Parish Magazine May 2017

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Parish of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall

Parish Magazine Parish Magazine May



MAY 2017


Weekly Holy Communion Services in May Every Sunday 9am Wadworth & 11am Balby 7th Giving not Taking 14th Tearfund 21st Knowing and not knowing


28th A living prayer

Every Wednesday 2pm Loversall We focus on the persecuted Christians throughout the world and also remember saints from history that inspire us today 3rd Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria 373 10th Julian of Norwich 17th Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Restorer of Monastic Life 988

Contact Details Revd Alun Price

01302 851974

07958 685395

24th No Service


MAY 2017


Mid-Week @Balby Church Every Tuesday Cups & Cakes Free Coffee Shop 10am - 12md Serving FREE coffee, Tea, Cake, Scones, Toast and Crumpets We also run an emergency food and clothes bank

Monthly @Wadworth Church Something Different 7th May 6:30pm Cakes, praise, prayers and theme based on a secular song, this time its “Right said Fred”


Every Wednesday

21st May 4pm

First Friends 10:30am

An informal service for all ages involving crafts, music and different ways of praying and saying sorry. This time the theme is: “Jesus at the Beach”

Run by Nursery Nurses from RDash. Aimed at parents and babies from birth to one

Every Thursday Community Friendship Group 10am - 3pm Feeling lonely? Come along. Make some new friends. We have some good fellowship as we do crafts and games together.

27th May 10-12 Chance to meet old friends, make new ones, topical talk around 11ish, bric-a-brac stall, prayer stations

Every Tuesday after Cups & Cakes service for Healing & Wholeness 12:15 Balby Church as we pray for healing and wholeness for ourselves, others and our community please join us


MAY 2017


God of Surprises I write this in the week after Easter, the day a General Election has been called. Why this comes as a surprise I don’t know - patently obvious thing to do in my view. Politicians are a fairly predictable bunch usually risk adverse and full of self interest. God however is the opposite, as Christians we should be living a risky life focused on others. Easter week is always unpredictable and this year did not disappoint. Even before Lent, God was on the move! I arrived at Balby church on Transfiguration Sunday to find a table trolley at the front of church, left there after the final table was put into use during the week. (Some churches measure growth by the number attending, we measure growth by the number of tables in use and the number of clothes racks we need) For whatever reason the trolley didn't get moved so the service started with the trolley “in the way”. While preaching I was inspired to announce that during Lent we would transfigure this ordinary trolley into something special. I have to say the call to action was superbly answered, especially by the Thursday Craft and games group. On Palm Sunday the trolley went on its maiden voyage around the churchyard as part of the Palm Sunday parade. We decided to use the trolley for prayers at the Lych Gate in Balby. On Easter Saturday we rolled the trolley out to the Lych Gate at 6pm. We gave out easter eggs and wished people Happy Easter. We received a very warm and friendly response from most people. We offered prayers to anyone you wanted to receive.

Please Pray for: Joan, Lillian, Pam & Bernard Plumb, Scott, Joyce, Lyndsy, Iris, Terry & Kath Cassidy, Pam & Dennis, Tom, Darren, Steve, John, Tracey, Lynsy, Cath Garritt, Sibrey, Basil, Zarish and family, Gloria, Dave Armstrong

Those who live and work in Castledine Court, Herrick Gardens, Whitbeck Close,


MAY 2017


We posted what we did on Facebook and it was widely shared with over 1500 people seeing the post. This is the highest number for any our Facebook posts. I found myself surprised by God by all the above and that the response was so positive - so we will be doing it again -see the side panel for dates and times - God seems to be opening a door and we need to push in.

Prayers @TheLychGate 6pm 26 May 12md 30 May 6:30pm 31 May 4pm 2 June

The time between Ascension and Pentecost is also the focus of a national initiative on pray launched by our Archbishops. I hope you can join us. You will also see from the first page we have two Saturday morning dates when we making items for our celebration of Pentecost on Wadworth Gala Sunday. We need volunteers to help and we need to know roughly how many will be coming so it would be great if you could tell us you were coming either on Facebook or by emailing or texting us. See front page for contact details.

Big Ask restarts soon watch out for dates. Advanced notice: Garden Party 2pm 24th June Open Deanery Synod 14th June 7pm Warmsworth Mark Russell Head of Church Army


Lent Project 2017 A very big thank you to all those who helped in so many ways to our Lent Project this year. As you are aware the money raised this year goes to providing and encouraging Christian Youth Work through the Crossways Mission Partnership, of which our parish is part. The amount raised this year is ÂŁ1,600.00 with a little more still to be collected.

