Parish Magazine September 2017

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Parish of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall

Parish Magazine






Weekly Holy Communion Services in September

Every Sunday 9am Wadworth & 11am Balby 3rd Burning Bush, Moses chosen

Alpha Starting

10th Description of Passover 17th Parting of Red Sea 24th Manna from Heaven

Every Wednesday 2pm Loversall We focus on the persecuted Christians throughout the world and also remember saints from history that inspire us today 6th Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 13th John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, Teacher of the Faith, 20th John Coleridge Patteson, First Bishop of Melanesia, and his Companions, Martyrs, 27th Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists),

11th October 7pm Join us @ St Johns Balby and Explore Life



Contact us phone 01302 851974 or email Or visit our web site Or find us on Facebook Or follow us @BalbyJohns @StJohnWadworth @KathsLoversall


Mid-Week @Balby Church Every Tuesday Cups & Cakes Free Coffee Shop 10am - 12md Serving FREE coffee, Tea, Cake, Scones, Toast and Crumpets We also run an emergency food and clothes bank

Every Thursday Community Friendship Group 10am - 3pm Feeling lonely? Come along. Make some new friends. We have some good fellowship as we do crafts, games and have a drink and a biscuit (or two) together.

First & Third Wednesdays 5-6:30pm Balby Church. Spark Christian Youth Group for 11-18 age group. Explore your faith with Pizza, games ,snacks and activities


Monthly @Wadworth Church Something Different 3rd September 6:30pm Cakes, praise, prayers and theme based on a secular song, this time its “Angels” by Robbie Williams

THIRD@4PM 17th September 4pm An informal service for all ages involving crafts, music and different ways of praying and saying sorry. This time the theme is: “Angels”

10-12md 30th September Chance to meet old friends, make new ones, topical talk around 11ish, brica-brac stall, prayer stations Every Tuesday after Cups & Cakes service for Healing & Wholeness 12:15 Balby Church as we pray for healing and wholeness for ourselves, others and our community please join us



Water - too much and too little So much for a summer rest! The water leak in the churchyard at Balby has provided us with an interesting and eventful summer. We give thanks to God for the generosity of our brothers and sisters in Christ in neighbouring parishes and an emergency grant from the Church authorities to enable the work to be done.

Last month I wrote about the local work taking place through the ”Given Freely Freely Given” initiative. This month I want to update you with some other projects.

We have now been and official Fairtrade Parish for three years. It has been great to see people embrace the concept. A key thing to understand is that every time we spend money we have a vote! We can vote for Fairtrade or not. We can live our life at the expense of the producers of our food or we can be in partnership with the producers of our food.

In the last year we have seen the joy of the COOP group committing to making their entire own-brand categories Fairtrade (including chocolate, sugar, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, bananas, roses, wine and even cotton wool).

However long term supporters of Fairtrade, Sainsburys's are going backwards and introducing their own scheme which is not as good. The boss of the Fairtrade Foundation has accused Sainsbury’s of leaving tea growers in the lurch by launching its own ‘Fairly Traded’ ethical label.

Fairtrade chief executive Michael Gidney has visited farmers in Africa with Sainsbury’s representatives last month in a failed attempt to convince them to think again about their plan to start a pilot scheme.

‘The longstanding relationship and certainty which farmers have enjoyed has been replaced with something which is uncertain and unclear,’ said Gidney. ‘We’re very disappointed.’



Very worryingly Sainsburys plan to expand this scheme and other supermarkets may follow undoing decades of achievement and better lives fortune producers. This is a constant reminder to be on our guard and to promote and support Fairtrade.

Please Pray for: Iris, Terry & Kath Cassidy, Pam & Dennis, Tom, Darren, Steve, John, Cath Garritt, Sibrey, Basil, Zarish and family, Gloria, Dave Armstrong

To grow anything you need water. To sustain anything you need water and I have previously talked about the world wide need for accessible clean water for communities. We have in the past supported Water Aid and then last year we started to look at the work of Tearfund.

Mid week group restarts

September 5th Tuesday 7pm

J John Series “Facing the Canon”

Last year’s Lent project was focused on raising money for clean water supplies in Kigezi Diocese in Uganda. We discovered how the money goes directly to the church in Uganda and through Tearfund there are very good processes for the accountability of how the money is used.

This year we looked to develop the link and become a “connected church”. This means we pray regularly for the project as a church and receive updates about the ongoing work. We also commit to financially support. The PCC have decided to do this by making the project the focus our annual harvest appeal.

Last year Tim Clifford and in May this year Nadine Parkinson, both from Tearfund, came to speak to us about the work and being a connected church. The PCC have discussed and we can During September we are praying for the following announce we are streets officially now a connected church. So this September and October you will hear more about how we can help by being a connected church, with displays and prayer stations.


