Parish Magazine August 2017

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Parish of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall

Parish Magazine Parih Magazine August





Weekly Holy Communion Services in August Every Sunday 9am Wadworth & 11am Balby 6th Jacob wrestles with God 13th Coat of Many Colours 20th Joseph reveals himself to brothers


27th Moses in basket

Every Wednesday 2pm Loversall We focus on the persecuted Christians throughout the world and also remember saints from history that inspire us today. 2nd Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr, 642 9th Mary Sumner, Founder of the Mothers' Union, 1921 16th Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, Teacher of the Faith, 1153 23rd Monica, mother of Augustine of Hippo, 387 30th John Bunyan, Spiritual Writer, 1688

Contact Details Revd Alun Price

01302 851974

07958 685393




Mid-Week @Balby Church

Monthly @Wadworth Church Something Different

Every Tuesday Cups & Cakes Free Coffee Shop 10am - 12md Serving FREE coffee, Tea, Cake, Scones, Toast and Crumpets We also run an emergency food and clothes bank

Every Wednesday First Friends 10:30am Run by Nursery Nurses from RDash. Taking a break over the summer

Every Thursday

6th August 6:30pm Cakes, praise, prayers and theme based on a secular song, this time its: “Help” by the Beatles

THIRD@4PM 20th August 4pm An informal service for all ages involving crafts, music and different ways of praying and saying sorry. This time the theme is: “Back to School”

Community Friendship Group 10am - 3pm Feeling lonely? Come along. Make some new friends. We have some good fellowship as we do crafts and games together.

26th August 10-12md Chance to meet old friends, make new ones, topical talk around 11ish, bric-a-brac stall, prayer stations

Every Tuesday after Cups & Cakes service for Healing & Wholeness 12:15 Balby Church as we pray for healing and wholeness for ourselves, others and our community please join us




I recently went in to Woodfield Primary and Junior School in Balby to to talk the year 6 children about the work we do at Balby church during the week and why we do it. Each week we see an average of 26 people, although some week we see more than 40. We give out an average of 19 bags of food per week but we have given out 30+ some weeks. The children and staff were very interested and are now thinking about how the school might support the work in the coming years. Explaining why the church need to help the poor was an useful task for me as it reminded me of some the core strands of Christian faith. When asked about the two most important commandments, Jesus said

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, Please Pray for, Scott, Joyce, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lyndsy, Iris, Terry & Kath Cassidy, Lord is one. Love the Lord your Pam & Dennis, Diane & Chris, Tom, God with all your heart and Darren, Steve, John, Tracey, Lynsy, with all your soul and with all Cath Garritt, Sibrey, Basil, Zarish your mind and with all your and family, Gloria, Dave Armstrong

strength.’The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” Jesus went on to tell the parable of the Good Samaritan and show that everyone is our neighbour. In a world of increasing division this is an important message. Jesus also gave his twelve apostles this charge:

“Don’t begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don’t try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously.” “Freely you received, freely give”

We give as we receive - Freely. So we make no charge for anything donations are welcome but we believe that if we are given things freely we should pass them on freely. This way we can help the most margalinsied in society.




During we pray for the following streets

The children, even though they were as young as 10 or 11, and saddened by people on their doorstep needing help, found it difficult to understand why we asked for nothing in return. The Given Freely Freely Given concept was not something they had previously encountered.

We have a society that is so heavily based on transactions, that says

“if I do something I should get something in return”. To just give things away runs completely opposite to our culture and makes people think. As people give and contribute to this way of sharing, then they participate in a different culture, a culture Jesus taught.

We already have many Advanced notice mid week group restarts

people September 5th Tuesday 7pm

contribute to J John Series “Facing the Canon” the work we do. The hours of volunteering that we need each week alone constantly amazes me. Donations arrive from all sorts of places and we are very grateful, as are those who are helped. I am looking forward to the partnership with the school developing and perhaps it spreading to other schools and organisations. That would be a joy.

We must teach that value is more than money, wealth more than riches, the more that take part, the more we change society, the more God’s kingdom grows.

We unfold God’s Kingdom were we live.


2017 Garden Party A very big thank you to all those who helped in any way, and those who came along to join in an enjoyable Parish Garden Party in Wadworth Churchyard in June.

good to eat, and sold like ‘hot-cakes’ (excuse the pun!). Likewise the ‘Cream Teas’ were so popular that we ran out of fresh cream and strawberries!