So, once more, a BIG THANK YOU, you never let us down!

Brenda Sharpe

Given freely FREELY GIVEN Through peoples generosity we have now established an emergency food and clothes bank at Balby church. The need is constant and while we are doing OK with clothing we are running out of food. People we help often only have a kettle and no microwave or cooker, so we need food that just requires hot water adding eg instant porridge, cuppa soups, mug shots and instant and pot noodles - supermarket own brands are ideal!

To remind everyone - on a Tuesday morning at Balby church we are meeting people that are hungry and cannot afford to feed themselves - often resorting to crime to be able to eat! Of course, this project does not affect our support of Doncaster Foodbank, for which we still require donations. Thank you all for your generosity!


Parish Magazine This year a different computer publishing programme is being used to aid production of the magazine.

Council of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and they do not endorse any companies, individuals, products or services appearing in this magazine.

We would like to be given input into what different items of interest could be included ie: puzzles, recipes etc. This is your opportunity to have a say in what the future of this magazine will be. All contributions are always gratefully accepted - including articles on your holiday and/or faith experiences. Articles / information for inclusion in the magazine should be delivered to the Magazine Co-ordinator, Mrs Jane Lord, 19 Church Road, Wadworth, Doncaster DN11 9BT by the 10th of the previous month if at all possible. Publication of any articles / information is subject to space being available, though every effort will be made to publish all contributions.

Martin & Jane Lord

Collections Here is just a gentle reminder of the things we collect throughout the year for various charities. We are always happy to receive:Spectacles, Knitting Wool, Used stamps (if on a post card, please leave on)

Any views / opinions expressed in any article within this publication are not necessarily those of the Parochial Church Council or the editors. DISCLAIMER

If you could help in the collection of any of the above articles or if you would like a knitting pattern to make baby vests for Africa, please see Brenda Sharpe or contact her on 01302 537113.

The editors and the Parochial Church

Thank you for your continuing support!


From the Registers Holy Baptism: Weddings: Funerals:

None to report for March None to report for March At St. Katherines, Loversall on 9th March


Dorothy Rowley

22nd March


Fred Mollekin

Whoever believes in eternal life

Poets Corner Evening The sun is set; the swallows are asleep; The bats are flitting fast in the grey air; The slow soft toads out of damp corners creep, And evenings breath, wandering here and there Over the quivering surface of the stream, Wakes not one ripple from its summer dream. Percy Bysshe Shelley


Loversall WI ANNUAL COFFEE MORNING at Loversall WI Hut, Hut Yard, Loversall

Tuesday 16th May

10.00 am - 12.00 noon

Come and help us celebrate, after 98 years, we now have an inside toilet - no more outside visits! Stalls include - Cakes, Tombola, Plants & Raffle £3.00 includes Coffee /Tea and Scones

Please remember that we are still collecting food items for the Foodbank run by “The Trussell Trust”

All donations gratefully received


May Rotas Date


Sidesperson/ Coffee Welcomer




J Curtis P Spargo

B Sharpe


C Kearns

Flowers Slack family

Something Different



R Oliver S Ord

B Law

M Lord



M Sharpe B Sharpe

P Rowse

K Ivell


C & D Jones

M Fromont

J Lord




J Lord J Curtis

June 4th


P Spargo R Oliver



B Sharpe D Mackenzie M/B Sharpe

Gala Service (Pentecost) Mission Partnership Service (Gala)


B Sharpe

P Walker

May Service Details 3rd

2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall




9.00 amHoly Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Giving not taking Leader:

A Price


New Testament: Acts 2: 42-47 Gospel: John 10: 1-10


M Lord

6.30 pm Leader:

10th 2.00 pm


E Strafford J Curtis M Lord

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Right said Fred!” J Price

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

Continued over . . . . . . . . .


14th 9.00 am

FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Divine hospitality


E Strafford


New Testament: Acts 7: 55-60 Gospel: John 14: 1-14


E Strafford

4.00 pm

17th 2.00 pm



N Parkinson (Tearfund) D Mackenzie M Sharpe

Youth Service at St. Francis, Bessacarr

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall



9.00 am

Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Knowing and not knowing


A Price


New Testament: Acts 17: 22-31 Gospel: John 14: 15-21


A Price

4.00 pm Leader:



THIRD @4PM at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Happy Birthday Church A Price


E Strafford P Walker P Rowse

28th 9.00 am

ASCENSION OF THE LORD Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: A living prayer