Parish Magazine This year a different computer publishing programme is being used to aid production of the magazine.

Council of St. John the Baptist, Wadworth with St. Katherine, Loversall cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and they do not endorse any companies, individuals, products or services appearing in this magazine.

We would like to be given input into what different items of interest could be included ie: puzzles, recipes etc. This is your opportunity to have a say in what the future of this magazine will be. All contributions are always gratefully accepted - including articles on your holiday and/or faith experiences. Articles / information for inclusion in the magazine should be delivered to the Magazine Co-ordinator, Mrs Jane Lord, 19 Church Road, Wadworth, Doncaster DN11 9BT by the 10th of the previous month if at all possible. Publication of any articles / information is subject to space being available, though every effort will be made to publish all contributions.

Martin & Jane Lord

Collections Here is just a gentle reminder of the things we collect throughout the year for various charities. We are always happy to receive:Spectacles, Knitting Wool, Used stamps (if on a post card, please leave on)

Any views / opinions expressed in any article within this publication are not necessarily those of the Parochial Church Council or the editors. DISCLAIMER

If you could help in the collection of any of the above articles or if you would like a knitting pattern to make baby vests for Africa, please see Brenda Sharpe or contact her on 01302 537113.

The editors and the Parochial Church

Thank you for your continuing support!


From the Registers Holy Baptism:

At St. John the Baptist, Wadworth on 2nd July 8th July


Brett Sheldon Brandon Mills Alexander Hallam Thompson

We welcome them into membership of Christ’s Church

Weddings: 8th July 15th July 22nd July

At St. Katherine, Loversall on -

Ross Cameron & Katrina Richardson Neil Kawecki & Helen Lane Darren Cashmore & Leanne Nixon At St. John the Baptist, Wadworth on

15th July


Adam Hancock & Megan Fleming

Those whom God has brought together

Funerals: None to report in July


Parish Visitors Several years ago a number of people were selected to act as Parish Visitors, helping the Vicar in post at that time in visiting those people who found it difficult to get to church for whatever reason eg. sickness , family difficulties etc. At the last Parochial Church Council meeting it was decided to reinstate this. However, as some of the original visitors have moved away the Vicar would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help in this way. It is not intended to be an onerous position, but one which will help the parish to keep in touch with its parishioners. Please contact the Vicar for further information

Please remember that we are still collecting food items for the Foodbank run by “The Trussell Trust�

All donations gratefully received


September Rotas Date

Time Sidesperson/ Coffee Welcomer



B Sharpe B Law M Sharpe



K Ivell



Slack family

Something Different



J Curtis B Sharpe P Spargo



R Oliver P Rowse S Ord

B Sharpe

C & D Jones

D Mackenzie


M Fromont

J Lord




J Lord J Curtis

B Law

M Lord

Oct 1st


M Sharpe J Lord B Sharpe

K Ivell


M & B Sharpe

Something Different


B Sharpe

Slack family

September Service Details 3rd Sept.



9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Burning bush, Moses chosen Leader:

A Price


Old Testament: Exodus 3: 1-15 Gospel: Matthew 16: 21-28


E Strafford

6.30 pm


E Strafford M Sharpe D Mackenzie

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Angels� by Robbie Williams

6th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

Continued over . . . . . . . . .





9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Description of Passover Leader:

E Strafford


Old Testament: Exodus 12: 1-14 Gospel: Matthew 18: 15-20


A Price

4.00 pm


A Price J Hoggart K Ivell

Youth Service at St. Francis, Bessacarr

13th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall




9.00 am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Parting of the Red Sea Leader:

A Price


E Strafford

Readings: Old Testament: Exodus 14: 19-31J Curtis Gospel: Matthew 18 21-35 P Rowse Prayers: 4.00 pm Leader:

B Sharpe

THIRD @4PM at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Angels A Price


20th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

24th 9.00 am



Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Manna from Heaven


E Strafford



Old Testament: Exodus 16: 2-15 Gospel: Matthew 20: 1-16


M Lord

A Price M Lord B Sharpe

27th 2.00 pm

Holy Communion at St. Katherine, Loversall

1st Oct. 9.00 am



Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth Theme: Water from Rock


A Price


Old Testament: Exodus 17: 1-7 Gospel: Matthew 21: 23-32


E Strafford

6.30 pm Leader:


E Strafford M Sharpe D Mackenzie

Something Different at St. John the Baptist, Wadworth “Fast Food Song” by Fast Food Rockers J Price


Puzzle Pages MAZE Can you find your way from the green arrow at the top of the grid to the red arrow at the bottom of the grid without crossing any lines?