The weather was kind - not too hot or cold. All of the raffle prizes have been claimed. The “Happiness” photograph competition was won by Hazel So, once more, a big thank you Statten with a photograph of her as we raised £762 for church young grandson enjoying some funds to keep our wonderful ‘sticky’ food. Runner up was church for all to appreciate and Audrey Hopes with a photograph enjoy. of a young couple who did look ‘very happy’.

Brenda Sharpe

The delicious cakes looked too

On behalf of the Social Committee

Answers to Crossword on pages 13/14 ACROSS: 1, Amazed. 4, Others. 8, Peter. 9, Zebedee. 10, Accuser. 11, Endue. 12, Scripture. 17, Shrub. 19, Abashed. 21, Foolish. 22, Upset. 23, Loathe. 24, Lesser. DOWN: 1, Appeal. 2, Attacks. 3, Earns. 5, Tableau. 6, Ended. 7, Shekel. 9, Zarephath. 13, Rubbish. 14, Ephesus. 15, Useful. 16, Editor. 18, Rhoda. 20, Abuse.


Parish Magazine This year a different computer publishing programme is being used to aid production of the magazine.

Council of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and they do not endorse any companies, individuals, products or services appearing in this magazine.

We would like to be given input into what different items of interest could be included ie: puzzles, recipes etc. This is your opportunity to have a say in what the future of this magazine will be. All contributions are always gratefully accepted - including articles on your holiday and/or faith experiences. Articles / information for inclusion in the magazine should be delivered to the Magazine Co-ordinator, Mrs Jane Lord, 19 Church Road, Wadworth, Doncaster DN11 9BT by the 10th of the previous month if at all possible. Publication of any articles / information is subject to space being available, though every effort will be made to publish all contributions.

Martin & Jane Lord

Collections Here is just a gentle reminder of the things we collect throughout the year for various charities. We are always happy to receive:Spectacles, Knitting Wool, Used stamps (if on a post card, please leave on)

Any views / opinions expressed in any article within this publication are not necessarily those of the Parochial Church Council or the editors. DISCLAIMER

If you could help in the collection of any of the above articles or if you would like a knitting pattern to make baby vests for Africa, please see Brenda Sharpe or contact her on 01302 537113.

The editors and the Parochial Church

Thank you for your continuing support!


From the Registers Holy Baptism: None to report in June Weddings: None to report in June


At St John the Baptist, Wadworth on 27th June


Cerys Alexandra King

28th June


Joan Chapman

At St Katherine, Loversall on 17th June


Marlin Andrea O’Haran

Whoever believes in eternal life


Parish Visitors Several years ago a number of people were selected to act as Parish Visitors, helping the Vicar in post at that time in visiting those people who found it difficult to get to church for whatever reason eg. sickness , family difficulties etc. At the last Parochial Church Council meeting it was decided to reinstate this. However, as some of the original visitors have moved away the Vicar would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help in this way. It is not intended to be an onerous position, but one which will help the parish to keep in touch with its parishioners. Please contact the Vicar for further information

Please remember that we are still collecting food items for the Foodbank run by “The Trussell Trust�

All donations gratefully received


August Rotas Date


Sidesperson/ Welcomer





M Sharpe B Sharpe

B Law

K Ivell




Slack family

Something Different



J Lord J Curtis

B Sharpe

B Sharpe



R Oliver P Spargo

J Lord

D Mackenzie


C & D Jones

M Fromont

J Lord




S Ord J Lord

P Rowse

M Lord

Sept 3rd


B Sharpe M Sharpe

B Law

K Ivell


M & B Sharpe

Something Different


B Sharpe

Slack family

August Service Details 2nd 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall



9.00 am

Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Jacob wrestles with God


E Strafford


Old Testament: Genesis 32: 22-31 Gospel: Matthew 14: 13-21


E Strafford

6.30 pm Leader:



2.00 pm


E Strafford D Mackenzie M Sharpe

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Help!� by The Beatles J Price

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

Continued over . . . . . . . . .





9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Coat of many colours Leader:

E Strafford


Old Testament: Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28 Gospel: Matthew 14: 22-33


A Price

4.00 pm


A Price K Ivell J Hoggart

Youth Service at St. Francis, Bessacarr

16th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall




9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Joseph reveals himself to brothers Leader:

A Price


Old Testament: Genesis 45: 1-15 Gospel: Matthew 15: 10-28


B Sharpe

4.00 pm Leader:


THIRD @4PM at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Back to school A Price


E Strafford B Sharpe J Curtis

23rd 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

27th 9.00 am



Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Moses in basket


E Strafford



Old Testament: Exodus 1: 8 - 2: 10 Gospel: Matthew 16: 13-20


M Lord

A Price P Rowse M Lord

30th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

3rd Sept.



