also putting the hurt to opposing offenses were Nick Winkler, 12, Spencer Shelton, 12, Jake Lamp, 12, Jeremy Randolph, 12 and Tyler Erbse, 12. The Grizzlies were able to finish second in Suburban League play posting a conference record of six wins and one loss. The final win was probably the most

important as Wadsworth edged Nordonia by one point in a thriller that saw 67 points scored. Not only did this win put Wadsworth in second place for the League, but it also gave the Grizzlies enough computer points to receive a home game in the opening round of the State playoffs, in which the team qualified for in the previous week against Tallmadge. “It felt great playing and winning with my friends and teammates,” said Zack Metz, 12. The playoff game that took place at Art Wright Memorial Stadium was the first playoff game played there since 1999, when the Grizzlies defeated Grafton Midview High School, 42-35. The football season came to an end for The Grizzlies in the first round of the State playoffs as the team fell to the Cleveland Heights High School Tigers, 35-7.

Volleyball: 22-4 Overall, 2013 Suburban League champions (4th championship in a row), 2013 Barberton District Champions.



Madison (left), 12, and Ciera , 12, make a great defensive play during the District Tournament at Barberton High School.

9-2 Overall, (6-1 in the Suburban League) Division I, Region 2 playoff qualifiers.

photo by glen rutherford

Hunter , 12, takes a carry to make a big play for the Grizzlies in their win over Green.


P icture P age


November 2013

No Shave November Jeff, 12

Dylan B, 9

Jeff, a mysterious man, shows off his ability to grow facial hair.

Dylan shows off his facial hair, something that most freshman cannot achieve.



Billy, 11

Billy is a manly man who can grow a heavy beard and mustache for No Shave November.



David, 10

David, with his girlfriend’s permission, can grow a nice looking beard for No Shave November.





Mr. Austin

Mr. Austin is still able to grow for No Shave November and teach all of his classes.



Alex, 11 Alex, being a fine young gentleman, is growing a nice beard for No Shave November.





Recipe of the Month

Marshmallow Pilgrim Hats

November 2013

Swagger of the Month Kassie

Ingredients: • 12 chocolate-striped shortbread cookies • 6 ounce package of chocolate chips • Tube of yellow decorator frosting • 12 marshmallows PHOTO COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS

TV Show of the Month

App of the Month


Kassie has been chosen as the female Swagger of the Month for her outstanding swagger. She has yet to take a day off from impressing her peers with her stunning outfits.


Mark Mark has the swagger of a champion this month. With his swag on overload, he has climbed his way to the top and received the title for the boys, “Swagger of the Month.”


Students of the Month November



Girl Code

8 Ball Pool

Career Tech


Students of the Month September & October SEPTEMBER

Tyler Automotives

Kate Tomic Web Programming


Kyle Anders Carpentry


Kylie Medical Assisting

Movie Facts of the Month

• • •


Back to the Future’s time machine is actually a licensed and registered vehicle in the state of California. When the T-Rex in Jurassic Park breaks into the Ford Explorer, the children’s screams are real. The glass was not supposed to break. The “Riding of the Coconuts” scene in Monty Python and The Holy Grail was done out of necessity. The production team could not afford real horses.

Christo takes part in numerous extracurricular activities. He is in the marching band and plays trombone. Also, he is in the Speech and Debate Club and International Club. He peer tutors whomevever is in need.

Bebout @BeboutThat_Life

Carrell @SingACarrell


Song of the Month

Grizzly of the Month

“Royals” by Lorde


Owen has been selected as the Grizzly of the Month because of his outstanding attitude towards his fellow peers and his positive outlook on life day in and day out. Also, he recently has been crowned Mr. WHS.

Grace is currently the president of the National Honors Society. She participates in Huddle, and she is a board executive of Interact. She is also Assistant Editor of The Bruin and volunteers at her church.

Twitter Names of the Month





Junk of the Month Connor Polk


Quote of the Month

Joke of the Month

“Don’t cry because it ’s over, smile because it happened . ~ Dr. Seuss

Why did they let the turkey join the band? He had the drumsticks!!

Connor Polk has been selected for the honorary Junk of the Month category. He drives a Honda Civic that is being held together with duct tape. The car can be started with a paper clip or any kind of key. The windows do not roll down, and periodically his doors lock on their own. Polk says the air conditioning does not work, so the car gets extremely hot on summer days. This gem of a car has 250,000 miles on it and is currently on its death bed. He says he will miss his beautiful car when it is gone. PHOTO BY SCOTT CAMPBELL

18 November 2013


V eteran P rofile

Meyers Johnson: U.S. Army Korea, 1949-1952

David Mokris: U.S. Navy World War II & Korea, 1943-1949

“I was privileged to have the choice of places I could serve. When I was 19 years old, I chose to go to Guam. My basic training site was the first U.S. base to integrate.”

“Serving my country was a very different experience; it was exciting. I learned to keep my head down and be grateful for what I have. I won the Pacific Theater medal for combat.”

Keith McConnell: U.S. Air Force Vietnam, 1963-1967

Gary Clegg: U.S. Marines Vietnam, 1968

“I was single and having a great time stationed in Brazil. I learned to do things before I was asked and maintain a good work ethic. The best part, though, was learning about different cultures.”

“You learn discipline in the Marines, which I think kids need nowadays. You also learn friendship and camaraderie. I was scared to serve my country, but I also felt very honored.”

Tim Webster: U.S. Coast Guard Panama & Desert Storm, 1973-1974 “It felt outstanding to serve my country. I was most excited about how proud my mother was going to be when she saw me in uniform. I will never forget the friends I made in the military.”

Brad Poder: U.S. Army National Guard Afghanistan, 2011-2012 “I learned to appreciate everything I have over here. The people in the Middle East literally have nothing. It felt good to serve my country; I met so many new people.”

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