Parish Magazine February 2017

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Parish of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall

Parish Magazine Parish Magazine February



Church Activities Fellowship Groups

All Welcome

Last Saturday in Month Coffee & Chat Come along meet some old friends, make some new friends, have a drink and a biscuit, short topical talk at 11ish 10.00 am – 12.00 noon in the Parish Room, St John the Baptist, Wadworth

Mid-week Groups Every week in St. John the Baptist, Wadworth a group meets to have a chat, a drink, some homemade cake, read and discuss the Bible. Come and join us as we explore God’s word. Contact the Vicar for further details. Every Tuesday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at St. John the Evangelist, Balby (on Greenfield Lane) “Cups and Cake Coffee Shop” - SERVING FREE CAKES, SCONES, COFFEE, TEA - call in for a chat , a rest. Beautiful place for a drink!

First Sunday in the month 6.30 pm at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth

Something Different

For those who are seeking something different from a church service. We start with homemade cakes and drinks and then move into a period of praising God. The theme is linked into a secular song. We finish with some more praise and some prayers. Individual prayers for healing are available at the end of the service.


The Vicar Writes . . . . . It Is now almost four years since we first did the “Everyone Welcome” course within the Benefice. This led to out first proper Mission Action plan in 2014 and we have now done many of the actions that arose. We had poor provision for young people and we decided that we need to partner with other churches to improve. This resulted in a Mission Partnership with St . James and St. Francis and the deployment of a Centenary Youth Worker, Annabel Stott, who visits us on the second Sunday of the month at both morning services.

“Fairtrade Fortnight”. This year sees the 23rd “Fairtrade Fortnight” in the UK. It will also be one of the most uncertain years for a generation when it comes to trade. Following the vote for Brexit, the UK will be coming to terms with the urgent need to renegotiate more than 50 international trade deals. And no one knows yet what this will mean for farmers and workers in poor countries or this country. At the same time, the spiraling price wars between supermarkets are set to intensify, putting even more pressure on the most vulnerable producers who deliver so much of what we eat. It’s more crucial than ever that the voices of farmers and workers are heard – to combat the risk of undoing the progress of the past two decades of Fairtrade, and putting farmers in an even worse position in the future.

It is now time to raise the profile of youth work and also raise some money towards the development of youth work within the Benefice. So this year our Lent Project will be focused around the development of youth work in the Benefice. Please see the separate leaflet in this magazine for more information. The last weekend in February promises to be an exciting time as we launch the Lent Project on the Saturday morning and then on Sunday Bishop Peter will be visiting in the evening at 6.00 pm for a special service and faith supper to celebrate the formation of the Benefice. Please come along and join the celebrations.

The simple fact we need to get across to as many people as possible this “Fairtrade Fortnight” is this: that many of the farmers and workers who grow our food aren’t getting paid fairly. And the problem is closer to home than people might think. Thousands of farmers in countries such as Malawi, Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire all contribute to the tea, coffee and cocoa we enjoy in the UK.

Monday 27th February marks the start of

Continued over . . . . . . . . .


And yet many of those farmers are still living in poverty. If people really knew the true human cost of exploitation, would they still make the same choices? Not if you tell them real stories about how farmers and their families are affected.

production. So think before you cast your vote every penny can be a vote against globalisation. Always try to buy Fairtrade. Always check to see if you can buy what you need locally and even better if it is made or produced locally.

It is not just farmers abroad - we need fairness for farmers in this country and the best way we can do this is to consider carefully when we buy. Always check the source of food and if you can buy British please do. Remember every time we spend money we cast a vote. We are not snowflakes in the wind, the fight against globalisation is not impossible because we spend money and companies want our money so the more we spend local the more companies will foster local British

Remember think global but act local .



Our next

Coffee & Chat will be held in the Parish Room at

St. John the Baptist, Wadworth from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon on

Saturday 25th February (see also page 8)

Everyone welcome Do come and join us Meet old friends and make new ones! 4

Lent Project 2017 Our Lent Project this year is fast approaching and as usual in order to make it a success we need your help.

Items required are as follows:Anything chocolate (inc. Easter Eggs) Lucky Dip prizes Items for Bric-a-brac Cakes (on the day to Pat)

If you can donate any of the following items they will be gratefully received towards the Easter Market. Please contact myself on 01302 537113.