SUDOKU Can you fill in the rest of the grid so that numbers 1-9 show horizontally, vertically and in each larger square



Doncaster foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s UK-wide foodbank network. This helps local churches and communities to open foodbanks, providing emergency food to thousands of people nationwide every year. By donating to the foodbank you can help support local people in crisis.

CAN YOU HELP? Foodbank Shopping List

1 IN 5 PEOPLE ARE LIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE IN DONCASTER Today in Doncaster there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill - can mean going hungry. Every day parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying the rent and eating. Doncaster foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis.

A GIFT OF FOOD DOES MORE THAN JUST FILL EMPTY STOMACHS Foodbanks help to prevent family breakdown, housing loss, crime and mental health problems. We also take time to listen and signpost people to further support.


Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500 g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Cereals Tomatoes (tinned) Rice pudding (tinned) Tea bags / Instant coffee Instant mash potato Rice / Pasta Tinned meat / fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits / snack bars Shower gel / Toilet Rolls Disposable razors (no baked beans at the present time!) A container has been placed at the back of St. John the Baptist church, Wadworth to facilitate collections. If you have any queries please ask our Foodbank Co-ordinator, Michael Sharpe (telephone 01302 537113)

Pause for Thought

Opening times for Wadworth Post Office in The White Hart Monday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Tuesday 12.00 noon - 3.30 pm Friday12.00 noon - 3.00 pm Wadworth Outreach Service

Prayer is an intimate conversation with our God.



Poets Corner BEFORE SLEEPING Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Bless the bed that I lie on. Before I lay me down to sleep I give my soul to Christ to keep. Four corners to my bed, Four angels there aspread, Two to foot and two to head’ And four to carry me when I’m dead. I go by sea, I go by land, The Lord made me with His right hand. If any danger come to me, Sweet Jesus Christ deliver me. He’s the branch and I’m the flower, Pray God send me a happy hour, And if I die before I wake, I pray that Christ my soul will take. Unknown


Given freely FREELY GIVEN Through peoples generosity we have now established an emergency food and clothes bank at Balby church. The need is constant and while we are doing OK with clothing we are running out of food. People we help often only have a kettle and no microwave or cooker, so we need food that just requires hot water adding eg instant porridge, cuppa soups, mug shots and instant and pot noodles supermarket own brands are ideal!

To remind everyone on a Tuesday morning at Balby church we are meeting people that are hungry and cannot afford to feed themselves - often resorting to crime to be able to eat! Of course, this project does not affect our support of Doncaster Foodbank, for which we still require donations. Thank you all for your generosity!


From the Diocese Faith Stories Overcoming the doubts Dorothy Cook currently worships at the Manor churches. She is a long standing member of the Board of Faith and Justice and a member of the Mental Health working group. Here she tells her faith story: "When I was a teenager, I was full of doubts about God and resented being taken to church each Sunday with my parents. On the one hand, they were proud of my achievements, but somehow, I was not quite good enough. We never talked about feelings or shared hugs and kisses, they were reserved for babies. In spite of all this, I can remember being alone in church one day, [a long time ago, before churches needed to be locked] when suddenly I felt someone put an arm around my shoulders and knew it was God, telling me He was there for me and I could believe in him. It was a very powerful feeling and I can recall promising myself that I would always remember it. The experience did not stop me from having further periods of doubt, but I have been able with guidance to overcome them. I still


do not feel able redily to talk about this,yet I have listened when others felt able to share their experiences about being in despair, and their prayers too were answered. So I know it is not uncommon really. I was musing on this as I travelled to church and then the Gospel reading that day was from Luke chapter 11 including verses 9-13 [where Jesus promises our prayers will be answered]. We also sang that hymn, based on Psalm 34, which opens with ‘Through all the changing scenes of life’. All these things emphasised what I experienced about sixty five years ago. Of course I now realise how lucky I was to have such a secure upbringing, full of unspoken love and that many are much less fortunate. I have often thought, what message would I have received if my childhood experiences had been full of constant criticism and lacking in morality?"