9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Burning bush, Moses chosen Leader:

A Price


Old Testament: Exodus 3: 1-15 Gospel: Matthew 16: 21-28


E Strafford

6.30 pm


E Strafford M Sharpe D Mackenzie

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Master of the House� f rom Les Miserables


Puzzle Pages CROSSWORD (answers on page 5)


Across 1 ‘The people were — at his teaching’ (Mark 1:22) (6) 4 ‘He saved —; let him save himself’ (Luke 23:35) (6) 8 He addressed the crowd in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14) (5) 9 Father of James and John (Matthew 4:21) (7) 10 One who charges another with an offence (Job 31:35) (7) 11 ‘ — thy ministers with righteousness’ (Book of Common Prayer) (5) 12 and 15 Down ‘All — is God-breathed and is — for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16) (9,6) 17 ‘No — of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up’ (Genesis 2:5) (5) 19 Made to feel embarrassed (Isaiah 24:23) (7) 21 This man built his house on sand (Matthew 7:26) (7) 22 David’s hypocritical message to Joab on the death in battle of Uriah: ‘Don’t let this — you’ (2 Samuel 11:25) (5) 23 Detest (Job 10:1) (6) 24 ‘God made two great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the — light to govern the night’ (Genesis 1:16) (6) Down 1 To make a serious request (1 Corinthians 1:10) (6) 2 Launches an assault against (Genesis 32:8) (7) 3 ‘The wicked man — deceptive wages’ (Proverbs 11:18) (5) 5 Tuba ale (anag.) (7) 6 ‘The day thou gavest, Lord, is — ’ (5) 7 Old Testament measure of weight, equivalent to about 12 grammes (Exodus 30:13) (6) 9 Where Elijah restored life to the son of a widow with whom he lodged (1 Kings 17:10) (9) 13 Paul said of whatever was to his profit, ‘I consider them — , that I may gain Christ and be found in him’ (Philippians 3:8) (7) 14 City visited by Paul, described by the city clerk as ‘the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis’ (Acts 19:35) (7) 15 See 12 Across 16 Rioted (anag.) (6) 18 She had a surprise when she answered the door and found 8 Across outside (Acts 12:13) (5) 20 Maltreat (1 Chronicles 10:4) (5)


Doncaster foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s UK-wide foodbank network. This helps local churches and communities to open foodbanks, providing emergency food to thousands of people nationwide every year. By donating to the foodbank you can help support local people in crisis.

CAN YOU HELP? Foodbank Shopping List

1 IN 5 PEOPLE ARE LIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE IN DONCASTER Today in Doncaster there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill - can mean going hungry. Every day parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying the rent and eating. Doncaster foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.

A GIFT OF FOOD DOES MORE THAN JUST FILL EMPTY STOMACHS Foodbanks help to prevent family breakdown, housing loss, crime and mental health problems. We also take time to listen and signpost people to further support.


Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500 g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Cereals Tomatoes (tinned) Rice pudding (tinned) Tea bags / Instant coffee Instant mash potato Rice / Pasta Tinned meat / fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars Shower gel / Toilet Rolls Disposable razors (no baked beans at the present time!) A container has been placed at the back of St. John the Baptist church, Wadworth to facilitate collections. If you have any queries please ask our Foodbank Co-ordinator, Michael Sharpe (telephone 01302 537113)

Pause for Thought

Opening times for Wadworth Post Office in The White Hart

God chose the foolish things of Monday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Tuesday 12.00 noon - 3.30 the world to shame the wise. pm Friday12.00 noon - 3.00 pm Wadworth Outreach Service



Poets Corner O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Thy pow’r throughout the universe displayed: Then sings my soul, my Saviour, God, to Thee; How great Thou art! How great Thou art! When through the woods and forest glades I wander, And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur’ And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze; Then sings my soul, my Saviour, God, to Thee; How great Thou art! How great Thou art! When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation And take me home - what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Saviour, God, to Thee; How great Thou art! How great Thou art!

Stuart K Hine


Given freely FREELY GIVEN Through peoples generosity we have now established an emergency food and clothes bank at Balby church. The need is constant and while we are doing OK with clothing we are running out of food. People we help often only have a kettle and no microwave or cooker, so we need food that just requires hot water adding eg instant porridge, cuppa soups, mug shots and instant and pot noodles supermarket own brands are ideal!