Many, many thanks,

Brenda Sharpe

St. Katherine, Loversall We need a plan!


We need to think about the future for St. Katherine and the best way forward. So that everyone knows what is happening the boiler was condemned in November. It is not just a simple matter of replacing the boiler, as the Diocese has allowed us not to do some work on the understanding that when the boiler failed all the necessary work would be done. For example:


1. 2. 3.

We have a large flue pipe that is made of hard asbestos and needs to be safely removed. We have problems with the electrics - is a re-wire necessary? It is no longer possible to obtain light bulbs for many of the fittings - should we change to LED fittings?


7. 8. 9. 10.

To enable the replacement of the boiler we require a water supply to the church. The heating was not previously thermostatically controlled - it would be cheaper if it was! Should we look at electric heating which is 100% renewable and could be generated from solar cells on the roof.. The toilet requires insulating so as to avoid turning off the water every winter. The toilet requires better signage, lighting and access. How can refreshments be provided? It is believed part of the valleys between the roofs need repairing!

We are sure a plan will emerge in the next few months but nwanted everyone to have the facts as they stand.


Parish Magazine This year a different computer publishing programme is being used to aid production the magazine. At the same time we would like input into what items of interest could be included ie: puzzles, recipes etc.

This is your opportunity to have a say in what the future of this magazine will be. All contributions are always gratefully accepted - including articles on your holiday and/or faith experiences.

Martin & Jane Lord

Maintenance Jobs we can do Lots of jobs need doing all year to keep our church buildings and churchyards well maintained. Perhaps you would like to be part of the team that does this. Some of the jobs we need to be planning are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Checking the perimeter walls of the churchyards for necessary repairs. Checking that all headstones are safe and repairing where required. Cleaning out the guttering. Cleaning out the towers. Keeping all paths free of weeds. Cleaning the interior of the churches. Changing light bulbs as required. Clearing leaf waste. Removing artificial flowers from the churchyards - usually done each February. At Balby the lychgate repairs started 2 years ago need to be finished. Also at Balby the vegetation that has grown up the vestries needs clearing. At Loversall one of the very old tombs outside needs some cleaning. Litter picking - especially at Balby checking for hyperdermic needles.


From the Registers Holy Baptism:

None in December


At St. John the Baptist, Wadworth on

31st December -

Eugenio Solar Alcaraz & Jade Emma Goodwin Those whom God has brought together


At St. John the Baptist, Wadworth on 8th December


Reginald Brookes

Whoever believes in eternal life


Lent Project Event Coffee & Chat this month includes

Michael’s Bingo Saturday 25th February 10.00 am to 12.00 noon St John the Baptist church, Wadworth Refreshments


Please remember that we are still collecting food items for the Foodbank run by “The Trussell Trust”

All donations gratefully received


February Rotas Date


Sidesperson/ Coffee Welcomer




R Oliver J Lord

K Ivell

B Law



Flowers P Walker

Something Different



B Sharpe M Sharpe

P Rowse

B Sharpe C & D Jones Slack family



J Curtis P Spargo

B Sharpe

D Mackenzie

1600 26th

0900 1800

Mar. 5th


M Fromont THIRD @4

J Lord R Oliver M Sharpe B Sharpe P Spargo J Curtis

C Kearns M Lord M/B Sharpe

J Lord

Benefice Celebration with Bishop Peter

J Lord

K Ivell


B Sharpe Something Different


February Service Details 5th

PRESENTATION OF THE LORD 9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Attractive living Leader:

A Price



Old Testament: Malachi 3: 1-5 Gospel: Luke 2: 22-40


P Walker


A Price P Walker K Ivell

6.30 pm

Something Different! at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Hanging on the telephone Leader: J Price


PROPER 2 9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Review of the Year - 1 Leader: A Price Preacher: Readings:

Old Testament: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 Gospel: Matthew 5: 21-37


M Lord

4.00 pm

(G) A Price J Hoggart B Sharpe

Youth Service at St. Francis, Bessacarr Continued over . . . . . . . . .


