Parish Magazine July 2017

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Parish of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall

Parish Magazine Parish Magazine July



JULY 2017

Weekly Holy Communion Services in July Every Sunday 9am Wadworth & 11am Balby 2nd Abraham’s Challenge



9th Isaac need a Wife

Please come and support Sharon Conely-Ord at Thurgoland Church 7:30pm

16th Isaac’s children 23rd Jacob’s Ladder 30th Jacob meet’s his match

Every Wednesday 2pm Loversall We focus on the persecuted Christians throughout the world and also remember saints from history that inspire us today. 5th Thomas More, and John Fisher, Reformation Martyrs, 1535 12th Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Father of Western Monasticism, c.550 19th Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, and Macrina, Deaconess, Teachers of the Faith, 394 and 379 26th James the Apostle

7th July

A WALK THROUGH THE PROVERBS Most Fridays 10am -12md, check with vicar before coming

SPARK YOUTH GROUP (11-18) 12th July

Wednesday 5-6:30pm @StJohn’s Balby. Come and explore the Christian Faith with Games, Pizza, snacks and loads of fun.

Contact Details Revd Alun Price

01302 851974

07958 685393


JULY 2017


Mid-Week @Balby Church

Monthly @Wadworth Church Something Different

Every Tuesday Cups & Cakes Free Coffee Shop 10am - 12md Serving FREE coffee, Tea, Cake, Scones, Toast and Crumpets We also run an emergency food and clothes bank

Every Wednesday First Friends 10:30am Run by Nursery Nurses from RDash. Aimed at parents and babies from birth to one

Every Thursday

2nd July 6:30pm Cakes, praise, prayers and theme based on a secular song, this time its: “Dirty Laundry” by the Eagles

THIRD@4PM 16th July 4pm An informal service for all ages involving crafts, music and different ways of praying and saying sorry. This time the theme is: “Moving On”

Community Friendship Group 10am - 3pm Feeling lonely? Come along. Make some new friends. We have some good fellowship as we do crafts and games together.

29th July 10-12md Chance to meet old friends, make new ones, topical talk around 11ish, bric-a-brac stall, prayer stations

Every Tuesday after Cups & Cakes service for Healing & Wholeness 12:15 Balby Church as we pray for healing and wholeness for ourselves, others and our community please join us


JULY 2017


Agents of healing in world of grief Terrorist attacks in London and Manchester followed by a horrific fire in a tower block in London have left this country in a state of grief. Needless loss of life in Manchester by a suicide bomber killing 22 people and injuring many more; and in London two attacks by maniacal drivers with weapons killing 12 and again injuring many more. Many more have been killed and injured by the fire at the Grenfield tower and the effect on a local community is massive. A people already who feel forgot and not listened too now have their worst fears materialised. Like many communities they do not fear the actions of a terrorist but do fear the terror of more austerity, more cut backs, fewer services to help them. They do fear the dreaded sanction, or health interview or personal independence plan. However, the overwhelming grief of a nation runs deeper than the acts of terrorism, deeper than the loss of life at a preventable fire. Our nations grief comes from the knowledge that life has all gone a bit wrong for everyone. For decades life has got better but no longer. We are a nation in grief for our prosperity, our failing social services, our schools, our NHS, our police and much much more. What is our response? In the book of revelation, right at the end of the bible we can read, “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.�


JULY 2017


Please Pray for: Frank, Sandra, Lyndsy, Iris, Terry & Kath Cassidy, Pam & Dennis, Tom, Darren, Steve, Tracey, Cath Garritt, Sibrey, Basil, Zarish and family, Gloria, Dave Armstrong, Nicholi

How greatly the world needs those leaves of healing now. The river that feeds the trees flows from God. Can we allow ourselves to be like that river, sent by God to become agents of peace and reconciliation in our

communities, our families, our schools, our places of work? Let us try to open ourselves to God’s presence within us. As we do so, let us try to allow God’s presence to flow through us, change us, soften our hard edges and strengthen our weak edges.