E Strafford


New Testament: Acts 1: 1-11 Gospel: Luke 24: 44-53


B Sharpe


2.00 pm



A Price J Hoggart K Ivell

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

4th June



10.00 am Gala Service at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Leader: 4.30 pm

A Price


Mission Partnership Pentecost Praise at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth

Leader: A Price


E Strafford

Parish Garden Party The Parish Garden Party this year is to be held on Saturday 24th June, from 2.00 to 4.00 pm in the churchyard of St. John the Baptist Wadworth or in the church depending on the weather, with refreshments being served in Wadworth Village Hall. As usual, we depend on your generosity for it to be a success. Therefore, if you could help by donating any of the following it will be a big help:Lucky Dip prizes Raffle prizes Bottle Tombola prizes Yellow items for Yellow Tombola Jewellery Sweets for game prizes Cakes (on the day)

If you do have any items for the stalls it would be a big help if you could let me have them by the beginning of June if possible. The Parish approaching!

Garden Party is fast

Many, many thanks dear friends,

Brenda Sharpe

We are also having a Photographic Competition entitled “HAPPINESS�. That is any photograph that for you depicts happiness. Do please enter, start looking at your photographs NOW. Prizes to be won! You can either give your photographs to myself beforehand or bring them on the day .


Don’t miss the 5th Annual Wadworth Gala on Sunday 4th June Gala Pentecost Service in church at 10.00 am Sir Christopher Foljambe Memorial Field Opens to Public at 11.00 am Pentecost Praise in church at 4.30 pm Stalls Bouncy Castles Pony Rides Displays Bungie Run Climbing Wall Refreshments Crafts Archery Falconry Tug of War Childrens Entertainer Admission £1.00 (Adults) Children free 14

Doncaster foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s UK-wide foodbank network. This helps local churches and communities to open foodbanks, providing emergency food to thousands of people nationwide every year.

By donating to the foodbank you can help support local people in crisis.


CAN YOU HELP? Foodbank Shopping List

Today in Doncaster there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill - can mean going hungry. Every day parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying the rent and eating. Doncaster foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.

A GIFT OF FOOD DOES MORE THAN JUST FILL EMPTY STOMACHS Foodbanks help to prevent family breakdown, housing loss, crime and mental health problems. We also take time to listen and signpost people to further support.

Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500 g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Cereals Tomatoes (tinned) Rice pudding (tinned) Tea bags / Instant coffee Instant mash potato Rice / Pasta Tinned meat / fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars Shower gel / Toilet Rolls Disposable razors (no baked beans at the present time!) A container has been placed at the back of St. John the Baptist church, Wadworth to facilitate collections. If you have any queries please ask our Foodbank Co-ordinator, Michael Sharpe (telephone 01302 537113)


Pause for Thought

Opening times for Wadworth Post Office in The White Hart Monday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Tuesday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Friday12.00 noon - 3.00 pm Wadworth Outreach Service

A Godly life is a fragrance that draws others to Christ.



From the Diocese Bishop of Sheffield Announced The next Bishop of Sheffield will be the Very Revd Dr. Pete Wilcox, Downing Street has announced. The Very Revd Wilcox, who is 55, is currently the Dean of Liverpool Cathedral, a role he has held since 2012. The Bishop of Doncaster, the Rt Revd Peter Burrows, commented: “I know that Pete has a real sense of calling to the diocese and brings with him strong leadership and a range of skills that will help us continue in our outreach to the wider communities of South Yorkshire and East Riding. I look forward to working with Pete and welcoming him to the diocese in due course.” Also speaking about the appointment, the Very Revd Peter Bradley, Dean of Sheffield said: “Young people in Sheffield and South Yorkshire are more likely to experience poverty than any other age group, I really welcome Pete’s emphasis on listening to and supporting young people. Our young people have amazing gifts that all of us need to engage with to build a just community in our area.”


The Very Revd Dr Pete Wilcox has been ordained for over 25 years. He trained at Ridley Hall in Cambridge after completing a degree in modern history at Durham University. After serving as a curate on Teesside, he studied for a doctorate at Oxford University. In 1993, he returned to the Durham Diocese to serve as a team vicar in the Parish of Gateshead, while assisting in the training of ordinands at Cranmer Hall as Director of its Urban Mission Centre. In 1998 he took up a new position as priest in charge of St Paul’s Church at the Crossing in Walsall. Between August 2006 and July 2012 he was Canon Chancellor at Lichfield Cathedral, a post which involved oversight of the Cathedral’s work in education and outreach. He is married to the novelist, Catherine Fox and they have two adult sons. Pete is a fan of all ball sports, and follows the fortunes of Newcastle United especially closely. He is the author of three books: Living the Dream