15th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden, 1045


PROPER 3 9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Review of the Year - 2 Leader:

A Price


Old Testament: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 9-18 Gospel: Matthew 5: 38-48


A Price

4.00 pm

22nd 2.00 pm



R Eastham J Curtis M Lord

THIRD @4PM at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth St. Valentine

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, c.155


TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY 9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Theme: Fully human, fully divine Leader:

A Price


Old Testament: Genesis 1:1 - 2: 3 Gospel: Matthew 6: 25-34


B Sharpe

6.00 pm


Benefice Celebration with Bishop Peter



A Price A Hopes D Mackenzie

1st Mar. ASH WEDNESDAY 7.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist,


A Price


Old Testament: Isaiah 58:1-12 Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21


P Walker

5th Mar. 9.00 am


P Walker M Sharpe


Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth E Strafford


Old Testament: Genesis 2: 15-17 3: 1-7 Gospel: Matthew 4: 1-11



J Price



6.30 pm



A Price K Ivell J Hoggart

M Lord

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Let it Go” from Frozen J Price


Collections Just a reminder of things we collect throughout the year for various charities:Spectacles, Knitting Wools, Used Stamps (if on a postcard, please leave on). If you are able to help please contact Brenda Sharpe, telephone 01302 537113.

Benefice Celebration Come and join us at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth on

Sunday 26th February at 6.00 pm as we celebrate the creation of the Joint Benefice of the Parishes of St John the Evangelist, Balby and St John the Baptist, Wadworth with St Katherine, Loversall with Bishop Peter (Bishop of Doncaster)


Poets Corner The Winter is Past For, lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; The time of the singing of birds is come, And the voice of the turtle Is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, And the vines with the tender grape Give a good smell. From The Song of Solomon

Pause for Thought The closer we walk with God, the clearer we see his guidance.


Doncaster foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s UK-wide foodbank network. This helps local churches and communities to open foodbanks, providing emergency food to thousands of people nationwide every year. By donating to the foodbank you can help support local people in crisis.

CAN YOU HELP? Foodbank Shopping List

1 IN 5 PEOPLE ARE LIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE IN DONCASTER Today in Doncaster there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill - can mean going hungry. Every day parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying the rent and eating. Doncaster foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.

A GIFT OF FOOD DOES MORE THAN JUST FILL EMPTY STOMACHS Foodbanks help to prevent family breakdown, housing loss, crime and mental health problems. We also take time to listen and signpost people to further support.


Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500 g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Cereals Tomatoes (tinned) Rice pudding (tinned) Tea bags / Instant coffee Instant mash potato Rice / Pasta Tinned meat / fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars Shower gel / Toilet Rolls Disposable razors (no baked beans at the present time!) A container has been placed at the back of St. John the Baptist church, Wadworth to facilitate collections. If you have any queries please ask our Foodbank Co-ordinator, Michael Sharpe (telephone 01302 537113)

Opening times for Wadworth Post Office in The White Hart Monday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Tuesday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Friday12.00 noon - 3.00 pm Wadworth Outreach Service



From the Diocese The Bishop of Doncaster writes . . .

hopefully about 2017 even sometimes in a negative sense “Whatever this year brings it can’t be worse than the last” I heard a number of people say.

Looking forward to a New Year Aristotle is supposed to have said “The more you know, the more you know you don't know.” As we reflect on the last year many will do so with joy, some with sadness and others with disappointment and regret. At the beginning of 2016 none could have known what would impact on us personally, nationally or globally. Few of us would have predicted ‘Brexit’ for example. We may have anticipated the continuation of war and terrorism and done so with a great sadness in our hearts, praying that peace would one day engulf not only our own lives but the whole world and we continue to do so. Many would not have predicted the events that have engulfed their own lives both the joyous ones and the less so. As we look to a New Year none of us again know what lies ahead. However good the previous year might have been we will start the new one in the hope and anticipation that it will better than the last. I witnessed this during the New Year celebrations where people spoke


At the start of a New Year many of us will reassess where life is taking us, determined to take a new direction, we’ll make New Year’s resolutions, most of which we won’t keep. But in reality most of us have no idea what lies ahead and that can be unnerving, in part because we like to think we are masters of our own destiny. Life is uncertain and unpredictable and it’s difficult to know where to find hope, peace and fulfilment. There is little we can do with the unpredictability of life but Christians believe that we needn’t be overcome by it. Hope we believe lies in the Christ child who came to earth, who lived amongst us, and who died so that we might have our sins forgiven and find new life in him. Some say that you can’t believe in God because you can’t know what you don’t know. However, those who have come to believe in Christ have discovered a reality, a love that’s changed and transformed them. It may not have made their problems go away but they see them in a new light and surrounded by the love and support of a community.