Our response has to be a response of love as we the body of Christ on this earth must show love to others who are giving even though we are in pain too. Jesus on the cross thought about us at his time of greatest need. As our nation grieves following the serial deaths or many, and as we feel the pain also, we must be the arms of Christ to a nation in grief.


Lots of jobs to do around all three church in the next few months e.g. gutters and drains need clearing of leaves, high dusting - fancy helping see Vicar

Our pray must be that we are those leaves of healing to others. Lord give us the words to say to others as questions are asked, help us speak wisdom to those in pain and bemused by the events that surround us.



Parish Magazine This year a different computer publishing programme is being used to aid production of the magazine.

Council of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and they do not endorse any companies, individuals, products or services appearing in this magazine.

We would like to be given input into what different items of interest could be included ie: puzzles, recipes etc. This is your opportunity to have a say in what the future of this magazine will be. All contributions are always gratefully accepted - including articles on your holiday and/or faith experiences. Articles / information for inclusion in the magazine should be delivered to the Magazine Co-ordinator, Mrs Jane Lord, 19 Church Road, Wadworth, Doncaster DN11 9BT by the 10th of the previous month if at all possible. Publication of any articles / information is subject to space being available, though every effort will be made to publish all contributions.

Martin & Jane Lord

Collections Here is just a gentle reminder of the things we collect throughout the year for various charities. We are always happy to receive:Spectacles, Knitting Wool, Used stamps (if on a post card, please leave on)

Any views / opinions expressed in any article within this publication are not necessarily those of the Parochial Church Council or the editors. DISCLAIMER

If you could help in the collection of any of the above articles or if you would like a knitting pattern to make baby vests for Africa, please see Brenda Sharpe or contact her on 01302 537113.

The editors and the Parochial Church

Thank you for your continuing support!


From the Registers Holy Baptism: None to report in May Weddings: None to report in May Funerals: None to report in May


Please remember that we are still collecting food items for the Foodbank run by “The Trussell Trust�

All donations gratefully received


July Rotas Date


Sidesperson/ Coffee Welcomer




S Ord R Oliver

D Mackenzie

C Kearns



Flowers B Sharpe

Something Different



M Sharpe B Sharpe

B Law

K Ivell



J Curtis P Spargo

B Sharpe

B Sharpe


C/D Jones Slack family

M Fromont THIRD @4



R Oliver J Lord

P Rowse

M Lord



S Ord J Curtis

J Lord

D Mackenzie

B Sharpe

Aug 6th


M Sharpe B Sharpe

B Law

K Ivell

Slack family


M/B Sharpe J Lord

Something Different


July Service Details 2nd



9.00 amHoly Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Abraham’s Challenge Leader:

A Price


Old Testament: Genesis 22: 1-14 Gospel: Matthew10: 40-42


E Strafford

6.30 pm Leader:


2.00 pm


E Strafford J Hoggart B Sharpe

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Dirty Laundry” by Eagles J Price

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

Continued over . . . . . . . . .





9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Isaac Needs a Wife Leader:

E Strafford


Old Testament: Genesis 24: 34-38, 42-49, 58-67 D Mackenzie Gospel: Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30 J Curtis


A Price

4.00 pm


A Price

Youth Service at St. Francis, Bessacarr

12th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall




9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Isaac’s Children Leader:

E Strafford



Old Testament: Genesis 25: 19-34 Gospel: Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23


B Sharpe

4.00 pm

THIRD @4PM at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Moving On Leader: A Price


E Strafford K Ivell M Sharpe

19th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

23rd 9.00 am



Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Jacob’s Ladder


E Strafford


A Price


Old Testament: Genesis 28: 10-19a B Sharpe Gospel: Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 J Hoggart


B Sharpe

26th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall




9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Jacob Meets His Match Leader:

A Price



Old Testament: Genesis 29: 15-28 M Lord Gospel: Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52 J Curtis


M Lord


A Price

2nd Aug. 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

6th Aug. 9.00 am



Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Jacob Wrestles With God


E Strafford


Old Testament: Genesis 32: 22-31 Gospel: Matthew 14: 13-21


E Strafford

6.30 pm Leader:


A Price D Mackenzie M Sharpe

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “If I were a Rich Man” J Price


Puzzle Page MAZE Can you find your way from the green arrow in the centre of the maze to the red arrow near the bottom of the maze without crossing any black lines?

SUDOKU Can you complete the rest of the grid? Each row horizontally and vertically and each small square should contain the numbers from 1 - 9 without duplication


Doncaster foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s UK-wide foodbank network. This helps local churches and communities to open foodbanks, providing emergency food to thousands of people nationwide every year.

By donating to the foodbank you can help support local people in crisis.


CAN YOU HELP? Foodbank Shopping List

Today in Doncaster there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill - can mean going hungry. Every day parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying the rent and eating. Doncaster foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.

A GIFT OF FOOD DOES MORE THAN JUST FILL EMPTY STOMACHS Foodbanks help to prevent family breakdown, housing loss, crime and mental health problems. We also take time to listen and signpost people to further support

Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500 g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Cereals Tomatoes (tinned) Rice pudding (tinned) Tea bags / Instant coffee Instant mash potato Rice / Pasta Tinned meat / fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars Shower gel / Toilet Rolls Disposable razors (no baked beans at the present time!) A container has been placed at the back of St. John the Baptist church, Wadworth to facilitate collections. If you have any queries please ask our Foodbank Co-ordinator, Michael Sharpe (telephone 01302 537113)


Pause for Thought

Opening times for Wadworth Post Office in The White Hart Monday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Tuesday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Friday12.00 noon - 3.00 pm Wadworth Outreach Service

Our faith is good if it’s in the right person.



From the Diocese Next Bishop of Sheffield moves closer to taking up the role Pete Wilcox took another step towards his installation as the Bishop of Sheffield at a special service held by the Archbishop of York on the evening of 5th June.

to sharing with our brothers and sisters across the Diocese of Sheffield in the work the Lord calls us to do together as we seek his kingdom in the power of the Spirit.”

The service included representatives from the Diocese of Sheffield who saw the legal process of the ‘confirmation of election’ of the ‘Bishop-elect’. Following this, the Very Revd Wilcox is now legally the Bishop of Sheffield and has spiritual jurisdiction over the Diocese. It was also the moment when he took his oaths of allegiance and canonical obedience. Speaking after the event, Pete Wilcox said: “As I relinquish, today, my responsibilities as the Dean of Liverpool, my heart is full of gratitude for all that I have learned during the past five years and have gained from this Cathedral and city. I am grateful, too, for all those who have assured me of their prayers over the coming weeks and months as I make this transition to Sheffield. Cathy and I are looking forward to making our home in Bishopscroft and to discovering with delight new people and places, and


The Archbishop of York said: “Pete is a gifted Bible teacher, a pastor and an enthusiastic evangelist who will enable the peoples and parishes in the Diocese of Sheffield to take further their aims of making Christ visible together in mission. Please join me in holding Pete, his family and the Diocese of Sheffield in your prayers.” The next stage of the process was for Pete to be consecrated as a bishop in

the Church of England. This took place at York Minster, on 22nd June at 11.00 am. Following that he will also pay homage to the Queen, acknowledging her as Sovereign and Supreme Governor, during a brief private ceremony at Buckingham Palace. Pete and his wife Cathy will be moving to the diocese over the summer with his installation as Bishop of Sheffield due to take place in September at Sheffield Cathedral.

Development Day 2017 7th October 2017 will see St Thomas, Philadelphia host the annual Diocesan Development Day. The theme this year will centre on 'growing the church younger'.