(2007), Walking the Walk (2009) and Talking the Talk (2011). Theological education and ministerial formation remain key interests for Pete, and bible teaching is his chief passion. Speaking about his appointment, he said: “Although the journey has been unconventional, to say the least, I feel called by God to this role and am therefore thrilled to be coming to the Diocese of Sheffield. There will be much for me to learn, but I am excited about the work which is already underway to share the good news about Jesus, and to work for the justice and peace which the kingdom of God will bring.” The Diocesan Secretary for the Diocese of Sheffield, Heidi Adcock said: “We congratulate the Dean on his appointment as Bishop Designate for the Diocese of Sheffield and look forward to his arrival as our new Bishop. I know he brings a wide range of skills and gifts across the Pennines and we extend a very warm welcome to him and his family.” The Archbishop of York commented: “The nomination of The Very Revd Dr .Pete Wilcox, Dean of Liverpool, as the 8th Bishop of Sheffield will take the Diocese forward in its evangelistic and mission opportunities for the peoples of the Diocese of Sheffield. He is a gifted and renowned Bible teacher, pastor and enthusiastic evangelist. He is totally committed to social justice and human flourishing.

way of Christ with insight and oversight with a readiness to change, challenge and be challenged. His love of Jesus and His Gospel, His Church, the Body of Christ and the diverse peoples of God’s world will make him a Bishop who will work in partnership with all. “I am grateful for the wise pastoral and missional leadership of Bishop Peter Burrows and the Diocesan Leadership team. Thank you very much.” The Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool, said: “This is a tremendous appointment for the Diocese of Sheffield. I will miss Pete as a colleague in the Diocese of Liverpool but I look forward now to working alongside him in the House of Bishops. I know that as Diocesan bishop, Pete will act as a focus of unity, encouraging all in the diocese of Sheffield to live out their lives as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. I pray God’s blessing upon Pete and Cathy as they their move to Sheffield gathers pace.” The Very Revd Pete Wilcox will be consecrated at York Minster at some point over the summer months. Following his consecration, he will look to start his new role fully in the autumn of 2017.

“He will lead the Diocese of Sheffield in the


Puzzle Page Maze Can you find your way from the green arrow at the top to the red arrow at the bottom without crossing any lines?

Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each of the nine squares and each row horizontally and vertically all have the numbers 1 - 9



Wadworth Village Hall

Quiz Night with Fish & Chip Supper Friday 5th May at 7.30 pm

Quiz £2. Fish, chips & peas £4.75 (optional). Please book with Maureen on 01302 852874 before Wednesday, 3rd May

Jumble Sale

Saturday 20th May at 2.30 pm Carol, Val, Rita and the team invite you to come along to another of their very popular events. Do come along and grab some great bargains. All proceeds in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance, thank you all for your support

Art Club

This event takes place every Tuesday afternoon. All welcome. Please contact Angela on 01302 852297 for more information

Fitness Class with qualified instructor

Wednesday evenings at 6.30 pm Cost £5.00 for an hour session Circuit and exercise For more information contact Leigh 07881 284712

Beginners style Pilates Class Friday mornings at 11.00 am

Cost £5.00 for an hour session For more information contact Sharon 07958 156388

Anyone for Whist?

Anyone interested in playing whist in the hall on a weekly basis please contact Linda 01302 858241


If anyone is interested in hiring the hall. Please contact Maureen on 01302 852874. For further details, see our website on


Forthcoming Events CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGS Meeting to be arranged.

LOVERSALL WOMENS’ INSTITUTE Meetings are held in the W.I. Hut, Main Street, Loversall at 7.15 pm on the third Monday of each month Next Meeting:

15th May

Resolution Evening and Quiz


Directory Parish Website


Revd A Price

01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

Assistant Curate SSM

Revd E (Liz) Strafford 92 Tenter Lane, Warmsworth

01302 858398

Lay Readers

Mrs J Price

01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

Mr R Eastham



Dr D Mackenzie

56 Balby Road, Balby

07874 242095

01302 858435 Maypole Villa, Main St, Wadworth

Mr M Lord

01302 851455 19 Church Road, Wadworth



PCC Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer

Mrs J Lord

PCC Treasurer


Church Flowers


Mrs P Walker


Miss A Hopes

19 Church Road, Wadworth

9 Crossgates, Wadworth

01302 851455

01302 851078

5 Rockcliffe Close, Wadworth Magazine Co-ordinators and Editors

Mr M & Mrs J Lord

19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

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