In the Church’s year we have just celebrated the Epiphany. It’s the familiar story of the three wise men visiting the infant Jesus. There is much about this story that we don’t in reality know but it sets us a number of lessons which we can take into the New Year. The gifts we can offer may seem trivial and modest, but they represent the giving of ourselves to God which is the most important gift. Secondly, like the wise men we’re on a journey both to discover Jesus and make him known to others. Thirdly, the wise men through the grace of God came to faith in Jesus and so can we. At the end of the story the wise men went home by another road. We too this year can walk a different road, it may be uncertain, but it’s a road that if we stick with it can lead to Jesus which will lead to transformation and a new life in him.

+ Peter



The Queen’s Accession

65 years ago this month, King George VI died in the night between 5th & 6th February 1952, while at Sandringham. In far away Kenya, his daughter, Elizabeth, was proclaimed sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. Proclamations were then made in different realms on 6, 7, 8 and 11 February, depending on geographical location and time zone. On 6th February The Accession Council issued for publication in that day’s London Gazette, a statement which began : ‘WHEREAS it has pleased Almighty God to call to His Mercy our late Sovereign Lord King George the Sixth of Blessed and Glorious memory, by whose Decease the Crown is solely and rightfully come to the High and Mighty Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary…” and a new chapter in British and Commonwealth history had begun. Sixty Five Years King George Died February Kenya Daughter Elizabeth Sovereign Proclamations Realms Accession Council London Gazetter British History Whereas Almighty God Mercy Blessed Glorious


Parish Magazine Articles / information for inclusion in the magazine should be delivered to the Magazine Co-ordinator, Mrs Jane Lord, 19 Church Road, Wadworth, Doncaster DN11 9BT by the 10th of the previous month if at all possible. Publication of any articles / information is subject to space being available, though every effort will be made to publish all contributions. Any views / opinions expressed in any article within this publication are not necessarily those of the Parochial Church Council or the editors.

DISCLAIMER The editors and the Parochial Church Council of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and they do not endorse any companies, individuals, products or services appearing in this magazine.


Wadworth Village Hall

Quiz Night with Fish & Chip Supper Friday, 10th February at 7.30 pm

Quiz £2. Fish, chips & peas £4.75 (optional). Please book with Maureen on 01302 852874 before Wednesday, 8th February

Valentine’s Soup Lunch

Wednesday 15th February 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm Cost £5.00 to include tea and coffee To book please contact Maureen 01302 852874 or Pat 01302 851078

Jumble Sale No sale in February

Carol, Val, Rita and the team will be holding another of their very popular events with some great bargains on the last Saturday in March. All proceeds in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance,

Art Club This event takes place every Tuesday afternoon. All welcome. Please contact Angela on 01302 852297 for more information

Fitness Class with qualified instructor

Wednesday evenings at 6.30 pm Cost £5.00 for an hour session Circuit and exercise For more information contact Leigh 07881 284712

NEW!!! … Pilates Class starting this month For more information contact Maureen 01302 852874


If anyone is interested in hiring the hall. Please contact Maureen on 01302 852874. For further details, see our website on


Forthcoming Events CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGS Thursday 2nd February


7.00 pm


Parochial Church Council

To be held at The Vicarage , Wadworth

LOVERSALL WOMENS’ INSTITUTE Meetings are held in the W.I. Hut, Main Street, Loversall at 7.15 pm on the third Monday of each month Next Meeting:

20th February


An Arctic Adventure by Vanessa Whaley

Directory Parish Website


Revd A Price 01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

Assistant Curate SSM

Revd E (Liz) Strafford 92 Tenter Lane, Warmsworth

Lay Readers

Mrs J Price 01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth




Mr R Eastham 56 Balby Road, Balby

07874 242095

Dr D Mackenzie Maypole Villa, Main St, Wadworth

01302 858435

Mr M Lord

01302 851455

19 Church Road, Wadworth


PCC Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer

Mrs J Lord

PCC Treasurer


Church Flowers

19 Church Road, Wadworth


Mrs P Walker 9 Crossgates, Wadworth


Miss A Hopes 5 Rockcliffe Close, Wadworth

Magazine Co-ordinators and Editors

01302 858398

Mr M & Mrs J Lord 19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

01302 851078

01302 851455

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