Keynote speeches will come from the new Bishop of Sheffield, the Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox, and from Rachel Jordan-Wolf, the National Mission and Evangelism Adviser for the Church of England. There will be a number of workshops to help you connect with people in different age groups. Bookings for this annual event will open shortly. The first booking deadline is 8th September 2017. Until 8th September, there will be a booking limit of five places per parish. If tickets are still available after this date, the maximum restriction will be removed and a new booking deadline issued. When open, bookings can be made through the Eventbrite system. You will be asked to select your choice of workshops during the booking procedure. Eventbrite is a third party booking system that the diocese uses to help facilitate it's events. If you would prefer an alternative way to book a form will be made available to email or post. Details will be announced soon.


Poets Corner Teach me to pray, Father, Teach me humbly to kneel, To be still, To stop asking, To listen. Teach me to wait, Quietly, Gratefully. Teach me to give thanks, And stand upon your faithful answers of yesterday Rather than falter before tomorrows needs. Teach me to say, “Amen�, With confidence, Trusting you have heard And cannot fail me. Teach me to pray, Father, Not with words, But with my heart.

Rachel Wallace-Oberle


Given freely FREELY GIVEN Through peoples generosity we have now established an emergency food and clothes bank at Balby church. The need is constant and while we are doing OK with clothing we are running out of food. People we help often only have a kettle and no microwave or cooker, so we need food that just requires hot water adding eg instant porridge, cuppa soups, mug shots and instant and pot noodles supermarket own brands are ideal!

To remind everyone on a Tuesday morning at Balby church we are meeting people that are hungry and cannot afford to feed themselves - often resorting to crime to be able to eat! Of course, this project does not affect our support of Doncaster Foodbank, for which we still require donations. Thank you all for your generosity!


Wadworth Village Hall

Quiz Night with Fish & Chip Supper Friday 28th July at 7.30 pm

Quiz £2. Fish, chips & peas £4.75 (optional). Please book with Maureen on 01302 852874 before Wednesday, 26th July

Jumble Sale Saturday 15th July at 2.30 pm

Carol, Val, Rita and the team invite you to come along to another of their very popular events and grab some great bargains. Thank you for all your support All proceeds in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance,

Art Club

This event takes place every Tuesday afternoon. All welcome. Please contact Angela on 01302 852297 for more information

Fitness Class with qualified instructor Wednesday evenings at 6.30 pm

Cost £5.00 for an hour session Circuit and exercise For more information contact Leigh 07881 284712

Beginners style Pilates Class

Friday mornings at 11.00 am and Monday evenings at 5.30 pm (NEW) Cost £5.00 for an hour session.

For more information contact Sharon 07958 156388

Fashion Show Saturday 16th September at 2.00 pm Further details in August


If anyone is interested in hiring the hall.

Please contact Maureen on 01302 852874.

For further details, see our website on


Forthcoming Events CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGS Wednesday 30th August

7.00 pm

Parochial Church Council

At the Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

LOVERSALL WOMENS’ INSTITUTE Meetings are held in the W.I. Hut, Main Street, Loversall at 7.15 pm on the third Monday of each month Next Meeting:

17th July



Directory Parish Website


Revd A Price 01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

Assistant Curate SSM

Revd E (Liz) Strafford 92 Tenter Lane, Warmsworth

Lay Reader

Mrs J Price 01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth



Dr D Mackenzie 01302 858435 Maypole Villa, Main St, Wadworth Mr M Lord


Mrs J Lord

PCC Treasurer


Magazine Co-ordinators and Editors

19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455


PCC Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer

Church Flowers

01302 858398

19 Church Road, Wadworth


Mrs P Walker 9 Crossgates, Wadworth


Miss A Hopes 5 Rockcliffe Close, Wadworth Mr M & Mrs J Lord 19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

01302 851078

01302 851455

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