Discovering a sense of peace I’m Barry Byles and I’ve been a Christian now for 43 years. My ‘journey’ started as a boy when I was brought up in a fine, loving home, although my parents never went to church. Along with many other children at that time, I attended regular Sunday School at the local church and eventually was confirmed. However, in the years that followed, I drifted further and further from Christianity believing that it was not possible to be a Christian and follow a scientific career path ( I know differently now!!). This path led me to a degree course in science at Sussex University, which took me even further away from my childhood faith. A few years after University I suffered a period of depression, thinking, ‘what is the purpose of life?’ Was it just a ‘poor player strutting and fretting his hour upon the stage and then being heard no more’ ( apologies to William Shakespeare !) This ongoing feeling of the futility of life came to a head one night when, in desperation, I asked God (if He existed!!) to help me. I immediately felt a tremendous sense of peace within and I knew something outside myself had intervened in my life. Was this God?? Very excited, I went out the next day and bought a copy of the New Testament. I read it avidly and discovered from St John’s Gospel Ch 14, that the Holy Spirit promises to come and live within us if we only ask Him. This, I concluded was obviously what had happened to me and I was experiencing the peace that the Spirit brings. This I believe was the real start of my Christian journey and led me a few years later into a big career change – from a Research and Development Officer with Express Dairies to joining the Police Force, as I felt a strong urge to work more in the community. I joined the South Yorkshire Police in 1974 and initially

worked for approximately 10 years in the South Sheffield area, being based at Woodseats Police Station. Following two years at Force H.Q in the City Centre, I was moved out Sheffield North Division and was based at Hillsborough. All in all I worked for sixteen years on patrol car duties involving shift work and responded to ‘anything and everything’ that came up. Never a dull moment!! Throughout this time my faith was challenged, however, over the years my trust in God deepened more and more. I spent the last nine years of my service as a Community Constable at Stannington, Sheffield. This allowed me to build deep relationships within the local community, which I enjoyed immensely. There were many challenges, spiritual, mental and physical over the thirty years of my service but I can say that God was faithful and met all my needs. I’m now ten years on from my retirement and am enjoying a deeper involvement with my local church and other Christian commitments. I’ve also taken up some old hobbies such as watercolour painting (the picture is a self portrait I did a few years ago) model boat building and folk singing with my wife Hilary. Retirement has also meant more time with my two children and three grandchildren, which has been a great blessing. Although my faith journey is still ongoing – and who knows what new developments may occur, I can say that I have absolutely no regrets about committing my life to Jesus Christ because my whole experience has been that He is, “The Way, The Truth and The Life” ( John 14.6)


Wadworth Village Hall

Quiz Night with Fish & Chip Supper Friday 22nd September at 7.30 pm

Quiz £2.00 Fish, chips & peas £4.75 (optional) Could you please book with Maureen on 01302 852874 before Wednesday 20th September

Jumble Sale

Saturday 9th September at 2.30 pm Carol, Val, Rita and the team invite you to come along and grab some great bargains! Thank you all for your support . All proceeds in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Art Club

This event takes place every Tuesday afternoon. All welcome. Please contact Angela on 01302 852297 for more information

Fitness Class with qualified instructor Wednesday evenings at 6.30 pm

Cost £5.00 for an hour session Circuit and exercise For more information contact Leigh 07881 284712

Beginners style Pilates Class Friday mornings at 11.00 am and Monday evenings at 5.30 pm Cost £5.00 for an hour session.

For more information contact Sharon 07958 156388

Fashion Show

Due to unforeseen circumstances this event will no longer take place in September but has been rescheduled to take place on Saturday 14th October at 2.00 pm Further details to follow


If anyone is interested in hiring the hall.

Please contact Maureen on 01302 852874.

For further details, see our website on


A Big Thank You Thank you so much to all those who responded to my request for knitting baby vests and collecting spectacles. During July I received 22 baby vests and 25 pairs of spectacles. What a lovely thought to imagine the babies in the lovely cosy little vests and that those who can hardly see will be helped when they receive a pair of spectacles. What a difference it will make to their lives! Let us pray that they all arrive safely. In June I made my annual trip to Ilkley to deliver the collected postage stamps. God bless you for your caring,

Brenda Sharpe

Forthcoming Events CHURCH COUNCIL MEETINGS To be arranged

LOVERSALL WOMENS’ INSTITUTE Meetings are held in the W.I. Hut, Main Street, Loversall at 7.15 pm on the third Monday of each month Next Meeting:

18th September

Jungle Blooms by Elizabeth Bishop


Directory Parish Website


Revd A Price

01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth

Assistant Curate SSM

Revd E (Liz) Strafford 92 Tenter Lane, Warmsworth

01302 858398

Lay Reader

Mrs J Price

01302 851974 The Vicarage, Vicarage Drive, Wadworth



Dr D Mackenzie Mr M Lord

(K) PCC Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer PCC Treasurer Church Flowers

01302 858435 Maypole Villa, Main St, Wadworth 19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

Vacant Mrs J Lord

19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

Vacant (J)

Mrs P Walker


Miss A Hopes

Magazine Co-ordinators and Editors

Mr M & Mrs J Lord

9 Crossgates, Wadworth

01302 851078

5 Rockcliffe Close, Wadworth

19 Church Road, Wadworth

01302 851455

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