To remind everyone on a Tuesday morning at Balby church we are meeting people that are hungry and cannot afford to feed themselves - often resorting to crime to be able to eat! Of course, this project does not affect our support of Doncaster Foodbank, for which we still require donations. Thank you all for your generosity!


From the Diocese Appointment of a new Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands The Diocese of Sheffield is delighted to announce that the new part-time Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Priest in Charge of the benefices of Bilham, and Barnburgh/High Melton and Adwick Upon Dearne is to be the Reverend Canon Kathryn Herrod. Kathryn is currently the Team Rector of Hucknall, Notts and is also Dean of Women’s Ministry and a member of Bishop’s Staff in the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. She is a Canon of Southwell Minster, and is a national Bishops’ adviser of men and women offering for training for the ordained ministry. Kathryn is married to Tony and they have a grown up family. She will bring great experience of a notable ministry


to the task of discernment and in leading the churches she will have responsibility for in the other part of her appointment. Half of Kathryn’s overall role will be as an Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands, assisting Revd Stephen Hunter (Director of Ordinands) in encouraging vocations to ordained ministry and guiding men and women through discernment, selection and training processes towards ordination. This will be a key role in our diocesan strategy to increase the number of clergy. Kathryn is likely to be inducted in October 2017.

Bishop of Sheffield pays homage to The Queen Sovereign is the only Supreme Governor of the Church of England. During the meeting the temporalities of the diocese are restored to the bishop from the Sovereign, who acts as guardian during a vacancy.

On 18th July 2017, the new Bishop of Sheffield, the Rt Revd Pete Wilcox payed homage to The Queen in the next step on his journey to full occupation of the role. This took place at a private meeting in London.

The final stage of the journey will be the installation service held in Sheffield Cathedral towards the end of September.

The act of paying homage is an ancient rite dating back to Medieval times. Since the time of the Reformation it has required the new bishop to take an oath that the

Grant awards for Resources Centre The St Peter's College Resource Centre is delighted to announce it will be the recipient of two grant awards to expand its reading resources. One grant is from the Rebecca Hussey Grant. This will be used for School of Ministry books to grow the reading list material it offers to learners. The object of Rebecca Hussey’s Book Charity is to provide religious and other useful books to institutions in the United Kingdom. The trustees aim to do this by offering support to libraries in small institutions where religious


study and development are encouraged. The second award is from the Speaking Volumes Grant which will be used to purchase children and youth books. This organisation aims to support community spaces by awarding funding for books and DVDs on the Christian faith for all to enjoy.

Wadworth Village Hall

There will be NO Quiz Night in August

The next Quiz Night will be in September (date to be confirmed)

There will be NO Jumble Sale in August The next Jumble Sale will be in September

(date to be confirmed) Carol, Val, Rita and the team would llike to thank everyone for their support All proceeds in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance,

Art Club

This event takes place every Tuesday afternoon. All welcome. Please contact Angela on 01302 852297 for more information

Fitness Class with qualified instructor Wednesday evenings at 6.30 pm

Cost £5.00 for an hour session Circuit and exercise For more information contact Leigh 07881 284712

Beginners style Pilates Class Friday mornings at 11.00 am and Monday evenings at 5.30 pm

Cost £5.00 for an hour session.

For more information contact Sharon 07958 156388

Fashion Show

Saturday 16th September at 2.00 pm Further details to follow


If anyone is interested in hiring the hall.

Please contact Maureen on 01302 852874.

For further details, see our website on


Forthcoming Events CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGS Wednesday 30th August

7.00 pm

Parochial Church Council

At the Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

LOVERSALL WOMENS’ INSTITUTE Meetings are held in the W.I. Hut, Main Street, Loversall at 7.15 pm on the third Monday of each month NO MEETING IN AUGUST (HOLIDAY MONTH) Next Meeting:

18th September


Jungle Blooms by Elizabeth Bishop

Directory Parish Website


Revd A Price 01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

Assistant Curate SSM

Revd E (Liz) Strafford 92 Tenter Lane, Warmsworth

Lay Reader

Mrs J Price 01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth




Dr D Mackenzie Maypole Villa, Main St, Wadworth

01302 858435

Mr M Lord

01302 851455

19 Church Road, Wadworth


PCC Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer

Mrs J Lord

PCC Treasurer


Church Flowers

19 Church Road, Wadworth


Mrs P Walker 9 Crossgates, Wadworth


Miss A Hopes 5 Rockcliffe Close, Wadworth

Magazine Co-ordinators and Editors

01302 858398

Mr M & Mrs J Lord 19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

01302 851078

01302 851455

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